package.dist.index.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
'use strict';
var utils = require('@zag-js/utils');
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
var fallback = {
itemToValue(item) {
if (typeof item === "string") return item;
if (utils.isObject(item) && utils.hasProp(item, "value")) return item.value;
return "";
itemToString(item) {
if (typeof item === "string") return item;
if (utils.isObject(item) && utils.hasProp(item, "label")) return item.label;
return fallback.itemToValue(item);
isItemDisabled(item) {
if (utils.isObject(item) && utils.hasProp(item, "disabled")) return !!item.disabled;
return false;
var ListCollection = class {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
* The items in the collection
__publicField(this, "items");
this.items = [...options.items];
isEqual(other) {
return utils.isEqual(this.items, other.items);
* Function to update the collection items
setItems(items) {
this.items = Array.from(items);
* Returns all the values in the collection
getValues(items = this.items) {
return Array.from(items).map((item) => this.getItemValue(item)).filter(Boolean);
* Get the item based on its value
find(value) {
if (value == null) return null;
const index = this.items.findIndex((item) => this.getItemValue(item) === value);
return index != null ? this.items[index] : null;
* Get the items based on its values
findMany(values) {
return Array.from(values).map((value) => this.find(value)).filter(Boolean);
* Get the item based on its index
at(index) {
return this.items[index] ?? null;
sortFn(valueA, valueB) {
const indexA = this.indexOf(valueA);
const indexB = this.indexOf(valueB);
return (indexA ?? 0) - (indexB ?? 0);
* Sort the values based on their index
sort(values) {
return [...values].sort(this.sortFn.bind(this));
* Convert an item to a value
getItemValue(item) {
if (item == null) return null;
return this.options.itemToValue?.(item) ?? fallback.itemToValue(item);
* Whether an item is disabled
getItemDisabled(item) {
if (item == null) return false;
return this.options.isItemDisabled?.(item) ?? fallback.isItemDisabled(item);
* Convert an item to a string
stringifyItem(item) {
if (item == null) return null;
return this.options.itemToString?.(item) ?? fallback.itemToString(item);
* Convert a value to a string
stringify(value) {
if (value == null) return null;
return this.stringifyItem(this.find(value));
* Convert an array of items to a string
stringifyItems(items, separator = ", ") {
return Array.from(items).map((item) => this.stringifyItem(item)).filter(Boolean).join(separator);
* Convert an array of items to a string
stringifyMany(value, separator) {
return this.stringifyItems(this.findMany(value), separator);
* Whether the collection has a value
has(value) {
return this.indexOf(value) !== -1;
* Whether the collection has an item
hasItem(item) {
if (item == null) return false;
return this.has(this.getItemValue(item));
* Returns the number of items in the collection
get size() {
return this.items.length;
* Returns the first value in the collection
get firstValue() {
let index = 0;
while (this.getItemDisabled( index++;
return this.getItemValue(;
* Returns the last value in the collection
get lastValue() {
let index = this.size - 1;
while (this.getItemDisabled( index--;
return this.getItemValue(;
* Returns the next value in the collection
getNextValue(value, step = 1, clamp = false) {
let index = this.indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) return null;
index = clamp ? Math.min(index + step, this.size - 1) : index + step;
while (index <= this.size && this.getItemDisabled( index++;
return this.getItemValue(;
* Returns the previous value in the collection
getPreviousValue(value, step = 1, clamp = false) {
let index = this.indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) return null;
index = clamp ? Math.max(index - step, 0) : index - step;
while (index >= 0 && this.getItemDisabled( index--;
return this.getItemValue(;
* Get the index of an item based on its key
indexOf(value) {
if (value == null) return -1;
return this.items.findIndex((item) => this.getItemValue(item) === value);
getByText(text, current) {
let items = current != null ? wrap(this.items, this.indexOf(current)) : this.items;
const isSingleKey = text.length === 1;
if (isSingleKey) items = items.filter((item) => this.getItemValue(item) !== current);
return items.find((item) => match(this.stringifyItem(item), text));
* Search for a value based on a query
search(queryString, options) {
const { state, currentValue, timeout = 350 } = options;
const search = state.keysSoFar + queryString;
const isRepeated = search.length > 1 && Array.from(search).every((char) => char === search[0]);
const query = isRepeated ? search[0] : search;
const item = this.getByText(query, currentValue);
const value = this.getItemValue(item);
function cleanup() {
state.timer = -1;
function update(value2) {
state.keysSoFar = value2;
if (value2 !== "") {
state.timer = +setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout);
return value;
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* this.items;
insertBefore(value, item) {
const index = this.indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) return;
this.items.splice(index, 0, item);
insertAfter(value, item) {
const index = this.indexOf(value);
if (index === -1) return;
this.items.splice(index + 1, 0, item);
reorder(fromIndex, toIndex) {
if (fromIndex === -1 || toIndex === -1) return;
if (fromIndex === toIndex) return;
const [removed] = this.items.splice(fromIndex, 1);
this.items.splice(toIndex, 0, removed);
json() {
return {
size: this.size,
first: this.firstValue,
last: this.lastValue
var match = (label, query) => {
return !!label?.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase());
var wrap = (v, idx) => {
return, index) => v[(Math.max(idx, 0) + index) % v.length]);
// src/grid-collection.ts
var GridCollection = class extends ListCollection {
constructor(options) {
const { columnCount } = options;
__publicField(this, "columnCount");
this.columnCount = columnCount;
* Returns the row data in the grid
getRows() {
return utils.chunk([...this.items], this.columnCount);
* Returns the number of rows in the grid
getRowCount() {
return this.getRows().length;
* Returns the index of the specified row and column in the grid
getCellIndex(row, column) {
return row * this.columnCount + column;
* Returns the item at the specified row and column in the grid
getCell(row, column) {
return, column));
* Returns the value of the previous row in the grid, based on the current value
getPreviousRowValue(value, clamp = false) {
return this.getPreviousValue(value, this.columnCount, clamp);
* Returns the value of the next row in the grid, based on the current value
getNextRowValue(value, clamp = false) {
return this.getNextValue(value, this.columnCount, clamp);
// src/tree-visit.ts
function access(node, indexPath, options) {
for (let i = 0; i < indexPath.length; i++) node = options.getChildren(node, indexPath.slice(i + 1))[indexPath[i]];
return node;
function ancestorIndexPaths(indexPaths) {
const result = [];
const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
for (const indexPath of indexPaths) {
for (let i = indexPath.length; i > 0; i--) {
const path = indexPath.slice(0, i);
const key = path.join();
if (seen.has(key)) break;
return result;
function compareIndexPaths(a, b) {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(a.length, b.length); i++) {
if (a[i] < b[i]) return -1;
if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1;
return a.length - b.length;
function find(node, options) {
let found;
visit(node, {
onEnter: (child, indexPath) => {
if (options.predicate(child, indexPath)) {
found = child;
return "stop";
return found;
function findIndexPath(node, options) {
let found;
visit(node, {
onEnter: (child, indexPath) => {
if (options.predicate(child, indexPath)) {
found = [...indexPath];
return "stop";
getChildren: options.getChildren
return found;
function reduce(node, options) {
let result = options.initialResult;
visit(node, {
onEnter: (child, indexPath) => {
result = options.nextResult(result, child, indexPath);
return result;
function flatMap(node, options) {
return reduce(node, {
initialResult: [],
nextResult: (result, child, indexPath) => {
result.push(...options.transform(child, indexPath));
return result;
function insertOperation(index, nodes) {
return { type: "insert", index, nodes };
function removeOperation(indexes) {
return { type: "remove", indexes };
function replaceOperation() {
return { type: "replace" };
function splitIndexPath(indexPath) {
return [indexPath.slice(0, -1), indexPath[indexPath.length - 1]];
function getInsertionOperations(indexPath, nodes, operations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) {
const [parentIndexPath, index] = splitIndexPath(indexPath);
for (let i = parentIndexPath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const parentKey = parentIndexPath.slice(0, i).join();
switch (operations.get(parentKey)?.type) {
case "remove":
operations.set(parentKey, replaceOperation());
const operation = operations.get(parentIndexPath.join());
switch (operation?.type) {
case "remove":
operations.set(parentIndexPath.join(), {
type: "removeThenInsert",
removeIndexes: operation.indexes,
insertIndex: index,
insertNodes: nodes
operations.set(parentIndexPath.join(), insertOperation(index, nodes));
return operations;
function getRemovalOperations(indexPaths) {
const _ancestorIndexPaths = ancestorIndexPaths(indexPaths);
const indexesToRemove = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const indexPath of _ancestorIndexPaths) {
const parentKey = indexPath.slice(0, -1).join();
const value = indexesToRemove.get(parentKey) ?? [];
value.push(indexPath[indexPath.length - 1]);
indexesToRemove.set(parentKey, value);
const operations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const indexPath of _ancestorIndexPaths) {
for (let i = indexPath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const parentKey = indexPath.slice(0, i).join();
operations.set(parentKey, replaceOperation());
for (const indexPath of _ancestorIndexPaths) {
const parentKey = indexPath.slice(0, -1).join();
operations.set(parentKey, removeOperation(indexesToRemove.get(parentKey) ?? []));
return operations;
function getReplaceOperations(indexPath, node) {
const operations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const [parentIndexPath, index] = splitIndexPath(indexPath);
for (let i = parentIndexPath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const parentKey = parentIndexPath.slice(0, i).join();
operations.set(parentKey, replaceOperation());
operations.set(parentIndexPath.join(), {
type: "removeThenInsert",
removeIndexes: [index],
insertIndex: index,
insertNodes: [node]
return operations;
function mutate(node, operations, options) {
return map(node, {
getChildren: (node2, indexPath) => {
const key = indexPath.join();
const operation = operations.get(key);
switch (operation?.type) {
case "replace":
case "remove":
case "removeThenInsert":
case "insert":
return options.getChildren(node2, indexPath);
return [];
transform: (node2, children, indexPath) => {
const key = indexPath.join();
const operation = operations.get(key);
switch (operation?.type) {
case "remove":
return options.create(
children.filter((_, index) => !operation.indexes.includes(index)),
case "removeThenInsert":
const updatedChildren = children.filter((_, index) => !operation.removeIndexes.includes(index));
const adjustedIndex = operation.removeIndexes.reduce(
(index, removedIndex) => removedIndex < index ? index - 1 : index,
return options.create(node2, splice(updatedChildren, adjustedIndex, 0, ...operation.insertNodes), indexPath);
case "insert":
return options.create(node2, splice(children, operation.index, 0, ...operation.nodes), indexPath);
case "replace":
return options.create(node2, children, indexPath);
return node2;
function splice(array, start, deleteCount, ...items) {
return [...array.slice(0, start), ...items, ...array.slice(start + deleteCount)];
function map(node, options) {
const childrenMap = {};
visit(node, {
onLeave: (child, indexPath) => {
const keyIndexPath = [0, ...indexPath];
const key = keyIndexPath.join();
const transformed = options.transform(child, childrenMap[key] ?? [], indexPath);
const parentKey = keyIndexPath.slice(0, -1).join();
const parentChildren = childrenMap[parentKey] ?? [];
childrenMap[parentKey] = parentChildren;
return childrenMap[""][0];
function insert(node, options) {
const { nodes, at } = options;
if (at.length === 0) throw new Error(`Can't insert nodes at the root`);
const state = getInsertionOperations(at, nodes);
return mutate(node, state, options);
function replace(node, options) {
if ( === 0) return options.node;
const operations = getReplaceOperations(, options.node);
return mutate(node, operations, options);
function move(node, options) {
if (options.indexPaths.length === 0) return node;
for (const indexPath of options.indexPaths) {
if (indexPath.length === 0) throw new Error(`Can't move the root node`);
if ( === 0) throw new Error(`Can't move nodes to the root`);
const _ancestorIndexPaths = ancestorIndexPaths(options.indexPaths);
const nodesToInsert = => access(node, indexPath, options));
const operations = getInsertionOperations(, nodesToInsert, getRemovalOperations(_ancestorIndexPaths));
return mutate(node, operations, options);
function visit(node, options) {
const { onEnter, onLeave, getChildren } = options;
let indexPath = [];
let stack = [{ node }];
const getIndexPath = options.reuseIndexPath ? () => indexPath : () => indexPath.slice();
while (stack.length > 0) {
let wrapper = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (wrapper.state === void 0) {
const enterResult = onEnter?.(wrapper.node, getIndexPath());
if (enterResult === "stop") return;
wrapper.state = enterResult === "skip" ? -1 : 0;
const children = wrapper.children || getChildren(wrapper.node, getIndexPath());
wrapper.children || (wrapper.children = children);
if (wrapper.state !== -1) {
if (wrapper.state < children.length) {
let currentIndex = wrapper.state;
stack.push({ node: children[currentIndex] });
wrapper.state = currentIndex + 1;
const leaveResult = onLeave?.(wrapper.node, getIndexPath());
if (leaveResult === "stop") return;
// src/tree-collection.ts
var TreeCollection = class {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options;
__publicField(this, "rootNode");
__publicField(this, "getNodeChildren", (node) => {
return this.options.nodeToChildren?.(node) ?? fallback2.nodeToChildren(node) ?? [];
__publicField(this, "getNodeValue", (node) => {
return this.options.nodeToValue?.(node) ?? fallback2.nodeToValue(node);
__publicField(this, "getNodeDisabled", (node) => {
return this.options.isNodeDisabled?.(node) ?? fallback2.isNodeDisabled(node);
__publicField(this, "stringify", (value) => {
const node = this.findNode(value);
if (!node) return null;
return this.stringifyNode(node);
__publicField(this, "stringifyNode", (node) => {
return this.options.nodeToString?.(node) ?? fallback2.nodeToString(node);
__publicField(this, "getFirstNode", (rootNode = this.rootNode) => {
let firstChild;
visit(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
if (!firstChild && indexPath.length > 0 && !this.getNodeDisabled(node)) {
firstChild = node;
return "stop";
return firstChild;
__publicField(this, "getLastNode", (rootNode = this.rootNode, opts = {}) => {
let lastChild;
visit(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
const nodeValue = this.getNodeValue(node);
if (opts.skip?.({ value: nodeValue, node, indexPath })) return "skip";
if (indexPath.length > 1) return "skip";
if (!this.getNodeDisabled(node)) {
lastChild = node;
return lastChild;
__publicField(this, "findNode", (value, rootNode = this.rootNode) => {
return find(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
predicate: (node) => this.getNodeValue(node) === value
__publicField(this, "sort", (values) => {
return values.reduce(
(acc, value) => {
const indexPath = this.getIndexPath(value);
if (indexPath != null) acc.push({ value, indexPath });
return acc;
).sort((a, b) => compareIndexPaths(a.indexPath, b.indexPath)).map(({ value }) => value);
__publicField(this, "getIndexPath", (value) => {
return findIndexPath(this.rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
predicate: (node) => this.getNodeValue(node) === value
__publicField(this, "getValuePath", (indexPath) => {
if (!indexPath) return [];
const valuePath = [];
let currentPath = [...indexPath];
while (currentPath.length > 0) {
const node =;
if (node) valuePath.unshift(this.getNodeValue(node));
return valuePath;
__publicField(this, "getDepth", (value) => {
const indexPath = findIndexPath(this.rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
predicate: (node) => this.getNodeValue(node) === value
return indexPath?.length ?? 0;
__publicField(this, "isRootNode", (node) => {
return this.getNodeValue(node) === this.getNodeValue(this.rootNode);
__publicField(this, "contains", (parentIndexPath, valueIndexPath) => {
if (!parentIndexPath || !valueIndexPath) return false;
return valueIndexPath.slice(0, parentIndexPath.length).every((_, i) => parentIndexPath[i] === valueIndexPath[i]);
__publicField(this, "getNextNode", (value, opts = {}) => {
let found = false;
let nextNode;
visit(this.rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
if (this.isRootNode(node)) return;
const nodeValue = this.getNodeValue(node);
if (opts.skip?.({ value: nodeValue, node, indexPath })) {
if (nodeValue === value) {
found = true;
return "skip";
if (found && !this.getNodeDisabled(node)) {
nextNode = node;
return "stop";
if (nodeValue === value) {
found = true;
return nextNode;
__publicField(this, "getPreviousNode", (value, opts = {}) => {
let previousNode;
let found = false;
visit(this.rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
if (this.isRootNode(node)) return;
const nodeValue = this.getNodeValue(node);
if (opts.skip?.({ value: nodeValue, node, indexPath })) {
return "skip";
if (nodeValue === value) {
found = true;
return "stop";
if (!this.getNodeDisabled(node)) {
previousNode = node;
return found ? previousNode : void 0;
__publicField(this, "getParentNodes", (values) => {
const result = [];
let indexPath = this.getIndexPath(values);
while (indexPath && indexPath.length > 0) {
const parentNode =;
if (parentNode && !this.isRootNode(parentNode)) {
return result;
__publicField(this, "getParentNode", (value) => {
const indexPath = this.getIndexPath(value);
return indexPath ?, -1)) : void 0;
__publicField(this, "visit", (opts) => {
const { skip, } = opts;
visit(this.rootNode, {,
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
if (this.isRootNode(node)) return;
if (skip?.({ value: this.getNodeValue(node), node, indexPath })) return "skip";
return rest.onEnter?.(node, indexPath);
__publicField(this, "getSiblingNodes", (indexPath) => {
const parentPath = indexPath.slice(0, -1);
const parentNode =;
if (!parentNode) return [];
const depth = indexPath.length;
const siblingNodes = [];
visit(parentNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, path) => {
if (this.isRootNode(node)) return;
if (utils.isEqual(path, indexPath)) return;
if (path.length === depth && this.isBranchNode(node)) {
return "skip";
return siblingNodes;
__publicField(this, "getValues", (rootNode = this.rootNode) => {
const values = flatMap(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
transform: (node) => [this.getNodeValue(node)]
return values.slice(1);
__publicField(this, "isSameDepth", (indexPath, depth) => {
if (depth == null) return true;
return indexPath.length === depth;
__publicField(this, "isBranchNode", (node) => {
return this.getNodeChildren(node).length > 0;
__publicField(this, "getBranchValues", (rootNode = this.rootNode, opts = {}) => {
let values = [];
visit(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
onEnter: (node, indexPath) => {
const nodeValue = this.getNodeValue(node);
if (opts.skip?.({ value: nodeValue, node, indexPath })) return "skip";
if (this.getNodeChildren(node).length > 0 && this.isSameDepth(indexPath, opts.depth)) {
return values.slice(1);
__publicField(this, "flatten", (rootNode = this.rootNode) => {
const nodes = flatMap(rootNode, {
getChildren: this.getNodeChildren,
transform: (node, indexPath) => {
const children = this.getNodeChildren(node).map((child) => this.getNodeValue(child));
return [
label: this.stringifyNode(node),
value: this.getNodeValue(node),
children: children.length > 0 ? children : void 0
return nodes.slice(1);
__publicField(this, "_create", (node, children) => {
return utils.compact({ ...node, children });
__publicField(this, "_insert", (rootNode, indexPath, nodes) => {
return insert(rootNode, { at: indexPath, nodes, getChildren: this.getNodeChildren, create: this._create });
__publicField(this, "_replace", (rootNode, indexPath, node) => {
return replace(rootNode, { at: indexPath, node, getChildren: this.getNodeChildren, create: this._create });
__publicField(this, "_move", (rootNode, indexPaths, to) => {
return move(rootNode, { indexPaths, to, getChildren: this.getNodeChildren, create: this._create });
__publicField(this, "replace", (indexPath, node) => {
return this._replace(this.rootNode, indexPath, node);
__publicField(this, "insertBefore", (indexPath, ...nodes) => {
const parentIndexPath = indexPath.slice(0, -1);
const parentNode =;
if (!parentNode) return;
return this._insert(this.rootNode, indexPath, nodes);
__publicField(this, "insertAfter", (indexPath, ...nodes) => {
const parentIndexPath = indexPath.slice(0, -1);
const parentNode =;
if (!parentNode) return;
const nextIndex = [...parentIndexPath, indexPath[indexPath.length - 1] + 1];
return this._insert(this.rootNode, nextIndex, nodes);
__publicField(this, "reorder", (toIndexPath, ...fromIndexPaths) => {
return this._move(this.rootNode, fromIndexPaths, toIndexPath);
this.rootNode = options.rootNode;
isEqual(other) {
return utils.isEqual(this.rootNode, other.rootNode);
at(indexPath) {
return access(this.rootNode, indexPath, { getChildren: this.getNodeChildren });
json() {
return this.getValues(this.rootNode);
function flattenedToTree(nodes) {
let rootNode = {
value: "ROOT"
}; => {
const { indexPath, label, value } = node;
if (!indexPath.length) {
Object.assign(rootNode, { label, value, children: [] });
rootNode = insert(rootNode, {
at: indexPath,
nodes: [utils.compact({ label, value })],
getChildren: (node2) => node2.children ?? [],
create: (node2, children) => {
return utils.compact({ ...node2, children });
return new TreeCollection({
function filePathToTree(paths) {
const rootNode = {
label: "",
value: "ROOT",
children: []
paths.forEach((path) => {
const parts = path.split("/");
let currentNode = rootNode;
parts.forEach((part) => {
let childNode = currentNode.children?.find((child) => child.label === part);
if (!childNode) {
childNode = {
value: parts.slice(0, parts.indexOf(part) + 1).join("/"),
label: part
currentNode.children || (currentNode.children = []);
currentNode = childNode;
return new TreeCollection({
var fallback2 = {
nodeToValue(node) {
if (typeof node === "string") return node;
if (utils.isObject(node) && utils.hasProp(node, "value")) return node.value;
return "";
nodeToString(node) {
if (typeof node === "string") return node;
if (utils.isObject(node) && utils.hasProp(node, "label")) return node.label;
return fallback2.nodeToValue(node);
isNodeDisabled(node) {
if (utils.isObject(node) && utils.hasProp(node, "disabled")) return !!node.disabled;
return false;
nodeToChildren(node) {
return node.children;
exports.GridCollection = GridCollection;
exports.ListCollection = ListCollection;
exports.TreeCollection = TreeCollection;
exports.filePathToTree = filePathToTree;
exports.flattenedToTree = flattenedToTree;
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