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toolkit.utils.ort-utils.42.1.0.source-code.Utils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Part of the OSS Review Toolkit (ORT), a suite to automate software compliance checks.

There is a newer version: 46.0.0
Show newest version
 * Copyright (C) 2017 The ORT Project Authors (see )
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * License-Filename: LICENSE

package org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort


import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext

import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope

import org.apache.logging.log4j.kotlin.CoroutineThreadContext

import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.toSafeUri
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.toUri
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.withoutPrefix
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.common.withoutSuffix

 * Global variable that gets toggled by a command line parameter parsed in the main entry points of the modules.
var printStackTrace = false

private val versionSeparators = listOf('-', '_', '.')
private val versionSeparatorsPattern = versionSeparators.joinToString("", "[", "]")

private val ignorablePrefixSuffix = listOf("rel", "release", "final")
private val ignorablePrefixSuffixPattern = ignorablePrefixSuffix.joinToString("|", "(", ")")
private val ignorablePrefixSuffixRegex = Regex(

 * Filter a list of [names] to include only those that likely belong to the given [version] of an optional [project].
fun filterVersionNames(version: String, names: List, project: String? = null): List {
    if (version.isBlank() || names.isEmpty()) return emptyList()

    // If there are full matches, return them right away.
    val fullMatches = names.filter { it.equals(version, ignoreCase = true) }
    if (fullMatches.isNotEmpty()) return fullMatches

    // Create variants of the version string to recognize.
    data class VersionVariant(val name: String, val separators: List)

    val versionLower = version.lowercase()
    val versionVariants = mutableListOf(VersionVariant(versionLower, versionSeparators))

    val separatorRegex = Regex(versionSeparatorsPattern)
    versionSeparators.mapTo(versionVariants) {
        VersionVariant(versionLower.replace(separatorRegex, it.toString()), listOf(it))

    ignorablePrefixSuffix.mapTo(versionVariants) {
        VersionVariant(versionLower.removeSuffix(it).trimEnd(*versionSeparators.toCharArray()), versionSeparators)

    // The list of supported version separators.
    val versionHasSeparator = versionSeparators.any { it in version }

    val filteredNames = names.filter {
        val name = it.lowercase().replace(ignorablePrefixSuffixRegex, "")

        versionVariants.any { versionVariant ->
            // Allow to ignore suffixes in names that are separated by something else than the current separator, e.g.
            // for version "3.3.1" accept "3.3.1-npm-packages" but not "".
            val hasIgnorableSuffixOnly = name.withoutPrefix( { tail ->
                tail.firstOrNull() !in versionVariant.separators
            } == true

            // Allow to ignore prefixes in names that are separated by something else than the current separator, e.g.
            // for version "0.10" accept "docutils-0.10" but not "1.0.10".
            val hasIgnorablePrefixOnly = name.withoutSuffix( { head ->
                val last = head.lastOrNull()
                val forelast = head.dropLast(1).lastOrNull()

                val currentSeparators = if (versionHasSeparator) versionVariant.separators else versionSeparators

                // Full match with the current version variant.
                last == null
                    // The prefix does not end with the current separators or a digit.
                    || (last !in currentSeparators && !last.isDigit())
                    // The prefix ends with the current separators but the forelast character is not a digit.
                    || (last in currentSeparators && (forelast == null || !forelast.isDigit()))
                    // The prefix ends with 'v' and the forelast character is a separator.
                    || (last == 'v' && (forelast == null || forelast in currentSeparators))
            } == true

            hasIgnorableSuffixOnly || hasIgnorablePrefixOnly

    return filteredNames.filter {
        // startsWith("") returns "true" for any string, so this yields an unfiltered list if "project" is "null".
    }.let {
        // Fall back to the original list if filtering by project results in an empty list.
        it.ifEmpty { filteredNames }

 * Request a [PasswordAuthentication] object for the given [host], [port], and [scheme]. Install the [OrtAuthenticator]
 * and the [OrtProxySelector] beforehand to ensure they are active.
fun requestPasswordAuthentication(host: String, port: Int, scheme: String): PasswordAuthentication? {

    return Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication(
        /* host = */ host,
        /* addr = */ null,
        /* port = */ port,
        /* protocol = */ scheme,
        /* prompt = */ null,
        /* scheme = */ null

 * Request a [PasswordAuthentication] object for the given [uri]. Install the [OrtAuthenticator] and the
 * [OrtProxySelector] beforehand to ensure they are active.
fun requestPasswordAuthentication(uri: URI): PasswordAuthentication? =
    requestPasswordAuthentication(, uri.port, uri.scheme)

 * Normalize a string representing a [VCS URL][vcsUrl] to a common string form.
fun normalizeVcsUrl(vcsUrl: String): String {
    var url = vcsUrl.trim().trimEnd('/')

    // Avoid using the unauthenticated Git protocol, which is blocked by many VCS hosts.
    if (url.startsWith("git://")) {
        url = "https://${url.removePrefix("git://")}"

    // URLs to Git repos may omit the scheme and use an SCP-like URL that uses ":" to separate the host from the path,
    // see Make this an explicit ssh URL, so it can be parsed
    // by Java's URI class.
    url = url.replace(Regex("^(.*)([a-zA-Z]+):([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)$")) {
        val tail = "${it.groupValues[1]}${it.groupValues[2]}/${it.groupValues[3]}${it.groupValues[4]}"
        if ("://" in url) tail else "ssh://$tail"

    // Fixup scp-like Git URLs that do not use a ':' after the server part.
    if (url.startsWith("git@")) {
        url = "ssh://$url"

    // Drop any non-SVN VCS name with "+" from the scheme.
    if (!url.startsWith("svn+")) {
        url = url.replace(Regex("^(.+)\\+(.+)(://.+)$")) {
            // Use the string to the right of "+" which should be the protocol.

    // If there is no protocol by now and the host is Git-specific, assume https.
    if (url.startsWith("") || url.startsWith("")) {
        url = "https://$url"

    // A hierarchical URI looks like
    //     [scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment]
    // where a server-based "authority" has the syntax
    //     [user-info@]host[:port]
    val uri = url.toUri().getOrNull()

    if (uri == null || (uri.scheme == null && uri.path.isNotEmpty())) {
        // Fall back to a file if the URL is a Windows or Linux path.
        return File(url).toSafeUri().toString()

    // Handle host-specific normalizations.
    if ( != null) {
        when {
  "") ||"") -> {
                // Ensure the path to a repository ends with ".git".
                val path = uri.path.takeIf { path ->
                    path.endsWith(".git") || path.count { it == '/' } != 2
                } ?: "${uri.path}.git"

                val query = uri.query?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() }?.let { "?$it" }.orEmpty()

                return if (uri.scheme == "ssh") {
                    // Ensure the generic "git" username is specified.
                    val host = uri.authority.let { if (it.startsWith("git@")) it else "git@$it" }
                } else {
                    // Remove any username and "www" prefix.
                    val host = uri.authority.substringAfter('@').removePrefix("www.")

    return url

 * A wrapper for [kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking] which always adds a [CoroutineThreadContext] to the newly created
 * coroutine context. This ensures that Log4j's MDC context is not lost when `runBlocking` is used.
 * This function should be used instead of [kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking] in all code that can be used as a library to
 * preserve any MDC context set by a consumer.
fun  runBlocking(context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T =
    kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking(context + CoroutineThreadContext()) { block() }

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