META-INF.resources.primefaces-extensions.sheet.1-sheet.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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PrimeFaces Extensions Project for Maven.
* PrimeFaces Extensions Sheet Widget.
* @author Melloware
* @author Mark Lassiter
* @since 6.2
PrimeFaces.widget.ExtSheet = PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget.extend({
// flag tracking whether or not an update ajax event needs fired
// after a select cell
updated: false,
// flag tracking whether a filter event needs fired after a focusin
filterChanged: false,
// initialize the component
init: function (cfg) {
// store off jquery wrappers
this.sheetDiv = $(this.jqId);
this.tableDiv = $(this.jqId + '_tbl');
this.dataInput = $(this.jqId + '_input');
this.keyboardTrap = $(this.jqId + '_keyboard');
this.selectionInput = $(this.jqId + '_selection');
this.sortByInput = $(this.jqId + '_sortby');
this.sortOrderInput = $(this.jqId + '_sortorder');
// need to track to avoid recursion
this.focusing = false;
// user extension to configure handsontable
var extender = this.cfg.extender
if (extender) {
if (typeof extender === "function") {;
} else {
PrimeFaces.error("Extender value is not a javascript function!");
_render: function () {
var $this = this;
var options = {
data: $,
colHeaders: $this.cfg.colHeaders,
rowHeaders: $this.cfg.rowHeaders,
columns: $this.cfg.columns,
stretchH: $this.cfg.stretchH || 'all',
selectionMode: $this.cfg.selectionMode || 'multiple',
contextMenu: false,
allowInvalid: false,
autoRowSize: !$this.cfg.rowHeaders,
enterMoves: {
row: 0,
col: 1
textCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(value, "text/html");
value = doc.documentElement.textContent || value;
Handsontable.renderers.HtmlRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
passwordCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.PasswordRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
numericCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
checkboxCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.CheckboxRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
dateCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.DateRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
timeCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.TimeRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
dropdownCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.DropdownRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
autocompleteCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.AutocompleteRenderer.apply(this, arguments);
$this._defaultCellRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties);
cells: function (row, col, prop) {
var cp = {};
var column = $this.cfg.columns[col];
if (column.type === 'password') {
cp.renderer = this.passwordCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'numeric') {
cp.renderer = this.numericCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'checkbox') {
cp.renderer = this.checkboxCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'date') {
cp.renderer = this.dateCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'time') {
cp.renderer = this.timeCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'dropdown') {
cp.renderer = this.dropdownCellRenderer;
} else if (column.type === 'autocomplete') {
cp.renderer = this.autocompleteCellRenderer;
} else {
cp.renderer = this.textCellRenderer;
var readonlyCell = $this.cfg.readOnlyCells['r' + row + '_c' + col];
if (readonlyCell) {
cp.readOnly = true;
return cp;
afterChange: function (change, source) {
if (source === 'loadData') {
// var change = changes[0]; // [row, prop, oldVal, newVal]
var isChanged = false;
var cellType = 'normal';
for (var i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
var oldValue = change[i][2];
var newValue = change[i][3];
if (oldValue === newValue)
var row = change[i][0];
var col = change[i][1];
$['r' + row + '_c' + col] = change[i];
isChanged = true;
cellType = this.getCellMeta(row, col).type;
if (isChanged) {
$this.updated = true;
// GitHub #599
if (cellType === "numeric" || cellType === "checkbox" || cellType === "dropdown" || cellType === "autocomplete" || cellType === "date") {
$this.updated = false;
afterSelectionEnd: function (r, c, r2, c2) {
var selected = this.getSelected() || [];
if ($this.updated) {
$this.updated = false;
} else {
afterOnCellMouseDown: function (event, coords, TD) {
var sel = [coords.row, coords.col, coords.row, coords.col];
// only fire event if row is -1 which means its a header
if ((coords.row == -1 && coords.col != -1) && $this.hasBehavior('columnSelect')) {
// only fire event if col is -1 which means its a header
if ((coords.col == -1 && coords.row != -1) && $this.hasBehavior('rowSelect')) {
afterDeselect: function () {
if ($this.updated) {
$this.updated = false;
afterListen: function () {
// turn off the keyboard trap while sheet has keyboard control
var tabIndex = $this.keyboardTrap.attr("tabindex");
if (tabIndex) {
$this.keyboardTrap.attr("tabindex", "-1").data("tabindex", tabIndex);
afterUnlisten: function () {
// turn on the keyboard trap once sheet no longer has keyboard control
setTimeout(function () {
var tabIndex = $"tabindex");
if (tabIndex) {
$this.keyboardTrap.attr("tabindex", tabIndex).data("tabindex", "");
}, 250)
afterGetColHeader: function (col, TH) {
var header = $(TH);
// remove all current events;
// handle sorting
var sortable = $this.cfg.sortable[col];
if (sortable) {
header.find('.relative .ui-sortable-column-icon').remove();
var sortCol = $this.sortByInput.val();
var sortOrder = $this.sortOrderInput.val();
var iconclass = 'ui-sortable-column-icon ui-icon ui-icon ui-icon-carat-2-n-s ';
if (sortCol == col) {
iconclass = iconclass
+ (sortOrder == 'ascending' ? 'ui-icon-triangle-1-n' : 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s');
} else {
header.addClass('ui-sortable ui-sortable-column');"click.sheetheader", function (e) {
$this.sortClick($this, e, col);
} else {
// handle filtering
var f = $this.cfg.filters[col];
if (typeof (f) != "undefined" && f != 'false') {
var v = $($this.jqId + '_filter_' + col).val();
if (f == 'true') {
header.find('input').off().on('change.sheetfilter', function () {
$this.filterchange($this, col, this.value, false)
}).on('keydown.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterKeyDown($this, e)
}).on('keyup.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterKeyUp($this, e)
}).on('mouseover.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterMouseOver($this, e)
}).on('focusin.sheetfilter', function () {
$this.filterFocusIn($this, this)
}).on('focusout.sheetfilter', function () {
$this.filterFocusOut($this, this)
} else {
var selectInput = header.find('select');
for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
}'change.sheetfilter', function () {
$this.filterchange($this, col, this.value, true)
}).on('keydown.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterKeyDown($this, e)
}).on('keyup.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterKeyUp($this, e)
}).on('mouseover.sheetfilter', function (e) {
$this.filterMouseOver($this, e)
}).on('focusin.sheetfilter', function () {
$this.filterFocusIn($this, this)
// make a copy of the configuration
var configuration = $.extend(true, {}, $this.cfg);
// remove any properties we don't want in the options
delete configuration["readOnlyCells"];
delete configuration["rowKeys"];
delete configuration["columns"];
delete configuration["data"];
delete configuration["delta"];
delete configuration["errors"];
delete configuration["filters"];
delete configuration["rowKeys"];
delete configuration["sortable"];
delete configuration["styles"];
delete configuration["rowStyles"];
// merge configuration into options
$.extend(options, configuration);
// create the handsontable
$ = $'handsontable');
// prevent column clicks from selecting entire column, we use it for sort
// We were seeing an issue with this change and how it affected the columnSelect ajax action
// so we needed to NOT enabled this behavior if the given sheet has the ajax function defined.
if (!($this.hasBehavior('columnSelect'))) {
$'beforeOnCellMouseDown', $this.handleHotBeforeOnCellMouseDown);
// add before key down hook
$ = $this.cfg.allowTabOffSheet;
$'beforeKeyDown', $this.handleHotBeforeKeyDown);
// fix tbody
$('.htCore > tbody').addClass('ui-datatable-data ui-widget-content');
// Check if data exist. If not insert No Records Found message
if ( === 0) {
var colspan = options.columns.length;
$this.tableDiv.find('.emptyRows').find('tbody').html("" + $this.cfg.emptyMessage + " ")
var selval = $this.selectionInput.val();
if (selval && selval.length > 0) {
var sel = JSON.parse(selval);
$[0], sel[1], sel[2], sel[3], true);
_defaultCellRenderer: function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
var styleClass = '';
// append row style (if we have one)
var rowClass = this.cfg.rowStyles[row];
if (rowClass) {
styleClass = rowClass;
// append cell style (if we have one)
var cellClass = this.cfg.styles['r' + row + '_c' + col];
if (cellClass) {
styleClass = styleClass.concat(' ').concat(cellClass);
// check for errors
var invalidMessage = this.cfg.errors[this.cfg.rowKeys[row] + '_c' + col];
if (invalidMessage) {
styleClass = styleClass.concat(' ui-message-error');
td.innerHTML = "*" + value + "";
// every other row highlighting
if (row % 2 == 1) {
styleClass = styleClass.concat(' ui-datatable-odd');
} else {
styleClass = styleClass.concat(' ui-datatable-even');
td.className = td.className.concat(' ').concat(styleClass);
refresh: function (cfg) {
// clean up HT memory
if ( {; = null;
destroy: function () {
// clean up HT memory
if ( {;
* Updates the row with the new data value
* @param rowIndex the row index
* @param data the array of data values for the columns
* @param styles the JSON cell style updates
* @param readOnlyCells the JSON cell read only updates
updateData: function (rowIndex, data, styles, readOnlyCells) {
// merge the new styles in
$.extend(this.cfg.styles, styles);
//merge the new readonly cells in
$.extend(this.cfg.readOnlyCells, readOnlyCells);
// update any data rows
if (rowIndex <= this.cfg.rowKeys.length) {[rowIndex] = data;
// fired when a filter input is edited. firenow indicates the filter
// event should be fired immediately (select)
filterchange: function (sheet, col, v, firenow) {
$(sheet.jqId + '_filter_' + col).val(v);
sheet.filterChanged = true;
if (firenow) {
// fired when a sortable column is clicked
sortClick: function (sheet, e, col) {
if ($(':not(th,span,div)'))
var sc = sheet.sortByInput.val();
if (col == sc) {
var so = sheet.sortOrderInput.val();
sheet.sortOrderInput.val((so == 'ascending' ? 'descending' : 'ascending'));
} else {
// destroy editor to avoid posting request after resort;;
// eat enter keys for filter inputs so they do not submit form
filterKeyDown: function (sheet, e) {
var key = e.which, keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
if (key === keyCode.ENTER) {
// again, eat enter key. but also fire filter event on enter
filterKeyUp: function (sheet, e) {
var key = e.which, keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
if (key === keyCode.ENTER) {
// destroy editor to avoid posting request after resort;;
// to alleviate focus issues focus on mouse over
filterMouseOver: function (sheet, e) {
// keep track of focused filter input. if previous filter altered,
// fire filter event
filterFocusIn: function (sheet, inp) {
// if this call is the result of jQuery setFocus, exit
if (sheet.focusing)
// destroy editor to avoid posting request after resort
// this causes us to lose focus, so we need to refocus
// we need to prevent recursion with this hack
sheet.focusing = true;;;
// for some reason does not work when focused immediately,
setTimeout(function () {
sheet.focusing = false;
}, 150);
// remove focused filter tracking when tabbing off
filterFocusOut: function (sheet, inp) {
// if this call is the result of jQuery setFocus, exit
if (sheet.focusing)
// clear currently stored input and deltas
clearDataInput: function () { = {};
// clear all the filters
clearFilters: function () {
$("input[id^='" + + "_filter_']").val("");
this.filterChanged = true;
// tell handstontable to repaint itself
redraw: function () {
if ( {;
// #741 focus the handsontable
focus: function () {
if ( {, 0);
// run filtering if it has changed
filter: function () {
if (this.filterChanged && this.hasBehavior('filter')) {
this.filterChanged = false;
// Remove the row from the sheet
removeRow: function (index) {
if ( {'remove_row', index);
focusFirstError: function () {
var errors = this.tableDiv.find('.ui-message-error');
if (errors.length > 0) {
var firstError = errors.first();
var col = firstError.index() - 1;
var row = firstError.parent().index();, col);
// method to prevent selection of cells on column header click
handleHotBeforeOnCellMouseDown: function (event, coords, element) {
if (coords.row < 0) {
handleHotBeforeKeyDown: function (e) {
var selectedLast = this.getSelectedLast();
if (!selectedLast) {
var row = selectedLast[0];
var col = selectedLast[1];
var celltype = this.getCellMeta(row, col).type;
var evt = e || window.event; // IE support
var key = evt.charCode || evt.keyCode || 0;
var shiftDown = e.shiftKey;
// #740 tab on last cell should focus this next component
if (this.allowTabOffSheet && key == 9) {
var lastRow = this.countRows() - 1;
var lastCol = this.countCols() - 1;
if ((!shiftDown && row === lastRow && col === lastCol)
|| (shiftDown && row === 0 && col === 0)) {
//add all elements we want to include in our selection
var focusableElements = 'a:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), input[type=text]:not([disabled]):not([hidden]):not([aria-hidden="true"]), [tabindex]:not([disabled]):not([tabindex="-1"]):not([aria-hidden="true"])';
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.form) {
var focusable =,
function (element) {
//check for visibility while always include the current activeElement
return element.offsetWidth > 0 || element.offsetHeight > 0 || element === document.activeElement
var index = focusable.indexOf(document.activeElement);
if (index > -1) {
var nextElement = focusable[index + 1] || focusable[0];
// prevent Alpha chars in numeric sheet cells
if (celltype === "numeric") {
// #766 do not block if just CTRL or SHIFT key
if (key === 16 || key === 17) {
// #739 allow navigation
var ctrlDown = evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey; // Mac support
if (shiftDown || ctrlDown) {
// navigation keys
if (key == 9 || (key >= 35 && key <= 40)) {
// check for cut and paste
var isClipboard = false;
// Check for Alt+Gr (
if (ctrlDown && evt.altKey) isClipboard = false;
// Check for ctrl+c, v and x
else if (ctrlDown && key == 65) isClipboard = true; // a (select all)
else if (ctrlDown && key == 67) isClipboard = true; // c
else if (ctrlDown && key == 86) isClipboard = true; // v
else if (ctrlDown && key == 88) isClipboard = true; // x
// allow backspace, tab, delete, enter, arrows, numbers and keypad numbers
// ONLY home, end, F5, F12, minus (-), period (.)
// console.log('Key: ' + key + ' Shift: ' + e.shiftKey + ' Clipboard: ' + isClipboard);
var isNumeric = ((key == 8) || (key == 9) || (key == 13)
|| (key == 46) || (key == 110) || (key == 116)
|| (key == 123) || (key == 188) || (key == 189)
|| (key == 190) || ((key >= 35) && (key <= 40))
|| ((key >= 48) && (key <= 57)) || ((key >= 96) && (key <= 105)));
if ((!isNumeric && !isClipboard) || shiftDown) {
// prevent alpha characters
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