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.openl.grammars.5.10.3.source-code.java_1_5.jj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2007 J?lio Vilmar Gesser.
* This file is part of Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree.
* Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Java 1.5 parser and Abstract Syntax Tree. If not, see .
options {
package japa.parser;
import java.util.*;
import japa.parser.ast.*;
import japa.parser.ast.body.*;
import japa.parser.ast.expr.*;
import japa.parser.ast.stmt.*;
import japa.parser.ast.type.*;
* Grammar to parse Java version 1.5
* @author Sreenivasa Viswanadha - Simplified and enhanced for 1.5
* @author J?lio Vilmar Gesser ([email protected] ) - bug fixes and added AST generation
public final class JavaParser {
private static JavaParser parser;
public static CompilationUnit parse(InputStream in, String encoding) throws ParseException {
if (parser == null) {
parser = new JavaParser(in, encoding);
} else {
return parser.CompilationUnit();
public static CompilationUnit parse(InputStream in) throws ParseException {
return parse(in, null);
public static CompilationUnit parse(File file, String encoding) throws ParseException {
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
try {
return parse(in, encoding);
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static CompilationUnit parse(File file) throws ParseException {
return parse(file, null);
private List add(List list, Object obj) {
if (list == null) {
list = new LinkedList();
return list;
private class Modifier {
final int modifiers;
final List annotations;
public Modifier(int modifiers, List annotations) {
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.annotations = annotations;
" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"
| "\f"
<"/**" ~["/"]> { input_stream.backup(1); } : IN_FORMAL_COMMENT
< ~[] >
< ABSTRACT: "abstract" >
| < ASSERT: "assert" >
| < BOOLEAN: "boolean" >
| < BREAK: "break" >
| < BYTE: "byte" >
| < CASE: "case" >
| < CATCH: "catch" >
| < CHAR: "char" >
| < CLASS: "class" >
| < CONST: "const" >
| < CONTINUE: "continue" >
| < _DEFAULT: "default" >
| < DO: "do" >
| < DOUBLE: "double" >
| < ELSE: "else" >
| < ENUM: "enum" >
| < EXTENDS: "extends" >
| < FALSE: "false" >
| < FINAL: "final" >
| < FINALLY: "finally" >
| < FLOAT: "float" >
| < FOR: "for" >
| < GOTO: "goto" >
| < IF: "if" >
| < IMPLEMENTS: "implements" >
| < IMPORT: "import" >
| < INSTANCEOF: "instanceof" >
| < INT: "int" >
| < INTERFACE: "interface" >
| < LONG: "long" >
| < NATIVE: "native" >
| < NEW: "new" >
| < NULL: "null" >
| < PACKAGE: "package">
| < PRIVATE: "private" >
| < PROTECTED: "protected" >
| < PUBLIC: "public" >
| < RETURN: "return" >
| < SHORT: "short" >
| < STATIC: "static" >
| < STRICTFP: "strictfp" >
| < SUPER: "super" >
| < SWITCH: "switch" >
| < SYNCHRONIZED: "synchronized" >
| < THIS: "this" >
| < THROW: "throw" >
| < THROWS: "throws" >
| < TRANSIENT: "transient" >
| < TRUE: "true" >
| < TRY: "try" >
| < VOID: "void" >
| < VOLATILE: "volatile" >
| < WHILE: "while" >
| (["l","L"])
| (["l","L"])
< #DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* >
< #HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ >
< #OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])* >
(["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* ()? (["f","F","d","D"])?
| "." (["0"-"9"])+ ()? (["f","F","d","D"])?
| (["0"-"9"])+ (["f","F","d","D"])?
| (["0"-"9"])+ ()? ["f","F","d","D"]
< #DECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
"0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ (".")? (["f","F","d","D"])?
| "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])* "." (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ (["f","F","d","D"])?
< #HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["p","P"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
( (~["'","\\","\n","\r"])
| ("\\"
( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
| ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
| ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]
| ("\\u"
( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])
| ("\\"
( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
| ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
| ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]
| ("\\u"
[ // all chars for which Character.isIdentifierStart is true
"\u0024", // "$"
"\u0041"-"\u005a", // "A"-"Z"
"\u005f", // "_"
"\u0061"-"\u007a", // "a"-"z"
"\ud801", //for supplementary characters suport
"\ud802", //for supplementary characters suport
[ // all chars for which Character.isIdentifierPart is true
"\u0024", // "$"
"\u0030"-"\u0039", // "0"-"9"
"\u0041"-"\u005a", // "A"-"Z"
"\u005f", // "_"
"\u0061"-"\u007a", // "a"-"z"
"\ud801", //for supplementary characters suport
"\ud802", //for supplementary characters suport
"\ud834", //for supplementary characters suport
"\udc00", //for supplementary characters suport
"\udc01", //for supplementary characters suport
"\udd7b", //for supplementary characters suport
< LPAREN: "(" >
| < RPAREN: ")" >
| < LBRACE: "{" >
| < RBRACE: "}" >
| < LBRACKET: "[" >
| < RBRACKET: "]" >
| < SEMICOLON: ";" >
| < COMMA: "," >
| < DOT: "." >
| < AT: "@" >
< ASSIGN: "=" >
| < LT: "<" >
| < BANG: "!" >
| < TILDE: "~" >
| < HOOK: "?" >
| < COLON: ":" >
| < EQ: "==" >
| < LE: "<=" >
| < GE: ">=" >
| < NE: "!=" >
| < SC_OR: "||" >
| < SC_AND: "&&" >
| < INCR: "++" >
| < DECR: "--" >
| < PLUS: "+" >
| < MINUS: "-" >
| < STAR: "*" >
| < SLASH: "/" >
| < BIT_AND: "&" >
| < BIT_OR: "|" >
| < XOR: "^" >
| < REM: "%" >
| < LSHIFT: "<<" >
| < PLUSASSIGN: "+=" >
| < MINUSASSIGN: "-=" >
| < STARASSIGN: "*=" >
| < SLASHASSIGN: "/=" >
| < ANDASSIGN: "&=" >
| < ORASSIGN: "|=" >
| < XORASSIGN: "^=" >
| < REMASSIGN: "%=" >
| < LSHIFTASSIGN: "<<=" >
| < ELLIPSIS: "..." >
/* >'s need special attention due to generics syntax. */
matchedToken.kind = GT;
((Token.GTToken)matchedToken).realKind = RUNSIGNEDSHIFT;
| < RSIGNEDSHIFT: ">>" >
matchedToken.kind = GT;
((Token.GTToken)matchedToken).realKind = RSIGNEDSHIFT;
| < GT: ">" >
* Program structuring syntax follows.
CompilationUnit CompilationUnit():
PackageDeclaration pakage = null;
List imports = null;
ImportDeclaration in = null;
List types = null;
TypeDeclaration tn = null;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
[ LOOKAHEAD(PackageDeclaration()) pakage = PackageDeclaration() {line = pakage.getLine(); column = pakage.getColumn();} ]
( in = ImportDeclaration() { if(line==-1){line = in.getLine(); column = in.getColumn();} imports = add(imports, in); } )*
( tn = TypeDeclaration() { if(line==-1){line = tn.getLine(); column = tn.getColumn();} types = add(types, tn); } )*
( | "\u001A" /** ctrl+z char **/)
{ return new CompilationUnit(line == -1 ? 0 : line, column, pakage, imports, types); }
PackageDeclaration PackageDeclaration():
List annotations = null;
AnnotationExpr ann;
NameExpr name;
int line;
int column;
( ann = Annotation() { annotations = add(annotations, ann); } )*
"package" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} name = Name() ";"
{ return new PackageDeclaration(line, column, annotations, name); }
ImportDeclaration ImportDeclaration():
NameExpr name;
boolean isStatic = false;
boolean isAsterisk = false;
int line;
int column;
"import" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ "static" { isStatic = true; } ] name = Name() [ "." "*" { isAsterisk = true; } ] ";"
{ return new ImportDeclaration(line, column, name, isStatic, isAsterisk); }
* Modifiers. We match all modifiers in a single rule to reduce the chances of
* syntax errors for simple modifier mistakes. It will also enable us to give
* better error messages.
Modifier Modifiers():
int modifiers = 0;
List annotations = null;
AnnotationExpr ann;
"public" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.PUBLIC, token); }
"static" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.STATIC, token); }
"protected" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.PROTECTED, token); }
"private" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.PRIVATE, token); }
"final" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.FINAL, token); }
"abstract" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.ABSTRACT, token); }
"synchronized" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.SYNCHRONIZED, token); }
"native" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.NATIVE, token); }
"transient" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.TRANSIENT, token); }
"volatile" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.VOLATILE, token); }
"strictfp" { modifiers = ModifierSet.addModifier(modifiers, ModifierSet.STRICTFP, token); }
ann = Annotation() { annotations = add(annotations, ann); }
return new Modifier(modifiers, annotations);
* Declaration syntax follows.
TypeDeclaration TypeDeclaration():
Modifier modifier;
TypeDeclaration ret;
";" { return new EmptyTypeDeclaration(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
modifier = Modifiers()
ret = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier)
ret = EnumDeclaration(modifier)
ret = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier)
{ return ret; }
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
boolean isInterface = false;
String name;
List typePar = null;
List extList = null;
List impList = null;
List members;
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
( "class" | "interface" { isInterface = true; } ) {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
{ name = token.image; }
[ typePar = TypeParameters() ]
[ extList = ExtendsList(isInterface) ]
[ impList = ImplementsList(isInterface) ]
members = ClassOrInterfaceBody(isInterface)
{ return new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(line, column, modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, isInterface, name, typePar, extList, impList, members); }
List ExtendsList(boolean isInterface):
boolean extendsMoreThanOne = false;
List ret = new LinkedList();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"extends" cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "," cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); extendsMoreThanOne = true; } )*
if (extendsMoreThanOne && !isInterface)
throw new ParseException(token, "A class cannot extend more than one other class");
{ return ret; }
List ImplementsList(boolean isInterface):
List ret = new LinkedList();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"implements" cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "," cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); } )*
if (isInterface)
throw new ParseException(token, "An interface cannot implement other interfaces");
{ return ret; }
EnumDeclaration EnumDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
String name;
List impList = null;
EnumConstantDeclaration entry;
List entries = null;
BodyDeclaration member;
List members = null;
int line;
int column;
"enum" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} { name = token.image; }
[ impList = ImplementsList(false) ]
{ entries = new LinkedList(); }
entry = EnumConstant() { entries.add(entry); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," entry = EnumConstant() { entries.add(entry); } )*
[ "," ]
( ";" ( member = ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(false) { members = add(members, member); } )* )
{ return new EnumDeclaration(line, column, modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, name, impList, entries, members); }
EnumConstantDeclaration EnumConstant():
List annotations = null;
AnnotationExpr ann;
String name;
List args = null;
List classBody = null;
int line;
int column;
( ann = Annotation() { annotations = add(annotations, ann); } )*
{ name = token.image; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ args = Arguments() ] [ classBody = ClassOrInterfaceBody(false) ]
{ return new EnumConstantDeclaration(line, column, annotations, name, args, classBody); }
List TypeParameters():
List ret = new LinkedList();
TypeParameter tp;
"<" tp = TypeParameter() { ret.add(tp); }
( "," tp = TypeParameter() { ret.add(tp); } )* ">"
{ return ret; }
TypeParameter TypeParameter():
String name;
List typeBound = null;
int line;
int column;
{ name = token.image; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ typeBound = TypeBound() ]
{ return new TypeParameter(line, column, name, typeBound); }
List TypeBound():
List ret = new LinkedList();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"extends" cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "&" cit = ClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); } )*
{ return ret; }
List ClassOrInterfaceBody(boolean isInterface):
List ret = new LinkedList();
BodyDeclaration member;
"{" ( member = ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(isInterface) { ret.add(member); } )* "}"
{ return ret; }
BodyDeclaration ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(boolean isInterface):
boolean isNestedInterface = false;
Modifier modifier;
BodyDeclaration ret;
ret = Initializer()
if (isInterface)
throw new ParseException(token, "An interface cannot have initializers");
modifier = Modifiers() // Just get all the modifiers out of the way. If you want to do
// more checks, pass the modifiers down to the member
ret = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier)
ret = EnumDeclaration(modifier)
ret = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier)
LOOKAHEAD( [ TypeParameters() ] "(" )
ret = ConstructorDeclaration(modifier)
LOOKAHEAD( Type() ( "[" "]" )* ( "," | "=" | ";" ) )
ret = FieldDeclaration(modifier)
ret = MethodDeclaration(modifier)
";" { ret = new EmptyMemberDeclaration(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
{ return ret; }
FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
Type type;
List variables = new LinkedList();
VariableDeclarator val;
// Modifiers are already matched in the caller
type = Type()
val = VariableDeclarator() { variables.add(val); }
( "," val = VariableDeclarator() { variables.add(val); } )* ";"
{ return new FieldDeclaration(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, type, variables); }
VariableDeclarator VariableDeclarator():
VariableDeclaratorId id;
Expression init = null;
id = VariableDeclaratorId() [ "=" init = VariableInitializer() ]
{ return new VariableDeclarator(id.getLine(), id.getColumn(), id, init); }
VariableDeclaratorId VariableDeclaratorId():
String name;
int arrayCount = 0;
int line;
int column;
{ name = token.image; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ( "[" "]" { arrayCount++; } )*
{ return new VariableDeclaratorId(line, column, name, arrayCount); }
Expression VariableInitializer():
Expression ret;
ret = ArrayInitializer()
ret = Expression()
{ return ret;}
ArrayInitializerExpr ArrayInitializer():
List values = null;
Expression val;
int line;
int column;
"{" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ val = VariableInitializer() { values = add(values, val); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," val = VariableInitializer() { values = add(values, val); } )* ] [ "," ] "}"
{ return new ArrayInitializerExpr(line, column, values); }
MethodDeclaration MethodDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
List typeParameters = null;
Type type;
String name;
List parameters;
int arrayCount = 0;
List throws_ = null;
BlockStmt block = null;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
// Modifiers already matched in the caller!
[ typeParameters = TypeParameters() {line=((TypeParameter)typeParameters.get(0)).getLine(); column=((TypeParameter)typeParameters.get(0)).getColumn();} ]
type = ResultType() { if(line==-1){line=type.getLine(); column=type.getColumn();}}
{ name = token.image; } parameters = FormalParameters() ( "[" "]" { arrayCount++; } )*
[ "throws" throws_ = NameList() ]
( block = Block() | ";" )
{ return new MethodDeclaration(line, column, modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, typeParameters, type, name, parameters, arrayCount, throws_, block); }
List FormalParameters():
List ret = null;
Parameter par;
"(" [ par = FormalParameter() { ret = add(ret, par); } ( "," par = FormalParameter() { ret = add(ret, par); } )* ] ")"
{ return ret; }
Parameter FormalParameter():
Modifier modifier;
Type type;
boolean isVarArg = false;
VariableDeclaratorId id;
modifier = Modifiers() type = Type() [ "..." { isVarArg = true;} ] id = VariableDeclaratorId()
{ return new Parameter(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, type, isVarArg, id); }
ConstructorDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
List typeParameters = null;
String name;
List parameters;
List throws_ = null;
ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt exConsInv = null;
List stmts;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
int bLine = 0;
int bColumn = 0;
[ typeParameters = TypeParameters() {line=((TypeParameter)typeParameters.get(0)).getLine(); column=((TypeParameter)typeParameters.get(0)).getColumn();} ]
// Modifiers matched in the caller
{ name = token.image; if(line==-1){line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}} parameters = FormalParameters() [ "throws" throws_ = NameList() ]
"{" { bLine=token.beginLine; bColumn=token.beginColumn; }
[ LOOKAHEAD(ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) exConsInv = ExplicitConstructorInvocation() ]
stmts = Statements()
if (exConsInv != null) {
if (stmts == null) {
stmts = new LinkedList();
stmts.add(0, exConsInv);
return new ConstructorDeclaration(line, column, modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, typeParameters, name, parameters, throws_, new BlockStmt(bLine, bColumn, stmts));
ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt ExplicitConstructorInvocation():
boolean isThis = false;
List args;
Expression expr = null;
List typeArgs = null;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
LOOKAHEAD([ TypeArguments() ] "this" "(")
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() {line=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getLine(); column=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getColumn();} ]
"this" { if (line == -1) {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} isThis = true; }
args = Arguments() ";"
LOOKAHEAD( PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix() "." )
expr = PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix() "."
{ line=expr.getLine(); column=expr.getColumn(); }
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() {if (line == -1) {line=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getLine(); column=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getColumn();}} ]
"super" {if (line == -1) {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}}
args = Arguments() ";"
{ return new ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt(line, column, typeArgs, isThis, expr, args); }
List Statements():
List ret = null;
Statement stmt;
( stmt = BlockStatement() { ret = add(ret, stmt); } )*
{ return ret; }
InitializerDeclaration Initializer():
BlockStmt block;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
[ "static" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ] block = Block() {if(line==-1){line=block.getLine(); column=block.getColumn();}}
{ return new InitializerDeclaration(line, column, block); }
* Type, name and expression syntax follows.
Type Type():
Type ret;
LOOKAHEAD(2) ret = ReferenceType()
ret = PrimitiveType()
{ return ret; }
ReferenceType ReferenceType():
Type type;
int arrayCount = 0;
type = PrimitiveType() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" { arrayCount++; } )+
type = ClassOrInterfaceType() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" { arrayCount++; } )*
{ return new ReferenceType(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), type, arrayCount); }
ClassOrInterfaceType ClassOrInterfaceType():
ClassOrInterfaceType ret;
String name;
List typeArgs = null;
int line;
int column;
{line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} { name = token.image; }
[ LOOKAHEAD(2) typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
{ ret = new ClassOrInterfaceType(line, column, null, name, typeArgs); }
LOOKAHEAD(2) "." { name = token.image; }
[ LOOKAHEAD(2) typeArgs = TypeArguments() ] { ret = new ClassOrInterfaceType(line, column, ret, name, typeArgs); }
{ return ret; }
List TypeArguments():
List ret = new LinkedList();
Type type;
"<" type = TypeArgument() { ret.add(type); } ( "," type = TypeArgument() { ret.add(type); } )* ">"
{ return ret; }
Type TypeArgument():
Type ret;
ret = ReferenceType()
ret = Wildcard()
{ return ret; }
WildcardType Wildcard():
ReferenceType ext = null;
ReferenceType sup = null;
int line;
int column;
"?" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
"extends" ext = ReferenceType()
"super" sup = ReferenceType()
{ return new WildcardType(line, column, ext, sup); }
PrimitiveType PrimitiveType():
PrimitiveType ret;
"boolean" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Boolean); }
"char" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Char); }
"byte" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Byte); }
"short" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Short); }
"int" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Int); }
"long" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Long); }
"float" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Float); }
"double" { ret = new PrimitiveType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, PrimitiveType.Primitive.Double); }
{ return ret; }
Type ResultType():
Type ret;
"void" { ret = new VoidType(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
ret = Type()
{ return ret; }
NameExpr Name():
* A lookahead of 2 is required below since "Name" can be followed
* by a ".*" when used in the context of an "ImportDeclaration".
NameExpr ret;
{ ret = new NameExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image); }
( LOOKAHEAD(2) "." { ret = new QualifiedNameExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, ret, token.image); } )*
{ return ret; }
List NameList():
List ret = new LinkedList();
NameExpr name;
name = Name() { ret.add(name); } ( "," name = Name() { ret.add(name); } )*
{ return ret; }
* Expression syntax follows.
Expression Expression():
* This expansion has been written this way instead of:
* Assignment() | ConditionalExpression()
* for performance reasons.
* However, it is a weakening of the grammar for it allows the LHS of
* assignments to be any conditional expression whereas it can only be
* a primary expression. Consider adding a semantic predicate to work
* around this.
Expression ret;
AssignExpr.Operator op;
Expression value;
ret = ConditionalExpression()
op = AssignmentOperator() value = Expression() { ret = new AssignExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, value, op); }
{ return ret; }
AssignExpr.Operator AssignmentOperator():
AssignExpr.Operator ret;
"=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.assign; }
| "*=" { ret =; }
| "/=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.slash; }
| "%=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.rem; }
| "+=" { ret =; }
| "-=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.minus; }
| "<<=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.lShift; }
| ">>=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.rSignedShift; }
| ">>>=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.rUnsignedShift; }
| "&=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.and; }
| "^=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.xor; }
| "|=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.or; }
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression left;
Expression right;
ret = ConditionalOrExpression() [ "?" left = Expression() ":" right = Expression() { ret = new ConditionalExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, left, right); } ]
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = ConditionalAndExpression() ( "||" right = ConditionalAndExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.or); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalAndExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = InclusiveOrExpression() ( "&&" right = InclusiveOrExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.and); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression InclusiveOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = ExclusiveOrExpression() ( "|" right = ExclusiveOrExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.binOr); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression ExclusiveOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = AndExpression() ( "^" right = AndExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.xor); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression AndExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = EqualityExpression() ( "&" right = EqualityExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.binAnd); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression EqualityExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = InstanceOfExpression()
( "==" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.equals; } |
"!=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.notEquals; }
) right = InstanceOfExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression InstanceOfExpression():
Expression ret;
Type type;
ret = RelationalExpression() [ "instanceof" type = Type() { ret = new InstanceOfExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, type); } ]
{ return ret; }
Expression RelationalExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = ShiftExpression()
( "<" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.less; } |
">" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.greater; } |
"<=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.lessEquals; } |
">=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.greaterEquals; }
) right = ShiftExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression ShiftExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = AdditiveExpression()
( "<<" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.lShift; } |
RSIGNEDSHIFT() { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.rSignedShift; } |
RUNSIGNEDSHIFT() { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.rUnsignedShift; }
) right = AdditiveExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression AdditiveExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = MultiplicativeExpression()
( "+" { op =; } |
"-" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.minus; }
) right = MultiplicativeExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression MultiplicativeExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = UnaryExpression()
( "*" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.times; } |
"/" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.divide; } |
"%" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.remainder; }
) right = UnaryExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn(), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression UnaryExpression():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
( "+" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.positive; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} |
"-" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.negative; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
) ret = UnaryExpression()
if(op == UnaryExpr.Operator.negative) {
if (ret instanceof IntegerLiteralExpr && ((IntegerLiteralExpr)ret).isMinValue()) {
ret = new IntegerLiteralMinValueExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn());
} else if (ret instanceof LongLiteralExpr && ((LongLiteralExpr)ret).isMinValue()) {
ret = new LongLiteralMinValueExpr(ret.getLine(), ret.getColumn());
} else {
ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, op);
} else {
ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, op);
ret = PreIncrementExpression()
ret = PreDecrementExpression()
ret = UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus()
{ return ret; }
Expression PreIncrementExpression():
Expression ret;
int line;
int column;
"++" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ret = PrimaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, UnaryExpr.Operator.preIncrement); }
{ return ret; }
Expression PreDecrementExpression():
Expression ret;
int line;
int column;
"--" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ret = PrimaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, UnaryExpr.Operator.preDecrement); }
{ return ret; }
Expression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
( "~" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.inverse; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} |
"!" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.not; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
) ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, op); }
LOOKAHEAD( CastLookahead() )
ret = CastExpression()
ret = PostfixExpression()
{ return ret; }
// This production is to determine lookahead only. The LOOKAHEAD specifications
// below are not used, but they are there just to indicate that we know about
// this.
void CastLookahead():
LOOKAHEAD("(" Type() "[")
"(" Type() "[" "]"
"(" Type() ")" UnaryExpression()
Expression PostfixExpression():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
ret = PrimaryExpression()
( "++" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.posIncrement; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} |
"--" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.posDecrement; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
) { ret = new UnaryExpr(line, column, ret, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression CastExpression():
Expression ret;
Type type;
int line;
int column;
"(" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} type = Type() ")" ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new CastExpr(line, column, type, ret); }
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression inner;
ret = PrimaryPrefix() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ret = PrimarySuffix(ret) )*
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix():
Expression ret;
Expression inner;
ret = PrimaryPrefix() ( LOOKAHEAD( PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(null) ) ret = PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(ret) )*
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryPrefix():
Expression ret;
String name;
List typeArgs = null;
List args = null;
boolean hasArgs = false;
Type type;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
ret = Literal()
"this" { ret = new ThisExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, null); }
"super" { ret = new SuperExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, null); }
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() {line=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getLine(); column=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getColumn();} ]
{ name = token.image; if (line==-1) { line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn; } }
[ args = Arguments() {hasArgs=true;} ]
ret = hasArgs
? new MethodCallExpr(line, column, ret, typeArgs, name, args)
: new FieldAccessExpr(line, column, ret, null, name);
"(" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ret = Expression() ")" { ret = new EnclosedExpr(line, column, ret); }
ret = AllocationExpression(null)
LOOKAHEAD( ResultType() "." "class" )
type = ResultType() "." "class" { ret = new ClassExpr(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), type); }
{ name = token.image; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn; }
[ args = Arguments() {hasArgs=true;} ]
ret = hasArgs
? new MethodCallExpr(line, column, null, null, name, args)
: new NameExpr(line, column, name);
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimarySuffix(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
ret = PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(scope)
"." "super" { ret = new SuperExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, scope); }
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
List typeArgs = null;
List args = null;
boolean hasArgs = false;
String name;
int line = -1;
int column = 0;
"this" { ret = new ThisExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, scope); }
ret = AllocationExpression(scope)
LOOKAHEAD( [ TypeArguments() ] )
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() {line=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getLine(); column=((Type)typeArgs.get(0)).getColumn();} ]
{ name = token.image; if (line==-1) { line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn; } }
[ args = Arguments() {hasArgs=true;} ]
ret = hasArgs
? new MethodCallExpr(line, column, scope, typeArgs, name, args)
: new FieldAccessExpr(line, column, scope, typeArgs, name);
"[" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} ret = Expression() "]" { ret = new ArrayAccessExpr(line, column, scope, ret); }
{ return ret; }
Expression Literal():
Expression ret;
ret = new IntegerLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image);
ret = new LongLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image);
ret = new DoubleLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image);
ret = new CharLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image.substring(1, token.image.length()-1));
ret = new StringLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, token.image.substring(1, token.image.length()-1));
ret = BooleanLiteral()
ret = NullLiteral()
{ return ret; }
Expression BooleanLiteral():
Expression ret;
"true" { ret = new BooleanLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, Boolean.TRUE); }
"false" { ret = new BooleanLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn, Boolean.FALSE); }
{ return ret; }
Expression NullLiteral():
{ return new NullLiteralExpr(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
List Arguments():
List ret = null;
"(" [ ret = ArgumentList() ] ")"
{ return ret; }
List ArgumentList():
List ret = new LinkedList();
Expression expr;
expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } ( "," expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression AllocationExpression(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
Type type;
Object[] arr = null;
List typeArgs = null;
List anonymousBody = null;
List args;
int line;
int column;
"new" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
type = PrimitiveType() arr = ArrayDimsAndInits()
if (arr[0] instanceof Integer) {
ret = new ArrayCreationExpr(line, column, type, null, ((Integer)arr[0]).intValue(), (ArrayInitializerExpr)arr[1]);
} else {
ret = new ArrayCreationExpr(line, column, type, null, (List)arr[0], ((Integer)arr[1]).intValue());
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
type = ClassOrInterfaceType()
arr = ArrayDimsAndInits()
if (arr[0] instanceof Integer) {
ret = new ArrayCreationExpr(line, column, type, typeArgs, ((Integer)arr[0]).intValue(), (ArrayInitializerExpr)arr[1]);
} else {
ret = new ArrayCreationExpr(line, column, type, typeArgs, (List)arr[0], ((Integer)arr[1]).intValue());
args = Arguments() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) anonymousBody = ClassOrInterfaceBody(false) ]
{ ret = new ObjectCreationExpr(line, column, scope, (ClassOrInterfaceType) type, typeArgs, args, anonymousBody); }
{ return ret; }
* The third LOOKAHEAD specification below is to parse to PrimarySuffix
* if there is an expression between the "[...]".
Object[] ArrayDimsAndInits():
Object[] ret = new Object[2];
Expression expr;
List inits = null;
int i = 0;
( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" expr = Expression() { inits = add(inits, expr); } "]" )+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" { i++; } )* { ret[0] = inits; ret[1] = new Integer(i); }
( "[" "]" { i++; } )+ expr = ArrayInitializer() { ret[0] = new Integer(i); ret[1] = expr; }
{ return ret; }
* Statement syntax follows.
Statement Statement():
Statement ret;
ret = LabeledStatement()
ret = AssertStatement()
ret = Block()
ret = EmptyStatement()
ret = StatementExpression()
ret = SwitchStatement()
ret = IfStatement()
ret = WhileStatement()
ret = DoStatement()
ret = ForStatement()
ret = BreakStatement()
ret = ContinueStatement()
ret = ReturnStatement()
ret = ThrowStatement()
ret = SynchronizedStatement()
ret = TryStatement()
{ return ret; }
AssertStmt AssertStatement():
Expression check;
Expression msg = null;
int line;
int column;
"assert" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} check = Expression() [ ":" msg = Expression() ] ";"
{ return new AssertStmt(line, column, check, msg); }
LabeledStmt LabeledStatement():
String label;
Statement stmt;
int line;
int column;
{line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} { label = token.image; } ":" stmt = Statement()
{ return new LabeledStmt(line, column, label, stmt); }
BlockStmt Block():
List stmts;
int line;
int column;
"{" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} stmts = Statements() "}"
{ return new BlockStmt(line, column, stmts); }
* Classes inside block stametents can only be abstract or final. The semantic must check it.
Statement BlockStatement():
Statement ret;
Expression expr;
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration typeDecl;
Modifier modifier;
LOOKAHEAD( Modifiers() ("class" | "interface") )
modifier = Modifiers()
typeDecl = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier) { ret = new TypeDeclarationStmt(typeDecl.getLine(), typeDecl.getColumn(), typeDecl); }
LOOKAHEAD(VariableDeclarationExpression() )
expr = VariableDeclarationExpression() { ret = new ExpressionStmt(expr.getLine(), expr.getColumn(), expr); } ";"
ret = Statement()
{ return ret; }
VariableDeclarationExpr VariableDeclarationExpression():
Modifier modifier;
Type type;
List vars = new LinkedList();
VariableDeclarator var;
modifier = Modifiers() type = Type() var = VariableDeclarator() { vars.add(var); } ( "," var = VariableDeclarator() { vars.add(var); } )*
{ return new VariableDeclarationExpr(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, type, vars); }
EmptyStmt EmptyStatement():
{ return new EmptyStmt(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
ExpressionStmt StatementExpression():
* The last expansion of this production accepts more than the legal
* Java expansions for StatementExpression. This expansion does not
* use PostfixExpression for performance reasons.
Expression expr;
AssignExpr.Operator op;
Expression value;
expr = PreIncrementExpression()
expr = PreDecrementExpression()
expr = PrimaryExpression()
"++" { expr = new UnaryExpr(expr.getLine(), expr.getColumn(), expr, UnaryExpr.Operator.posIncrement); }
"--" { expr = new UnaryExpr(expr.getLine(), expr.getColumn(), expr, UnaryExpr.Operator.posDecrement); }
op = AssignmentOperator() value = Expression() { expr = new AssignExpr(expr.getLine(), expr.getColumn(), expr, value, op); }
{ return new ExpressionStmt(expr.getLine(), expr.getColumn(), expr); }
SwitchStmt SwitchStatement():
Expression selector;
SwitchEntryStmt entry;
List entries = null;
int line;
int column;
"switch" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "(" selector = Expression() ")" "{"
( entry = SwitchEntry() { entries = add(entries, entry); } )*
{ return new SwitchStmt(line, column, selector, entries); }
SwitchEntryStmt SwitchEntry():
Expression label = null;
List stmts;
int line;
int column;
"case" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} label = Expression()
"default" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
":" stmts = Statements()
{ return new SwitchEntryStmt(line, column, label, stmts); }
IfStmt IfStatement():
* The disambiguating algorithm of JavaCC automatically binds dangling
* else's to the innermost if statement. The LOOKAHEAD specification
* is to tell JavaCC that we know what we are doing.
Expression condition;
Statement thenStmt;
Statement elseStmt = null;
int line;
int column;
"if" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "(" condition = Expression() ")" thenStmt = Statement() [ LOOKAHEAD(1) "else" elseStmt = Statement() ]
{ return new IfStmt(line, column, condition, thenStmt, elseStmt); }
WhileStmt WhileStatement():
Expression condition;
Statement body;
int line;
int column;
"while" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "(" condition = Expression() ")" body = Statement()
{ return new WhileStmt(line, column, condition, body); }
DoStmt DoStatement():
Expression condition;
Statement body;
int line;
int column;
"do" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} body = Statement() "while" "(" condition = Expression() ")" ";"
{ return new DoStmt(line, column, body, condition); }
Statement ForStatement():
String id = null;
VariableDeclarationExpr varExpr = null;
Expression expr = null;
List init = null;
List update = null;
Statement body;
int line;
int column;
"for" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "("
LOOKAHEAD(VariableDeclarationExpression() ":")
varExpr = VariableDeclarationExpression() ":" expr = Expression()
[ init = ForInit() ] ";" [ expr = Expression() ] ";" [ update = ForUpdate() ]
")" body = Statement()
if (varExpr != null) {
return new ForeachStmt(line, column, varExpr, expr, body);
return new ForStmt(line, column, init, expr, update, body);
List ForInit():
List ret;
Expression expr;
LOOKAHEAD( Modifiers() Type() )
expr = VariableDeclarationExpression() { ret = new LinkedList(); ret.add(expr); }
ret = ExpressionList()
{ return ret; }
List ExpressionList():
List ret = new LinkedList();
Expression expr;
expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } ( "," expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } )*
{ return ret; }
List ForUpdate():
List ret;
ret = ExpressionList()
{ return ret; }
BreakStmt BreakStatement():
String id = null;
int line;
int column;
"break" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ { id = token.image; } ] ";"
{ return new BreakStmt(line, column, id); }
ContinueStmt ContinueStatement():
String id = null;
int line;
int column;
"continue" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ { id = token.image; } ] ";"
{ return new ContinueStmt(line, column, id); }
ReturnStmt ReturnStatement():
Expression expr = null;
int line;
int column;
"return" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} [ expr = Expression() ] ";"
{ return new ReturnStmt(line, column, expr); }
ThrowStmt ThrowStatement():
Expression expr;
int line;
int column;
"throw" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} expr = Expression() ";"
{ return new ThrowStmt(line, column, expr); }
SynchronizedStmt SynchronizedStatement():
Expression expr;
BlockStmt block;
int line;
int column;
"synchronized" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "(" expr = Expression() ")" block = Block()
{ return new SynchronizedStmt(line, column, expr, block); }
TryStmt TryStatement():
* Semantic check required here to make sure that at least one
* finally/catch is present.
BlockStmt tryBlock;
BlockStmt finallyBlock = null;
List catchs = null;
Parameter except;
BlockStmt catchBlock;
int line;
int column;
int cLine;
int cColumn;
"try" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} tryBlock = Block()
"catch" {cLine=token.beginLine; cColumn=token.beginColumn;}
"(" except = FormalParameter() ")" catchBlock = Block()
{ catchs = add(catchs, new CatchClause(cLine, cColumn, except, catchBlock)); }
[ "finally" finallyBlock = Block() ]
"finally" finallyBlock = Block()
{ return new TryStmt(line, column, tryBlock, catchs, finallyBlock); }
/* We use productions to match >>>, >> and > so that we can keep the
* type declaration syntax with generics clean
( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT &&
((Token.GTToken)getToken(1)).realKind == RUNSIGNEDSHIFT} )
">" ">" ">"
( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT &&
((Token.GTToken)getToken(1)).realKind == RSIGNEDSHIFT} )
">" ">"
/* Annotation syntax follows. */
AnnotationExpr Annotation():
AnnotationExpr ret;
LOOKAHEAD( "@" Name() "(" ( "=" | ")" ))
ret = NormalAnnotation()
LOOKAHEAD( "@" Name() "(" )
ret = SingleMemberAnnotation()
ret = MarkerAnnotation()
{ return ret; }
NormalAnnotationExpr NormalAnnotation():
NameExpr name;
List pairs = null;
int line;
int column;
"@" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} name = Name() "(" [ pairs = MemberValuePairs() ] ")"
{ return new NormalAnnotationExpr(line, column, name, pairs); }
MarkerAnnotationExpr MarkerAnnotation():
NameExpr name;
int line;
int column;
"@" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} name = Name()
{ return new MarkerAnnotationExpr(line, column, name); }
SingleMemberAnnotationExpr SingleMemberAnnotation():
NameExpr name;
Expression memberVal;
int line;
int column;
"@" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} name = Name() "(" memberVal = MemberValue() ")"
{ return new SingleMemberAnnotationExpr(line, column, name, memberVal); }
List MemberValuePairs():
List ret = new LinkedList();
MemberValuePair pair;
pair = MemberValuePair() { ret.add(pair); } ( "," pair = MemberValuePair() { ret.add(pair); } )*
{ return ret; }
MemberValuePair MemberValuePair():
String name;
Expression value;
int line;
int column;
{ name = token.image; line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "=" value = MemberValue()
{ return new MemberValuePair(line, column, name, value); }
Expression MemberValue():
Expression ret;
ret = Annotation()
ret = MemberValueArrayInitializer()
ret = ConditionalExpression()
{ return ret; }
Expression MemberValueArrayInitializer():
List ret = new LinkedList();
Expression member;
int line;
int column;
"{" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;}
( member = MemberValue() { ret.add(member); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," member = MemberValue() { ret.add(member); } )* )? [ "," ]
{ return new ArrayInitializerExpr(line, column, ret); }
/* Annotation Types. */
AnnotationDeclaration AnnotationTypeDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
String name;
List members;
int line;
int column;
"@" {line=token.beginLine; column=token.beginColumn;} "interface" { name = token.image; } members = AnnotationTypeBody()
{ return new AnnotationDeclaration(line, column, modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, name, members); }
List AnnotationTypeBody():
List ret = null;
BodyDeclaration member;
"{" ( member = AnnotationBodyDeclaration() { ret = add(ret, member); } )* "}"
{ return ret; }
BodyDeclaration AnnotationBodyDeclaration():
Modifier modifier;
BodyDeclaration ret;
modifier = Modifiers()
LOOKAHEAD(Type() "(")
ret = AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(modifier)
ret = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier)
ret = EnumDeclaration(modifier)
ret = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier)
ret = FieldDeclaration(modifier)
";" { ret = new EmptyTypeDeclaration(token.beginLine, token.beginColumn); }
{ return ret; }
AnnotationMemberDeclaration AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(Modifier modifier):
Type type;
String name;
Expression defaultVal = null;
type = Type() { name = token.image; } "(" ")" [ defaultVal = DefaultValue() ] ";"
{ return new AnnotationMemberDeclaration(type.getLine(), type.getColumn(), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, type, name, defaultVal); }
Expression DefaultValue():
Expression ret;
"default" ret = MemberValue()
{ return ret; }