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= Configuring
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You must fine-tune Memory and Database settings for better performance before using {this-platform} {this-application} in production.
Once you complete setting up the Gateway you must configure the SS7 Stack, USSD routing rules and USSD paramters. {this-platform} {this-application} comes with a convenient user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a Command Line Interface (CLI) that will allow you to configure, monitor and manage the Gateway.
While the CLI tool allows complete configuration and control of the Gateway, the GUI-based management enhances the usability of the Gateway and gives you the ability to configure and manage the USSD Gateway dynamically.
This chapter will explain how to manage the Gateway effectively using both the GUI and the CLI. 

== Memory Settings

You should fine tune the JVM memory settings based on your needs but we recommend you allocate a minimum of 3 GB for initial and maximum heap size.
These settings are specified in the file[path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway-/jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin/run.conf_. 

  Initial heap size, set in megabytes

  Maximum heap size, set in megabytes

== CDR Logging Settings

Every transaction in the {this-platform} {this-application} is logged either in a Textfile or a Database as per the configuration.
By default, transactions are logged in a plain text file.
Alternatively, you can choose to have CDR logged in a Database instead of a plain text file.
You will find instructions for both in the sections below. 

If you change the configuration to log CDR in a Database, then you must be aware that transactions are logged into the default Database HSQLDB that comes bundled with JBoss AS and leverages the JBoss AS DataSource.
However this is only made available to allow the platform to run "out of the box". You must configure a production ready Database prior to using the Gateway in a production environment. {this-platform} {this-application} has been tested with PostgreSQL and MySQL.

To switch between Database and plain text file, you can make use of the CLI command `ussd set cdrloggingto ` or configure this in the GUI.
Refer to  <<_set_cdrlogging>> for more details.

WARNING: HSQLDB must not be used in a production environment.
You must ensure that you delete this datasource and configure a production-friendly Database like PostgreSQL or MySQL.

=== Configuring an Alternate DataSource

The example HSQLDB DataSource is bound to the JNDI name java:/DefaultDS and its descriptor is available in the file [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server//deploy/hsqldb-ds.xml_.
You must delete this datasource and configure the Platform to use your choice of Database.
For instructions on configuring an alternate DataSource with an example, please refer to <<_configuring_mysql>>.
For detailed instructions and explanation please refer to the JBoss AS Getting Started Guide available[here].
You will also find a lot of examples in the folder [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway/jboss-5.1.0.GA/docs/examples/jca/_. 

=== Configuring JSLEE JDBC RA

{this-platform} {this-application} leverages JSLEE JDBC RA for persistence.
Detailed JSLEE JDBC RA documentation is available in [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway/docs/slee/Mobicents_SLEE_RA_JDBC_User_Guide.pdf_ that explains how to point to the new DataSource.
An example configuration is explained in this admin guide in the section <<_configuring_mysql>>.
When you have completed configuring an alternate DataSource in JBoss AS, you can proceed to modify JSLEE configurations accordingly.
You must change the Dialect in the file [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server//deploy/{this-folder}-slee/META-INF/jboss-beans.xml_ to reflect your alternate DataSource. 

=== CDR Table Structure




ID : Primary unique key 

L_SPC : Local Signaling Pointcode 

L_SSN : Local Subsystem Number 

L_RI : Local Routing Indicator

L_GT_I : Local Global Title Indicator whose values are 

L_GT_DIGITS : Local Global Title Digits

R_SPC : Remote Signaling Pointcode 

R_SSN : Remote Subsystem Number 

R_RI : Remote Routing Indicator

R_GT_I : Remote Global Title Indicator

R_GT_DIGITS : Remote Global Title Digits

SERVICE_CODE : The short code dialed by user, for example *519#

OR_NATURE : AddressNature of origination
If the MAP Dialog carries Originating Address Reference this is captured in this column
Possible values are:
unknown(0), international_number(1), national_significant_number(2), network_specific_number(3), 
subscriber_number(4), reserved( 5), abbreviated_number(6) and reserved_for_extension(7)

OR_PLAN : Numbering Plan of origination. 
Possible values are:
unknown(0), ISDN(1), spare_2(2), data(3), telex(4), spare_5(5), land_mobile(6), 
spare_7(7), national(8), private_plan(9), reserved(15);

OR_DIGITS : Digits of origination

DE_NATURE : AddressNature of Destination 

DE_PLAN : Numbering Plan of Destination 

DE_DIGITS : Digits of destination

ISDN_NATURE : AddressNature 
The incoming MAP Dialog carries ISDN Address of mobile that dialed this shortcode.
The column ISDN_NATURE captures ISDN details.

ISDN_PLAN : Numbering Plan as explained above 


VLR_NATURE : AddressNature
If MAP version is Ericsson MAP (E-MAP), it carries VLR address and IMSI

VLR_PLAN : Numbering Plan as explained above 

VLR_DIGITS : Digits of VLR


STATUS : Final status of Dialog. Possible values are explained below: 

TYPE : If the USSD request is pull, its value is PULL or its PUSH

TSTAMP : Time stamp when this request was executed

LOCAL_DIALOG_ID : Local Transaction Id of TCAP Dialog

REMOTE_DIALOG_ID : Remote Transaction Id of TCAP Dialog

Status : Final status of Dialog can be   

  Dialog ended successfully

  Invoke (TCAP) sent from USSD Gateway to peer timed out.

  Dialog (TCAP) timed out as there is no activity on Dialog.
  The default dialog timeout is 60 seconds which can be configured on TCAP stack.

  Request sent by USSD Gateway to Application timed out.
  Application took longer than configured `dialogtimeout`.

  Message received by USSD Gateway from HTTP/SIP Application is corrupted.
  Usually this will also create some ERROR traces in server.log 

  Used only for SIP transport for now.
  Indicates transportation error

  In case of USSD PULL if Application sennds back non OK (200) response

  Dialog (TCAP) was aborted by peer

  Dialog (TCAP) was aborted by user

  Dialog (TCAP) was rejected by user

  Error happened while parsing the received USSD/SS7 messsage from SS7 peer.
  Usually this will also create some ERROR traces in server.log

  Subscriber is absent (sent by HLR). Only for USSD PUSH and after MAP SRI is successful

  Subscriber is illegal (sent by HLR). Only for USSD PUSH when MAP SRI is sent

  Subscriber is busy (sent by HLR). Only for USSD PUSH when MAP SRI is sent

  Some error sent by HLR.

  Component (Invoke) rejected by HLR.

  Application requested to Abort the Dialog (TCAP)

  Dialog (TCAP) was rejected by HLR specifcally when MAP SRI request was sent

  Dialog (TCAP) was aborted by peer specifcally when MAP SRI request was sent

  Dialog (TCAP) was aborted by user specifcally when MAP SRI request was sent

  Dialog (TCAP) was timedout specifcally MAP SRI Dialog

  Component (Invoke) rejected by HLR specifcally for MAP SRI request

  Subscriber is absent (sent by HLR) specifcally for MAP SRI request

  Call is bared (sent by HLR) specifcally for MAP SRI request

  Teleservice no provisioned (sent by HLR) specifcally for MAP SRI request

  Unknown subscriber (sent by HLR) specifcally for MAP SRI request

  Some error (sent by HLR) specifcally for MAP SRI request

== Configuring JSLEE http-client RA

{this-platform} {this-application} acts as a HTTP Client to achieve USSD PULL by sending a HTTP POST request to third party applications (HTTP Server) for every dialled short code.
You must configure the HTTP Client JSLEE Resource Adaptor's properties to suit your requirements.
Please refer to the SLEE RA HTTP Client User Guide available in {this-folder}-ussdgateway/docs/resources/http-client.

For every Short Code Routing rule added in the USSD Gateway, you must ensure that there is a corresponding `MAX_CONNECTIONS_FOR_ROUTES` property appropriately configured in the HTTP Client JSLEE RA.

WARNING: HTTP Client JSLEE RA's default configuration allows the http-client to handle only two concurrent connections at a time.
You must modify the `MAX_CONNECTIONS_FOR_ROUTES` property to meet your Short Code Routing Rules requirements in production.

== Configuring JSLEE http-servlet RA

{this-platform} {this-application} acts as a HTTP Server to achieve USSD PUSH by accepting of a HTTP POST request from third party applications.
You must configure the HTTP Servlet JSLEE Resource Adaptor's properties and the HTTP Tomcat server properties to suit your requirements.
Please refer to the SLEE RA HTTP Servlet User Guide available in {this-folder}-ussdgateway/docs/resources/http-server and HTTP Tomcat server configuring in

You must ensure to add a parameter like `maxThreads="500"` into {this-folder}-ussdgateway/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml file into `Connector` element to increase a count of concurrent PUSH requests.

== Configuring log4j Logging Service

{this-platform} {this-application} uses `Apache log4j` for logging.
If you are not familiar with the `log4j` package, you can read more about it at the Jakarta[website]. 

Logging is controlled from a central configuration file located at [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server//conf/jboss-log4j.xml_, one for each JBoss AS configuration profile.
This file defines a set of appenders specifying the log files, what categories of messages should go there, the message format and the level of filtering.
For more details, please refer to Section 9.6.3, "Logging Service" in the JBoss AS Getting Started Guide available[here]. 

You must make sure `log4j` is fine tuned for optimal performance in production.
We recommend that you set logging threshold to `WARN` and let the CDR appender be `DEBUG`.

== Configuring the SS7 Stack

You must configure the SS7 Stack prior to configuring USSD.
For details on configuring the SS7 Stack please refer to the {this-platform} SS7 Stack User Guide.
The {this-platform} SS7 Stack User Guide lists all available Shell commands and GUI operations to configure SS7.
In addition, help files are also available for every Shell command providing all details relevant to the command. 

== Configuring the USSD Gateway

Once you have configured the SS7 Stack you can continue with USSD configuration using the CLI tool or the GUI.
In order to use the CLI you must follow the instructions specified in <<_running_shell>> to run the shell and connect to the managed instance.
Alternatively you can use the GUI to configure the USSD Gateway through simple GUI operations.
The GUI will allow you to manage your USSD Gateway efficiently using an user-friendly interface.
Open a Web Browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/{this-folder}-management/ and switch to the 'USSD GW' tab.

You must first set appropriate values for the below USSD parameters and then configure USSD Routing Rules for short codes.
You can do these using the CLI tool or the GUI.

.USSD Parameters
  Message shown to end user if USSD Gateway is not configured for the dialed shortcode. 

  Error message shown to user when request timesout.

  The error message shown to user when something goes wrong on the USSD gateway.

  The error message shown to user when a request is rejected because of too many TCAP dialogs are in processing.

  The maximum time allowed by the Gateway for the application to respond.

  A count of TCAP dialogs allowed to process at the same time.

  If CDR should be logged to Database or Textfile		

If the USSD Gateway will be used for network push as well, the following parameters should also be configured: 

  USSD Gateway Global Title. 

  Sub-System Number (SSN) for USSD Gateway.

  HLR's Sub-System Number (SSN).

  MSC's Sub-System Number (SSN).

  Value of MAP Application Context version (for SendRoutingInfo operation).			 

=== No Routing Rule Configured Error Message

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'No Routing Rule Configured Error Message' by issuing the command `ussd set noroutingruleconfigerrmssg` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set noroutingruleconfigerrmssg

	ussd set noroutingruleconfigerrmssg 

	This command is used to set the message to be displayed to the end user if the 
	USSD Gateway is not configured for the dialled short code. For example, if the 
	dialled short code is *345#, but the USSD Gateway is not configured with an 
	appropriate routing rule for this code, then the message displayed to the 
	end user will be the value set for the parameter 'noroutingruleconfigerrmssg'.

	ussd set noroutingruleconfigerrmssg Not valid short code. Please dial valid 
	short code.

	The above command will set the value of the parameter 
	'noroutingruleconfigerrmssg' as "Not valid short code. Please dial valid short 
	code." and the terminal will display the message "Parameter has been successfully 
	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get noroutingruleconfigerrmssg' command 
	whose output will be as below:

	ussd get noroutingruleconfigerrmssg
	noroutingruleconfigerrmssg = Not valid short code. Please dial valid short code

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set No Routing Rule Configured Error Message using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Error Messages' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'No routing rule configured error message', you can enter any message to be displayed to the end user if the USSD Gateway is not configured for the dialled short code.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Dialog Timeout Error Message

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'Dialog Timeout Error Message' by issuing the command `ussd set dialogtimeouterrmssg` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set dialogtimeouterrmssg

	ussd set dialogtimeouterrmssg 

	This command is used to set the error message to be displayed to the end user
	when a request timeout occurs. For example, if the dialed short code is *123#, and 
	the USSD Gateway is configured to route this request to a third party application
	'xyz' but the application 'xyz' takes longer than the time specified by the 
	value of the parameter 'dialogtimeout' to respond, then the USSD Gateway will kill
	the session and send an error message to be displayed to the user. This error 
	message displayed to the end user will be the value set for the parameter

	ussd set dialogtimeouterrmssg Request timedout please try again after 

	The above command will set the value of the parameter 'dialogtimeouterrmssg' as 
	"Request timedout please try again after sometime." and the terminal will display 
	the message "Parameter has been successfully set". 
	You can verify this by issuing
	the 'ussd get dialogtimeouterrmssg' command whose output will be as below:

	ussd get dialogtimeouterrmssg
	dialogtimeouterrmssg = Request timedout please try again after sometime

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set Dialog Timeout Error Message using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Error Messages' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'Dialog timeout error message', you can set the error message to be displayed to the end user when a request timeout occurs.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Server Error Message

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'Server Error Message' by issuing the command `ussd set servererrmssg` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set servererrmssg

	ussd set servererrmssg 

	This command is used to set the message to be displayed to the end user when there
	is an error in the USSD Gateway. For example if the application server
	responds to the Gateway's request with a NOT OK (200) response or with an OK 
	response but the XML Payload is corrupt, then the USSD Gateway will kill the 
	session and send a Server error message to be displayed to the end user specified 
	by the value of this paramter 'servererrmssg'. 

	ussd set servererrmssg Server error, please try again after sometime

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'servererrmssg' to "Server 
	error, please try again after sometime" and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set". 

	You can verify this by issuing the 
	'ussd get servererrmssg' command whose output will be as below:

	ussd get servererrmssg
	servererrmssg = Server error, please try again after sometime

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set Server Error Message using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Error Messages' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'Server error message', you can set the message to be displayed to the end user when there is an error in the USSD Gateway.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Server Overload Message

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'Server Overload Message' by issuing the command `ussd set serveroverloadedmsg` with appropriate parameters as described below: 

	ussd set serveroverloadedmsg

	ussd set serveroverloadedmsg 

	This command is used to set the error message to be displayed to the end user
	when a request is rejected because of too many TCAP dialogs are in processing.

	ussd set serveroverloadedmsg Request timeout please try again after sometime.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set Server Overload Message using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Error Messages' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'Server overload message', you can set the message to be displayed to the end user when USSD Gateway is overloaded.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Dialog Timeout

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'Dialog Timeout' value by issuing the command `ussd set dialogtimeout` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set dialogtimeout

	ussd set dialogtimeout 

	This command is used to set the request timeout duration in milliseconds.
	For	example, the end user dials the short code *123#, and the USSD
	Gateway is configured to route this request to a third party application
	'xyz'. The value of the parameter 'dialogtimeout' is the maximum time
	allowed by the Gateway for the application 'xyz' to respond. If the
	application 'xyz' takes longer than the time specified by the value of
	the parameter 'dialogtimeout' to respond, then the USSD Gateway will kill
	the session and send an error message to be displayed to the user.
	Pay attention that "Dialog Timeout" can not be bigger than TCAP Dialog
	timeout value (that equals by default 1 minute by default). If you want to
	setup "Dialog Timeout" value you have to care also for TCAP Dialog timeout.
	Look at "TCAP" chapture of Mobicents jSS7 Stack User Guide.

	ussd set dialogtimeout 25000

	The above command will set the value of the parameter 'dialogtimeout' to  25000
	milliseconds and the terminal will display the message "Parameter has been 
	successfully set". 
	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get dialogtimeout' command whose 
	output will be as below:

	ussd get dialogtimeout
	dialogtimeout = 25000

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set Dialog Timeout using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Various' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'Dialog Timeout', you can set the request timeout duration in milliseconds.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Max activity count

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'Max activity count' value by issuing the command `ussd set maxactivitycount` with appropriate parameters as described below: 

	ussd set maxactivitycount

	ussd set maxactivitycount 

	This command is used to set the parameter maxactivitycount. If a count of
	TCAP dialogs exceeds of this value then USSD GW will reject new incoming
	PULL requests from subscribers with the message from serveroverloadedmsg
	parameter. Setting of 0 value will turn off this value.
	Default value: 5000

	ussd set maxactivitycount 5000

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set Max activity count using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Various' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'Max activity count', you can set a needed value.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Special HLR addressing

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'HLR address' (for SRI) to be used if SMSC is also present and configured in Home Routing mode, by issuing the command `ussd set hrhlrnumber` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set hrhlrnumber

	ussd set hrhlrnumber 

	This command is used to set the HLR address to be used, instead of MSISDN, to
	be included in the 'calledPartyAddress' field of the SCCP address in the
	'SendRoutingInfo' message (PUSH mode). This parameter is required in scenarios 
	when the SMSC GW is also configured, specifically in Home Routing mode. 
	If this parameter is not set the default value is '-1' implying MSISDN address 
	will be used. 
	ussd set hrhlrnumber 9823232322

	The above command will set the value of the parameter 'hrhlrnumber' to
	9823232322. You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get hrhlrnumber' command.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set HLR (for SRI) using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Various' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'HLR Address', you can set the HLR GT digits to be used instead of MSISDN.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== CDR logging - Database / Textfile

==== Using CLI

You can switch between Database and Textfile for CDR logging, by setting the 'cdrloggingto' value issuing the command `ussd set cdrloggingto` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set cdrloggingto

	ussd set cdrloggingto 

	This command is used to set CDR logging to either Database or Textfile. 
	By default, the value is Textfile and all transactions are logged to a
	plain text file.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set CDR logging using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'Various' tab in the GUI. 
. You can set the 'CDR logging to' value as required.
  You can switch between Database and plain Textfile by setting this parameter appropriately. 
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== USSD Global Title

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'USSD Global Title' by issuing the command `ussd set ussdgt` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set ussdgt

	ussd set ussdgt  networkid 

	This command is used to set a value for USSD Global Title. 

	networkId - a specifies Global Title for a virtual SS7
	subnetwork (this is for Multi-tenancy support). By using of
	this command with different networkIds you can specify
	Global Titles for several subnetworks.
	If this parameter is skipped - networkId will be set to "0"
	when Global Title creation (master networkId).
	When we do not specify Global Title for some networkid -
	Global Title for master networkId will be used. When we
	use "0" as Global Title value
	(like "ussd set ussdgt 0 networkid ") -
	this will just clear Global Title for an specified networkid.
	Default value: "00000000" that means that we need to change
    this value to a proper one.

	ussd set ussdgt 912020015
	ussd set ussdgt 912020015 networkid 2

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'globalTitle' to 
	'912020015'and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set".
	The first command assigns ussdgt for networkId=0,
	the second command assigns ussdgt for networkId=2

	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get ussdgt' command.

	ussd get ussdgt
	ussdgt = 912020015

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set USSD Gateway Global Title using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'SS7 Settings' tab in the GUI. 
. You can specify the USSD Global Title by entering values into fields pair 'USSD Gateway Global Title Indicator Network Id' and 'USSD Gateway Global Title'. You are able to set Global Title for definite networkId.
  Setting of Global Title for networkId to "0" leads clearing of Global Title for networkId.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section. 
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== USSD Sub System Number

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'USSD Sub System Number' by issuing the command `ussd set ussdssn` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set ussdssn

	ussd set ussdssn 

	This command is used to set the value for USSD Sub System Number (SSN). Issuing 
	this command in CLI will set the SSN value but you must ensure that the SSN value
	is properly configured in the TCAP Stack in the xml descriptor file
	 Default value: 8

	ussd set ussdssn 6

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'ussdSubSystemNumber' to 
	'6'and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set". 

	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get ussdssn' command.

	ussd get ussdssn
	ussdssn = 6

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set USSD Sub System Number (SSN) using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'SS7 Settings' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'USSD Gateway subsystem number', you can set a value for USSD Sub System Number (SSN). Issuing this command in CLI will set the SSN value but you must ensure that the SSN value is properly configured in the TCAP Stack in the xml descriptor file [path]_{this-folder}-ussdgateway-version/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server//deploy/{this-folder}-ussd-gateway/META-INF/jboss-beans.xml_.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section. 
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== HLR Sub System Number

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'HLR Sub System Number' by issuing the command `ussd set hlrssn` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set hlrssn

	ussd set hlrssn 

	This command is used to set the value for HLR Sub System Number (SSN). 
	Default value: 6

	ussd set hlrssn 7

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'hlrSubSystemNumber' to 
	'7'and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set". 

	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get hlrssn' command.

	ussd get hlrssn
	hlrssn = 7

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set HLR Sub System Number (SSN) using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'SS7 Settings' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'HLR subsystem number', you can set a value for HLR Sub System Number (SSN). For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== MSC Sub System Number

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'MSC Sub System Number' by issuing the command `ussd set mscssn` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set mscssn

	ussd set mscssn 

	This command is used to set the value for MSC Sub System Number (SSN).
	Default value: 8

	ussd set mscssn 8

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'mscSubSystemNumber' to 
	'8'and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set". 

	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get mscssn' command.

	ussd get mscssn
	mscssn = 8

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set MSC Sub System Number (SSN) using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'SS7 Settings' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'MSC subsystem number', you can set a value for MSC Sub System Number (SSN). For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== MAP Application Context version

==== Using CLI

You can set the 'MAP Application Context version' by issuing the command `ussd set maxmapv` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd set maxmapv

	ussd set maxmapv 

	This command is used to set the value for MAP Application Context version. The 
	version number set here will be used for SendRoutingInfo operation. 
	Mobicents USSD Gateway supports version negotiation.  So if you set this to a
	higher version (say for example version 2, however your network only understands 
	version 1), the ussd Gateway will automatically do the version negotiation and 
	exchange V1 messages when V2 exchange fails. However this causes additional 
	messages to be exchanged and increases the overall load on the system. 
	Therefore it is advisable to always set the correct version.

	ussd set maxmapv 3

	The above command will set the value for the parameter 'version-number' to 
	'3'and the terminal will display the message 
	"Parameter has been successfully set". 

	You can verify this by issuing the 'ussd get maxmapv' command.

	ussd get maxmapv
	maxmapv = 3

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Set MAP Application Context version using the GUI
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Server Settings' in the left panel. 
. The main panel will display the existing Server Settings (if any), segregated into three tabs: Error Messages, SS7 Settings, Various.
  Switch to the 'SS7 Settings' tab in the GUI. 
. In the text field 'MAP version supported', you can set a value for MAP Application Context version.
  The version number set here will be used for USSD messages exchanged.
  For more details of this parameter, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. You must click on the button 'Apply Changes' to save your settings.
  If there is an error in setting the value, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== View USSD Rules

==== Using CLI

You can view the details of all or specified configured routing rules in the USSD Gateway by issuing the command `ussd scrule show` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd scrule show

	ussd scrule show  

	This command is used to view the details of all or specified configured
	routing rules in the USSD Gateway.
	If you run a CLI command without  and  parameters,
	then all rules will be displayed. If you specify both  and
	 parameters, then the rule for the specified short code and
	the networkid if such rule is configured. If you specify only
	 parameter, then the rule for the specified short code and
	networkid==0 if such rule is configured.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: View USSD Routing Rule
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Routing Rule' in the left panel.
  The main panel will display the existing Short Code Routing Rules (if any) in a tabular format. 
. To refresh the Short Code list, you must click on the green 'refresh' button at the top. 

=== Create new USSD Rule

==== Using CLI

You can create a new USSD Routing Rule for every possible short code by issuing the command `ussd scrule create` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd scrule create

	ussd scrule create     

	This command is used to create a new routing rule for a short code for 
	PULL case only. This is not applicable for PUSH case.
	You can create a separate routing rule for an equal short code for each
	networkId. This means that a short code and networkId pair is used as a
	routing rule identifier.

	Standard Parameters

	short-code  - USSD short code which when dialed by user and received 
				by USSD Gw, will forward request to configured URL

	url			- If rule is configured as HTTP, this should be the URL
				where HTTP POST with XML payload should be forwarded to.
				If rule is configured as SIP, INVITE will be sent to this 

    Optional Parameters

	flag		- flag is either true or false, default is true. If true that 
				means this is exact match between the configured short code and the
				dialed by subscriber value. If false, that means the dialed 
				short-code begins with configured short-code. For example 
				if you created below rule, and user dials *123*7776543*223#, 
				it will match the rule and request will be forwarded to the 
				URL http://myip:8080/mobiussd/recharge.

				ussd scrule create *123* http://myip:8080/mobiussd/recharge false

	protocol	- USSD Gateway supports 2 protocols - HTTP and SIP (3GPP
				Specification 24.390). If not specified default is HTTP.
				If protocol is HTTP, gateway will forward request as HTTP POST.
				If its SIP, INVITE will be sent SIP Client.

	networkid	- USSD Gateway can be connected to multiple operators/network
				at same time and each operator exposing same or different short-code.
				Each operator (jSS7 stack configured) has its unique networkid assigned
				and incoming request can be matched with configured networkid here.
				Only if short-code and networkid match's, request is forwarded to
				corresponding url. Default value is 0.

    ussd scrule create *519# http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test

	The above command will create a new routing rule in the USSD Gateway for
	the short code *519#. When the user dials the short code *519#, the USSD
	Gateway will direct the HTTP POST request to the URL
	http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test as specified by the routing rule.
	This rule will belong to the default networkId 0.

    ussd scrule create *916* http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test2 true HTTP 2	

	The above command will create a new routing rule in the USSD Gateway for
	the short codes that are started from *916*. 
	Gateway will direct the HTTP POST request to the URL
	http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test2 as specified by the routing rule.
	This rule will belong to the networkId 2.

    ussd scrule create *123* true SIP

	The above command will create a new routing rule in the USSD Gateway for
	the short codes that are started from *123*.
	Gateway will direct the SIP INVITE request to
	This rule will belong to the default networkId 0.

    ussd scrule create *321# SIP 4

	The above command will create a new routing rule in the USSD Gateway for
	the short code *321#.
	Gateway will direct the SIP INVITE request to
	This rule will belong to the networkId 4.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Create new USSD Routing Rule
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Routing Rule' in the left panel.
  The main panel will display the existing Short Code Routing Rules (if any) in a tabular format. 
. To create a new Routing Rule, click on the 'Create Rule' button. 
. Enter the values for Short Code, Rule Type (HTTP / SIP), URL or SIP Proxy, Exact Match (Yes/No) and Network ID.
  For more details of these parameters, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. Click on the 'Create' button to create a new USSD Routing Rule with values as specified.
  If there is an error in creating the Rule, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Modify an existing USSD Rule

==== Using CLI

You can modify an existing USSD Routing Rule for by issuing the command `ussd scrule modify` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd scrule modify

    ussd scrule modify     

	This command is used to modify a new routing rule for a short code for 
	PULL case only. This is not applicable for PUSH case.
	A short code and networkId pair is used as a unique routing rule identifier.

	Standard Parameters

	short-code	- USSD short code which when dialed by user and received 
				by USSD Gw, will forward request to configured URL

	url			- If rule is configured as HTTP, this should be the URL
				where HTTP POST with XML payload should be forwarded to.
				If rule is configured as SIP, INVITE will be sent to this 

    Optional Parameters

	flag		- flag is either true or false, default is true. If true that 
				means this is exact match between the configured short code and the
				dialed by subscriber value. If false, that means the dialed 
				short-code begins with configured short-code. For example 
				if you created below rule, and user dials *123*7776543*223#, 
				it will match the rule and request will be forwarded to the 
				URL http://myip:8080/mobiussd/recharge.

				ussd scrule create *123* http://myip:8080/mobiussd/recharge false

	protocol	- USSD Gateway supports 2 protocols - HTTP and SIP (3GPP
				Specification 24.390). If not specified default is HTTP. If
				protocol is HTTP, gateway will forward request as HTTP POST.
				If its SIP, INVITE will be sent SIP Client.

    networkid	- USSD Gateway can be connected to multiple operators/network at same time
				and each operator exposing same or different short-code. Each operator 
				(jSS7 stack configured) has its unique networkid assigned and incoming
				request can be matched with configured networkid here. Only if short-code 
				and networkid match's, request is forwarded to corresponding url. Default
				value is 0.

    ussd scrule modify *519# http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test

    Above rule will update the routing rule for the short code *519# and
    networkId 0 for HTTP url http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test and the
    matching flag "false".

    ussd scrule modify *916* http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test2 true HTTP 2	

    Above rule will update the routing rule for the short code *916* and
    networkId 2 for HTTP url http://localhost:8080/ussddemo/test2 and the
    matching flag "true".

    ussd scrule modify *123* true SIP

    Above rule will update the routing rule for the short code *123* and
    networkId 0 for SIP destination and the matching flag

    ussd scrule modify *321# SIP 4

    Above rule will update the routing rule for the short code *321# and
    networkId 4 for SIP destination and the matching flag

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Modify an existing USSD Routing Rule
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Routing Rule' in the left panel.
  The main panel will display the existing Short Code Routing Rules (if any) in a tabular format. 
. To modify an existing Routing Rule, click on the 'Modify Rule' button (blue button). 
. Enter the values for Rule Type (HTTP / SIP), URL or SIP Proxy, Exact Match (Yes/No) and Network Id.
  For more details of these parameters, please refer to the description of the CLI command for the same in the preceding section.
. Click on the 'Modify' button to create a new USSD Routing Rule with values as specified.
  If there is an error in creating the Rule, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

=== Delete USSD Rule

==== Using CLI

You can delete an existing USSD Routing Rule by issuing the command `ussd scrule delete` with appropriate parameters as described below: 


	ussd scrule delete

	ussd scrule delete  

	This command is used to delete an existing routing rule for a short code .
	A short code and networkId pair is used as a unique routing rule identifier.
	Standard Parameters
	short-code	- USSD short code which when dialed by user and received 
				by USSD Gw, will forward request to configured URL

	Optional Parameters

	networkid	- USSD Gateway can be connected to multiple operators/network at
				same time and each operator exposing same or different short-code.
				Each operator (jSS7 stack configured) has its unique networkid assigned
				and incoming request can be matched with configured networkid here.
				Only if short-code and networkid match's, request is forwarded to
				corresponding url. Default value is 0.

	ussd scrule delete *519#
	The above command will delete the routing rule in the USSD Gateway for the
	short code *519# and network-id 0.
	ussd scrule delete *519# 1
	The above command will delete the routing rule in the USSD Gateway for the
	short code *519# and network-id 1.

==== Using GUI

.Procedure: Delete USSD Routing Rule
. In the GUI Management Console for USSD Gateway, click on 'Routing Rule' in the left panel.
  The main panel will display the existing Short Code Routing Rules (if any) in a tabular format. 
. Locate the row corresponding to the Short Code Routing Rule you wish to delete. 
. Click on the 'x' (delete) button in the Actions column of the row corresponding to the Rule you wish to delete.
  If there is an error in deleting the Rule, then you will find the details of the error in the Management Console Log section below. 

== Simulator Profile

The {this-platform} {this-application} offers you an option to run the Gateway with a "simulator" profile for testing purpose.
The "simulator" profile is a pre-configured profile to work with the jss7-simulator.
The {this-application} in a Simulator profile is pre-configured as if you have configured it using the following CLI commands: 


sctp server create serv1 8012 sockettype SCTP
sctp server start serv1
sctp association create ass1 SERVER serv1 8011 sockettype SCTP

m3ua as create as1 IPSP mode SE ipspType server rc 101 traffic-mode loadsharing network-appearance 102
m3ua asp create asp1 ass1
m3ua as add as1 asp1
m3ua asp start asp1
m3ua route add as1 1 2 3

sccp sap create 1 1 2 2
sccp dest create 1 1 1 1 0 255 255
sccp address create 1 82 1 8 0 1 4 000
sccp address create 2 82 2 8 0 1 4 000
sccp rule create 1 K 82 0 8 0 1 4 * solitary 1 origination-type localOriginated
sccp rule create 2 K 82 0 8 0 1 4 * solitary 2 origination-type remoteOriginated
sccp rsp create 1 1 0 0
sccp rss create 1 1 8 0

ussd set dialogtimeout 25000
ussd set ussdgt 923330053058
ussd set ussdssn 8
ussd set hlrssn 6
ussd set mscssn 8
ussd set maxmapv 3

ussd scrule create *519# true HTTP
ussd scrule create *518# true SIP

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