extra.orx-rabbit-control.0.4.5-alpha6.source-code.RabbitControlServer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.google.zxing.BarcodeFormat
import com.google.zxing.qrcode.QRCodeWriter
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.http.content.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import org.openrndr.Extension
import org.openrndr.Program
import org.openrndr.color.ColorRGBa
import org.openrndr.draw.*
import org.openrndr.extra.compositor.*
import org.openrndr.extra.fx.blend.Darken
import org.openrndr.extra.imageFit.FitMethod
import org.openrndr.extra.imageFit.imageFit
import org.openrndr.extra.parameters.Parameter
import org.openrndr.extra.parameters.ParameterType
import org.openrndr.extra.parameters.listParameters
import org.openrndr.math.Vector2
import org.openrndr.math.Vector3
import org.openrndr.math.Vector4
import org.openrndr.math.mix
import org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.RCPServer
import org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.model.interfaces.IParameter
import org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.model.parameter.*
import org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.transport.websocket.server.RabbitHoleWsServerTransporterNetty
import org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.transport.websocket.server.WebsocketServerTransporterNetty
import java.awt.Color
import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import java.net.Socket
import java.net.URI
import java.net.URISyntaxException
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty1
class RabbitControlServer(private val showQRUntilClientConnects: Boolean = true, rcpPort: Int =
10000, staticFilesPort: Int = 8080, rabbithole: String = "") : Extension {
private val rabbitServer = RCPServer()
private val transporter = WebsocketServerTransporterNetty()
private var rabbitholeTransporter: RabbitHoleWsServerTransporterNetty? = null
private var webServer: NettyApplicationEngine? = null
private var parameterMap = mutableMapOf>()
private var qrCodeImage: ColorBuffer? = null
private var qrOverlayComposition: Composite? = null
* Animate the opacity to make it look smooooth
private var currentOpacity = 0.0
private val targetOpacity: Double
get() = if (shouldShowQR) 0.8 else 0.0
private val shouldShowQR
get() = (rabbitServer.connectionCount == 0 && showQRUntilClientConnects) || showQRCode
* Used to manually show and hide the QR code and override the default
* behaviour of (only) showing the code when no clients are connected
var showQRCode = false
init {
* add rabbithole transporter
if (rabbithole.isNotEmpty()) {
try {
val rhlTransporter = RabbitHoleWsServerTransporterNetty(URI(rabbithole))
rabbitholeTransporter = rhlTransporter
} catch (e: URISyntaxException) {
println("invalid URI for rabbithole: $rabbithole")
* Start KTOR to serve the static files of the RabbitControl client
val server = embeddedServer(Netty, port = staticFilesPort) {
routing {
static("/rabbit-client") {
webServer = server
* Print the address
val socket = Socket()
socket.connect(InetSocketAddress("google.com", 80))
val ip = socket.localAddress.toString().replace("/", "")
val clientUrlWithHash = "http://$ip:$staticFilesPort/rabbit-client/index.html#$ip:$rcpPort"
qrCodeImage = getQRCodeImage(barcodeText = clientUrlWithHash)
println("RabbitControl Web Client: $clientUrlWithHash")
* Update the object when it has been updated in RabbitControl
rabbitServer.setUpdateListener {
val (obj, orxParameter) = parameterMap[it]!!
when(it) {
is Int32Parameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, v)
is Float64Parameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, v)
is BooleanParameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, v)
is StringParameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, v)
is RGBAParameter -> {
val c = it.value
val cc = ColorRGBa(c.red.toDouble() / 255.0, c.green.toDouble() / 255.0, c.blue.toDouble() / 255.0, c.alpha.toDouble() / 255.0)
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, cc)
is Vector2Float32Parameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, Vector2(v.x.toDouble(), v.y.toDouble()))
is Vector3Float32Parameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, Vector3(v.x.toDouble(), v.y.toDouble(), v.z.toDouble()))
is Vector4Float32Parameter -> {
val v = it.value
orxParameter.property.qset(obj, Vector4(v.x.toDouble(), v.y.toDouble(), v.z.toDouble(), v.t.toDouble()))
override fun setup(program: Program) {
* Creating the Composite for the overlay needs to happen in setup(),
* as we need access to [Program.drawer]
qrOverlayComposition = compose {
layer {
draw {
program.drawer.isolated {
fill = ColorRGBa.WHITE.opacify(currentOpacity)
stroke = null
rectangle(0.0,0.0, width.toDouble(), height.toDouble())
layer {
blend(Darken()) {
clip = true
draw {
qrCodeImage?.let {
program.drawer.imageFit(it, program.width / 4.0,program.height / 4.0, program.width * .5, program.height * .5, 0.0,0.0, FitMethod.Contain)
fun add(objectWithParameters: Any) {
val parameters = objectWithParameters.listParameters()
parameters.forEach {
val rabbitParam = when (it.parameterType) {
ParameterType.Int -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createInt32Parameter(it.label)
param.value = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
ParameterType.Double -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createFloat64Parameter(it.label)
param.value = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
ParameterType.Action -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createBangParameter(it.label)
param.setFunction {
ParameterType.Boolean -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createBooleanParameter(it.label)
param.value = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
ParameterType.Text -> {
val param =rabbitServer.createStringParameter(it.label)
param.value = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
ParameterType.Color -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createRGBAParameter(it.label)
val c = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
param.value = Color(c.r.toFloat(), c.g.toFloat(), c.b.toFloat(), c.alpha.toFloat())
ParameterType.Vector2 -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createVector2Float32Parameter(it.label)
val v2 = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
param.value = org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.model.types.Vector2(v2.x.toFloat(), v2.y.toFloat())
ParameterType.Vector3 -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createVector3Float32Parameter(it.label)
val v3 = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
param.value = org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.model.types.Vector3(v3.x.toFloat(), v3.y.toFloat(), v3.z.toFloat())
ParameterType.Vector4 -> {
val param = rabbitServer.createVector4Float32Parameter(it.label)
val v4 = (it.property as KMutableProperty1).get(objectWithParameters)
param.value = org.rabbitcontrol.rcp.model.types.Vector4(v4.x.toFloat(), v4.y.toFloat(), v4.z.toFloat(), v4.w.toFloat())
else -> rabbitServer.createBangParameter(it.label)
// We need to store a mapping from Rabbit parameter to target object + orx parameter
// so we can update the object later
parameterMap[rabbitParam] = Pair(objectWithParameters, it)
override var enabled = true
override fun shutdown(program: Program) {
webServer?.stop(0, 0)
private fun getQRCodeImage(barcodeText: String): ColorBuffer {
val qrCodeWriter = QRCodeWriter()
val bitMatrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(barcodeText, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 30, 30)
val cb = colorBuffer(bitMatrix.width, bitMatrix.height)
cb.filterMag = MagnifyingFilter.NEAREST
val shad = cb.shadow
for (y in 0 until bitMatrix.width) {
for (x in 0 until bitMatrix.height) {
shad[x, y] = if (bitMatrix[x, y]) ColorRGBa.BLACK else ColorRGBa.WHITE
return cb
override fun afterDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program) {
currentOpacity = mix(targetOpacity, currentOpacity, 0.8)
// Don't draw if it isn't necessary
if (currentOpacity > 0.0) {
fun KMutableProperty1?.qset(obj: Any, value: T) {
return (this as KMutableProperty1).set(obj, value)
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