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META-INF.resources.scripts.vendor.plugins.other.calendar.min.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Pluggable data management solution for Java web applications developed in a "Rapid" manner

There is a newer version: 1.2.0.RC1
Show newest version

 FullCalendar v1.5.2

 Use fullcalendar.css for basic styling.
 For event drag & drop, requires jQuery UI draggable.
 For event resizing, requires jQuery UI resizable.

 Copyright (c) 2011 Adam Shaw
 Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses, located in
 MIT-LICENSE.txt and GPL-LICENSE.txt respectively.

 Date: Sun Aug 21 22:06:09 2011 -0700

(function ( m, oa ) {
	function wb( a ) {
		m.extend( true, Ya, a )

	function Yb( a, b, e ) {
		function d( k ) {
			if ( E ) {
				S( k )
			} else {

		function f() {
			B = b.theme ? "ui" : "fc";
			a.addClass( "fc" );
			b.isRTL && a.addClass( "fc-rtl" );
			b.theme && a.addClass( "ui-widget" );
			E = m( "
" ).prependTo( a ); C = new Zb( X, b ); (P = C.render()) && a.prepend( P ); y( b.defaultView ); m( window ).resize( na ); t() || g() } function g() { setTimeout( function () { !n.start && t() && S() }, 0 ) } function l() { m( window ).unbind( "resize", na ); C.destroy(); E.remove(); a.removeClass( "fc fc-rtl ui-widget" ) } function j() { return i.offsetWidth !== 0 } function t() { return m( "body" )[0].offsetWidth !== 0 } function y( k ) { if ( !n || k != ) { F++; pa(); var D = n, Z; if ( D ) { (D.beforeHide || xb)(); Za( E, E.height() ); D.element.hide() } else { Za( E, 1 ); } E.css( "overflow", "hidden" ); if ( n = Y[k] ) {; } else { n = Y[k] = new Ja[k]( Z = s = m( "
" ).appendTo( E ), X ); } D && C.deactivateButton( ); C.activateButton( k ); S(); E.css( "overflow", "" ); D && Za( E, 1 ); Z || (n.afterShow || xb)(); F-- } } function S( k ) { if ( j() ) { F++; pa(); o === oa && u(); var D = false; if ( !n.start || k || r < n.start || r >= n.end ) { n.render( r, k || 0 ); fa( true ); D = true } else if ( n.sizeDirty ) { n.clearEvents(); fa(); D = true } else if ( n.eventsDirty ) { n.clearEvents(); D = true } n.sizeDirty = false; n.eventsDirty = false; ga( D ); W = a.outerWidth(); C.updateTitle( n.title ); k = new Date; k >= n.start && k < n.end ? C.disableButton( "today" ) : C.enableButton( "today" ); F--; n.trigger( "viewDisplay", i ) } } function Q() { q(); if ( j() ) { u(); fa(); pa(); n.clearEvents(); n.renderEvents( J ); n.sizeDirty = false } } function q() { m.each( Y, function ( k, D ) { D.sizeDirty = true } ) } function u() { o = b.contentHeight ? b.contentHeight : b.height ? b.height - (P ? P.height() : 0) - Sa( E ) : Math.round( E.width() / Math.max( b.aspectRatio, 0.5 ) ) } function fa( k ) { F++; n.setHeight( o, k ); if ( s ) { s.css( "position", "relative" ); s = null } n.setWidth( E.width(), k ); F-- } function na() { if ( !F ) { if ( n.start ) { var k = ++v; setTimeout( function () { if ( k == v && !F && j() ) { if ( W != (W = a.outerWidth()) ) { F++; Q(); n.trigger( "windowResize", i ); F-- } } }, 200 ) } else { g() } } } function ga( k ) { if ( !b.lazyFetching || ya( n.visStart, n.visEnd ) ) { ra(); } else { k && da() } } function ra() { K( n.visStart, n.visEnd ) } function sa( k ) { J = k; da() } function ha( k ) { da( k ) } function da( k ) { ma(); if ( j() ) { n.clearEvents(); n.renderEvents( J, k ); n.eventsDirty = false } } function ma() { m.each( Y, function ( k, D ) { D.eventsDirty = true } ) } function ua( k, D, Z ) { k, D, Z === oa ? true : Z ) } function pa() { n && n.unselect() } function U() { S( -1 ) } function ca() { S( 1 ) } function ka() { gb( r, -1 ); S() } function qa() { gb( r, 1 ); S() } function G() { r = new Date; S() } function p( k, D, Z ) { if ( k instanceof Date ) { r = N( k ); } else { yb( r, k, D, Z ); } S() } function L( k, D, Z ) { k !== oa && gb( r, k ); D !== oa && hb( r, D ); Z !== oa && ba( r, Z ); S() } function c() { return N( r ) } function z() { return n } function H( k, D ) { if ( D === oa ) { return b[k]; } if ( k == "height" || k == "contentHeight" || k == "aspectRatio" ) { b[k] = D; Q() } } function T( k, D ) { if ( b[k] ) { return b[k].apply( D || i, arguments, 2 ) ) } } var X = this; X.options = b; X.render = d; X.destroy = l; X.refetchEvents = ra; X.reportEvents = sa; X.reportEventChange = ha; X.rerenderEvents = da; X.changeView = y; = ua; X.unselect = pa; X.prev = U; = ca; X.prevYear = ka; X.nextYear = qa; = G; X.gotoDate = p; X.incrementDate = L; X.formatDate = function ( k, D ) { return Oa( k, D, b ) }; X.formatDates = function ( k, D, Z ) { return ib( k, D, Z, b ) }; X.getDate = c; X.getView = z; X.option = H; X.trigger = T; $ X, b, e ); var ya = X.isFetchNeeded, K = X.fetchEvents, i = a[0], C, P, E, B, n, Y = {}, W, o, s, v = 0, F = 0, r = new Date, J = [], M; yb( r, b.year, b.month, ); b.droppable && m( document ).bind( "dragstart",function ( k, D ) { var Z =, ja = m( Z ); if ( !ja.parents( ".fc" ).length ) { var ia = b.dropAccept; if ( m.isFunction( ia ) ? Z, ja ) : ia ) ) { M = Z; n.dragStart( M, k, D ) } } } ).bind( "dragstop", function ( k, D ) { if ( M ) { n.dragStop( M, k, D ); M = null } } ) } function Zb( a, b ) { function e() { q = b.theme ? "ui" : "fc"; if ( b.header ) { return Q = m( "
" ).append( m( "
" ).append( f( "left" ) ).append( f( "center" ) ).append( f( "right" ) ) ) } } function d() { Q.remove() } function f( u ) { var fa = m( "
" ); (u = b.header[u]) && m.each( u.split( " " ), function ( na ) { na > 0 && fa.append( "" ); var ga; m.each( this.split( "," ), function ( ra, sa ) { if ( sa == "title" ) { fa.append( "
" ); ga && ga.addClass( q + "-corner-right" ); ga = null } else { var ha; if ( a[sa] ) { ha = a[sa]; } else if ( Ja[sa] ) { ha = function () { ma.removeClass( q + "-state-hover" ); a.changeView( sa ) }; } if ( ha ) { ra = b.theme ? jb( b.buttonIcons, sa ) : null; var da = jb( b.buttonText, sa ), ma = m( "" + (ra ? "" : da) + "" ); if ( ma ) { () { ma.hasClass( q + "-state-disabled" ) || ha() } ).mousedown(function () { ma.not( "." + q + "-state-active" ).not( "." + q + "-state-disabled" ).addClass( q + "-state-down" ) } ).mouseup(function () { ma.removeClass( q + "-state-down" ) } ).hover(function () { ma.not( "." + q + "-state-active" ).not( "." + q + "-state-disabled" ).addClass( q + "-state-hover" ) },function () { ma.removeClass( q + "-state-hover" ).removeClass( q + "-state-down" ) } ).appendTo( fa ); ga || ma.addClass( q + "-corner-left" ); ga = ma } } } } ); ga && ga.addClass( q + "-corner-right" ) } ); return fa } function g( u ) { Q.find( "h5" ).html( u ) } function l( u ) { Q.find( "span.fc-button-" + u ).addClass( q + "-state-active" ) } function j( u ) { Q.find( "span.fc-button-" + u ).removeClass( q + "-state-active" ) } function t( u ) { Q.find( "span.fc-button-" + u ).addClass( q + "-state-disabled" ) } function y( u ) { Q.find( "span.fc-button-" + u ).removeClass( q + "-state-disabled" ) } var S = this; S.render = e; S.destroy = d; S.updateTitle = g; S.activateButton = l; S.deactivateButton = j; S.disableButton = t; S.enableButton = y; var Q = m( [] ), q } function $b( a, b ) { function e( c, z ) { return!ca || c < ca || z > ka } function d( c, z ) { ca = c; ka = z; L = []; c = ++qa; G = z = U.length; for ( var H = 0; H < z; H++ ) { f( U[H], c ) } } function f( c, z ) { g( c, function ( H ) { if ( z == qa ) { if ( H ) { for ( var T = 0; T < H.length; T++ ) { H[T].source = c; na( H[T] ) } L = L.concat( H ) } G--; G || ua( L ) } } ) } function g( c, z ) { var H, T = Aa.sourceFetchers, X; for ( H = 0; H < T.length; H++ ) { X = T[H]( c, ca, ka, z ); if ( X === true ) { return; } else if ( typeof X == "object" ) { g( X, z ); return } } if ( H = ) { if ( m.isFunction( H ) ) { u(); H( N( ca ), N( ka ), function ( C ) { z( C ); fa() } ) } else { m.isArray( H ) ? z( H ) : z(); } } else if ( c.url ) { var ya = c.success, K = c.error, i = c.complete; H = m.extend( {}, || {} ); T = Ta( c.startParam, a.startParam ); X = Ta( c.endParam, a.endParam ); if ( T ) { H[T] = Math.round( +ca / 1E3 ); } if ( X ) { H[X] = Math.round( +ka / 1E3 ); } u(); m.ajax( m.extend( {}, ac, c, {data: H, success: function ( C ) { C = C || []; var P = $a( ya, this, arguments ); if ( m.isArray( P ) ) { C = P; } z( C ) }, error: function () { $a( K, this, arguments ); z() }, complete: function () { $a( i, this, arguments ); fa() }} ) ) } else { z() } } function l( c ) { if ( c = j( c ) ) { G++; f( c, qa ) } } function j( c ) { if ( m.isFunction( c ) || m.isArray( c ) ) { c = {events: c}; } else if ( typeof c == "string" ) { c = {url: c}; } if ( typeof c == "object" ) { ga( c ); U.push( c ); return c } } function t( c ) { U = m.grep( U, function ( z ) { return!ra( z, c ) } ); L = m.grep( L, function ( z ) { return!ra( z.source, c ) } ); ua( L ) } function y( c ) { var z, H = L.length, T, X = ma().defaultEventEnd, ya = c.start - c._start, K = c.end ? c.end - (c._end || X( c )) : 0; for ( z = 0; z < H; z++ ) { T = L[z]; if ( T._id == c._id && T != c ) { T.start = new Date( +T.start + ya ); T.end = c.end ? T.end ? new Date( +T.end + K ) : new Date( +X( T ) + K ) : null; T.title = c.title; T.url = c.url; T.allDay = c.allDay; T.className = c.className; T.editable = c.editable; T.color = c.color; T.backgroudColor = c.backgroudColor; T.borderColor = c.borderColor; T.textColor = c.textColor; na( T ) } } na( c ); ua( L ) } function S( c, z ) { na( c ); if ( !c.source ) { if ( z ) { c ); c.source = pa } L.push( c ) } ua( L ) } function Q( c ) { if ( c ) { if ( !m.isFunction( c ) ) { var z = c + ""; c = function ( T ) { return T._id == z } } L = m.grep( L, c, true ); for ( H = 0; H < U.length; H++ ) { if ( m.isArray( U[H].events ) ) { U[H].events = m.grep( U[H].events, c, true ) } } } else { L = []; for ( var H = 0; H < U.length; H++ ) { if ( m.isArray( U[H].events ) ) { U[H].events = [] } } } ua( L ) } function q( c ) { if ( m.isFunction( c ) ) { return m.grep( L, c ); } else if ( c ) { c += ""; return m.grep( L, function ( z ) { return z._id == c } ) } return L } function u() { p++ || da( "loading", null, true ) } function fa() { --p || da( "loading", null, false ) } function na( c ) { var z = c.source || {}, H = Ta( z.ignoreTimezone, a.ignoreTimezone ); c._id = c._id || ( === oa ? "_fc" + bc++ : + ""); if ( ) { if ( !c.start ) { c.start =; } delete } c._start = N( c.start = kb( c.start, H ) ); c.end = kb( c.end, H ); if ( c.end && c.end <= c.start ) { c.end = null; } c._end = c.end ? N( c.end ) : null; if ( c.allDay === oa ) { c.allDay = Ta( z.allDayDefault, a.allDayDefault ); } if ( c.className ) { if ( typeof c.className == "string" ) { c.className = c.className.split( /\s+/ ) } } else { c.className = [] } } function ga( c ) { if ( c.className ) { if ( typeof c.className == "string" ) { c.className = c.className.split( /\s+/ ) } } else { c.className = []; } for ( var z = Aa.sourceNormalizers, H = 0; H < z.length; H++ ) { z[H]( c ) } } function ra( c, z ) { return c && z && sa( c ) == sa( z ) } function sa( c ) { return(typeof c == "object" ? || c.url : "") || c } var ha = this; ha.isFetchNeeded = e; ha.fetchEvents = d; ha.addEventSource = l; ha.removeEventSource = t; ha.updateEvent = y; ha.renderEvent = S; ha.removeEvents = Q; ha.clientEvents = q; ha.normalizeEvent = na; var da = ha.trigger, ma = ha.getView, ua = ha.reportEvents, pa = {events: []}, U = [pa], ca, ka, qa = 0, G = 0, p = 0, L = []; for ( ha = 0; ha < b.length; ha++ ) { j( b[ha] ) } } function gb( a, b, e ) { a.setFullYear( a.getFullYear() + b ); e || Ka( a ); return a } function hb( a, b, e ) { if ( +a ) { b = a.getMonth() + b; var d = N( a ); d.setDate( 1 ); d.setMonth( b ); a.setMonth( b ); for ( e || Ka( a ); a.getMonth() != d.getMonth(); ) { a.setDate( a.getDate() + (a < d ? 1 : -1) ) } } return a } function ba( a, b, e ) { if ( +a ) { b = a.getDate() + b; var d = N( a ); d.setHours( 9 ); d.setDate( b ); a.setDate( b ); e || Ka( a ); lb( a, d ) } return a } function lb( a, b ) { if ( +a ) { for ( ; a.getDate() != b.getDate(); ) { a.setTime( +a + (a < b ? 1 : -1) * cc ) } } } function xa( a, b ) { a.setMinutes( a.getMinutes() + b ); return a } function Ka( a ) { a.setHours( 0 ); a.setMinutes( 0 ); a.setSeconds( 0 ); a.setMilliseconds( 0 ); return a } function N( a, b ) { if ( b ) { return Ka( new Date( +a ) ); } return new Date( +a ) } function zb() { var a = 0, b; do { b = new Date( 1970, a++, 1 ); } while ( b.getHours() ); return b } function Fa( a, b, e ) { for ( b = b || 1; !a.getDay() || e && a.getDay() == 1 || !e && a.getDay() == 6; ) { ba( a, b ); } return a } function Ca( a, b ) { return Math.round( (N( a, true ) - N( b, true )) / Ab ) } function yb( a, b, e, d ) { if ( b !== oa && b != a.getFullYear() ) { a.setDate( 1 ); a.setMonth( 0 ); a.setFullYear( b ) } if ( e !== oa && e != a.getMonth() ) { a.setDate( 1 ); a.setMonth( e ) } d !== oa && a.setDate( d ) } function kb( a, b ) { if ( typeof a == "object" ) { return a; } if ( typeof a == "number" ) { return new Date( a * 1E3 ); } if ( typeof a == "string" ) { if ( a.match( /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/ ) ) { return new Date( parseFloat( a ) * 1E3 ); } if ( b === oa ) { b = true; } return Bb( a, b ) || (a ? new Date( a ) : null) } return null } function Bb( a, b ) { a = a.match( /^([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})([T ]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/ ); if ( !a ) { return null; } var e = new Date( a[1], 0, 1 ); if ( b || !a[13] ) { b = new Date( a[1], 0, 1, 9, 0 ); if ( a[3] ) { e.setMonth( a[3] - 1 ); b.setMonth( a[3] - 1 ) } if ( a[5] ) { e.setDate( a[5] ); b.setDate( a[5] ) } lb( e, b ); a[7] && e.setHours( a[7] ); a[8] && e.setMinutes( a[8] ); a[10] && e.setSeconds( a[10] ); a[12] && e.setMilliseconds( Number( "0." + a[12] ) * 1E3 ); lb( e, b ) } else { e.setUTCFullYear( a[1], a[3] ? a[3] - 1 : 0, a[5] || 1 ); e.setUTCHours( a[7] || 0, a[8] || 0, a[10] || 0, a[12] ? Number( "0." + a[12] ) * 1E3 : 0 ); if ( a[14] ) { b = Number( a[16] ) * 60 + (a[18] ? Number( a[18] ) : 0); b *= a[15] == "-" ? 1 : -1; e = new Date( +e + b * 60 * 1E3 ) } } return e } function mb( a ) { if ( typeof a == "number" ) { return a * 60; } if ( typeof a == "object" ) { return a.getHours() * 60 + a.getMinutes(); } if ( a = a.match( /(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s*(\w+)?/ ) ) { var b = parseInt( a[1], 10 ); if ( a[3] ) { b %= 12; if ( a[3].toLowerCase().charAt( 0 ) == "p" ) { b += 12 } } return b * 60 + (a[2] ? parseInt( a[2], 10 ) : 0) } } function Oa( a, b, e ) { return ib( a, null, b, e ) } function ib( a, b, e, d ) { d = d || Ya; var f = a, g = b, l, j = e.length, t, y, S, Q = ""; for ( l = 0; l < j; l++ ) { t = e.charAt( l ); if ( t == "'" ) { for ( y = l + 1; y < j; y++ ) { if ( e.charAt( y ) == "'" ) { if ( f ) { Q += y == l + 1 ? "'" : e.substring( l + 1, y ); l = y } break } } } else if ( t == "(" ) { for ( y = l + 1; y < j; y++ ) { if ( e.charAt( y ) == ")" ) { l = Oa( f, e.substring( l + 1, y ), d ); if ( parseInt( l.replace( /\D/, "" ), 10 ) ) { Q += l; } l = y; break } } } else if ( t == "[" ) { for ( y = l + 1; y < j; y++ ) { if ( e.charAt( y ) == "]" ) { t = e.substring( l + 1, y ); l = Oa( f, t, d ); if ( l != Oa( g, t, d ) ) { Q += l; } l = y; break } } } else if ( t == "{" ) { f = b; g = a } else if ( t == "}" ) { f = a; g = b } else { for ( y = j; y > l; y-- ) { if ( S = dc[e.substring( l, y )] ) { if ( f ) { Q += S( f, d ); } l = y - 1; break } } if ( y == l ) { if ( f ) { Q += t } } } } return Q } function Ua( a ) { return a.end ? ec( a.end, a.allDay ) : ba( N( a.start ), 1 ) } function ec( a, b ) { a = N( a ); return b || a.getHours() || a.getMinutes() ? ba( a, 1 ) : Ka( a ) } function fc( a, b ) { return(b.msLength - a.msLength) * 100 + (a.event.start - b.event.start) } function Cb( a, b ) { return a.end > b.start && a.start < b.end } function nb( a, b, e, d ) { var f = [], g, l = a.length, j, t, y, S, Q; for ( g = 0; g < l; g++ ) { j = a[g]; t = j.start; y = b[g]; if ( y > e && t < d ) { if ( t < e ) { t = N( e ); S = false } else { t = t; S = true } if ( y > d ) { y = N( d ); Q = false } else { y = y; Q = true } f.push( {event: j, start: t, end: y, isStart: S, isEnd: Q, msLength: y - t} ) } } return f.sort( fc ) } function ob( a ) { var b = [], e, d = a.length, f, g, l, j; for ( e = 0; e < d; e++ ) { f = a[e]; for ( g = 0; ; ) { l = false; if ( b[g] ) { for ( j = 0; j < b[g].length; j++ ) { if ( Cb( b[g][j], f ) ) { l = true; break } } } if ( l ) { g++; } else { break } } if ( b[g] ) { b[g].push( f ); } else { b[g] = [f] } } return b } function Db( a, b, e ) { a.unbind( "mouseover" ).mouseover( function ( d ) { for ( var f =, g; f != this; ) { g = f; f = f.parentNode } if ( (f = g._fci) !== oa ) { g._fci = oa; g = b[f]; e( g.event, g.element, g ); m( ).trigger( d ) } d.stopPropagation() } ) } function Va( a, b, e ) { for ( var d = 0, f; d < a.length; d++ ) { f = m( a[d] ); f.width( Math.max( 0, b - pb( f, e ) ) ) } } function Eb( a, b, e ) { for ( var d = 0, f; d < a.length; d++ ) { f = m( a[d] ); f.height( Math.max( 0, b - Sa( f, e ) ) ) } } function pb( a, b ) { return gc( a ) + hc( a ) + (b ? ic( a ) : 0) } function gc( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "paddingLeft", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "paddingRight", true ) ) || 0) } function ic( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "marginLeft", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "marginRight", true ) ) || 0) } function hc( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "borderLeftWidth", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "borderRightWidth", true ) ) || 0) } function Sa( a, b ) { return jc( a ) + kc( a ) + (b ? Fb( a ) : 0) } function jc( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "paddingTop", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "paddingBottom", true ) ) || 0) } function Fb( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "marginTop", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "marginBottom", true ) ) || 0) } function kc( a ) { return(parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "borderTopWidth", true ) ) || 0) + (parseFloat( m.curCSS( a[0], "borderBottomWidth", true ) ) || 0) } function Za( a, b ) { b = typeof b == "number" ? b + "px" : b; a.each( function ( e, d ) { += ";min-height:" + b + ";_height:" + b } ) } function xb() { } function Gb( a, b ) { return a - b } function Hb( a ) { return Math.max.apply( Math, a ) } function Pa( a ) { return(a < 10 ? "0" : "") + a } function jb( a, b ) { if ( a[b] !== oa ) { return a[b]; } b = b.split( /(?=[A-Z])/ ); for ( var e = b.length - 1, d; e >= 0; e-- ) { d = a[b[e].toLowerCase()]; if ( d !== oa ) { return d } } return a[""] } function Qa( a ) { return a.replace( /&/g, "&" ).replace( //g, ">" ).replace( /'/g, "'" ).replace( /"/g, """ ).replace( /\n/g, "
" ) } function Ib( a ) { return + "/" + a.className + "/" + /(^|;)\s*(top|left|width|height)\s*:[^;]*/ig, "" ) } function qb( a ) { a.attr( "unselectable", "on" ).css( "MozUserSelect", "none" ).bind( "selectstart.ui", function () { return false } ) } function ab( a ) { a.children().removeClass( "fc-first fc-last" ).filter( ":first-child" ).addClass( "fc-first" ).end().filter( ":last-child" ).addClass( "fc-last" ) } function rb( a, b ) { a.each( function ( e, d ) { d.className = d.className.replace( /^fc-\w*/, "fc-" + lc[b.getDay()] ) } ) } function Jb( a, b ) { var e = a.source || {}, d = a.color, f = e.color, g = b( "eventColor" ), l = a.backgroundColor || d || e.backgroundColor || f || b( "eventBackgroundColor" ) || g; d = a.borderColor || d || e.borderColor || f || b( "eventBorderColor" ) || g; a = a.textColor || e.textColor || b( "eventTextColor" ); b = []; l && b.push( "background-color:" + l ); d && b.push( "border-color:" + d ); a && b.push( "color:" + a ); return b.join( ";" ) } function $a( a, b, e ) { if ( m.isFunction( a ) ) { a = [a]; } if ( a ) { var d, f; for ( d = 0; d < a.length; d++ ) { f = a[d].apply( b, e ) || f; } return f } } function Ta() { for ( var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++ ) { if ( arguments[a] !== oa ) { return arguments[a] } } } function mc( a, b ) { function e( j, t ) { if ( t ) { hb( j, t ); j.setDate( 1 ) } j = N( j, true ); j.setDate( 1 ); t = hb( N( j ), 1 ); var y = N( j ), S = N( t ), Q = f( "firstDay" ), q = f( "weekends" ) ? 0 : 1; if ( q ) { Fa( y ); Fa( S, -1, true ) } ba( y, -((y.getDay() - Math.max( Q, q ) + 7) % 7) ); ba( S, (7 - S.getDay() + Math.max( Q, q )) % 7 ); Q = Math.round( (S - y) / (Ab * 7) ); if ( f( "weekMode" ) == "fixed" ) { ba( S, (6 - Q) * 7 ); Q = 6 } d.title = l( j, f( "titleFormat" ) ); d.start = j; d.end = t; d.visStart = y; d.visEnd = S; g( 6, Q, q ? 5 : 7, true ) } var d = this; d.render = e; d, a, b, "month" ); var f = d.opt, g = d.renderBasic, l = b.formatDate } function nc( a, b ) { function e( j, t ) { t && ba( j, t * 7 ); j = ba( N( j ), -((j.getDay() - f( "firstDay" ) + 7) % 7) ); t = ba( N( j ), 7 ); var y = N( j ), S = N( t ), Q = f( "weekends" ); if ( !Q ) { Fa( y ); Fa( S, -1, true ) } d.title = l( y, ba( N( S ), -1 ), f( "titleFormat" ) ); d.start = j; d.end = t; d.visStart = y; d.visEnd = S; g( 1, 1, Q ? 7 : 5, false ) } var d = this; d.render = e; d, a, b, "basicWeek" ); var f = d.opt, g = d.renderBasic, l = b.formatDates } function oc( a, b ) { function e( j, t ) { if ( t ) { ba( j, t ); f( "weekends" ) || Fa( j, t < 0 ? -1 : 1 ) } d.title = l( j, f( "titleFormat" ) ); d.start = d.visStart = N( j, true ); d.end = d.visEnd = ba( N( d.start ), 1 ); g( 1, 1, 1, false ) } var d = this; d.render = e; d, a, b, "basicDay" ); var f = d.opt, g = d.renderBasic, l = b.formatDate } function sb( a, b, e ) { function d( w, I, R, V ) { v = I; F = R; f(); (I = !C) ? g( w, V ) : z(); l( I ) } function f() { if ( k = L( "isRTL" ) ) { D = -1; Z = F - 1 } else { D = 1; Z = 0 } ja = L( "firstDay" ); ia = L( "weekends" ) ? 0 : 1; la = L( "theme" ) ? "ui" : "fc"; $ = L( "columnFormat" ) } function g( w, I ) { var R, V = la + "-widget-header", ea = la + "-widget-content", aa; R = ""; for ( aa = 0; aa < F; aa++ ) { R += ""; for ( aa = 0; aa < w; aa++ ) { R += ""; for ( V = 0; V < F; V++ ) { R += ""; } R += "" } R += "
"; } R += "
" + (I ? "
" : "") + "
"; w = m( R ).appendTo( a ); K = w.find( "thead" ); i = K.find( "th" ); C = w.find( "tbody" ); P = C.find( "tr" ); E = C.find( "td" ); B = E.filter( ":first-child" ); n = P.eq( 0 ).find( "div.fc-day-content div" ); ab( K.add( K.find( "tr" ) ) ); ab( P ); P.eq( 0 ).addClass( "fc-first" ); y( E ); Y = m( "
" ).appendTo( a ) } function l( w ) { var I = w || v == 1, R = p.start.getMonth(), V = Ka( new Date ), ea, aa, va; I && i.each( function ( wa, Ga ) { ea = m( Ga ); aa = ca( wa ); ea.html( ya( aa, $ ) ); rb( ea, aa ) } ); E.each( function ( wa, Ga ) { ea = m( Ga ); aa = ca( wa ); aa.getMonth() == R ? ea.removeClass( "fc-other-month" ) : ea.addClass( "fc-other-month" ); +aa == +V ? ea.addClass( la + "-state-highlight fc-today" ) : ea.removeClass( la + "-state-highlight fc-today" ); ea.find( "div.fc-day-number" ).text( aa.getDate() ); I && rb( ea, aa ) } ); P.each( function ( wa, Ga ) { va = m( Ga ); if ( wa < v ) {; wa == v - 1 ? va.addClass( "fc-last" ) : va.removeClass( "fc-last" ) } else { va.hide() } } ) } function j( w ) { o = w; w = o - K.height(); var I, R, V; if ( L( "weekMode" ) == "variable" ) { I = R = Math.floor( w / (v == 1 ? 2 : 6) ); } else { I = Math.floor( w / v ); R = w - I * (v - 1) } B.each( function ( ea, aa ) { if ( ea < v ) { V = m( aa ); Za( V.find( "> div" ), (ea == v - 1 ? R : I) - Sa( V ) ) } } ) } function t( w ) { W = w; M.clear(); s = Math.floor( W / F ); Va( i.slice( 0, -1 ), s ) } function y( w ) { S ).mousedown( X ) } function S( w ) { if ( !L( "selectable" ) ) { var I = parseInt( this.className.match( /fc\-day(\d+)/ )[1] ); I = ca( I ); c( "dayClick", this, I, true, w ) } } function Q( w, I, R ) { R &&; R = N( p.visStart ); for ( var V = ba( N( R ), F ), ea = 0; ea < v; ea++ ) { var aa = new Date( Math.max( R, w ) ), va = new Date( Math.min( V, I ) ); if ( aa < va ) { var wa; if ( k ) { wa = Ca( va, R ) * D + Z + 1; aa = Ca( aa, R ) * D + Z + 1 } else { wa = Ca( aa, R ); aa = Ca( va, R ) } y( q( ea, wa, ea, aa - 1 ) ) } ba( R, 7 ); ba( V, 7 ) } } function q( w, I, R, V ) { w = r.rect( w, I, R, V, a ); return H( w, a ) } function u( w ) { return N( w ) } function fa( w, I ) { Q( w, ba( N( I ), 1 ), true ) } function na() { T() } function ga( w, I, R ) { var V = ua( w ); c( "dayClick", E[V.row * F + V.col], w, I, R ) } function ra( w, I ) { J.start( function ( R ) { T(); R && q( R.row, R.col, R.row, R.col ) }, I ) } function sa( w, I, R ) { var V = J.stop(); T(); if ( V ) { V = pa( V ); c( "drop", w, V, true, I, R ) } } function ha( w ) { return N( w.start ) } function da( w ) { return M.left( w ) } function ma( w ) { return M.right( w ) } function ua( w ) { return{row: Math.floor( Ca( w, p.visStart ) / 7 ), col: ka( w.getDay() )} } function pa( w ) { return U( w.row, w.col ) } function U( w, I ) { return ba( N( p.visStart ), w * 7 + I * D + Z ) } function ca( w ) { return U( Math.floor( w / F ), w % F ) } function ka( w ) { return(w - Math.max( ja, ia ) + F) % F * D + Z } function qa( w ) { return P.eq( w ) } function G() { return{left: 0, right: W} } var p = this; p.renderBasic = d; p.setHeight = j; p.setWidth = t; p.renderDayOverlay = Q; p.defaultSelectionEnd = u; p.renderSelection = fa; p.clearSelection = na; p.reportDayClick = ga; p.dragStart = ra; p.dragStop = sa; p.defaultEventEnd = ha; p.getHoverListener = function () { return J }; p.colContentLeft = da; p.colContentRight = ma; p.dayOfWeekCol = ka; p.dateCell = ua; p.cellDate = pa; p.cellIsAllDay = function () { return true }; p.allDayRow = qa; p.allDayBounds = G; p.getRowCnt = function () { return v }; p.getColCnt = function () { return F }; p.getColWidth = function () { return s }; p.getDaySegmentContainer = function () { return Y }; p, a, b, e ); p ); p ); p ); var L = p.opt, c = p.trigger, z = p.clearEvents, H = p.renderOverlay, T = p.clearOverlays, X = p.daySelectionMousedown, ya = b.formatDate, K, i, C, P, E, B, n, Y, W, o, s, v, F, r, J, M, k, D, Z, ja, ia, la, $; qb( a.addClass( "fc-grid" ) ); r = new Nb( function ( w, I ) { var R, V, ea; i.each( function ( aa, va ) { R = m( va ); V = R.offset().left; if ( aa ) { ea[1] = V; } ea = [V]; I[aa] = ea } ); ea[1] = V + R.outerWidth(); P.each( function ( aa, va ) { if ( aa < v ) { R = m( va ); V = R.offset().top; if ( aa ) { ea[1] = V; } ea = [V]; w[aa] = ea } } ); ea[1] = V + R.outerHeight() } ); J = new Ob( r ); M = new Pb( function ( w ) { return n.eq( w ) } ) } function pc() { function a( U, ca ) { S( U ); ua( e( U ), ca ) } function b() { Q(); ga().empty() } function e( U ) { var ca = da(), ka = ma(), qa = N( g.visStart ); ka = ba( N( qa ), ka ); var G = U, Ua ), p, L, c, z, H, T, X = []; for ( p = 0; p < ca; p++ ) { L = ob( nb( U, G, qa, ka ) ); for ( c = 0; c < L.length; c++ ) { z = L[c]; for ( H = 0; H < z.length; H++ ) { T = z[H]; T.row = p; T.level = c; X.push( T ) } } ba( qa, 7 ); ba( ka, 7 ) } return X } function d( U, ca, ka ) { t( U ) && f( U, ca ); ka.isEnd && y( U ) && pa( U, ca, ka ); q( U, ca ) } function f( U, ca ) { var ka = ra(), qa; ca.draggable( {zIndex: 9, delay: 50, opacity: l( "dragOpacity" ), revertDuration: l( "dragRevertDuration" ), start: function ( G, p ) { j( "eventDragStart", ca, U, G, p ); fa( U, ca ); ka.start( function ( L, c, z, H ) { ca.draggable( "option", "revert", !L || !z && !H ); ha(); if ( L ) { qa = z * 7 + H * (l( "isRTL" ) ? -1 : 1); sa( ba( N( U.start ), qa ), ba( Ua( U ), qa ) ) } else { qa = 0 } }, G, "drag" ) }, stop: function ( G, p ) { ka.stop(); ha(); j( "eventDragStop", ca, U, G, p ); if ( qa ) { na( this, U, qa, 0, U.allDay, G, p ); } else { ca.css( "filter", "" ); u( U, ca ) } }} ) } var g = this; g.renderEvents = a; g.compileDaySegs = e; g.clearEvents = b; g.bindDaySeg = d; g ); var l = g.opt, j = g.trigger, t = g.isEventDraggable, y = g.isEventResizable, S = g.reportEvents, Q = g.reportEventClear, q = g.eventElementHandlers, u = g.showEvents, fa = g.hideEvents, na = g.eventDrop, ga = g.getDaySegmentContainer, ra = g.getHoverListener, sa = g.renderDayOverlay, ha = g.clearOverlays, da = g.getRowCnt, ma = g.getColCnt, ua = g.renderDaySegs, pa = g.resizableDayEvent } function qc( a, b ) { function e( j, t ) { t && ba( j, t * 7 ); j = ba( N( j ), -((j.getDay() - f( "firstDay" ) + 7) % 7) ); t = ba( N( j ), 7 ); var y = N( j ), S = N( t ), Q = f( "weekends" ); if ( !Q ) { Fa( y ); Fa( S, -1, true ) } d.title = l( y, ba( N( S ), -1 ), f( "titleFormat" ) ); d.start = j; d.end = t; d.visStart = y; d.visEnd = S; g( Q ? 7 : 5 ) } var d = this; d.render = e; d, a, b, "agendaWeek" ); var f = d.opt, g = d.renderAgenda, l = b.formatDates } function rc( a, b ) { function e( j, t ) { if ( t ) { ba( j, t ); f( "weekends" ) || Fa( j, t < 0 ? -1 : 1 ) } t = N( j, true ); var y = ba( N( t ), 1 ); d.title = l( j, f( "titleFormat" ) ); d.start = d.visStart = t; d.end = d.visEnd = y; g( 1 ) } var d = this; d.render = e; d, a, b, "agendaDay" ); var f = d.opt, g = d.renderAgenda, l = b.formatDate } function Rb( a, b, e ) { function d( h ) { Ba = h; f(); v ? P() : g(); l() } function f() { Wa = i( "theme" ) ? "ui" : "fc"; Sb = i( "weekends" ) ? 0 : 1; Tb = i( "firstDay" ); if ( Ub = i( "isRTL" ) ) { Ha = -1; Ia = Ba - 1 } else { Ha = 1; Ia = 0 } La = mb( i( "minTime" ) ); bb = mb( i( "maxTime" ) ); Vb = i( "columnFormat" ) } function g() { var h = Wa + "-widget-header", O = Wa + "-widget-content", x, A, ta, za, Da, Ea = i( "slotMinutes" ) % 15 == 0; x = ""; for ( A = 0; A < Ba; A++ ) { x += ""; for ( A = 0; A < Ba; A++ ) { x += ""; } x += "
 "; } x += " 
"; v = m( x ).appendTo( a ); F = v.find( "thead" ); r = F.find( "th" ).slice( 1, -1 ); J = v.find( "tbody" ); M = J.find( "td" ).slice( 0, -1 ); k = M.find( "div.fc-day-content div" ); D = M.eq( 0 ); Z = D.find( "> div" ); ab( F.add( F.find( "tr" ) ) ); ab( J.add( J.find( "tr" ) ) ); aa = F.find( "th:first" ); va = v.find( ".fc-agenda-gutter" ); ja = m( "
" ).appendTo( a ); if ( i( "allDaySlot" ) ) { ia = m( "
" ).appendTo( ja ); x = "
" + i( "allDayText" ) + "
"; la = m( x ).appendTo( ja ); $ = la.find( "tr" ); q( $.find( "td" ) ); aa = aa.add( la.find( "th:first" ) ); va = va.add( la.find( "th.fc-agenda-gutter" ) ); ja.append( "
" ) } else { ia = m( [] ); } w = m( "
" ).appendTo( ja ); I = m( "
" ).appendTo( w ); R = m( "
" ).appendTo( I ); x = ""; ta = zb(); za = xa( N( ta ), bb ); xa( ta, La ); for ( A = tb = 0; ta < za; A++ ) { Da = ta.getMinutes(); x += ""; xa( ta, i( "slotMinutes" ) ); tb++ } x += "
" + (!Ea || !Da ? s( ta, i( "axisFormat" ) ) : " ") + "
"; V = m( x ).appendTo( I ); ea = V.find( "div:first" ); u( V.find( "td" ) ); aa = aa.add( V.find( "th:first" ) ) } function l() { var h, O, x, A, ta = Ka( new Date ); for ( h = 0; h < Ba; h++ ) { A = ua( h ); O = r.eq( h ); O.html( s( A, Vb ) ); x = M.eq( h ); +A == +ta ? x.addClass( Wa + "-state-highlight fc-today" ) : x.removeClass( Wa + "-state-highlight fc-today" ); rb( O.add( x ), A ) } } function j( h, O ) { if ( h === oa ) { h = Wb; } Wb = h; ub = {}; var x = J.position().top, A = w.position().top; h = Math.min( h - x, V.height() + A + 1 ); Z.height( h - Sa( D ) ); ja.css( "top", x ); w.height( h - A - 1 ); Xa = ea.height() + 1; O && y() } function t( h ) { Ga = h; cb.clear(); Ma = 0; Va( aa.width( "" ).each( function ( O, x ) { Ma = Math.max( Ma, m( x ).outerWidth() ) } ), Ma ); h = w[0].clientWidth; if ( vb = w.width() - h ) { Va( va, vb ); "fc-last" ) } else { va.hide().prev().addClass( "fc-last" ); } db = Math.floor( (h - Ma) / Ba ); Va( r.slice( 0, -1 ), db ) } function y() { function h() { w.scrollTop( A ) } var O = zb(), x = N( O ); x.setHours( i( "firstHour" ) ); var A = ca( O, x ) + 1; h(); setTimeout( h, 0 ) } function S() { Xb = w.scrollTop() } function Q() { w.scrollTop( Xb ) } function q( h ) { fa ).mousedown( W ) } function u( h ) { fa ).mousedown( H ) } function fa( h ) { if ( !i( "selectable" ) ) { var O = Math.min( Ba - 1, Math.floor( (h.pageX - v.offset().left - Ma) / db ) ), x = ua( O ), A = this.parentNode.className.match( /fc-slot(\d+)/ ); if ( A ) { A = parseInt( A[1] ) * i( "slotMinutes" ); var ta = Math.floor( A / 60 ); x.setHours( ta ); x.setMinutes( A % 60 + La ); C( "dayClick", M[O], x, false, h ) } else { C( "dayClick", M[O], x, true, h ) } } } function na( h, O, x ) { x &&; var A = N( K.visStart ); if ( Ub ) { x = Ca( O, A ) * Ha + Ia + 1; h = Ca( h, A ) * Ha + Ia + 1 } else { x = Ca( h, A ); h = Ca( O, A ) } x = Math.max( 0, x ); h = Math.min( Ba, h ); x < h && q( ga( 0, x, 0, h - 1 ) ) } function ga( h, O, x, A ) { h = Na.rect( h, O, x, A, ja ); return E( h, ja ) } function ra( h, O ) { for ( var x = N( K.visStart ), A = ba( N( x ), 1 ), ta = 0; ta < Ba; ta++ ) { var za = new Date( Math.max( x, h ) ), Da = new Date( Math.min( A, O ) ); if ( za < Da ) { var Ea = ta * Ha + Ia; Ea = Na.rect( 0, Ea, 0, Ea, I ); za = ca( x, za ); Da = ca( x, Da ); = za; Ea.height = Da - za; u( E( Ea, I ) ) } ba( x, 1 ); ba( A, 1 ) } } function sa( h ) { return cb.left( h ) } function ha( h ) { return cb.right( h ) } function da( h ) { return{row: Math.floor( Ca( h, K.visStart ) / 7 ), col: U( h.getDay() )} } function ma( h ) { var O = ua( h.col ); h = h.row; i( "allDaySlot" ) && h--; h >= 0 && xa( O, La + h * i( "slotMinutes" ) ); return O } function ua( h ) { return ba( N( K.visStart ), h * Ha + Ia ) } function pa( h ) { return i( "allDaySlot" ) && !h.row } function U( h ) { return(h - Math.max( Tb, Sb ) + Ba) % Ba * Ha + Ia } function ca( h, O ) { h = N( h, true ); if ( O < xa( N( h ), La ) ) { return 0; } if ( O >= xa( N( h ), bb ) ) { return V.height(); } h = i( "slotMinutes" ); O = O.getHours() * 60 + O.getMinutes() - La; var x = Math.floor( O / h ), A = ub[x]; if ( A === oa ) { A = ub[x] = V.find( "tr:eq(" + x + ") td div" )[0].offsetTop; } return Math.max( 0, Math.round( A - 1 + Xa * (O % h / h) ) ) } function ka() { return{left: Ma, right: Ga - vb} } function qa() { return $ } function G( h ) { var O = N( h.start ); if ( h.allDay ) { return O; } return xa( O, i( "defaultEventMinutes" ) ) } function p( h, O ) { if ( O ) { return N( h ); } return xa( N( h ), i( "slotMinutes" ) ) } function L( h, O, x ) { if ( x ) { i( "allDaySlot" ) && na( h, ba( N( O ), 1 ), true ); } else { c( h, O ) } } function c( h, O ) { var x = i( "selectHelper" );; if ( x ) { var A = Ca( h, K.visStart ) * Ha + Ia; if ( A >= 0 && A < Ba ) { A = Na.rect( 0, A, 0, A, I ); var ta = ca( h, h ), za = ca( h, O ); if ( za > ta ) { = ta; A.height = za - ta; A.left += 2; A.width -= 5; if ( m.isFunction( x ) ) { if ( h = x( h, O ) ) { A.position = "absolute"; A.zIndex = 8; wa = m( h ).css( A ).appendTo( I ) } } else { A.isStart = true; A.isEnd = true; wa = m( o( {title: "", start: h, end: O, className: ["fc-select-helper"], editable: false}, A ) ); wa.css( "opacity", i( "dragOpacity" ) ) } if ( wa ) { u( wa ); I.append( wa ); Va( wa, A.width, true ); Eb( wa, A.height, true ) } } } } else { ra( h, O ) } } function z() { B(); if ( wa ) { wa.remove(); wa = null } } function H( h ) { if ( h.which == 1 && i( "selectable" ) ) { Y( h ); var O; Ra.start( function ( x, A ) { z(); if ( x && x.col == A.col && !pa( x ) ) { A = ma( A ); x = ma( x ); O = [A, xa( N( A ), i( "slotMinutes" ) ), x, xa( N( x ), i( "slotMinutes" ) )].sort( Gb ); c( O[0], O[3] ) } else { O = null } }, h ); m( document ).one( "mouseup", function ( x ) { Ra.stop(); if ( O ) { +O[0] == +O[1] && T( O[0], false, x ); n( O[0], O[3], false, x ) } } ) } } function T( h, O, x ) { C( "dayClick", M[U( h.getDay() )], h, O, x ) } function X( h, O ) { Ra.start( function ( x ) { B(); if ( x ) { if ( pa( x ) ) { ga( x.row, x.col, x.row, x.col ); } else { x = ma( x ); var A = xa( N( x ), i( "defaultEventMinutes" ) ); ra( x, A ) } } }, O ) } function ya( h, O, x ) { var A = Ra.stop(); B(); A && C( "drop", h, ma( A ), pa( A ), O, x ) } var K = this; K.renderAgenda = d; K.setWidth = t; K.setHeight = j; K.beforeHide = S; K.afterShow = Q; K.defaultEventEnd = G; K.timePosition = ca; K.dayOfWeekCol = U; K.dateCell = da; K.cellDate = ma; K.cellIsAllDay = pa; K.allDayRow = qa; K.allDayBounds = ka; K.getHoverListener = function () { return Ra }; K.colContentLeft = sa; K.colContentRight = ha; K.getDaySegmentContainer = function () { return ia }; K.getSlotSegmentContainer = function () { return R }; K.getMinMinute = function () { return La }; K.getMaxMinute = function () { return bb }; K.getBodyContent = function () { return I }; K.getRowCnt = function () { return 1 }; K.getColCnt = function () { return Ba }; K.getColWidth = function () { return db }; K.getSlotHeight = function () { return Xa }; K.defaultSelectionEnd = p; K.renderDayOverlay = na; K.renderSelection = L; K.clearSelection = z; K.reportDayClick = T; K.dragStart = X; K.dragStop = ya; K, a, b, e ); K ); K ); K ); var i = K.opt, C = K.trigger, P = K.clearEvents, E = K.renderOverlay, B = K.clearOverlays, n = K.reportSelection, Y = K.unselect, W = K.daySelectionMousedown, o = K.slotSegHtml, s = b.formatDate, v, F, r, J, M, k, D, Z, ja, ia, la, $, w, I, R, V, ea, aa, va, wa, Ga, Wb, Ma, db, vb, Xa, Xb, Ba, tb, Na, Ra, cb, ub = {}, Wa, Tb, Sb, Ub, Ha, Ia, La, bb, Vb; qb( a.addClass( "fc-agenda" ) ); Na = new Nb( function ( h, O ) { function x( eb ) { return Math.max( Ea, Math.min( tc, eb ) ) } var A, ta, za; r.each( function ( eb, uc ) { A = m( uc ); ta = A.offset().left; if ( eb ) { za[1] = ta; } za = [ta]; O[eb] = za } ); za[1] = ta + A.outerWidth(); if ( i( "allDaySlot" ) ) { A = $; ta = A.offset().top; h[0] = [ta, ta + A.outerHeight()] } for ( var Da = I.offset().top, Ea = w.offset().top, tc = Ea + w.outerHeight(), fb = 0; fb < tb; fb++ ) { h.push( [x( Da + Xa * fb ), x( Da + Xa * (fb + 1) )] ) } } ); Ra = new Ob( Na ); cb = new Pb( function ( h ) { return k.eq( h ) } ) } function sc() { function a( o, s ) { sa( o ); var v, F = o.length, r = [], J = []; for ( v = 0; v < F; v++ ) { o[v].allDay ? r.push( o[v] ) : J.push( o[v] ); } if ( u( "allDaySlot" ) ) { L( e( r ), s ); ma() } g( d( J ), s ) } function b() { ha(); ua().empty(); pa().empty() } function e( o ) { o = ob( nb( o, o, Ua ), q.visStart, q.visEnd ) ); var s, v = o.length, F, r, J, M = []; for ( s = 0; s < v; s++ ) { F = o[s]; for ( r = 0; r < F.length; r++ ) { J = F[r]; J.row = 0; J.level = s; M.push( J ) } } return M } function d( o ) { var s = z(), v = ka(), F = ca(), r = xa( N( q.visStart ), v ), J = o, f ), M, k, D, Z, ja, ia, la = []; for ( M = 0; M < s; M++ ) { k = ob( nb( o, J, r, xa( N( r ), F - v ) ) ); vc( k ); for ( D = 0; D < k.length; D++ ) { Z = k[D]; for ( ja = 0; ja < Z.length; ja++ ) { ia = Z[ja]; ia.col = M; ia.level = D; la.push( ia ) } } ba( r, 1, true ) } return la } function f( o ) { return o.end ? N( o.end ) : xa( N( o.start ), u( "defaultEventMinutes" ) ) } function g( o, s ) { var v, F = o.length, r, J, M, k, D, Z, ja, ia, la, $ = "", w, I, R = {}, V = {}, ea = pa(), aa; v = z(); if ( w = u( "isRTL" ) ) { I = -1; aa = v - 1 } else { I = 1; aa = 0 } for ( v = 0; v < F; v++ ) { r = o[v]; J = r.event; M = qa( r.start, r.start ); k = qa( r.start, r.end ); D = r.col; Z = r.level; ja = r.forward || 0; ia = G( D * I + aa ); la = p( D * I + aa ) - ia; la = Math.min( la - 6, la * 0.95 ); D = Z ? la / (Z + ja + 1) : ja ? (la / (ja + 1) - 6) * 2 : la; Z = ia + la / (Z + ja + 1) * Z * I + (w ? la - D : 0); = M; r.left = Z; r.outerWidth = D; r.outerHeight = k - M; $ += l( J, r ) } ea[0].innerHTML = $; w = ea.children(); for ( v = 0; v < F; v++ ) { r = o[v]; J = r.event; $ = m( w[v] ); I = fa( "eventRender", J, J, $ ); if ( I === false ) { $.remove(); } else { if ( I && I !== true ) { $.remove(); $ = m( I ).css( {position: "absolute", top:, left: r.left} ).appendTo( ea ) } r.element = $; if ( J._id === s ) { t( J, $, r ); } else { $[0]._fci = v; } ya( J, $ ) } } Db( ea, o, t ); for ( v = 0; v < F; v++ ) { r = o[v]; if ( $ = r.element ) { J = R[s = r.key = Ib( $[0] )]; r.vsides = J === oa ? (R[s] = Sa( $, true )) : J; J = V[s]; r.hsides = J === oa ? (V[s] = pb( $, true )) : J; s = $.find( "div.fc-event-content" ); if ( s.length ) { r.contentTop = s[0].offsetTop } } } for ( v = 0; v < F; v++ ) { r = o[v]; if ( $ = r.element ) { $[0].style.width = Math.max( 0, r.outerWidth - r.hsides ) + "px"; R = Math.max( 0, r.outerHeight - r.vsides ); $[0].style.height = R + "px"; J = r.event; if ( r.contentTop !== oa && R - r.contentTop < 10 ) { $.find( "div.fc-event-time" ).text( Y( J.start, u( "timeFormat" ) ) + " - " + J.title ); $.find( "div.fc-event-title" ).remove() } fa( "eventAfterRender", J, J, $ ) } } } function l( o, s ) { var v = "<", F = o.url, r = Jb( o, u ), J = r ? " style='" + r + "'" : "", M = ["fc-event", "fc-event-skin", "fc-event-vert"]; na( o ) && M.push( "fc-event-draggable" ); s.isStart && M.push( "fc-corner-top" ); s.isEnd && M.push( "fc-corner-bottom" ); M = M.concat( o.className ); if ( o.source ) { M = M.concat( o.source.className || [] ); } v += F ? "a href='" + Qa( o.url ) + "'" : "div"; v += " class='" + M.join( " " ) + "' style='position:absolute;z-index:8;top:" + + "px;left:" + s.left + "px;" + r + "'>
" + Qa( W( o.start, o.end, u( "timeFormat" ) ) ) + "
" + Qa( o.title ) + "
"; if ( s.isEnd && ga( o ) ) { v += "
"; } v += ""; return v } function j( o, s, v ) { na( o ) && y( o, s, v.isStart ); v.isEnd && ga( o ) && c( o, s, v ); da( o, s ) } function t( o, s, v ) { var F = s.find( "div.fc-event-time" ); na( o ) && S( o, s, F ); v.isEnd && ga( o ) && Q( o, s, F ); da( o, s ) } function y( o, s, v ) { function F() { if ( !M ) { s.width( r ).height( "" ).draggable( "option", "grid", null ); M = true } } var r, J, M = true, k, D = u( "isRTL" ) ? -1 : 1, Z = U(), ja = H(), ia = T(), la = ka(); s.draggable( {zIndex: 9, opacity: u( "dragOpacity", "month" ), revertDuration: u( "dragRevertDuration" ), start: function ( $, w ) { fa( "eventDragStart", s, o, $, w ); i( o, s ); r = s.width(); Z.start( function ( I, R, V, ea ) { B(); if ( I ) { J = false; k = ea * D; if ( I.row ) { if ( v ) { if ( M ) { s.width( ja - 10 ); Eb( s, ia * Math.round( (o.end ? (o.end - o.start) / wc : u( "defaultEventMinutes" )) / u( "slotMinutes" ) ) ); s.draggable( "option", "grid", [ja, 1] ); M = false } } else { J = true; } } else { E( ba( N( o.start ), k ), ba( Ua( o ), k ) ); F() } J = J || M && !k } else { F(); J = true } s.draggable( "option", "revert", J ) }, $, "drag" ) }, stop: function ( $, w ) { Z.stop(); B(); fa( "eventDragStop", s, o, $, w ); if ( J ) { F(); s.css( "filter", "" ); K( o, s ) } else { var I = 0; M || (I = Math.round( (s.offset().top - X().offset().top) / ia ) * u( "slotMinutes" ) + la - (o.start.getHours() * 60 + o.start.getMinutes())); C( this, o, k, I, M, $, w ) } }} ) } function S( o, s, v ) { function F( I ) { var R = xa( N( o.start ), I ), V; if ( o.end ) { V = xa( N( o.end ), I ); } v.text( W( R, V, u( "timeFormat" ) ) ) } function r() { if ( M ) { v.css( "display", "" ); s.draggable( "option", "grid", [$, w] ); M = false } } var J, M = false, k, D, Z, ja = u( "isRTL" ) ? -1 : 1, ia = U(), la = z(), $ = H(), w = T(); s.draggable( {zIndex: 9, scroll: false, grid: [$, w], axis: la == 1 ? "y" : false, opacity: u( "dragOpacity" ), revertDuration: u( "dragRevertDuration" ), start: function ( I, R ) { fa( "eventDragStart", s, o, I, R ); i( o, s ); J = s.position(); D = Z = 0; ia.start( function ( V, ea, aa, va ) { s.draggable( "option", "revert", !V ); B(); if ( V ) { k = va * ja; if ( u( "allDaySlot" ) && !V.row ) { if ( !M ) { M = true; v.hide(); s.draggable( "option", "grid", null ) } E( ba( N( o.start ), k ), ba( Ua( o ), k ) ) } else { r() } } }, I, "drag" ) }, drag: function ( I, R ) { D = Math.round( ( - / w ) * u( "slotMinutes" ); if ( D != Z ) { M || F( D ); Z = D } }, stop: function ( I, R ) { var V = ia.stop(); B(); fa( "eventDragStop", s, o, I, R ); if ( V && (k || D || M) ) { C( this, o, k, M ? 0 : D, M, I, R ); } else { r(); s.css( "filter", "" ); s.css( J ); F( 0 ); K( o, s ) } }} ) } function Q( o, s, v ) { var F, r, J = T(); s.resizable( {handles: {s: "div.ui-resizable-s"}, grid: J, start: function ( M, k ) { F = r = 0; i( o, s ); s.css( "z-index", 9 ); fa( "eventResizeStart", this, o, M, k ) }, resize: function ( M, k ) { F = Math.round( (Math.max( J, s.height() ) - k.originalSize.height) / J ); if ( F != r ) { v.text( W( o.start, !F && !o.end ? null : xa( ra( o ), u( "slotMinutes" ) * F ), u( "timeFormat" ) ) ); r = F } }, stop: function ( M, k ) { fa( "eventResizeStop", this, o, M, k ); if ( F ) { P( this, o, 0, u( "slotMinutes" ) * F, M, k ); } else { s.css( "z-index", 8 ); K( o, s ) } }} ) } var q = this; q.renderEvents = a; q.compileDaySegs = e; q.clearEvents = b; q.slotSegHtml = l; q.bindDaySeg = j; q ); var u = q.opt, fa = q.trigger, na = q.isEventDraggable, ga = q.isEventResizable, ra = q.eventEnd, sa = q.reportEvents, ha = q.reportEventClear, da = q.eventElementHandlers, ma = q.setHeight, ua = q.getDaySegmentContainer, pa = q.getSlotSegmentContainer, U = q.getHoverListener, ca = q.getMaxMinute, ka = q.getMinMinute, qa = q.timePosition, G = q.colContentLeft, p = q.colContentRight, L = q.renderDaySegs, c = q.resizableDayEvent, z = q.getColCnt, H = q.getColWidth, T = q.getSlotHeight, X = q.getBodyContent, ya = q.reportEventElement, K = q.showEvents, i = q.hideEvents, C = q.eventDrop, P = q.eventResize, E = q.renderDayOverlay, B = q.clearOverlays, n = q.calendar, Y = n.formatDate, W = n.formatDates } function vc( a ) { var b, e, d, f, g, l; for ( b = a.length - 1; b > 0; b-- ) { f = a[b]; for ( e = 0; e < f.length; e++ ) { g = f[e]; for ( d = 0; d < a[b - 1].length; d++ ) { l = a[b - 1][d]; if ( Cb( g, l ) ) { l.forward = Math.max( l.forward || 0, (g.forward || 0) + 1 ) } } } } } function Kb( a, b, e ) { function d( G, p ) { G = qa[G]; if ( typeof G == "object" ) { return jb( G, p || e ); } return G } function f( G, p ) { return b.trigger.apply( b, [G, p || da].concat( arguments, 2 ), [da] ) ) } function g( G ) { return j( G ) && !d( "disableDragging" ) } function l( G ) { return j( G ) && !d( "disableResizing" ) } function j( G ) { return Ta( G.editable, (G.source || {}).editable, d( "editable" ) ) } function t( G ) { U = {}; var p, L = G.length, c; for ( p = 0; p < L; p++ ) { c = G[p]; if ( U[c._id] ) { U[c._id].push( c ); } else { U[c._id] = [c] } } } function y( G ) { return G.end ? N( G.end ) : ma( G ) } function S( G, p ) { ca.push( p ); if ( ka[G._id] ) { ka[G._id].push( p ); } else { ka[G._id] = [p] } } function Q() { ca = []; ka = {} } function q( G, p ) { ( L ) { if ( !p.hasClass( "ui-draggable-dragging" ) && !p.hasClass( "ui-resizable-resizing" ) ) { return f( "eventClick", this, G, L ) } } ).hover( function ( L ) { f( "eventMouseover", this, G, L ) }, function ( L ) { f( "eventMouseout", this, G, L ) } ) } function u( G, p ) { na( G, p, "show" ) } function fa( G, p ) { na( G, p, "hide" ) } function na( G, p, L ) { G = ka[G._id]; var c, z = G.length; for ( c = 0; c < z; c++ ) { if ( !p || G[c][0] != p[0] ) { G[c][L]() } } } function ga( G, p, L, c, z, H, T ) { var X = p.allDay, ya = p._id; sa( U[ya], L, c, z ); f( "eventDrop", G, p, L, c, z, function () { sa( U[ya], -L, -c, X ); pa( ya ) }, H, T ); pa( ya ) } function ra( G, p, L, c, z, H ) { var T = p._id; ha( U[T], L, c ); f( "eventResize", G, p, L, c, function () { ha( U[T], -L, -c ); pa( T ) }, z, H ); pa( T ) } function sa( G, p, L, c ) { L = L || 0; for ( var z, H = G.length, T = 0; T < H; T++ ) { z = G[T]; if ( c !== oa ) { z.allDay = c; } xa( ba( z.start, p, true ), L ); if ( z.end ) { z.end = xa( ba( z.end, p, true ), L ); } ua( z, qa ) } } function ha( G, p, L ) { L = L || 0; for ( var c, z = G.length, H = 0; H < z; H++ ) { c = G[H]; c.end = xa( ba( y( c ), p, true ), L ); ua( c, qa ) } } var da = this; da.element = a; da.calendar = b; = e; da.opt = d; da.trigger = f; da.isEventDraggable = g; da.isEventResizable = l; da.reportEvents = t; da.eventEnd = y; da.reportEventElement = S; da.reportEventClear = Q; da.eventElementHandlers = q; da.showEvents = u; da.hideEvents = fa; da.eventDrop = ga; da.eventResize = ra; var ma = da.defaultEventEnd, ua = b.normalizeEvent, pa = b.reportEventChange, U = {}, ca = [], ka = {}, qa = b.options } function Qb() { function a( i, C ) { var P = z(), E = pa(), B = U(), n = 0, Y, W, o = i.length, s, v; P[0].innerHTML = e( i ); d( i, P.children() ); f( i ); g( i, P, C ); l( i ); j( i ); t( i ); C = y(); for ( P = 0; P < E; P++ ) { Y = []; for ( W = 0; W < B; W++ ) { Y[W] = 0; } for ( ; n < o && (s = i[n]).row == P; ) { W = Hb( Y.slice( s.startCol, s.endCol ) ); = W; W += s.outerHeight; for ( v = s.startCol; v < s.endCol; v++ ) { Y[v] = W; } n++ } C[P].height( Hb( Y ) ) } Q( i, S( C ) ) } function b( i, C, P ) { var E = m( "
" ), B = z(), n = i.length, Y; E[0].innerHTML = e( i ); E = E.children(); B.append( E ); d( i, E ); l( i ); j( i ); t( i ); Q( i, S( y() ) ); E = []; for ( B = 0; B < n; B++ ) { if ( Y = i[B].element ) { i[B].row === C && Y.css( "top", P ); E.push( Y[0] ) } } return m( E ) } function e( i ) { var C = fa( "isRTL" ), P, E = i.length, B, n, Y, W; P = ka(); var o = P.left, s = P.right, v, F, r, J, M, k = ""; for ( P = 0; P < E; P++ ) { B = i[P]; n = B.event; W = ["fc-event", "fc-event-skin", "fc-event-hori"]; ga( n ) && W.push( "fc-event-draggable" ); if ( C ) { B.isStart && W.push( "fc-corner-right" ); B.isEnd && W.push( "fc-corner-left" ); v = p( B.end.getDay() - 1 ); F = p( B.start.getDay() ); r = B.isEnd ? qa( v ) : o; J = B.isStart ? G( F ) : s } else { B.isStart && W.push( "fc-corner-left" ); B.isEnd && W.push( "fc-corner-right" ); v = p( B.start.getDay() ); F = p( B.end.getDay() - 1 ); r = B.isStart ? qa( v ) : o; J = B.isEnd ? G( F ) : s } W = W.concat( n.className ); if ( n.source ) { W = W.concat( n.source.className || [] ); } Y = n.url; M = Jb( n, fa ); k += Y ? "
"; if ( !n.allDay && B.isStart ) { k += "" + Qa( T( n.start, n.end, fa( "timeFormat" ) ) ) + " "; } k += "" + Qa( n.title ) + "
"; if ( B.isEnd && ra( n ) ) { k += "
"; } k += ""; B.left = r; B.outerWidth = J - r; B.startCol = v; B.endCol = F + 1 } return k } function d( i, C ) { var P, E = i.length, B, n, Y; for ( P = 0; P < E; P++ ) { B = i[P]; n = B.event; Y = m( C[P] ); n = na( "eventRender", n, n, Y ); if ( n === false ) { Y.remove(); } else { if ( n && n !== true ) { n = m( n ).css( {position: "absolute", left: B.left} ); Y.replaceWith( n ); Y = n } B.element = Y } } } function f( i ) { var C, P = i.length, E, B; for ( C = 0; C < P; C++ ) { E = i[C]; (B = E.element) && ha( E.event, B ) } } function g( i, C, P ) { var E, B = i.length, n, Y, W; for ( E = 0; E < B; E++ ) { n = i[E]; if ( Y = n.element ) { W = n.event; if ( W._id === P ) { H( W, Y, n ); } else { Y[0]._fci = E } } } Db( C, i, H ) } function l( i ) { var C, P = i.length, E, B, n, Y, W = {}; for ( C = 0; C < P; C++ ) { E = i[C]; if ( B = E.element ) { n = E.key = Ib( B[0] ); Y = W[n]; if ( Y === oa ) { Y = W[n] = pb( B, true ); } E.hsides = Y } } } function j( i ) { var C, P = i.length, E, B; for ( C = 0; C < P; C++ ) { E = i[C]; if ( B = E.element ) { B[0].style.width = Math.max( 0, E.outerWidth - E.hsides ) + "px" } } } function t( i ) { var C, P = i.length, E, B, n, Y, W = {}; for ( C = 0; C < P; C++ ) { E = i[C]; if ( B = E.element ) { n = E.key; Y = W[n]; if ( Y === oa ) { Y = W[n] = Fb( B ); } E.outerHeight = B[0].offsetHeight + Y } } } function y() { var i, C = pa(), P = []; for ( i = 0; i < C; i++ ) { P[i] = ca( i ).find( "td:first div.fc-day-content > div" ); } return P } function S( i ) { var C, P = i.length, E = []; for ( C = 0; C < P; C++ ) { E[C] = i[C][0].offsetTop; } return E } function Q( i, C ) { var P, E = i.length, B, n; for ( P = 0; P < E; P++ ) { B = i[P]; if ( n = B.element ) { n[0] = C[B.row] + ( || 0) + "px"; B = B.event; na( "eventAfterRender", B, B, n ) } } } function q( i, C, P ) { var E = fa( "isRTL" ), B = E ? "w" : "e", n = C.find( "div.ui-resizable-" + B ), Y = false; qb( C ); C.mousedown(function ( W ) { W.preventDefault() } ).click( function ( W ) { if ( Y ) { W.preventDefault(); W.stopImmediatePropagation() } } ); n.mousedown( function ( W ) { function o( ia ) { na( "eventResizeStop", this, i, ia ); m( "body" ).css( "cursor", "" ); s.stop(); ya(); k && ua( this, i, k, 0, ia ); setTimeout( function () { Y = false }, 0 ) } if ( W.which == 1 ) { Y = true; var s = u.getHoverListener(), v = pa(), F = U(), r = E ? -1 : 1, J = E ? F - 1 : 0, M = C.css( "top" ), k, D, Z = m.extend( {}, i ), ja = L( i.start ); K(); m( "body" ).css( "cursor", B + "-resize" ).one( "mouseup", o ); na( "eventResizeStart", this, i, W ); s.start( function ( ia, la ) { if ( ia ) { var $ = Math.max( ja.row, ia.row ); ia = ia.col; if ( v == 1 ) { $ = 0; } if ( $ == ja.row ) { ia = E ? Math.min( ja.col, ia ) : Math.max( ja.col, ia ); } k = $ * 7 + ia * r + J - (la.row * 7 + la.col * r + J); la = ba( sa( i ), k, true ); if ( k ) { Z.end = la; $ = D; D = b( c( [Z] ), P.row, M ); D.find( "*" ).css( "cursor", B + "-resize" ); $ && $.remove(); ma( i ) } else if ( D ) { da( i ); D.remove(); D = null } ya(); X( i.start, ba( N( la ), 1 ) ) } }, W ) } } ) } var u = this; u.renderDaySegs = a; u.resizableDayEvent = q; var fa = u.opt, na = u.trigger, ga = u.isEventDraggable, ra = u.isEventResizable, sa = u.eventEnd, ha = u.reportEventElement, da = u.showEvents, ma = u.hideEvents, ua = u.eventResize, pa = u.getRowCnt, U = u.getColCnt, ca = u.allDayRow, ka = u.allDayBounds, qa = u.colContentLeft, G = u.colContentRight, p = u.dayOfWeekCol, L = u.dateCell, c = u.compileDaySegs, z = u.getDaySegmentContainer, H = u.bindDaySeg, T = u.calendar.formatDates, X = u.renderDayOverlay, ya = u.clearOverlays, K = u.clearSelection } function Mb() { function a( Q, q, u ) { b(); q || (q = j( Q, u )); t( Q, q, u ); e( Q, q, u ) } function b( Q ) { if ( S ) { S = false; y(); l( "unselect", null, Q ) } } function e( Q, q, u, fa ) { S = true; l( "select", null, Q, q, u, fa ) } function d( Q ) { var q = f.cellDate, u = f.cellIsAllDay, fa = f.getHoverListener(), na = f.reportDayClick; if ( Q.which == 1 && g( "selectable" ) ) { b( Q ); var ga; fa.start( function ( ra, sa ) { y(); if ( ra && u( ra ) ) { ga = [q( sa ), q( ra )].sort( Gb ); t( ga[0], ga[1], true ) } else { ga = null } }, Q ); m( document ).one( "mouseup", function ( ra ) { fa.stop(); if ( ga ) { +ga[0] == +ga[1] && na( ga[0], true, ra ); e( ga[0], ga[1], true, ra ) } } ) } } var f = this; = a; f.unselect = b; f.reportSelection = e; f.daySelectionMousedown = d; var g = f.opt, l = f.trigger, j = f.defaultSelectionEnd, t = f.renderSelection, y = f.clearSelection, S = false; g( "selectable" ) && g( "unselectAuto" ) && m( document ).mousedown( function ( Q ) { var q = g( "unselectCancel" ); if ( q ) { if ( m( ).parents( q ).length ) { return; } } b( Q ) } ) } function Lb() { function a( g, l ) { var j = f.shift(); j || (j = m( "
" )); j[0].parentNode != l[0] && j.appendTo( l ); d.push( j.css( g ).show() ); return j } function b() { for ( var g; g = d.shift(); ) { f.push( g.hide().unbind() ) } } var e = this; e.renderOverlay = a; e.clearOverlays = b; var d = [], f = [] } function Nb( a ) { var b = this, e, d; = function () { e = []; d = []; a( e, d ) }; b.cell = function ( f, g ) { var l = e.length, j = d.length, t, y = -1, S = -1; for ( t = 0; t < l; t++ ) { if ( g >= e[t][0] && g < e[t][1] ) { y = t; break } } for ( t = 0; t < j; t++ ) { if ( f >= d[t][0] && f < d[t][1] ) { S = t; break } } return y >= 0 && S >= 0 ? {row: y, col: S} : null }; b.rect = function ( f, g, l, j, t ) { t = t.offset(); return{top: e[f][0] -, left: d[g][0] - t.left, width: d[j][1] - d[g][0], height: e[l][1] - e[f][0]} } } function Ob( a ) { function b( j ) { j = a.cell( j.pageX, j.pageY ); if ( !j != !l || j && (j.row != l.row || j.col != l.col) ) { if ( j ) { g || (g = j); f( j, g, j.row - g.row, j.col - g.col ) } else { f( j, g ); } l = j } } var e = this, d, f, g, l; e.start = function ( j, t, y ) { f = j; g = l = null;; b( t ); d = y || "mousemove"; m( document ).bind( d, b ) }; e.stop = function () { m( document ).unbind( d, b ); return l } } function Pb( a ) { function b( l ) { return d[l] = d[l] || a( l ) } var e = this, d = {}, f = {}, g = {}; e.left = function ( l ) { return f[l] = f[l] === oa ? b( l ).position().left : f[l] }; e.right = function ( l ) { return g[l] = g[l] === oa ? e.left( l ) + b( l ).width() : g[l] }; e.clear = function () { d = {}; f = {}; g = {} } } var Ya = {defaultView: "month", aspectRatio: 1.35, header: {left: "title", center: "", right: "today prev,next"}, weekends: true, allDayDefault: true, ignoreTimezone: true, lazyFetching: true, startParam: "start", endParam: "end", titleFormat: {month: "MMMM yyyy", week: "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '—'[ MMM] d yyyy}", day: "dddd, MMM d, yyyy"}, columnFormat: {month: "ddd", week: "ddd M/d", day: "dddd M/d"}, timeFormat: {"": "h(:mm)t"}, isRTL: false, firstDay: 0, monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], monthNamesShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], dayNamesShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], buttonText: {prev: "", next: "", prevYear: " << ", nextYear: " >> ", today: "", month: "month", week: "week", day: "day"}, theme: false, buttonIcons: {prev: "circle-triangle-w", next: "circle-triangle-e"}, unselectAuto: true, dropAccept: "*"}, xc = {header: {left: "next,prev today", center: "", right: "title"}, buttonText: {prev: " ► ", next: " ◄ ", prevYear: " >> ", nextYear: " << "}, buttonIcons: {prev: "circle-triangle-e", next: "circle-triangle-w"}}, Aa = m.fullCalendar = {version: "1.5.2"}, Ja = Aa.views = {}; m.fn.fullCalendar = function ( a ) { if ( typeof a == "string" ) { var b = arguments, 1 ), e; this.each( function () { var f = this, "fullCalendar" ); if ( f && m.isFunction( f[a] ) ) { f = f[a].apply( f, b ); if ( e === oa ) { e = f; } a == "destroy" && m.removeData( this, "fullCalendar" ) } } ); if ( e !== oa ) { return e; } return this } var d = a.eventSources || []; delete a.eventSources; if ( ) { d.push( ); delete } a = m.extend( true, {}, Ya, a.isRTL || a.isRTL === oa && Ya.isRTL ? xc : {}, a ); this.each( function ( f, g ) { f = m( g ); g = new Yb( f, a, d ); "fullCalendar", g ); g.render() } ); return this }; Aa.sourceNormalizers = []; Aa.sourceFetchers = []; var ac = {dataType: "json", cache: false}, bc = 1; Aa.addDays = ba; Aa.cloneDate = N; Aa.parseDate = kb; Aa.parseISO8601 = Bb; Aa.parseTime = mb; Aa.formatDate = Oa; Aa.formatDates = ib; var lc = ["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"], Ab = 864E5, cc = 36E5, wc = 6E4, dc = {s: function ( a ) { return a.getSeconds() }, ss: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getSeconds() ) }, m: function ( a ) { return a.getMinutes() }, mm: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getMinutes() ) }, h: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() % 12 || 12 }, hh: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getHours() % 12 || 12 ) }, H: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() }, HH: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getHours() ) }, d: function ( a ) { return a.getDate() }, dd: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getDate() ) }, ddd: function ( a, b ) { return b.dayNamesShort[a.getDay()] }, dddd: function ( a, b ) { return b.dayNames[a.getDay()] }, M: function ( a ) { return a.getMonth() + 1 }, MM: function ( a ) { return Pa( a.getMonth() + 1 ) }, MMM: function ( a, b ) { return b.monthNamesShort[a.getMonth()] }, MMMM: function ( a, b ) { return b.monthNames[a.getMonth()] }, yy: function ( a ) { return(a.getFullYear() + "").substring( 2 ) }, yyyy: function ( a ) { return a.getFullYear() }, t: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() < 12 ? "a" : "p" }, tt: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm" }, T: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() < 12 ? "A" : "P" }, TT: function ( a ) { return a.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" }, u: function ( a ) { return Oa( a, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" ) }, S: function ( a ) { a = a.getDate(); if ( a > 10 && a < 20 ) { return"th"; } return["st", "nd", "rd"][a % 10 - 1] || "th" }}; Aa.applyAll = $a; Ja.month = mc; Ja.basicWeek = nc; Ja.basicDay = oc; wb( {weekMode: "fixed"} ); Ja.agendaWeek = qc; Ja.agendaDay = rc; wb( {allDaySlot: true, allDayText: "all-day", firstHour: 6, slotMinutes: 30, defaultEventMinutes: 120, axisFormat: "h(:mm)tt", timeFormat: {agenda: "h:mm{ - h:mm}"}, dragOpacity: {agenda: 0.5}, minTime: 0, maxTime: 24} ) })( jQuery );

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