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client.js.otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidget.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.5.0
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/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see .


otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidget =
    otp.Class(otp.widgets.Widget, {

    //planTripCallback : null,
    controls : null,
    module : null,

    scrollPanel : null,

    autoPlan : false,

    initialize : function(id, module, options) {

        options = options || {};
        //TRANSLATORS: Widget title
        if(!_.has(options, 'title')) options['title'] = _tr("Travel Options");
        if(!_.has(options, 'cssClass')) options['cssClass'] = 'otp-defaultTripWidget';, id, module, options);


        //this.planTripCallback = planTripCallback;
        this.module = module;

        this.controls = {};

    addControl : function(id, control, scrollable) {

        if(scrollable) {
            if(this.scrollPanel == null) this.initScrollPanel();
        else {
").appendTo(this.$()); control.doAfterLayout(); this.controls[id] = control; }, initScrollPanel : function() { this.scrollPanel = $('
').appendTo(this.$()); this.$().resizable({ minHeight: 80, alsoResize: this.scrollPanel }); }, addSeparator : function(scrollable) { var hr = $("
") if(scrollable) { if(this.scrollPanel == null) this.initScrollPanel(); hr.appendTo(this.scrollPanel); } else { hr.appendTo(this.$()); } }, addVerticalSpace : function(pixels, scrollable) { var vSpace = $('
'); if(scrollable) { if(this.scrollPanel == null) this.initScrollPanel(); vSpace.appendTo(this.scrollPanel); } else { vSpace.appendTo(this.$()); } }, restorePlan : function(data) { if(data == null) return; for(var id in this.controls) { this.controls[id].restorePlan(data); } }, applyQueryParams : function(queryParams) { this.restorePlan({ queryParams : queryParams }); }, restoreDefaults : function(useCurrentTime) { var params = _.clone(this.module.defaultQueryParams); if(useCurrentTime) { params['date'] = moment().format(otp.config.locale.time.date_format); params['time'] = moment().format(otp.config.locale.time.time_format); } this.applyQueryParams(params); }, newItinerary : function(itin) { for(var id in this.controls) { this.controls[id].newItinerary(itin); } }, inputChanged : function(params) { if(params) _.extend(this.module, params); if(this.autoPlan) { this.module.planTrip(); } }, CLASS_NAME : "otp.widgets.TripWidget" }); //** CONTROL CLASSES **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl = otp.Class({ div : null, tripWidget : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { this.tripWidget = tripWidget; this.div = document.createElement('div'); //this.div.className() }, setContent : function(content) { this.div.innerHTML = content; }, doAfterLayout : function() { }, restorePlan : function(data) { }, newItinerary : function(itin) { }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return false; }, $ : function() { return $(this.div); } }); //** LocationsSelector **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.LocationsSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, geocoders : null, activeIndex : 0, initialize : function(tripWidget, geocoders) { console.log("init loc"); this.geocoders = geocoders; otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-locSelector"; ich['otp-tripOptions-locations']({ widgetId :, showGeocoders : (this.geocoders && this.geocoders.length > 1), geocoders : this.geocoders, //TODO: Maybe change to Start and Destination start: pgettext('template', "Start"), end: _tr("End"), geocoder: _tr("Geocoder") }).appendTo(this.$()); this.tripWidget.module.on("startChanged", $.proxy(function(latlng, name) { $("#""-start").val(name || '(' + + ', ' + latlng.lng.toFixed(5) + ')'); }, this)); this.tripWidget.module.on("endChanged", $.proxy(function(latlng, name) { $("#""-end").val(name || '(' + + ', ' + latlng.lng.toFixed(5) + ')'); }, this)); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; this.startInput = this.initInput($("#""-start"), this.tripWidget.module.setStartPoint); this.endInput = this.initInput($("#""-end"), this.tripWidget.module.setEndPoint); $("#""-startDropdown").click($.proxy(function() { $("#""-start").autocomplete("widget").show(); }, this)); $("#""-endDropdown").click($.proxy(function() { $("#""-end").autocomplete("widget").show(); }, this)); $("#""-reverseButton").click($.proxy(function() { var module = this.tripWidget.module; var startLatLng = module.startLatLng, startName = module.startName; var endLatLng = module.endLatLng, endName = module.endName; module.clearTrip(); module.setStartPoint(endLatLng, false, endName); module.setEndPoint(startLatLng, false, startName); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged(); }, this)); if(this.geocoders.length > 1) { var selector = $("#""-selector"); selector.change(function() { this_.activeIndex = this.selectedIndex; }); } }, initInput : function(input, setterFunction) { var this_ = this; input.autocomplete({ delay: 500, // 500ms between requests. source: function(request, response) { this_.geocoders[this_.activeIndex].geocode(request.term, function(results) { console.log("got results "+results.length);, _.pluck(results, 'description'));"results", this_.getResultLookup(results)); }); }, select: function(event, ui) { var result ="results")[ui.item.value]; var latlng = new L.LatLng(, result.lng);;, latlng, false, result.description); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged(); }, }) .dblclick(function() { $(this).select(); }); return input; }, getResultLookup : function(results) { var resultLookup = {}; for(var i=0; i= 1 && num <= 12) $(this).val(num + ":00" + val.charAt(val.length-1) + "m"); else if(num >= 100) { var hour = Math.floor(num/100), min = num % 100; if(hour >= 1 && hour <= 12 && min >= 0 && min < 60) { $(this).val(hour + ":" + (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min + val.charAt(val.length-1) + "m"); } } } } } this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ time : $(this).val(), }); }); $("#"'-nowButton').click(function() { $('#''-date').datepicker("setDate", new Date()); $('#''-time').val(moment().format(otp.config.locale.time.time_format)) this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ time : $('#''-time').val(), date : $('#''-date').val() }); }); }, getDate : function() { return $('#''-date').val(); }, getTime : function() { return $('#''-time').val(); }, restorePlan : function(data) { //var m = moment(" "+data.queryParams.time, "MM-DD-YYYY h:mma"); //$('#''-picker').datepicker("setDate", new Date(m)); if( { $('#''-date').datepicker("setDate", new Date(moment(, otp.config.locale.time.date_format))); =; } if(data.queryParams.time) { $('#''-time').val(moment(data.queryParams.time, otp.config.locale.time.time_format).format(otp.config.locale.time.time_format)); this.tripWidget.module.time = data.queryParams.time; } if(data.queryParams.arriveBy === true || data.queryParams.arriveBy === "true") { this.tripWidget.module.arriveBy = true; $('#''-depArr option:eq(1)').prop('selected', true); } else { this.tripWidget.module.arriveBy = false; $('#''-depArr option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true); } } }); //** WheelChairSelector **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.WheelChairSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, //TRANSLATORS: label for checkbox label : _tr("Wheelchair accesible trip:"), initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); =; ich['otp-tripOptions-wheelchair']({ widgetId :, label : this.label, }).appendTo(this.$()); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $("#""-wheelchair-input").change(function() { this_.tripWidget.module.wheelchair = this.checked; }); }, restorePlan : function(data) { if(data.queryParams.wheelchair) { $("#""-wheelchair-input").prop("checked", data.queryParams.wheelchair); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { //wheelchair mode is shown on transit and walk trips that //doesn't include a bicycle return (otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode) || mode == "WALK") && !otp.util.Itin.includesBicycle(mode); } }); //** Debug Itineraries Filters **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.DebugItineraryFiltersSelector = otp.Class( otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id: null, //TRANSLATORS: label for checkbox label: _tr("Show Filtered Itineraries:"), initialize: function (tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); =; ich['otp-tripOptions-debug-filters']({ widgetId:, label: this.label, }).appendTo(this.$()); }, doAfterLayout: function () { var this_ = this; $("#" + + "-debug-filters-input").change(function () { this_.tripWidget.module.debugItineraryFilter = this.checked; }); }, restorePlan: function (data) { if (data.queryParams.debugItineraryFilter) { $("#" + + "-debug-filters-input").prop("checked", data.queryParams.debugItineraryFilter); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return true; } } ); //** ModeSelector **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.ModeSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, modes : otp.config.modes, optionLookup : null, modeControls : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-modeSelector"; this.modeControls = []; this.optionLookup = {}; //TRANSLATORS: Label for dropdown Travel by: [mode of transport] var html = "
" + _tr("Travel by") + ": "; html += ''; html += '
'; html += "
"; $(html).appendTo(this.$()); //this.setContent(content); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $("#" { this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ mode : _.keys(this_.modes)[this.selectedIndex], }); this_.refreshModeControls(); }); }, restorePlan : function(data) { var i = 0; for(mode in this.modes) { if(mode === data.queryParams.mode) { this.tripWidget.module.mode = data.queryParams.mode; $('#'' option:eq('+i+')').prop('selected', true); } i++; } for(i = 0; i < this.modeControls.length; i++) { this.modeControls[i].restorePlan(data); } }, controlPadding : "8px", refreshModeControls : function() { var container = $("#"'-widgets'); container.empty(); var mode = _.keys(this.modes)[document.getElementById(]; for(var i = 0; i < this.modeControls.length; i++) { var control = this.modeControls[i]; if(control.isApplicableForMode(mode)) { container.append($('
')); container.append(control.$()); control.doAfterLayout(); } } }, addModeControl : function(widget) { this.modeControls.push(widget); } }); //** MaxWalkSelector **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxDistanceSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, presets : null, distSuffix : null, /** * As we want nice presets in both metric and imperial scale, we can't just do a transformation here, we just declare both */ imperialDistanceSuffix: 'mi.', metricDistanceSuffix: 'm.', initialize : function(tripWidget) { var presets; otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); // Set it up the system correctly ones, so we don't need to later on if (otp.config.metric) { this.presets = presets = this.metricPresets; this.distSuffix = this.metricDistanceSuffix; } else { this.presets = this.imperialPresets; this.distSuffix = this.imperialDistanceSuffix; presets = []; // Transform the presets to miles/meters depending on the metric setting for (var i = 0; i < this.presets.length; i++) { presets.push((otp.util.Imperial.metersToMiles(this.presets[i])).toFixed(2)); } } ="-maxWalkSelector"; // currentMaxDistance is used to compare against the title string of the option element, to select the correct one var currentMaxDistance = otp.util.Geo.distanceString(this.tripWidget.module.maxWalkDistance); ich['otp-tripOptions-maxDistance']({ widgetId :, presets : presets, label : this.label, //TRANSLATORS: default value for preset values of maximum walk //distances in Trip Options presets_label : _tr("Presets"), distSuffix: this.distSuffix, currentMaxDistance: parseFloat(currentMaxDistance) }).appendTo(this.$()); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-value').change(function() { var meters = parseFloat($(this).val()); // If inputed in miles transform to meters to change the value if (!otp.config.metric) { meters = otp.util.Imperial.milesToMeters(meters); } // input field was in miles this_.setDistance(meters); }); $('#''-presets').change(function() { var presetVal = this_.presets[this.selectedIndex-1]; // Save the distance in meters this_.setDistance(presetVal); if (!otp.config.metric) { presetVal = otp.util.Imperial.metersToMiles(presetVal); } // Output in miles // Show the value in miles/meters $('#''-value').val(presetVal.toFixed(2)); $('#''-presets option:eq(0)').prop('selected', true); }); }, restorePlan : function(data) { if(!data.queryParams.maxWalkDistance) return; var meters = parseFloat(data.queryParams.maxWalkDistance); if (isNaN(meters)) { return; } if (!otp.config.metric) { meters = otp.util.Imperial.metersToMiles(meters); } $('#''-value').val(meters.toFixed(2)); this.tripWidget.module.maxWalkDistance = parseFloat(data.queryParams.maxWalkDistance); }, setDistance : function(distance) { this.tripWidget.inputChanged({ maxWalkDistance : distance, }); }, }); otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxWalkSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxDistanceSelector, { // miles (0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5) imperialPresets: [160.9344, 321.8688, 402.336, 482.8032, 643.7376, 804.672, 1207.008, 1609.344, 2414.016, 3218.688, 4023.36, 4828.032, 5632.704, 6437.376, 7242.048000000001, 8046.72], // meters metricPresets : [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000], //TRANSLATORS: label for choosing how much should person's trip on foot be label : _tr("Maximum walk")+":", initialize : function(tripWidget) { ="-maxWalkSelector"; otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxDistanceSelector.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode) && otp.util.Itin.includesWalk(mode); }, }); otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxBikeSelector = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxDistanceSelector, { // miles (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 100) imperialPresets: [160.934, 402.335, 804.67, 1207.0049999999999, 1609.34, 3218.68, 4828.0199999999995, 6437.36, 8046.7, 16093.4, 24140.1, 32186.8, 48280.2, 64373.6, 160934], // meters metricPresets : [100, 300, 750, 1000, 1500, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000], //TRANSLATORS: label for choosing how much should person's trip on bicycle be label : _tr("Maximum bike")+":", initialize : function(tripWidget) { ="-maxBikeSelector"; otp.widgets.tripoptions.MaxDistanceSelector.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode) && otp.util.Itin.includesBicycle(mode); }, }); //** PreferredRoutes **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.PreferredRoutes = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, selectorWidget : null, lastSliderValue : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { var this_ = this; otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-preferredRoutes"; ich['otp-tripOptions-preferredRoutes']({ widgetId :, //TRANSLATORS: label Preferred Routes: (routes/None) preferredRoutes_label: _tr("Preferred Routes"), //TRANSLATORS: button to edit Preffered public transport Routes edit: _tr("Edit"), //TRANSLATORS: Words in brackets when no Preffered public transport route is set none : _tr("None"), //TRANSLATORS: Label for Weight slider to set to preffered public //transport routes weight: _tr("Weight") }).appendTo(this.$()); //TRANSLATORS: widget title this.selectorWidget = new otp.widgets.RoutesSelectorWidget("-selectorWidget", this, _tr("Preferred Routes")); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-button').button().click(function() { this_.selectorWidget.updateRouteList();; if(this_.selectorWidget.isMinimized) this_.selectorWidget.unminimize(); this_.selectorWidget.bringToFront(); }); $('#''-weightSlider').slider({ min : 0, max : 120000, value : this_.lastSliderValue || 300, }) .on('slidechange', function(evt) { this_.lastSliderValue = $(this).slider('value'); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty : this_.lastSliderValue, }); }); }, setRoutes : function(paramStr, displayStr) { this.tripWidget.inputChanged({ preferredRoutes : paramStr, }); $('#''-list').html(displayStr); }, restorePlan : function(planData) { if(planData.queryParams.preferredRoutes) { var this_ = this; var restoredIds = []; var preferredRoutesArr = planData.queryParams.preferredRoutes.split(','); // convert the API's agency_name_id format to standard agency_id for(var i=0; i < preferredRoutesArr.length; i++) { var apiIdArr = preferredRoutesArr[i].split("_"); var agencyAndId = apiIdArr[0] + "_" + apiIdArr.pop(); restoredIds.push(agencyAndId); } this.selectorWidget.restoredRouteIds = restoredIds; if(this.selectorWidget.initializedRoutes) this.selectorWidget.restoreSelected(); this.tripWidget.module.preferredRoutes = planData.queryParams.preferredRoutes; // resolve the IDs to user-friendly names var indexApi = this.tripWidget.module.webapp.indexApi; indexApi.loadRoutes(this, function() { var routeNames = []; for(var i = 0; i < restoredIds.length; i++) { var route = indexApi.routes[restoredIds[i]].routeData; routeNames.push(route.shortName || route.longName); } $('#''-list').html(routeNames.join(', ')); }); } else { // none specified this.selectorWidget.clearSelected(); this.selectorWidget.restoredRouteIds = []; $('#''-list').html('('+_tr("None")+')'); this.tripWidget.module.preferredRoutes = null; } if(planData.queryParams.otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty) { this.lastSliderValue = planData.queryParams.otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty; $('#''-weightSlider').slider('value', this.lastSliderValue); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode); } }); //** BannedRoutes **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.BannedRoutes = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, selectorWidget : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { var this_ = this; otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-bannedRoutes"; var html = '
'; //TRANSLATORS: buton edit Banned public transport routes var html = '
'; //TRANSLATORS: label Banned public transport Routes: (routes/None) //(Routes you don't want to take) html += _tr("Banned routes") + ': ('+_tr("None")+')'; html += '
'; $(html).appendTo(this.$()); //TRANSLATORS: Widget title this.selectorWidget = new otp.widgets.RoutesSelectorWidget("-selectorWidget", this, _tr("Banned routes")); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-button').button().click(function() { this_.selectorWidget.updateRouteList();; if(this_.selectorWidget.isMinimized) this_.selectorWidget.unminimize(); this_.selectorWidget.bringToFront(); }); }, setRoutes : function(paramStr, displayStr) { this.tripWidget.inputChanged({ bannedRoutes : paramStr, }); $('#''-list').html(displayStr); }, restorePlan : function(planData) { if(planData.queryParams.bannedRoutes) { var this_ = this; var restoredIds = []; var bannedRoutesArr = planData.queryParams.bannedRoutes.split(','); // convert the API's agency_name_id format to standard agency_id for(var i=0; i < bannedRoutesArr.length; i++) { var apiIdArr = bannedRoutesArr[i].split("_"); var agencyAndId = apiIdArr[0] + "_" + apiIdArr.pop(); restoredIds.push(agencyAndId); } this.selectorWidget.restoredRouteIds = restoredIds; if(this.selectorWidget.initializedRoutes) this.selectorWidget.restoreSelected(); this.tripWidget.module.bannedRoutes = planData.queryParams.bannedRoutes; // resolve the IDs to user-friendly names var indexApi = this.tripWidget.module.webapp.indexApi; indexApi.loadRoutes(this, function() { var routeNames = []; for(var i = 0; i < restoredIds.length; i++) { var route = indexApi.routes[restoredIds[i]].routeData; routeNames.push(route.shortName || route.longName); } $('#''-list').html(routeNames.join(', ')); }); } else { // none specified this.selectorWidget.clearSelected(); this.selectorWidget.restoredRouteIds = []; $('#''-list').html('('+_tr("None")+')'); this.tripWidget.module.bannedRoutes = null; } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode); } }); //** BikeTriangle **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.BikeTriangle = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, bikeTriangle : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-bikeTriangle"; var content = ''; //content += '
Drag to Change Trip:
'; content += '
'; this.setContent(content); }, doAfterLayout : function() { if(!this.bikeTriangle) this.bikeTriangle = new otp.widgets.BikeTrianglePanel(; var this_ = this; this.bikeTriangle.onChanged = function() { var formData = this_.bikeTriangle.getFormData(); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ optimize : "TRIANGLE", triangleTimeFactor : formData.triangleTimeFactor, triangleSlopeFactor : formData.triangleSlopeFactor, triangleSafetyFactor : formData.triangleSafetyFactor, }); }; }, restorePlan : function(planData) { if(planData.queryParams.optimize === 'TRIANGLE') { this.bikeTriangle.setValues(planData.queryParams.triangleTimeFactor, planData.queryParams.triangleSlopeFactor, planData.queryParams.triangleSafetyFactor); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesAnyBicycle(mode); } }); //** BikeType **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.BikeType = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-bikeType"; this.$().addClass('notDraggable'); var content = ''; //TRANSLATORS: In Bike share planner radio button: : My Own Bike A shared bike content += _tr('Use') + ': '; //TRANSLATORS: In Bike share planner radio button: Use: A shared bike content += ' ' + _tr("My Own Bike") + '  '; //TRANSLATORS: In Bike share planner radio button: Use: My Own Bike content += ' ' + _tr("A Shared Bike"); this.setContent(content); }, doAfterLayout : function() { //var module = this.tripWidget.module; var this_ = this; $('#''-myOwnBikeRBtn').click(function() { //module.mode = "BICYCLE"; //module.planTrip(); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ mode : "BICYCLE", }); }); $('#''-sharedBikeRBtn').click(function() { //module.mode = "WALK,BICYCLE"; //module.planTrip(); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ mode : "WALK,BICYCLE_RENT", }); }); }, restorePlan : function(planData) { if(planData.queryParams.mode === "BICYCLE") { $('#''-myOwnBikeRBtn').attr('checked', 'checked'); } if(planData.queryParams.mode === "WALK,BICYCLE_RENT") { $('#''-sharedBikeRBtn').attr('checked', 'checked'); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesBicycle(mode) && otp.util.Itin.includesWalk(mode); } }); //** TripSummary **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripSummary = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { id : null, initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-tripSummary"; var content = ''; content += '
'; content += '
'; content += '
'; this.setContent(content); }, newItinerary : function(itin) { var dist = 0; for(var i=0; i < itin.legs.length; i++) { dist += itin.legs[i].distance; } $("#""-distance").html(otp.util.Geo.distanceString(dist)); $("#""-duration").html(otp.util.Time.secsToHrMin(itin.duration)); var timeByMode = { }; for(var i=0; i < itin.legs.length; i++) { if(itin.legs[i].mode in timeByMode) { timeByMode[itin.legs[i].mode] = timeByMode[itin.legs[i].mode] + itin.legs[i].duration; } else { timeByMode[itin.legs[i].mode] = itin.legs[i].duration; } } var summaryStr = ""; for(mode in timeByMode) { summaryStr += otp.util.Time.secsToHrMin(timeByMode[mode]) + " " + this.getModeName(mode) + " / "; } summaryStr = summaryStr.slice(0, -3); $("#""-timeSummary").html(summaryStr); }, getModeName : function(mode) { switch(mode) { case 'WALK': return "walking"; case 'BICYCLE': return "biking"; } return "n/a"; } }); //** AddThis **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.AddThis = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); var content = ''; content += '
Share this Trip:
'; content += '
'; this.setContent(content); }, doAfterLayout : function() { // Copy our existing share widget from the header and customize it for route sharing. // The url to share is set in PlannerModule.js in the newTrip() callback that is called // once a new route is loaded from the server. var addthisElement = $(".addthis_toolbox").clone(); addthisElement.find(".addthis_counter").remove(); // give this addthis toolbox a unique class so we can activate it alone in Webapp.js addthisElement.addClass("addthis_toolbox_route"); addthisElement.appendTo("#share-route"); addthisElement.attr("addthis:title", "Check out my trip planned on "+otp.config.siteName); addthisElement.attr("addthis:description", otp.config.siteDescription); } }); //** Submit **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.Submit = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-submit"; //TRANSLATORS: button to send query for trip planning $('
').appendTo(this.$()); //console.log('-button') }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-button').button().click(function() { //this_.tripWidget.pushSettingsToModule(); if(typeof this_.tripWidget.module.userPlanTripStart == 'function') this_.tripWidget.module.userPlanTripStart(); this_.tripWidget.module.planTripFunction.apply(this_.tripWidget.module); }); } }); //** Group Trip **// otp.widgets.tripoptions.GroupTripOptions = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { initialize : function(tripWidget, label) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-groupTripOptions"; label = label || "Group size: "; var html = '
'+label+''; html += "
"; $(html).appendTo(this.$()); }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-value').change(function() { //this_.tripWidget.module.groupSize = parseInt($('#''-value').val()); this_.tripWidget.inputChanged({ groupSize : parseInt($('#''-value').val()), }); }); }, restorePlan : function(data) { if(_.has(data.queryParams, 'groupSize')) { $('#''-value').val(data.queryParams['groupSize']); this.tripWidget.module.groupSize = parseInt(data.queryParams['groupSize']); } }, isApplicableForMode : function(mode) { return otp.util.Itin.includesTransit(mode); } }); /*otp.widgets.TW_GroupTripSubmit = otp.Class(otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl, { initialize : function(tripWidget) { otp.widgets.tripoptions.TripOptionsWidgetControl.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); ="-gtSubmit"; $('
').appendTo(this.$()); //console.log('-button') }, doAfterLayout : function() { var this_ = this; $('#''-button').button().click(function() { this_.tripWidget.module.groupTripSubmit(); }); } });*/

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