package.dist.module-debug.compile.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import { Template, TemplateDOM } from "./type.js";
import { idl_attributes } from "./factory.js";
const event_types = {
tap: 1,
change: 1,
click: 1,
dblclick: 1,
input: 1,
keydown: 1,
keypress: 1,
keyup: 1,
mousedown: 1,
//"mouseenter": 1, // non-bubbling
mouseover: 1,
//"mouseleave": 1, // non-bubbling
mouseout: 1,
mousemove: 1,
mouseup: 1,
mousewheel: 1,
touchstart: 1,
touchmove: 1,
touchend: 1,
touchcancel: 1,
reset: 1,
select: 1,
submit: 1,
toggle: 1,
//"focus": 1, // non-bubbling
focusin: 1,
//"blur": 1, // non-bubbling
focusout: 1,
resize: 1,
scroll: 1,
// non-bubbling events
error: 1,
load: 1
event_bubble = {
blur: "focusout",
focus: "focusin",
mouseleave: "mouseout",
mouseenter: "mouseover"
// function escape_single_quotes(str){
// return str.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(')/ig, "\\$1$2");
// }
// function escape_single_quotes_expression(str){
// //console.log(str.replace(/{{(.*)?(\\)?([\s\S])|(')([^}]+)?/ig, "{{$1$2$3$4$5"))
// return str.replace(/{{(.*)?(\\)?([\s\S])|(')(.*)?(}})/ig, "{{$1$2$3$4$5$6");
// }
function replaceComments(str) {
return str.replace(//g, "");
function strip(str) {
return str.replace(/({{|}})/g, "").trim();
let message = 0,
counter = 0;
* @param {!string|HTMLTemplateElement|Element|Node} node
* @param {boolean|Function=} callback
* @param {Array|Function>=} _inc
* @param {Array|Object=} _fn
* @param {Object=} _index
* @param {boolean|number=} _recursive
* @return {Template|TemplateDOM|Promise}
export default function compile(node, callback, _inc, _fn, _index, _recursive) {
if (!message) {
message = 1;"If this page has set a Content-Security-Policy (CSP) header field, using the inline compiler has disadvantage when not configure \"script-src 'unsafe-eval'\". It is recommended to use the Mikado native compiler, which is CSP-friendly and also can optimize your templates more powerful.");
if (callback) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
const tpl = compile(node);
if ("function" == typeof callback) callback(tpl);
if (!_index) {
_fn = /** @type {Object} */[];
_inc = [_fn];
_fn.index = _index = {
// the actual index of element p[i]
current: -1,
// counts every index change (next element, style, text node)
count: 0,
// the value of the last index counter to identify if counter has increased
// and current index should also be increased by 1
last: -1,
// the actual index of inc[i]
inc: 0,
// a state to identify if one of the 3 include types was applied
included: !1
// a cache to identify repeating template structures
// not supported by the inline compiler
//cache: {}
const template = _recursive ? /** @type {TemplateDOM} */{} : /** @type {Template} */{
tpl: /** @type {TemplateDOM} */{}
tpl = _recursive ? template : template.tpl;
if (!_recursive) {
if ("string" == typeof node) {
if (/<.*>/.test(node)) {
const tmp = document.createElement("div");
tmp.innerHTML = node;
node = tmp.firstElementChild;
} else { = node;
node = document.getElementById(node);
if (!node) {
throw new Error("The template was not found.");
node = /** @type {HTMLTemplateElement} */node;
if (node.content) {
if (! { = || node.getAttribute("name");
node = node.content.firstElementChild;
const tagName = node.tagName;
if (!tagName || "SCRIPT" === tagName) {
// a text node or inline code has no tag
let value;
if (value = (tagName ? node.firstChild : node).nodeValue) {
if (value && value.trim()) {
if (value.includes("{{@")) {
let js = value.replace(/{{@([\s\S]+)}}/g, "$1").trim();
value = /{{[\s\S]+}}/.test(js) ? js.replace(/{{([\s\S]+)}}/g, "{{$1}}") : "";
js && (js = js.replace(/{{([\s\S]+)}}/g, ""));
js && _fn.push(js);
// using the script tag allows the runtime compiler
// to place code to a specific place
if ("SCRIPT" === tagName) {
if (value.trim()) {
tpl.text = value;
tpl.tag = tagName;
return tpl;
if (value && value.trim()) {
if (value.includes("{{#")) {
handle_value(tpl, "html", value, !1, null, _index, _inc, _fn);
} else {
handle_value(tpl, "text", value, !1, null, _index, _inc, _fn);
if (!tagName) {
return (/*tpl.js ||*/value && value.trim() ? tpl : null
if (tagName) {
tpl.tag = tagName;
let attributes = node.attributes;
if (attributes && attributes.length) {
const tmp = {};
// collect and normalize attributes
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
let attr_name = attributes[i].nodeName,
attr_value = node.getAttribute(attr_name);
// the foreach needs to be handled in the switch below,
// otherwise it could collide with native "for" attribute
// if(attr_name === "foreach") attr_name = "for";
if ("include" === attr_name) attr_name = "inc";
tmp[attr_name] = attr_value;
attributes = /** @type {TemplateDOM} */tmp;
for (let attr_name in attributes) {
let attr_value = attributes[attr_name],
switch (attr_name) {
case "class":
case "style":
handler = attr_name;
case "include":
attr_name = "inc";
// fallthrough
case "inc":
handler = attr_name;
case "if":
handler = attr_name;
case "foreach":
attr_name = "for";
handler = attr_name;
case "js":
// is already pushed to fn stack
case "key":
template.key = strip(attr_value).replace("data.", "");
case "cache":
if (event_bubble[attr_name]) {
attr = tpl.event || (tpl.event = {});"The assigned event '" + attr_name + "' was replaced by the event '" + event_bubble[attr_name] + "'.");
attr_name = event_bubble[attr_name];
} else if (event_types[attr_name]) {
attr = tpl.event || (tpl.event = {});
} else {
// derive template name from outer element when it is not a template
// skip, when it is an expression
if (!_recursive && ("id" === attr_name || "name" === attr_name) && ! {
if (!/{{[\s\S]+}}/.test(attr_value)) { = attr_value;
attr = tpl.attr || (tpl.attr = {});
handler = attr_name;
if (handler) {
handle_value(attr || tpl, handler, attr_value, !!attr, attributes, _index, _inc, _fn);
// from here all attributes was processed by handle_value()
// process contents
const children = (node.content || node).childNodes;
let length = children.length;
if (_index.included) {
_index.included = !1;;
// The compiler unshift includes, because the client then can take them by faster arr.pop()
_fn = /** @type {Object} */[];
if (tpl.for || tpl.if) {
// when there is no child it must be a text or a html declaration on root level
tpl.child || (tpl.child = tpl.text ? { text: tpl.text } : tpl.html ? { html: tpl.html } : null);
// inline includes
if (length) {
_fn.root = tpl; = tpl.child || (tpl.child = []);
_fn.index = _index = {
current: -1,
count: 0,
last: -1,
inc: 0,
included: !1
//cache: _index.cache
} else { =;
// for, range and if are fully contained inside render function
delete tpl.for;
delete tpl.if;
// it's different from native compiler, all children will be filled non-recursively
// delete of tpl.child will run at the bottom of the last loop
//delete tpl.child;
delete tpl.text;
delete tpl.html;
if (length) {
for (let i = 0, child; i < length; i++) {
child = children[i];
// skip comments
if (8 === child.nodeType) {
const tmp = /** @type {TemplateDOM} */compile(child, null, _inc, _fn, _index, 1);
if (tmp) {
if (1 === length && (3 === child.nodeType || !tmp.text) && (!tpl.js || !tmp.js)) {
if (tmp.js) tpl.js = tmp.js;
if (tmp.html) tpl.html = tmp.html;
if (tmp.text) tpl.text = tmp.text;
} else if (tmp.text || tmp.tag) {
(tpl.child || (tpl.child = [])).push(tmp);
if (tpl.child) {
if (1 === tpl.child.length) {
tpl.child = tpl.child[0];
if (!_recursive) {
if (! {
// use a default name = "tpl-" + counter++;
if ("COMPONENT" === tpl.tag) {
let json = tpl.child,
shadow = [];
for (let i = 0, child; i < json.length; i++) {
child = json[i];
if ("TEMPLATE" === child.tag) {
const tmp = child.child.length ? child.child[0] : child.child;
json = tmp;
if ( =;
if ( =;
if (child.key) tmp.key = child.key;
if (child.cache) tmp.cache = child.cache;
} else {
template.tpl = json;
template.cmp = shadow;
if (1 === _inc.length && 0 === _inc[0].length) {
template.fn = null;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < _inc.length; i++) {
if (_inc[i].root) {
_inc[i] = _inc[i].inc[0];
delete _inc[i].root.child;
if (_inc[i].length) {
_inc[i] = Function("data", "state", "index", "_p", "_f", "_x", '"use strict";let _o,_v,_c;' + _inc[i].join(";") /*+ ';return _x'*/);
} else {
_inc[i] = null;
template.fn = _inc.length ? _inc : null;
return template;
* @param {TemplateDOM} root
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} value
* @param {boolean} attr Indicates weather the key is a native attribute key
* @param {Object} attributes
* @param {Object=} index
* @param {Array|Function>=} inc
* @param {Array|Object=} fn
function handle_value(root, key, value, attr, attributes, index, inc, fn) {
if (/{{[\s\S]+}}/.test(value)) {
//const bind = value.includes("{{==");
let proxy = /{{([!?#]+)?=/.test(value),
truthy = /{{!?\?/.test(value),
escape = /{{\??!/.test(value),
tmp = value;
if (proxy) {
if (truthy || escape) {
tmp = tmp.replace(/{{[!?]+/g, "{{");
proxy = tmp.replace(/{{#?=+(.*)?}}/ig, "$1").trim().replace(/^data\./, "").replace(/^data\[['"](.*)['"]]/, "$1");
tmp = tmp.replace(/{{[!?#=]+/g, "{{").replace(/"(\s+)?{{(\s+)?/g, "(").replace(/(\s+)?}}(\s+)?"/g, ")").replace(/{{(\s+)?/g, "'+(").replace(/(\s+)?}}/g, ")+'").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
tmp = ("'" + tmp + "'").replace(/^""\+/g, "").replace(/^''\+/g, "").replace(/\+''$/g, "").replace(/\+""$/g, "").replace(/"\)\+''\+\("/g, "") // ")+''+("
.replace(/'\)\+''\+\('/g, "") // ')+''+('
.replace(/\+''\+/g, "+") // +''+
.replace(/'(\s+)?\+(\s+)?'/g, "") // ' + '
.replace(/"(\s+)?\+(\s+)?"/g, "") // " + "
.replace(/^\(([^ ]+)\)$/g, "$1") // ( value )
// ... skip resolving static content inside dynamic expressions for the inline compile
if (truthy) {
tmp = "(" + (tmp + "||" + tmp + "===0?" + tmp + ":'')");
if (("text" === key || "style" === key) && root.tag) {
if (index.count !== index.last) {
index.last = index.count;
fn.push('_o=_p[' + index.current + ']');
fn.push('_x&&(_x[' + index.current + ']=_c={})');
// mode: "inline", the fastest when Cache should be optionally supported
fn.push('_v=' + tmp);
if (attr) {
fn.push('_c&&(_c["_a' + key + "\"]=_v);if(!_o.c||_o.c[\"_a" + key + "\"]!==_v){_o.c&&(_o.c[\"_a" + key + '"]=_v);' + (idl_attributes[key] ? "selected" === key ? '_f?_o.n[_v===false?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("' + key + '",_v):_o.n.' + key + '=_v' : '_o.n.' + key + '=_v' : '_o.n[_v===false?"removeAttribute":"setAttribute"]("' + key + '",_v)') + '}');
} else if ("class" === key) {
} else if ("style" === key) {
} else if ("html" === key) {
} else if ("text" === key) {
if (proxy) {
root[key] = [proxy];
} else {
root[key] = [];
} else {
root[key] = value;
// handle includes
// special attributes are not a part of element attributes
// the key is "for" but related value is on attributes.foreach
if (("for" === key || "if" === key || "inc" === key) && !attr && !index.included) {
if (index.count !== index.last) {
index.last = index.count;
fn.push('_o=_p[' + index.current + ']');
// the handle_value() function has not all attributes on root
// use attributes instead, which has attr.foreach instead of root.for
const data_str = attributes.foreach ? attributes.foreach.trim() : "data";
let current_inc =;
// TODO: it needs the "root.child" already to be filled at this point
// let cached;
// if(root.child){
// const cache = JSON.stringify(root.child);
// const tmp = index.cache[cache];
// if(tmp || tmp === 0){
// cached = true;
// delete root.child;
// = 1;
// current_inc = tmp;
// }
// else{
// index.cache[cache] = current_inc;
// }
// }
// inline includes could be merged?
if (attributes.if) {
fn.push('[' + current_inc + "].mount(_o.n)[" + attributes.if.trim() + '?"render":"clear"](' + data_str + ',state)');
index.included = !0;
} else if (attributes.foreach) {
fn.push('[' + current_inc + "].mount(_o.n).render(" + data_str + ',state)');
index.included = !0;
} else {
fn.push('[' + current_inc + "].mount(_o.n).render(data,state)");
index.included = !0;
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