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import { attachLanguageChange } from "../locale/languageChange.js";
import getLocale from "../locale/getLocale.js";
import { DEFAULT_LOCALE, SUPPORTED_LOCALES } from "../generated/AssetParameters.js";
import { getFeature } from "../FeaturesRegistry.js";
const localeDataMap = new Map();
const loaders = new Map();
const cldrPromises = new Map();
const reportedErrors = new Set();
let warningShown = false;
const M_ISO639_OLD_TO_NEW = {
"iw": "he",
"ji": "yi",
"in": "id",
const _showAssetsWarningOnce = (localeId) => {
if (warningShown) {
console.warn(`[LocaleData] Supported locale "${localeId}" not configured, import the "Assets.js" module from the webcomponents package you are using.`); /* eslint-disable-line */
warningShown = true;
const calcLocale = (language, region, script) => {
// normalize language and handle special cases
language = (language && M_ISO639_OLD_TO_NEW[language]) || language;
// Special case 1: in an SAP context, the inclusive language code "no" always means Norwegian Bokmal ("nb")
if (language === "no") {
language = "nb";
// Special case 2: for Chinese, derive a default region from the script (this behavior is inherited from Java)
if (language === "zh" && !region) {
if (script === "Hans") {
region = "CN";
else if (script === "Hant") {
region = "TW";
// Special case 3: for Serbian, there are cyrillic and latin scripts, "sh" and "sr-latn" map to "latin", "sr" maps to cyrillic.
if (language === "sh" || (language === "sr" && script === "Latn")) {
language = "sr";
region = "Latn";
// try language + region
let localeId = `${language}_${region}`;
if (SUPPORTED_LOCALES.includes(localeId)) {
if (loaders.has(localeId)) {
// supported and has loader
return localeId;
// supported, no loader - fallback to default and warn
// not supported, try language only
localeId = language;
if (SUPPORTED_LOCALES.includes(localeId)) {
if (loaders.has(localeId)) {
// supported and has loader
return localeId;
// supported, no loader - fallback to default and warn
// not supported - fallback to default locale
// internal set data
const setLocaleData = (localeId, content) => {
localeDataMap.set(localeId, content);
// external getSync
const getLocaleData = (localeId) => {
// if there is no loader, the default fallback was fetched and a warning was given - use default locale instead
if (!loaders.has(localeId)) {
const content = localeDataMap.get(localeId);
if (!content) {
throw new Error(`CLDR data for locale ${localeId} is not loaded!`);
return content;
// load bundle over the network once
const _loadCldrOnce = (localeId) => {
if (!cldrPromises.get(localeId)) {
const loadCldr = loaders.get(localeId);
if (!loadCldr) {
throw new Error(`CLDR data for locale ${localeId} is not loaded!`);
cldrPromises.set(localeId, loadCldr(localeId));
return cldrPromises.get(localeId);
// external getAsync
const fetchCldr = async (language, region, script) => {
const localeId = calcLocale(language, region, script);
// reuse OpenUI5 CLDR if present
const openUI5Support = getFeature("OpenUI5Support");
if (openUI5Support) {
const cldrContent = openUI5Support.getLocaleDataObject();
if (cldrContent) {
// only if openui5 actually returned valid content
setLocaleData(localeId, cldrContent);
// fetch it
try {
const cldrContent = await _loadCldrOnce(localeId);
setLocaleData(localeId, cldrContent);
catch (error) {
const e = error;
if (!reportedErrors.has(e.message)) {
console.error(e.message); /* eslint-disable-line */
const registerLocaleDataLoader = (localeId, loader) => {
loaders.set(localeId, loader);
// register default loader for "en" from ui5 CDN (dev workflow without assets)
registerLocaleDataLoader("en", async () => {
const cldrContent = await fetch(``);
return cldrContent.json();
// When the language changes dynamically (the user calls setLanguage),
// re-fetch the required CDRD data.
attachLanguageChange(() => {
const locale = getLocale();
return fetchCldr(locale.getLanguage(), locale.getRegion(), locale.getScript());
export { registerLocaleDataLoader, fetchCldr, getLocaleData, };