toolkit.model.37.0.0.source-code.AdvisorRun.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2020 The ORT Project Authors (see )
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* License-Filename: LICENSE
package org.ossreviewtoolkit.model
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder
import java.time.Instant
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.AdvisorConfiguration
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.vulnerabilities.Vulnerability
import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.ort.Environment
* Type alias for a function that allows filtering of [AdvisorResult]s.
typealias AdvisorResultFilter = (AdvisorResult) -> Boolean
* The summary of a single run of the advisor.
data class AdvisorRun(
* The [Instant] the advisor was started.
val startTime: Instant,
* The [Instant] the advisor has finished.
val endTime: Instant,
* The [Environment] in which the advisor was executed.
val environment: Environment,
* The [AdvisorConfiguration] used for this run.
val config: AdvisorConfiguration,
* The [AdvisorResult]s for all [Package]s.
@JsonPropertyOrder(alphabetic = true)
val results: Map>
) {
companion object {
val EMPTY = AdvisorRun(
startTime = Instant.EPOCH,
endTime = Instant.EPOCH,
environment = Environment(),
config = AdvisorConfiguration(),
results = emptyMap()
* A filter for [AdvisorResult]s that matches only results that contain vulnerabilities.
val RESULTS_WITH_VULNERABILITIES: AdvisorResultFilter = { it.vulnerabilities.isNotEmpty() }
* A filter for [AdvisorResult]s that matches only results that contain defects.
val RESULTS_WITH_DEFECTS: AdvisorResultFilter = { it.defects.isNotEmpty() }
* Return a filter for [AdvisorResult]s that contain issues. Match only results with an issue whose severity
* is greater or equal than [minSeverity]. Often, issues are only relevant for certain types of advisors. For
* instance, when processing vulnerability information, it is not of interest if an advisor for defects had
* encountered problems. Therefore, support an optional filter for a [capability] of the advisor that produced
* a result.
fun resultsWithIssues(
minSeverity: Severity = Severity.HINT,
capability: AdvisorCapability? = null
): AdvisorResultFilter =
{ result ->
(capability == null || capability in result.advisor.capabilities) && result.summary.issues.any {
it.severity >= minSeverity
fun getIssues(): Map> =
buildMap> {
results.forEach { (id, results) ->
results.forEach { result ->
if (result.summary.issues.isNotEmpty()) {
getOrPut(id) { mutableSetOf() } += result.summary.issues
* Return a map of all [Package]s and the associated [Vulnerabilities][Vulnerability].
fun getVulnerabilities(): Map> =
results.mapValues { (_, results) ->
results.flatMap { it.vulnerabilities }.mergeVulnerabilities()
* Return a list with all [Vulnerability] objects that have been found for the given [package][pkgId]. Results
* from different advisors are merged if necessary.
fun getVulnerabilities(pkgId: Identifier): List =
getFindings(pkgId) { it.vulnerabilities }.mergeVulnerabilities()
* Return a list with all [Defect] objects that have been found for the given [package][pkgId]. If there are
* results from different advisors, a union list is constructed. No merging is done, as it is expected that the
* results from different advisors cannot be combined.
fun getDefects(pkgId: Identifier): List = getFindings(pkgId) { it.defects }
* Apply the given [filter] to the results stored in this record and return a map with the results that pass the
* filter. When processing advisor results, often specific criteria are relevant, e.g. whether security
* vulnerabilities were found or certain issues were detected. Using this function, it is easy to filter out only
* those results matching such criteria.
fun filterResults(filter: AdvisorResultFilter): Map> =
results.mapNotNull { (id, results) ->
results.filter(filter).takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.let { id to it }
* Helper function to obtain the findings of type [T] for the given [package][pkgId] using a [selector] function
* to extract the desired field.
private fun getFindings(pkgId: Identifier, selector: (AdvisorResult) -> List): List =
* Merge this collection of [Vulnerability] objects by combining vulnerabilities with the same ID and merging their
* references. Other [Vulnerability] properties are taken from the first object which has any such property set.
private fun Collection.mergeVulnerabilities(): List {
val vulnerabilitiesById = groupBy { }
return { it.value.mergeReferences() }
* Merge this (non-empty) collection of [Vulnerability] objects (which are expected to have the same ID) to a single
* [Vulnerability] that contains all the references from the original vulnerabilities (with duplicates removed). Other
* [Vulnerability] properties are taken from the first object which has any such property set.
private fun Collection.mergeReferences(): Vulnerability {
val references = flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.references }
val entry = find { it.summary != null || it.description != null } ?: first()
return entry.copy(references = references.toList())