package.dist.asset-registries.i18n.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import getLocale from "../locale/getLocale.js";
import { attachLanguageChange } from "../locale/languageChange.js";
import normalizeLocale from "../locale/normalizeLocale.js";
import nextFallbackLocale from "../locale/nextFallbackLocale.js";
import { DEFAULT_LANGUAGE } from "../generated/AssetParameters.js";
import { getFetchDefaultLanguage } from "../config/Language.js";
// contains package names for which the warning has been shown
const warningShown = new Set();
const reportedErrors = new Set();
const bundleData = new Map();
const bundlePromises = new Map();
const loaders = new Map();
* Registers i18n loader function for given package and locale.
* @public
* @param {string} packageName for which package this loader can fetch data
* @param {string} localeId locale that this loader can handle
* @param {function} loader async function that will be passed a localeId and should return a JSON object
const registerI18nLoader = (packageName, localeId, loader) => {
// register loader by key
const bundleKey = `${packageName}/${localeId}`;
loaders.set(bundleKey, loader);
const _setI18nBundleData = (packageName, data) => {
bundleData.set(packageName, data);
const getI18nBundleData = (packageName) => {
return bundleData.get(packageName);
const _hasLoader = (packageName, localeId) => {
const bundleKey = `${packageName}/${localeId}`;
return loaders.has(bundleKey);
// load bundle over the network once
const _loadMessageBundleOnce = (packageName, localeId) => {
const bundleKey = `${packageName}/${localeId}`;
const loadMessageBundle = loaders.get(bundleKey);
if (loadMessageBundle && !bundlePromises.get(bundleKey)) {
bundlePromises.set(bundleKey, loadMessageBundle(localeId));
return bundlePromises.get(bundleKey); // Investigate if i18n loader exists and this won't return undefined.
const _showAssetsWarningOnce = (packageName) => {
if (!warningShown.has(packageName)) {
console.warn(`[${packageName}]: Message bundle assets are not configured. Falling back to English texts.`, /* eslint-disable-line */ ` Add \`import "${packageName}/dist/Assets.js"\` in your bundle and make sure your build tool supports dynamic imports and JSON imports. See section "Assets" in the documentation for more information.`); /* eslint-disable-line */
const useFallbackBundle = (packageName, localeId) => {
return localeId !== DEFAULT_LANGUAGE && !_hasLoader(packageName, localeId);
* This method preforms the asynchronous task of fetching the actual text resources. It will fetch
* each text resource over the network once (even for multiple calls to the same method).
* It should be fully finished before the i18nBundle class is created in the webcomponents.
* This method uses the bundle URLs that are populated by the `registerI18nBundle` method.
* To simplify the usage, the synchronization of both methods happens internally for the same `bundleId`
* @param {packageName} packageName the NPM package name
* @public
const fetchI18nBundle = async (packageName) => {
const language = getLocale().getLanguage();
const region = getLocale().getRegion();
const variant = getLocale().getVariant();
let localeId = language + (region ? `-${region}` : ``) + (variant ? `-${variant}` : ``);
if (useFallbackBundle(packageName, localeId)) {
localeId = normalizeLocale(localeId);
while (useFallbackBundle(packageName, localeId)) {
localeId = nextFallbackLocale(localeId);
// use default language unless configured to always fetch it from the network
const fetchDefaultLanguage = getFetchDefaultLanguage();
if (localeId === DEFAULT_LANGUAGE && !fetchDefaultLanguage) {
_setI18nBundleData(packageName, null); // reset for the default language (if data was set for a previous language)
if (!_hasLoader(packageName, localeId)) {
try {
const data = await _loadMessageBundleOnce(packageName, localeId);
_setI18nBundleData(packageName, data);
catch (error) {
const e = error;
if (!reportedErrors.has(e.message)) {
console.error(e.message); /* eslint-disable-line */
// When the language changes dynamically (the user calls setLanguage), re-fetch all previously fetched bundles
attachLanguageChange((lang /* eslint-disable-line */) => {
const allPackages = [...bundleData.keys()];
return Promise.all(;
export { registerI18nLoader, fetchI18nBundle, getI18nBundleData, };