package.dist.mikado.light.debug.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Mikado.js v0.8.329 (Light/Debug)
* Copyright 2019-2024 Nextapps GmbH
* Author: Thomas Wilkerling
* Licence: Apache-2.0
(function(){'use strict';
var n;
function p(a, b, c) {
let d;
c && (d = a._mkc) && (a._mkc = null);
const h = b.length, k = [], e = {};
for (let l = 0, q, m, r, v, w = null; l < h; l++) {
q = b[l];
if (m = q.v) {
if (v = r = e[m], !v) {
a: {
var f = a, g = m;
for (let u = 0, A = g.length, y = ""; u < A; u++) {
const t = g[u];
y += t;
if (e[y]) {
f = e[y];
} else {
if (">" === t) {
f = f.firstChild;
} else {
if ("|" === t) {
r = [f.firstChild, f];
break a;
if ("@" === t) {
r = [, f];
break a;
f = f.nextSibling;
e[y] = f;
r = [f];
v = r[0];
r = r[1] || v;
} else {
v = r = a;
c && (w = d ? d[l] : {}, r._mkc = w);
k[l] = new x(w, v, "");
return a._mkp = k;
function z(a, b, c, d, h, k) {
const e = h || (b.tag ? b.svg ? document.createElementNS("", b.tag) : document.createElement(b.tag) : document.createTextNode(b.text));
let f, g;
if (g = b.class) {
"object" === typeof g ? c.push(new x(f = {_c:""}, e, d)) : h || (e.className = g);
if (g = b.attr) {
for (const l in g) {
let q = g[l];
"object" === typeof q ? (f || c.push(new x(f = {}, e, d)), f["_a" + l] = !1) : h || e.setAttribute(l, q);
if (g = {
"object" === typeof g ? (c.push(new x(f || (f = {}),, d + "@")), f._s = "") : h || ( = g);
if (g = b.text) {
"object" === typeof g ? (a = e, g = g[0], b.tag ? (d += "|", a = !h && e.firstChild, a || (a = document.createTextNode(g), e.appendChild(a))) : f = {}, (f || (f = {}))._t = g, c.push(new x(f, a, d))) : h || (b.tag ? e.textContent = g : e.nodeValue = g);
} else if (g = b.child) {
if (h && (h = h.firstChild, !h)) {
return console.warn("Hydration failed of template '" + + "' because the existing DOM structure was incompatible. Falls back to factory construction instead."), null;
g.constructor !== Array && (g = [g]);
for (let l = 0, q, m = g.length; l < m; l++) {
if (q = g[l], d = l ? d + "+" : d + ">", b = z(a, q, c, d, h, 1), h) {
if (l < m - 1 && (h = h.nextSibling, !h)) {
return console.warn("Hydration failed of template '" + + "' because the existing DOM structure was incompatible. Falls back to factory construction instead."), null;
} else {
} else if (g = b.html) {
"object" === typeof g ? (f || c.push(new x(f = {}, e, d)), f._h = "") : h || (e.innerHTML = g);
} else if (g = {
f || c.push(new x(null, e, d));
let l;
if ("string" === typeof g) {
l = C[g];
if (!l) {
throw Error("The partial template '" + g + "' which is included by the root template '" + + "' was not registered. When using named includes make sure you register all your includes by Mikado.register(tpl) before instantiating the Mikado view instance.");
if (!(l instanceof D)) {
d = l[0];
if (b = l[1]) {
b.async = !1, h && (b.root = h, b.hydrate = !0);
C[g] = l = new D(d, b);
} else if (1 !== g) {
d =;
if (!a.tpl.fn.length) {
throw Error("The template '" + + "|" + d + "' has conflicts. It should provide a handler entry, but wasn't found.");
l = new D({ + "|" + d, tpl:g, key:g.key, cache:g.cache, fn:a.tpl.fn}, {recycle:a.recycle, cache:a.cache, pool:!!a.pool, state:a.state, mount:e, hydrate:!!h});
1 !== g &&;
f && (e._mkc = f);
k || (e._mkp = c);
return e;
const E = {checked:1, selected:1, hidden:1};
function x(a, b, c) {
this.c = a;
this.n = b;
this.v = c;
n = x.prototype;
n._a = function(a, b, c, d, h) {
if (this.c) {
if (d) {
if (h || 0 === h) {
d = d[h] || (d[h] = {});
d["_a" + a] = b;
if (this.c["_a" + a] === b) {
this.c["_a" + a] = b;
!E[a] || c && "selected" === a ? !1 === b ? this.n.removeAttribute(a) : this.n.setAttribute(a, b) : this.n[a] = b;
n._t = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.c) {
if (b) {
if (c || 0 === c) {
b = b[c] || (b[c] = {});
b._t = a;
if (this.c._t === a) {
this.c._t = a;
this.n.nodeValue = a;
n._c = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.c) {
if (b) {
if (c || 0 === c) {
b = b[c] || (b[c] = {});
b._c = a;
if (this.c._c === a) {
this.c._c = a;
this.n.className = a;
n._s = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.c) {
if (b) {
if (c || 0 === c) {
b = b[c] || (b[c] = {});
b._s = a;
if (this.c._s === a) {
this.c._s = a;
this.n.cssText = a;
n._h = function(a, b, c) {
if (this.c) {
if (b) {
if (c || 0 === c) {
b = b[c] || (b[c] = {});
b._h = a;
if (this.c._h === a) {
this.c._h = a;
this.n.innerHTML = a;
const C = Object.create(null);
function D(a, b = {}) {
if (!(this instanceof D)) {
return new D(a, b);
if ("string" === typeof a) {
var c = C[a];
if (!c) {
throw Error("The template '" + a + "' is not registered.");
if (c instanceof D) {
return c;
a = c[0];
b || (b = c[1]);
if (!a) {
throw Error("Initialization Error: Template is not defined.");
if (!a.tpl) {
throw Error("Initialization Error: Template isn't supported.");
this.g = [];
this.length = 0;
this.root = b.root || b.mount || null;
this.recycle = !!b.recycle;
this.state = b.state || {};
this.shadow = b.shadow || !1;
this.key = a.key || "";
this.j = {};
c = a.fn;
a.m || c && (a.m = c.slice());
this.apply = c && c.pop();
this.tpl = a; =; = [];
this.pool = (c = this.recycle || !!this.key) && b.pool ? 1 : 0;
this.l = [];
this.h = new Map();
this.cache = c && (a.cache || !!b.cache);
this.root ? this.mount(this.root, b.hydrate) : this.i = null;
n = D.prototype;
n.mount = function(a, b) {
if (!a) {
throw Error("No target was passed to .mount()");
this.shadow && (a = a.shadowRoot || a.attachShadow({mode:"open"}));
const c = a._mki;
var d = this.root !== a;
if (c === this) {
if (!d) {
return this;
this.g = a._mkd;
this.length = this.g.length;
} else if (c) {
c.clear(), a._mkd = this.g = [], this.length = 0, a.firstChild && (a.textContent = "");
} else {
if (b) {
var h = a.children;
const k = h.length, e = Array(k);
for (let f = 0; f < k; f++) {
e[f] = h[f];
this.g = e;
this.length = this.g.length;
} else {
this.g = [], this.length = 0, a.firstChild && (a.textContent = "");
a._mkd = this.g;
if (this.key) {
if (d && this.root && (this.root._mkl = this.j), c === this) {
this.j = a._mkl;
} else {
d = {};
if (!c && b && this.length) {
for (let k = 0, e, f; k < this.length; k++) {
e = this.g[k], (f = e.getAttribute("key")) || console.warn("The template '" + + "' runs in keyed mode, but the hydrated component don't have the attribute 'key' exported."), e._mkk = f, d[f] = e;
a._mkl = this.j = d;
a._mki = this;
this.root = a;
this.i || (b && this.length && (this.i = this.g[0].cloneNode(!0), z(this, this.tpl.tpl, [], "", this.i) && F(this)), this.tpl && (this.i = z(this, this.tpl.tpl, [], ""), F(this)));
return this;
function F(a) {
a.tpl.m && (a.tpl.fn = a.tpl.m, a.tpl.m = null);
a.tpl = null;
n.render = function(a, b) {
if (!this.root) {
throw Error("Template was not mounted or root was not found.");
if (this.root._mki !== this) {
throw Error("Another template is already assigned to this root. Please use '.mount(root_element)' before calling '.render()' to switch the context of a template.");
var c = this.length;
if (!a && !this.apply) {
return this.g[0] || this.add(), this;
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
var d = a.length;
if (!d) {
return this.remove(0, c);
} else {
a = [a], d = 1;
var h = this.key;
!c || h || this.recycle || (this.remove(0, c), c = 0);
var k = c < d ? c : d, e = 0;
if (e < k) {
for (let l, q; e < k; e++) {
l = this.g[e];
q = a[e];
if (h && l._mkk !== q[h]) {
c = this.g;
d = this.j;
h = this.key;
k = a.length;
let m = c.length, r = m > k ? m : k, v = 0;
for (e || (e = 0); e < r; e++) {
var f = void 0;
if (e < k) {
const w = a[e];
var g = e >= m;
let u, A, y;
if (!g && (u = c[e], A = w[h], y = u._mkk, y === A)) {
this.update(u, w, b, e);
if (g || !d[A]) {
g || !this.pool ? (m++, r = m > k ? m : k, this.add(w, b, e)) : this.replace(u, w, b, e);
let t, B;
for (g = e + 1; g < r; g++) {
if (!t && g < m && c[g]._mkk === A && (t = g + 1), !B && g < k && a[g][h] === y && (B = g + 1), t && B) {
t >= B + v ? (f = c[t - 1], this.root.insertBefore(f, u), this.update(f, w, b, e), t === B ? (1 < g - e && this.root.insertBefore(u, c[t]), c[e] = c[g], (c[g] = u) || console.error("reconcile.error 1")) : (t - 1 === e && console.error("reconcile.error 2"), G(c, t - 1, e), v++)) : (f = B - 1 + v, this.root.insertBefore(u, c[f] || null), (f > m ? m : f) - 1 === e && console.error("reconcile.error 3"), G(c, e, (f > m ? m : f) - 1), v--, e--);
f = 1;
f || (this.remove(e), m--, r = m > k ? m : k, e--);
return this;
this.update(l, q, b, e);
if (e < d) {
for (; e < d; e++) {
this.add(a[e], b);
} else {
d < c && this.remove(d, c - d);
return this;
n.replace = function(a, b, c, d) {
"undefined" === typeof d && ("number" === typeof a ? (d = 0 > a ? this.length + a : a, a = this.g[d]) : d = this.index(a));
var h;
if (this.key) {
var k = b[this.key];
if (h = this.j[k]) {
if (h !== a) {
k = this.index(h);
const e = k < d ? h : a, f = k < d ? a : h;
let g = this.g[k < d ? k + 1 : d + 1];
this.g[d] = h;
this.g[k] = a;
g !== f ? this.root.insertBefore(e, f) : g = e;
this.root.insertBefore(f, g);
} else {
this.pool && (h = this.h.get(k)) && (this.h.delete(k), H(this, a), this.g[d] = h, a.replaceWith(h));
} else {
this.recycle && (h = a);
h ? this.apply && this.apply(b, c || this.state, d, h._mkp || p(h, this.i._mkp, this.cache)) : (b = this.create(b, c, d, 1), (this.key || this.pool) && H(this, a), this.g[d] = b, a.replaceWith(b));
return this;
n.update = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (!this.apply) {
return "number" !== typeof d && console.warn("The template '" + + "' is a static template and should not be updated. Alternatively you can use .replace() to switch contents."), this;
"undefined" === typeof d && ("number" === typeof a ? (d = 0 > a ? this.length + a - 1 : a, a = this.g[d]) : d = this.index(a));
this.apply(b, c || this.state, d, a._mkp || p(a, this.i._mkp, this.cache));
return this;
n.create = function(a, b, c, d) {
const h = this.key, k = h && a[h];
let e;
var f;
let g, l;
this.pool && (h ? (f = this.h) && (e = f.get(k)) && (f.delete(k), l = 1) : (f = this.l) && f.length && (e = f.pop()));
e || (e = g = this.i, g || (this.i = e = g = z(this, this.tpl.tpl, [], ""), F(this)));
let q;
this.apply && (f = e._mkp || p(e, this.i._mkp, !!g || this.cache), q = g && this.cache && Array(f.length), this.apply(a, b || this.state, c, f, !!g, q));
g && (e = g.cloneNode(!0), q && !0 !== q && (e._mkc = q));
h && (l || (e._mkk = k), d && (this.j[k] = e));
return e;
n.add = function(a, b, c) {
let d;
"number" === typeof b ? (c = 0 > b ? this.length + b : b, b = null, d = c < this.length) : "number" === typeof c ? (0 > c && (c += this.length), d = c < this.length) : c = this.length;
a = this.create(a, b, c, 1);
d ? (this.root.insertBefore(a, this.g[c]), G(this.g, this.length - 1, c, a), this.length++) : (this.root.appendChild(a), this.g[this.length++] = a);
this.key && this.pool && this.pool < this.length && (this.pool = this.length);
return this;
function G(a, b, c, d) {
const h = d || a[b];
d && b++;
if (b < c) {
for (; b < c; b++) {
a[b] = a[b + 1];
} else {
for (; b > c; b--) {
a[b] = a[b - 1];
a[c] = h;
n.append = function(a, b, c) {
let d;
"number" === typeof b ? (c = 0 > b ? this.length + b : b, b = null, d = 1) : "number" === typeof c && (0 > c && (c += this.length), d = 1);
const h = a.length;
for (let k = 0; k < h; k++) {
this.add(a[k], b, d ? c++ : null);
return this;
n.clear = function() {
this.length && this.remove(0, this.length);
return this;
n.remove = function(a, b) {
let c = this.length;
c && a && ("number" !== typeof a ? a = this.index(a) : 0 > a && (a = c + a));
if (!c || a >= c) {
return this;
b ? 0 > b && (a -= b + 1, 0 > a && (a = 0), b *= -1) : b = 1;
let d;
!a && b >= c ? (d = this.g, b = d.length, this.root.textContent = "", this.root._mkd = this.g = [], c = 0) : (d = this.g.splice(a, b), c -= b);
const h = this.pool && !this.key, k = this.key || this.pool;
(a = this.key && this.pool) && b >= a && (this.h = new Map(), a = 0);
for (let e = 0, f; e < b; e++) {
f = d[h ? b - e - 1 : e], c && f.remove(), k && H(this, f, 1);
if (a && 0 < (a = this.h.size - a)) {
for (b = this.h.keys(); a--;) {
this.length = c;
return this;
n.index = function(a) {
return a ? this.g.indexOf(a) : -1;
n.node = function(a) {
return this.g[a];
function H(a, b, c) {
let d;
a.key && (d = b._mkk, a.j[d] = null);
a.pool && (d ? (a.h.set(d, b), !c && a.h.size > a.pool && a.h.delete(a.h.keys().next().value)) : a.l[a.l.length] = b);
n.flush = function() {
this.l = [];
this.h = new Map();
return this;
n.destroy = function() {
for (let a = 0, b; a <; a++) {
b =[a], C[] || b.destroy();
this.key && (this.root && (this.root._mkl = null), this.j = null);
this.root && (this.root._mkd = this.root._mki = null);
this.h = this.l = this.g = this.root = this.tpl = this.apply = = this.state = this.i = null;
D.once = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (!a) {
throw Error("Root element is not defined.");
if (!b) {
throw Error("Template is not defined.");
if (c || b.fn) {
b = new D(b);
if (c && Array.isArray(c)) {
for (let h = 0; h < c.length; h++) {
a.append(b.create(c[h], d, h));
} else {
a.append(b.create(c, d));
} else {
c = z({}, b.tpl, [], "", null, 1), a.append(c);
return D;
D.register = function(a, b) {
let c, d;
if ("string" === typeof a) {
if (c = d = a, a = C[c], a instanceof D || (a = a[0]), !a) {
throw Error("The template '" + c + "' was not found.");
} else {
c =;
C[c] && (d ?"The template '" + c + "' was replaced by a new definition.") : console.warn("The template '" + c + "' was already registered and is getting overwritten. When this isn't your intention, then please check your template names about uniqueness and collision!"));
C[c] = [a, b];
return D;
D.unregister = function(a) {
"object" === typeof a && (a =;
const b = C[a];
b && (b instanceof D && b.destroy(), C[a] = null);
return D;
const I = window;
let J;
(J = I.define) && J.amd ? J([], function() {
return D;
}) : "object" === typeof I.exports ? I.exports = D : I.Mikado = D;
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