package.dist.validateThemeRoot.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
const getMetaTagValue = (metaTagName) => {
const metaTag = document.querySelector(`META[name="${metaTagName}"]`), metaTagContent = metaTag && metaTag.getAttribute("content");
return metaTagContent;
const validateThemeOrigin = (origin) => {
const allowedOrigins = getMetaTagValue("sap-allowedThemeOrigins");
return allowedOrigins && allowedOrigins.split(",").some(allowedOrigin => {
return allowedOrigin === "*" || origin === allowedOrigin.trim();
const buildCorrectUrl = (oldUrl, newOrigin) => {
const oldUrlPath = new URL(oldUrl).pathname;
return new URL(oldUrlPath, newOrigin).toString();
const validateThemeRoot = (themeRoot) => {
let resultUrl;
try {
if (themeRoot.startsWith(".") || themeRoot.startsWith("/")) {
// Handle relative url
// new URL("/newExmPath", "") =>
// new URL("./newExmPath", "") =>
// new URL("../newExmPath", "") =>
resultUrl = new URL(themeRoot, window.location.href).toString();
else {
const themeRootURL = new URL(themeRoot);
const origin = themeRootURL.origin;
if (origin && validateThemeOrigin(origin)) {
// If origin is allowed, use it
resultUrl = themeRootURL.toString();
else {
// If origin is not allow and the URL is not relative, we have to replace the origin
// with current location
resultUrl = buildCorrectUrl(themeRootURL.toString(), window.location.href);
if (!resultUrl.endsWith("/")) {
resultUrl = `${resultUrl}/`;
return `${resultUrl}UI5/`;
catch (e) {
// Catch if URL is not correct
export default validateThemeRoot;