oject.validator.2.14.1.source-code.ZUGFeRDSchematronStylesheetXSLT1.xsl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
[ ]
' and namespace-uri()='
[ ]
' and namespace-uri()='
Schema for ZUGFeRD; 1.0; urn:ferd:CrossIndustryDocument:invoice:1p0
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:IssueDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CancellationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ControlRequirementIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:IndicatorString' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Disposition' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:ContinuousIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InclusiveIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OpenIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SeasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateFlexibilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FirstSignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FourthSignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HeaderInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContentCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Content' must occur at least 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Subject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineCountNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OwnerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousDocumentID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Purpose' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RejectionResponseDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RemarksCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedResponseTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedResponseTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResponseDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResponseDocumentTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResponseDocumentTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResponseReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondSignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SenderAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SenderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubmissionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SuffixID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SummaryInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ThirdSignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalPageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TraderAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VersionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BusinessProcessSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:GuidelineSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicationSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BIMSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedDocumentVersion' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Value' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedDocumentVersion' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Value' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MessageStandardSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ScenarioSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTransactionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubsetSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:IndicatorString' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainTradeAgreement' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainTradeDelivery' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainTradeSettlement' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem' must occur at least 1 times.
Element 'ram:BuyerReference' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:SellerTradeParty' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:BuyerTradeParty' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:BuyerOrderReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ContractReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:CustomerOrderReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdministrativeAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdministrativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreedPriceProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainForecastTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeAllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryTypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DeclarationCountryRelationshipCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FunctionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelevantTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RiskResponsibilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradePaymentTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BillOfQuantitiesReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BlanketOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedAccountantTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerBankTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRequisitionerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerTaxRepresentativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueInformationProviderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueInformationReceiverTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueRequestReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueSubscriptionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryPriorityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DemandForecastReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountedProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EngineeringChangeReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExclusivitySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExportLicenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossPriceProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteedProductLifeSpanSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImpactCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImportLicenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncrementalProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationUseRestrictionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemBuyerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemSellerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LastKnownTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LetterOfCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ListProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MarketplaceOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaterialReleaseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaterialReturnsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumOrderQuantityOrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumOrderQuantityOrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetPriceProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderProductUnitMeasureCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderChangeReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousPriceListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriorityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProcurementTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductAvailabilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductChargeFreeIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductMadeToOrderIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductOrderableIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductReorderableIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PromotionalDealReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PropertyClearanceTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurchaseConditionsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationProposalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationProposalResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Reference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegistrationTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestForQuotationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestForQuotationResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedUnitProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequisitionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequisitionerReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResaleProductUnitMeasureCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResaleSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesConditionsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesReportReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedAccountantTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerTaxRepresentativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShippingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SupplyInstructionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SupportCentreTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TargetMarketTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TurnInReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelatedSupplyChainConsignment' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualDeliverySupplyChainEvent' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceDateTime' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DescriptionBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscreteSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EarliestOccurrenceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FrequencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LatestOccurrenceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualLoadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualReceiptSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualUnloadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTransportDangerousGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AvailableSupplyChainInventory' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BilledQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeFreeQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeableWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsumptionReportReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryInstructions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DespatchedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DisposalTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInAvailableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInForecastedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInRequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInReturnedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EconomicOrderQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDeliveryIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDestinationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GFMTransferRejectedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedSupplyChainPackaging' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndividualPackageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InventoryManagerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogisticsPackage' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogisticsServiceProviderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ModificationForecastedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OwnershipToTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackingListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PartialDeliveryAllowedIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PerPackageUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpAvailabilityDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedLoadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedSupplyChainConsignment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedUnloadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProjectedSupplyChainSupplyPlan' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivingAdviceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeAllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTransportDangerousGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedInvoiceAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedInvoiceDiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedInvoiceDiscountPercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AtArrivalLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AtDepartureLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AvailabilityDueDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BondedWarehouseStorageTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BorderCrossingLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CODAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CargoToleranceInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierAcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierAcceptanceLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierProvidedInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeableTransportationStageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeableWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConnectingCarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsigneeAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsigneeAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsigneeReceiptLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsigneeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsignmentItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsignorAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsignorAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsignorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsolidatorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContainerizationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsExportAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsImportAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsRequiredInvoiceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsTransitAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DangerousGoodsNotifierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeclaredForCustomsLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeclaredValueForCarriageAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeclaredValueForCustomsAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeconsolidatorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryInstructions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DemurrageInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DespatchTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DestinationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EstimatedApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExaminationTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExportExitDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExportTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExportTradeGeopoliticalRegion' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExporterTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FOBAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDestinationLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDestinationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreightForwarderAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreightForwarderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GoodsReleaseRestriction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GroupingCentreTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImportTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImporterTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedReferencedSupplyChainConsignment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedSupplyChainConsignmentItem' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedTareGrossWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InsuranceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InsurancePremiumAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InsuranceValueAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IntermediateConsigneeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceeAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingBaseportLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingLengthMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingListQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalConsigneeAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MainCarriageLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManifestAssociatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NatureIdentificationTransportCargo' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NilCarriageValueIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NilCustomsValueIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NilInsuranceValueIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NotifiedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OnCarriageLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginTradeGeopoliticalRegion' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackageType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentArrangementCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PhysicalLogisticsShippingMarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreCarriageLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReExportTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelatedSupplyChainTradeTransaction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReportedLogisticsStatus' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RiskFactorCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceChargeApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipFromTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipStoresIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipToTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActivityTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ArrivalTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BerthingTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BoatsmenTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BorderCrossingDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BorderCrossingTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CallTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CargoDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarriedInactiveReferencedTransportMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarriedMaterialGoodsCharacteristic' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ClosingDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CommodityConsolidatorAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CommodityConsolidatorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsignmentQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsortiumCarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CrewListRelatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CrewQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CrewTransportPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DangerousGoodsIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartureTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DocumentaryInstructionsNotifiedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExcessTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FirstArrivalTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ISCCIssuingAuthorityTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LiftingInstructionsRelatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingInspectionTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LoadingTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManifestOnboardIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManifestRelatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MasterResponsibleTransportPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Mode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NVOCCCarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NotifiedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OwnerAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PassengerListRelatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PassengerQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PilotTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PilotageExemptionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SailingAdviceNotificationInformation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SailingAdviceNotifiedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ScheduledID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StayID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StevedoreTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TerminalOperatorAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TerminalOperatorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TowageTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TowingVesselRelatedLogisticsTransportMovement' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TradedParcelQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TradingConsolidatorAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransitDirectionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportContractRelatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportEquipmentQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportMeansSecurityOfficerTransportPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransshipmentIntermediateTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnloadingInspectionTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnloadingTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UsedLogisticsTransportMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeDeliveryTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StorageTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SummaryDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalAllowanceChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalCollectChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalDisbursementAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalExportExitToImportEntryChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalPrepaidChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalTareWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TradedParcelID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransitLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransitTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportContractReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportEquipmentQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportEquipmentSplitGoodsIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportLogisticsPackage' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportSplitDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransshipmentLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnloadingBaseportLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnloadingSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UtilizedLogisticsTransportEquipment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VanningTransportEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:WarehouseArrivalDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RemainingRequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReverseBilledQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SampleShipFromTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SampleShipToTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipmentScheduleReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedDeliveryAdjustment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsRegulatedGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TheoreticalWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TurnInReceivedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UltimateShipToDeliveryDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UltimateShipToDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UtilizedLogisticsTransportEquipment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentReference' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:InvoiceCurrencyCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:PayeeTradeParty' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:BillingSpecifiedPeriod' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementMonetarySummation' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ReceivableSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AccountingApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreementReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AlternatePaymentApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:LineTotalBasisAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceChargeBasisAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicablePercent' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerNonDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRepayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsDutyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeferredStatusPartyDebtorFinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueDateTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionAuthorizationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FunctionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Guarantee' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Jurisdiction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Rate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateApplicablePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RefundAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculationRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerPayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerRefundableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceSupplyTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TariffDeductionQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisAllowanceRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxExemptionAuthorityID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Type' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:EndDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:CompleteDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContinuousIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InclusiveIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OpenIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SeasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateFlexibilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:CreditNoteAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceIssuerID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DocumentaryCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DuePayableAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FactoringAgreementReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FactoringListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceIssuerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoicerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LetterOfCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NextInvoiceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackagingPayerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayableSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProFormaInvoiceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurchaseSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AbbreviatedName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmountTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CostAssignmentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CostReferenceDimensionPattern' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MainAccountsChartID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MainAccountsChartReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SetTriggerCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivedPaymentDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RemittanceAdviceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAdvancePayment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedFinancialAdjustment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' must occur at least 1 times.
Element 'ram:AppliedAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AppliedFromLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AppliedToLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicablePercent' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceChargeBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerNonDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRepayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsDutyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeferredStatusPartyDebtorFinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueDateTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionAuthorizationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FunctionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Guarantee' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Jurisdiction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineTotalBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Rate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateApplicablePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RefundAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculationRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerPayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerRefundableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceSupplyTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TariffDeductionQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisAllowanceRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxExemptionAuthorityID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Type' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationBasis' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationBasisCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationBasisTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeCategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DisbursementAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreightInvoiceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayingPartyRoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentArrangementCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentPlaceLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepackageAppliedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceCategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementPaymentMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TariffClassCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportPaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeIndicator' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AppliedDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicablePercent' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceChargeBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerNonDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRepayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsDutyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeferredStatusPartyDebtorFinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueDateTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionAuthorizationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FunctionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Guarantee' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Jurisdiction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineTotalBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Rate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateApplicablePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RefundAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculationRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerPayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerRefundableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceSupplyTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TariffDeductionQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisAllowanceRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxExemptionAuthorityID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Type' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:IndicatorString' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PrepaidIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValiditySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' must occur at least 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradePaymentPenaltyTerms' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradePaymentDiscountTerms' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualDiscountAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualPenaltyAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectDebitMandateID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EquivalentAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FromEventCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstructedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstructionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstructionTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PartialPaymentPercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayeeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMeansID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SettlementPeriodMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementFinancialCard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ChargeTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TaxTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:GrandTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TotalPrepaidAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:DuePayableAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EquivalentTransferTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExcludingTaxesLineTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreightChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrandTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludingTaxesLineTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InsuranceChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackingChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoundingAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalAllowanceChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalDiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalDiscountBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalPenaltyAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeSettlementFinancialCard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteeMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IdentifiedTradeSettlementFinancialCard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaidAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BBANID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProprietaryAccountName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProprietaryType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UPICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AustralianBSBID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AustrianBankleitzahlID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CHIPSParticipantID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CHIPSUniversalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CanadianPaymentsAssociationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ClearingSystemName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FedwireRoutingNumberID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HellenicBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HongKongBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndianFinancialSystemID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IrishNSCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItalianDomesticID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocationFinancialInstitutionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NewZealandNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PolishNationalClearingID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PortugueseNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RussianCentralBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SortCodeID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SouthAfricanNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpanishDomesticInterbankingID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubDivisionBranchFinancialInstitution' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SwissBCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UKSortCodeID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AccountName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BBANID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProprietaryAccountName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProprietaryType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UPICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AustralianBSBID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AustrianBankleitzahlID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CHIPSParticipantID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CHIPSUniversalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CanadianPaymentsAssociationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ClearingSystemName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FedwireRoutingNumberID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HellenicBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HongKongBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndianFinancialSystemID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IrishNSCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItalianDomesticID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocationFinancialInstitutionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NewZealandNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PolishNationalClearingID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PortugueseNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RussianCentralBankID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SouthAfricanNCCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpanishDomesticInterbankingID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubDivisionBranchFinancialInstitution' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SwissBCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UKSortCodeID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Type' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubtotalCalculatedTradeTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalAdjustmentAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalInvoiceAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalTaxAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportationPayeeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedDocumentLineDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedDocumentLineDocument' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainTradeSettlement' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AccessoryApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalInformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssertedDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContentCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Content' must occur at least 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Subject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LatestRevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ParentLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UUIDLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedLogisticsTransportEquipment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BarcodeID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ComplementaryApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ComponentApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedWithinSupplyChainConsignmentItem' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PhysicalLogisticsPackage' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequiredApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerOrderReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ContractReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:GrossPriceProductTradePrice' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:NetPriceProductTradePrice' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:CustomerOrderReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdministrativeAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdministrativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreedPriceProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainForecastTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeAllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeDeliveryTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradePaymentTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BillOfQuantitiesReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BlanketOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedAccountantTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerBankTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRequisitionerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerTaxRepresentativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CarrierTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueInformationProviderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueInformationReceiverTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueRequestReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CatalogueSubscriptionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryPriorityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DemandForecastReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountedProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EngineeringChangeReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExclusivitySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExportLicenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ChargeIndicator' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AppliedDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryTradeTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:IndicatorString' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PrepaidIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValiditySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChangeReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ComparisonReferencePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedTradeTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetPriceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderUnitConversionFactorNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepackagingChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepairChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValiditySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteedProductLifeSpanSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImpactCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ImportLicenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncrementalProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationUseRestrictionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemBuyerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemSellerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LastKnownTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LetterOfCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ListProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MarketplaceOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaterialReleaseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaterialReturnsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumOrderQuantityOrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumOrderQuantityOrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumProductOrderableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AppliedTradeAllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChangeReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ComparisonReferencePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedTradeTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetPriceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderUnitConversionFactorNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepackagingChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepairChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValiditySpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderProductUnitMeasureCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderChangeReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousOrderResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousPriceListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriorityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProcurementTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductAvailabilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductChargeFreeIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductEndUserTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductMadeToOrderIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductOrderableIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductReorderableIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PromotionalDealReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PropertyClearanceTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurchaseConditionsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationProposalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationProposalResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Reference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegistrationTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestForQuotationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestForQuotationResponseReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedUnitProductTradePrice' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequisitionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequisitionerReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResaleProductUnitMeasureCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ResaleSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesAgentTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesConditionsReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesReportReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedAccountantTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerOrderReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerTaxRepresentativeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShippingSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SupplyInstructionReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SupportCentreTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TargetMarketTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TurnInReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BilledQuantity' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ActualDeliverySupplyChainEvent' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ReceivingAdviceReferencedDocument' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceDateTime' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DescriptionBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscreteSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EarliestOccurrenceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FrequencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LatestOccurrenceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OccurrenceSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualLoadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualReceiptSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ActualUnloadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTransportDangerousGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AvailableSupplyChainInventory' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeableWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfirmedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsumptionReportReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryInstructions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DespatchedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DisposalTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInAvailableQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInForecastedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInRequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueInReturnedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EconomicOrderQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDeliveryIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalDestinationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GFMTransferRejectedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedSupplyChainPackaging' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndividualPackageQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InventoryManagerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogisticsPackage' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogisticsServiceProviderTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ModificationForecastedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OwnershipToTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackingListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PartialDeliveryAllowedIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PerPackageUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PickUpAvailabilityDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedLoadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedSupplyChainConsignment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PlannedUnloadingSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProjectedSupplyChainSupplyPlan' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptableSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmendmentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttachmentBinaryObject' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AuthenticatedOriginalIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContractualDocumentClause' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CopyRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreationDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EffectiveSpecifiedPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ElectronicPresentationIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssueLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ItemIdentificationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LodgementLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalIssuedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginalRequiredQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PreviousRevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceiptDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecipientTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Remarks' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Revision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RevisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SectionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SignatoryDocumentAuthentication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelatedSupplyChainConsignment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RemainingRequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedPickUpSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedReleaseSupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReverseBilledQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SampleShipFromTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SampleShipToTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipFromTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ShipmentScheduleReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedDeliveryAdjustment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsRegulatedGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TheoreticalWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TurnInReceivedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UltimateShipToDeliveryDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UltimateShipToDeliverySupplyChainEvent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:DefinedTradeContact' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOfAssociatedTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CAGEID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DODAACID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DUNSID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DirectTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EDIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InstantMessagingUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:JobTitle' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MobileTelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PersonID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Responsibility' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedContactPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CompleteNumber' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Access' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryNumberCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExtensionNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:HTMLPreferredIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LocalNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelexUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VOIPUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EmailURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndPointURIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FaxUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GLNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IssuedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LanguageCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoAssociatedSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LogoReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostcodeCode' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AttentionOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CareOf' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CitySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryIdentificationTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CountrySubDivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DepartmentName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreeForm' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeoCoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFive' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineFour' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineThree' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PostOfficeBox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecondaryPostcodeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UTCOffsetNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProvidedTransportService' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QualityAssuranceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RICID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RequestedNotificationReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAuthoritativeSignatoryPerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedRepresentativePerson' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AssociatedRegisteredTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TelephoneUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:URIUniversalCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UtilizedLogisticsTransportEquipment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BillingSpecifiedPeriod' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AcceptanceTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AccountingApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AgreementReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AlternatePaymentApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicablePercent' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceChargeBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerNonDeductibleTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerRepayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculatedRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CategoryName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomsDutyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeductionAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeferredStatusPartyDebtorFinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DueDateTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionAuthorizationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FunctionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Guarantee' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GuaranteeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Jurisdiction' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineTotalBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Rate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateApplicablePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RateCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RefundAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegimeTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedBasisQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculatedAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SelfAssessedCalculationRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerPayableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerRefundableTaxSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ServiceSupplyTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TariffDeductionQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisAllowanceRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxExemptionAuthorityID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Type' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:EndDateTime' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:CompleteDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContinuousIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InclusiveIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OpenIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SeasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StartDateFlexibilityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'udt:DateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' is required in this context.
Element 'ram:CreditNoteAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceIssuerID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorReferenceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CreditorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DeliveryChargeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DiscountIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DocumentaryCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DuePayableAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FactoringAgreementReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FactoringListReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceIssuerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoiceeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InvoicerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LetterOfCreditReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NextInvoiceDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OrderCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackagingPayerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayableSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayeeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PayerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriceCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProFormaInvoiceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PurchaseSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:QuotationCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivableSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ReceivedPaymentDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RemittanceAdviceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedAdvancePayment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedFinancialAdjustment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsServiceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:AbbreviatedName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AmountTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CostAssignmentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CostReferenceDimensionPattern' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MainAccountsChartID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MainAccountsChartReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SetTriggerCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeAllowanceCharge' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradePaymentTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementFinancialCard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineTotalAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:TotalAllowanceChargeAmount' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AllowanceTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DuePayableAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EquivalentTransferTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ExcludingTaxesLineTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FreightChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrandTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrandTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludingTaxesLineTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InsuranceChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PackingChargeTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PaymentTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RoundingAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxBasisTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxTotalAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@currencyID' is required in this context.
Attribute @currencyCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalDiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalDiscountBasisAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalPenaltyAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalPrepaidAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementPaymentMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubtotalCalculatedTradeTax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxApplicableTradeCurrencyExchange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TaxPointDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalAdjustmentAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalInvoiceAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TotalTaxAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportationPayeeTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Description' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:AcquisitionLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AdditionalReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableMaterialGoodsCharacteristic' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:Description' must occur at least 1 times.
Element 'ram:ValueMeasure' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:Value' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableProductCharacteristicCondition' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableReferencedStandard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MeasurementMethodCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValueCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValueDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValueIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ValueSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableSupplyChainPackaging' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTradeProductCertification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ApplicableTransportDangerousGoods' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AreaDensityMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:AvailableMeasurementCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BatchID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BrandName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BrandOwnerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BrandRangeName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:BuyerAssignedExtensionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CancellationAnnouncedLaunchDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CertificationEvidenceReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ColourCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ColourDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CommonName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConciseDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConfigurableIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsumerAgeDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ConsumerGenderDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ContentUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CriticalityTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:CustomerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ClassCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'ram:ClassName' must occur at least 1 times.
Element 'ram:ApplicableReferencedStandard' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' is required in this context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ClassProductCharacteristic' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubClassCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SystemID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SystemName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Designation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DistributorTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:DrainedNetWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndItemName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndItemTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:EndUserTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FIIGCriticalityTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FSCID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FinalAssemblyTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FromDeliveryLifeSpanMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FromOpeningLifeSpanMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:FromProductionLifeSpanMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GTINID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GeneticModificationExtentCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GlobalExtensionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:GrossWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedProductContentUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IncludedProductTypeQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' must occur at least 1 times.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' is required in this context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndustryAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManufacturerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RelationshipTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndividualTradeProductInstance' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IndustryAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InnerPackContentUnitQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InnerPackQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:InspectionReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:IntendedUse' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LatestProductDataChangeDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LegalRightsOwnerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LinearSpatialDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MSDSReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManufactureTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManufacturerAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ManufacturerTradeParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MarkedSerialNumberIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MarketingCampaignReferenceReferencedDocument' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MarketingDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MaximumLinearSpatialDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:MinimumLinearSpatialDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ModelID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ModelName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NIINID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NSNID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetVolumeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:NetWeightMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:OriginLogisticsLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateTradeCountrySubDivision' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PhysicalFormDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PrePackagedIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PresentationSpecifiedBinaryFile' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PriorityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductGroupID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductionDiscontinuedDateTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ProductionLeadTimeMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:PromotionalVariantID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RecyclingTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RegulationConformityID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RejectionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:RepairLevelTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:ScientificName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SeasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SeasonDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SecurityInformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SellerAssignedExtensionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute @schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SizeDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedSupplyChainDiscrepancy' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:StorageInformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubBrandName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubstituteReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubstitutedReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SuppliedFromTradeCountry' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TrackingSystemID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TradeName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TransportInformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UnitTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UsageInformationNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:UseDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VariableMeasureIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:VariantDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubordinateTradeLineItem' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubstituteApplicableReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SubstitutedReferencedProduct' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeExtensionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:Information' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:LineItemQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SalesAgentAssignedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:SpecifiedLogisticsPackage' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ram:TypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
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