asbah-core_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010 MongoDB, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
* http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
package com.mongodb.casbah
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.map_reduce.{MapReduceCommand, MapReduceResult}
import com.mongodb.{DBCollection, CommandResult}
import scala.collection.mutable
import com.mongodb
* Wrapper for the Mongo DB
object providing scala-friendly functionality.
* @since 2.0
* @see com.mongodb.DB
object MongoDB {
def apply(connection: com.mongodb.MongoClient, dbName: String): MongoDB =
def apply(connection: MongoClient, dbName: String): MongoDB =
// scalastyle:off number.of.methods
* Wrapper for the Mongo DB
object providing scala-friendly functionality.
* @since 1.0
* @see com.mongodb.DB
class MongoDB(val underlying: com.mongodb.DB) {
* Apply method to proxy getCollection, to allow invocation of
* dbInstance("collectionName")
* instead of getCollection
* @param collection a string for the collection name
* @return MongoCollection A wrapped instance of a Mongo DBCollection Class returning generic DBObjects
def apply(collection: String): MongoCollection = underlying.getCollection(collection).asScala
* Adds or updates a user for this database
* @param username the user name
* @param passwd the password
* @return the result of executing this operation
* @throws MongoException
* @mongodb.driver.manual administration/security-access-control/ Access Control
* @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createUser createUser
* @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/updateUser updateUser
* @deprecated Use [[command]] to call either the createUser or updateUser command
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def addUser(username: String, passwd: String): WriteResult = underlying.addUser(username, passwd.toArray)
* Authenticates connection/db with given name and password
* @param username name of user for this database
* @param passwd password of user for this database
* @return true if authenticated, false otherwise
@deprecated("Please use MongoClient to create a client, which will authenticate all connections to server.", "2.7")
def authenticate(username: String, passwd: String): Boolean = underlying.authenticate(username, passwd.toArray)
/** Execute a database command directly.
* @see List of Commands
* @return the result of the command from the database
def command(cmd: DBObject): CommandResult = underlying.command(cmd)
* Execute a database command directly.
* @see List of Commands
* @return the result of the command from the database
def command(cmd: String): CommandResult = underlying.command(cmd)
* Execute a database command directly.
* @see List of Commands
* @return the result of the command from the database
def command(cmd: DBObject, readPreference: ReadPreference): CommandResult = underlying.command(cmd, readPreference)
* Execute a database command directly.
* @see List of Commands
* @return the result of the command from the database
* @deprecated Use command with a readPreference instead.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def command(cmd: DBObject, options: Int): CommandResult = underlying.command(cmd, options)
* Execute a database command directly.
* @see List of Commands
* @return the result of the command from the database
* @deprecated Use command with a readPreference instead.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def command(cmd: DBObject, options: Int, pref: ReadPreference): CommandResult = underlying.command(cmd, options, pref)
/** Creates a collection with a given name and options.
* If the collection does not exist, a new collection is created.
* Possible options:
* - capped
- boolean: if the collection is capped
* - size
- int: collection size
* - max
- int: max number of documents
* @param name the name of the collection to return
* @param o options
* @return the collection
def createCollection(name: String, o: DBObject): DBCollection = underlying.createCollection(name, o)
def doEval(code: String, args: AnyRef*): CommandResult = underlying.doEval(code, args: _*)
* Drops this database. Removes all data on disk. Use with caution.
def dropDatabase(): Unit = underlying.dropDatabase()
def eval(code: String, args: AnyRef*): AnyRef = underlying.eval(code, args: _*)
* For testing purposes only - this method forces an error to help test error handling
* @deprecated there is no replacement for this method
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def forceError(): Unit = underlying.forceError()
/** Gets a collection with a given name.
* If the collection does not exist, a new collection is created.
* @param name (String) the name of the collection to return
* @return the collection
def getCollection(name: String): DBCollection = underlying.getCollection(name)
/** Returns a collection matching a given string.
* @param s the name of the collection
* @return the collection
def getCollectionFromString(s: String): DBCollection = underlying.getCollectionFromString(s)
/** Returns a set of the names of collections in this database.
* @return the names of collections in this database
def getCollectionNames(): mutable.Set[String] = underlying.getCollectionNames.asScala /* calls the db */
/** Returns a set of the names of collections in this database.
* @return the names of collections in this database
def collectionNames(): mutable.Set[String] = getCollectionNames() /* calls the db */
* Gets the the error (if there is one) from the previous operation. The result of
* this command will look like
* { "err" : errorMessage , "ok" : 1.0 }
* The value for errorMessage will be null if no error occurred, or a description otherwise.
* Care must be taken to ensure that calls to getLastError go to the same connection as that
* of the previous operation. See com.mongodb.Mongo.requestStart for more information.
* @return DBObject with error and status information
* @deprecated The getlasterror command will not be supported in future versions of MongoDB.
* Use acknowledged writes instead.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def getLastError(): CommandResult = underlying.getLastError() /* calls the db */
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def lastError(): CommandResult = getLastError() /* calls the db */
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def getLastError(writeConcern: WriteConcern): CommandResult =
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def lastError(writeConcern: WriteConcern): CommandResult =
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def getLastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean): CommandResult =
underlying.getLastError(w, wTimeout, fsync)
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def lastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean): CommandResult =
getLastError(w, wTimeout, fsync)
def name: String = getName
def getName: String = underlying.getName
* Returns the last error that occurred since start of database or a call to resetError()
* The return object will look like
* { err : errorMessage, nPrev : countOpsBack, ok : 1 }
* The value for errormMessage will be null of no error has ocurred, or the message. The value of
* countOpsBack will be the number of operations since the error occurred.
* Care must be taken to ensure that calls to getPreviousError go to the same connection as that
* of the previous operation. See com.mongodb.Mongo.requestStart for more information.
* @deprecated The `getPreviousError()` and `resetError()` commands are deprecated and may be removed in future versions of MongoDB
* @return DBObject with error and status information
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.7")
def getPreviousError(): CommandResult = underlying.getPreviousError() /* calls the db */
* Resets the error memory for this database. Used to clear all errors such that getPreviousError()
* will return no error.
* @deprecated The `getPreviousError()` and `resetError()` commands are deprecated and may be removed in future versions of MongoDB
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.7")
def resetError(): Unit = underlying.resetError()
def getSisterDB(name: String): MongoDB = underlying.getSisterDB(name).asScala
* Returns true if this DB is authenticated
* @return true if authenticated, false otherwise
@deprecated("Use MongoClient to create an authenticated connection.", "2.7")
def isAuthenticated: Boolean = underlying.isAuthenticated
def stats(): CommandResult = getStats()
def getStats(): CommandResult = underlying.getStats() /* calls the db */
* Ends the current 'consistent request'.
* @deprecated The main use case for this method is to ensure that applications can read their own unacknowledged
* writes, but this is no longer so prevalent since the driver started defaulting to acknowledged writes.
* The other main use case is to ensure that related read operations are all routed to the same server
* when using a non-primary read preference. But this is dangerous because mongos does not provide this
* guarantee. For these reasons, this method is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major
* release.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def requestDone(): Unit = underlying.requestDone()
* Ensure that a connection is assigned to the current "consistent request" (from primary pool, if connected to a
* replica set).
* @deprecated The main use case for this method is to ensure that applications can read their own unacknowledged
* writes, but this is no longer so prevalent since the driver started defaulting to acknowledged writes.
* The other main use case is to ensure that related read operations are all routed to the same server
* when using a non-primary read preference. But this is dangerous because mongos does not provide this
* guarantee. For these reasons, this method is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major
* release.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def requestEnsureConnection(): Unit = underlying.requestEnsureConnection()
* Starts a new 'consistent request'.
* Following this call and until [[requestDone()]] is called, all db operations will use the same underlying
* connection.
* @deprecated The main use case for this method is to ensure that applications can read their own unacknowledged
* writes, but this is no longer so prevalent since the driver started defaulting to acknowledged writes.
* The other main use case is to ensure that related read operations are all routed to the same server
* when using a non-primary read preference. But this is dangerous because mongos does not provide this
* guarantee. For these reasons, this method is now deprecated and will be removed in the next major
* release.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def requestStart(): Unit = underlying.requestStart()
/** Makes this database read-only
* @param b if the database should be read-only
@deprecated("Avoid making database read-only via this method. Use a read-only user with MongoClient instead.", "2.7")
def setReadOnly(b: Boolean): Unit = underlying.setReadOnly(b)
/** Makes this database read-only
* @param b if the database should be read-only
@deprecated("Avoid making database read-only via this method. Use a read-only user with MongoClient instead.", "2.7")
def readOnly_=(b: Boolean): Unit = setReadOnly(b)
* Sets queries to be OK to run on slave nodes.
@deprecated("Replaced with ReadPreference.SECONDARY.", "2.3.0")
def slaveOk(): Unit = underlying.slaveOk() // use parens because this side-effects
* Set the write concern for this database.
* Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
* @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def setWriteConcern(concern: WriteConcern): Unit = underlying.setWriteConcern(concern)
* Set the write concern for this database.
* Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
* @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def writeConcern_=(concern: WriteConcern): Unit = setWriteConcern(concern)
* get the write concern for this database,
* which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
* @see WriteConcern
def getWriteConcern: WriteConcern = underlying.getWriteConcern
* get the write concern for this database,
* which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
* See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
* @see WriteConcern
* @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
def writeConcern: WriteConcern = getWriteConcern
* Sets the read preference for this database. Will be used as default for
* reads from any collection in this database. See the
* documentation for [[com.mongodb.ReadPreference]] for more information.
* @param preference Read Preference to use
def readPreference_=(pref: ReadPreference): Unit = setReadPreference(pref)
* Sets the read preference for this database. Will be used as default for
* reads from any collection in this database. See the
* documentation for [[com.mongodb.ReadPreference]] for more information.
* @param pref Read Preference to use
def setReadPreference(pref: ReadPreference): Unit = underlying.setReadPreference(pref)
* Gets the read preference for this database. Will be used as default for
* reads from any collection in this database. See the
* documentation for [[com.mongodb.ReadPreference]] for more information.
def readPreference: ReadPreference = getReadPreference
* Gets the read preference for this database. Will be used as default for
* reads from any collection in this database. See the
* documentation for [[com.mongodb.ReadPreference]] for more information.
def getReadPreference: ReadPreference = underlying.getReadPreference
* Checks to see if a collection by name %lt;name> exists.
* @param collectionName The collection to test for existence
* @return false if no collection by that name exists, true if a match to an existing collection was found
def collectionExists(collectionName: String): Boolean =
* The Java Driver is a bit outdated and is missing the finalize option.
* Additionally, it returns ZERO information about the actual results of the mapreduce,
* just a cursor to the result collection.
* This is less than ideal. So I've wrapped it in something more useful.
* @param cmd An instance of MapReduceCommand representing the required MapReduce
* @return MapReduceResult a wrapped result object. This contains the returns success, counts etc, but implements iterator and can be iterated directly
def mapReduce(cmd: MapReduceCommand): MapReduceResult = MapReduceResult(command(cmd.toDBObject))(this)
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* If you have set a connection or DB level WriteConcern,
* it will be inherited.
* @throws MongoException if error
* @deprecated Use the appropriate [[WriteConcern]] and allow the write operation to throw an exception on failure.
* For successful writes, use the helper methods to retrieve specific values from the write response.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def request(op: MongoDB => WriteResult): Unit = op(this).getLastError(writeConcern).throwOnError()
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* @throws MongoException if error
* @deprecated Use the appropriate [[WriteConcern]] and allow the write operation to throw an exception on failure.
* For successful writes, use the helper methods to retrieve specific values from the write response.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def request(w: Int, wTimeout: Int = 0, fsync: Boolean = false)(op: MongoDB => WriteResult): Unit =
op(this).getLastError(WriteConcern(w, wTimeout, fsync)).throwOnError()
* write concern aware write op block.
* Checks getLastError after the last write.
* If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final
* error.
* Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.
* This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.
* Your function must return WriteResult, which is the
* return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove
* @throws MongoException if error
* @deprecated Use the appropriate [[WriteConcern]] and allow the write operation to throw an exception on failure.
* For successful writes, use the helper methods to retrieve specific values from the write response.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def request(writeConcern: WriteConcern)(op: MongoDB => WriteResult): Unit =
* Checked write block
* @throws MongoException if error
* @deprecated Use the appropriate [[WriteConcern]] and allow the write operation to throw an exception on failure.
* For successful writes, use the helper methods to retrieve specific values from the write response.
@deprecated("This will be removed in a future release", "2.8")
def checkedWrite(op: MongoDB => WriteResult): Unit =
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def addOption(option: Int): Unit = underlying.addOption(option)
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mongodb.Bytes
def resetOptions(): Unit = underlying.resetOptions() // use parens because this side-effects
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mognodb.Bytes
def getOptions: Int = underlying.getOptions
* Manipulate Network Options
* @see com.mongodb.Mongo
* @see com.mognodb.Bytes
def options: Int = getOptions
override def toString(): String = underlying.toString
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