Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# coding=utf-8
import __builtin__, os, sys, string, time
from import File, InputStream
from import URL, JarURLConnection
def init_docutils(docutilsPath):
# Check if the new open function doesn't exist
if "openlegacy" not in __builtin__.__dict__:
# Define the function jaropen which will be able to read into the jar.
# Examples :
# If the value of the resourcePath is
# '/home/user/workspace/jrst/src/test/resources/text.rst',
# the classic function "open" can be used, but if the value is
# '__pyclasspath__/docutils/writers/html4css1/html4css1.css',
# python doesn't be able to find the resource, so it must have the
# absolute path to the jar to read it with jaropen after.
# ex: jar:file:/home/user/workspace/jrst/docutils/docutils.jar!
def jaropen(resourcePath, mode, bufsize=-1):
if "__pyclasspath__" in resourcePath:
# Replace the relative resource filepath by the absolute path
docutilsAbsolutePath = "jar:file:" + os.path.dirname(docutilsPath) + "!"
resourcePath = string.replace(resourcePath, "__pyclasspath__", docutilsAbsolutePath)
# Get the url and open a stream to access to the resource
# /!\ Warning : we use a deprecated function, it could be a problem later
url = URL(resourcePath)
inStream = url.openStream()
f = __builtin__.openlegacy(inStream, bufsize)
f = __builtin__.openlegacy(resourcePath, mode, bufsize)
return f
# Replace in the dictionnary the old open function by the new one (openlegacy)
__builtin__.__dict__["openlegacy"] = __builtin__.__dict__["open"]
__builtin__.__dict__["open"] = jaropen
def exec_docutils (docutilsPath, typeOutput, fileIn):
# Initalization before using Docutils
# Add the lib path to sys.path
lib_path = os.path.dirname(docutilsPath)
# Add the scripts path to sys.path
scriptpath = lib_path + '/build/scripts-2.7'
typeOutput = typeOutput.lower()
# Check if the output type is supported by Docutils
listType = ["xml", "html", "odt", "latex", "man", "s5", "xetex"]
if typeOutput in listType:
from docutils.core import publish_file
publish_file( source_path=fileIn, writer_name=typeOutput )
print "Wrong output format"