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package.schematics.bundles.signal-queries-migration.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
'use strict';
* @license Angular v19.0.5
* (c) 2010-2024 Google LLC.
* License: MIT
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var schematics = require('@angular-devkit/schematics');
var project_tsconfig_paths = require('./project_tsconfig_paths-e9ccccbf.js');
var combine_units = require('./combine_units-438d7a79.js');
var ts = require('typescript');
var checker = require('./checker-eced36c5.js');
var program = require('./program-c49e652e.js');
var migrate_ts_type_references = require('./migrate_ts_type_references-7e102890.js');
var assert = require('assert');
function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
var ts__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(ts);
var assert__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(assert);
* Phase that migrates Angular host binding references to
* unwrap signals.
function migrateHostBindings(host, references, info) {
const seenReferences = new WeakMap();
for (const reference of references) {
// This pass only deals with host binding references.
if (!combine_units.isHostBindingReference(reference)) {
// Skip references to incompatible inputs.
if (!host.shouldMigrateReferencesToField( {
const bindingField = reference.from.hostPropertyNode;
const expressionOffset = bindingField.getStart() + 1; // account for quotes.
const readEndPos = expressionOffset +;
// Skip duplicate references. Can happen if the host object is shared.
if (seenReferences.get(bindingField)?.has(readEndPos)) {
if (seenReferences.has(bindingField)) {
else {
seenReferences.set(bindingField, new Set([readEndPos]));
// Expand shorthands like `{bla}` to `{bla: bla()}`.
const appendText = reference.from.isObjectShorthandExpression
? `: ${}()`
: `()`;
host.replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(combine_units.projectFile(bindingField.getSourceFile(), info), new combine_units.TextUpdate({ position: readEndPos, end: readEndPos, toInsert: appendText })));
* Phase that migrates Angular template references to
* unwrap signals.
function migrateTemplateReferences(host, references) {
const seenFileReferences = new Set();
for (const reference of references) {
// This pass only deals with HTML template references.
if (!combine_units.isTemplateReference(reference)) {
// Skip references to incompatible inputs.
if (!host.shouldMigrateReferencesToField( {
// Skip duplicate references. E.g. if a template is shared.
const fileReferenceId = `${}:${}`;
if (seenFileReferences.has(fileReferenceId)) {
// Expand shorthands like `{bla}` to `{bla: bla()}`.
const appendText = reference.from.isObjectShorthandExpression
? `: ${}()`
: `()`;
host.replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(reference.from.templateFile, new combine_units.TextUpdate({
toInsert: appendText,
* Extracts the type `T` of expressions referencing `QueryList`.
function extractQueryListType(node) {
// Initializer variant of `new QueryList()`.
if (ts__default["default"].isNewExpression(node) &&
ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(node.expression) &&
node.expression.text === 'QueryList') {
return node.typeArguments?.[0];
// Type variant of `: QueryList`.
if (ts__default["default"].isTypeReferenceNode(node) &&
ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(node.typeName) &&
node.typeName.text === 'QueryList') {
return node.typeArguments?.[0];
return undefined;
* A few notes on changes:
* @ViewChild()
* --> static is gone!
* --> read stays
* @ViewChildren()
* --> emitDistinctChangesOnly is gone!
* --> read stays
* @ContentChild()
* --> descendants stays
* --> read stays
* --> static is gone!
* @ContentChildren()
* --> descendants stays
* --> read stays
* --> emitDistinctChangesOnly is gone!
function computeReplacementsToMigrateQuery(node, metadata, importManager, info, printer, options, checker$1) {
const sf = node.getSourceFile();
let newQueryFn = importManager.addImport({
requestedFile: sf,
exportModuleSpecifier: '@angular/core',
exportSymbolName: metadata.kind,
// The default value for descendants is `true`, except for `ContentChildren`.
const defaultDescendants = metadata.kind !== 'contentChildren';
const optionProperties = [];
const args = [
metadata.args[0], // Locator.
let type = node.type;
// For multi queries, attempt to unwrap `QueryList` types, or infer the
// type from the initializer, if possible.
if (!metadata.queryInfo.first) {
if (type === undefined && node.initializer !== undefined) {
type = extractQueryListType(node.initializer);
else if (type !== undefined) {
type = extractQueryListType(type);
if ( !== null) {
assert__default["default"]( instanceof checker.WrappedNodeExpr);
if (metadata.queryInfo.descendants !== defaultDescendants) {
optionProperties.push(ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyAssignment('descendants', metadata.queryInfo.descendants ? ts__default["default"].factory.createTrue() : ts__default["default"].factory.createFalse()));
if (optionProperties.length > 0) {
const strictNullChecksEnabled = options.strict === true || options.strictNullChecks === true;
const strictPropertyInitialization = options.strict === true || options.strictPropertyInitialization === true;
let isRequired = node.exclamationToken !== undefined;
// If we come across an application with strict null checks enabled, but strict
// property initialization is disabled, there are two options:
// - Either the query is already typed to include `undefined` explicitly,
// in which case an option query makes sense.
// - OR, the query is not typed to include `undefined`. In which case, the query
// should be marked as required to not break the app. The user-code throughout
// the application (given strict null checks) already assumes non-nullable!
if (strictNullChecksEnabled &&
!strictPropertyInitialization &&
node.initializer === undefined &&
node.questionToken === undefined &&
type !== undefined &&
!checker$1.isTypeAssignableTo(checker$1.getUndefinedType(), checker$1.getTypeFromTypeNode(type))) {
isRequired = true;
if (isRequired && metadata.queryInfo.first) {
// If the query is required already via some indicators, and this is a "single"
// query, use the available `.required` method.
newQueryFn = ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyAccessExpression(newQueryFn, 'required');
// If this query is still nullable (i.e. not required), attempt to remove
// explicit `undefined` types if possible.
if (!isRequired && type !== undefined && ts__default["default"].isUnionTypeNode(type)) {
type = migrate_ts_type_references.removeFromUnionIfPossible(type, (v) => v.kind !== ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword);
let locatorType = Array.isArray(metadata.queryInfo.predicate)
? null
: metadata.queryInfo.predicate.expression;
let resolvedReadType = ?? locatorType;
// If the original property type and the read type are matching, we can rely
// on the TS inference, instead of repeating types, like in `viewChild(Button)`.
if (type !== undefined &&
resolvedReadType instanceof checker.WrappedNodeExpr &&
ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(resolvedReadType.node) &&
ts__default["default"].isTypeReferenceNode(type) &&
ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(type.typeName) &&
type.typeName.text === resolvedReadType.node.text) {
locatorType = null;
const call = ts__default["default"].factory.createCallExpression(newQueryFn,
// If there is no resolved `ReadT` (e.g. string predicate), we use the
// original type explicitly as generic. Otherwise, query API is smart
// enough to always infer.
resolvedReadType === null && type !== undefined ? [type] : undefined, args);
const updated = ts__default["default"].factory.createPropertyDeclaration([ts__default["default"].factory.createModifier(ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword)],, undefined, undefined, call);
return [
new combine_units.Replacement(combine_units.projectFile(node.getSourceFile(), info), new combine_units.TextUpdate({
position: node.getStart(),
end: node.getEnd(),
toInsert: printer.printNode(ts__default["default"].EmitHint.Unspecified, updated, sf),
* Attempts to get a class field descriptor if the given symbol
* points to a class field.
function getClassFieldDescriptorForSymbol(symbol, info) {
if (symbol?.valueDeclaration === undefined ||
!ts__default["default"].isPropertyDeclaration(symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
return null;
const key = getUniqueIDForClassProperty(symbol.valueDeclaration, info);
if (key === null) {
return null;
return {
node: symbol.valueDeclaration,
* Gets a unique ID for the given class property.
* This is useful for matching class fields across compilation units.
* E.g. a reference may point to the field via `.d.ts`, while the other
* may reference it via actual `.ts` sources. IDs for the same fields
* would then match identity.
function getUniqueIDForClassProperty(property, info) {
if (!ts__default["default"].isClassDeclaration(property.parent) || === undefined) {
return null;
if ( === undefined) {
return null;
const id = combine_units.projectFile(property.getSourceFile(), info).id.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '.ts');
// Note: If a class is nested, there could be an ID clash.
// This is highly unlikely though, and this is not a problem because
// in such cases, there is even less chance there are any references to
// a non-exported classes; in which case, cross-compilation unit references
// likely can't exist anyway.
return `${id}-${}-${}`;
* Determines if the given node refers to a decorator-based query, and
* returns its resolved metadata if possible.
function extractSourceQueryDefinition(node, reflector, evaluator, info) {
if ((!ts__default["default"].isPropertyDeclaration(node) && !ts__default["default"].isAccessor(node)) ||
!ts__default["default"].isClassDeclaration(node.parent) || === undefined ||
!ts__default["default"].isIdentifier( {
return null;
const decorators = reflector.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(node) ?? [];
const ngDecorators = checker.getAngularDecorators(decorators, program.queryDecoratorNames, /* isCore */ false);
if (ngDecorators.length === 0) {
return null;
const decorator = ngDecorators[0];
const id = getUniqueIDForClassProperty(node, info);
if (id === null) {
return null;
let kind;
if ( === 'ViewChild') {
kind = 'viewChild';
else if ( === 'ViewChildren') {
kind = 'viewChildren';
else if ( === 'ContentChild') {
kind = 'contentChild';
else if ( === 'ContentChildren') {
kind = 'contentChildren';
else {
throw new Error('Unexpected query decorator detected.');
let queryInfo = null;
try {
queryInfo = program.extractDecoratorQueryMetadata(node,, decorator.args ?? [],, reflector, evaluator);
catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof checker.FatalDiagnosticError)) {
throw e;
console.error(`Skipping query: ${e.node.getSourceFile().fileName}: ${e.toString()}`);
return null;
return {
args: decorator.args ?? [],
node: node,
fieldDecorators: decorators,
function markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(data, id, reason) {
const existing = data[id];
if (existing === undefined) {
data[id] = {
fieldReason: reason,
classReason: null,
else if (existing.fieldReason === null) {
existing.fieldReason = reason;
else {
existing.fieldReason = migrate_ts_type_references.pickFieldIncompatibility({ reason, context: null }, { reason: existing.fieldReason, context: null }).reason;
function filterBestEffortIncompatibilities(knownQueries) {
for (const query of Object.values(knownQueries.globalMetadata.problematicQueries)) {
if (query.fieldReason !== null &&
!migrate_ts_type_references.nonIgnorableFieldIncompatibilities.includes(query.fieldReason)) {
query.fieldReason = null;
class KnownQueries {
classToQueryFields = new Map();
knownQueryIDs = new Map();
constructor(info, config, globalMetadata) { = info;
this.config = config;
this.globalMetadata = globalMetadata;
isFieldIncompatible(descriptor) {
return this.getIncompatibilityForField(descriptor) !== null;
markFieldIncompatible(field, incompatibility) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(this.globalMetadata.problematicQueries, field.key, incompatibility.reason);
markClassIncompatible(node, reason) {
this.classToQueryFields.get(node)?.forEach((f) => {
this.globalMetadata.problematicQueries[f.key] ??= { classReason: null, fieldReason: null };
this.globalMetadata.problematicQueries[f.key].classReason = reason;
registerQueryField(queryField, id) {
if (!this.classToQueryFields.has(queryField.parent)) {
this.classToQueryFields.set(queryField.parent, []);
key: id,
node: queryField,
this.knownQueryIDs.set(id, { key: id, node: queryField });
const descriptor = { key: id, node: queryField };
const file = combine_units.projectFile(queryField.getSourceFile(),;
if (this.config.shouldMigrateQuery !== undefined &&
!this.config.shouldMigrateQuery(descriptor, file)) {
this.markFieldIncompatible(descriptor, {
context: null,
reason: migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.SkippedViaConfigFilter,
attemptRetrieveDescriptorFromSymbol(symbol) {
const descriptor = getClassFieldDescriptorForSymbol(symbol,;
if (descriptor !== null && this.knownQueryIDs.has(descriptor.key)) {
return descriptor;
return null;
shouldTrackClassReference(clazz) {
return this.classToQueryFields.has(clazz);
getQueryFieldsOfClass(clazz) {
return this.classToQueryFields.get(clazz);
getAllClassesWithQueries() {
return Array.from(this.classToQueryFields.keys()).filter((c) => ts__default["default"].isClassDeclaration(c));
captureKnownFieldInheritanceRelationship(derived, parent) {
// Note: The edge problematic pattern recognition is not as good as the one
// we have in the signal input migration. That is because we couldn't trivially
// build up an inheritance graph during analyze phase where we DON'T know what
// fields refer to queries. Usually we'd use the graph to smartly propagate
// incompatibilities using topological sort. This doesn't work here and is
// unnecessarily complex, so we try our best at detecting direct edge
// incompatibilities (which are quite order dependent).
if (this.isFieldIncompatible(parent) && !this.isFieldIncompatible(derived)) {
this.markFieldIncompatible(derived, {
context: null,
reason: migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.ParentIsIncompatible,
if (this.isFieldIncompatible(derived) && !this.isFieldIncompatible(parent)) {
this.markFieldIncompatible(parent, {
context: null,
reason: migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.DerivedIsIncompatible,
captureUnknownDerivedField(field) {
this.markFieldIncompatible(field, {
context: null,
reason: migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.OverriddenByDerivedClass,
captureUnknownParentField(field) {
this.markFieldIncompatible(field, {
context: null,
reason: migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.TypeConflictWithBaseClass,
getIncompatibilityForField(descriptor) {
const problematicInfo = this.globalMetadata.problematicQueries[descriptor.key];
if (problematicInfo === undefined) {
return null;
if (problematicInfo.fieldReason !== null) {
return { context: null, reason: problematicInfo.fieldReason };
if (problematicInfo.classReason !== null) {
return problematicInfo.classReason;
return null;
getIncompatibilityTextForField(field) {
const incompatibilityInfo = this.globalMetadata.problematicQueries[field.key];
if (incompatibilityInfo.fieldReason !== null) {
return migrate_ts_type_references.getMessageForFieldIncompatibility(incompatibilityInfo.fieldReason, {
single: 'query',
plural: 'queries',
if (incompatibilityInfo.classReason !== null) {
return migrate_ts_type_references.getMessageForClassIncompatibility(incompatibilityInfo.classReason, {
single: 'query',
plural: 'queries',
return null;
/** Converts an initializer query API name to its decorator-equivalent. */
function queryFunctionNameToDecorator(name) {
if (name === 'viewChild') {
return 'ViewChild';
else if (name === 'viewChildren') {
return 'ViewChildren';
else if (name === 'contentChild') {
return 'ContentChild';
else if (name === 'contentChildren') {
return 'ContentChildren';
throw new Error(`Unexpected query function name: ${name}`);
* Gets whether the given field is accessed via the
* given reference.
* E.g. whether `.toArray` is detected.
function checkTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, fieldName) {
const accessNode = combine_units.traverseAccess(ref.from.node);
// Check if the reference is part of a property access.
if (!ts__default["default"].isPropertyAccessExpression(accessNode.parent) ||
!ts__default["default"].isIdentifier( {
return null;
// Check if the reference is refers to the given field name.
if ( !== fieldName) {
return null;
return accessNode.parent;
* Gets whether the given read is used to access
* the specified field.
* E.g. whether `.toArray` is detected.
function checkNonTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, fieldName) {
const readFromPath =;
const parentRead =;
if ( !== readFromPath) {
return null;
if (!(parentRead instanceof checker.PropertyRead) || !== fieldName) {
return null;
return parentRead;
* Gets whether the given reference is accessed to call the
* specified function on it.
* E.g. whether `.toArray()` is detected.
function checkTsReferenceCallsField(ref, fieldName) {
const propertyAccess = checkTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, fieldName);
if (propertyAccess === null) {
return null;
if (ts__default["default"].isCallExpression(propertyAccess.parent) &&
propertyAccess.parent.expression === propertyAccess) {
return propertyAccess.parent;
return null;
* Gets whether the given reference is accessed to call the
* specified function on it.
* E.g. whether `.toArray()` is detected.
function checkNonTsReferenceCallsField(ref, fieldName) {
const propertyAccess = checkNonTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, fieldName);
if (propertyAccess === null) {
return null;
const accessIdx = ref.from.readAstPath.indexOf(propertyAccess);
if (accessIdx === -1) {
return null;
const potentialCall = ref.from.readAstPath[accessIdx - 1];
if (potentialCall === undefined || !(potentialCall instanceof checker.Call)) {
return null;
return potentialCall;
function removeQueryListToArrayCall(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements) {
if (!combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
if (knownQueries.isFieldIncompatible( {
if (!globalMetadata.knownQueryFields[]?.isMulti) {
// TS references.
if (combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
const toArrayCallExpr = checkTsReferenceCallsField(ref, 'toArray');
if (toArrayCallExpr === null) {
const toArrayExpr = toArrayCallExpr.expression;
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(combine_units.projectFile(toArrayExpr.getSourceFile(), info), new combine_units.TextUpdate({
// Delete from expression end to call end. E.g. `.toArray(<..>)`.
position: toArrayExpr.expression.getEnd(),
end: toArrayCallExpr.getEnd(),
toInsert: '',
// Template and host binding references.
const callExpr = checkNonTsReferenceCallsField(ref, 'toArray');
if (callExpr === null) {
const file = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.file : ref.from.templateFile;
const offset = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.hostPropertyNode.getStart() + 1 : 0;
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(file, new combine_units.TextUpdate({
// Delete from expression end to call end. E.g. `.toArray(<..>)`.
position: offset + callExpr.receiver.receiver.sourceSpan.end,
end: offset + callExpr.sourceSpan.end,
toInsert: '',
function replaceQueryListGetCall(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements) {
if (!combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
if (knownQueries.isFieldIncompatible( {
if (!globalMetadata.knownQueryFields[]?.isMulti) {
if (combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
const getCallExpr = checkTsReferenceCallsField(ref, 'get');
if (getCallExpr === null) {
const getExpr = getCallExpr.expression;
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(combine_units.projectFile(getExpr.getSourceFile(), info), new combine_units.TextUpdate({
toInsert: 'at',
// Template and host binding references.
const callExpr = checkNonTsReferenceCallsField(ref, 'get');
if (callExpr === null) {
const file = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.file : ref.from.templateFile;
const offset = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.hostPropertyNode.getStart() + 1 : 0;
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(file, new combine_units.TextUpdate({
position: offset + callExpr.receiver.nameSpan.start,
end: offset + callExpr.receiver.nameSpan.end,
toInsert: 'at',
const problematicQueryListMethods = [
function checkForIncompatibleQueryListAccesses(ref, result) {
if (combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
for (const problematicFn of problematicQueryListMethods) {
const access = checkTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, problematicFn);
if (access !== null) {
result.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries[] = true;
if (combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) || combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref)) {
for (const problematicFn of problematicQueryListMethods) {
const access = checkNonTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, problematicFn);
if (access !== null) {
result.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries[] = true;
const mapping = new Map([
['first', 'at(0)!'],
['last', 'at(-1)!'],
function replaceQueryListFirstAndLastReferences(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements) {
if (!combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref) && !combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
if (knownQueries.isFieldIncompatible( {
if (!globalMetadata.knownQueryFields[]?.isMulti) {
if (combine_units.isTsReference(ref)) {
const expr = checkTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, 'first') ?? checkTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, 'last');
if (expr === null) {
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(combine_units.projectFile(expr.getSourceFile(), info), new combine_units.TextUpdate({
toInsert: mapping.get(,
// Template and host binding references.
const expr = checkNonTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, 'first') ?? checkNonTsReferenceAccessesField(ref, 'last');
if (expr === null) {
const file = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.file : ref.from.templateFile;
const offset = combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref) ? ref.from.hostPropertyNode.getStart() + 1 : 0;
replacements.push(new combine_units.Replacement(file, new combine_units.TextUpdate({
position: offset + expr.nameSpan.start,
end: offset + expr.nameSpan.end,
toInsert: mapping.get(,
class SignalQueriesMigration extends combine_units.TsurgeComplexMigration {
constructor(config = {}) {
this.config = config;
async analyze(info) {
// Pre-Analyze the program and get access to the template type checker.
const { templateTypeChecker } = info.ngCompiler?.['ensureAnalyzed']() ?? {
templateTypeChecker: null,
const resourceLoader = info.ngCompiler?.['resourceManager'] ?? null;
// Generate all type check blocks, if we have Angular template information.
if (templateTypeChecker !== null) {
const { sourceFiles, program: program$1 } = info;
const checker$1 = program$1.getTypeChecker();
const reflector = new checker.TypeScriptReflectionHost(checker$1);
const evaluator = new program.PartialEvaluator(reflector, checker$1, null);
const res = {
knownQueryFields: {},
potentialProblematicQueries: {},
potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries: {},
reusableAnalysisReferences: null,
const groupedAstVisitor = new migrate_ts_type_references.GroupedTsAstVisitor(sourceFiles);
const referenceResult = { references: [] };
const classesWithFilteredQueries = new Set();
const filteredQueriesForCompilationUnit = new Map();
const findQueryDefinitionsVisitor = (node) => {
const extractedQuery = extractSourceQueryDefinition(node, reflector, evaluator, info);
if (extractedQuery !== null) {
const queryNode = extractedQuery.node;
const descriptor = {
node: queryNode,
const containingFile = combine_units.projectFile(queryNode.getSourceFile(), info);
// If we have a config filter function, use it here for later
// perf-boosted reference lookups. Useful in non-batch mode.
if (this.config.shouldMigrateQuery === undefined ||
this.config.shouldMigrateQuery(descriptor, containingFile)) {
filteredQueriesForCompilationUnit.set(, {
fieldName: extractedQuery.queryInfo.propertyName,
res.knownQueryFields[] = {
fieldName: extractedQuery.queryInfo.propertyName,
isMulti: extractedQuery.queryInfo.first === false,
if (ts__default["default"].isAccessor(queryNode)) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.Accessor);
// Detect queries with union types that are uncommon to be
// automatically migrate-able. E.g. `refs: ElementRef|null`,
// or `ElementRef|SomeOtherType`.
if (queryNode.type !== undefined &&
ts__default["default"].isUnionTypeNode(queryNode.type) &&
// Either too large union, or doesn't match `T|undefined`.
(queryNode.type.types.length > 2 ||
!queryNode.type.types.some((t) => t.kind === ts__default["default"].SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword))) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.SignalQueries__IncompatibleMultiUnionType);
// Migrating fields with `@HostBinding` is incompatible as
// the host binding decorator does not invoke the signal.
const hostBindingDecorators = checker.getAngularDecorators(extractedQuery.fieldDecorators, ['HostBinding'],
/* isCore */ false);
if (hostBindingDecorators.length > 0) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.SignalIncompatibleWithHostBinding);
this.config.reportProgressFn?.(20, 'Scanning for queries..');
const allFieldsOrKnownQueries = {
// Note: We don't support cross-target migration of `Partial` usages.
// This is an acceptable limitation for performance reasons.
shouldTrackClassReference: (node) => classesWithFilteredQueries.has(node),
attemptRetrieveDescriptorFromSymbol: (s) => {
const descriptor = getClassFieldDescriptorForSymbol(s, info);
// If we are executing in upgraded analysis phase mode, we know all
// of the queries since there aren't any other compilation units.
// Ignore references to non-query class fields.
if (this.config.assumeNonBatch &&
(descriptor === null || !filteredQueriesForCompilationUnit.has(descriptor.key))) {
return null;
// In batch mode, we eagerly, rather expensively, track all references.
// We don't know yet if something refers to a different query or not, so we
// eagerly detect such and later filter those problematic references that
// turned out to refer to queries (once we have the global metadata).
return descriptor;
groupedAstVisitor.register(combine_units.createFindAllSourceFileReferencesVisitor(info, checker$1, reflector, resourceLoader, evaluator, templateTypeChecker, allFieldsOrKnownQueries,
// In non-batch mode, we know what inputs exist and can optimize the reference
// resolution significantly (for e.g. VSCode integration)— as we know what
// field names may be used to reference potential queries.
? new Set(Array.from(filteredQueriesForCompilationUnit.values()).map((f) => f.fieldName))
: null, referenceResult).visitor);
const inheritanceGraph = new migrate_ts_type_references.InheritanceGraph(checker$1).expensivePopulate(info.sourceFiles);
migrate_ts_type_references.checkIncompatiblePatterns(inheritanceGraph, checker$1, groupedAstVisitor, {
isFieldIncompatible: (f) => res.potentialProblematicQueries[f.key]?.fieldReason !== null ||
res.potentialProblematicQueries[f.key]?.classReason !== null,
markClassIncompatible: (clazz, reason) => {
for (const field of clazz.members) {
const key = getUniqueIDForClassProperty(field, info);
if (key !== null) {
res.potentialProblematicQueries[key] ??= { classReason: null, fieldReason: null };
res.potentialProblematicQueries[key].classReason = reason;
markFieldIncompatible: (f, incompatibility) => markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries, f.key, incompatibility.reason),
}, () => Array.from(classesWithFilteredQueries));
this.config.reportProgressFn?.(60, 'Scanning for references and problematic patterns..');
// Determine incompatible queries based on problematic references
// we saw in TS code, templates or host bindings.
for (const ref of referenceResult.references) {
if (combine_units.isTsReference(ref) && ref.from.isWrite) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.WriteAssignment);
if ((combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref) || combine_units.isHostBindingReference(ref)) && ref.from.isWrite) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.WriteAssignment);
// TODO: Remove this when we support signal narrowing in templates.
if (combine_units.isTemplateReference(ref) && ref.from.isLikelyPartOfNarrowing) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(res.potentialProblematicQueries,, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.PotentiallyNarrowedInTemplateButNoSupportYet);
// Check for other incompatible query list accesses.
checkForIncompatibleQueryListAccesses(ref, res);
if (this.config.assumeNonBatch) {
res.reusableAnalysisReferences = referenceResult.references;
return combine_units.confirmAsSerializable(res);
async combine(unitA, unitB) {
const combined = {
knownQueryFields: {},
potentialProblematicQueries: {},
potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries: {},
reusableAnalysisReferences: null,
for (const unit of [unitA, unitB]) {
for (const [id, value] of Object.entries(unit.knownQueryFields)) {
combined.knownQueryFields[id] = value;
for (const [id, info] of Object.entries(unit.potentialProblematicQueries)) {
if (info.fieldReason !== null) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(combined.potentialProblematicQueries, id, info.fieldReason);
if (info.classReason !== null) {
combined.potentialProblematicQueries[id] ??= {
classReason: null,
fieldReason: null,
combined.potentialProblematicQueries[id].classReason =
for (const id of Object.keys(unit.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries)) {
combined.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries[id] = true;
if (unit.reusableAnalysisReferences !== null) {
combined.reusableAnalysisReferences = unit.reusableAnalysisReferences;
for (const unit of [unitA, unitB]) {
for (const id of Object.keys(unit.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries)) {
if (combined.knownQueryFields[id]?.isMulti) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(combined.potentialProblematicQueries, id, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.SignalQueries__QueryListProblematicFieldAccessed);
return combine_units.confirmAsSerializable(combined);
async globalMeta(combinedData) {
const globalUnitData = {
knownQueryFields: combinedData.knownQueryFields,
problematicQueries: combinedData.potentialProblematicQueries,
reusableAnalysisReferences: combinedData.reusableAnalysisReferences,
for (const id of Object.keys(combinedData.potentialProblematicReferenceForMultiQueries)) {
if (combinedData.knownQueryFields[id]?.isMulti) {
markFieldIncompatibleInMetadata(globalUnitData.problematicQueries, id, migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason.SignalQueries__QueryListProblematicFieldAccessed);
return combine_units.confirmAsSerializable(globalUnitData);
async migrate(globalMetadata, info) {
// Pre-Analyze the program and get access to the template type checker.
const { templateTypeChecker, metaReader } = info.ngCompiler?.['ensureAnalyzed']() ?? {
templateTypeChecker: null,
metaReader: null,
const resourceLoader = info.ngCompiler?.['resourceManager'] ?? null;
const { program: program$1, sourceFiles } = info;
const checker$1 = program$1.getTypeChecker();
const reflector = new checker.TypeScriptReflectionHost(checker$1);
const evaluator = new program.PartialEvaluator(reflector, checker$1, null);
const replacements = [];
const importManager = new checker.ImportManager();
const printer = ts__default["default"].createPrinter();
const filesWithSourceQueries = new Map();
const filesWithIncompleteMigration = new Map();
const filesWithQueryListOutsideOfDeclarations = new WeakSet();
const knownQueries = new KnownQueries(info, this.config, globalMetadata);
const referenceResult = { references: [] };
const sourceQueries = [];
// Detect all queries in this unit.
const queryWholeProgramVisitor = (node) => {
// Detect all SOURCE queries and migrate them, if possible.
const extractedQuery = extractSourceQueryDefinition(node, reflector, evaluator, info);
if (extractedQuery !== null) {
// Detect OTHER queries, inside `.d.ts`. Needed for reference resolution below.
if (ts__default["default"].isPropertyDeclaration(node) ||
(ts__default["default"].isAccessor(node) && ts__default["default"].isClassDeclaration(node.parent))) {
const classFieldID = getUniqueIDForClassProperty(node, info);
if (classFieldID !== null && globalMetadata.knownQueryFields[classFieldID] !== undefined) {
knownQueries.registerQueryField(node, classFieldID);
// Detect potential usages of `QueryList` outside of queries or imports.
// Those prevent us from removing the import later.
if (ts__default["default"].isIdentifier(node) &&
node.text === 'QueryList' &&
ts__default["default"].findAncestor(node, ts__default["default"].isImportDeclaration) === undefined) {
ts__default["default"].forEachChild(node, queryWholeProgramVisitor);
for (const sf of info.fullProgramSourceFiles) {
ts__default["default"].forEachChild(sf, queryWholeProgramVisitor);
// Set of all queries in the program. Useful for speeding up reference
// lookups below.
const fieldNamesToConsiderForReferenceLookup = new Set(Object.values(globalMetadata.knownQueryFields).map((f) => f.fieldName));
// Find all references.
const groupedAstVisitor = new migrate_ts_type_references.GroupedTsAstVisitor(sourceFiles);
// Re-use previous reference result if available, instead of
// looking for references which is quite expensive.
if (globalMetadata.reusableAnalysisReferences !== null) {
referenceResult.references = globalMetadata.reusableAnalysisReferences;
else {
groupedAstVisitor.register(combine_units.createFindAllSourceFileReferencesVisitor(info, checker$1, reflector, resourceLoader, evaluator, templateTypeChecker, knownQueries, fieldNamesToConsiderForReferenceLookup, referenceResult).visitor);
// Check inheritance.
// NOTE: Inheritance is only checked in the migrate stage as we cannot reliably
// check during analyze— where we don't know what fields from foreign `.d.ts`
// files refer to queries or not.
const inheritanceGraph = new migrate_ts_type_references.InheritanceGraph(checker$1).expensivePopulate(info.sourceFiles);
migrate_ts_type_references.checkInheritanceOfKnownFields(inheritanceGraph, metaReader, knownQueries, {
getFieldsForClass: (n) => knownQueries.getQueryFieldsOfClass(n) ?? [],
isClassWithKnownFields: (clazz) => knownQueries.getQueryFieldsOfClass(clazz) !== undefined,
this.config.reportProgressFn?.(80, 'Checking inheritance..');
if (this.config.bestEffortMode) {
this.config.reportProgressFn?.(90, 'Migrating queries..');
// Migrate declarations.
for (const extractedQuery of sourceQueries) {
const node = extractedQuery.node;
const sf = node.getSourceFile();
const descriptor = { key:, node: extractedQuery.node };
const incompatibility = knownQueries.getIncompatibilityForField(descriptor);
updateFileState(filesWithSourceQueries, sf, extractedQuery.kind);
if (incompatibility !== null) {
// Add a TODO for the incompatible query, if desired.
if (this.config.insertTodosForSkippedFields) {
replacements.push(...migrate_ts_type_references.insertTodoForIncompatibility(node, info, incompatibility, {
single: 'query',
plural: 'queries',
updateFileState(filesWithIncompleteMigration, sf, extractedQuery.kind);
replacements.push(...computeReplacementsToMigrateQuery(node, extractedQuery, importManager, info, printer, info.userOptions, checker$1));
// Migrate references.
const referenceMigrationHost = {
shouldMigrateReferencesToField: (field) => !knownQueries.isFieldIncompatible(field),
shouldMigrateReferencesToClass: (clazz) => !!knownQueries
?.some((q) => !knownQueries.isFieldIncompatible(q)),
migrate_ts_type_references.migrateTypeScriptReferences(referenceMigrationHost, referenceResult.references, checker$1, info);
migrateTemplateReferences(referenceMigrationHost, referenceResult.references);
migrateHostBindings(referenceMigrationHost, referenceResult.references, info);
migrate_ts_type_references.migrateTypeScriptTypeReferences(referenceMigrationHost, referenceResult.references, importManager, info);
// Fix problematic calls, like `QueryList#toArray`, or `QueryList#get`.
for (const ref of referenceResult.references) {
removeQueryListToArrayCall(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements);
replaceQueryListGetCall(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements);
replaceQueryListFirstAndLastReferences(ref, info, globalMetadata, knownQueries, replacements);
// Remove imports if possible.
for (const [file, types] of filesWithSourceQueries) {
let seenIncompatibleMultiQuery = false;
for (const type of types) {
const incompatibleQueryTypesForFile = filesWithIncompleteMigration.get(file);
// Query type is fully migrated. No incompatible queries in file.
if (!incompatibleQueryTypesForFile?.has(type)) {
importManager.removeImport(file, queryFunctionNameToDecorator(type), '@angular/core');
else if (type === 'viewChildren' || type === 'contentChildren') {
seenIncompatibleMultiQuery = true;
if (!seenIncompatibleMultiQuery && !filesWithQueryListOutsideOfDeclarations.has(file)) {
importManager.removeImport(file, 'QueryList', '@angular/core');
combine_units.applyImportManagerChanges(importManager, replacements, sourceFiles, info);
return { replacements, knownQueries };
async stats(globalMetadata) {
let queriesCount = 0;
let multiQueries = 0;
let incompatibleQueries = 0;
const fieldIncompatibleCounts = {};
const classIncompatibleCounts = {};
for (const query of Object.values(globalMetadata.knownQueryFields)) {
if (query.isMulti) {
for (const [id, info] of Object.entries(globalMetadata.problematicQueries)) {
if (globalMetadata.knownQueryFields[id] === undefined) {
if (info.classReason !== null) {
const reasonName = migrate_ts_type_references.ClassIncompatibilityReason[info.classReason];
const key = `incompat-class-${reasonName}`;
classIncompatibleCounts[key] ??= 0;
if (info.fieldReason !== null) {
const reasonName = migrate_ts_type_references.FieldIncompatibilityReason[info.fieldReason];
const key = `incompat-field-${reasonName}`;
fieldIncompatibleCounts[key] ??= 0;
return {
counters: {
* Updates the given map to capture the given query type.
* The map may track migrated queries in a file, or query types
* that couldn't be migrated.
function updateFileState(stateMap, node, queryType) {
const file = node.getSourceFile();
if (!stateMap.has(file)) {
stateMap.set(file, new Set());
function migrate(options) {
return async (tree, context) => {
const { buildPaths, testPaths } = await project_tsconfig_paths.getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree);
if (!buildPaths.length && !testPaths.length) {
throw new schematics.SchematicsException('Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot run signal queries migration.');
const fs = new combine_units.DevkitMigrationFilesystem(tree);
const migration = new SignalQueriesMigration({
bestEffortMode: options.bestEffortMode,
insertTodosForSkippedFields: options.insertTodos,
shouldMigrateQuery: (_query, file) => {
return (file.rootRelativePath.startsWith(fs.normalize(options.path)) &&
const analysisPath = fs.resolve(options.analysisDir);
const unitResults = [];
const programInfos = [...buildPaths, ...testPaths].map((tsconfigPath) => {`Preparing analysis for: ${tsconfigPath}..`);
const baseInfo = migration.createProgram(tsconfigPath, fs);
const info = migration.prepareProgram(baseInfo);
// Support restricting the analysis to subfolders for larger projects.
if (analysisPath !== '/') {
info.sourceFiles = info.sourceFiles.filter((sf) => sf.fileName.startsWith(analysisPath));
info.fullProgramSourceFiles = info.fullProgramSourceFiles.filter((sf) => sf.fileName.startsWith(analysisPath));
return { info, tsconfigPath };
// Analyze phase. Treat all projects as compilation units as
// this allows us to support references between those.
for (const { info, tsconfigPath } of programInfos) {`Scanning for queries: ${tsconfigPath}..`);
unitResults.push(await migration.analyze(info));
}``);`Processing analysis data between targets..`);``);
const combined = await combine_units.synchronouslyCombineUnitData(migration, unitResults);
if (combined === null) {
context.logger.error('Migration failed unexpectedly with no analysis data');
const globalMeta = await migration.globalMeta(combined);
const replacementsPerFile = new Map();
for (const { info, tsconfigPath } of programInfos) {`Migrating: ${tsconfigPath}..`);
const { replacements } = await migration.migrate(globalMeta, info);
const changesPerFile = combine_units.groupReplacementsByFile(replacements);
for (const [file, changes] of changesPerFile) {
if (!replacementsPerFile.has(file)) {
replacementsPerFile.set(file, changes);
}`Applying changes..`);
for (const [file, changes] of replacementsPerFile) {
const recorder = tree.beginUpdate(file);
for (const c of changes) {
.remove(, -
}'');`Successfully migrated to signal queries 🎉`);
const { counters: { queriesCount, incompatibleQueries, multiQueries }, } = await migration.stats(globalMeta);
const migratedQueries = queriesCount - incompatibleQueries;'');`Successfully migrated to signal queries 🎉`);` -> Migrated ${migratedQueries}/${queriesCount} queries.`);
if (incompatibleQueries > 0 && !options.insertTodos) {
context.logger.warn(`To see why ${incompatibleQueries} queries couldn't be migrated`);
context.logger.warn(`consider re-running with "--insert-todos" or "--best-effort-mode".`);
if (options.bestEffortMode) {
context.logger.warn(`You ran with best effort mode. Manually verify all code ` +
`works as intended, and fix where necessary.`);
exports.migrate = migrate;