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      'position': {
        'cssPropBits': 32,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 20 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'quotes': {
        'cssExtra': c[ 0 ],
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ], L[ 54 ] ]
      'richness': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ] ]
      'right': {
        'cssPropBits': 37,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 38 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'speak': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ], L[ 54 ], L[ 55 ], L[ 61 ] ]
      'speak-header': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 37 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 56 ] ]
      'speak-numeral': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 26 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'speak-punctuation': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 43 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 54 ] ]
      'speech-rate': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 12 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 52 ] ]
      'stress': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ] ]
      'table-layout': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 38 ], L[ 45 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'text-align': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 30 ], L[ 42 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 50 ] ]
      'text-decoration': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 18 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 54 ] ]
      'text-indent': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ] ]
      'text-overflow': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 25 ] ]
      'text-shadow': {
        'cssExtra': c[ 1 ],
        'cssPropBits': 7,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 0 ], L[ 35 ], L[ 48 ], L[ 54 ] ]
      'text-transform': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 21 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 54 ] ]
      'text-wrap': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 33 ], L[ 54 ], L[ 55 ] ]
      'top': {
        'cssPropBits': 37,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 38 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'unicode-bidi': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 23 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 55 ] ]
      'vertical-align': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 10 ], L[ 24 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'visibility': {
        'cssPropBits': 32,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 44 ], L[ 46 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 63 ] ]
      'voice-family': {
        'cssExtra': c[ 0 ],
        'cssPropBits': 8,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 22 ], L[ 35 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'volume': {
        'cssPropBits': 1,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 16 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 52 ] ]
      'white-space': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 8 ], L[ 47 ], L[ 55 ] ]
      'width': {
        'cssPropBits': 33,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 38 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'word-spacing': {
        'cssPropBits': 5,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 47 ], L[ 55 ] ]
      'word-wrap': {
        'cssPropBits': 0,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 41 ], L[ 55 ] ]
      'z-index': {
        'cssPropBits': 69,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 38 ], L[ 47 ] ]
      'zoom': {
        'cssPropBits': 1,
        'cssLitGroup': [ L[ 55 ] ]
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  window['cssSchema'] = cssSchema;
// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * A lexical scannar for CSS3 as defined at .
 * @author Mike Samuel 
 * \@provides lexCss, decodeCss
 * \@overrides window

var lexCss;
var decodeCss;

(function () {

   * Decodes an escape sequence as specified in CSS3 section 4.1.
   * @private
  function decodeCssEscape(s) {
    var i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 16);
    // If parseInt didn't find a hex diigt, it returns NaN so return the
    // escaped character.
    // Otherwise, parseInt will stop at the first non-hex digit so there's no
    // need to worry about trailing whitespace.
    if (i > 0xffff) {
      // A supplemental codepoint.
      return i -= 0x10000,
            0xd800 + (i >> 10),
            0xdc00 + (i & 0x3FF));
    } else if (i == i) {
      return String.fromCharCode(i);
    } else if (s[1] < ' ') {
      // "a backslash followed by a newline is ignored".
      return '';
    } else {
      return s[1];

   * Returns an equivalent CSS string literal given plain text: foo -> "foo".
   * @private
  function escapeCssString(s, replacer) {
    return '"' + s.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\\\"<>]/g, replacer) + '"';

   * Maps chars to CSS escaped equivalents: "\n" -> "\\a ".
   * @private
  function escapeCssStrChar(ch) {
    return cssStrChars[ch]
        || (cssStrChars[ch] = '\\' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ' ');

   * Maps chars to URI escaped equivalents: "\n" -> "%0a".
   * @private
  function escapeCssUrlChar(ch) {
    return cssUrlChars[ch]
        || (cssUrlChars[ch] = (ch < '\x10' ? '%0' : '%')
            + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16));

   * Mapping of CSS special characters to escaped equivalents.
   * @private
  var cssStrChars = {
    '\\': '\\\\'

   * Mapping of CSS special characters to URL-escaped equivalents.
   * @private
  var cssUrlChars = {
    '\\': '%5c'

  // The comments below are copied from the CSS3 module syntax at
  // .
  // These string constants minify out when this is run-through closure
  // compiler.
  // Rules that have been adapted have comments prefixed with "Diff:", and
  // where rules have been combined to avoid back-tracking in the regex engine
  // or to work around limitations, there is a comment prefixed with
  // "NewRule:".

  // In the below, we assume CRLF and CR have been normalize to CR.

  // wc  ::=  #x9 | #xA | #xC | #xD | #x20
  var WC = '[\\t\\n\\f ]';
  // w  ::=  wc*
  var W = WC + '*';
  // nl  ::=  #xA | #xD #xA | #xD | #xC
  var NL = '[\\n\\f]';
  // nonascii  ::=  [#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF]
  // NewRule: Supplemental codepoints are represented as surrogate pairs in JS.
  var SURROGATE_PAIR = '[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]';
  var NONASCII = '[\\u0080-\\ud7ff\\ue000-\\ufffd]|' + SURROGATE_PAIR;
  // unicode  ::=  '\' [0-9a-fA-F]{1,6} wc?
  // NewRule: No point in having ESCAPE do (\\x|\\y)
  var UNICODE_TAIL = '[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}' + WC + '?';
  var UNICODE = '\\\\' + UNICODE_TAIL;
  // escape  ::=  unicode
  //           | '\' [#x20-#x7E#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF]
  // NewRule: Below we use escape tail to efficiently match an escape or a
  // line continuation so we can decode string content.
      + '|[\\u0020-\\u007e\\u0080-\\ud7ff\\ue000\\ufffd]|'
      + SURROGATE_PAIR + ')';
  var ESCAPE = '\\\\' + ESCAPE_TAIL;
  // urlchar  ::=  [#x9#x21#x23-#x26#x28-#x7E] | nonascii | escape
  var URLCHAR = '(?:[\\t\\x21\\x23-\\x26\\x28-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7e]|'
      + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
  // stringchar  ::= urlchar | #x20 | '\' nl
  // We ignore mismatched surrogate pairs inside strings, so stringchar
  // simplifies to a non-(quote|newline|backslash) or backslash any.
  // Since we normalize CRLF to a single code-unit, there is no special
  // handling needed for '\\' + CRLF.
  var STRINGCHAR = '[^\'"\\n\\f\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S]';
  // string  ::=  '"' (stringchar | "'")* '"' | "'" (stringchar | '"')* "'"
  var STRING = '"(?:\'|' + STRINGCHAR + ')*"'
      + '|\'(?:\"|' + STRINGCHAR + ')*\'';
  // num  ::=  [0-9]+ | [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+
  // Diff: We attach signs to num tokens.
  var NUM = '[-+]?(?:[0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]+)?|[.][0-9]+)';
  // nmstart  ::=  [a-zA-Z] | '_' | nonascii | escape
  var NMSTART = '(?:[a-zA-Z_]|' + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
  // nmchar  ::=  [a-zA-Z0-9] | '-' | '_' | nonascii | escape
  var NMCHAR = '(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]|' + NONASCII + '|' + ESCAPE + ')';
  // name  ::=  nmchar+
  var NAME = NMCHAR + '+';
  // ident  ::=  '-'? nmstart nmchar*
  var IDENT = '-?' + NMSTART + NMCHAR + '*';

  // ATKEYWORD  ::=  '@' ident
  var ATKEYWORD = '@' + IDENT;
  // HASH  ::=  '#' name
  var HASH = '#' + NAME;
  // NUMBER  ::=  num
  var NUMBER = NUM;

  // NewRule: union of IDENT, ATKEYWORD, HASH, but excluding #[0-9].
  var WORD_TERM = '(?:@?-?' + NMSTART + '|#)' + NMCHAR + '*';

  // PERCENTAGE  ::=  num '%'
  var PERCENTAGE = NUM + '%';
  // DIMENSION  ::=  num ident
  var NUMERIC_VALUE = NUM + '(?:%|' + IDENT + ')?';
  // URI  ::=  "url(" w (string | urlchar* ) w ")"
  var URI = 'url[(]' + W + '(?:' + STRING + '|' + URLCHAR + '*)' + W + '[)]';
  // UNICODE-RANGE  ::=  "U+" [0-9A-F?]{1,6} ('-' [0-9A-F]{1,6})?
  var UNICODE_RANGE = 'U[+][0-9A-F?]{1,6}(?:-[0-9A-F]{1,6})?';
  // CDO  ::=  "<\!--"
  var CDO = '<\!--';
  // CDC  ::=  "-->"
  var CDC = '-->';
  // S  ::=  wc+
  var S = WC + '+';
  // COMMENT  ::=  "/*" [^*]* '*'+ ([^/] [^*]* '*'+)* "/"
  // Diff: recognizes // comments.
  var COMMENT = '/(?:[*][^*]*[*]+(?:[^/][^*]*[*]+)*/|/[^\\n\\f]*)';
  // FUNCTION  ::=  ident '('
  // Diff: We exclude url explicitly.
  // TODO: should we be tolerant of "fn ("?
  // Avoid risk of 'catastrophic backtracking' when unicode escapes are used
  // var FUNCTION = '(?!url[(])' + IDENT + '[(]';
  var FUNCTION = '(?!url[(])(?=(' + IDENT + '))\\1[(]';
  // INCLUDES  ::=  "~="
  var INCLUDES = '~=';
  // DASHMATCH  ::=  "|="
  var DASHMATCH = '[|]=';
  // PREFIXMATCH  ::=  "^="
  var PREFIXMATCH = '[^]=';
  // SUFFIXMATCH  ::=  "$="
  var SUFFIXMATCH = '[$]=';
  // SUBSTRINGMATCH  ::=  "*="
  var SUBSTRINGMATCH = '[*]=';
  // NewRule: one rule for all the comparison operators.
  var CMP_OPS = '[~|^$*]=';
  // CHAR  ::=  any character not matched by the above rules, except for " or '
  // Diff: We exclude / and \ since they are handled above to prevent
  // /* without a following */ from combining when comments are concatenated.
  var CHAR = '[^"\'\\\\/]|/(?![/*])';
  // BOM  ::=  #xFEFF
  var BOM = '\\uFEFF';

  var CSS_TOKEN = new RegExp([
      CDO, CDC, S, COMMENT, CMP_OPS, CHAR].join("|"), 'gi');

   * Decodes CSS escape sequences in a CSS string body.
   decodeCss = function (css) {
     return css.replace(
         new RegExp('\\\\(?:' + ESCAPE_TAIL + '|' + NL + ')', 'g'),

   * Given CSS Text, returns an array of normalized tokens.
   * @param {string} cssText
   * @return {Array.} tokens where all ignorable token sequences have
   *    been reduced to a single {@code " "} and all strings and
   *    {@code url(...)} tokens have been normalized to use double quotes as
   *    delimiters and to not otherwise contain double quotes.
  lexCss = function (cssText) {
    cssText = '' + cssText;
    var tokens = cssText.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n')  // Normalize CRLF & CR to LF.
        .match(CSS_TOKEN) || [];
    var j = 0;
    var last = ' ';
    for (var i = 0, n = tokens.length; i < n; ++i) {
      // Normalize all escape sequences.  We will have to re-escape some
      // codepoints in string and url(...) bodies but we already know the
      // boundaries.
      // We might mistakenly treat a malformed identifier like \22\20\22 as a
      // string, but that will not break any valid stylesheets since we requote
      // and re-escape in string below.
      var tok = decodeCss(tokens[i]);
      var len = tok.length;
      var cc = tok.charCodeAt(0);
      tok =
          // All strings should be double quoted, and the body should never
          // contain a double quote.
          (cc == '"'.charCodeAt(0) || cc == '\''.charCodeAt(0))
          ? escapeCssString(tok.substring(1, len - 1), escapeCssStrChar)
          // A breaking ignorable token should is replaced with a single space.
          : (cc == '/'.charCodeAt(0) && len > 1  // Comment.
             || tok == '\\' || tok == CDC || tok == CDO || tok == '\ufeff'
             // Characters in W.
             || cc <= ' '.charCodeAt(0))
          ? ' '
          // Make sure that all url(...)s are double quoted.
          : /url\(/i.test(tok)
          ? 'url(' + escapeCssString(
                new RegExp('^url\\(' + W + '["\']?|["\']?' + W + '\\)$', 'gi'),
            + ')'
          // Escapes in identifier like tokens will have been normalized above.
          : tok;
      // Merge adjacent space tokens.
      if (last != tok || tok != ' ') {
        tokens[j++] = last = tok;
    tokens.length = j;
    return tokens;

// Exports for closure compiler.
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  window['lexCss'] = lexCss;
  window['decodeCss'] = decodeCss;
// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @fileoverview
 * JavaScript support for client-side CSS sanitization.
 * The CSS property schema API is defined in which
 * is used to generate css-defs.js.
 * @author [email protected]
 * \@requires CSS_PROP_BIT_Z_INDEX
 * \@requires cssSchema
 * \@requires decodeCss
 * \@requires html4
 * \@overrides window
 * \@requires parseCssStylesheet
 * \@provides sanitizeCssProperty
 * \@provides sanitizeCssSelectors
 * \@provides sanitizeStylesheet

 * Given a series of normalized CSS tokens, applies a property schema, as
 * defined in, and sanitizes the tokens in place.
 * @param property a property name.
 * @param propertySchema a property of cssSchema as defined by
 * @param tokens as parsed by lexCss.  Modified in place.
 * @param opt_naiveUriRewriter a URI rewriter; an object with a "rewrite"
 *     function that takes a URL and returns a safe URL.
var sanitizeCssProperty = (function () {
  var NOEFFECT_URL = 'url("about:blank")';
   * The set of characters that need to be normalized inside url("...").
   * We normalize newlines because they are not allowed inside quoted strings,
   * normalize quote characters, angle-brackets, and asterisks because they
   * could be used to break out of the URL or introduce targets for CSS
   * error recovery.  We normalize parentheses since they delimit unquoted
   * URLs and calls and could be a target for error recovery.
  var NORM_URL_REGEXP = /[\n\f\r\"\'()*<>]/g;
  /** The replacements for NORM_URL_REGEXP. */
    '\n': '%0a',
    '\f': '%0c',
    '\r': '%0d',
    '"':  '%22',
    '\'': '%27',
    '(':  '%28',
    ')':  '%29',
    '*':  '%2a',
    '<':  '%3c',
    '>':  '%3e'

  function normalizeUrl(s) {
    if ('string' === typeof s) {
      return 'url("' + s.replace(NORM_URL_REGEXP, normalizeUrlChar) + '")';
    } else {
      return NOEFFECT_URL;
  function normalizeUrlChar(ch) {

  // From RFC3986
  var URI_SCHEME_RE = new RegExp(
      '^' +
      '(?:' +
        '([^:\/?# ]+)' +         // scheme

  var ALLOWED_URI_SCHEMES = /^(?:https?|mailto)$/i;

  function safeUri(uri, prop, naiveUriRewriter) {
    if (!naiveUriRewriter) { return null; }
    var parsed = ('' + uri).match(URI_SCHEME_RE);
    if (parsed && (!parsed[1] || ALLOWED_URI_SCHEMES.test(parsed[1]))) {
      return naiveUriRewriter(uri, prop);
    } else {
      return null;

  function unionArrays(arrs) {
    var map = {};
    for (var i = arrs.length; --i >= 0;) {
      var arr = arrs[i];
      for (var j = arr.length; --j >= 0;) {
        map[arr[j]] = ALLOWED_LITERAL;
    return map;

   * Normalize tokens within a function call they can match against
   * cssSchema[propName].cssExtra.
   * @return the exclusive end in tokens of the function call.
  function normalizeFunctionCall(tokens, start) {
    var parenDepth = 1, end = start + 1, n = tokens.length;
    while (end < n && parenDepth) {
      // TODO: Can URLs appear in functions?
      var token = tokens[end++];
      parenDepth += (token === '(' ? 1 : token === ')' ? -1 : 0);
    return end;

  // Used as map value to avoid hasOwnProperty checks.

  return function (property, propertySchema, tokens, opt_naiveUriRewriter) {
    var propBits = propertySchema.cssPropBits;
    // Used to determine whether to treat quoted strings as URLs or
    // plain text content, and whether unrecognized keywords can be quoted
    // to treate ['Arial', 'Black'] equivalently to ['"Arial Black"'].
    var qstringBits = propBits & (
    // TODO(mikesamuel): Figure out what to do with props like
    // content that admit both URLs and strings.

    // Used to join unquoted keywords into a single quoted string.
    var lastQuoted = NaN;
    var i = 0, k = 0;
    for (;i < tokens.length; ++i) {
      // Has the effect of normalizing hex digits, keywords,
      // and function names.
      var token = tokens[i].toLowerCase();
      var cc = token.charCodeAt(0), cc1, cc2, isnum1, isnum2, end;
      var litGroup, litMap;
      token = (
        // Strip out spaces.  Normally cssparser.js dumps these, but we
        // strip them out in case the content doesn't come via cssparser.js.
        (cc === ' '.charCodeAt(0))
          ? ''
          : (cc === '"'.charCodeAt(0))
              ? (  // Quoted string.
                  (qstringBits === CSS_PROP_BIT_QSTRING_URL && opt_naiveUriRewriter)
                  // Sanitize and convert to url("...") syntax.
                  // Treat url content as case-sensitive.
                  ? (normalizeUrl(
                         decodeCss(tokens[i].substring(1, token.length - 1)),
                  // Drop if plain text content strings not allowed.
                  : (qstringBits === CSS_PROP_BIT_QSTRING_CONTENT) ? token : '')
              // Preserve hash color literals if allowed.
              : (cc === '#'.charCodeAt(0) && /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/.test(token))
                  ? (propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_HASH_VALUE ? token : '')
                  // ##### BEGIN: MODIFIED BY SAP
                  // : ('0'.charCodeAt(0) <= cc && cc <= '9'.charCodeAt(0))
                  : ('0'.charCodeAt(0) <= cc && cc <= '9'.charCodeAt(0) && !propertySchema.cssLitNumeric)
                  // ##### END: MODIFIED BY SAP
                      // A number starting with a digit.
                      ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_QUANTITY)
                           ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_Z_INDEX)
                                ? (token.match(/^\d{1,7}$/) ? token : '')
                                : token)
                           : '')
                      // Normalize quantities so they don't start with a '.' or '+' sign and
                      // make sure they all have an integer component so can't be confused
                      // with a dotted identifier.
                      // This can't be done in the lexer since ".4" is a valid rule part.
                      : (cc1 = token.charCodeAt(1),
                         cc2 = token.charCodeAt(2),
                         isnum1 = '0'.charCodeAt(0) <= cc1 && cc1 <= '9'.charCodeAt(0),
                         isnum2 = '0'.charCodeAt(0) <= cc2 && cc2 <= '9'.charCodeAt(0),
                         // +.5 -> 0.5 if allowed.
                         (cc === '+'.charCodeAt(0)
                          && (isnum1 || (cc1 === '.'.charCodeAt(0) && isnum2))))
                           ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_QUANTITY)
                                ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_Z_INDEX)
                                     ? (token.match(/^\+\d{1,7}$/) ? token : '')
                                     : ((isnum1 ? '' : '0') + token.substring(1)))
                                : '')
                           // -.5 -> -0.5 if allowed otherwise -> 0 if quantities allowed.
                           : (cc === '-'.charCodeAt(0)
                              && (isnum1 || (cc1 === '.'.charCodeAt(0) && isnum2)))
                                ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_NEGATIVE_QUANTITY)
                                     ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_Z_INDEX)
                                          ? (token.match(/^\-\d{1,7}$/) ? token : '')
                                          : ((isnum1 ? '-' : '-0') + token.substring(1)))
                                     : ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_QUANTITY) ? '0' : ''))
                                // .5 -> 0.5 if allowed.
                                : (cc === '.'.charCodeAt(0) && isnum1)
                                     ? ((propBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_QUANTITY) ? '0' + token : '')
                                     // Handle url("...") by rewriting the body.
                                     : ('url(' === token.substring(0, 4))
                                          ? ((opt_naiveUriRewriter && (qstringBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_QSTRING_URL))
                                               ? normalizeUrl(
                                                     tokens[i].substring(5, token.length - 2),
                                               : '')
                                          // Handle func(...) and literal tokens
                                          // such as keywords and punctuation.
                                          : (
                                             // Step 1. Combine func(...) into something that can be compared
                                             // against propertySchema.cssExtra.
                                             (token.charAt(token.length-1) === '(')
                                             && (end = normalizeFunctionCall(tokens, i),
                                               // When tokens is
                                               //   ['x', ' ', 'rgb(', '255', ',', '0', ',', '0', ')', ' ', 'y']
                                               // and i is the index of 'rgb(' and end is the index of ')'
                                               // splices tokens to where i now is the index of the whole call:
                                               //   ['x', ' ', 'rgb( 255 , 0 , 0 )', ' ', 'y']
                                               tokens.splice(i, end - i,
                                                 token = tokens.slice(i, end).join(' '))),
                                             litGroup = propertySchema.cssLitGroup,
                                             litMap = (
                                                ? (propertySchema.cssLitMap
                                                   // Lazily compute the union from litGroup.
                                                   || (propertySchema.cssLitMap = unionArrays(litGroup)))
                                                : ALLOWED_LITERAL),  // A convenient empty object.
                                             (litMap[token] === ALLOWED_LITERAL
                                              || propertySchema.cssExtra && propertySchema.cssExtra.test(token)))
                                                // Token is in the literal map or matches extra.
                                                ? token
                                                : (/^\w+$/.test(token)
                                                   && (qstringBits === CSS_PROP_BIT_QSTRING_CONTENT))
                                                     // Quote unrecognized keywords so font names like
                                                      //    Arial Bold
                                                      // ->
                                                      //    "Arial Bold"
                                                      ? (lastQuoted+1 === k
                                                         // If the last token was also a keyword that was quoted, then
                                                         // combine this token into that.
                                                         ? (tokens[lastQuoted] = tokens[lastQuoted]
                                                            .substring(0, tokens[lastQuoted].length-1) + ' ' + token + '"',
                                                            token = '')
                                                         : (lastQuoted = k, '"' + token + '"'))
                                                      // Disallowed.
                                                      : '');
      if (token) {
        tokens[k++] = token;
    // For single URL properties, if the URL failed to pass the sanitizer,
    // then just drop it.
    if (k === 1 && tokens[0] === NOEFFECT_URL) { k = 0; }
    tokens.length = k;

 * Given a series of tokens, returns two lists of sanitized selectors.
 * @param {Array.} selectors In the form produces by csslexer.js.
 * @param {string} suffix a suffix that is added to all IDs and which is
 *    used as a CLASS names so that the returned selectors will only match
 *    nodes under one with suffix as a class name.
 *    If suffix is {@code "sfx"}, the selector
 *    {@code ["a", "#foo", " ", "b", ".bar"]} will be namespaced to
 *    {@code [".sfx", " ", "a", "#foo-sfx", " ", "b", ".bar"]}.
 * @return {Array.>} an array of length 2 where the zeroeth
 *    element contains history-insensitive selectors and the first element
 *    contains history-sensitive selectors.
function sanitizeCssSelectors(selectors, suffix) {
  // Produce two distinct lists of selectors to sequester selectors that are
  // history sensitive (:visited), so that we can disallow properties in the
  // property groups for the history sensitive ones.
  var historySensitiveSelectors = [];
  var historyInsensitiveSelectors = [];

  // Remove any spaces that are not operators.
  var k = 0, i;
  for (i = 0; i < selectors.length; ++i) {
    if (!(selectors[i] == ' '
          && (selectors[i-1] == '>' || selectors[i+1] == '>'))) {
      selectors[k++] = selectors[i];
  selectors.length = k;

  // Split around commas.  If there is an error in one of the comma separated
  // bits, we throw the whole away, but the failure of one selector does not
  // affect others.
  var n = selectors.length, start = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (selectors[i] == ',') {
      processSelector(start, i);
      start = i+1;
  processSelector(start, n);

  function processSelector(start, end) {
    var historySensitive = false;

    // Space around commas is not an operator.
    if (selectors[start] === ' ') { ++start; }
    if (end-1 !== start && selectors[end] === ' ') { --end; }

    // Split the selector into element selectors, content around
    // space (ancestor operator) and '>' (descendant operator).
    var out = [];
    var lastOperator = start;
    var elSelector = '';
    for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
      var tok = selectors[i];
      var isChild = (tok === '>');
      if (isChild || tok === ' ') {
        // We've found the end of a single link in the selector chain.
        // We disallow absolute positions relative to html.
        elSelector = processElementSelector(lastOperator, i, false);
        if (!elSelector || (isChild && /^html/i.test(elSelector))) {
        lastOperator = i+1;
        out.push(elSelector, isChild ? ' > ' : ' ');
    elSelector = processElementSelector(lastOperator, end, true);
    if (!elSelector) { return; }

    function processElementSelector(start, end, last) {
      var debugStart = start, debugEnd = end;

      // Split the element selector into three parts.
      //    ^       ^
      // el classes pseudo
      var element, classId, pseudoSelector, tok, elType;
      element = '';
      if (start < end) {
        tok = selectors[start].toLowerCase();
        if (tok === '*'
            || (tok === 'body' && start+1 !== end && !last)
            || ('number' === typeof (elType = html4.ELEMENTS[tok])
                && !(elType & html4.eflags.UNSAFE))) {
          element = tok;
      classId = '';
      while (start < end) {
        tok = selectors[start];
        if (tok.charAt(0) === '#') {
          if (/^#_|__$|[^#0-9A-Za-z:_\-]/.test(tok)) { return null; }
          // Rewrite ID elements to include the suffix.
          classId += tok + '-' + suffix;
        } else if (tok === '.') {
          if (++start < end
              && /^[0-9A-Za-z:_\-]+$/.test(tok = selectors[start])
              && !/^_|__$/.test(tok)) {
            classId += '.' + tok;
          } else {
            return null;
        } else {
      pseudoSelector = '';
      if (start < end && selectors[start] === ':') {
        tok = selectors[++start];
        if (tok === 'visited' || tok === 'link') {
          if (!/^[a*]?$/.test(element)) {
            return null;
          historySensitive = true;
          pseudoSelector = ':' + tok;
          element = 'a';
      if (start === end) {
        return element + classId + pseudoSelector;
      return null;

    var safeSelector = out.join('');
    if (/^body\b/.test(safeSelector)) {
      // Substitute the class that is attached to pseudo body elements for
      // the body element.
      safeSelector = '.vdoc-body___.' + suffix + safeSelector.substring(4);
    } else {
      // Namespace the selector so that it only matches under
      // a node with suffix in its CLASS attribute.
      safeSelector = '.' + suffix + ' ' + safeSelector;

     ? historySensitiveSelectors
     : historyInsensitiveSelectors).push(safeSelector);

  return [historyInsensitiveSelectors, historySensitiveSelectors];

var sanitizeStylesheet = (function () {
  var allowed = {};
  var cssMediaTypeWhitelist = {
    'braille': allowed,
    'embossed': allowed,
    'handheld': allowed,
    'print': allowed,
    'projection': allowed,
    'screen': allowed,
    'speech': allowed,
    'tty': allowed,
    'tv': allowed

   * Given a series of sanitized tokens, removes any properties that would
   * leak user history if allowed to style links differently depending on
   * whether the linked URL is in the user's browser history.
   * @param {Array.} blockOfProperties
  function sanitizeHistorySensitive(blockOfProperties) {
    var elide = false;
    for (var i = 0, n = blockOfProperties.length; i < n-1; ++i) {
      var token = blockOfProperties[i];
      if (':' === blockOfProperties[i+1]) {
        elide = !(cssSchema[token].cssPropBits & CSS_PROP_BIT_ALLOWED_IN_LINK);
      if (elide) { blockOfProperties[i] = ''; }
      if (';' === token) { elide = false; }
    return blockOfProperties.join('');

   * @param {string} cssText a string containing a CSS stylesheet.
   * @param {string} suffix a suffix that is added to all IDs and which is
   *    used as a CLASS names so that the returned selectors will only match
   *    nodes under one with suffix as a class name.
   *    If suffix is {@code "sfx"}, the selector
   *    {@code ["a", "#foo", " ", "b", ".bar"]} will be namespaced to
   *    {@code [".sfx", " ", "a", "#foo-sfx", " ", "b", ".bar"]}.
   * @param {function(string, string)} opt_naiveUriRewriter maps URLs of media
   *    (images, sounds) that appear as CSS property values to sanitized
   *    URLs or null if the URL should not be allowed as an external media
   *    file in sanitized CSS.
  return function /*sanitizeStylesheet*/(
       cssText, suffix, opt_naiveUriRewriter) {
    var safeCss = void 0;
    // A stack describing the { ... } regions.
    // Null elements indicate blocks that should not be emitted.
    var blockStack = [];
    // True when the content of the current block should be left off safeCss.
    var elide = false;
          startStylesheet: function () {
            safeCss = [];
          endStylesheet: function () {
          startAtrule: function (atIdent, headerArray) {
            if (elide) {
              atIdent = null;
            } else if (atIdent === '@media') {
              headerArray = headerArray.filter(
                function (mediaType) {
                  return cssMediaTypeWhitelist[mediaType] == allowed;
              if (headerArray.length) {
                safeCss.push(atIdent, headerArray.join(','), '{');
              } else {
                atIdent = null;
            } else {
              if (atIdent === '@import') {
                // TODO: Use a logger instead.
                if (window.console) {
                      '@import ' + headerArray.join(' ') + ' elided');
              atIdent = null;  // Elide the block.
            elide = !atIdent;
          endAtrule: function () {
            var atIdent = blockStack.pop();
            if (!elide) {
          startBlock: function () {
            // There are no bare blocks in CSS, so we do not change the
            // block stack here, but instead in the events that bracket
            // blocks.
            if (!elide) {
          endBlock: function () {
            if (!elide) {
              elide = true;  // skip any semicolon from endAtRule.
          startRuleset: function (selectorArray) {
            var historySensitiveSelectors = void 0;
            var removeHistoryInsensitiveSelectors = false;
            if (!elide) {
              var selectors = sanitizeCssSelectors(selectorArray, suffix);
              var historyInsensitiveSelectors = selectors[0];
              historySensitiveSelectors = selectors[1];
              if (!historyInsensitiveSelectors.length
                  && !historySensitiveSelectors.length) {
                elide = true;
              } else {
                var selector = historyInsensitiveSelectors.join(', ');
                if (!selector) {
                  // If we have only history sensitive selectors,
                  // use an impossible rule so that we can capture the content
                  // for later processing by
                  // history insenstive content for use below.
                  selector = 'head > html';
                  removeHistoryInsensitiveSelectors = true;
                safeCss.push(selector, '{');
                ? null
                // Sometimes a single list of selectors is split in two,
                //   div, a:visited
                // because we want to allow some properties for DIV that
                // we don't want to allow for A:VISITED to avoid leaking
                // user history.
                // Store the history sensitive selectors and the position
                // where the block starts so we can later create a copy
                // of the permissive tokens, and filter it to handle the
                // history sensitive case.
                : {
                    historySensitiveSelectors: historySensitiveSelectors,
                    endOfSelectors: safeCss.length - 1,  // 1 is open curly
          endRuleset: function () {
            var rules = blockStack.pop();
            var propertiesEnd = safeCss.length;
            if (!elide) {
              if (rules) {
                var extraSelectors = rules.historySensitiveSelectors;
                if (extraSelectors.length) {
                  var propertyGroupTokens = safeCss.slice(rules.endOfSelectors);
                  safeCss.push(extraSelectors.join(', '),
            if (rules && rules.removeHistoryInsensitiveSelectors) {
                // -1 and +1 account for curly braces.
                rules.endOfSelectors - 1, propertiesEnd + 1);
          declaration: function (property, valueArray) {
            if (!elide) {
              var schema = cssSchema[property];
              if (schema) {
                sanitizeCssProperty(property, schema, valueArray, opt_naiveUriRewriter);
                if (valueArray.length) {
                  safeCss.push(property, ':', valueArray.join(' '), ';');
    function checkElide() {
      elide = blockStack.length !== 0
          && blockStack[blockStack.length-1] !== null;
    return safeCss.join('');

// Exports for closure compiler.
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  window['sanitizeCssProperty'] = sanitizeCssProperty;
  window['sanitizeCssSelectors'] = sanitizeCssSelectors;
  window['sanitizeStylesheet'] = sanitizeStylesheet;
// Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @fileoverview
 * Utilities for dealing with CSS source code.
 * @author [email protected]
 * \@requires lexCss
 * \@overrides window
 * \@provides parseCssStylesheet, parseCssDeclarations

 * parseCssStylesheet takes a chunk of CSS text and a handler object with
 * methods that it calls as below:
 * // At the beginning of a stylesheet.
 * handler.startStylesheet();
 * // For an @foo rule ended by a semicolon: @import "foo.css";
 * handler.startAtrule('@import', ['"foo.css"']);
 * handler.endAtrule();
 * // For an @foo rule ended with a block. @media print { ... }
 * handler.startAtrule('@media', ['print']);
 * handler.startBlock();
 * // Calls to contents elided.  Probably selectors and declarations as below.
 * handler.endBlock();
 * handler.endAtrule();
 * // For a ruleset: p.clazz q, s { color: blue; }
 * handler.startRuleset(['p', '.', 'clazz', ' ', 'q', ',', ' ', 's']);
 * handler.declaration('color', ['blue']);
 * handler.endRuleset();
 * // At the end of a stylesheet.
 * handler.endStylesheet();
* When errors are encountered, the parser drops the useless tokens and * attempts to resume parsing. * * @param {string} cssText CSS3 content to parse as a stylesheet. * @param {Object} handler An object like
 *   startStylesheet: function () { ... },
 *   endStylesheet: function () { ... },
 *   startAtrule: function (atIdent, headerArray) { ... },
 *   endAtrule: function () { ... },
 *   startBlock: function () { ... },
 *   endBlock: function () { ... },
 *   startRuleset: function (selectorArray) { ... },
 *   endRuleset: function () { ... },
 *   declaration: function (property, valueArray) { ... },
 * }
*/ var parseCssStylesheet; /** * parseCssDeclarations parses a run of declaration productions as seen in the * body of the HTML5 {@code style} attribute. * * @param {string} cssText CSS3 content to parse as a run of declarations. * @param {Object} handler An object like
 *   declaration: function (property, valueArray) { ... },
 * }
*/ var parseCssDeclarations; (function () { // stylesheet : [ CDO | CDC | S | statement ]*; parseCssStylesheet = function(cssText, handler) { var toks = lexCss(cssText); if (handler.startStylesheet) { handler.startStylesheet(); } for (var i = 0, n = toks.length; i < n;) { // CDO and CDC ("") are converted to space by the lexer. i = toks[i] === ' ' ? i+1 : statement(toks, i, n, handler); } if (handler.endStylesheet) { handler.endStylesheet(); } }; // statement : ruleset | at-rule; function statement(toks, i, n, handler) { if (i < n) { var tok = toks[i]; if (tok.charAt(0) === '@') { return atrule(toks, i, n, handler, true); } else { return ruleset(toks, i, n, handler); } } else { return i; } } // at-rule : ATKEYWORD S* any* [ block | ';' S* ]; function atrule(toks, i, n, handler, blockok) { var start = i++; while (i < n && toks[i] !== '{' && toks[i] !== ';') { ++i; } if (i < n && (blockok || toks[i] === ';')) { var s = start+1, e = i; if (s < n && toks[s] === ' ') { ++s; } if (e > s && toks[e-1] === ' ') { --e; } if (handler.startAtrule) { handler.startAtrule(toks[start].toLowerCase(), toks.slice(s, e)); } i = (toks[i] === '{') ? block(toks, i, n, handler) : i+1; // Skip over ';' if (handler.endAtrule) { handler.endAtrule(); } } // Else we reached end of input or are missing a semicolon. // Drop the rule on the floor. return i; } // block : '{' S* [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* | ';' S* ]* '}' S*; // Assumes the leading '{' has been verified by callers. function block(toks, i, n, handler) { ++i; // skip over '{' if (handler.startBlock) { handler.startBlock(); } while (i < n) { var ch = toks[i].charAt(0); if (ch == '}') { ++i; break; } if (ch === ' ' || ch === ';') { i = i+1; } else if (ch === '@') { i = atrule(toks, i, n, handler, false); } else if (ch === '{') { i = block(toks, i, n, handler); } else { // Instead of using (any* block) to subsume ruleset we allow either // blocks or rulesets with a non-blank selector. // This is more restrictive but does not require atrule specific // parse tree fixup to realize that the contents of the block in // @media print { ... } // is a ruleset. We just don't care about any block carrying at-rules // whose body content is not ruleset content. i = ruleset(toks, i, n, handler); } } if (handler.endBlock) { handler.endBlock(); } return i; } // ruleset : selector? '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*; function ruleset(toks, i, n, handler) { // toks[s:e] are the selector tokens including internal whitespace. var s = i, e = selector(toks, i, n, true); if (e < 0) { // Skip malformed content per selector calling convention. e = ~e; // Make sure we skip at least one token. return i === e ? e+1 : e; } i = e; // Don't include any trailing space in the selector slice. if (e > s && toks[e-1] === ' ') { --e; } var tok = toks[i]; ++i; // Skip over '{' if (tok !== '{') { // Skips past the '{' when there is a malformed input. return i; } if (handler.startRuleset) { handler.startRuleset(toks.slice(s, e)); } while (i < n) { tok = toks[i]; if (tok === '}') { ++i; break; } if (tok === ' ') { i = i+1; } else { i = declaration(toks, i, n, handler); } } if (handler.endRuleset) { handler.endRuleset(); } return i < n ? i+1 : i; } // selector : any+; // any : [ IDENT | NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | DIMENSION | STRING // | DELIM | URI | HASH | UNICODE-RANGE | INCLUDES // | FUNCTION S* any* ')' | DASHMATCH | '(' S* any* ')' // | '[' S* any* ']' ] S*; // A negative return value, rv, indicates the selector was malformed and // the index at which we stopped is ~rv. function selector(toks, i, n, allowSemi) { var s = i; // The definition of any above can be summed up as // "any run of token except ('[', ']', '(', ')', ':', ';', '{', '}') // or nested runs of parenthesized tokens or square bracketed tokens". // Spaces are significant in the selector. // Selector is used as (selector?) so the below looks for (any*) for // simplicity. var tok; // Keeping a stack pointer actually causes this to minify better since // ".length" and ".push" are a lo of chars. var brackets = [], stackLast = -1; for (;i < n; ++i) { tok = toks[i].charAt(0); if (tok === '[' || tok === '(') { brackets[++stackLast] = tok; } else if ((tok === ']' && brackets[stackLast] === '[') || (tok === ')' && brackets[stackLast] === '(')) { --stackLast; } else if (tok === '{' || tok === '}' || tok === ';' || tok === '@' || (tok === ':' && !allowSemi)) { break; } } if (stackLast >= 0) { // Returns the bitwise inverse of i+1 to indicate an error in the // token stream so that clients can ignore it. i = ~(i+1); } return i; } var ident = /^-?[a-z]/i; // declaration : property ':' S* value; // property : IDENT S*; // value : [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* ]+; function declaration(toks, i, n, handler) { var property = toks[i++]; if (!ident.test(property)) { return i+1; // skip one token. } var tok; if (i < n && toks[i] === ' ') { ++i; } if (i == n || toks[i] !== ':') { // skip tokens to next semi or close bracket. while (i < n && (tok = toks[i]) !== ';' && tok !== '}') { ++i; } return i; } ++i; if (i < n && toks[i] === ' ') { ++i; } // None of the rules we care about want atrules or blocks in value, so // we look for any+ but that is the same as selector but not zero-length. // This gets us the benefit of not emitting any value with mismatched // brackets. var s = i, e = selector(toks, i, n, false); if (e < 0) { // Skip malformed content per selector calling convention. e = ~e; } else { var value = [], valuelen = 0; for (var j = s; j < e; ++j) { tok = toks[j]; if (tok !== ' ') { value[valuelen++] = tok; } } // One of the following is now true: // (1) e is flush with the end of the tokens as in <... style="x:y">. // (2) tok[e] points to a ';' in which case we need to consume the semi. // (3) tok[e] points to a '}' in which case we don't consume it. // (4) else there is bogus unparsed value content at toks[e:]. // Allow declaration flush with end for style attr body. if (e < n) { // 2, 3, or 4 do { tok = toks[e]; if (tok === ';' || tok === '}') { break; } // Don't emit the property if there is questionable trailing content. valuelen = 0; } while (++e < n); if (tok === ';') { ++e; } } if (valuelen && handler.declaration) { // TODO: coerce non-keyword ident tokens to quoted strings. handler.declaration(property.toLowerCase(), value); } } return e; } parseCssDeclarations = function(cssText, handler) { var toks = lexCss(cssText); for (var i = 0, n = toks.length; i < n;) { i = toks[i] !== ' ' ? declaration(toks, i, n, handler) : i+1; } }; })(); // Exports for closure compiler. if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window['parseCssStylesheet'] = parseCssStylesheet; window['parseCssDeclarations'] = parseCssDeclarations; } /*! * OpenUI5 * (c) Copyright 2009-2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Based on coding from the HTML4 Sanitizer by Google Inc. // The HTML Attributes and ELements were reorganized according to the actual HTML5 specification // from the W3C. All types and flags were reviewed again as accurately as possible with HTML4 only // elements removed, you can still see them as comments. All rules which are new or changed from the // old HTML4 file are also marked "new" within the comment. The comments also state which attributes // and elements are assigned to respective types and flags. All rules which were not 100% clear were // analyzed in a way of similarity, so for example "audio" and "video" content behaves like images etc. // URIEFFECTS state if a URL is loaded inplace within a tag where the actual document is in control // of what type of content is loaded like "image" or if a new document is loaded like with "a href". // LOADERTYPES state if content is loaded as sandboxed which means it is loaded within a specific // surroundig player like with video content for example or if it is loaded freely without restrictions. // @overrides window // @provides html4 var html4 = {}; html4.atype = { NONE: 0, URI: 1, //action, cite, data, href, icon, manifest, poster, src URI_FRAGMENT: 11, //usemap SCRIPT: 2, //all event handlers STYLE: 3, //style ID: 4, //id IDREF: 5, //for IDREFS: 6, //headers GLOBAL_NAME: 7, //name of form, iframe, img, map, meta LOCAL_NAME: 8, //name of button, fieldset, input, keygen, object, output, param, select, textarea CLASSES: 9, //class FRAME_TARGET: 10 //formtarget, srcdoc, target }; html4.ATTRIBS = { '*::accesskey': 0, //NONE '*::class': 9, //CLASSES '*::contenteditable': 0, //NONE new '*::contextmenu': 0, //NONE new '*::dir': 0, //NONE '*::draggable': 0, //NONE new '*::dropzone': 0, //NONE new '*::hidden': 0, //NONE new '*::id': 4, //ID '*::lang': 0, //NONE '*::onabort': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onblur': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::oncanplay': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::oncanplaythrough': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onchange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onclick': 2, //SCRIPT '*::oncontextmenu': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::oncuechange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondblclick': 2, //SCRIPT '*::ondrag': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondragend': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondragenter': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondragleave': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondragover': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondragstart': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondrop': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ondurationchange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onemptied': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onended': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onerror': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onfocus': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::oninput': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::oninvalid': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onkeydown': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onkeypress': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onkeyup': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onload': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onloadeddata': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onloadedmetadata': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onloadstart': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onmousedown': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onmousemove': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onmouseout': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onmouseover': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onmouseup': 2, //SCRIPT '*::onmousewheel': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onpause': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onplay': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onplaying': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onprogress': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onratechange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onreadystatechange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onreset': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onscroll': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onseeked': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onseeking': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onselect': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onshow': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onstalled': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onsubmit': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onsuspend': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::ontimeupdate': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onvolumechange': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::onwaiting': 2, //SCRIPT new '*::spellcheck': 0, //NONE new '*::style': 3, //STYLE '*::tabindex': 0, //NONE '*::title': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'a::accesskey': 0, moved to global //--------------------- 'a::coords': 0, 'a::href': 1, //URI 'a::hreflang': 0, //NONE 'a::media': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'a::name': 7, //--------------------- 'a::onblur': 2, moved to global //--------------------- 'a::onfocus': 2, moved to global 'a::rel': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'a::rev': 0, //--------------------- 'a::shape': 0, //--------------------- 'a::tabindex': 0, moved to global 'a::target': 0, //changed to "0" because of CSN 1918585 2013, original value was 10 FRAME_TARGET but it seems uncritical 'a::type': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'area::accesskey': 0, moved to global 'area::alt': 0, //NONE 'area::coords': 0, //NONE 'area::href': 1, //URI 'area::hreflang': 0, //NONE new 'area::media': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'area::nohref': 0, //--------------------- 'area::onblur': 2, moved to global //--------------------- 'area::onfocus': 2, moved to global 'area::rel': 0, //NONE new 'area::shape': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'area::tabindex': 0, moved to global 'area::target': 10, //FRAME_TARGET 'area::type': 0, //NONE 'audio::autoplay': 0, //NONE new 'audio::controls': 0, //NONE new 'audio::loop': 0, //NONE new 'audio::mediagroup': 0, //NONE new 'audio::preload': 0, //NONE new 'audio::src': 1, //URI 'base::href': 1, //URI 'base::target': 10, //FRAME_TARGET //--------------------- 'bdo::dir': 0, 'blockquote::cite': 1, //URI 'body::onafterprint': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onbeforeprint': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onbeforeunload': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onblur': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onerror': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onfocus': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onhashchange': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onload': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onmessage': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onoffline': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::ononline': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onpagehide': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onpageshow': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onpopstate': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onredo': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onresize': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onscroll': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onstorage': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onundo': 2, //SCRIPT new 'body::onunload': 2, //SCRIPT new //--------------------- 'br::clear': 0, //--------------------- 'button::accesskey': 0, moved to global 'button::autofocus': 0, //NONE new 'button::disabled': 0, //NONE 'button::form': 0, //NONE new 'button::formaction': 1, //URI new 'button::formenctype': 0, //NONE new 'button::formmethod': 0, //NONE new 'button::formnovalidate': 0, //NONE new 'button::formtarget': 10, //FRAME_TARGET new 'button::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME //--------------------- 'button::onblur': 2, //--------------------- 'button::onfocus': 2, //--------------------- 'button::tabindex': 0, moved to global 'button::type': 0, //NONE 'button::value': 0, //NONE 'canvas::height': 0, //NONE 'canvas::width': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'caption::align': 0, //--------------------- 'col::align': 0, //--------------------- 'col::char': 0, //--------------------- 'col::charoff': 0, 'col::span': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'col::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'col::width': 0, //--------------------- 'colgroup::align': 0, //--------------------- 'colgroup::char': 0, //--------------------- 'colgroup::charoff': 0, 'colgroup::span': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'colgroup::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'colgroup::width': 0, 'command::checked': 0, //NONE new 'command::disabled': 0, //NONE new 'command::icon': 1, //URI new 'command::label': 0, //NONE new 'command::radiogroup': 0, //NONE new 'command::type': 0, //NONE new 'del::cite': 1, //URI 'del::datetime': 0, //NONE 'details::open': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'dir::compact': 0, //--------------------- 'div::align': 0, //--------------------- 'dl::compact': 0, 'embed::height': 0, //NONE new 'embed::src': 1, //URI new 'embed::type': 0, //NONE new 'embed::width': 0, //NONE new 'fieldset::disabled': 0, //NONE new 'fieldset::form': 0, //NONE new 'fieldset::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME new //--------------------- 'font::color': 0, //--------------------- 'font::face': 0, //--------------------- 'font::size': 0, //--------------------- 'form::accept': 0, 'form::accept-charset': 0, //NONE 'form::action': 1, //URI 'form::autocomplete': 0, //NONE 'form::enctype': 0, //NONE 'form::method': 0, //NONE 'form::name': 7, //GLOBAL_NAME 'form::novalidate': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'form::onreset': 2, //--------------------- 'form::onsubmit': 2, 'form::target': 10, //FRAME_TARGET //--------------------- 'h1::align': 0, //--------------------- 'h2::align': 0, //--------------------- 'h3::align': 0, //--------------------- 'h4::align': 0, //--------------------- 'h5::align': 0, //--------------------- 'h6::align': 0, //--------------------- 'hr::align': 0, //--------------------- 'hr::noshade': 0, //--------------------- 'hr::size': 0, //--------------------- 'hr::width': 0, 'html:: manifest': 1, //URI new //--------------------- 'iframe::align': 0, //--------------------- 'iframe::frameborder': 0, 'iframe::height': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'iframe::marginheight': 0, //--------------------- 'iframe::marginwidth': 0, 'iframe::name': 7, //GLOBAL_NAME new 'iframe::sandbox': 0, //NONE new 'iframe::seamless': 0, //NONE new 'iframe::src': 1, //URI new 'iframe::srcdoc': 10, //FRAME_TARGET new 'iframe::width': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'img::align': 0, 'img::alt': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'img::border': 0, 'img::height': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'img::hspace': 0, 'img::ismap': 0, //NONE 'img::name': 7, //GLOBAL_NAME 'img::src': 1, //URI 'img::usemap': 11, //URI_FRAGMENT //--------------------- 'img::vspace': 0, 'img::width': 0, //NONE 'input::accept': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'input::accesskey': 0, moved to global //--------------------- 'input::align': 0, 'input::alt': 0, //NONE 'input::autocomplete': 0, //NONE 'input::autofocus': 0, //NONE new 'input::checked': 0, //NONE 'input::dirname': 0, //NONE new 'input::disabled': 0, //NONE 'input::form': 0, //NONE new 'input::formaction': 1, //URI new 'input::formenctype': 0, //NONE new 'input::formmethod': 0, //NONE new 'input::formnovalidate': 0, //NONE new 'input::formtarget': 10, //FRAME_TARGET new 'input::height': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'input::ismap': 0, 'input::list': 0, //NONE new 'input::max': 0, //NONE new 'input::maxlength': 0, //NONE 'input::min': 0, //NONE new 'input::multiple': 0, //NONE new 'input::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME //--------------------- 'input::onblur': 2, //--------------------- 'input::onchange': 2, //--------------------- 'input::onfocus': 2, //--------------------- 'input::onselect': 2, 'input::pattern': 0, //NONE new 'input::placeholder': 0, //NONE new 'input::readonly': 0, //NONE 'input::required': 0, //NONE new 'input::step': 0, //NONE new 'input::size': 0, //NONE 'input::src': 1, //URI //--------------------- 'input::tabindex': 0, moved to global 'input::type': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'input::usemap': 11, 'input::value': 0, //NONE 'input::width': 0, //NONE new 'ins::cite': 1, //URI 'ins::datetime': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'label::accesskey': 0, moved to global 'keygen::autofocus': 0, //NONE new 'keygen::challenge': 0, //NONE new 'keygen::disabled': 0, //NONE new 'keygen::form': 0, //NONE new 'keygen::keytype': 0, //NONE new 'keygen::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME new 'label::for': 5, //IDREF 'label::form': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'label::onblur': 2, //--------------------- 'label::onfocus': 2, //--------------------- 'legend::accesskey': 0, moved to global //--------------------- 'legend::align': 0, //--------------------- 'li::type': 0, 'link::href': 1, //URI new 'link::hreflang': 0, //NONE new 'link::media': 0, //NONE new 'link::rel': 0, //NONE new 'link::sizes': 0, //NONE new 'link::type': 0, //NONE new 'li::value': 0, //NONE new 'map::name': 7, //GLOBAL_NAME //--------------------- 'menu::compact': 0, 'menu::label': 0, //NONE new 'menu::type': 0, //NONE new 'meta::charset': 0, //NONE new 'meta::content': 0, //NONE new 'meta::http-equiv': 0, //NONE new 'meta::name': 7, //GLOBAL_NAME new 'meter::form': 0, //NONE new 'meter::high': 0, //NONE new 'meter::low': 0, //NONE new 'meter::max': 0, //NONE new 'meter::min': 0, //NONE new 'meter::optimum': 0, //NONE new 'meter::value': 0, //NONE new 'object::data': 1, //URI new 'object::form': 0, //NONE new 'object::height': 0, //NONE new 'object::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME new 'object::type': 0, //NONE new 'object::usemap': 11, //URI_FRAGMENT new 'object::width': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'ol::compact': 0, 'ol::reversed': 0, //NONE new 'ol::start': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'ol::type': 0, 'optgroup::disabled': 0, //NONE 'optgroup::label': 0, //NONE 'option::disabled': 0, //NONE 'option::label': 0, //NONE 'option::selected': 0, //NONE 'option::value': 0, //NONE 'output::for': 5, //IDREF new 'output::form': 0, //NONE new 'output::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME new //--------------------- 'p::align': 0, 'param::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME new 'param::value': 0, //NONE new 'progress::form': 0, //NONE new 'progress::max': 0, //NONE new 'progress::value': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'pre::width': 0, 'q::cite': 1, //URI 'script::async': 0, //NONE new 'script::charset': 0, //NONE new 'script::defer': 0, //NONE new 'script::src': 1, //URI new 'script::type': 0, //NONE new 'select::autofocus': 0, //NONE new 'select::disabled': 0, //NONE 'select::form': 0, //NONE new 'select::multiple': 0, //NONE 'select::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME //--------------------- 'select::onblur': 2, //--------------------- 'select::onchange': 2, //--------------------- 'select::onfocus': 2, 'select::required': 0, //NONE new 'select::size': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'select::tabindex': 0, moved to global 'source::media': 0, //NONE new 'source::src': 1, //URI new 'source::type': 0, //NONE new 'style::media': 0, //NONE new 'style::scoped': 0, //NONE new 'style::type': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'table::align': 0, //--------------------- 'table::bgcolor': 0, 'table::border': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'table::cellpadding': 0, //--------------------- 'table::cellspacing': 0, //--------------------- 'table::frame': 0, //--------------------- 'table::rules': 0, //--------------------- 'table::summary': 0, //--------------------- 'table::width': 0, //--------------------- 'tbody::align': 0, //--------------------- 'tbody::char': 0, //--------------------- 'tbody::charoff': 0, //--------------------- 'tbody::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'td::abbr': 0, //--------------------- 'td::align': 0, //--------------------- 'td::axis': 0, //--------------------- 'td::bgcolor': 0, //--------------------- 'td::char': 0, //--------------------- 'td::charoff': 0, 'td::colspan': 0, //NONE 'td::headers': 6, //IDREFS //--------------------- 'td::height': 0, //--------------------- 'td::nowrap': 0, 'td::rowspan': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'td::scope': 0, //--------------------- 'td::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'td::width': 0, //--------------------- 'textarea::accesskey': 0, moved to global 'textarea::autofocus': 0, //NONE new 'textarea::cols': 0, //NONE 'textarea::disabled': 0, //NONE 'textarea::form': 0, //NONE new 'textarea::maxlength': 0, //NONE new 'textarea::name': 8, //LOCAL_NAME //--------------------- 'textarea::onblur': 2, //--------------------- 'textarea::onchange': 2, //--------------------- 'textarea::onfocus': 2, //--------------------- 'textarea::onselect': 2, 'textarea::placeholder': 0, //NONE new 'textarea::readonly': 0, //NONE 'textarea::required': 0, //NONE new 'textarea::rows': 0, //NONE 'textarea::wrap': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'textarea::tabindex': 0, moved to global //--------------------- 'tfoot::align': 0, //--------------------- 'tfoot::char': 0, //--------------------- 'tfoot::charoff': 0, //--------------------- 'tfoot::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'th::abbr': 0, //--------------------- 'th::align': 0, //--------------------- 'th::axis': 0, //--------------------- 'th::bgcolor': 0, //--------------------- 'th::char': 0, //--------------------- 'th::charoff': 0, 'th::colspan': 0, //NONE 'th::headers': 6, //IDREFS //--------------------- 'th::height': 0, //--------------------- 'th::nowrap': 0, 'th::rowspan': 0, //NONE 'th::scope': 0, //NONE //--------------------- 'th::valign': 0, //--------------------- 'th::width': 0, //--------------------- 'thead::align': 0, //--------------------- 'thead::char': 0, //--------------------- 'thead::charoff': 0, //--------------------- 'thead::valign': 0, 'time::datetime': 0, //NONE new 'time::pubdate': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'tr::align': 0, //--------------------- 'tr::bgcolor': 0, //--------------------- 'tr::char': 0, //--------------------- 'tr::charoff': 0, //--------------------- 'tr::valign': 0, 'track::default': 0, //NONE new 'track::kind': 0, //NONE new 'track::label': 0, //NONE new 'track::src': 1, //URI new 'track::srclang': 0, //NONE new //--------------------- 'ul::compact': 0, //--------------------- 'ul::type': 0 'video::autoplay': 0, //NONE new 'video::controls': 0, //NONE new 'video::height': 0, //NONE new 'video::loop': 0, //NONE new 'video::mediagroup': 0, //NONE new 'video::poster': 1, //URI new 'video::preload': 0, //NONE new 'video::src': 1, //URI new 'video::width': 0 //NONE new }; html4.eflags = { OPTIONAL_ENDTAG: 1, EMPTY: 2, CDATA: 4, RCDATA: 8, UNSAFE: 16, FOLDABLE: 32, SCRIPT: 64, STYLE: 128 }; html4.ELEMENTS = { 'a': 0, 'abbr': 0, //--------------------- 'acronym': 0, 'address': 0, //--------------------- 'applet': 16, 'area': 2, //EMPTY 'article': 0, //new 'aside': 0, //new 'audio': 0, //new 'b': 0, 'base': 18, //EMPTY, UNSAFE //--------------------- 'basefont': 18, 'bdi': 0, //new 'bdo': 0, //--------------------- 'big': 0, 'blockquote': 0, 'body': 49, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG, UNSAFE, FOLDABLE 'br': 2, //EMPTY 'button': 0, 'canvas': 0, 'caption': 0, //--------------------- 'center': 0, 'cite': 0, 'code': 0, 'col': 2, //EMPTY 'colgroup': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'command': 2, //EMPTY new 'datalist': 0, //new 'dd': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'del': 0, 'details': 0, //new 'dfn': 0, //--------------------- 'dir': 0, 'div': 0, 'dl': 0, 'dt': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'em': 0, 'embed': 18, //EMPTY, UNSAFE new 'fieldset': 0, 'figcaption': 0, //new 'figure': 0, //new //--------------------- 'font': 0, 'footer': 0, //new 'form': 0, //--------------------- 'frame': 18, //--------------------- 'frameset': 16, 'h1': 0, 'h2': 0, 'h3': 0, 'h4': 0, 'h5': 0, 'h6': 0, 'head': 49, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG, UNSAFE, FOLDABLE 'header': 0, //new 'hgroup': 0, //new 'hr': 2, //EMPTY 'html': 49, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG, UNSAFE, FOLDABLE 'i': 0, 'iframe': 0, //new 'img': 2,//EMPTY 'input': 2, //EMPTY 'ins': 0, //--------------------- 'isindex': 18, 'kbd': 0, 'keygen': 2, //EMPTY new 'label': 0, 'legend': 0, 'li': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'link': 18, //EMPTY, UNSAFE 'map': 0, 'mark': 0, //new 'menu': 0, 'meta': 18, //EMPTY, UNSAFE 'meter': 0, //new 'nav': 0, //--------------------- 'nobr': 0, //--------------------- 'noembed': 4, //--------------------- 'noframes': 20, 'noscript': 20, //CDATA, UNSAFE 'object': 16, //UNSAFE 'ol': 0, 'optgroup': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG new !!!!vorher 0 'option': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'output': 0, //new 'p': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'param': 18, //EMPTY, UNSAFE 'pre': 0, 'progress': 0, //new 'q': 0, 'rp': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG new 'rt': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG new 'ruby': 0, //new 's': 0, 'samp': 0, 'script': 84, //CDATA, UNSAFE, SCRIPT 'section': 0, //new 'select': 0, 'small': 0, 'source': 2, //EMPTY new 'span': 0, //--------------------- 'strike': 0, 'strong': 0, 'style': 148, //CDATA, UNSAFE, STYLE 'sub': 0, 'summary': 0, //new 'sup': 0, 'table': 0, 'tbody': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'td': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'textarea': 8, //RCDATA 'tfoot': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'th': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'thead': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'time': 0, //new 'title': 24, //RCDATA, UNSAFE 'tr': 1, //OPTIONAL_ENDTAG 'track': 2, //EMPTY new //--------------------- 'tt': 0, 'u': 0, 'ul': 0, 'var': 0, 'video': 0, //new 'wbr': 2 //EMPTY new }; html4.ueffects = { NOT_LOADED: 0, SAME_DOCUMENT: 1, NEW_DOCUMENT: 2 }; html4.URIEFFECTS = { 'a::href': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT 'area::href': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT 'audio::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'base::href':2, //NEW_DOCUMENT new 'blockquote::cite': 0, //NOT_LOADED //--------------------- 'body::background': 1, 'button::formaction': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT new 'command::icon': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'del::cite': 0, //NOT_LOADED 'embed::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'form::action': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT 'html:: manifest': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'iframe::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'img::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT 'input::formaction': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT new 'input::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT 'ins::cite': 0, //NOT_LOADED 'link::href': 2, //NEW_DOCUMENT new 'object::data': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'q::cite': 0, //NOT_LOADED 'script::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'source::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'track::src': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'video::poster': 1, //SAME_DOCUMENT new 'video::src': 1 //SAME_DOCUMENT new }; html4.ltypes = { UNSANDBOXED: 2, SANDBOXED: 1, DATA: 0 }; html4.LOADERTYPES = { 'a::href': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'area::href': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'audio::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'base::href': 2, //UNSANDBOXED new 'blockquote::cite': 2, //UNSANDBOXED //--------------------- 'body::background': 1, 'button::formaction': 2, //UNSANDBOXED new 'command::icon': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'del::cite': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'embed::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'form::action': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'html:: manifest': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'iframe::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'img::src': 1, //SANDBOXED 'input::formaction': 2, //UNSANDBOXED new 'input::src': 1, //SANDBOXED 'ins::cite': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'link::href': 2, //UNSANDBOXED new 'object::data': 0, //DATA new 'q::cite': 2, //UNSANDBOXED 'script::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'source::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'track::src': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'video::poster': 1, //SANDBOXED new 'video::src': 1 //SANDBOXED new };if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window['html4'] = html4; }// Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview * An HTML sanitizer that can satisfy a variety of security policies. * *

* The HTML sanitizer is built around a SAX parser and HTML element and * attributes schemas. * * If the cssparser is loaded, inline styles are sanitized using the * css property and value schemas. Else they are remove during * sanitization. * * If it exists, uses parseCssDeclarations, sanitizeCssProperty, cssSchema * * @author [email protected] * @author [email protected] * \@requires html4 * \@overrides window * \@provides html, html_sanitize */ /** * \@namespace */ var html = (function(html4) { // For closure compiler var parseCssDeclarations, sanitizeCssProperty, cssSchema; if ('undefined' !== typeof window) { parseCssDeclarations = window['parseCssDeclarations']; sanitizeCssProperty = window['sanitizeCssProperty']; cssSchema = window['cssSchema']; } var lcase; // The below may not be true on browsers in the Turkish locale. if ('script' === 'SCRIPT'.toLowerCase()) { lcase = function(s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }; } else { /** * {\@updoc * $ lcase('SCRIPT') * # 'script' * $ lcase('script') * # 'script' * } */ lcase = function(s) { return s.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) | 32); }); }; } // The keys of this object must be 'quoted' or JSCompiler will mangle them! var ENTITIES = { 'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&', 'nbsp': '\xA0', 'quot': '"', 'apos': '\'' }; var decimalEscapeRe = /^#(\d+)$/; var hexEscapeRe = /^#x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/; /** * Decodes an HTML entity. * * {\@updoc * $ lookupEntity('lt') * # '<' * $ lookupEntity('GT') * # '>' * $ lookupEntity('amp') * # '&' * $ lookupEntity('nbsp') * # '\xA0' * $ lookupEntity('apos') * # "'" * $ lookupEntity('quot') * # '"' * $ lookupEntity('#xa') * # '\n' * $ lookupEntity('#10') * # '\n' * $ lookupEntity('#x0a') * # '\n' * $ lookupEntity('#010') * # '\n' * $ lookupEntity('#x00A') * # '\n' * $ lookupEntity('Pi') // Known failure * # '\u03A0' * $ lookupEntity('pi') // Known failure * # '\u03C0' * } * * @param {string} name the content between the '&' and the ';'. * @return {string} a single unicode code-point as a string. */ function lookupEntity(name) { name = lcase(name); // TODO: π is different from Π if (ENTITIES.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return ENTITIES[name]; } var m = name.match(decimalEscapeRe); if (m) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m[1], 10)); } else if (!!(m = name.match(hexEscapeRe))) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m[1], 16)); } return ''; } function decodeOneEntity(_, name) { return lookupEntity(name); } var nulRe = /\0/g; function stripNULs(s) { return s.replace(nulRe, ''); } var entityRe = /&(#\d+|#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|\w+);/g; /** * The plain text of a chunk of HTML CDATA which possibly containing. * * {\@updoc * $ unescapeEntities('') * # '' * $ unescapeEntities('hello World!') * # 'hello World!' * $ unescapeEntities('1 < 2 && 4 > 3 ') * # '1 < 2 && 4 > 3\n' * $ unescapeEntities('<< <- unfinished entity>') * # '<< <- unfinished entity>' * $ unescapeEntities('/foo?bar=baz©=true') // & often unescaped in URLS * # '/foo?bar=baz©=true' * $ unescapeEntities('pi=ππ, Pi=Π\u03A0') // FIXME: known failure * # 'pi=\u03C0\u03c0, Pi=\u03A0\u03A0' * } * * @param {string} s a chunk of HTML CDATA. It must not start or end inside * an HTML entity. */ function unescapeEntities(s) { return s.replace(entityRe, decodeOneEntity); } var ampRe = /&/g; var looseAmpRe = /&([^a-z#]|#(?:[^0-9x]|x(?:[^0-9a-f]|$)|$)|$)/gi; var ltRe = /[<]/g; var gtRe = />/g; var quotRe = /\"/g; /** * Escapes HTML special characters in attribute values. * * {\@updoc * $ escapeAttrib('') * # '' * $ escapeAttrib('"<<&==&>>"') // Do not just escape the first occurrence. * # '"<<&==&>>"' * $ escapeAttrib('Hello !') * # 'Hello <World>!' * } */ function escapeAttrib(s) { return ('' + s).replace(ampRe, '&').replace(ltRe, '<') .replace(gtRe, '>').replace(quotRe, '"'); } /** * Escape entities in RCDATA that can be escaped without changing the meaning. * {\@updoc * $ normalizeRCData('1 < 2 && 3 > 4 && 5 < 7&8') * # '1 < 2 && 3 > 4 && 5 < 7&8' * } */ function normalizeRCData(rcdata) { return rcdata .replace(looseAmpRe, '&$1') .replace(ltRe, '<') .replace(gtRe, '>'); } // TODO(mikesamuel): validate sanitizer regexs against the HTML5 grammar at // // // // // We initially split input so that potentially meaningful characters // like '<' and '>' are separate tokens, using a fast dumb process that // ignores quoting. Then we walk that token stream, and when we see a // '<' that's the start of a tag, we use ATTR_RE to extract tag // attributes from the next token. That token will never have a '>' // character. However, it might have an unbalanced quote character, and // when we see that, we combine additional tokens to balance the quote. var ATTR_RE = new RegExp( '^\\s*' + '([a-z][a-z-]*)' + // 1 = Attribute name '(?:' + ( '\\s*(=)\\s*' + // 2 = Is there a value? '(' + ( // 3 = Attribute value // TODO(felix8a): maybe use backref to match quotes '(\")[^\"]*(\"|$)' + // 4, 5 = Double-quoted string '|' + '(\')[^\']*(\'|$)' + // 6, 7 = Single-quoted string '|' + // Positive lookahead to prevent interpretation of // as // TODO(felix8a): might be able to drop this case '(?=[a-z][a-z-]*\\s*=)' + '|' + // Unquoted value that isn't an attribute name // (since we didn't match the positive lookahead above) '[^\"\'\\s]*' ) + ')' ) + ')?', 'i'); var ENTITY_RE = /^(#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-f]+|\w+);/i; // false on IE<=8, true on most other browsers var splitWillCapture = ('a,b'.split(/(,)/).length === 3); // bitmask for tags with special parsing, like