Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# This title will be displayed on the UI on the index page.
openl.application.title = OpenL Tablets Rule Services
# Default publisher if no publishers are defined in rules-deploy.xml.
ruleservice.publishers = RESTFUL
# Define HTTP timeouts in milliseconds.
ruleservice.http.connectionTimeout = 300000
ruleservice.http.receiveTimeout = 300000
# Messages smaller than this threshold are not compressed.
# To force compression of all messages, set the threshold to 0.
# -1 is used as a default CXF level (1024 bytes).
# To disable GZIPing at all, define empty value.
ruleservice.gzip.threshold = -1
# Enables MBeans on the CXF Bus to collect statistics and manage CXF.
# By default, it is disabled to avoid unnecessary runtime overhead during web service call processing.
# The CXF CounterRepository collects the following metrics: invocations, checked application faults, unchecked application faults,
# runtime faults, logical runtime faults, total handling time, max handling time, and min handling time.
ruleservice.jmx.enabled = false
# Enables REST API of the embedded deployer.
# It must be used for development purposes only. Enabling this feature allows anyone to deploy any rules to the repository.
ruleservice.deployer.enabled = false
ruleservice.kafka.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 = openl-webservice
### CORS support
# A list of origins that are allowed to access the resource.
# Use an ansterix * to enable access to the resource from any origin.
# Otherwise, use a list of comma separated origins, for example,,
# The empty string means that noone can access the resource. =
# A comma separated list of HTTP methods for accessing the resource using cross-origin requests.
# These methods are included as a part of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header in pre-flight response.
# Example: GET,POST.
cors.allowed.methods = GET,OPTIONS,HEAD,PUT,POST
# A comma separated list of request headers used for making an actual request.
# These headers are returned as a part of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header in a pre-flight response.
# Example: Origin,Accept.
cors.allowed.headers = Content-Type,Accept,api_key,Authorization
# Number of seconds for which the browser is allowed to cache the result of the pre-flight request.
# This amount is included as a part of the Access-Control-Max-Age header in the pre-flight response.
# A negative value prevents CORS Filter from adding this response header to the pre-flight response.
cors.preflight.maxage = 7200
### MDC support
# Defines an HTTP or Kafka header for tracking the request/response pair.
# The value of the defined header in the request is copied to the response.
# The same value is also saved in SLF4J MDC with the "requestId" key.
# If there is no such header in a request, a random ID is generated.
# If this property is not set, this logic is disabled.
log.request-id.header =
### Security
# The ability to disable the authentication mechanism to maintain backward compatibility.
ruleservice.authentication.enabled = false
# The unique identifier of the audience for an issued token.
# A comma separated list of valid audience.
ruleservice.authentication.aud =
# Issuer claim identifying the principal that issued JWT. This field is mandatory.
ruleservice.authentication.iss =
# URL for JWK set.
ruleservice.authentication.jwks =
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