package.dist.es-module-shims.wasm.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Shims for the latest ES module features
/* ES Module Shims Wasm 1.7.2 */
(function () {
const hasWindow = typeof window !== 'undefined';
const hasDocument = typeof document !== 'undefined';
const noop = () => {};
const optionsScript = hasDocument ? document.querySelector('script[type=esms-options]') : undefined;
const esmsInitOptions = optionsScript ? JSON.parse(optionsScript.innerHTML) : {};
Object.assign(esmsInitOptions, self.esmsInitOptions || {});
let shimMode = hasDocument ? !!esmsInitOptions.shimMode : true;
const importHook = globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.onimport);
const resolveHook = globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.resolve);
let fetchHook = esmsInitOptions.fetch ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.fetch) : fetch;
const metaHook = esmsInitOptions.meta ? globalHook(shimMode && esmsInitOptions.meta) : noop;
const mapOverrides = esmsInitOptions.mapOverrides;
let nonce = esmsInitOptions.nonce;
if (!nonce && hasDocument) {
const nonceElement = document.querySelector('script[nonce]');
if (nonceElement)
nonce = nonceElement.nonce || nonceElement.getAttribute('nonce');
const onerror = globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onerror || noop);
const onpolyfill = esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill) : () => {
console.log('%c^^ Module TypeError above is polyfilled and can be ignored ^^', 'font-weight:900;color:#391');
const { revokeBlobURLs, noLoadEventRetriggers, enforceIntegrity } = esmsInitOptions;
function globalHook (name) {
return typeof name === 'string' ? self[name] : name;
const enable = Array.isArray(esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable) ? esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable : [];
const cssModulesEnabled = enable.includes('css-modules');
const jsonModulesEnabled = enable.includes('json-modules');
const edge = !navigator.userAgentData && !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/\d+\.\d+/);
const baseUrl = hasDocument
? document.baseURI
: `${location.protocol}//${location.host}${location.pathname.includes('/')
? location.pathname.slice(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
: location.pathname}`;
const createBlob = (source, type = 'text/javascript') => URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([source], { type }));
let { skip } = esmsInitOptions;
if (Array.isArray(skip)) {
const l = skip.map(s => new URL(s, baseUrl).href);
skip = s => l.some(i => i[i.length - 1] === '/' && s.startsWith(i) || s === i);
else if (typeof skip === 'string') {
const r = new RegExp(skip);
skip = s => r.test(s);
const eoop = err => setTimeout(() => { throw err });
const throwError = err => { (self.reportError || hasWindow && window.safari && console.error || eoop)(err), void onerror(err); };
function fromParent (parent) {
return parent ? ` imported from ${parent}` : '';
let importMapSrcOrLazy = false;
function setImportMapSrcOrLazy () {
importMapSrcOrLazy = true;
// shim mode is determined on initialization, no late shim mode
if (!shimMode) {
if (document.querySelectorAll('script[type=module-shim],script[type=importmap-shim],link[rel=modulepreload-shim]').length) {
shimMode = true;
else {
let seenScript = false;
for (const script of document.querySelectorAll('script[type=module],script[type=importmap]')) {
if (!seenScript) {
if (script.type === 'module' && !script.ep)
seenScript = true;
else if (script.type === 'importmap' && seenScript) {
importMapSrcOrLazy = true;
const backslashRegEx = /\\/g;
function isURL (url) {
if (url.indexOf(':') === -1) return false;
try {
new URL(url);
return true;
catch (_) {
return false;
function resolveUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) {
return resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(relUrl, parentUrl) || (isURL(relUrl) ? relUrl : resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl('./' + relUrl, parentUrl));
function resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl (relUrl, parentUrl) {
const hIdx = parentUrl.indexOf('#'), qIdx = parentUrl.indexOf('?');
if (hIdx + qIdx > -2)
parentUrl = parentUrl.slice(0, hIdx === -1 ? qIdx : qIdx === -1 || qIdx > hIdx ? hIdx : qIdx);
if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1)
relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/');
// protocol-relative
if (relUrl[0] === '/' && relUrl[1] === '/') {
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1) + relUrl;
// relative-url
else if (relUrl[0] === '.' && (relUrl[1] === '/' || relUrl[1] === '.' && (relUrl[2] === '/' || relUrl.length === 2 && (relUrl += '/')) ||
relUrl.length === 1 && (relUrl += '/')) ||
relUrl[0] === '/') {
const parentProtocol = parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1);
// Disabled, but these cases will give inconsistent results for deep backtracking
//if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] !== '/')
// throw new Error('Cannot resolve');
// read pathname from parent URL
// pathname taken to be part after leading "/"
let pathname;
if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length + 1] === '/') {
// resolving to a :// so we need to read out the auth and host
if (parentProtocol !== 'file:') {
pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + 2);
pathname = pathname.slice(pathname.indexOf('/') + 1);
else {
pathname = parentUrl.slice(8);
else {
// resolving to :/ so pathname is the /... part
pathname = parentUrl.slice(parentProtocol.length + (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] === '/'));
if (relUrl[0] === '/')
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length - 1) + relUrl;
// join together and split for removal of .. and . segments
// looping the string instead of anything fancy for perf reasons
// '../../../../../z' resolved to 'x/y' is just 'z'
const segmented = pathname.slice(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relUrl;
const output = [];
let segmentIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < segmented.length; i++) {
// busy reading a segment - only terminate on '/'
if (segmentIndex !== -1) {
if (segmented[i] === '/') {
output.push(segmented.slice(segmentIndex, i + 1));
segmentIndex = -1;
// new segment - check if it is relative
else if (segmented[i] === '.') {
// ../ segment
if (segmented[i + 1] === '.' && (segmented[i + 2] === '/' || i + 2 === segmented.length)) {
i += 2;
// ./ segment
else if (segmented[i + 1] === '/' || i + 1 === segmented.length) {
i += 1;
// it is the start of a new segment
while (segmented[i] === '/') i++;
segmentIndex = i;
// finish reading out the last segment
if (segmentIndex !== -1)
return parentUrl.slice(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length) + output.join('');
function resolveAndComposeImportMap (json, baseUrl, parentMap) {
const outMap = { imports: Object.assign({}, parentMap.imports), scopes: Object.assign({}, parentMap.scopes) };
if (json.imports)
resolveAndComposePackages(json.imports, outMap.imports, baseUrl, parentMap);
if (json.scopes)
for (let s in json.scopes) {
const resolvedScope = resolveUrl(s, baseUrl);
resolveAndComposePackages(json.scopes[s], outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] || (outMap.scopes[resolvedScope] = {}), baseUrl, parentMap);
return outMap;
function getMatch (path, matchObj) {
if (matchObj[path])
return path;
let sepIndex = path.length;
do {
const segment = path.slice(0, sepIndex + 1);
if (segment in matchObj)
return segment;
} while ((sepIndex = path.lastIndexOf('/', sepIndex - 1)) !== -1)
function applyPackages (id, packages) {
const pkgName = getMatch(id, packages);
if (pkgName) {
const pkg = packages[pkgName];
if (pkg === null) return;
return pkg + id.slice(pkgName.length);
function resolveImportMap (importMap, resolvedOrPlain, parentUrl) {
let scopeUrl = parentUrl && getMatch(parentUrl, importMap.scopes);
while (scopeUrl) {
const packageResolution = applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.scopes[scopeUrl]);
if (packageResolution)
return packageResolution;
scopeUrl = getMatch(scopeUrl.slice(0, scopeUrl.lastIndexOf('/')), importMap.scopes);
return applyPackages(resolvedOrPlain, importMap.imports) || resolvedOrPlain.indexOf(':') !== -1 && resolvedOrPlain;
function resolveAndComposePackages (packages, outPackages, baseUrl, parentMap) {
for (let p in packages) {
const resolvedLhs = resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(p, baseUrl) || p;
if ((!shimMode || !mapOverrides) && outPackages[resolvedLhs] && (outPackages[resolvedLhs] !== packages[resolvedLhs])) {
throw Error(`Rejected map override "${resolvedLhs}" from ${outPackages[resolvedLhs]} to ${packages[resolvedLhs]}.`);
let target = packages[p];
if (typeof target !== 'string')
const mapped = resolveImportMap(parentMap, resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(target, baseUrl) || target, baseUrl);
if (mapped) {
outPackages[resolvedLhs] = mapped;
console.warn(`Mapping "${p}" -> "${packages[p]}" does not resolve`);
let dynamicImport = !hasDocument && (0, eval)('u=>import(u)');
let supportsDynamicImport;
const dynamicImportCheck = hasDocument && new Promise(resolve => {
const s = Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), {
src: createBlob('self._d=u=>import(u)'),
ep: true
s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
s.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (!(supportsDynamicImport = !!(dynamicImport = self._d))) {
let err;
window.addEventListener('error', _err => err = _err);
dynamicImport = (url, opts) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const s = Object.assign(document.createElement('script'), {
type: 'module',
src: createBlob(`import*as m from'${url}';self._esmsi=m`)
err = undefined;
s.ep = true;
if (nonce)
s.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
// Safari is unique in supporting module script error events
s.addEventListener('error', cb);
s.addEventListener('load', cb);
function cb (_err) {
if (self._esmsi) {
resolve(self._esmsi, baseUrl);
self._esmsi = undefined;
else {
reject(!(_err instanceof Event) && _err || err && err.error || new Error(`Error loading ${opts && opts.errUrl || url} (${s.src}).`));
err = undefined;
delete self._d;
// support browsers without dynamic import support (eg Firefox 6x)
let supportsJsonAssertions = false;
let supportsCssAssertions = false;
const supports = hasDocument && HTMLScriptElement.supports;
let supportsImportMaps = supports && supports.name === 'supports' && supports('importmap');
let supportsImportMeta = supportsDynamicImport;
const importMetaCheck = 'import.meta';
const cssModulesCheck = `import"x"assert{type:"css"}`;
const jsonModulesCheck = `import"x"assert{type:"json"}`;
let featureDetectionPromise = Promise.resolve(dynamicImportCheck).then(() => {
if (!supportsDynamicImport)
if (!hasDocument)
return Promise.all([
supportsImportMaps || dynamicImport(createBlob(importMetaCheck)).then(() => supportsImportMeta = true, noop),
cssModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob(cssModulesCheck.replace('x', createBlob('', 'text/css')))).then(() => supportsCssAssertions = true, noop),
jsonModulesEnabled && dynamicImport(createBlob(jsonModulescheck.replace('x', createBlob('{}', 'text/json')))).then(() => supportsJsonAssertions = true, noop),
return new Promise(resolve => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.style.display = 'none';
iframe.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
function cb ({ data }) {
const isFeatureDetectionMessage = Array.isArray(data) && data[0] === 'esms';
if (!isFeatureDetectionMessage) {
supportsImportMaps = data[1];
supportsImportMeta = data[2];
supportsCssAssertions = data[3];
supportsJsonAssertions = data[4];
window.removeEventListener('message', cb, false);
window.addEventListener('message', cb, false);
const importMapTest = `