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/* *
* (c) 2014-2024 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Jon Arild Nygard / Oystein Moseng
* License:
* */
'use strict';
import Breadcrumbs from '../../Extensions/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.js';
import Color from '../../Core/Color/Color.js';
const { parse: color } = Color;
import ColorMapComposition from '../ColorMapComposition.js';
import H from '../../Core/Globals.js';
const { composed, noop } = H;
import SeriesRegistry from '../../Core/Series/SeriesRegistry.js';
const { column: ColumnSeries, scatter: ScatterSeries } = SeriesRegistry.seriesTypes;
import TreemapAlgorithmGroup from './TreemapAlgorithmGroup.js';
import TreemapNode from './TreemapNode.js';
import TreemapPoint from './TreemapPoint.js';
import TreemapSeriesDefaults from './TreemapSeriesDefaults.js';
import TreemapUtilities from './TreemapUtilities.js';
import TU from '../TreeUtilities.js';
const { getColor, getLevelOptions, updateRootId } = TU;
import U from '../../Core/Utilities.js';
const { addEvent, correctFloat, crisp, defined, error, extend, fireEvent, isArray, isObject, isString, merge, pick, pushUnique, stableSort } = U;
/* *
* Constants
* */
const axisMax = 100;
/* *
* Variables
* */
let treemapAxisDefaultValues = false;
/* *
* Functions
* */
/** @private */
function onSeriesAfterBindAxes() {
const series = this, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis;
let treeAxis;
if (xAxis && yAxis) {
if ('treemap')) {
treeAxis = {
endOnTick: false,
gridLineWidth: 0,
lineWidth: 0,
min: 0,
minPadding: 0,
max: axisMax,
maxPadding: 0,
startOnTick: false,
title: void 0,
tickPositions: []
extend(yAxis.options, treeAxis);
extend(xAxis.options, treeAxis);
treemapAxisDefaultValues = true;
else if (treemapAxisDefaultValues) {
treemapAxisDefaultValues = false;
/* *
* Class
* */
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.treemap
* @augments Highcharts.Series
class TreemapSeries extends ScatterSeries {
/* *
* Static Functions
* */
static compose(SeriesClass) {
if (pushUnique(composed, 'TreemapSeries')) {
addEvent(SeriesClass, 'afterBindAxes', onSeriesAfterBindAxes);
/* *
* Function
* */
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
algorithmCalcPoints(directionChange, last, group, childrenArea) {
const plot = group.plot, end = group.elArr.length - 1;
let pX, pY, pW, pH, gW = group.lW, gH = group.lH, keep, i = 0;
if (last) {
gW = group.nW;
gH = group.nH;
else {
keep = group.elArr[end];
for (const p of group.elArr) {
if (last || (i < end)) {
if (group.direction === 0) {
pX = plot.x;
pY = plot.y;
pW = gW;
pH = p / pW;
else {
pX = plot.x;
pY = plot.y;
pH = gH;
pW = p / pH;
x: pX,
y: pY,
width: pW,
height: correctFloat(pH)
if (group.direction === 0) {
plot.y = plot.y + pH;
else {
plot.x = plot.x + pW;
i = i + 1;
// Reset variables
if (group.direction === 0) {
group.width = group.width - gW;
else {
group.height = group.height - gH;
plot.y = plot.parent.y + (plot.parent.height - group.height);
plot.x = plot.parent.x + (plot.parent.width - group.width);
if (directionChange) {
group.direction = 1 - group.direction;
// If not last, then add uncalculated element
if (!last) {
algorithmFill(directionChange, parent, children) {
const childrenArea = [];
let pTot, direction = parent.direction, x = parent.x, y = parent.y, width = parent.width, height = parent.height, pX, pY, pW, pH;
for (const child of children) {
pTot =
(parent.width * parent.height) * (child.val / parent.val);
pX = x;
pY = y;
if (direction === 0) {
pH = height;
pW = pTot / pH;
width = width - pW;
x = x + pW;
else {
pW = width;
pH = pTot / pW;
height = height - pH;
y = y + pH;
x: pX,
y: pY,
width: pW,
height: pH
if (directionChange) {
direction = 1 - direction;
return childrenArea;
algorithmLowAspectRatio(directionChange, parent, children) {
const series = this, childrenArea = [], plot = {
x: parent.x,
y: parent.y,
parent: parent
}, direction = parent.direction, end = children.length - 1, group = new TreemapAlgorithmGroup(parent.height, parent.width, direction, plot);
let pTot, i = 0;
// Loop through and calculate all areas
for (const child of children) {
pTot =
(parent.width * parent.height) * (child.val / parent.val);
if (group.lP.nR > group.lP.lR) {
series.algorithmCalcPoints(directionChange, false, group, childrenArea, plot // @todo no supported
// If last child, then calculate all remaining areas
if (i === end) {
series.algorithmCalcPoints(directionChange, true, group, childrenArea, plot // @todo not supported
return childrenArea;
* Over the alignment method by setting z index.
* @private
alignDataLabel(point, dataLabel, labelOptions) {
const style =;
// #8160: Prevent the label from exceeding the point's
// boundaries in treemaps by applying ellipsis overflow.
// The issue was happening when datalabel's text contained a
// long sequence of characters without a whitespace.
if (style &&
!defined(style.textOverflow) &&
dataLabel.text &&
dataLabel.getBBox().width > (dataLabel.text.textWidth || 0)) {
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
// Unit (px) is required when useHTML is true
width: style.width += 'px'
ColumnSeries.prototype.alignDataLabel.apply(this, arguments);
if (point.dataLabel) {
// `point.node.zIndex` could be undefined (#6956)
point.dataLabel.attr({ zIndex: (point.node.zIndex || 0) + 1 });
* Recursive function which calculates the area for all children of a
* node.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#calculateChildrenAreas
* @param {Object} parent
* The node which is parent to the children.
* @param {Object} area
* The rectangular area of the parent.
calculateChildrenAreas(parent, area) {
const series = this, options = series.options, mapOptionsToLevel = series.mapOptionsToLevel, level = mapOptionsToLevel[parent.level + 1], algorithm = pick((series[(level && level.layoutAlgorithm)] &&
level.layoutAlgorithm), options.layoutAlgorithm), alternate = options.alternateStartingDirection,
// Collect all children which should be included
children = parent.children.filter((n) => !n.ignore);
let childrenValues = [];
if (level && level.layoutStartingDirection) {
area.direction = level.layoutStartingDirection === 'vertical' ?
0 :
childrenValues = series[algorithm](area, children);
let i = -1;
for (const child of children) {
const values = childrenValues[++i];
child.values = merge(values, {
val: child.childrenTotal,
direction: (alternate ? 1 - area.direction : area.direction)
child.pointValues = merge(values, {
x: (values.x / series.axisRatio),
// Flip y-values to avoid visual regression with csvCoord in
// Axis.translate at setPointValues. #12488
y: axisMax - values.y - values.height,
width: (values.width / series.axisRatio)
// If node has children, then call method recursively
if (child.children.length) {
series.calculateChildrenAreas(child, child.values);
* Create level list.
* @private
createList(e) {
const chart = this.chart, breadcrumbs = chart.breadcrumbs, list = [];
if (breadcrumbs) {
let currentLevelNumber = 0;
level: currentLevelNumber,
levelOptions: chart.series[0]
let node =[e.newRootId];
const extraNodes = [];
// When the root node is set and has parent,
// recreate the path from the node tree.
while (node.parent || node.parent === '') {
node =[node.parent];
for (const node of extraNodes.reverse()) {
level: ++currentLevelNumber,
levelOptions: node
// If the list has only first element, we should clear it
if (list.length <= 1) {
list.length = 0;
return list;
* Extend drawDataLabels with logic to handle custom options related to
* the treemap series:
* - Points which is not a leaf node, has dataLabels disabled by
* default.
* - Options set on series.levels is merged in.
* - Width of the dataLabel is set to match the width of the point
* shape.
* @private
drawDataLabels() {
const series = this, mapOptionsToLevel = series.mapOptionsToLevel, points = series.points.filter(function (n) {
return n.node.visible;
let options, level;
for (const point of points) {
level = mapOptionsToLevel[point.node.level];
// Set options to new object to avoid problems with scope
options = { style: {} };
// If not a leaf, then label should be disabled as default
if (!point.node.isLeaf) {
options.enabled = false;
// If options for level exists, include them as well
if (level && level.dataLabels) {
options = merge(options, level.dataLabels);
series.hasDataLabels = () => true;
// Set dataLabel width to the width of the point shape.
if (point.shapeArgs) { = point.shapeArgs.width;
if (point.dataLabel) {
width: point.shapeArgs.width + 'px'
// Merge custom options with point options
point.dlOptions = merge(options, point.options.dataLabels);
* Override drawPoints
* @private
drawPoints(points = this.points) {
const series = this, chart = series.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, styledMode = chart.styledMode, options = series.options, shadow = styledMode ? {} : options.shadow, borderRadius = options.borderRadius, withinAnimationLimit = chart.pointCount < options.animationLimit, allowTraversingTree = options.allowTraversingTree;
for (const point of points) {
const levelDynamic = point.node.levelDynamic, animatableAttribs = {}, attribs = {}, css = {}, groupKey = 'level-group-' + point.node.level, hasGraphic = !!point.graphic, shouldAnimate = withinAnimationLimit && hasGraphic, shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
// Don't bother with calculate styling if the point is not drawn
if (point.shouldDraw()) {
point.isInside = true;
if (borderRadius) {
attribs.r = borderRadius;
merge(true, // Extend object
// Which object to extend
shouldAnimate ? animatableAttribs : attribs,
// Add shapeArgs to animate/attr if graphic exists
hasGraphic ? shapeArgs : {},
// Add style attribs if !styleMode
styledMode ?
{} :
series.pointAttribs(point, point.selected ? 'select' : void 0));
// In styled mode apply point.color. Use CSS, otherwise the
// fill used in the style sheet will take precedence over
// the fill attribute.
if (series.colorAttribs && styledMode) {
// Heatmap is loaded
extend(css, series.colorAttribs(point));
if (!series[groupKey]) {
series[groupKey] = renderer.g(groupKey)
// @todo Set the zIndex based upon the number of
// levels, instead of using 1000
zIndex: 1000 - (levelDynamic || 0)
series[groupKey].survive = true;
// Draw the point
group: series[groupKey],
imageUrl: point.imageUrl,
shapeType: point.shapeType
// If setRootNode is allowed, set a point cursor on clickables &
// add drillId to point
if (allowTraversingTree && point.graphic) {
point.drillId = options.interactByLeaf ?
series.drillToByLeaf(point) :
* Finds the drill id for a parent node. Returns false if point should
* not have a click event.
* @private
drillToByGroup(point) {
let drillId = false;
if (!point.node.isLeaf &&
(point.node.level - this.nodeMap[this.rootNode].level) === 1) {
drillId =;
return drillId;
* Finds the drill id for a leaf node. Returns false if point should not
* have a click event
* @private
drillToByLeaf(point) {
const { traverseToLeaf } = point.series.options;
let drillId = false, nodeParent;
if ((point.node.parent !== this.rootNode) &&
point.node.isLeaf) {
if (traverseToLeaf) {
drillId =;
else {
nodeParent = point.node;
while (!drillId) {
if (typeof nodeParent.parent !== 'undefined') {
nodeParent = this.nodeMap[nodeParent.parent];
if (nodeParent.parent === this.rootNode) {
drillId =;
return drillId;
* @todo remove this function at a suitable version.
* @private
drillToNode(id, redraw) {
error(32, false, void 0, { 'treemap.drillToNode': 'use treemap.setRootNode' });
this.setRootNode(id, redraw);
drillUp() {
const series = this, node = series.nodeMap[series.rootNode];
if (node && isString(node.parent)) {
series.setRootNode(node.parent, true, { trigger: 'traverseUpButton' });
getExtremes() {
// Get the extremes from the value data
const { dataMin, dataMax } = super.getExtremes(this.colorValueData);
this.valueMin = dataMin;
this.valueMax = dataMax;
// Get the extremes from the y data
return super.getExtremes();
* Creates an object map from parent id to childrens index.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#getListOfParents
* @param {Highcharts.SeriesTreemapDataOptions} [data]
* List of points set in options.
* @param {Array} [existingIds]
* List of all point ids.
* @return {Object}
* Map from parent id to children index in data.
getListOfParents(data, existingIds) {
const arr = isArray(data) ? data : [], ids = isArray(existingIds) ? existingIds : [], listOfParents = arr.reduce(function (prev, curr, i) {
const parent = pick(curr.parent, '');
if (typeof prev[parent] === 'undefined') {
prev[parent] = [];
return prev;
}, {
'': [] // Root of tree
// If parent does not exist, hoist parent to root of tree.
for (const parent of Object.keys(listOfParents)) {
const children = listOfParents[parent];
if ((parent !== '') && (ids.indexOf(parent) === -1)) {
for (const child of children) {
delete listOfParents[parent];
return listOfParents;
* Creates a tree structured object from the series points.
* @private
getTree() {
const series = this, allIds = (d) {
}), parentList = series.getListOfParents(, allIds);
series.nodeMap = {};
series.nodeList = [];
return series.buildTree('', -1, 0, parentList);
buildTree(id, index, level, list, parent) {
const series = this, children = [], point = series.points[index];
let height = 0, child;
// Actions
for (const i of (list[id] || [])) {
child = series.buildTree(series.points[i].id, i, level + 1, list, id);
height = Math.max(child.height + 1, height);
const node = new series.NodeClass().init(id, index, children, height, level, series, parent);
for (const child of children) {
child.parentNode = node;
series.nodeMap[] = node;
if (point) {
point.node = node;
node.point = point;
return node;
* Define hasData function for non-cartesian series. Returns true if the
* series has points at all.
* @private
hasData() {
return !!this.processedXData.length; // != 0
init(chart, options) {
const series = this, breadcrumbsOptions = merge(options.drillUpButton, options.breadcrumbs), setOptionsEvent = addEvent(series, 'setOptions', (event) => {
const options = event.userOptions;
if (defined(options.allowDrillToNode) &&
!defined(options.allowTraversingTree)) {
options.allowTraversingTree = options.allowDrillToNode;
delete options.allowDrillToNode;
if (defined(options.drillUpButton) &&
!defined(options.traverseUpButton)) {
options.traverseUpButton = options.drillUpButton;
delete options.drillUpButton;
super.init(chart, options);
// Treemap's opacity is a different option from other series
delete series.opacity;
// Handle deprecated options.
if (series.options.allowTraversingTree) {
series.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(series, 'click', series.onClickDrillToNode));
series.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(series, 'setRootNode', function (e) {
const chart = series.chart;
if (chart.breadcrumbs) {
// Create a list using the event after drilldown.
series.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(series, 'update',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
function (e, redraw) {
const breadcrumbs = this.chart.breadcrumbs;
if (breadcrumbs && e.options.breadcrumbs) {
series.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(series, 'destroy', function destroyEvents(e) {
const chart = this.chart;
if (chart.breadcrumbs && !e.keepEventsForUpdate) {
chart.breadcrumbs = void 0;
if (!chart.breadcrumbs) {
chart.breadcrumbs = new Breadcrumbs(chart, breadcrumbsOptions);
series.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(chart.breadcrumbs, 'up', function (e) {
const drillUpsNumber = this.level - e.newLevel;
for (let i = 0; i < drillUpsNumber; i++) {
* Add drilling on the suitable points.
* @private
onClickDrillToNode(event) {
const series = this, point = event.point, drillId = point && point.drillId;
// If a drill id is returned, add click event and cursor.
if (isString(drillId)) {
point.setState(''); // Remove hover
series.setRootNode(drillId, true, { trigger: 'click' });
* Get presentational attributes
* @private
pointAttribs(point, state) {
const series = this, mapOptionsToLevel = (isObject(series.mapOptionsToLevel) ?
series.mapOptionsToLevel :
{}), level = point && mapOptionsToLevel[point.node.level] || {}, options = this.options, stateOptions = state && options.states && options.states[state] || {}, className = (point && point.getClassName()) || '',
// Set attributes by precedence. Point trumps level trumps series.
// Stroke width uses pick because it can be 0.
attr = {
'stroke': (point && point.borderColor) ||
level.borderColor ||
stateOptions.borderColor ||
'stroke-width': pick(point && point.borderWidth, level.borderWidth, stateOptions.borderWidth, options.borderWidth),
'dashstyle': (point && point.borderDashStyle) ||
level.borderDashStyle ||
stateOptions.borderDashStyle ||
'fill': (point && point.color) || this.color
let opacity;
// Hide levels above the current view
if (className.indexOf('highcharts-above-level') !== -1) {
attr.fill = 'none';
attr['stroke-width'] = 0;
// Nodes with children that accept interaction
else if (className.indexOf('highcharts-internal-node-interactive') !== -1) {
opacity = pick(stateOptions.opacity, options.opacity);
attr.fill = color(attr.fill).setOpacity(opacity).get();
attr.cursor = 'pointer';
// Hide nodes that have children
else if (className.indexOf('highcharts-internal-node') !== -1) {
attr.fill = 'none';
else if (state) {
// Brighten and hoist the hover nodes
attr.fill = color(attr.fill)
return attr;
* Set the node's color recursively, from the parent down.
* @private
setColorRecursive(node, parentColor, colorIndex, index, siblings) {
const series = this, chart = series && series.chart, colors = chart && chart.options && chart.options.colors;
if (node) {
const colorInfo = getColor(node, {
colors: colors,
index: index,
mapOptionsToLevel: series.mapOptionsToLevel,
parentColor: parentColor,
parentColorIndex: colorIndex,
series: series,
siblings: siblings
}), point = series.points[node.i];
if (point) {
point.color = colorInfo.color;
point.colorIndex = colorInfo.colorIndex;
let i = -1;
// Do it all again with the children
for (const child of (node.children || [])) {
series.setColorRecursive(child, colorInfo.color, colorInfo.colorIndex, ++i, node.children.length);
setPointValues() {
const series = this;
const { points, xAxis, yAxis } = series;
const styledMode = series.chart.styledMode;
// Get the crisp correction in classic mode. For this to work in
// styled mode, we would need to first add the shape (without x,
// y, width and height), then read the rendered stroke width
// using point.graphic.strokeWidth(), then modify and apply the
// shapeArgs. This applies also to column series, but the
// downside is performance and code complexity.
const getStrokeWidth = (point) => (styledMode ?
0 :
(series.pointAttribs(point)['stroke-width'] || 0));
for (const point of points) {
const { pointValues: values, visible } = point.node;
// Points which is ignored, have no values.
if (values && visible) {
const { height, width, x, y } = values;
const strokeWidth = getStrokeWidth(point);
const x1 = crisp(xAxis.toPixels(x, true), strokeWidth, true);
const x2 = crisp(xAxis.toPixels(x + width, true), strokeWidth, true);
const y1 = crisp(yAxis.toPixels(y, true), strokeWidth, true);
const y2 = crisp(yAxis.toPixels(y + height, true), strokeWidth, true);
// Set point values
const shapeArgs = {
x: Math.min(x1, x2),
y: Math.min(y1, y2),
width: Math.abs(x2 - x1),
height: Math.abs(y2 - y1)
point.plotX = shapeArgs.x + (shapeArgs.width / 2);
point.plotY = shapeArgs.y + (shapeArgs.height / 2);
point.shapeArgs = shapeArgs;
else {
// Reset visibility
delete point.plotX;
delete point.plotY;
* Sets a new root node for the series.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#setRootNode
* @param {string} id
* The id of the new root node.
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart or not.
* @param {Object} [eventArguments]
* Arguments to be accessed in event handler.
* @param {string} [eventArguments.newRootId]
* Id of the new root.
* @param {string} [eventArguments.previousRootId]
* Id of the previous root.
* @param {boolean} [eventArguments.redraw]
* Whether to redraw the chart after.
* @param {Object} [eventArguments.series]
* The series to update the root of.
* @param {string} [eventArguments.trigger]
* The action which triggered the event. Undefined if the setRootNode is
* called directly.
* @emits Highcharts.Series#event:setRootNode
setRootNode(id, redraw, eventArguments) {
const series = this, eventArgs = extend({
newRootId: id,
previousRootId: series.rootNode,
redraw: pick(redraw, true),
series: series
}, eventArguments);
* The default functionality of the setRootNode event.
* @private
* @param {Object} args The event arguments.
* @param {string} args.newRootId Id of the new root.
* @param {string} args.previousRootId Id of the previous root.
* @param {boolean} args.redraw Whether to redraw the chart after.
* @param {Object} args.series The series to update the root of.
* @param {string} [args.trigger=undefined] The action which
* triggered the event. Undefined if the setRootNode is called
* directly.
const defaultFn = function (args) {
const series = args.series;
// Store previous and new root ids on the series.
series.idPreviousRoot = args.previousRootId;
series.rootNode = args.newRootId;
// Redraw the chart
series.isDirty = true; // Force redraw
if (args.redraw) {
// Fire setRootNode event.
fireEvent(series, 'setRootNode', eventArgs, defaultFn);
* Workaround for `inactive` state. Since `series.opacity` option is
* already reserved, don't use that state at all by disabling
* `inactiveOtherPoints` and not inheriting states by points.
* @private
setState(state) {
this.options.inactiveOtherPoints = true;
super.setState(state, false);
this.options.inactiveOtherPoints = false;
setTreeValues(tree) {
const series = this, options = series.options, idRoot = series.rootNode, mapIdToNode = series.nodeMap, nodeRoot = mapIdToNode[idRoot], levelIsConstant = (typeof options.levelIsConstant === 'boolean' ?
options.levelIsConstant :
true), children = [], point = series.points[tree.i];
// First give the children some values
let childrenTotal = 0;
for (let child of tree.children) {
child = series.setTreeValues(child);
if (!child.ignore) {
childrenTotal += child.val;
// Sort the children
stableSort(children, (a, b) => ((a.sortIndex || 0) - (b.sortIndex || 0)));
// Set the values
const val = pick(point && point.options.value, childrenTotal);
if (point) {
point.value = val;
extend(tree, {
children: children,
childrenTotal: childrenTotal,
// Ignore this node if point is not visible
ignore: !(pick(point && point.visible, true) && (val > 0)),
isLeaf: tree.visible && !childrenTotal,
levelDynamic: (tree.level - (levelIsConstant ? 0 : nodeRoot.level)),
name: pick(point &&, ''),
sortIndex: pick(point && point.sortIndex, -val),
val: val
return tree;
sliceAndDice(parent, children) {
return this.algorithmFill(true, parent, children);
squarified(parent, children) {
return this.algorithmLowAspectRatio(true, parent, children);
strip(parent, children) {
return this.algorithmLowAspectRatio(false, parent, children);
stripes(parent, children) {
return this.algorithmFill(false, parent, children);
translate() {
const series = this, options = series.options;
let // NOTE: updateRootId modifies series.
rootId = updateRootId(series), rootNode, pointValues, seriesArea, val;
// Call prototype function
// @todo Only if series.isDirtyData is true
const tree = series.tree = series.getTree();
rootNode = series.nodeMap[rootId];
if (rootId !== '' &&
(!rootNode)) {
series.setRootNode('', false);
rootId = series.rootNode;
rootNode = series.nodeMap[rootId];
series.mapOptionsToLevel = getLevelOptions({
from: rootNode.level + 1,
levels: options.levels,
to: tree.height,
defaults: {
levelIsConstant: series.options.levelIsConstant,
colorByPoint: options.colorByPoint
// Parents of the root node is by default visible
TreemapUtilities.recursive(series.nodeMap[series.rootNode], (node) => {
const p = node.parent;
let next = false;
node.visible = true;
if (p || p === '') {
next = series.nodeMap[p];
return next;
// Children of the root node is by default visible
TreemapUtilities.recursive(series.nodeMap[series.rootNode].children, (children) => {
let next = false;
for (const child of children) {
child.visible = true;
if (child.children.length) {
next = (next || []).concat(child.children);
return next;
// Calculate plotting values.
series.axisRatio = (series.xAxis.len / series.yAxis.len);
series.nodeMap[''].pointValues = pointValues = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: axisMax,
height: axisMax
series.nodeMap[''].values = seriesArea = merge(pointValues, {
width: (pointValues.width * series.axisRatio),
direction: (options.layoutStartingDirection === 'vertical' ? 0 : 1),
val: tree.val
series.calculateChildrenAreas(tree, seriesArea);
// Logic for point colors
if (!series.colorAxis &&
!options.colorByPoint) {
// Update axis extremes according to the root node.
if (options.allowTraversingTree) {
val = rootNode.pointValues;
series.xAxis.setExtremes(val.x, val.x + val.width, false);
series.yAxis.setExtremes(val.y, val.y + val.height, false);
// Assign values to points.
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
TreemapSeries.defaultOptions = merge(ScatterSeries.defaultOptions, TreemapSeriesDefaults);
extend(TreemapSeries.prototype, {
buildKDTree: noop,
colorAttribs: ColorMapComposition.seriesMembers.colorAttribs,
colorKey: 'colorValue', // Point color option key
directTouch: true,
getExtremesFromAll: true,
getSymbol: noop,
optionalAxis: 'colorAxis',
parallelArrays: ['x', 'y', 'value', 'colorValue'],
pointArrayMap: ['value'],
pointClass: TreemapPoint,
NodeClass: TreemapNode,
trackerGroups: ['group', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
utils: TreemapUtilities
SeriesRegistry.registerSeriesType('treemap', TreemapSeries);
/* *
* Default Export
* */
export default TreemapSeries;