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/* *
 *  (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
 *  License:
 * */
'use strict';
import BubbleLegendComposition from './BubbleLegendComposition.js';
import BubblePoint from './BubblePoint.js';
import Color from '../../Core/Color/Color.js';
const { parse: color } = Color;
import H from '../../Core/Globals.js';
const { composed, noop } = H;
import SeriesRegistry from '../../Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js';
const { series: Series, seriesTypes: { column: { prototype: columnProto }, scatter: ScatterSeries } } = SeriesRegistry;
import U from '../../Core/Utilities.js';
const { addEvent, arrayMax, arrayMin, clamp, extend, isNumber, merge, pick, pushUnique } = U;
/* *
 *  Functions
 * */
 * Add logic to pad each axis with the amount of pixels necessary to avoid the
 * bubbles to overflow.
function onAxisFoundExtremes() {
    const axisLength = this.len, { coll, isXAxis, min } = this, dataKey = isXAxis ? 'xData' : 'yData', range = (this.max || 0) - (min || 0);
    let pxMin = 0, pxMax = axisLength, transA = axisLength / range, hasActiveSeries;
    if (coll !== 'xAxis' && coll !== 'yAxis') {
    // Handle padding on the second pass, or on redraw
    this.series.forEach((series) => {
        if (series.bubblePadding && series.reserveSpace()) {
            // Correction for #1673
            this.allowZoomOutside = true;
            hasActiveSeries = true;
            const data = series[dataKey];
            if (isXAxis) {
                (series.onPoint || series).getRadii(0, 0, series);
                if (series.onPoint) {
                    series.radii = series.onPoint.radii;
            if (range > 0) {
                let i = data.length;
                while (i--) {
                    if (isNumber(data[i]) &&
                        this.dataMin <= data[i] &&
                        data[i] <= this.max) {
                        const radius = series.radii && series.radii[i] || 0;
                        pxMin = Math.min(((data[i] - min) * transA) - radius, pxMin);
                        pxMax = Math.max(((data[i] - min) * transA) + radius, pxMax);
    // Apply the padding to the min and max properties
    if (hasActiveSeries && range > 0 && !this.logarithmic) {
        pxMax -= axisLength;
        transA *= (axisLength +
            Math.max(0, pxMin) - // #8901
            Math.min(pxMax, axisLength)) / axisLength;
            ['min', 'userMin', pxMin],
            ['max', 'userMax', pxMax]
        ].forEach((keys) => {
            if (typeof pick(this.options[keys[0]], this[keys[1]]) === 'undefined') {
                this[keys[0]] += keys[2] / transA;
/* *
 *  Class
 * */
class BubbleSeries extends ScatterSeries {
    /* *
     *  Static Functions
     * */
    static compose(AxisClass, ChartClass, LegendClass) {
        BubbleLegendComposition.compose(ChartClass, LegendClass);
        if (pushUnique(composed, 'Series.Bubble')) {
            addEvent(AxisClass, 'foundExtremes', onAxisFoundExtremes);
    /* *
     *  Functions
     * */
     * Perform animation on the bubbles
     * @private
    animate(init) {
        if (!init &&
            this.points.length < this.options.animationLimit // #8099
        ) {
            this.points.forEach(function (point) {
                const { graphic, plotX = 0, plotY = 0 } = point;
                if (graphic && graphic.width) { // URL symbols don't have width
                    // Start values
                    if (!this.hasRendered) {
                            x: plotX,
                            y: plotY,
                            width: 1,
                            height: 1
                    graphic.animate(this.markerAttribs(point), this.options.animation);
            }, this);
     * Get the radius for each point based on the minSize, maxSize and each
     * point's Z value. This must be done prior to Series.translate because
     * the axis needs to add padding in accordance with the point sizes.
     * @private
    getRadii() {
        const zData = this.zData, yData = this.yData, radii = [];
        let len, i, value, zExtremes = this.chart.bubbleZExtremes;
        const { minPxSize, maxPxSize } = this.getPxExtremes();
        // Get the collective Z extremes of all bubblish series. The chart-level
        // `bubbleZExtremes` are only computed once, and reset on `updatedData`
        // in any member series.
        if (!zExtremes) {
            let zMin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            let zMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
            let valid;
            this.chart.series.forEach((otherSeries) => {
                if (otherSeries.bubblePadding && otherSeries.reserveSpace()) {
                    const zExtremes = (otherSeries.onPoint || otherSeries).getZExtremes();
                    if (zExtremes) {
                        // Changed '||' to 'pick' because min or max can be 0.
                        // #17280
                        zMin = Math.min(pick(zMin, zExtremes.zMin), zExtremes.zMin);
                        zMax = Math.max(pick(zMax, zExtremes.zMax), zExtremes.zMax);
                        valid = true;
            if (valid) {
                zExtremes = { zMin, zMax };
                this.chart.bubbleZExtremes = zExtremes;
            else {
                zExtremes = { zMin: 0, zMax: 0 };
        // Set the shape type and arguments to be picked up in drawPoints
        for (i = 0, len = zData.length; i < len; i++) {
            value = zData[i];
            // Separate method to get individual radius for bubbleLegend
            radii.push(this.getRadius(zExtremes.zMin, zExtremes.zMax, minPxSize, maxPxSize, value, yData && yData[i]));
        this.radii = radii;
     * Get the individual radius for one point.
     * @private
    getRadius(zMin, zMax, minSize, maxSize, value, yValue) {
        const options = this.options, sizeByArea = options.sizeBy !== 'width', zThreshold = options.zThreshold;
        let zRange = zMax - zMin, pos = 0.5;
        // #8608 - bubble should be visible when z is undefined
        if (yValue === null || value === null) {
            return null;
        if (isNumber(value)) {
            // When sizing by threshold, the absolute value of z determines
            // the size of the bubble.
            if (options.sizeByAbsoluteValue) {
                value = Math.abs(value - zThreshold);
                zMax = zRange = Math.max(zMax - zThreshold, Math.abs(zMin - zThreshold));
                zMin = 0;
            // Issue #4419 - if value is less than zMin, push a radius that's
            // always smaller than the minimum size
            if (value < zMin) {
                return minSize / 2 - 1;
            // Relative size, a number between 0 and 1
            if (zRange > 0) {
                pos = (value - zMin) / zRange;
        if (sizeByArea && pos >= 0) {
            pos = Math.sqrt(pos);
        return Math.ceil(minSize + pos * (maxSize - minSize)) / 2;
     * Define hasData function for non-cartesian series.
     * Returns true if the series has points at all.
     * @private
    hasData() {
        return !!this.processedXData.length; // != 0
     * @private
    markerAttribs(point, state) {
        const attr = super.markerAttribs(point, state), { height = 0, width = 0 } = attr;
        // Bubble needs a specific `markerAttribs` override because the markers
        // are rendered into the potentially inverted ``. Unlike
        // regular markers, which are rendered into the `markerGroup` (#21125).
        return this.chart.inverted ? extend(attr, {
            x: (point.plotX || 0) - width / 2,
            y: (point.plotY || 0) - height / 2
        }) : attr;
     * @private
    pointAttribs(point, state) {
        const markerOptions = this.options.marker, fillOpacity = markerOptions.fillOpacity, attr =, point, state);
        if (fillOpacity !== 1) {
            attr.fill = color(attr.fill)
        return attr;
     * Extend the base translate method to handle bubble size
     * @private
    translate() {
        // Run the parent method;
    translateBubble() {
        const { data, options, radii } = this, { minPxSize } = this.getPxExtremes();
        // Set the shape type and arguments to be picked up in drawPoints
        let i = data.length;
        while (i--) {
            const point = data[i], radius = radii ? radii[i] : 0; // #1737
            // Negative points means negative z values (#9728)
            if (this.zoneAxis === 'z') {
                point.negative = (point.z || 0) < (options.zThreshold || 0);
            if (isNumber(radius) && radius >= minPxSize / 2) {
                // Shape arguments
                point.marker = extend(point.marker, {
                    width: 2 * radius,
                    height: 2 * radius
                // Alignment box for the data label
                point.dlBox = {
                    x: point.plotX - radius,
                    y: point.plotY - radius,
                    width: 2 * radius,
                    height: 2 * radius
            else { // Below zThreshold
                // #1691
                point.shapeArgs = point.plotY = point.dlBox = void 0;
                point.isInside = false; // #17281
    getPxExtremes() {
        const smallestSize = Math.min(this.chart.plotWidth, this.chart.plotHeight);
        const getPxSize = (length) => {
            let isPercent;
            if (typeof length === 'string') {
                isPercent = /%$/.test(length);
                length = parseInt(length, 10);
            return isPercent ? smallestSize * length / 100 : length;
        const minPxSize = getPxSize(pick(this.options.minSize, 8));
        // Prioritize min size if conflict to make sure bubbles are
        // always visible. #5873
        const maxPxSize = Math.max(getPxSize(pick(this.options.maxSize, '20%')), minPxSize);
        return { minPxSize, maxPxSize };
    getZExtremes() {
        const options = this.options, zData = (this.zData || []).filter(isNumber);
        if (zData.length) {
            const zMin = pick(options.zMin, clamp(arrayMin(zData), options.displayNegative === false ?
                (options.zThreshold || 0) :
                -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE));
            const zMax = pick(options.zMax, arrayMax(zData));
            if (isNumber(zMin) && isNumber(zMax)) {
                return { zMin, zMax };
/* *
 *  Static Properties
 * */
 * A bubble series is a three dimensional series type where each point
 * renders an X, Y and Z value. Each points is drawn as a bubble where the
 * position along the X and Y axes mark the X and Y values, and the size of
 * the bubble relates to the Z value.
 * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/bubble/
 *         Bubble chart
 * @extends      plotOptions.scatter
 * @excluding    cluster
 * @product      highcharts highstock
 * @requires     highcharts-more
 * @optionparent plotOptions.bubble
BubbleSeries.defaultOptions = merge(ScatterSeries.defaultOptions, {
    dataLabels: {
        formatter: function () {
            const { numberFormatter } = this.series.chart;
            const { z } = this.point;
            return isNumber(z) ? numberFormatter(z, -1) : '';
        inside: true,
        verticalAlign: 'middle'
     * If there are more points in the series than the `animationLimit`, the
     * animation won't run. Animation affects overall performance and
     * doesn't work well with heavy data series.
     * @since 6.1.0
    animationLimit: 250,
     * Whether to display negative sized bubbles. The threshold is given
     * by the [zThreshold](#plotOptions.bubble.zThreshold) option, and negative
     * bubbles can be visualized by setting
     * [negativeColor](#plotOptions.bubble.negativeColor).
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-negative/
     *         Negative bubbles
     * @type      {boolean}
     * @default   true
     * @since     3.0
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.displayNegative
     * @extends   plotOptions.series.marker
     * @excluding enabled, enabledThreshold, height, radius, width
    marker: {
        lineColor: null, // Inherit from series.color
        lineWidth: 1,
         * The fill opacity of the bubble markers.
        fillOpacity: 0.5,
         * In bubble charts, the radius is overridden and determined based
         * on the point's data value.
         * @ignore-option
        radius: null,
        states: {
            hover: {
                radiusPlus: 0
         * A predefined shape or symbol for the marker. Possible values are
         * "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle" and "triangle-down".
         * Additionally, the URL to a graphic can be given on the form
         * `url(graphic.png)`. Note that for the image to be applied to
         * exported charts, its URL needs to be accessible by the export
         * server.
         * Custom callbacks for symbol path generation can also be added to
         * `Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols`. The callback is then
         * used by its method name, as shown in the demo.
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-symbol/
         *         Bubble chart with various symbols
         * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-symbol/
         *         General chart with predefined, graphic and custom markers
         * @type  {Highcharts.SymbolKeyValue|string}
         * @since 5.0.11
        symbol: 'circle'
     * Minimum bubble size. Bubbles will automatically size between the
     * `minSize` and `maxSize` to reflect the `z` value of each bubble.
     * Can be either pixels (when no unit is given), or a percentage of
     * the smallest one of the plot width and height.
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-size/
     *         Bubble size
     * @type    {number|string}
     * @since   3.0
     * @product highcharts highstock
    minSize: 8,
     * Maximum bubble size. Bubbles will automatically size between the
     * `minSize` and `maxSize` to reflect the `z` value of each bubble.
     * Can be either pixels (when no unit is given), or a percentage of
     * the smallest one of the plot width and height.
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-size/
     *         Bubble size
     * @type    {number|string}
     * @since   3.0
     * @product highcharts highstock
    maxSize: '20%',
     * When a point's Z value is below the
     * [zThreshold](#plotOptions.bubble.zThreshold)
     * setting, this color is used.
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-negative/
     *         Negative bubbles
     * @type      {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
     * @since     3.0
     * @product   highcharts
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.negativeColor
     * Whether the bubble's value should be represented by the area or the
     * width of the bubble. The default, `area`, corresponds best to the
     * human perception of the size of each bubble.
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-sizeby/
     *         Comparison of area and size
     * @type       {Highcharts.BubbleSizeByValue}
     * @default    area
     * @since      3.0.7
     * @apioption  plotOptions.bubble.sizeBy
     * When this is true, the absolute value of z determines the size of
     * the bubble. This means that with the default `zThreshold` of 0, a
     * bubble of value -1 will have the same size as a bubble of value 1,
     * while a bubble of value 0 will have a smaller size according to
     * `minSize`.
     * @sample    {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-sizebyabsolutevalue/
     *            Size by absolute value, various thresholds
     * @type      {boolean}
     * @default   false
     * @since     4.1.9
     * @product   highcharts
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.sizeByAbsoluteValue
     * When this is true, the series will not cause the Y axis to cross
     * the zero plane (or [threshold](#plotOptions.series.threshold) option)
     * unless the data actually crosses the plane.
     * For example, if `softThreshold` is `false`, a series of 0, 1, 2,
     * 3 will make the Y axis show negative values according to the
     * `minPadding` option. If `softThreshold` is `true`, the Y axis starts
     * at 0.
     * @since   4.1.9
     * @product highcharts
    softThreshold: false,
    states: {
        hover: {
            halo: {
                size: 5
    tooltip: {
        pointFormat: '({point.x}, {point.y}), Size: {point.z}'
    turboThreshold: 0,
     * The minimum for the Z value range. Defaults to the highest Z value
     * in the data.
     * @see [zMin](#plotOptions.bubble.zMin)
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-zmin-zmax/
     *         Z has a possible range of 0-100
     * @type      {number}
     * @since     4.0.3
     * @product   highcharts
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.zMax
     * @default   z
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.colorKey
     * The minimum for the Z value range. Defaults to the lowest Z value
     * in the data.
     * @see [zMax](#plotOptions.bubble.zMax)
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-zmin-zmax/
     *         Z has a possible range of 0-100
     * @type      {number}
     * @since     4.0.3
     * @product   highcharts
     * @apioption plotOptions.bubble.zMin
     * When [displayNegative](#plotOptions.bubble.displayNegative) is `false`,
     * bubbles with lower Z values are skipped. When `displayNegative`
     * is `true` and a [negativeColor](#plotOptions.bubble.negativeColor)
     * is given, points with lower Z is colored.
     * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-negative/
     *         Negative bubbles
     * @since   3.0
     * @product highcharts
    zThreshold: 0,
    zoneAxis: 'z'
extend(BubbleSeries.prototype, {
    alignDataLabel: columnProto.alignDataLabel,
    applyZones: noop,
    bubblePadding: true,
    isBubble: true,
    pointArrayMap: ['y', 'z'],
    pointClass: BubblePoint,
    parallelArrays: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
    trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
    specialGroup: 'group', // To allow clipping (#6296)
    zoneAxis: 'z'
// On updated data in any series, delete the chart-level Z extremes cache
addEvent(BubbleSeries, 'updatedData', (e) => {
// After removing series, delete the chart-level Z extremes cache, #17502.
addEvent(BubbleSeries, 'remove', (e) => {
SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('bubble', BubbleSeries);
/* *
 *  Default Export
 * */
export default BubbleSeries;
/* *
 *  API Declarations
 * */
 * @typedef {"area"|"width"} Highcharts.BubbleSizeByValue
''; // Detach doclets above
/* *
 *  API Options
 * */
 * A `bubble` series. If the [type](#series.bubble.type) option is
 * not specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
 * @extends   series,plotOptions.bubble
 * @excluding dataParser, dataURL, stack
 * @product   highcharts highstock
 * @requires  highcharts-more
 * @apioption series.bubble
 * An array of data points for the series. For the `bubble` series type,
 * points can be given in the following ways:
 * 1. An array of arrays with 3 or 2 values. In this case, the values correspond
 *    to `x,y,z`. If the first value is a string, it is applied as the name of
 *    the point, and the `x` value is inferred. The `x` value can also be
 *    omitted, in which case the inner arrays should be of length 2\. Then the
 *    `x` value is automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and
 *    incremented by 1, or from `pointStart` and `pointInterval` given in the
 *    series options.
 *    ```js
 *    data: [
 *        [0, 1, 2],
 *        [1, 5, 5],
 *        [2, 0, 2]
 *    ]
 *    ```
 * 2. An array of objects with named values. The following snippet shows only a
 *    few settings, see the complete options set below. If the total number of
 *    data points exceeds the series'
 *    [turboThreshold](#series.bubble.turboThreshold), this option is not
 *    available.
 *    ```js
 *    data: [{
 *        x: 1,
 *        y: 1,
 *        z: 1,
 *        name: "Point2",
 *        color: "#00FF00"
 *    }, {
 *        x: 1,
 *        y: 5,
 *        z: 4,
 *        name: "Point1",
 *        color: "#FF00FF"
 *    }]
 *    ```
 * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays/
 *         Arrays of numeric x and y
 * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays-datetime/
 *         Arrays of datetime x and y
 * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-name-value/
 *         Arrays of and y
 * @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/
 *         Config objects
 * @type      {Array|Array<(number|string),number,number>|*>}
 * @extends
 * @product   highcharts
 * @apioption
 * @extends
 * @excluding   enabledThreshold, height, radius, width
 * @product     highcharts
 * @apioption
 * The size value for each bubble. The bubbles' diameters are computed
 * based on the `z`, and controlled by series options like `minSize`,
 * `maxSize`, `sizeBy`, `zMin` and `zMax`.
 * @type      {number|null}
 * @product   highcharts
 * @apioption
 * @excluding enabled, enabledThreshold, height, radius, width
 * @apioption series.bubble.marker
''; // Adds doclets above to transpiled file

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