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There is a newer version: 2024.05
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 * jQuery Plugin to search entity identifier.
 * @author René Adler (eagle)
 * @version $Revision$
 * Usage:
 *   Parameters:
 *     - target              : the target container
 *     - search              : always "searchEntity"
 *     - searchEntityType    : can be person or organisation
 *     - searchType
 *       - SELECT            : add searchType selection menu
 *       - GND               : search through
 *       - VIAF              : search through
 *       - ORCID             : search through
 *     - searchOutput        : the output field for person the nameIdentifer ID,
 *                             if nothing specified the input field is used
 *     - searchOutputType    : the output field for person the nameIdentifer type,
 *                             if nothing specified the input field is used
 *     - searchButton        : the search button text
 *     - searchResultEmpty   : the label if search result was empty
 *     - searchButtonLoading : the button text on search
* * All parameters can be also set with jQuery data- attributes. */ +function($) { 'use strict'; var toggle = '[data-search="searchEntity"]'; var SearchEntity = function(element, options) { this.options = $.extend({}, SearchEntity.DEFAULTS, options); this.$parent = null; this.$element = $(element); this.$inputGroup = null; this.$searchBtn = null; this.$typeBtn = null; this.$typeMenu = null; this.$feedback = null; this.selectedType = options.searchType.toUpperCase() == "SELECT" ? SearchEntity.DEFAULTS.searchType : options.searchType; this.init(); }; SearchEntity.VERSION = '1.1.0'; SearchEntity.LABEL_CLEANUP = /\s[\(]?[0-9-]+[\)]?/g; SearchEntity.TYPES = { GND : { baseURI : "", person: { enabled: true, url: "", data: function (input) { return { q: input, filter: "type:DifferentiatedPerson", format: "json:suggest", size: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((element) => { if ((element.category) === "Individualisierte Person") { var person = { label: element.label, value:, type: "personal" }; result.push(person); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, organisation: { enabled: true, url: "", data: function (input) { return { q: input, filter: "type:CorporateBody", format: "json:suggest", size: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((element) => { if ((element.category) === "Körperschaft") { var organisation = { label: element.label, value:, type: "corporate" }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, both: { enabled: true, url: "", data: function (input) { return { q: input, filter: "type:DifferentiatedPerson OR type:CorporateBody", format: "json:suggest", size: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((element) => { if ((element.category) === "Individualisierte Person") { var person = { label: element.label, value:, type: "personal" }; result.push(person); } if ((element.category) === "Körperschaft") { var organisation = { label: element.label, value:, type: "corporate" }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, topic: { enabled: true, url: "", data: function (input) { return { q: input, filter: "type:SubjectHeading", format: "json:suggest", size: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((element) => { var topic = { label: element.label, value:, }; result.push(topic); }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, geographic: { enabled: true, url: "", data: function (input) { return { q: input, filter: "type:PlaceOrGeographicName", format: "json:suggest", size: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0) { data.forEach((element) => { var geographic = { label: element.label, value:, }; result.push(geographic); }); } return result; }, dataSort: true } }, GND_FALLBACK: { baseURI: "", person: { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { searchterm: input, type: "DifferentiatedPerson" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.length == 4) { $(data[1]).each(function (index, item) { if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "DifferentiatedPerson") { var person = { label: item, value: data[3][index], type: "personal" }; result.push(person); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, organisation: { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { searchterm: input, type: "CorporateBody" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.length == 4) { $(data[1]).each(function (index, item) { if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "CorporateBody") { var organisation = { label: item, value: data[3][index], type: "corporate" }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, both: { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { searchterm: input, type: "DifferentiatedPerson,CorporateBody", count: "30" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.length == 4) { $(data[1]).each(function (index, item) { if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "DifferentiatedPerson") { var person = { label: item, value: data[3][index], type: "personal" }; result.push(person); } if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "CorporateBody") { var organisation = { label: item, value: data[3][index], type: "corporate" }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, topic: { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { searchterm: input, type: "SubjectHeading" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.length == 4) { $(data[1]).each(function (index, item) { if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "SubjectHeading") { var topic = { label: item, value: data[3][index] }; result.push(topic); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, geographic: { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { searchterm: input, type: "PlaceOrGeographicName" } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.length == 4) { $(data[1]).each(function (index, item) { if (parseType(data[2][index]) === "PlaceOrGeographicName") { var geographic = { label: item, value: data[3][index] }; result.push(geographic); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true } }, VIAF : { baseURI : "", person : { enabled : true, url : "//", data : function(input) { return { query : input } }, dataType : "jsonp", dataConvert : function(data) { var result = []; if (data.result !== undefined) { $(data.result).each(function(index, item) { if (item.nametype.toLowerCase() === "personal") { var person = { label : item.term, value : "" + item.viafid }; result.push(person); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, organisation : { enabled : true, url : "", data : function(input) { return { query : input } }, dataType : "jsonp", dataConvert : function(data) { var result = []; if (data.result !== undefined) { $(data.result).each(function(index, item) { if (item.nametype.toLowerCase() === "corporate") { var organisation = { label : item.term, value : "" + item.viafid }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, both : { enabled: true, url: "//", data: function (input) { return { query: input } }, dataType: "jsonp", dataConvert: function (data) { var result = []; if (data.result !== undefined) { $(data.result).each(function (index, item) { if (item.nametype.toLowerCase() === "personal") { var person = { label: item.term, value: "" + item.viafid, type: "personal" }; result.push(person); } if (item.nametype.toLowerCase() === "corporate") { var organisation = { label: item.term, value: "" + item.viafid, type: "corporate" }; result.push(organisation); } }); } return result; }, dataSort: true }, topic : { enabled : false }, geographic : { enabled : false } }, ORCID : { baseURI: "", person: { enabled:true, /* does not work with http only */ url: window["webApplicationBaseURL"]+"servlets/MIROrcidServlet", data: function (input) { return { q: input } }, dataConvert: function (data) { return data; }, dataSort: true }, organisation: { enabled: false }, both:{ enabled: true, /* does not work with http only */ url: window["webApplicationBaseURL"]+"servlets/MIROrcidServlet", data: function (input) { return { q: input } }, dataConvert: function (data) { return data; }, dataSort: true }, topic:{ enabled: false }, geographic:{ enabled : false } } }; SearchEntity.DEFAULTS = { // Button style buttonClass : "btn btn-secondary", // Feedback style (optical feedback for current selection) feedbackClass : "feedback badge badge-primary", // Feedback cleaner icon style feedbackCleanIconClass : "feedback-clean far fa-times-circle", // min length of search term inputMinLength : 3, // default search type searchType : "GND", // default entity type searchEntityType : "person", // the max. height of results container searchResultMaxHeight : 200, // TEXT DEFINITIONS // =============================== // default button loading text searchButton : "Search", searchButtonLoading : "Loading...", searchResultEmpty : "
Nothing found
" }; SearchEntity.prototype.init = function() { if (typeof $.fn.dropdown !== "function" && typeof $.fn.button !== "function") { console.error("Couldn't initalize SearchEntity because of missing Bootstrap \"dropdown\" and \"button\" plugin!"); return; } var that = this; var options = this.options; var $parent = this.$parent = $(document.createElement("div")); var $inputGroup = this.$inputGroup = $(document.createElement("div")); $inputGroup.addClass("input-group"); var $element = this.$element.clone(); $inputGroup.append($element); this.$element.before($parent); this.$element.remove(); this.$element = $element; var $actions = $(document.createElement("div")); $actions.addClass("input-group-btn input-group-append"); var $searchBtn = this.$searchBtn = $(document.createElement("button")); $searchBtn.addClass(options.buttonClass); $searchBtn.attr("data-loading-text", options.searchButtonLoading); $searchBtn.html(options.searchButton); $searchBtn.on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault();; }); $actions.append($searchBtn); $inputGroup.append($actions); $parent.append($inputGroup); if (options.searchType.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") { // preselect searchType by given output value var outputVal = $(options.searchOutput, getParent($element))[0] !== undefined ? $(options.searchOutput, getParent($element)).val() : ""; var outputValType = $(options.searchOutputType, getParent($element))[0] !== undefined ? $(options.searchOutputType, getParent($element)).val() : ""; if (outputVal.length > 0) { this.selectedType = outputValType.toUpperCase(); } var $typeBtn = this.$typeBtn = $(document.createElement("button")); $typeBtn.addClass(options.buttonClass).addClass("dropdown-toggle"); $typeBtn.attr("data-toggle", "dropdown"); $typeBtn.html("Toggle Dropdown"); $actions.append($typeBtn); var $typeMenu = this.$typeMenu = $(document.createElement("ul")); $typeMenu.addClass("dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"); $typeMenu.attr("role", "menu"); for ( var type in SearchEntity.TYPES) { if (SearchEntity.TYPES[type][options.searchEntityType].enabled === false || type.includes("_FALLBACK")) { continue; } if (SearchEntity.TYPES[this.selectedType] != undefined && SearchEntity.TYPES[this.selectedType][options.searchEntityType].enabled == false) { this.selectedType = type; } var $entry = $(document.createElement("li")); if(type.toUpperCase() === this.selectedType.toUpperCase()) { $entry.addClass("active"); } var $ea = $(document.createElement("a")); $ea.addClass("dropdown-item"); $ea.attr("href", "#"); $"search-type", type); $ea.text(type); $ea.on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.selectedType = $(this).data("search-type"); $(".active", $(this).parents("ul")).toggleClass("active"); $(this).parent().toggleClass("active"); }); $entry.append($ea); $typeMenu.append($entry); } $actions.append($typeMenu); $typeBtn.dropdown(); } this.updateOutput(); }; = function(e) { var that = this; var $parent = this.$parent; var options = this.options; var isActive = $parent.find(".dropdown-menu").hasClass("show"); this.clearAll(); if (!isActive) { !$parent.hasClass("dropdown") && $parent.addClass("dropdown"); var input = this.$element.val(); if (input.length < options.inputMinLength) return; var type = null; var typeFallback = null; for (var t in SearchEntity.TYPES) { if (this.selectedType.toUpperCase() == t.toUpperCase()) { type = SearchEntity.TYPES[t][options.searchEntityType]; if (SearchEntity.TYPES.hasOwnProperty(t + "_FALLBACK")) { typeFallback = SearchEntity.TYPES[t + "_FALLBACK"][options.searchEntityType]; } break; } } let text = this.$searchBtn.text(); this.$searchBtn.text(" " + this.$searchBtn.attr("data-loading-text")); let content = jQuery('' + this.$searchBtn.attr("data-loading-text") + ''); this.$searchBtn.prepend(content); let that = this; if (type != null) { var handleData = (url, dataType, data, isFallback) => { SearchEntity.loadData(url, dataType, data, (data) => { if (data !== undefined) { var convertedData = typeof type.dataConvert == "function" ? type.dataConvert(data) : data; var sortedData = type.dataSort ? SearchEntity.sortData(input, convertedData) : convertedData; that.showResult(sortedData); } else { that.showResult(); } content.detach(); that.$searchBtn.text(text); }, () => { if (!isFallback && typeFallback != null) { console.log(' Failed to loadData for type: ' + this.selectedType.toUpperCase() + '. Set ' + this.selectedType.toUpperCase() + '_FALLBACK' + ' as type.'); type = typeFallback; handleData(type.url, type.dataType,, true); } else { console.error(' LoadData failed for type ' + this.selectedType.toUpperCase()); that.showResult(); content.detach(); that.$searchBtn.text(text); } }) }; handleData(type.url, type.dataType,, false); } else { console.error("Search type \"" + this.selectedType.toUpperCase() + "\" is unsupported!"); content.detach(); this.$searchBtn.text(text); } } return false; }; SearchEntity.prototype.showResult = function(data) { var that = this; var $parent = this.$parent; var options = this.options; var $resultBox = $(document.createElement("div")); $resultBox.addClass("dropdown"); var $resultList = $(document.createElement("ul")); $resultList.attr("role", "menu"); $resultList.addClass("dropdown-menu"); $resultBox.append($resultList); if (data && data.length > 0) { $(data).each(function(index, item) { var $li = $(document.createElement("li")); var $person = $(document.createElement("a")); $person.addClass("dropdown-item"); $person.attr("href", "#"); $person.attr("data-type", item.type); $person.text(item.label); $person.on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.updateOutput(item); that.clearAll(); }); $li.append($person); $resultList.append($li); }); } else { var $li = $(document.createElement("li")); $li.html(options.searchResultEmpty); $resultList.append($li); } $parent.append($resultBox); $resultList.css({ height : "auto", maxHeight : options.searchResultMaxHeight, width : "100%", overflow : "auto", overflowX : "hidden" }); $resultList.addClass("show"); this.$$.extend({}, { searchResultContainer : $resultBox }, options)); }; SearchEntity.prototype.updateOutput = function (item) { var that = this; var options = this.options; var $output = $(options.searchOutput, getParent(this.$element))[0] !== undefined ? $(options.searchOutput, getParent(this.$element)).first() : this.$element; var $outputType = $(options.searchOutputType, getParent(this.$element))[0] !== undefined ? $(options.searchOutputType, getParent(this.$element)).first() : this.$element; var $outputNameType = $(options.searchOutputNameType, getParent(this.$element))[0] !== undefined ? $(options.searchOutputNameType, getParent(this.$element)).first() : this.$element; var nameIdFields = []; if (item) { this.$element != $output && item.label && this.$element.val(item.label.replace(SearchEntity.LABEL_CLEANUP, "").split('|')[0].trim()); var outputType = getTypeFromURL(item.value); if (item.type) { $outputNameType.val(item.type.toLowerCase()); var itemPersonExtendedBox = $($output).closest('[class="personExtended_box"]'); /* handle search entity personExtended_box with multiple ids */ if (itemPersonExtendedBox && itemPersonExtendedBox.length > 0) { var currentIdFieldIndex = 0; var nameIdTypes = null; var nameIdTypesElements = null; var isNewNameFormGroup = true; /* get the next free output field */ nameIdFields = $(itemPersonExtendedBox).find('input[name*="/mods:nameIdentifier"]'); nameIdFields = nameIdFields.toArray(); while (currentIdFieldIndex < nameIdFields.length && nameIdFields[currentIdFieldIndex].value && nameIdFields[currentIdFieldIndex].type && nameIdFields[currentIdFieldIndex].type !== 'hidden') { currentIdFieldIndex++; } /* * Get assigned name identifier types for the dependent * personExtended_box */ nameIdTypesElements = $(itemPersonExtendedBox).find('select[name*="/mods:nameIdentifier"]'); nameIdTypes = () { return this.value; }).get(); /* * Output will replace an old value with same identifier type or will * be the next free input field! */ if (nameIdTypes.includes(outputType.toLowerCase())) { /* note multiple id types on outputType */ let depIndexWithIdType = null; let defaultIndexWithIdType = null; for (var ind = 0; ind < nameIdTypes.length && depIndexWithIdType === null; ind++) { if (nameIdTypes[ind] === outputType.toLowerCase()) { var outputWithIdType = $(nameIdTypesElements[ind]).closest('div.form-group').find('input[name*="/mods:nameIdentifier"]'); if (outputWithIdType.val()) { depIndexWithIdType = ind; } defaultIndexWithIdType = ind; } } /* * avoid default pointer for $output and $outputType -> do not * remove first */ if (depIndexWithIdType === null) { depIndexWithIdType = defaultIndexWithIdType; } $output[0] = outputWithIdType[0]; $outputType[0] = nameIdTypesElements[depIndexWithIdType]; } else { /* $output will be the next free Input field */ $output[0] = nameIdFields[currentIdFieldIndex]; /* get dependent outputType selection */ let dependentOutputType = $('[name="' + nameIdFields[currentIdFieldIndex].name + '/@type"]'); $outputType[0] = dependentOutputType[0]; } } } $output.val(getIDFromURL(item.value)); if (outputType != "") { $outputType.val(outputType.toLowerCase()); } /* if there is not a free identifier output field anymore trigger button */ nameIdFields.forEach((currentNameIdField, index) => { if (!currentNameIdField.value) { isNewNameFormGroup = false; } }); } if ($output != this.$element && $output.val().length > 0) { var type = $outputType.val(); var $feedback = $(document.createElement("a")); $feedback.attr("href", getURLFromTypeAndID($outputType.val(), $output.val())); $feedback.attr("target", "_blank"); $feedback.attr("class", "mcr-badge--origin"); $feedback.css({ textDecoration: "none" }); if (type == null || SearchEntity.TYPES[type.toUpperCase()] == undefined) { $feedback.attr("onclick", "return false;"); $feedback.css({ cursor: "default" }); } var $label = $(document.createElement("span")); $label.addClass(options.feedbackClass); $label.html(type != null ? type.toUpperCase() : "N/A"); var $remover = $(document.createElement("a")); $remover.attr("href", "#"); $remover.html(""); $remover.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that.updateOutput({ value: "" }) }); $label.append($remover); $feedback.append($label); if (this.$feedback) this.$feedback.remove(); this.$feedback = $feedback; this.$element.after($feedback); $feedback.css({ marginLeft: -($feedback.width() + 10) }); // prevent badge overlay // add padding to the input field in badge size this.$element.css({ paddingRight: ($feedback.width() + 20) }); } else { if (this.$feedback) this.$feedback.remove(); // remove badge overlay padding this.$element.css({ paddingRight: 20 }); } if (item && item.type && isNewNameFormGroup) { /* Toggle last add Button to generate new nameField */ let addIdentifierButton = $(nameIdFields[nameIdFields.length - 1]).closest('div[class="form-group row"]').find('button[name^="_xed_submit_insert"]');; } }; SearchEntity.prototype.clearAll = function(e) { if (e && e.which === 3) return; $(toggle).each(function() { var $this = $(this); var options = typeof this.options == 'object' ? this.options : $.extend({}, SearchEntity.DEFAULTS, $; var $parent = this.$parent === undefined ? getParent($this) : this.$parent; $("." + "dropdown-toggle", $parent).each(function(e) { $(this).dropdown(); }); var $searchResultContainer = $(options.searchResultContainer); if ($searchResultContainer[0] !== undefined) { $searchResultContainer.parent().removeClass("open"); $searchResultContainer.remove(); $this.removeData("searchResultContainer"); } }); }; SearchEntity.loadData = function(url, dataType, data, successCB, errorCB) { $.ajax({ url : url, timeout : 5000, dataType : dataType, data : data, success : function(data) { successCB(data); }, error : function() { errorCB(); } }); }; SearchEntity.sortData = function(input, data) { // TheSpanishInquisition - // Functional implementation of Levenshtein Distance. function levenshteinDistance(strA, strB, limit) { var strALength = strA.length, strBLength = strB.length; if (Math.abs(strALength - strBLength) > (limit || 32)) return limit || 32; if (strALength === 0) return strBLength; if (strBLength === 0) return strALength; var matrix = []; for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { matrix[i] = [ i ]; matrix[i].length = 64; } for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { matrix[0][i] = i; } var strA_i, strB_j, cost, min, t; for (var i = 1; i <= strALength; ++i) { strA_i = strA[i - 1]; for (var j = 1; j <= strBLength; ++j) { if (i === j && matrix[i][j] > 4) return strALength; strB_j = strB[j - 1]; cost = (strA_i === strB_j) ? 0 : 1; min = matrix[i - 1][j] + 1; if ((t = matrix[i][j - 1] + 1) < min) min = t; if ((t = matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + cost) < min) min = t; matrix[i][j] = min; } } return matrix[strALength][strBLength]; } return data.sort(function(a, b) { return levenshteinDistance(input, a.label.replace(SearchEntity.LABEL_CLEANUP, "")) - levenshteinDistance(input, b.label.replace(SearchEntity.LABEL_CLEANUP, "")); }); }; function getTypeFromURL(url) { for ( var type in SearchEntity.TYPES) { if (url.indexOf(SearchEntity.TYPES[type].baseURI) != -1 && !type.includes("_FALLBACK")) { return type; } } return ""; } function getIDFromURL(url) { for ( var type in SearchEntity.TYPES) { var pos = url.indexOf(SearchEntity.TYPES[type].baseURI); if (pos != -1) return url.substr(pos + SearchEntity.TYPES[type].baseURI.length); } return ""; } function getURLFromTypeAndID(type, id) { var typeObj = SearchEntity.TYPES[type.toUpperCase()]; if (typeObj != undefined) { return typeObj.baseURI + id; } return ""; } function parseType(type) { var index = type.indexOf("/"); if (index != -1) { return type.substring(0, index).trim(); } return type; } function getParent($this) { var selector = $this.attr('data-target'); if (!selector) { if ($this.attr('data-next')) { selector = $this.closest(".form-group").next($this.attr('data-next')); } else { selector = $this.attr('href'); selector = selector && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(selector) && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') } } var $parent = selector && $(selector); return $parent && $parent.length ? ($parent.length > 1) ? ($parent = $parent.has($this)) : $parent : $this.parent() } // SEARCH ENTITY PLUGIN DEFINITION // =============================== function Plugin(option) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data = $'mcr.searchentity'); var options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) $'mcr.searchentity', (data = new SearchEntity(this, option))); if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](); }); } var old = $.fn.SearchEntity; $.fn.searchEntity = Plugin; $.fn.searchEntity.Constructor = SearchEntity; // SEARCHPERSON NO CONFLICT // ======================== $.fn.searchEntity.noConflict = function() { $.fn.SearchEntity = old; return this; }; $(window).on('load', function() { $(toggle).each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data = $;$this, data); }); }); $(document).on('', SearchEntity.prototype.clearAll); }(jQuery);

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