package.build.npm.cjs.profiling.utils.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Official Sentry SDK for browsers
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
const core = require('@sentry/core');
const utils = require('@sentry/utils');
const debugBuild = require('../debug-build.js');
const helpers = require('../helpers.js');
/* eslint-disable max-lines */
const MS_TO_NS = 1e6;
// Use 0 as main thread id which is identical to threadId in node:worker_threads
// where main logs 0 and workers seem to log in increments of 1
const THREAD_ID_STRING = String(0);
const THREAD_NAME = 'main';
// Machine properties (eval only once)
let OS_PLATFORM = '';
let OS_ARCH = '';
let OS_BROWSER = (helpers.WINDOW.navigator && helpers.WINDOW.navigator.userAgent) || '';
let OS_MODEL = '';
const OS_LOCALE =
(helpers.WINDOW.navigator && helpers.WINDOW.navigator.language) ||
(helpers.WINDOW.navigator && helpers.WINDOW.navigator.languages && helpers.WINDOW.navigator.languages[0]) ||
function isUserAgentData(data) {
return typeof data === 'object' && data !== null && 'getHighEntropyValues' in data;
// @ts-expect-error userAgentData is not part of the navigator interface yet
const userAgentData = helpers.WINDOW.navigator && helpers.WINDOW.navigator.userAgentData;
if (isUserAgentData(userAgentData)) {
.getHighEntropyValues(['architecture', 'model', 'platform', 'platformVersion', 'fullVersionList'])
.then((ua) => {
OS_PLATFORM = ua.platform || '';
OS_ARCH = ua.architecture || '';
OS_MODEL = ua.model || '';
OS_PLATFORM_VERSION = ua.platformVersion || '';
if (ua.fullVersionList && ua.fullVersionList.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const firstUa = ua.fullVersionList[ua.fullVersionList.length - 1];
OS_BROWSER = `${firstUa.brand} ${firstUa.version}`;
.catch(e => void e);
function isProcessedJSSelfProfile(profile) {
return !('thread_metadata' in profile);
// Enriches the profile with threadId of the current thread.
// This is done in node as we seem to not be able to get the info from C native code.
function enrichWithThreadInformation(profile) {
if (!isProcessedJSSelfProfile(profile)) {
return profile;
return convertJSSelfProfileToSampledFormat(profile);
// Profile is marked as optional because it is deleted from the metadata
// by the integration before the event is processed by other integrations.
function getTraceId(event) {
const traceId = event && event.contexts && event.contexts['trace'] && event.contexts['trace']['trace_id'];
// Log a warning if the profile has an invalid traceId (should be uuidv4).
// All profiles and transactions are rejected if this is the case and we want to
// warn users that this is happening if they enable debug flag
if (typeof traceId === 'string' && traceId.length !== 32) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
utils.logger.log(`[Profiling] Invalid traceId: ${traceId} on profiled event`);
if (typeof traceId !== 'string') {
return '';
return traceId;
* Creates a profiling event envelope from a Sentry event. If profile does not pass
* validation, returns null.
* @param event
* @param dsn
* @param metadata
* @param tunnel
* @returns {EventEnvelope | null}
* Creates a profiling event envelope from a Sentry event.
function createProfilePayload(
) {
if (event.type !== 'transaction') {
// createProfilingEventEnvelope should only be called for transactions,
// we type guard this behavior with isProfiledTransactionEvent.
throw new TypeError('Profiling events may only be attached to transactions, this should never occur.');
if (processed_profile === undefined || processed_profile === null) {
throw new TypeError(
`Cannot construct profiling event envelope without a valid profile. Got ${processed_profile} instead.`,
const traceId = getTraceId(event);
const enrichedThreadProfile = enrichWithThreadInformation(processed_profile);
const transactionStartMs = start_timestamp
? start_timestamp
: typeof event.start_timestamp === 'number'
? event.start_timestamp * 1000
: utils.timestampInSeconds() * 1000;
const transactionEndMs = typeof event.timestamp === 'number' ? event.timestamp * 1000 : utils.timestampInSeconds() * 1000;
const profile = {
event_id: profile_id,
timestamp: new Date(transactionStartMs).toISOString(),
platform: 'javascript',
version: '1',
release: event.release || '',
environment: event.environment || core.DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT,
runtime: {
name: 'javascript',
version: helpers.WINDOW.navigator.userAgent,
os: {
build_number: OS_BROWSER,
device: {
locale: OS_LOCALE,
model: OS_MODEL,
manufacturer: OS_BROWSER,
architecture: OS_ARCH,
is_emulator: false,
debug_meta: {
images: applyDebugMetadata(processed_profile.resources),
profile: enrichedThreadProfile,
transactions: [
name: event.transaction || '',
id: event.event_id || utils.uuid4(),
trace_id: traceId,
active_thread_id: THREAD_ID_STRING,
relative_start_ns: '0',
relative_end_ns: ((transactionEndMs - transactionStartMs) * 1e6).toFixed(0),
return profile;
See packages/browser-utils/src/browser/router.ts
function isAutomatedPageLoadSpan(span) {
return core.spanToJSON(span).op === 'pageload';
* Converts a JSSelfProfile to a our sampled format.
* Does not currently perform stack indexing.
function convertJSSelfProfileToSampledFormat(input) {
let EMPTY_STACK_ID = undefined;
let STACK_ID = 0;
// Initialize the profile that we will fill with data
const profile = {
samples: [],
stacks: [],
frames: [],
thread_metadata: {
const firstSample = input.samples[0];
if (!firstSample) {
return profile;
// We assert samples.length > 0 above and timestamp should always be present
const start = firstSample.timestamp;
// The JS SDK might change it's time origin based on some heuristic (see See packages/utils/src/time.ts)
// when that happens, we need to ensure we are correcting the profile timings so the two timelines stay in sync.
// Since JS self profiling time origin is always initialized to performance.timeOrigin, we need to adjust for
// the drift between the SDK selected value and our profile time origin.
const origin =
typeof performance.timeOrigin === 'number' ? performance.timeOrigin : utils.browserPerformanceTimeOrigin || 0;
const adjustForOriginChange = origin - (utils.browserPerformanceTimeOrigin || origin);
input.samples.forEach((jsSample, i) => {
// If sample has no stack, add an empty sample
if (jsSample.stackId === undefined) {
if (EMPTY_STACK_ID === undefined) {
profile.stacks[EMPTY_STACK_ID] = [];
profile['samples'][i] = {
// convert ms timestamp to ns
elapsed_since_start_ns: ((jsSample.timestamp + adjustForOriginChange - start) * MS_TO_NS).toFixed(0),
stack_id: EMPTY_STACK_ID,
thread_id: THREAD_ID_STRING,
let stackTop = input.stacks[jsSample.stackId];
// Functions in top->down order (root is last)
// We follow the stackTop.parentId trail and collect each visited frameId
const stack = [];
while (stackTop) {
const frame = input.frames[stackTop.frameId];
// If our frame has not been indexed yet, index it
if (frame && profile.frames[stackTop.frameId] === undefined) {
profile.frames[stackTop.frameId] = {
function: frame.name,
abs_path: typeof frame.resourceId === 'number' ? input.resources[frame.resourceId] : undefined,
lineno: frame.line,
colno: frame.column,
stackTop = stackTop.parentId === undefined ? undefined : input.stacks[stackTop.parentId];
const sample = {
// convert ms timestamp to ns
elapsed_since_start_ns: ((jsSample.timestamp + adjustForOriginChange - start) * MS_TO_NS).toFixed(0),
stack_id: STACK_ID,
thread_id: THREAD_ID_STRING,
profile['stacks'][STACK_ID] = stack;
profile['samples'][i] = sample;
return profile;
* Adds items to envelope if they are not already present - mutates the envelope.
* @param envelope
function addProfilesToEnvelope(envelope, profiles) {
if (!profiles.length) {
return envelope;
for (const profile of profiles) {
envelope[1].push([{ type: 'profile' }, profile]);
return envelope;
* Finds transactions with profile_id context in the envelope
* @param envelope
* @returns
function findProfiledTransactionsFromEnvelope(envelope) {
const events = [];
utils.forEachEnvelopeItem(envelope, (item, type) => {
if (type !== 'transaction') {
for (let j = 1; j < item.length; j++) {
const event = item[j] ;
if (event && event.contexts && event.contexts['profile'] && event.contexts['profile']['profile_id']) {
events.push(item[j] );
return events;
const debugIdStackParserCache = new WeakMap();
* Applies debug meta data to an event from a list of paths to resources (sourcemaps)
function applyDebugMetadata(resource_paths) {
const debugIdMap = utils.GLOBAL_OBJ._sentryDebugIds;
if (!debugIdMap) {
return [];
const client = core.getClient();
const options = client && client.getOptions();
const stackParser = options && options.stackParser;
if (!stackParser) {
return [];
let debugIdStackFramesCache;
const cachedDebugIdStackFrameCache = debugIdStackParserCache.get(stackParser);
if (cachedDebugIdStackFrameCache) {
debugIdStackFramesCache = cachedDebugIdStackFrameCache;
} else {
debugIdStackFramesCache = new Map();
debugIdStackParserCache.set(stackParser, debugIdStackFramesCache);
// Build a map of filename -> debug_id
const filenameDebugIdMap = Object.keys(debugIdMap).reduce((acc, debugIdStackTrace) => {
let parsedStack;
const cachedParsedStack = debugIdStackFramesCache.get(debugIdStackTrace);
if (cachedParsedStack) {
parsedStack = cachedParsedStack;
} else {
parsedStack = stackParser(debugIdStackTrace);
debugIdStackFramesCache.set(debugIdStackTrace, parsedStack);
for (let i = parsedStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const stackFrame = parsedStack[i];
const file = stackFrame && stackFrame.filename;
if (stackFrame && file) {
acc[file] = debugIdMap[debugIdStackTrace] ;
return acc;
}, {});
const images = [];
for (const path of resource_paths) {
if (path && filenameDebugIdMap[path]) {
type: 'sourcemap',
code_file: path,
debug_id: filenameDebugIdMap[path] ,
return images;
* Checks the given sample rate to make sure it is valid type and value (a boolean, or a number between 0 and 1).
function isValidSampleRate(rate) {
// we need to check NaN explicitly because it's of type 'number' and therefore wouldn't get caught by this typecheck
if ((typeof rate !== 'number' && typeof rate !== 'boolean') || (typeof rate === 'number' && isNaN(rate))) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD &&
`[Profiling] Invalid sample rate. Sample rate must be a boolean or a number between 0 and 1. Got ${JSON.stringify(
)} of type ${JSON.stringify(typeof rate)}.`,
return false;
// Boolean sample rates are always valid
if (rate === true || rate === false) {
return true;
// in case sampleRate is a boolean, it will get automatically cast to 1 if it's true and 0 if it's false
if (rate < 0 || rate > 1) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD && utils.logger.warn(`[Profiling] Invalid sample rate. Sample rate must be between 0 and 1. Got ${rate}.`);
return false;
return true;
function isValidProfile(profile) {
if (profile.samples.length < 2) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
// Log a warning if the profile has less than 2 samples so users can know why
// they are not seeing any profiling data and we cant avoid the back and forth
// of asking them to provide us with a dump of the profile data.
utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Discarding profile because it contains less than 2 samples');
return false;
if (!profile.frames.length) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Discarding profile because it contains no frames');
return false;
return true;
// Keep a flag value to avoid re-initializing the profiler constructor. If it fails
// once, it will always fail and this allows us to early return.
* Check if profiler constructor is available.
* @param maybeProfiler
function isJSProfilerSupported(maybeProfiler) {
return typeof maybeProfiler === 'function';
* Starts the profiler and returns the profiler instance.
function startJSSelfProfile() {
// Feature support check first
const JSProfilerConstructor = helpers.WINDOW.Profiler;
if (!isJSProfilerSupported(JSProfilerConstructor)) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
'[Profiling] Profiling is not supported by this browser, Profiler interface missing on window object.',
// From initial testing, it seems that the minimum value for sampleInterval is 10ms.
const samplingIntervalMS = 10;
// Start the profiler
const maxSamples = Math.floor(MAX_PROFILE_DURATION_MS / samplingIntervalMS);
// Attempt to initialize the profiler constructor, if it fails, we disable profiling for the current user session.
// This is likely due to a missing 'Document-Policy': 'js-profiling' header. We do not want to throw an error if this happens
// as we risk breaking the user's application, so just disable profiling and log an error.
try {
return new JSProfilerConstructor({ sampleInterval: samplingIntervalMS, maxBufferSize: maxSamples });
} catch (e) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
"[Profiling] Failed to initialize the Profiling constructor, this is likely due to a missing 'Document-Policy': 'js-profiling' header.",
utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Disabling profiling for current user session.');
* Determine if a profile should be profiled.
function shouldProfileSpan(span) {
// If constructor failed once, it will always fail, so we can early return.
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Profiling has been disabled for the duration of the current user session.');
return false;
if (!span.isRecording()) {
if (debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD) {
utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Discarding profile because transaction was not sampled.');
return false;
const client = core.getClient();
const options = client && client.getOptions();
if (!options) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD && utils.logger.log('[Profiling] Profiling disabled, no options found.');
return false;
// @ts-expect-error profilesSampleRate is not part of the browser options yet
const profilesSampleRate = options.profilesSampleRate;
// Since this is coming from the user (or from a function provided by the user), who knows what we might get. (The
// only valid values are booleans or numbers between 0 and 1.)
if (!isValidSampleRate(profilesSampleRate)) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD && utils.logger.warn('[Profiling] Discarding profile because of invalid sample rate.');
return false;
// if the function returned 0 (or false), or if `profileSampleRate` is 0, it's a sign the profile should be dropped
if (!profilesSampleRate) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD &&
'[Profiling] Discarding profile because a negative sampling decision was inherited or profileSampleRate is set to 0',
return false;
// Now we roll the dice. Math.random is inclusive of 0, but not of 1, so strict < is safe here. In case sampleRate is
// a boolean, the < comparison will cause it to be automatically cast to 1 if it's true and 0 if it's false.
const sampled = profilesSampleRate === true ? true : Math.random() < profilesSampleRate;
// Check if we should sample this profile
if (!sampled) {
debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD &&
`[Profiling] Discarding profile because it's not included in the random sample (sampling rate = ${Number(
return false;
return true;
* Creates a profiling envelope item, if the profile does not pass validation, returns null.
* @param event
* @returns {Profile | null}
function createProfilingEvent(
) {
if (!isValidProfile(profile)) {
return null;
return createProfilePayload(profile_id, start_timestamp, profile, event);
// TODO (v8): We need to obtain profile ids in @sentry-internal/tracing,
// but we don't have access to this map because importing this map would
// cause a circular dependancy. We need to resolve this in v8.
const PROFILE_MAP = new Map();
function getActiveProfilesCount() {
return PROFILE_MAP.size;
* Retrieves profile from global cache and removes it.
function takeProfileFromGlobalCache(profile_id) {
const profile = PROFILE_MAP.get(profile_id);
if (profile) {
return profile;
* Adds profile to global cache and evicts the oldest profile if the cache is full.
function addProfileToGlobalCache(profile_id, profile) {
PROFILE_MAP.set(profile_id, profile);
if (PROFILE_MAP.size > 30) {
const last = PROFILE_MAP.keys().next().value;
exports.addProfileToGlobalCache = addProfileToGlobalCache;
exports.addProfilesToEnvelope = addProfilesToEnvelope;
exports.applyDebugMetadata = applyDebugMetadata;
exports.convertJSSelfProfileToSampledFormat = convertJSSelfProfileToSampledFormat;
exports.createProfilePayload = createProfilePayload;
exports.createProfilingEvent = createProfilingEvent;
exports.enrichWithThreadInformation = enrichWithThreadInformation;
exports.findProfiledTransactionsFromEnvelope = findProfiledTransactionsFromEnvelope;
exports.getActiveProfilesCount = getActiveProfilesCount;
exports.isAutomatedPageLoadSpan = isAutomatedPageLoadSpan;
exports.isValidSampleRate = isValidSampleRate;
exports.shouldProfileSpan = shouldProfileSpan;
exports.startJSSelfProfile = startJSSelfProfile;
exports.takeProfileFromGlobalCache = takeProfileFromGlobalCache;
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