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package org.mojoz.metadata
package in

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.util.control.NonFatal


class YamlViewDefLoader(
    tableMetadata: TableMetadata = new TableMetadata,
    yamlMd: Seq[YamlMd] = YamlMd.fromResources(),
    joinsParser: JoinsParser = (_, _, _) => Nil, 
    conventions: MdConventions = new SimplePatternMdConventions,
    uninheritableExtras: Seq[String] = Seq(),
    typeDefs: Seq[TypeDef] = TypeMetadata.customizedTypeDefs) {
  import YamlViewDefLoader._
  import tableMetadata.dbName
  private val MojozExplicitComments    = "mojoz.explicit.comments"
  private val MojozExplicitEnum        = "mojoz.explicit.enum"
  private val MojozExplicitNullability = "mojoz.explicit.nullability"
  private val MojozExplicitType        = "mojoz.explicit.type"
  private val MojozIsOuterJoined       = ""
  private val parseJoins = joinsParser
  val sources = yamlMd.filter(_.parsed.exists(isViewDef)) // XXX for binary compatibility TODO remove   
  private val rawViewDefs = transformRawViewDefs( { md =>
    try loadRawViewDefs(md.body, md.filename, md.line) catch {
      case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(
        s"Failed to load view definition from ${md.filename}, line ${md.line}", e)
  private val nameToRawViewDef = {
    val duplicateNames = => n).filter(_._2.size > 1).map(_._1)
    if (duplicateNames.size > 0)
        "Duplicate view definitions: " + duplicateNames.mkString(", ")) => (, t)).toMap
  private def isSimpleType(f: FieldDef) =
    f.type_ == null || !f.type_.isComplexType
  private def isComplexType(f: FieldDef) =
    f.type_ != null && f.type_.isComplexType
  private def baseTable(t: ViewDef_[_], nameToViewDef: collection.Map[String, ViewDef_[_]]): String =
    if (t.table != null) t.table
    else baseTable(nameToViewDef.get(t.extends_)
      .getOrElse(sys.error("Base table not found, view: " +,
  private def checkExtends(v: ViewDef_[_], nameToViewDef: Map[String, ViewDef_[_]],
      visited: List[String]): Boolean = {
    val extendsOrModifies =
    if (visited contains sys.error("Cyclic extends: " +
      ( :: visited).reverse.mkString(" -> "))
    else if (extendsOrModifies == null) true
    else checkExtends(nameToViewDef.get(extendsOrModifies)
        s"""View "${extendsOrModifies}" extended or modified by view "${}" is not found""")),
      nameToViewDef, :: visited)
  val plainViewDefs: List[ViewDef] = buildViewDefs(rawViewDefs).sortBy(
  private[in] val nameToPlainViewDef = => (, t)).toMap
  protected def overrideField(baseView: ViewDef, baseField: FieldDef,
                              view: ViewDef, field: FieldDef,
                              viewNamesVisited: List[String]
                             ): FieldDef = {
    def fieldOverrideFailed(msg: String): Nothing = sys.error(
      s"Bad override of ${}.${baseField.fieldName} with ${}.${field.fieldName}: $msg")
    fieldOverrideIncompatibilityMessage(baseField, field, viewNamesVisited) match {
      case null =>
        if  (field.enum_    == baseField.enum_    &&
             field.comments == baseField.comments &&
             field.nullable == baseField.nullable)
        else field.copy(
          enum_    = baseField.enum_,
          comments = baseField.comments,
          nullable = baseField.nullable)
      case errorMessage =>
  protected def fieldOverrideIncompatibilityMessage(
      baseField: FieldDef, field: FieldDef, viewNamesVisited: List[String]): String = {
    def typeInfo(t: Type) =
      (if (t.isComplexType) "complex type" else "simple type") + " \"" +
      List(Option(, t.length, t.totalDigits, t.fractionDigits).flatMap(x => x).mkString(" ") +
    if (baseField.type_ != field.type_)
      if (baseField.type_.isComplexType && field.type_.isComplexType) {
        val view     = plainViewDefToViewDef(nameToPlainViewDef(field, viewNamesVisited)
        val baseView = plainViewDefToViewDef(nameToPlainViewDef(, viewNamesVisited)
        val nameToField =
 => f.fieldName -> f).toMap
        baseView.fields.find(baseF => nameToField.get(baseF.fieldName)
          .map(f => fieldOverrideIncompatibilityMessage(baseF, f, viewNamesVisited) != null)
        ).map { problematicBaseF =>
          s"${typeInfo(baseField.type_).capitalize} is not compatible with ${typeInfo(field.type_)} because "
          .map(problematicF =>
            fieldOverrideIncompatibilityMessage(problematicBaseF, problematicF, viewNamesVisited)
          ).getOrElse(s"field ${}.${problematicBaseF.fieldName} is missing")
      } else {
        s"${typeInfo(baseField.type_).capitalize} is not equal to ${typeInfo(field.type_)}"
    else if (field.enum_ != null && baseField.enum_ != field.enum_ &&
             field.extras != null && field.extras.get(MojozExplicitEnum) == Some(true))
      s"Enum ${baseField.enum_} is not equal to ${field.enum_}"
    else if (field.comments != null && baseField.comments != field.comments &&
             field.extras != null && field.extras.get(MojozExplicitComments) == Some(true))
      s"Comments '${baseField.comments}' are not equal to '${field.comments}'"
    else if (baseField.isCollection != field.isCollection)
      s"Is collection '${baseField.isCollection}' is not equal to '${field.isCollection}'"
    else if (baseField.nullable != field.nullable &&
             field.extras != null && field.extras.get(MojozExplicitNullability) == Some(true))
      s"Nullable '${baseField.nullable}' is not equal to '${field.nullable}'"
  private def plainViewDefToViewDef(t: ViewDef, viewNamesVisited: List[String]): ViewDef = {
    if (t.extends_ == null) t else {
      def maybeAssignTable(tableName: String)(f: FieldDef) = {
        if (tableName == null ||
            f.table != null || f.saveTo != null || f.isExpression || f.isCollection ||
            f.type_ != null && f.type_.isComplexType)
          tableMetadata.col(tableName,, t.db).map(c => f.copy(table = dbName(tableName))) getOrElse f
      def baseFields(
          v: ViewDef,
          extV: ViewDef,
          fields: Seq[FieldDef],
          tableName: String,
          visited: List[String]): Seq[FieldDef] =
        if (v.extends_ == null && fields.isEmpty)
 ++ fields
        else {
          if (visited contains sys.error("Cyclic extends/overrides: " +
            ( :: visited).reverse.mkString(" -> "))
          val vFieldsTransformed =
          val vFieldNames =
          val overridingFields = fields.collect {
            case f if vFieldNames.contains(f.fieldName) => f
          val mergedFields =
            if (overridingFields.isEmpty)
              vFieldsTransformed ++ fields
            else {
              val nameToOverrideField =
       => f.fieldName -> f).toMap
     { f =>
                  .map(of => overrideField(v, f, extV, of, :: visited))
              } ++ fields.filterNot(overridingFields.contains)
          if (v.extends_ == null)
     :: visited
      t.copy(fields = baseFields(t, null, Nil, null, viewNamesVisited))
  val nameToViewDef: Map[String, ViewDef] =, Nil))
      .map(t => (, t)).toMap
  private[in] def isViewDef(m: Map[String, _]) = { // TODO contains "view" instead?
    !m.contains("columns") && !m.contains("type") &&
    (m.contains("extends") ||
     m.contains("fields")  ||
     m.contains("name") &&
  private lazy val mdBodyToMd = // XXX for binary compatibility TODO remove => s.body -> s).toMap
  protected def loadRawViewDefs(defs: String, labelOrFilename: String = null, lineNumber: Int = 0): List[ViewDef] =
    loadRawViewDefs(mdBodyToMd.getOrElse(defs, YamlMd(labelOrFilename, lineNumber, defs)))
  protected def loadRawViewDefs(md: YamlMd): List[ViewDef] =
  protected def loadRawViewDefs(tdMap: Map[String, Any]): List[ViewDef] = {
    def get(name: ViewDefKeys.ViewDefKeys) = getStringSeq(name) match {
      case null => null
      case Nil => ""
      case x => x mkString ""
    def getStringSeq(name: ViewDefKeys.ViewDefKeys): Seq[String] = {
      Option(getSeq(name)).map(_ map {
        case s: java.lang.String => s
        case m: java.util.Map[_, _] =>
          if (m.size == 1) m.entrySet.asScala.toList(0).getKey.toString
          else m.toString // TODO error?
        case x => x.toString
    def getSeq(name: ViewDefKeys.ViewDefKeys): Seq[_] = tdMap.get(name.toString) match {
      case Some(s: java.lang.String) => Seq(s)
      case Some(a: java.util.ArrayList[_]) => a.asScala.toList.filter(_ != null)
      case Some(null) => Nil
      case Some(x) => Seq(x)
      case None => null
    val k = ViewDefKeys
    val rawName = get(
    val db = get(k.db) match {
      case "" => null
      case  x => x
    val rawTable = get(k.table)
    val joins = getStringSeq(k.joins)
    val filter = getStringSeq(k.filter)
    val group = getStringSeq(
    val having = getStringSeq(k.having)
    val order = getStringSeq(k.order)
    val xtnds = get(k.extends_)
    val comments = get(k.comments)
    val fieldsSrc = Option(getSeq(k.fields)).getOrElse(Nil).toList
    val saveTo = getStringSeq(k.saveTo)
    val extras = tdMap -- ViewDefKeyStrings
    val (name, table) = (rawName, rawTable) match {
      case (null, table) => sys.error("Missing view name" +
        List(table, xtnds).filter(_ != null).filter(_ != "").mkString(" (view is based on ", ", ", ")"))
      case (name, null) => (name, null)
      case (name, table) => (name, dbName(table))
    val YamlMdLoader = new YamlMdLoader(typeDefs)
    val yamlFieldDefs = fieldsSrc map YamlMdLoader.loadYamlFieldDef
    def typeName(v: Map[String, Any], defaultSuffix: String) =
      if (v.contains("name")) "" + v("name")
      else name + "_" + defaultSuffix
    def toMojozFieldDef(yfd: YamlFieldDef, viewName: String, viewDb: String, viewTable: String, viewSaveTo: Seq[String]) = {
      val table = null
      val tableAlias = null
      val name =
      val alias = null
      val options = yfd.options
      val cardinality = Option(yfd.cardinality).map(_.take(1)).orNull
      val isOverride = false
      val isCollection = Set("*", "+").contains(cardinality)
      val isExpression = yfd.isExpression
      val expression = yfd.expression
      val isResolvable = yfd.isResolvable
      val saveTo = Option(yfd.saveTo) getOrElse {
        if (isResolvable) {
          val simpleName = if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) name.substring(name.indexOf('.') + 1) else name
          def errorMessage =
            s"Failed to resolve save target for $viewName.$simpleName" +
              ", please provide target column name"
          Option(viewSaveTo).filter(_.size > 0)
              .orElse(Option(viewTable).map(_.split("\\s+", 2)(0)).map(Seq(_))).map { tNames =>
            val tables = tNames.flatMap(tName => tableMetadata.tableDefOption(tName, db))
            if (tables.exists(t => t.cols.exists( == simpleName)))
            else {
              val matches: Set[String] = tables
                .flatMap(_.refs.filter { ref =>
                  ref.cols.size == 1 &&
                    Option(ref.defaultRefTableAlias).getOrElse(ref.refTable) == simpleName
                .foldLeft(Set[String]())(_ + _).toSet
              if (matches.size == 1) matches.head
              else sys.error(errorMessage)
        } else null
      val resolver = yfd.resolver
      val nullable = Option(cardinality)
        .map(c => Set("?", "*").contains(c)) getOrElse true
      val isForcedCardinality = cardinality != null
      val isForcedEnum = yfd.enum_ != null
      val isForcedType = yfd.typeName != null || yfd.length.isDefined || yfd.fraction.isDefined
      val joinToParent = yfd.joinToParent
      val enm = yfd.enum_
      val orderBy = yfd.orderBy
      val comments = yfd.comments
      val extras =
        if  (isForcedCardinality || isForcedEnum || isForcedType)
             Option(yfd.extras).getOrElse(Map.empty) ++
                MojozExplicitEnum        -> isForcedEnum,
                MojozExplicitType        -> isForcedType,
                MojozExplicitNullability -> isForcedCardinality
        else yfd.extras
      val rawMojozType = Option(YamlMdLoader.yamlTypeToMojozType(yfd, conventions))
      if (isViewDef(yfd.extras))
        (yfd.typeName, yfd.extras.get("name").orNull) match {
          case (null, null) | (null, _) | (_, null) =>
          case (fType, cType) => if (fType != cType)
            sys.error(s"Name conflict for inline view: $fType != $cType")
      val mojozTypeFe =
        if (yfd.typeName == null && isViewDef(yfd.extras))
          new Type(typeName(yfd.extras, name), true)
        else if (isExpression || rawTable == "")
          conventions.typeFromExternal(name, rawMojozType)
        else null
      val mojozType =
        if (mojozTypeFe != null) mojozTypeFe else rawMojozType getOrElse null

      FieldDef(table, tableAlias, name, alias, options, isOverride, isCollection,
        isExpression, expression, saveTo, resolver, nullable,
        mojozType, enm, joinToParent, orderBy, comments, extras)
    def isViewDef(m: Map[String, Any]) =
      m != null && !m.contains("columns") && (m.contains("fields") || m.contains("extends"))
    val fieldDefs = yamlFieldDefs
      .map(yfd => yfd -> toMojozFieldDef(yfd, name, db, table, saveTo))
      .map { case (yfd, f) => yfd -> (
        if (f.extras == null) f
        else f.copy(
          extras = Option(f.extras).map(_ -- ViewDefKeyStrings)
      .map{ case (yfd, f) => transformRawFieldDef(yfd, f) }
    ViewDef(name, db, table, null, joins, filter, group, having, order,
      xtnds, comments, fieldDefs, saveTo, extras) ::
      .filter(f => isViewDef(f._1))
      .map(f => f._1 + (("name",
      .map(v => if (v contains k.db.toString) v else v + ("db" -> db)) // inherit db from parent view
  /** can be overriden to send cardinality to extras - for maxOccurs custom processing */
  protected def transformRawFieldDef(
    yfd: YamlFieldDef, mojozFieldDef: FieldDef): FieldDef = mojozFieldDef
  /** called once, can be overriden to transform raw viewdefs */
  protected def transformRawViewDefs(raw: Seq[ViewDef]): Seq[ViewDef] = raw
  private def checkViewDefs(td: Seq[ViewDef_[FieldDef_[_]]]) = {
    val m: Map[String, ViewDef_[_]] = => (, t)).toMap
    if (m.size < td.size) sys.error("repeating definition of " +
      td.groupBy( > 1).map(_._1).mkString(", "))
    td.foreach(t => checkExtends(t, m, Nil))
    def checkRepeatingFieldNames(t: ViewDef_[FieldDef_[_]]) =
      if ( < t.fields.size) sys.error(
        "Duplicate fields in view " + + ": " + t.fields
          .groupBy(_.fieldName).filter(_._2.size > 1).map(_._1).mkString(", "))
    td foreach checkRepeatingFieldNames
  private def checkTypedefMapping(td: Seq[ViewDef]) = {
    val m = => (, t)).toMap
    td foreach { t =>
      t.fields.foreach { f =>
        if (f.type_ == null)
            "Unexpected null type for field " + + "." +
        if (f.type_.isComplexType)
          m.get( getOrElse sys.error(
            s"""Type "${}" referenced from field "${}.${f.fieldName}" is not found""")
        if (f.table != null)
          tableMetadata.columnDef(t, f)
  private def markOverrides(views: List[ViewDef]): List[ViewDef] = {
    val nameToView = => (, t)).toMap { t =>
      if (t.extends_ == null || t.fields.isEmpty) t else {
        def allFieldNames(
            v: ViewDef,
            names: Set[String]): Set[String] = {
          val allNames = names ++
          if (v.extends_ == null) allNames
          else allFieldNames(nameToView(v.extends_), allNames)
        val superNames = allFieldNames(nameToView(t.extends_), Set.empty)
        def isOverride(f: FieldDef) =
        if (t.fields.exists(isOverride))
          t.copy(fields = { f =>
            if (isOverride(f)) f.copy(isOverride = true) else f
        else t
  private def buildViewDefs(rawViewDefs: Seq[ViewDef]) = {
    val rawTypesMap: Map[String, ViewDef] = => (, t)).toMap

    def inheritTable[T](t: ViewDef_[T]) =
      if (t.table != null) t
      else t.copy(table = try baseTable(t, rawTypesMap) catch {
        case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find base table for " +, ex)

    def inheritTableComments[T](t: ViewDef_[T]) =
      if (t.table == null || t.comments != null) t
      else tableMetadata.tableDef(t).comments match {
        case null => t
        case tableComments => t.copy(comments = tableComments)

    def mergeStringSeqs(s1: Seq[String], s2: Seq[String]) = (s1, s2) match {
      case (null, null) => null
      case (null, list) => list
      case (list, null) => list
      case (seq1, seq2) => seq1 ++ seq2

    def mergeSeqs(t: ViewDef, base: ViewDef) =
        joins = mergeStringSeqs(base.joins, t.joins),
        filter = mergeStringSeqs(base.filter, t.filter),
        groupBy = mergeStringSeqs(base.groupBy, t.groupBy),
        having = mergeStringSeqs(base.having, t.having),
        orderBy = mergeStringSeqs(base.orderBy, t.orderBy),
        extras = base.extras -- uninheritableExtras ++ t.extras)

    def inheritSeqs(t: ViewDef): ViewDef =
      if (t.extends_ == null || t.extends_ == t
      else mergeSeqs(t, inheritSeqs(rawTypesMap(t.extends_)))

    def resolveBaseTableAlias[T](t: ViewDef_[T]) = {
      val partsList =
        Option(t.table).filter(_ != "").map(_.split("\\s+").toList).orNull
      val (table, tableAlias) = partsList match {
        case Nil | null => (null, null)
        case List(table) => (table, null)
        case List(table, tableAlias) => (table, tableAlias)
        case _ => sys.error("Unexpected format for base table: " + t.table)
      t.copy(table = table, tableAlias = tableAlias)

    def resolveFieldNamesAndTypes(t: ViewDef, nameToStage1ViewDef: Map[String, ViewDef]) =
      try resolveFieldNamesAndTypes_(t, nameToStage1ViewDef) catch {
        case NonFatal(ex) =>
          throw new RuntimeException("Failed to resolve field names and types for " +, ex)

    def resolveFieldNamesAndTypes_(t: ViewDef, nameToStage1ViewDef: Map[String, ViewDef]) = {
      def tailists[B](l: List[B]): List[List[B]] =
        if (l.isEmpty) Nil else l :: tailists(l.tail)
      lazy val joins = parseJoins(
          .map(_ + Option(t.tableAlias).map(" " + _).getOrElse(""))
      lazy val nameOrAliasToTables: Map[String, Set[String]] = { => Option(j.alias).getOrElse(j.table) -> j.table).toSet +
        (Option(t.tableAlias).getOrElse(t.table) -> t.table)
      }.filter  { case (n, t) => n != null }
       .flatMap { case (n, t) => tailists(n.split("\\.").toList).map(_.mkString(".") -> t) }
       .map { kvv => kvv._1 -> }
      lazy val tableOrAliasToJoin = => Option(j.alias).getOrElse(j.table) -> j).toMap
      def reduceExpression[T](f: FieldDef_[T]) =
        if (f.isExpression &&".") < 0 && f.expression != null &&
          YamlTableDefLoader.QualifiedIdentDef.pattern.matcher(f.expression).matches &&
          !Set("true", "false").contains(f.expression))
          f.copy(isExpression = false, expression = null,
            name = f.expression, alias =
        else if (f.isExpression && f.expression != null &&
          // escape syntax for no-arg functions and pseudo-columns
          f.copy(expression = f.expression.substring(2).trim)
        else f
      def resolveNameAndTable[T](f: FieldDef_[T]) =
        if (".") < 0)
          if (f.isExpression || t.table == null) f
          else f.copy(name = dbName(, table = dbName(t.table))
        else {
          def isTableOrAliasInScope(tableOrAlias: String) =
            nameOrAliasToTables.contains(tableOrAlias)                      ||
            tableMetadata.aliasedRef(t.table, tableOrAlias, t.db).isDefined ||
            tableMetadata.tableDefOption(tableOrAlias, t.db).isDefined
          val (parts, tableOrAlias) = {
            val parts ="\\.")
            (1 to parts.length - 1).find { i =>
            } match {
              case Some(1) => (parts.toList, dbName(parts(0)))
              case Some(i) =>
                val tableOrAlias = dbName(parts.take(i).mkString("."))
                (tableOrAlias :: parts.drop(i).toList, tableOrAlias)
              case None    =>
                (parts.toList, dbName(parts(0)))
          var table = Option(
            nameOrAliasToTables.get(tableOrAlias).filter(_.size == 1).map(_.head)
              .getOrElse(tableMetadata.aliasedRef(t.table, tableOrAlias, t.db).map(_.refTable)
          var isOuterJoined = tableOrAliasToJoin.get(tableOrAlias).map(_.isOuterJoin).getOrElse {
            Option(t.table).flatMap(table => tableMetadata.ref(table, tableOrAlias, t.db)) match {
              case Some(ref) =>
                !ref.cols.forall(c => !tableMetadata.col(t.table, c, t.db).map(_.nullable).getOrElse(true))
              case None => false // ref not found - not outer joined?
          val tableAlias =
            if (table == tableOrAlias ||
                t.tableAlias == tableOrAlias ||
                parts.size > 2)
            else tableOrAlias
          val partsReverseList = parts.reverse
          val name = dbName(partsReverseList.head)
          val path = partsReverseList.tail.reverse
          path.tail foreach { step =>
            tableMetadata.ref(table, step, t.db) match {
              case Some(ref) =>
                isOuterJoined = isOuterJoined ||
                  !ref.cols.forall(c => !tableMetadata.col(table, c, t.db).map(_.nullable).getOrElse(true))
                table = ref.refTable
              case None =>
                isOuterJoined = true
                table = step
          def maybeNoPrefix(fName: String) = fName.indexOf("_.") match {
            case -1 => fName
            case rmIdx => fName.substring(rmIdx + 2)
          val alias = Option(f.alias).map(dbName) getOrElse
            Some(dbName(maybeNoPrefix(".", "_"))).filter(_ != name).orNull
          val expression =
            if (f.expression != null || parts.size < 3) f.expression
          val willNeedOuterJoinInfo = // TODO merge methods to get rid of MojozIsOuterJoined extra?
            isOuterJoined && (
              f.extras == null ||
          val extras = if (!willNeedOuterJoinInfo) f.extras else {
            Option(f.extras).getOrElse(Map.empty) ++ Map(MojozIsOuterJoined -> true)
          f.copy(table = table, tableAlias = tableAlias,
            name = name, alias = alias, expression = expression, extras = extras)
      def overrideSimpleType(base: Type, override_ : Type) = Type(
        Option( getOrElse,
        override_.length orElse base.length,
        override_.totalDigits orElse base.totalDigits,
        override_.fractionDigits orElse base.fractionDigits,
      def resolveTypeFromDbMetadata(f: FieldDef) = {
        def applyColumnAndNullable(col: ColumnDef, nullable: Boolean) = f.copy(
          nullable = nullable,
          isCollection = f.isCollection || col.type_ != null && col.type_.isArray,
          type_ =
            if (f.type_ != null &&
                (f.alias == null || f.extras != null && f.extras.get(MojozExplicitType) == Some(true)))
                 overrideSimpleType(col.type_, f.type_)
            else if (col.type_ != null && col.type_.isArray)
                 col.type_.copy(name = col.type_.elementType)
            else col.type_,
          enum_ = Option(f.enum_) getOrElse col.enum_,
          comments = Option(f.comments) getOrElse col.comments,
          extras =
            if  (f.comments != null)
                 Option(f.extras).getOrElse(Map.empty) ++ Map(MojozExplicitComments -> true)
            else f.extras
        if (f.isExpression || f.isCollection || (f.type_ != null && f.type_.isComplexType))
          tableMetadata.columnDefOption(t, f) match {
            case Some(col) => f
            case None      =>
              def childViewOpt =
                if (f.type_ != null && f.type_.isComplexType)
                else None
              if (f.alias == null && (
                    f.joinToParent != null ||
                    childViewOpt.exists(c => c.table != null || c.joins != null && c.joins.nonEmpty)
                  table       = null,
                  tableAlias  = null,
              else f
        else if (f.table == null && Option(f.type_).map( == null)
          f.copy(type_ = conventions.typeFromExternal(, Option(f.type_)))
        else if (f.table == null) f
        else if (t.table == null) {
          tableMetadata.columnDefOption(t, f) match {
            case Some(col) => applyColumnAndNullable(col, f.nullable)
            case None      => f
        else {
          val col = tableMetadata.columnDef(t, f)
          val tableOrAlias = Option(f.tableAlias) getOrElse f.table
          val joinOpt = tableOrAliasToJoin.get(tableOrAlias)
          val joinColOpt =
            // TODO make use of join col type info?
          val nullable =
            if (f.extras != null && f.extras.get(MojozExplicitNullability) == Some(true)) f.nullable
              (f.extras != null && f.extras.get(MojozIsOuterJoined) == Some(true)) ||
          applyColumnAndNullable(col, nullable)
      def cleanExtras(f: FieldDef) =
        if  (f.extras != null && (
                f.extras.contains(MojozExplicitComments)    ||
                f.extras.contains(MojozExplicitEnum)        ||
                f.extras.contains(MojozExplicitNullability) ||
                f.extras.contains(MojozExplicitType)        ||
             f.copy(extras =
                .map(_ - MojozExplicitComments
                       - MojozExplicitEnum
                       - MojozExplicitNullability
                       - MojozExplicitType
                       - MojozIsOuterJoined
        else f
      t.copy(fields = t.fields
    val stage1 = rawViewDefs.toList
      .filter(checkExtends(_, rawTypesMap, Nil)) // may throw
    val nameToStage1ViewDef = => (, v)).toMap
    val result = stage1
      .map(resolveFieldNamesAndTypes(_, nameToStage1ViewDef))

object YamlViewDefLoader {
  private object ViewDefKeys extends Enumeration {
    type ViewDefKeys = Value
    val name, db, table, joins, filter, group, having, order = Value
    val extends_ = Value("extends")
    val saveTo = Value("save-to")
    val comments, fields = Value
  private val ViewDefKeyStrings =
  def apply(
    tableMetadata: TableMetadata,
    yamlMd: Seq[YamlMd],
    joinsParser: JoinsParser = (_, _, _) => Nil,
    conventions: MdConventions = new SimplePatternMdConventions,
    uninheritableExtras: Seq[String] = Seq(),
    typeDefs: Seq[TypeDef] = TypeMetadata.customizedTypeDefs) =
    new YamlViewDefLoader(
      tableMetadata, yamlMd, joinsParser, conventions, uninheritableExtras, typeDefs)

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