package.schematics.bundles.route-lazy-loading.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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'use strict';
* @license Angular v19.0.5
* (c) 2010-2024 Google LLC. https://angular.io/
* License: MIT
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var schematics = require('@angular-devkit/schematics');
var fs = require('fs');
var p = require('path');
var compiler_host = require('./compiler_host-82c877de.js');
var project_tsconfig_paths = require('./project_tsconfig_paths-e9ccccbf.js');
var ts = require('typescript');
var checker = require('./checker-eced36c5.js');
function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
var ts__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(ts);
* Finds the class declaration that is being referred to by a node.
* @param reference Node referring to a class declaration.
* @param typeChecker
function findClassDeclaration(reference, typeChecker) {
return (typeChecker
?.declarations?.find(ts__default["default"].isClassDeclaration) || null);
/** Finds a property with a specific name in an object literal expression. */
function findLiteralProperty(literal, name) {
return literal.properties.find((prop) => prop.name && ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(prop.name) && prop.name.text === name);
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license
* Checks whether a component is standalone.
* @param node Class being checked.
* @param reflector The reflection host to use.
function isStandaloneComponent(node, reflector) {
const decorators = reflector.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(node);
if (decorators === null) {
return false;
const decorator = checker.findAngularDecorator(decorators, 'Component', false);
if (decorator === undefined || decorator.args === null || decorator.args.length !== 1) {
return false;
const arg = decorator.args[0];
if (ts__default["default"].isObjectLiteralExpression(arg)) {
const property = findLiteralProperty(arg, 'standalone');
if (property) {
return property.initializer.getText() === 'true';
else {
return true; // standalone is true by default in v19
return false;
* Checks whether a node is variable declaration of type Routes or Route[] and comes from @angular/router
* @param node Variable declaration being checked.
* @param typeChecker
function isAngularRoutesArray(node, typeChecker) {
if (ts__default["default"].isVariableDeclaration(node)) {
const type = typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(node);
if (type && typeChecker.isArrayType(type)) {
// Route[] is an array type
const typeArguments = typeChecker.getTypeArguments(type);
const symbol = typeArguments[0]?.getSymbol();
return (symbol?.name === 'Route' &&
symbol?.declarations?.some((decl) => {
return decl.getSourceFile().fileName.includes('@angular/router');
return false;
* Checks whether a node is a call expression to a router module method.
* Examples:
* - RouterModule.forRoot(routes)
* - RouterModule.forChild(routes)
function isRouterModuleCallExpression(node, typeChecker) {
if (ts__default["default"].isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression)) {
const propAccess = node.expression;
const moduleSymbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(propAccess.expression);
return (moduleSymbol?.name === 'RouterModule' &&
(propAccess.name.text === 'forRoot' || propAccess.name.text === 'forChild'));
return false;
* Checks whether a node is a call expression to a router method.
* Example: this.router.resetConfig(routes)
function isRouterCallExpression(node, typeChecker) {
if (ts__default["default"].isCallExpression(node) &&
ts__default["default"].isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression) &&
node.expression.name.text === 'resetConfig') {
const calleeExpression = node.expression.expression;
const symbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(calleeExpression);
if (symbol) {
const type = typeChecker.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol, calleeExpression);
// if type of router is Router, then it is a router call expression
return type.aliasSymbol?.escapedName === 'Router';
return false;
* Checks whether a node is a call expression to router provide function.
* Example: provideRoutes(routes)
function isRouterProviderCallExpression(node, typeChecker) {
if (ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(node.expression)) {
const moduleSymbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.expression);
return moduleSymbol && moduleSymbol.name === 'provideRoutes';
return false;
* Checks whether a node is a call expression to provideRouter function.
* Example: provideRouter(routes)
function isProvideRoutesCallExpression(node, typeChecker) {
if (ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(node.expression)) {
const moduleSymbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.expression);
return moduleSymbol && moduleSymbol.name === 'provideRouter';
return false;
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license
* Converts all application routes that are using standalone components to be lazy loaded.
* @param sourceFile File that should be migrated.
* @param program
function migrateFileToLazyRoutes(sourceFile, program) {
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const reflector = new checker.TypeScriptReflectionHost(typeChecker);
const printer = ts__default["default"].createPrinter();
const tracker = new compiler_host.ChangeTracker(printer);
const routeArraysToMigrate = findRoutesArrayToMigrate(sourceFile, typeChecker);
if (routeArraysToMigrate.length === 0) {
return { pendingChanges: [], skippedRoutes: [], migratedRoutes: [] };
const { skippedRoutes, migratedRoutes } = migrateRoutesArray(routeArraysToMigrate, typeChecker, reflector, tracker);
return {
pendingChanges: tracker.recordChanges().get(sourceFile) || [],
/** Finds route object that can be migrated */
function findRoutesArrayToMigrate(sourceFile, typeChecker) {
const routesArrays = [];
sourceFile.forEachChild(function walk(node) {
if (ts__default["default"].isCallExpression(node)) {
if (isRouterModuleCallExpression(node, typeChecker) ||
isRouterProviderCallExpression(node, typeChecker) ||
isRouterCallExpression(node, typeChecker) ||
isProvideRoutesCallExpression(node, typeChecker)) {
const arg = node.arguments[0]; // ex: RouterModule.forRoot(routes) or provideRouter(routes)
const routeFileImports = sourceFile.statements.filter(ts__default["default"].isImportDeclaration);
if (ts__default["default"].isArrayLiteralExpression(arg) && arg.elements.length > 0) {
// ex: inline routes array: RouterModule.forRoot([{ path: 'test', component: TestComponent }])
routeFilePath: sourceFile.fileName,
array: arg,
else if (ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(arg)) {
// ex: reference to routes array: RouterModule.forRoot(routes)
// RouterModule.forRoot(routes), provideRouter(routes), provideRoutes(routes)
const symbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(arg);
if (!symbol?.declarations)
for (const declaration of symbol.declarations) {
if (ts__default["default"].isVariableDeclaration(declaration)) {
const initializer = declaration.initializer;
if (initializer && ts__default["default"].isArrayLiteralExpression(initializer)) {
// ex: const routes = [{ path: 'test', component: TestComponent }];
routeFilePath: sourceFile.fileName,
array: initializer,
if (ts__default["default"].isVariableDeclaration(node)) {
if (isAngularRoutesArray(node, typeChecker)) {
const initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer &&
ts__default["default"].isArrayLiteralExpression(initializer) &&
initializer.elements.length > 0) {
// ex: const routes: Routes = [{ path: 'test', component: TestComponent }];
if (routesArrays.find((x) => x.array === initializer)) {
// already exists
routeFilePath: sourceFile.fileName,
array: initializer,
routeFileImports: sourceFile.statements.filter(ts__default["default"].isImportDeclaration),
return routesArrays;
/** Migrate a routes object standalone components to be lazy loaded. */
function migrateRoutesArray(routesArray, typeChecker, reflector, tracker) {
const migratedRoutes = [];
const skippedRoutes = [];
const importsToRemove = [];
for (const route of routesArray) {
route.array.elements.forEach((element) => {
if (ts__default["default"].isObjectLiteralExpression(element)) {
const { migratedRoutes: migrated, skippedRoutes: toBeSkipped, importsToRemove: toBeRemoved, } = migrateRoute(element, route, typeChecker, reflector, tracker);
for (const importToRemove of importsToRemove) {
return { migratedRoutes, skippedRoutes };
* Migrates a single route object and returns the results of the migration
* It recursively migrates the children routes if they exist
function migrateRoute(element, route, typeChecker, reflector, tracker) {
const skippedRoutes = [];
const migratedRoutes = [];
const importsToRemove = [];
const component = findLiteralProperty(element, 'component');
// this can be empty string or a variable that is not a string, or not present at all
const routePath = findLiteralProperty(element, 'path')?.getText() ?? '';
const children = findLiteralProperty(element, 'children');
// recursively migrate children routes first if they exist
if (children && ts__default["default"].isArrayLiteralExpression(children.initializer)) {
for (const childRoute of children.initializer.elements) {
if (ts__default["default"].isObjectLiteralExpression(childRoute)) {
const { migratedRoutes: migrated, skippedRoutes: toBeSkipped, importsToRemove: toBeRemoved, } = migrateRoute(childRoute, route, typeChecker, reflector, tracker);
const routeMigrationResults = { migratedRoutes, skippedRoutes, importsToRemove };
if (!component) {
return routeMigrationResults;
const componentDeclaration = findClassDeclaration(component, typeChecker);
if (!componentDeclaration) {
return routeMigrationResults;
// if component is not a standalone component, skip it
if (!isStandaloneComponent(componentDeclaration, reflector)) {
skippedRoutes.push({ path: routePath, file: route.routeFilePath });
return routeMigrationResults;
const componentClassName = componentDeclaration.name && ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(componentDeclaration.name)
? componentDeclaration.name.text
: null;
if (!componentClassName) {
return routeMigrationResults;
// if component is in the same file as the routes array, skip it
if (componentDeclaration.getSourceFile().fileName === route.routeFilePath) {
return routeMigrationResults;
const componentImport = route.routeFileImports.find((importDecl) => importDecl.importClause?.getText().includes(componentClassName));
// remove single and double quotes from the import path
let componentImportPath = ts__default["default"].isStringLiteral(componentImport?.moduleSpecifier)
? componentImport.moduleSpecifier.text
: null;
// if the import path is not a string literal, skip it
if (!componentImportPath) {
skippedRoutes.push({ path: routePath, file: route.routeFilePath });
return routeMigrationResults;
const isDefaultExport = componentDeclaration.modifiers?.some((x) => x.kind === ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) ?? false;
const loadComponent = createLoadComponentPropertyAssignment(componentImportPath, componentClassName, isDefaultExport);
tracker.replaceNode(component, loadComponent);
// Add the import statement for the standalone component
if (!importsToRemove.includes(componentImport)) {
migratedRoutes.push({ path: routePath, file: route.routeFilePath });
// the component was migrated, so we return the results
return routeMigrationResults;
* Generates the loadComponent property assignment for a given component.
* Example:
* loadComponent: () => import('./path').then(m => m.componentName)
* or
* loadComponent: () => import('./path') // when isDefaultExport is true
function createLoadComponentPropertyAssignment(componentImportPath, componentDeclarationName, isDefaultExport) {
return ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyAssignment('loadComponent', ts__default["default"].factory.createArrowFunction(undefined, undefined, [], undefined, ts__default["default"].factory.createToken(ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken), isDefaultExport
? createImportCallExpression(componentImportPath) // will generate import('./path) and will skip the then() call
: ts__default["default"].factory.createCallExpression(
// will generate import('./path).then(m => m.componentName)
ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyAccessExpression(createImportCallExpression(componentImportPath), 'then'), undefined, [createImportThenCallExpression(componentDeclarationName)])));
// import('./path)
const createImportCallExpression = (componentImportPath) => ts__default["default"].factory.createCallExpression(ts__default["default"].factory.createIdentifier('import'), undefined, [
ts__default["default"].factory.createStringLiteral(componentImportPath, true),
// m => m.componentName
const createImportThenCallExpression = (componentDeclarationName) => ts__default["default"].factory.createArrowFunction(undefined, undefined, [ts__default["default"].factory.createParameterDeclaration(undefined, undefined, 'm', undefined, undefined)], undefined, ts__default["default"].factory.createToken(ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken), ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyAccessExpression(ts__default["default"].factory.createIdentifier('m'), componentDeclarationName));
function migrate(options) {
return async (tree, context) => {
const { buildPaths } = await project_tsconfig_paths.getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree);
const basePath = process.cwd();
// TS and Schematic use paths in POSIX format even on Windows. This is needed as otherwise
// string matching such as `sourceFile.fileName.startsWith(pathToMigrate)` might not work.
const pathToMigrate = compiler_host.normalizePath(p.join(basePath, options.path));
if (!buildPaths.length) {
throw new schematics.SchematicsException('Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot run the route lazy loading migration.');
let migratedRoutes = [];
let skippedRoutes = [];
for (const tsconfigPath of buildPaths) {
const { migratedRoutes: migrated, skippedRoutes: skipped } = standaloneRoutesMigration(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath, pathToMigrate, options);
if (migratedRoutes.length === 0 && skippedRoutes.length === 0) {
throw new schematics.SchematicsException(`Could not find any files to migrate under the path ${pathToMigrate}.`);
context.logger.info('🎉 Automated migration step has finished! 🎉');
context.logger.info(`Number of updated routes: ${migratedRoutes.length}`);
context.logger.info(`Number of skipped routes: ${skippedRoutes.length}`);
if (skippedRoutes.length > 0) {
context.logger.info(`Note: this migration was unable to optimize the following routes, since they use components declared in NgModules:`);
for (const route of skippedRoutes) {
context.logger.info(`- \`${route.path}\` path at \`${route.file}\``);
context.logger.info(`Consider making those components standalone and run this migration again. More information about standalone migration can be found at https://angular.dev/reference/migrations/standalone`);
context.logger.info('IMPORTANT! Please verify manually that your application builds and behaves as expected.');
context.logger.info(`See https://angular.dev/reference/migrations/route-lazy-loading for more information.`);
function standaloneRoutesMigration(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath, pathToMigrate, schematicOptions) {
if (schematicOptions.path.startsWith('..')) {
throw new schematics.SchematicsException('Cannot run route lazy loading migration outside of the current project.');
if (fs.existsSync(pathToMigrate) && !fs.statSync(pathToMigrate).isDirectory()) {
throw new schematics.SchematicsException(`Migration path ${pathToMigrate} has to be a directory. Cannot run the route lazy loading migration.`);
const program = compiler_host.createMigrationProgram(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath);
const sourceFiles = program
.filter((sourceFile) => sourceFile.fileName.startsWith(pathToMigrate) &&
compiler_host.canMigrateFile(basePath, sourceFile, program));
const migratedRoutes = [];
const skippedRoutes = [];
if (sourceFiles.length === 0) {
return { migratedRoutes, skippedRoutes };
for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) {
const { pendingChanges, skippedRoutes: skipped, migratedRoutes: migrated, } = migrateFileToLazyRoutes(sourceFile, program);
const update = tree.beginUpdate(p.relative(basePath, sourceFile.fileName));
pendingChanges.forEach((change) => {
if (change.removeLength != null) {
update.remove(change.start, change.removeLength);
update.insertRight(change.start, change.text);
return { migratedRoutes, skippedRoutes };
exports.migrate = migrate;
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