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toolkit.plugins.scanners.fossid-scanner.41.0.0.source-code.FossIdScanResults.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Part of the OSS Review Toolkit (ORT), a suite to automate software compliance checks.

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 * Copyright (C) 2021 The ORT Project Authors (see )
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * License-Filename: LICENSE

package org.ossreviewtoolkit.plugins.scanners.fossid

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles

import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.transformWhile

import org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin.loggerOf

import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.identifiedFiles.IdentifiedFile
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.ignored.IgnoredFile
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.markedAsIdentified.MarkedAsIdentifiedFile
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.result.MatchType
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.result.MatchedLines
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.result.Snippet
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.summary.Summarizable
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ArtifactProvenance
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.CopyrightFinding
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Hash
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Issue
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.LicenseFinding
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.PackageProvider
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.RemoteArtifact
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Severity
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Snippet as OrtSnippet
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.SnippetFinding
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.TextLocation
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.snippet.SnippetChoice
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.snippet.SnippetChoiceReason
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.createAndLogIssue
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.jsonMapper
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.mapLicense
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.utils.PurlType
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.collapseToRanges
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.collectMessages
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.prettyPrintRanges
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort.ORT_NAME
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.spdx.SpdxConstants
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.spdx.toSpdx

private val logger = loggerOf(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass())

 * A data class to hold FossID raw results.
internal data class RawResults(
    val identifiedFiles: List,
    val markedAsIdentifiedFiles: List,
    val listIgnoredFiles: List,
    val listPendingFiles: List,
    val listSnippets: Flow>>,
    val snippetMatchedLines: Map = emptyMap()

 * A data class to hold FossID mapped results.
internal data class FindingsContainer(
    val licenseFindings: MutableSet,
    val copyrightFindings: MutableSet

 * Map a FossID raw result to sections that can be included in a [org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ScanSummary].
internal fun  List.mapSummary(
    ignoredFiles: Map,
    issues: MutableList,
    detectedLicenseMapping: Map
): FindingsContainer {
    val licenseFindings = mutableSetOf()
    val copyrightFindings = mutableSetOf()

    val files = filterNot { it.getFileName() in ignoredFiles }
    files.forEach { summarizable ->
        val summary = summarizable.toSummary()
        var fileComment: OrtComment? = null

        if (summarizable is MarkedAsIdentifiedFile) {
            summarizable.comments.values.firstOrNull {
            }?.also {
                runCatching {
                    fileComment = jsonMapper.readValue(it.comment,
                }.onFailure {
                    logger.error { "Cannot deserialize comment for ${summary.path}: ${it.message}." }

        val defaultLocation = TextLocation(summary.path, TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE, TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE)

        summary.licences.forEach { licenseAddedInTheUI ->
            mapLicense(licenseAddedInTheUI.identifier, defaultLocation, issues, detectedLicenseMapping)?.let {
                licenseFindings += it

        fileComment?.ort?.licenses?.forEach { (licenseInORTComment, locations) ->
            locations.forEach { location ->
                mapLicense(licenseInORTComment, location, issues, detectedLicenseMapping)?.let {
                    licenseFindings += it

        summarizable.getCopyright().let {
            if (it.isNotEmpty()) {
                copyrightFindings += CopyrightFinding(it, defaultLocation)

    return FindingsContainer(
        licenseFindings = licenseFindings,
        copyrightFindings = copyrightFindings

 * Convert a [license] at [location] from FossID to a valid [LicenseFinding]. If the license cannot be mapped, null is
 * returned and an issue is added to [issues].
private fun mapLicense(
    license: String,
    location: TextLocation,
    issues: MutableList,
    detectedLicenseMapping: Map
): LicenseFinding? {
    return runCatching {
        // TODO: The detected license mapping must be applied here, because FossID can return license strings
        //       which cannot be parsed to an SpdxExpression. A better solution could be to automatically
        //       convert the strings into a form that can be parsed, then the mapping could be applied globally.
        LicenseFinding(license.mapLicense(detectedLicenseMapping), location)
    }.map { licenseFinding ->
        licenseFinding.copy(license = licenseFinding.license.normalize())
    }.onFailure { spdxException ->
        issues += FossId.createAndLogIssue(
            source = "FossId",
            message = "Failed to parse license '$license' as an SPDX expression: ${spdxException.collectMessages()}"

 * Map the raw snippets to ORT [SnippetFinding]s. If a snippet license cannot be parsed, an issues is added to [issues].
 * [LicenseFinding]s due to chosen snippets will be added to [snippetLicenseFindings].
internal suspend fun mapSnippetFindings(
    rawResults: RawResults,
    snippetsLimit: Int,
    issues: MutableList,
    detectedLicenseMapping: Map,
    snippetChoices: List,
    snippetLicenseFindings: MutableSet
): Set {
    val remainingSnippetChoices = snippetChoices.toMutableList()
    val results = mutableSetOf()
    var runningSnippetCount = 0

    rawResults.listSnippets.transformWhile { (file, rawSnippets) ->
        emit(file to rawSnippets)
        runningSnippetCount < snippetsLimit
    }.collect { (file, rawSnippets) ->
        val mappedSnippets = rawSnippets.mapSnippetFindingsForFile(

        val snippetFindingIterator = mappedSnippets.iterator()
        while (runningSnippetCount < snippetsLimit && snippetFindingIterator.hasNext()) {
            val snippetFinding =
            runningSnippetCount += snippetFinding.snippets.size
            results += snippetFinding

    if (runningSnippetCount >= snippetsLimit) {
        issues += Issue(
            source = "FossId",
            message = "The snippets limit of $snippetsLimit has been reached. To see the possible remaining " +
                "snippets, please perform a snippet choice for the snippets presents in the snippet report an " +
                "rerun the scan.",
            severity = Severity.HINT

    return results.also {
        remainingSnippetChoices.forEach { snippetChoice ->
            // The issue is created only if the chosen snippet does not correspond to a file marked by a previous run.
            val isNotOldMarkedAsIdentifiedFile = rawResults.markedAsIdentifiedFiles.none { markedFile ->
                markedFile.file.path == snippetChoice.given.sourceLocation.path

            if (isNotOldMarkedAsIdentifiedFile) {
                issues += snippetChoice.createAndLogIssue(
                    source = "FossId",
                    message = "The configuration contains a snippet choice for the snippet " +
                        "${snippetChoice.choice.purl} at ${snippetChoice.given.sourceLocation.prettyPrint()}, but " +
                        "the FossID result contains no such snippet.",
                    severity = Severity.WARNING

 * Map the snippets (@receiver]) of a single pending [file] to ORT [SnippetFinding]s. [snippetMatchedLines] contains the
 * matching lines for those snippets. The licenses are mapped using the [detectedLicenseMapping]. Snippet choices are
 * enforced using [snippetChoices] and [remainingSnippetChoices], the latter being the list of pending choices to be
 * made.
 * If any error occurs, an issue is added to [issues].
private fun Set.mapSnippetFindingsForFile(
    file: String,
    snippetMatchedLines: Map,
    issues: MutableList,
    detectedLicenseMapping: Map,
    snippetChoices: List,
    remainingSnippetChoices: MutableList,
    snippetLicenseFindings: MutableSet
): List {
    val findings = mutableMapOf>()

    forEach { snippet ->
        // FossID does not return the hash of the remote artifact. Instead, it returns the MD5 hash of the
        // matched file in the remote artifact as part of the "match_file_id" property.
        val url = checkNotNull(snippet.url) {
            "The URL of snippet ${} for file '$file' must not be null."

        val snippetProvenance = ArtifactProvenance(RemoteArtifact(url, Hash.NONE))
        val purl = snippet.purl
            ?: "pkg:${urlToPackageType(url)}/${}/${snippet.artifact}@${snippet.version}"

        val additionalSnippetData = mutableMapOf(
            FossId.SNIPPET_DATA_ID to,
            FossId.SNIPPET_DATA_MATCH_TYPE to snippet.matchType.toString(),
            FossId.SNIPPET_DATA_RELEASE_DATE to snippet.releaseDate.orEmpty()

        var sourceLocations: Set = setOf(TextLocation(file, TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE))
        var snippetLocation: TextLocation? = null

        if (snippet.matchType == MatchType.PARTIAL) {
            val rawMatchedLines = snippetMatchedLines[]
            val rawMatchedLinesSourceFile = rawMatchedLines?.localFile.orEmpty().collapseToRanges()
            val rawMatchedLinesSnippetFile = rawMatchedLines?.mirrorFile.orEmpty().collapseToRanges()

            if (rawMatchedLinesSourceFile.isNotEmpty()) {
                sourceLocations = { (first, second) ->
                    TextLocation(file, first, second)

            snippetLocation = rawMatchedLinesSnippetFile.firstOrNull()
                ?.let { (startLine, endLine) -> TextLocation(snippet.file, startLine, endLine) }

            if (rawMatchedLinesSourceFile.isNotEmpty()) {
                additionalSnippetData[FossId.SNIPPET_DATA_MATCHED_LINE_SOURCE] =

            if (rawMatchedLinesSnippetFile.isNotEmpty()) {
                additionalSnippetData[FossId.SNIPPET_DATA_MATCHED_LINE_SNIPPET] =

        val ortSnippetLocation = snippetLocation ?: TextLocation(snippet.file, TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE)

        val license = snippet.artifactLicense?.let { artifactLicense ->
            mapLicense(artifactLicense, ortSnippetLocation, issues, detectedLicenseMapping)?.license
        } ?: SpdxConstants.NOASSERTION.toSpdx()

        val ortSnippet = OrtSnippet(

        sourceLocations.forEach { sourceLocation ->
            val isSnippetChoice = when {
                snippetChoices.any { it.given.sourceLocation == sourceLocation && it.choice.purl == purl } -> {
                        "Ignoring snippet $purl for file ${sourceLocation.prettyPrint()}, " +
                            "as this is a chosen snippet."


                snippetChoices.any { it.given.sourceLocation == sourceLocation } -> {
                        "Ignoring snippet $purl for file ${sourceLocation.prettyPrint()}, " +
                            "as there is a snippet choice for this source location."


                else -> false

            val isLocationWithFalsePositives = remainingSnippetChoices.removeIf {
                it.given.sourceLocation == sourceLocation &&
                    it.choice.reason == SnippetChoiceReason.NO_RELEVANT_FINDING

            if (isLocationWithFalsePositives) {
                    "Ignoring snippet $purl for file ${sourceLocation.prettyPrint()}, " +
                        "as this is a location with only false positives."

            if (!isSnippetChoice && !isLocationWithFalsePositives) {
                findings.getOrPut(sourceLocation) { mutableSetOf(ortSnippet) } += ortSnippet

            )?.let { finding -> snippetLicenseFindings += finding }

    return { SnippetFinding(it.key, it.value) }

 * Check if [snippet] is a chosen snippet for the given [sourceLocation]. If it is, remove it from
 * [remainingSnippetChoices] and return a [LicenseFinding]. Otherwise, return null.
private fun getLicenseFindingFromSnippetChoice(
    remainingSnippetChoices: MutableList,
    sourceLocation: TextLocation,
    snippet: OrtSnippet
): LicenseFinding? {
    val isSnippetChoice = remainingSnippetChoices.removeIf { snippetChoice ->
        snippetChoice.given.sourceLocation == sourceLocation && snippetChoice.choice.purl == snippet.purl

    return if (isSnippetChoice) { {
            "Adding snippet choice for ${sourceLocation.prettyPrint()} " +
                "with license ${snippet.license} to the license findings."

        LicenseFinding(snippet.license, sourceLocation)
    } else {

 * Check all [markedAsIdentifiedFiles] if their snippet choices locations count or non-relevant snippets locations count
 * matches the ones stored in the [OrtComment]: When not, it means some of this configuration has been removed and the
 * files should be considered as pending again. Such files are returned.
internal fun listUnmatchedSnippetChoices(
    markedAsIdentifiedFiles: List,
    snippetChoices: List
): List =
    markedAsIdentifiedFiles.filterNot { markedAsIdentifiedFile ->
        val markedFileName = markedAsIdentifiedFile.getFileName()
        val snippetChoicesByName = snippetChoices.filter {
            it.given.sourceLocation.path == markedFileName

        val comment = markedAsIdentifiedFile.comments.values.firstOrNull {
        }?.runCatching {
        }?.onFailure {
            logger.warn {
                "File $markedFileName is marked as identified but it does not have a valid comment. " +
                    "It will be ignored. Exception: ${it.message}."

        when {
            comment != null -> {
                val snippetChoicesCount = snippetChoicesByName.count {
                    it.choice.reason == SnippetChoiceReason.ORIGINAL_FINDING

                val notRelevantSnippetsCount = snippetChoicesByName.count {
                    it.choice.reason == SnippetChoiceReason.NO_RELEVANT_FINDING

                snippetChoicesCount == comment.ort.snippetChoicesCount &&
                    notRelevantSnippetsCount == comment.ort.notRelevantSnippetsCount

            else -> true
    }.map { it.getFileName() }

 * Return the [PurlType] as determined from the given [url], or [PurlType.GENERIC] if there is no match.
private fun urlToPackageType(url: String): PurlType =
    when (val provider = PackageProvider.get(url)) {
        PackageProvider.COCOAPODS -> PurlType.COCOAPODS
        PackageProvider.CRATES_IO -> PurlType.CARGO
        PackageProvider.DEBIAN -> PurlType.DEBIAN
        PackageProvider.GITHUB -> PurlType.GITHUB
        PackageProvider.GITLAB -> PurlType.GITLAB
        PackageProvider.GOLANG -> PurlType.GOLANG
        PackageProvider.MAVEN_CENTRAL, PackageProvider.MAVEN_GOOGLE -> PurlType.MAVEN
        PackageProvider.NPM_JS -> PurlType.NPM
        PackageProvider.NUGET -> PurlType.NUGET
        PackageProvider.PACKAGIST -> PurlType.COMPOSER
        PackageProvider.PYPI -> PurlType.PYPI
        PackageProvider.RUBYGEMS -> PurlType.GEM

        else -> {
            PurlType.GENERIC.also {
                logger.warn {
                    "Cannot determine purl type for URL $url and provider '$provider'. Falling back to '$it'."

internal fun TextLocation.prettyPrint(): String =
    if (startLine == TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE && endLine == TextLocation.UNKNOWN_LINE) {
    } else {

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