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.swes-v_2_0.2.5.4.source-code.SWES_2_0.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
var SWES_2_0_Module_Factory = function () {
var SWES_2_0 = {
n: 'SWES_2_0',
dens: 'http:\/\/\/swes\/2.0',
dans: 'http:\/\/\/1999\/xlink',
deps: ['XLink_1_0', 'GML_3_2_1', 'WS_Addr_1_0_Core', 'WSN_T_1', 'OWS_1_1_0'],
tis: [{
ln: 'InsertSensorType',
bti: '.ExtensibleRequestType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'procedureDescription',
rq: true,
ti: '.InsertSensorType.ProcedureDescription'
}, {
n: 'observableProperty',
rq: true,
col: true
}, {
n: 'relatedFeature',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.InsertSensorType.RelatedFeature'
}, {
n: 'metadata',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.InsertSensorType.Metadata'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionType.Data',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'any',
rq: true,
mx: false,
t: 'ae'
}, {
ln: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionResponseType',
bti: '.ExtensibleResponseType',
ps: [{
n: 'updatedProcedure',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'SWESEventType',
bti: '.AbstractSWESType',
ps: [{
n: 'eventTime',
rq: true,
ti: 'Calendar'
}, {
n: 'code',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'message',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'OWS_1_1_0.LanguageStringType'
}, {
n: 'service',
rq: true,
ti: '.SWESEventType.Service'
}, {
ln: 'ExtensibleResponseType',
ps: [{
n: 'extension',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'AnyType'
}, {
ln: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'updateSensorDescription',
rq: true,
en: 'UpdateSensorDescription',
ti: '.UpdateSensorDescriptionType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'ExtensibleRequestType',
ps: [{
n: 'extension',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'AnyType'
}, {
n: 'version',
rq: true,
an: {
lp: 'version'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'service',
rq: true,
an: {
lp: 'service'
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionType.Description',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'sensorDescription',
rq: true,
en: 'SensorDescription',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType'
}, {
ln: 'FilterDialectMetadataType',
bti: '.AbstractSWESType',
ps: [{
n: 'topicExpressionDialect',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'messageContentDialect',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'producerPropertiesDialect',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
ln: 'AbstractOfferingPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'abstractOffering',
rq: true,
en: 'AbstractOffering',
ti: '.AbstractOfferingType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
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t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'AbstractContentsType',
bti: '.AbstractSWESType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'observableProperty',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'relatedFeature',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.AbstractContentsType.RelatedFeature'
}, {
n: 'offering',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.AbstractContentsType.Offering'
}, {
ln: 'NotificationProducerMetadataType.ServedTopics',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'topicSet',
rq: true,
en: {
lp: 'TopicSet',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/wsn\/t-1'
ti: 'WSN_T_1.TopicSetType'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionUpdatedPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'sensorDescriptionUpdated',
rq: true,
en: 'SensorDescriptionUpdated',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionUpdatedType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DeleteSensorResponseType',
bti: '.ExtensibleResponseType',
ps: [{
n: 'deletedProcedure',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'NotificationProducerMetadataType.SupportedDialects',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'filterDialectMetadata',
rq: true,
en: 'FilterDialectMetadata',
ti: '.FilterDialectMetadataType'
}, {
ln: 'FeatureRelationshipType',
ps: [{
n: 'role'
}, {
n: 'target',
rq: true,
ti: 'GML_3_2_1.FeaturePropertyType'
}, {
ln: 'SWESEventType.Service',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'endpointReference',
rq: true,
en: {
lp: 'EndpointReference',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/2005\/08\/addressing'
ti: 'WS_Addr_1_0_Core.EndpointReferenceType'
}, {
ln: 'NotificationProducerMetadataPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'notificationProducerMetadata',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'NotificationProducerMetadata',
ti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'AbstractOfferingType',
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n: 'procedure',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'observableProperty',
mno: 0,
col: true
}, {
n: 'relatedFeature',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.AbstractOfferingType.RelatedFeature'
}, {
ln: 'FeatureRelationshipPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'featureRelationship',
rq: true,
en: 'FeatureRelationship',
ti: '.FeatureRelationshipType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'NotificationProducerMetadataType',
bti: '.AbstractSWESType',
ps: [{
n: 'producerEndpoint',
rq: true,
ti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType.ProducerEndpoint'
}, {
n: 'supportedDialects',
rq: true,
ti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType.SupportedDialects'
}, {
n: 'fixedTopicSet',
rq: true,
ti: 'Boolean'
}, {
n: 'servedTopics',
rq: true,
ti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType.ServedTopics'
}, {
n: 'usedTopicNamespace',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'WSN_T_1.TopicNamespaceType'
}, {
ln: 'AbstractContentsPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'abstractContents',
rq: true,
en: 'AbstractContents',
ti: '.AbstractContentsType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionUpdatedType.ValidTime',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'abstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: {
lp: 'AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
ti: 'GML_3_2_1.AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType',
t: 'er'
}, {
ln: 'NotificationBrokerMetadataPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'notificationBrokerMetadata',
rq: true,
en: 'NotificationBrokerMetadata',
ti: '.NotificationBrokerMetadataType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionType',
bti: '.ExtensibleRequestType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedure',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'description',
rq: true,
col: true,
ti: '.UpdateSensorDescriptionType.Description'
}, {
ln: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionResponsePropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'updateSensorDescriptionResponse',
rq: true,
en: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionResponse',
ti: '.UpdateSensorDescriptionResponseType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'AbstractContentsType.RelatedFeature',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'featureRelationship',
rq: true,
en: 'FeatureRelationship',
ti: '.FeatureRelationshipType'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionType.ValidTime',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'abstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: {
lp: 'AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
ti: 'GML_3_2_1.AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType',
t: 'er'
}, {
ln: 'SensorChangedPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'sensorChanged',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'SensorChanged',
ti: '.SensorChangedType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'InsertSensorType.Metadata',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'insertionMetadata',
rq: true,
en: 'InsertionMetadata',
ti: '.InsertionMetadataType'
}, {
ln: 'DeleteSensorPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'deleteSensor',
rq: true,
en: 'DeleteSensor',
ti: '.DeleteSensorType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
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t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
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n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'InsertSensorPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'insertSensor',
rq: true,
en: 'InsertSensor',
ti: '.InsertSensorType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
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n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionType',
ps: [{
n: 'validTime',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType.ValidTime'
}, {
n: 'data',
rq: true,
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType.Data'
}, {
ln: 'SensorChangedType',
bti: '.SWESEventType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedure',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'InsertionMetadataType'
}, {
ln: 'ExtensibleRequestPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'extensibleRequest',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'ExtensibleRequest',
ti: '.ExtensibleRequestType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
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n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'AbstractOfferingType.RelatedFeature',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'featureRelationship',
rq: true,
en: 'FeatureRelationship',
ti: '.FeatureRelationshipType'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorResponseType.Description',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'sensorDescription',
rq: true,
en: 'SensorDescription',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType'
}, {
ln: 'DeleteSensorType',
bti: '.ExtensibleRequestType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedure',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'DeleteSensorResponsePropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'deleteSensorResponse',
rq: true,
en: 'DeleteSensorResponse',
ti: '.DeleteSensorResponseType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'AbstractSWESPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'abstractSWES',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'AbstractSWES',
ti: '.AbstractSWESType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
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n: 'title',
t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorResponseType',
bti: '.ExtensibleResponseType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'description',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: '.DescribeSensorResponseType.Description'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionUpdatedType',
bti: '.SensorChangedType',
ps: [{
n: 'validTime',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionUpdatedType.ValidTime'
}, {
ln: 'SWESEventPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'swesEvent',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'SWESEvent',
ti: '.SWESEventType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
t: 'a'
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n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
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t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
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t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'AbstractContentsType.Offering',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'abstractOffering',
rq: true,
en: 'AbstractOffering',
ti: '.AbstractOfferingType'
}, {
ln: 'FilterDialectMetadataPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'filterDialectMetadata',
rq: true,
en: 'FilterDialectMetadata',
ti: '.FilterDialectMetadataType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
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n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
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n: 'href',
t: 'a'
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n: 'role',
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t: 'a'
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n: 'show',
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t: 'a'
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n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
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ln: 'InsertSensorResponseType',
bti: '.ExtensibleResponseType',
ps: [{
n: 'assignedProcedure',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'assignedOffering',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'OfferingChangedType',
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ps: [{
n: 'offering',
rq: true
}, {
ln: 'NotificationBrokerMetadataType',
bti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType',
ps: [{
n: 'requiresRegistration',
rq: true,
ti: 'Boolean'
}, {
ln: 'OfferingChangedPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'offeringChanged',
rq: true,
en: 'OfferingChanged',
ti: '.OfferingChangedType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorType',
bti: '.ExtensibleRequestType',
ps: [{
n: 'procedure',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'procedureDescriptionFormat',
rq: true
}, {
n: 'validTime',
ti: '.DescribeSensorType.ValidTime'
}, {
ln: 'InsertSensorType.RelatedFeature',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'featureRelationship',
rq: true,
en: 'FeatureRelationship',
ti: '.FeatureRelationshipType'
}, {
ln: 'InsertSensorResponsePropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'insertSensorResponse',
rq: true,
en: 'InsertSensorResponse',
ti: '.InsertSensorResponseType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'InsertSensorType.ProcedureDescription',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'any',
rq: true,
mx: false,
t: 'ae'
}, {
ln: 'SensorDescriptionPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'sensorDescription',
rq: true,
en: 'SensorDescription',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'describeSensor',
rq: true,
en: 'DescribeSensor',
ti: '.DescribeSensorType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorType.ValidTime',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'abstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: {
lp: 'AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitive',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
ti: 'GML_3_2_1.AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType',
t: 'er'
}, {
ln: 'InsertionMetadataPropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'insertionMetadata',
rq: true,
en: 'InsertionMetadata',
ti: '.InsertionMetadataType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'ExtensibleResponsePropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'extensibleResponse',
rq: true,
mx: false,
dom: false,
en: 'ExtensibleResponse',
ti: '.ExtensibleResponseType',
t: 'er'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'AbstractSWESType',
ps: [{
n: 'description'
}, {
n: 'identifier'
}, {
n: 'name',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'GML_3_2_1.CodeType'
}, {
n: 'extension',
mno: 0,
col: true,
ti: 'AnyType'
}, {
n: 'id',
ti: 'ID',
an: {
lp: 'id',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/swes\/2.0'
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'DescribeSensorResponsePropertyType',
ps: [{
n: 'describeSensorResponse',
rq: true,
en: 'DescribeSensorResponse',
ti: '.DescribeSensorResponseType'
}, {
n: 'nilReason',
ti: {
t: 'l'
an: {
lp: 'nilReason'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'remoteSchema',
an: {
lp: 'remoteSchema',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2'
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'type',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.TypeType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'href',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'role',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'arcrole',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'title',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'show',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ShowType',
t: 'a'
}, {
n: 'actuate',
ti: 'XLink_1_0.ActuateType',
t: 'a'
}, {
ln: 'NotificationProducerMetadataType.ProducerEndpoint',
tn: null,
ps: [{
n: 'endpointReference',
rq: true,
en: {
lp: 'EndpointReference',
ns: 'http:\/\/\/2005\/08\/addressing'
ti: 'WS_Addr_1_0_Core.EndpointReferenceType'
}, {
t: 'enum',
ln: 'EventCodeEnumerationType',
vs: ['CapabilitiesChanged', 'OfferingAdded', 'OfferingDeleted', 'SensorDescriptionUpdated', 'SensorInserted']
eis: [{
en: 'SWESEvent',
ti: '.SWESEventType',
sh: 'AbstractSWES'
}, {
en: 'AbstractContents',
ti: '.AbstractContentsType',
sh: 'AbstractSWES'
}, {
en: 'UpdateSensorDescriptionResponse',
ti: '.UpdateSensorDescriptionResponseType',
sh: 'ExtensibleResponse'
}, {
en: 'ExtensibleRequest',
ti: '.ExtensibleRequestType'
}, {
en: 'FeatureRelationship',
ti: '.FeatureRelationshipType'
}, {
en: 'OfferingChanged',
ti: '.OfferingChangedType',
sh: 'SWESEvent'
}, {
en: 'SensorDescriptionUpdated',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionUpdatedType',
sh: 'SensorChanged'
}, {
en: 'AbstractOffering',
ti: '.AbstractOfferingType',
sh: 'AbstractSWES'
}, {
en: 'DeleteSensor',
ti: '.DeleteSensorType',
sh: 'ExtensibleRequest'
}, {
en: 'NotificationBrokerMetadata',
ti: '.NotificationBrokerMetadataType',
sh: 'NotificationProducerMetadata'
}, {
en: 'InsertSensorResponse',
ti: '.InsertSensorResponseType',
sh: 'ExtensibleResponse'
}, {
en: 'SensorDescription',
ti: '.SensorDescriptionType'
}, {
en: 'UpdateSensorDescription',
ti: '.UpdateSensorDescriptionType',
sh: 'ExtensibleRequest'
}, {
en: 'AbstractSWES',
ti: '.AbstractSWESType'
}, {
en: 'FilterDialectMetadata',
ti: '.FilterDialectMetadataType',
sh: 'AbstractSWES'
}, {
en: 'DescribeSensor',
ti: '.DescribeSensorType',
sh: 'ExtensibleRequest'
}, {
en: 'SensorChanged',
ti: '.SensorChangedType',
sh: 'SWESEvent'
}, {
en: 'ExtensibleResponse',
ti: '.ExtensibleResponseType'
}, {
en: 'NotificationProducerMetadata',
ti: '.NotificationProducerMetadataType',
sh: 'AbstractSWES'
}, {
en: 'InsertionMetadata',
ti: '.InsertionMetadataType'
}, {
en: 'DescribeSensorResponse',
ti: '.DescribeSensorResponseType',
sh: 'ExtensibleResponse'
}, {
en: 'DeleteSensorResponse',
ti: '.DeleteSensorResponseType',
sh: 'ExtensibleResponse'
}, {
en: 'InsertSensor',
ti: '.InsertSensorType',
sh: 'ExtensibleRequest'
return {
SWES_2_0: SWES_2_0
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], SWES_2_0_Module_Factory);
else {
var SWES_2_0_Module = SWES_2_0_Module_Factory();
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports.SWES_2_0 = SWES_2_0_Module.SWES_2_0;
else {
var SWES_2_0 = SWES_2_0_Module.SWES_2_0;