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id-model.3.3.1.source-code.orcid-message-1.2.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Container for all classes that will be used to marshal and unmarshal XML/JSON from the API

The newest version!


			ORCID (R) Open Source

			Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ORCID, Inc.
			Licensed under an MIT-Style License (MIT)

			This copyright and license information (including a link to the full
			shall be included in its entirety in all copies or substantial portion of
			the software.

			The schema describes the message format used for ORCID API requests
			and responses.
			The top level element is orcid-message.
			Schematron validation
			The overall container for all ORCID requests and responses.
			The version of ORCID message schema that the orcid-message uses. Please refer to the ORCID XSD Information Readme documentation for more details.
			A human readable error message included when the request was unsuccessful.
			The container element for a researcher or contributor ORCID Record.
				* The type attribute can only be set by ORCID, and indicates the type of ORCID Record the information refers to. In most cases the value will be "user" to indicate an ORCID iD holder.
				* The client type attribute is set by ORCID, and is present when the type attribute is "group" or "client". This attribute indicates the API privledges held by the group as indicated by their ORCID Membership Agreement.
			The container element for the results when performing a search on the ORCID Registry. the num-found attribute indicates the number of successful matches.
			A single result when performing a search on the ORCID Registry.
			Search relevancy score based on ORCID's search scoring model.
			A simple history of the researcher or contributor's ORCID Record. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
						The method used to create the ORCID Record
							* API method - Institution created the record on behalf of the individual
							* Direct method - Individual registered directly at
							* Member-referrred method - Individual registered as part of a workflow such as submitting a manuscript or applying for a grant
						True if the user has a verified email
						True if the user's current primary email is verified
			The date and time when the ORCID Record set up was completed.
			The date time when the ORCID Record and iD was first created.
			The date time when the element was last modified.
			The date time when element was created.
			True if the researcher or contributor has added a password
				to assume ownership of their ORCID Record after bulk creation 
				by their institution.
			The date and time when the ORCID Record was deactivated. (If the account is active, this field will be NULL.)
			The client application (Member organization's system) or user that created the item. XSD VERSION 1.2 UPDATE: the identifier for the source may be either an ORCID iD (representing individuals and legacy client applications) or a Client ID (representing all newer client applications)
			The human-readable name of the client application (Member organization system) or individual user that created the item. Value for the same person/organization could change over time. source-orcid or source-client-id fields are more appropriate for disambiguated matching.
			The ORCID identifier for the individual user (or legacy client application) that created the item. For identifiers of individual users, it may be used to look up ORCID record details via the API. 
			The client ID for the client application (Member organization system) that created the item.
			(UNUSED) The identifier or other reference information for the researcher or contributor in the source client application (Member Organization's) system.
			The date time that the source client application (Member organization system) or individual user created/attempted to create the item.
			The biographical details of the researcher or contributor.
			Container for the personal details (names) of the researcher or contributor.
						The given (first and middle) name(s) of the researcher or contributor.
						The family (last) name of the researcher or contributor. This element is optional, because some cultures only use given names.
						The full name of the researcher or contributor as it generally appears on their published works. (see element for more details.) The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information. 
						(Optional) Container that includes other name(s) that the researcher or contributor may be known by. (see element for more details.) The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information. 
			Description of the researcher's professional career. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			Bio text is a string of max length: 5000 characters.
			Container for URLs of the researcher or contributor's sites. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			The display name and URL for one of the researcher or contributor's sites.
						A short display name describing the URL.
						The URL (including http:// or https://).
			Container for the researcher or contributor's contact infomration. Includes email address(es) and country (address). While there can be an unlimited number of email addresses, only one may be designated as a primary email address.
						Test of number of primary emails
							Wrong number of primary emails
			An email address for the researcher or contributor. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information. 
							Indicates (by a TRUE value) the address that the ORCID Registry will used to contact the researcher or contributor (based on user contact preferences). The primary attribute is assigned as TRUE to exactly one email address.
							Indicates if the address is a current one for the user. The current attribute is assigned as TRUE to any email address currently used. Former addresses also may be associated with ORCID records, and should include a current attribute of FALSE. 
							Indicates (with a TRUE value) if the researcher or contributor verified the email address by clicking on a link sent to the address. This field can not be set when adding an email address to an ORCID record.
							The ORCID identifier for the individual user (or legacy client application) that created the item. Either a source or source-client-id will be present. NOTE: value will be replaced by source element in future XSD versions.
							The client ID for the client application (Member organization system) that created the item. Either a source or source-client-id will be present. NOTE: value will be replaced by source element in future XSD versions.
			Container for words or phrases describing areas of research for the researcher. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			One instance of a keyword, a word or phrase describing areas of research for the researcher.
			A short narrative (few sentences) describing the item.

			Container for references to the reasearcher or contributor in other systems. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			A reference to the reasearcher or contributor in other systems. Contains display text (<exernal-id-common-name>), the reference number (<external-id-reference>), and a URL to the source (<external-id-url>).
			The display name/type for the external ID - an identifier for the researcher in another system.
			The value for the external ID - an identifier for the researcher in another system.
			The URL for the external ID - an identifier for the researcher in another system.
			(FUTURE) Container for functionality that has not yet been built. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Container for Authorizations. Not used by the API.
			Container for research activities of the researcher or contributor, such as Works.
			Please note that the orcid-patents element is deprecated and will be removed soon
			Container for the list of affiliations (eg. employment or education) associated with the researcher or contributor
			An affiliation associated with the researcher or contributor. 
				* The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
				* The put-code attribute is used only when reading this element. When updating the item, the put-code attribute must be included to indicate the specific record to be updated.
			The type of the affiliation. Presently only "education" and "employment" are used. 
				"distinction", "funding", and "contribution" are all for FUTURE use and will not be show to the researcher in the web interface.
			A reference to an organization. When available, an organization will be tied to a disambiguated organization which uniquely identifies the organization.
			Container for organization location information
					Region within a country
			A reference to a disambiguated version the organization to which the researcher or contributor is affiliated. The list of disambiguated organizations come from ORCID partners such as Ringgold, ISNI and FundRef.
			The disambiguated organization identifier.
			The source for providing the disambiguated organization ID.
			Container for the Works published by the researcher or contributor.
			A work published by the researcher or contributor. 
				* The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
				* The put-code attribute is used only when reading this element. When updating the item, the put-code attribute must be included to indicate the specific record to be updated.
			Element containing the type and content of the citation for this work
			The types of works accepted accepted by the ORCID Registry. Please refer to the CASRAI dictionary for definitions of each work type.
			Container for storing the external references to the work.
			External references to the work.
			Supported locales for site translations/localizations
			The type of work external identifier, e.g DOI, PMID etc.
						Chinese Biological Abstracts
						CiteXplore submission
						EThOS Peristent ID
						NHS Evidence
						Patent number prefixed with ISO 3611 two letter country code
						Non-standard ID with meaning only in the system from which the work data were sourced
						Web of Science™ identifier
			Value for the identifier
			Container for the source of a work.
			Must contain one or more charaters that are not a
				space, carriage return or linefeed
			Container for the contributors of a Work.

			Container for the funding received by the researcher or contributor
			Funding received by the researcher or contributor. 
				* REQUIRED FIELDS: Funding-type, Funding-title, Funding Agency (organization)
				* The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
				* The put-code attribute is used only when reading this element. When updating the item, the put-code attribute must be included to indicate the specific record to be updated.
						Start date for the funding.
						End date for the funding.
			Container for titles of the funding.
						The main name or title of the funding.
			The funding amount.
			The currency code used for funding amounts. From the ISO 4217 list (
			The type of funding, it could be grant, contract, award or salary-award.
			Container for a organization defined type for an external identifier.
			Container for storing the external references to the funding.
			An external identifier that uniquely represents the funding. Includes an identifier type and value as well as a URL for a link to more information about the funding.
						Value of the external identifier.
						URL link to additional information about the funding.
			The type of the funding external identifier. Currently only grant number is supported.
			Container for the contributors of a funding.
			A collaborator or other contributor to a work or other orcid-activity
			A collaborator or other contributor to a work or other orcid-activity
			ORCID iD for the contributor
			Email of the collaborator or other contributor. When provided during creation or update, the email address is used to look up and add the contributor's ORCID iD.
			Provides detail of the nature of the contribution by the collaborator or other contirbutor.
			Provides detail of the nature of the contribution by the collaborator or other contirbutor.
			The role performed by the collaborator or other contributor.
			Indication of where in the contributor list the collaborator or other contributor's name would appear
			The role performed by the collaborator or other contributor.
			The date that the work was first published.
			Used with the fuzzy-date type. Represents the year of the date.
			Used with the fuzzy-date type. Represents the month of the date.
			Used with the fuzzy-date type. Represents the day of the date.
			Container for titles of the work.
						The main name or title of the work. For a spin-off company, include use the company name
			The title of the publication or group under which the work was published. 
				* If a jounal, include the journal title of the work. 
				* If a book chapter, use the book title.
				* If a translation or a manual, use the series title.
				* If a dictionary entry, use the dictionary title.
				* If a conference poster, abstract or paper, use the conference name.
			Two letter language code to identify the language used in work fields. Chinese is expressed in more than two letters, with a modifier to indicate simplified (zh_CN) or traditional (zh_TW) Chinese.
			If the work has a subtitle, include it here.
			The main title of the work or funding translated into another language. The translated language will be included in the <language-code> attribute.
			(UNUSED) Replaced by orcid-identifier element.
			Represents an ORCID identifier (ORCID iD)
			(UNUSED) Replaced by either client-path or orcid-path
			ORCID host (base URL) of the ORCID iD.
			The name to use for the researcher or contributor when credited or cited, for example, in an article or index, or as a funding contributor. The value of this field also is used as the display name for the researcher or contributor in the ORCID Registry in their ORCID Record, or when listed as a contributor on other ORCID Records. If this element is NULL, given-name family-name will be used for display purposes, with a visibility of "public". The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			Container for past names, or variations of the researcher or contributor's name, that may have appeared on their published works. This could include variations because of transliterations of their names into different alphabets. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
						One alternate name for the individual represented by the ORCID record.
			Represents a URL in the XML anyURI format
			Container for address information. Only country information is included at this time.
			Country represented by its ISO 3611 code. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) can be set at record creation, and indicates who can see this section of information.
			(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Container for data that are strictly for internal
				use only.
						(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Group ID for API clients.
						(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) User registration is know to be driven by Member
			(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) An ID that identifies a profile in Salesforce.
			Salesforce ID type.
			(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Security access details
			Element to contain the deprecation information of an ORCID iD and Record. Records are deprecated by researchers or contributors when multiple iDs are found that represent the same person.
			The date and time when the ORCID Record was deprecated, and now points to a different, primary ORCID Record.
			The new primary record for the ORCID iD. One should note this new value if the iD being read has been deprecated.
			Preferences set by the researcher or contributor. (currently language preference)
			(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) Preferences set by the researcher or contributor.
			Path for the ORCID iD.
			ORCID URI for the ORCID iD.
			The identifier of the researcher or contributor in
				ORCID (the ORCID iD). At least one of uri or path must be given. NOTE: this type is also used for legacy client IDs.
							ORCID iD in URI form (preferred).
							ORCID path (16-character identifier) of the ORCID iD.
							ORCID path (16-character identifier) of the ORCID iD.
			Path for the API client ID.
			ORCID URI for the API client ID.
			The identifier of an ORCID API client app. At least one of uri or path must be given. NOTE: legacy API clients still may be identified by the orcid-id type.
			Indicates the ORCID record type for the ORCID iD referenced. NOTE: orcid-types of API client are only used for legacy API clients.
			Indicates the client type for the API client based on the ORCID membership type.
			Indicates the group type for the API client based on the ORCID membership type.
			The authorization scope that the API client has on this section of data.
			Indicates the special privledges that the API client has for this item. i.e., can it read limited data or update the value.
			The visiblity that the researcher or contributor has assigned to this section of data. Visiblity can also be set during record creation by the institution. The visibility attribute (private, limited or public) indicates who can see a section of information. See ORCID's privacy policy for more details:
			The put-code attribute is present only when reading elements. The code must be used when PUTing (updating) items that contain the attribute (works, affiliations, etc) to ensure that the existing item's history is retained.
			Indicates who can see the value of the element when reading the ORCID record. See the enumerations for definitions of each value, private, limited, public, registered-only.
					The data can only be seen by the researcher or contributor. This data may be used internally by ORCID for Record disambiguation purposes.
					The data can only be seen by trusted parties (organizations or people) as indicated by the researcher or contributor. This information is only shared with systems that the researcher or contributor has specifically granted authorization (using OAuth).
					The data can be seen by anyone. It is publically available via the ORCID Registry website and the public API without further authroization by the researcher or contributor.
					The data is shared only with the registered user.
			Type to represent an email address.
			Indicates how the ORCID record and iD were created.
					The ORCID Record was created using the ORCID
						Member API.
					The user registered on the /register page.
					The registered on the /oauth/signin.
					DEPRECATED use Direct or Member-referred
						instead. The method used to create the ORCID Record (Website or
			Used with the publication date to indicate which version of the publication the date refers to.
			4-character string representing a year of a date.
			2-character string representing a month of a date.
			2-character string representing a day of a date.
			In some places the full date is not required.
			See the ORCID Knowledgebase for a complete description of ORCID Scopes and related documentation:
			Container for a work citation. Citations may be fielded (e.g., RIS, BibTeX - preferred citation type), or may be textual (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) The required work-citation-type element indicates the format of the citation.
			(REQUIRED) The type (format) of the citation. BibTeX format is recommended. NOTE: the values displayed to the website user are localized (translated) in the ORCID Registry web interface. For reference:
			ISO 3166 country codes. NOTE: the values displayed to the website user are localized (translated) in the ORCID Registry web interface. For reference:
			Contains either a country code or an empty value
			An empty string
			A non-empty string that has a maximum size of 2084 characters
			A non-empty string that has a maximum size of 255 characters
			A non-empty string that has a maximum size of 1000 characters
			A non-empty string that has a maximum size of 2084 characters
			A non-empty string that includes a language code to indicate the language used for the string's value.

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