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META-INF.resources.primefaces.core.core.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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(function(window) {

    if(window.PrimeFaces) {
        window.PrimeFaces.debug("PrimeFaces already loaded, ignoring duplicate execution.");

     * This is the main global object for accessing the client-side API of PrimeFaces. Broadly speaking, it consists
     * of the following entries:
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.ajax} The AJAX module with functionality for sending AJAX requests
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.clientwindow} The client window module for multiple window support in PrimeFaces applications.
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.csp} The  CSP module for the HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) policy `script-src` directive.
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.dialog} The dialog module with functionality related to the dialog framework
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.env} The environment module with information about the current browser
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.expressions} The search expressions module with functionality for working with search expression
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.resources} The resources module with functionality for creating resource links
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.utils} The utility module with functionality that does not fit anywhere else
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.widget} The registry with all available widget classes
     * - {@link PrimeFaces.widgets} The registry with all currently instantiated widgets
     * - Several other utility methods defined directly on the `PrimeFaces` object, such as
     * {@link PrimeFaces.monitorDownload}, {@link PrimeFaces.getWidgetById}, or {@link PrimeFaces.escapeHTML}.
     * @namespace {PrimeFaces}
     * @interface {PrimeFaces.DeferredRender} DeferredRender Represents a deferred render added for a deferred widget.
     * Some widgets need to compute their dimensions based on their parent element(s). This requires that such widgets
     * are not rendered until they have become visible. A widget may not be visible, for example, when it is inside a
     * tab that is not shown when the page is rendered. PrimeFaces provides a global mechanism for widgets to render
     * once they are visible. This is done by keeping a list of widgets that need to be rendered, and checking on every
     * change (AJAX request, tab change etc.) whether any of those have become visible. A widgets should extend
     * `PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget` to make use of this functionality.
     * @prop {string} DeferredRender.widget The ID of a deferred widget.
     * @prop {string} DeferredRender.container ID of the container that should be visible before the widget can be rendered.
     * @method DeferredRender.callback Callback that is invoked when the widget _may_ possibly have become visible.
     * Checks whether the widget can be rendered and if so, renders it.
     * @return {boolean} DeferredRender.callback `true` when the widget was rendered, or `false` when the widget still
     * needs to be rendered later.
    var PrimeFaces = {

         * Creates an ID to a CSS ID selector that matches elements with that ID. For example:
         * ```
         * PrimeFaces.escapeClientId("form:input"); // => "#form\:input"
         * PrimeFaces.escapeClientId("form#input"); // => "#form#input"
         * ```
         * __Please note that this method does not escape all characters that need to be escaped and will not work with arbitrary IDs__
         * @param {string} id ID to convert.
         * @return {string} A CSS ID selector for the given ID.
        escapeClientId : function(id) {
            return "#" + id.replace(/:/g,"\\:");

         * Registeres a listener that will be called as soon as the given element was loaded completely. Please note the
         * listener may be called synchronously (immediately) or asynchronously, depending on whether the element is
         * already loaded.
         * @param {JQuery} element Element to wait for
         * @param {() => void} listener Listener to call once the element is loaded
        onElementLoad: function(element, listener) {
            if (element.prop('complete')) {
            else {
                element.on('load', listener);

         * Finds a widget in the current page with the given ID.
         * @param {string} id ID of the widget to retrieve.
         * @return {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget | null} The widget with the given ID, of `null` if no such widget was
         * found.
        getWidgetById : function(id) {
            for (var widgetVar in PrimeFaces.widgets) {
                var widget = PrimeFaces.widgets[widgetVar];
                if (widget && === id) {
                    return widget;

            return null;

         * Finds all widgets in the current page that are of the given type.
         * @template {new(...args: never[]) => unknown} TWidget Type of the widgets of interest, e.g.
         * `PrimeFaces.widget.DataTable`.
         * @param {TWidget} type The (proto)type of the widgets of interest, e.g. `PrimeFaces.widget.DataTable`.
         * @return  {InstanceType[]} An array of widgets that are of the requested type. If no suitable widgets
         * are found on the current page, an empty array will be returned.
        getWidgetsByType: function(type) {
            return $.map(this.widgets, function(widget, key) {
                return type.prototype.isPrototypeOf(widget) ? widget : null;

         * Gets the form by id or the closest form if the id is not a form itself.
         * In AJAX we also have a fallback for the first form in DOM, this should not be used here.
         * @param {string} id ID of the component to get the closest form or if its a form itself
         * @return {JQuery} the form or NULL if no form found
        getClosestForm: function(id) {
            var form = $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(id));
            if (!'form')) {
                form = form.closest('form');
            if (!form) {
                PrimeFaces.error('Form element could not be found for id: ' + id);
            return form;

         * Adds hidden input elements to the given form. For each key-value pair, a new hidden input element is created
         * with the given value and the key used as the name.
         * @param {string} parent The ID of a FORM element.
         * @param {Record} params An object with key-value pairs.
         * @return {typeof PrimeFaces} This object for chaining.
        addSubmitParam : function(parent, params) {
            var form = PrimeFaces.getClosestForm(parent);

            for(var key in params) {

            return this;

         * Submits the given form, and clears all `ui-submit-param`s after that to prevent dom caching issues.
         * If a target is given, it is set on the form temporarily before it is submitted. Afterwards, the original
         * target attribute of the form is restored.
         * @param {string} formId ID of the FORM element.
         * @param {string} [target] The target attribute to use on the form during the submit process.
        submit : function(formId, target) {
            var form = PrimeFaces.getClosestForm(formId);
            var prevTarget;

            if (target) {
                prevTarget = form.attr('target');
                form.attr('target', target);


            if (target) {
                if (prevTarget !== undefined) {
                    form.attr('target', prevTarget);
                } else {

         * Aborts all pending AJAX requests. This includes both requests that were already sent but did not receive a
         * response yet, as well as requests that are waiting in the queue and have not been sent yet.
        abortXHRs : function() {

         * Attaches the given behaviors to the element. For each behavior, an event listener is registered on the
         * element. Then, when the event is triggered, the behavior callback is invoked.
         * @param {JQuery} element The element for which to attach the behaviors.
         * @param {Record void>} behaviors An object with an event name
         * as the key and event handlers for that event as the value. Each event handler is called with the given
         * element as the this context and the event that occurred as the first argument.
        attachBehaviors : function(element, behaviors) {
            $.each(behaviors, function(event, fn) {
                element.on(event, function(e) {
          , e);

         * Fetches the value of a cookie by its name
         * @param {string} name Name of a cookie
         * @return {string | undefined} The value of the given cookie, or `undefined` if no such cookie exists
        getCookie : function(name) {
            return Cookies.get(name);

         * Sets the value of a given cookie.
         * It will set secure=true, if using HTTPS and session-config/cookie-config/secure is set to true in web.xml.
         * It will set sameSite, if secure=true, with the value of the primefaces.COOKIES_SAME_SITE parameter.
         * @param {string} name Name of the cookie to set
         * @param {string} value Value to set
         * @param {Partial} [cfg] Configuration for this cookie: when it expires, its
         * paths and domain and whether it is secure cookie.
        setCookie : function(name, value, cfg) {
            if (location.protocol === 'https:' && PrimeFaces.settings.cookiesSecure) {
       = true;

                if (PrimeFaces.settings.cookiesSameSite) {
                    cfg.sameSite = PrimeFaces.settings.cookiesSameSite;
            Cookies.set(name, value, cfg);

         * Deletes the given cookie.
         * @param {string} name Name of the cookie to delete
         * @param {Partial} [cfg] The cookie configuration used to set the cookie.
        deleteCookie: function(name, cfg) {
            Cookies.remove(name, cfg);

         * Checks whether cookies are enabled in the current browser.
         * @return {boolean} `true` if cookies are enabled and can be used, `false` otherwise.
        cookiesEnabled: function() {
            var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false;

            if(typeof navigator.cookieEnabled === 'undefined' && !cookieEnabled) {
                cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie") !== -1) ? true : false;

            return (cookieEnabled);

         * Generates a unique key for using in HTML5 local storage by combining the context, view, id, and key.
         * @param {string} id ID of the component
         * @param {string} key a unique key name such as the component name
         * @param {boolean} global if global then do not include the view id
         * @return {string} the generated key comprising of context + view + id + key
        createStorageKey : function(id, key, global) {
            var sk = PrimeFaces.settings.contextPath.replace(/\//g, '-')
                    + (global ? '' : PrimeFaces.settings.viewId.replace(/\//g, '-'))
                    + id + '-'
                    + key;
            return sk.toLowerCase();

         * Updates the class of the given INPUT element to indicate whether the element contains data or not. Used for
         * example in floating labels.
         * @param {JQuery} input The text input to modify
         * @param {JQuery} parent The parent element of the input.
        updateFilledState: function(input, parent) {
            var value = input.val();

            if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') {

            if (value.length) {

                if("span:not('.ui-float-label')")) {
            } else {

         * INPUT elements may have different states, such as `hovering` or `focused`. For each state, there is a
         * corresponding style class that is added to the input when it is in that state, such as `ui-state-hover` or
         * `ui-state-focus`. These classes are used by CSS rules for styling. This method sets up an input element so
         * that the classes are added correctly (by adding event listeners).
         * @param {JQuery} input INPUT element to skin
         * @return {typeof PrimeFaces} this for chaining
        skinInput : function(input) {
            var parent = input.parent(),
            updateFilledStateOnBlur = function () {
                if(parent.hasClass('ui-inputwrapper-focus')) {
                PrimeFaces.updateFilledState(input, parent);

            PrimeFaces.updateFilledState(input, parent);

            input.on("mouseenter", function() {
            }).on("mouseleave", function() {
            }).on("focus", function() {

                if("span:not('.ui-float-label')")) {
            }).on("blur", function() {

                if(input.hasClass('hasDatepicker')) {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 150);
                else {

            if('textarea')) {
                input.attr('aria-multiline', true);

            return this;

         * BUTTON elements may have different states, such as `hovering` or `focused`. For each state, there is a
         * corresponding style class that is added to the button when it is in that state, such as `ui-state-hover` or
         * `ui-state-focus`. These classes are used by CSS rules for styling. This method sets up a button element so
         * that the classes are added correctly (by adding event listeners).
         * @param {JQuery} button BUTTON element to skin
         * @return {typeof PrimeFaces} this for chaining
        skinButton : function(button) {
            button.on("mouseover", function(){
                var el = $(this);
                if(!button.prop('disabled')) {
            }).on("mouseout", function() {
                $(this).removeClass('ui-state-active ui-state-hover');
            }).on("mousedown", function() {
                var el = $(this);
                if(!button.prop('disabled')) {
            }).on("mouseup", function() {
            }).on("focus", function() {
            }).on("blur", function() {
                $(this).removeClass('ui-state-focus ui-state-active');
            }).on("keydown", function(e) {
                if(e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') {
            }).on("keyup", function() {

            return this;

         * SELECT elements may have different states, such as `hovering` or `focused`. For each state, there is a
         * corresponding style class that is added to the select when it is in that state, such as `ui-state-hover` or
         * `ui-state-focus`. These classes are used by CSS rules for styling. This method sets up a select element so
         * that the classes are added correctly (by adding event listeners).
         * @param {JQuery} select SELECT element to skin
         * @return {typeof PrimeFaces} this for chaining
        skinSelect : function(select) {
            select.on("mouseover", function() {
                var el = $(this);
            }).on("mouseout", function() {
            }).on("focus", function() {
            }).on("blur", function() {
                $(this).removeClass('ui-state-focus ui-state-hover');

            return this;

         * Logs the given message at the `info` level.
         * @param {string} log Message to log
        info: function(log) {
            if(this.logger) {
            if (PrimeFaces.isDevelopmentProjectStage() && window.console) {

         * Logs the given message at the `debug` level.
         * @param {string} log Message to log
        debug: function(log) {
            if(this.logger) {
            if (PrimeFaces.isDevelopmentProjectStage() && window.console) {

         * Logs the given message at the `warn` level.
         * @param {string} log Message to log
        warn: function(log) {
            if(this.logger) {

            if (PrimeFaces.isDevelopmentProjectStage() && window.console) {

         * Logs the given message at the `error` level.
         * @param {string} log Message to log
        error: function(log) {
            if(this.logger) {

            if (PrimeFaces.isDevelopmentProjectStage() && window.console) {

         * Checks whether the current application is running in a development environment or a production environment.
         * @return {boolean} `true` if this is a development environment, `false` otherwise.
        isDevelopmentProjectStage: function() {
            return PrimeFaces.settings.projectStage === 'Development';

         * Checks whether the current application is running in a production environment.
         * @return {boolean} `true` if this is a production environment, `false` otherwise.
        isProductionProjectStage: function() {
            return PrimeFaces.settings.projectStage === 'Production';

         * Handles the error case when a widget was requested that is not available. Currently just logs an error
         * message.
         * @param {string} widgetVar Widget variables of a widget
        widgetNotAvailable: function(widgetVar) {
           PrimeFaces.error("Widget for var '" + widgetVar + "' not available!");

         * Takes an input or textarea element and sets the caret (text cursor) position to the end of the the text.
         * @param {JQuery} element An input or textarea element.
        setCaretToEnd: function(element) {
            if(element) {
                var length = element.value.length;

                if(length > 0) {
                    if(element.setSelectionRange) {
                        element.setSelectionRange(0, length);
                    else if (element.createTextRange) {
                      var range = element.createTextRange();
                      range.moveEnd('character', 1);
                      range.moveStart('character', 1);

         * Gets the currently loaded PrimeFaces theme CSS link.
         * @return {string} The full URL to the theme CSS
        getThemeLink : function() {
            var themeLink = $('link[href*="' + PrimeFaces.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER + '/theme.css"]');
            // portlet
            if (themeLink.length === 0) {
                themeLink = $('link[href*="' + PrimeFaces.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER + '=theme.css"]');
            return themeLink;

         * Gets the currently loaded PrimeFaces theme.
         * @return {string} The current theme, such as `omega` or `luna-amber`. Empty string when no theme is loaded.
        getTheme : function() {
            return PrimeFaces.env.getTheme();

         * Changes the current theme to the given theme (by exchanging CSS files). Requires that the theme was
         * installed and is available.
         * @param {string} newTheme The new theme, eg. `luna-amber`, `nova-dark`, or `omega`.
        changeTheme: function(newTheme) {
            if(newTheme && newTheme !== '') {
                var themeLink = PrimeFaces.getThemeLink();

                var themeURL = themeLink.attr('href'),
                    plainURL = themeURL.split('&')[0],
                    oldTheme = plainURL.split('ln=')[1],
                    newThemeURL = themeURL.replace(oldTheme, 'primefaces-' + newTheme);

                themeLink.attr('href', newThemeURL);

         * Creates a regexp that matches the given text literal, and HTML-escapes that result.
         * @param {string} text The literal text to escape.
         * @return {string} A regexp that matches the given text, escaped to be used as a text-literal within an HTML
         * document.
        escapeRegExp: function(text) {
            return this.escapeHTML(text.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1"));

         * Escapes the given value to be used as the content of an HTML element or attribute.
         * @param {string} value A string to be escaped
         * @param {boolean | undefined} preventDoubleEscaping if true will not include ampersand to prevent double escaping
         * @return {string} The given value, escaped to be used as a text-literal within an HTML document.
        escapeHTML: function(value, preventDoubleEscaping) {
            var regex = preventDoubleEscaping ? /[<>"'`=\/]/g : /[&<>"'`=\/]/g;
            return String(value).replace(regex, function (s) {
                return PrimeFaces.entityMap[s];

         * Clears the text selected by the user on the current page.
        clearSelection: function() {
            if(window.getSelection) {
                if(window.getSelection().empty) {
                } else if(window.getSelection().removeAllRanges && window.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 && window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getClientRects().length > 0) {
            else if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) {
                try {
                } catch(error) {
                    //ignore IE bug

         * Finds the text currently selected by the user on the current page.
         * @return {string | Selection} The text currently selected by the user on the current page.
        getSelection: function() {
            var text = '';
            if (window.getSelection) {
                text = window.getSelection();
            } else if (document.getSelection) {
                text = document.getSelection();
            } else if (document.selection) {
                text = document.selection.createRange().text;

            return text;

         * Checks whether any text on the current page is selected by the user.
         * @return {boolean} `true` if text is selected, `false` otherwise.
        hasSelection: function() {
            return this.getSelection().length > 0;

         * A shortcut for {@link createWidget}.
         * @param {string} widgetName Name of the widget class, as registered in {@link PrimeFaces.widget}.
         * @param {string} widgetVar Widget variable of the widget
         * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidgetCfg} cfg Configuration for the widget
        cw : function(widgetName, widgetVar, cfg) {
            this.createWidget(widgetName, widgetVar, cfg);

         * Deprecated, use {@link PrimeFaces.resources.getFacesResource} instead.
         * @deprecated
         * @param {string} name Name of the resource
         * @param {string} library Library of the resource
         * @param {string} version Version of the resource
         * @return {string} The URL for accessing the given resource.
        getFacesResource : function(name, library, version) {
           return PrimeFaces.resources.getFacesResource(name, library, version);

         * Creates a new widget of the given type and with the given configuration. Registers that widget in the widgets
         * registry {@link PrimeFaces.widgets}. If this method is called in response to an AJAX request and the method
         * exists already, it is refreshed.
         * @param {string} widgetName Name of the widget class, as registered in `PrimeFaces.widget`
         * @param {string} widgetVar Widget variable of the widget
         * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidgetCfg} cfg Configuration for the widget
        createWidget : function(widgetName, widgetVar, cfg) {
            cfg.widgetVar = widgetVar;

            if(this.widget[widgetName]) {
                var widget = this.widgets[widgetVar];

                //ajax update
                if(widget && (widget.constructor === this.widget[widgetName])) {
                    if (cfg.postRefresh) {
              , widget);
                //page init
                else {
		    var newWidget = new this.widget[widgetName](cfg);
                    this.widgets[widgetVar] = newWidget;
                    if(this.settings.legacyWidgetNamespace) {
                        window[widgetVar] = newWidget;
                    if (cfg.postConstruct) {
             , newWidget);
            // widget script not loaded
            else {
                // should be loaded by our dynamic resource handling, log a error
                PrimeFaces.error("Widget class '" + widgetName + "' not found!");

         * Checks whether an items is contained in the given array. The items is compared against the array entries
         * via the `===` operator.
         * @template [T=unknown] Type of the array items
         * @param {T[]} arr An array with items
         * @param {T} item An item to check
         * @return {boolean} `true` if the given item is in the given array, `false` otherwise.
        inArray: function(arr, item) {
            for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                if(arr[i] === item) {
                    return true;

            return false;

         * Checks whether a value is of type `number` and is neither `Infinity` nor `NaN`.
         * @param {unknown} value A value to check
         * @return {boolean} `true` if the given value is a finite number (neither `NaN` nor +/- `Infinity`),
         * `false` otherwise.
        isNumber: function(value) {
            return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);

         * Attempts to put focus an element:
         * - When `id` is given, puts focus on the element with that `id`
         * - Otherwise, when `context` is given, puts focus on the first focusable element within that context
         * (container)
         * - Otherwise, puts focus on the first focusable element in the page.
         * @param {string} [id] ID of an element to focus.
         * @param {string} [context] The ID of a container with an element to focus
        focus: function(id, context) {
            var selector = ':not(:submit):not(:button):input:visible:enabled[name], a:first';

            setTimeout(function() {
                var focusFirstElement = function(elements) {
                    if (!elements || elements.length === 0) {
                    // first element could be the dialog close button
                    var firstElement = elements.eq(0);
                    // loop over elements looking for an input
                    var inputs = elements.filter(":input");
                    if (inputs.length > 0) {
                        firstElement = inputs.eq(0);
                if(id) {
                    var jq = $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(id));

                    if( {
                    else {
                else if(context) {
                else {
            }, 50);

            // remember that a custom focus has been rendered
            // this avoids to retain the last focus after ajax update
            PrimeFaces.customFocus = true;

         * Puts focus on the given element.
         * @param {JQuery} el Element to focus
        focusElement: function(el) {
            if(':radio')) {
                // github issue: #2582
                if(el.hasClass('ui-helper-hidden-accessible')) {
                else {
                    var checkedRadio = $(':radio[name="' + $.escapeSelector(el.attr('name')) + '"]').filter(':checked');
            else {

         * As a `` process is implemented as a norma, non-AJAX request, `` will not work.
         * Still, PrimeFaces provides a feature to monitor file downloads via this client-side function. This is done
         * by sending a cookie with the HTTP response of the file download request. On the client-side, polling is used
         * to check when the cookie is set.
         * The example below displays a modal dialog when a download begins and hides it when the download is complete:
         * Client-side callbacks:
         * ```javascript
         * function showStatus() {
         *   PF('statusDialog').show();
         * }
         * function hideStatus() {
         *   PF('statusDialog').hide();
         * }
         * ```
         * Server-side XHTML view:
         * ```xml
         * ```
         * @param {() => void} start Callback that is invoked when the download starts.
         * @param {() => void} complete Callback that is invoked when the download ends.
         * @param {string} [monitorKey] Name of the cookie for monitoring the download. The cookie name defaults to
         * `` + the current viewId. When a monitor key is given, the name of the cookie will consist of a prefix and the
         * given monitor key.
        monitorDownload: function(start, complete, monitorKey) {
            if(this.cookiesEnabled()) {
                if(start) {

                var cookieName = '' + PrimeFaces.settings.viewId.replace(/\//g, '_');
                cookieName = cookieName.substr(0, cookieName.lastIndexOf("."));
                if (monitorKey && monitorKey !== '') {
                    cookieName += '_' + monitorKey;

                var cookiePath = PrimeFaces.settings.contextPath;
                if (!cookiePath || cookiePath === '') {
                    cookiePath = '/';

                window.downloadMonitor = setInterval(function() {
                    var downloadComplete = PrimeFaces.getCookie(cookieName);

                    if(downloadComplete === 'true') {
                        if(complete) {
                        PrimeFaces.setCookie(cookieName, null, { path: cookiePath });
                }, 1000);

         *  Scrolls to a component with given client id
         * @param {string} id The ID of an element to scroll to.
        scrollTo: function(id) {
            var offset = $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(id)).offset();
            var scrollBehavior = 'scroll-behavior';
            var target = $('html,body');
            var sbValue = target.css(scrollBehavior);
            target.css(scrollBehavior, 'auto');
                    { scrollTop:, scrollLeft: offset.left },
                    function(){ target.css(scrollBehavior, sbValue) }

         * Aligns container scrollbar to keep item in container viewport, algorithm copied from JQueryUI menu widget.
         * @param {JQuery} container The container with a scrollbar that contains the item.
         * @param {JQuery} item The item to scroll into view.
        scrollInView: function(container, item) {
            if(item === null || item.length === 0) {

            var borderTop = parseFloat(container.css('borderTopWidth')) || 0,
            paddingTop = parseFloat(container.css('paddingTop')) || 0,
            offset = item.offset().top - container.offset().top - borderTop - paddingTop,
            scroll = container.scrollTop(),
            elementHeight = container.height(),
            itemHeight = item.outerHeight(true);

            if(offset < 0) {
                container.scrollTop(scroll + offset);
            else if((offset + itemHeight) > elementHeight) {
                container.scrollTop(scroll + offset - elementHeight + itemHeight);

         * Finds the width of the scrollbar that is used by the current browser, as scrollbar widths are different for
         * across different browsers.
         * @return {number} The width of the scrollbars of the current browser.
        calculateScrollbarWidth: function() {
            if(!this.scrollbarWidth) {
                var $div = $('
') .css({ width: '100px', height: '100px', overflow: 'auto', position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', left: '-1000px' }) .prependTo('body').append('
').find('div') .css({ width: '100%', height: '200px' }); this.scrollbarWidth = 100 - $div.width(); $div.parent().remove(); } return this.scrollbarWidth; }, /** * A function that is used as the handler function for HTML event tags (`onclick`, `onkeyup` etc.). When a * component has got an `onclick` etc attribute, the JavaScript for that attribute is called by this method. * @param {HTMLElement} element Element on which the event occurred. * @param {Event} event Event that occurred. * @param {((this: HTMLElement, event: Event) => boolean | undefined)[]} functions A list of callback * functions. If any returns `false`, the default action of the event is prevented. */ bcn: function(element, event, functions) { if(functions) { for(var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) { var retVal = functions[i].call(element, event); if(retVal === false) { if(event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } break; } } } }, /** * A function that is used as the handler function for AJAX behaviors. When a component has got an AJAX * behavior, the JavaScript that implements behavior's client-side logic is called by this method. * @param {Partial} ext Additional options to override the current * options. * @param {Event} event Event that occurred. * @param {((this: typeof PrimeFaces, ext: Partial, event: Event) => boolean | undefined)[]} fns * A list of callback functions. If any returns `false`, the other callbacks are not invoked. */ bcnu: function(ext, event, fns) { if(fns) { for(var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { var retVal = fns[i].call(this, ext, event); if(retVal === false) { break; } } } }, /** * Deprecated, use `PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.openDialog` instead. * @deprecated * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg} cfg Configuration of the dialog. */ openDialog: function(cfg) { if (PrimeFaces.dialog) { PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.openDialog(cfg); } }, /** * Deprecated, use `PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.closeDialog` instead. * @deprecated * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandlerCfg} cfg Configuration of the dialog. */ closeDialog: function(cfg) { if (PrimeFaces.dialog) { PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.closeDialog(cfg); } }, /** * Deprecated, use {@link PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.showMessageInDialog} instead. * @deprecated * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.ConfirmDialog.ConfirmDialogMessage} msg Message to show in a dialog. */ showMessageInDialog: function(msg) { if (PrimeFaces.dialog) { PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.showMessageInDialog(msg); } }, /** * Displays dialog or popup according to the type of confirm component. * @deprecated Deprecated, use {@link PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.confirm} instead. * @param {PrimeFaces.dialog.ExtendedConfirmDialogMessage} msg Message to show with the confirm dialog or popup. */ confirm: function(msg) { if (msg.type === 'popup' && PrimeFaces.confirmPopup) { PrimeFaces.confirmPopup.showMessage(msg); } else if (PrimeFaces.dialog) { PrimeFaces.dialog.DialogHandler.confirm(msg); } }, /** * Some widgets need to compute their dimensions based on their parent element(s). This requires that such * widgets are not rendered until they have become visible. A widget may not be visible, for example, when it * is inside a tab that is not shown when the page is rendered. PrimeFaces provides a global mechanism for * widgets to render once they are visible. This is done by keeping a list of widgets that need to be rendered, * and checking on every change (AJAX request, tab change etc.) whether any of those have become visible. A * widgets should extend `PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget` to make use of this functionality. * * This is the list of renders for widgets that are currently waiting to become visible. * * @type {PrimeFaces.DeferredRender[]} */ deferredRenders: [], /** * Some widgets need to compute their dimensions based on their parent element(s). This requires that such * widgets are not rendered until they have become visible. A widget may not be visible, for example, when it * is inside a tab that is not shown when the page is rendered. PrimeFaces provides a global mechanism for * widgets to render once they are visible. This is done by keeping a list of widgets that need to be rendered, * and checking on every change (AJAX request, tab change etc.) whether any of those have become visible. A * widgets should extend `PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget` to make use of this functionality. * * Adds a deferred render to the global list. * * @param {string} widgetId The ID of a deferred widget. * @param {string} containerId ID of the container that should be visible before the widget can be rendered. * @param {() => boolean} fn Callback that is invoked when the widget _may_ possibly have become visible. Should * return `true` when the widget was rendered, or `false` when the widget still needs to be rendered later. */ addDeferredRender: function(widgetId, containerId, fn) { this.deferredRenders.push({widget: widgetId, container: containerId, callback: fn}); }, /** * Some widgets need to compute their dimensions based on their parent element(s). This requires that such * widgets are not rendered until they have become visible. A widget may not be visible, for example, when it * is inside a tab that is not shown when the page is rendered. PrimeFaces provides a global mechanism for * widgets to render once they are visible. This is done by keeping a list of widgets that need to be rendered, * and checking on every change (AJAX request, tab change etc.) whether any of those have become visible. A * widgets should extend `PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget` to make use of this functionality. * * Removes a deferred render from the global list. * * @param {string} widgetId The ID of a deferred widget. */ removeDeferredRenders: function(widgetId) { for(var i = (this.deferredRenders.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { var deferredRender = this.deferredRenders[i]; if(deferredRender.widget === widgetId) { this.deferredRenders.splice(i, 1); } } }, /** * Some widgets need to compute their dimensions based on their parent element(s). This requires that such * widgets are not rendered until they have become visible. A widget may not be visible, for example, when it * is inside a tab that is not shown when the page is rendered. PrimeFaces provides a global mechanism for * widgets to render once they are visible. This is done by keeping a list of widgets that need to be rendered, * and checking on every change (AJAX request, tab change etc.) whether any of those have become visible. A * widgets should extend `PrimeFaces.widget.DeferredWidget` to make use of this functionality. * * Invokes all deferred renders. This is usually called when an action was performed that _may_ have resulted * in a container now being visible. This includes actions such as an AJAX request request was made or a tab * change. * * @param {string} containerId ID of the container that _may_ have become visible. */ invokeDeferredRenders: function(containerId) { var widgetsToRemove = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.deferredRenders.length; i++) { var deferredRender = this.deferredRenders[i]; if(deferredRender.container === containerId) { var rendered =; if(rendered) { widgetsToRemove.push(deferredRender.widget); } } } for(var j = 0; j < widgetsToRemove.length; j++) { this.removeDeferredRenders(widgetsToRemove[j]); } }, /** * Finds the current locale with the i18n keys and the associated translations. Uses the current language key * as specified by `PrimeFaces.settings.locale`. When no locale was found for the given locale, falls back to * the default English locale. * @param {string} [cfgLocale] optional configuration locale from the widget * @return {PrimeFaces.Locale} The current locale with the key-value pairs. */ getLocaleSettings: function(cfgLocale) { var locale; if(cfgLocale) { // widget locale must not be cached since it can change per widget locale = PrimeFaces.locales[cfgLocale]; } else { // global settings so return cached value if already loaded if(this.localeSettings) { return this.localeSettings; } locale = PrimeFaces.locales[PrimeFaces.settings.locale]; } // try and strip specific language from nl_BE to just nl if (!locale) { var localeKey = cfgLocale ? cfgLocale : PrimeFaces.settings.locale; locale = PrimeFaces.locales[localeKey.split('_')[0]]; } // if all else fails default to US English if(!locale) { locale = PrimeFaces.locales['en_US']; } // cache default global settings if(!cfgLocale) { this.localeSettings = locale; } return locale; }, /** * Some ARIA attributes have a value that depends on the current locale. This returns the localized version for * the given aria key. * @param {string} key An aria key * @return {string} The translation for the given aria key */ getAriaLabel: function(key) { var ariaLocaleSettings = this.getLocaleSettings()['aria']; return (ariaLocaleSettings&&ariaLocaleSettings[key]) ? ariaLocaleSettings[key] : PrimeFaces.locales['en_US']['aria'][key]; }, /** * For 4.0 jQuery deprecated $.trim in favor of PrimeFaces.trim however that does not handle * NULL and jQuery did so this function allows a drop in replacement. * * @param {string} value the String to trim * @return {string} trimmed value or "" if it was NULL */ trim: function(value) { if (!value) { return ""; } if (typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String) { return value.trim(); } // return original value if it was not a string return value; }, /** * Generate a RFC-4122 compliant UUID to be used as a unique identifier. * * See * * @return {string} A random UUID. */ uuid: function() { var lut = []; for (var i=0; i<256; i++) { lut[i] = (i<16?'0':'')+(i).toString(16); } var d0 = Math.random()*0xffffffff|0; var d1 = Math.random()*0xffffffff|0; var d2 = Math.random()*0xffffffff|0; var d3 = Math.random()*0xffffffff|0; return lut[d0&0xff]+lut[d0>>8&0xff]+lut[d0>>16&0xff]+lut[d0>>24&0xff]+'-'+ lut[d1&0xff]+lut[d1>>8&0xff]+'-'+lut[d1>>16&0x0f|0x40]+lut[d1>>24&0xff]+'-'+ lut[d2&0x3f|0x80]+lut[d2>>8&0xff]+'-'+lut[d2>>16&0xff]+lut[d2>>24&0xff]+ lut[d3&0xff]+lut[d3>>8&0xff]+lut[d3>>16&0xff]+lut[d3>>24&0xff]; }, /** * Increment and return the next `z-index` for CSS as a string. * Note that jQuery will no longer accept numeric values in {@link JQuery.css | $.fn.css} as of version 4.0. * * @return {string} the next `z-index` as a string. */ nextZindex: function() { return String(++PrimeFaces.zindex); }, /** * Converts a date into an ISO-8601 date without using the browser timezone offset. * * See * * @param {Date} date the date to convert * @return {string} ISO-8601 version of the date */ toISOString: function(date) { return new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString(); }, /** * Converts the provided string to searchable form. * * @param {string} string to normalize. * @param {boolean} lowercase flag indicating whether the string should be lower cased. * @param {boolean} normalize flag indicating whether the string should be normalized (accents to be removed * from characters). * @returns {string} searchable string. */ toSearchable: function(string, lowercase, normalize) { if (!string) return ''; var result = normalize ? string.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') : string; return lowercase ? result.toLowerCase() : result; }, /** * Reset any state variables on update="@all". */ resetState: function() { PrimeFaces.ajax.Queue.abortAll(); PrimeFaces.zindex = 1000; PrimeFaces.detachedWidgets = []; PrimeFaces.animationActive = false; PrimeFaces.customFocus = false; PrimeFaces.widgets = {}; }, /** * Logs the current PrimeFaces and jQuery version to console. */ version: function() { var version = 'PrimeFaces ' + PrimeFaces.VERSION + ' (jQuery ' + jQuery.fn.jquery + ' / UI ' + $.ui.version + ')'; console.log(version); }, /** * A tracker for the current z-index, used for example when creating multiple modal dialogs. * @type {number} */ zindex : 1000, /** * Global flag for enabling or disabling both jQuery and CSS animations. * @type {boolean} */ animationEnabled : true, /** * Flag for detecting whether animation is currently running. Similar to flag and is useful * for scripts or automation tests to determine if the animation is currently running. * @type {boolean} */ animationActive : false, /** * Used to store whether a custom focus has been rendered. This avoids having to retain the last focused element * after AJAX update. * @type {boolean} */ customFocus : false, /** * PrimeFaces per defaults hides all overlays on scrolling/resizing to avoid positioning problems. * This is really hard to overcome in selenium tests and we can disable this behavior with this setting. * @type {boolean} */ hideOverlaysOnViewportChange : true, /** * A list of widgets that were once instantiated, but are not removed from the DOM, such as due to the result * of an AJAX update request. * @type {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget[]} * @readonly */ detachedWidgets : [], /** * Name of the POST parameter that indicates whether the request is an AJAX request. * @type {string} * @readonly */ PARTIAL_REQUEST_PARAM : "javax.faces.partial.ajax", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the list of components to be updated. * @type {string} * @readonly */ PARTIAL_UPDATE_PARAM : "javax.faces.partial.render", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the list of components to process. * @type {string} * @readonly */ PARTIAL_PROCESS_PARAM : "javax.faces.partial.execute", /** * Name of the POST parameter that indicates which element or component triggered the AJAX request. * @type {string} * @readonly */ PARTIAL_SOURCE_PARAM : "javax.faces.source", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the name of the current behavior event. * @type {string} * @readonly */ BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAM : "javax.faces.behavior.event", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the name of the current partial behavior event. * @type {string} * @readonly */ PARTIAL_EVENT_PARAM : "javax.faces.partial.event", /** * Name of the POST parameter that indicates whether forms should have their values reset. * @type {string} * @readonly */ RESET_VALUES_PARAM : "primefaces.resetvalues", /** * Name of the POST parameter that indicates whether `` tags should be ignored. * @type {string} * @readonly */ IGNORE_AUTO_UPDATE_PARAM : "primefaces.ignoreautoupdate", /** * Name of the POST parameter that indicates whether children should be skipped. * @type {string} * @readonly */ SKIP_CHILDREN_PARAM : "primefaces.skipchildren", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the current view state. * @type {string} * @readonly */ VIEW_STATE : "javax.faces.ViewState", /** * Name of the POST parameter with the current client window. * @type {string} * @readonly */ CLIENT_WINDOW : "javax.faces.ClientWindow", /** * Name of the POST parameter that contains the view root. * @type {string} * @readonly */ VIEW_ROOT : "javax.faces.ViewRoot", /** * Name of the POST parameter with the current client ID * @type {string} * @readonly */ CLIENT_ID_DATA : "primefaces.clientid", /** * Name of the faces resource servlet, eg. `javax.faces.resource`. * @type {string} * @readonly */ RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER: 'javax.faces.resource', /** * The current version of PrimeFaces. * @type {string} * @readonly */ VERSION: '${project.version}' }; // PrimeFaces Namespaces /** * An object with some runtime settings, such as the current locale. * @namespace * * @prop {string} locale The current locale, such as `en`,`en_US`, or `ja`. * @readonly locale * * @prop {boolean} validateEmptyFields `true` if empty (input etc.) fields should be validated, or `false` otherwise. * @readonly validateEmptyFields * * @prop {boolean} considerEmptyStringNull `true` if the empty string and `null` should be treated the same way, or * `false` otherwise. * @readonly considerEmptyStringNull */ PrimeFaces.settings = {}; PrimeFaces.util = {}; /** * A registry of all instantiated widgets that are available on the current page. * @type {Record} */ PrimeFaces.widgets = {}; /** * A map with language specific translations. This is a map between the language keys and another map with the i18n * keys mapped to the translation. * @type {Record} */ PrimeFaces.locales = { 'en_US': { closeText: 'Close', prevText: 'Previous', nextText: 'Next', monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ], monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ], dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], dayNamesMin: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W ', 'T', 'F ', 'S'], weekHeader: 'Week', weekNumberTitle: 'W', firstDay: 0, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix:'', timeOnlyTitle: 'Only Time', timeText: 'Time', hourText: 'Hour', minuteText: 'Minute', secondText: 'Second', millisecondText: 'Millisecond', currentText: 'Current Date', ampm: false, year: 'Year', month: 'Month', week: 'Week', day: 'Day', now: 'Now', list: 'Agenda', allDayText: 'All Day', moreLinkText: 'More...', noEventsText: 'No Events', clear: 'Clear', aria: { 'paginator.PAGE': 'Page {0}', 'calendar.BUTTON': 'Show Calendar', 'datatable.sort.ASC': 'activate to sort column ascending', 'datatable.sort.DESC': 'activate to sort column descending', 'datatable.sort.NONE': 'activate to remove sorting on column', 'columntoggler.CLOSE': 'Close', 'overlaypanel.CLOSE': 'Close', 'colorpicker.OPEN': 'Open color picker', 'colorpicker.CLOSE': 'Close color picker', 'colorpicker.CLEAR': 'Clear the selected color', 'colorpicker.MARKER': 'Saturation: {s}. Brightness: {v}.', 'colorpicker.HUESLIDER': 'Hue slider', 'colorpicker.ALPHASLIDER': 'Opacity slider', 'colorpicker.INPUT': 'Color value field', 'colorpicker.FORMAT': 'Color format', 'colorpicker.SWATCH': 'Color swatch', 'colorpicker.INSTRUCTION': 'Saturation and brightness selector. Use up, down, left and right arrow keys to select.', 'spinner.INCREASE': 'Increase Value', 'spinner.DECREASE': 'Decrease Value' } } }; PrimeFaces.locales['en'] = PrimeFaces.locales['en_US']; /** * A map between some HTML entities and their HTML-escaped equivalent. * @type {Record} */ PrimeFaces.entityMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/', '`': '`', '=': '=' }; /** * Finds and returns a widget * * Note to typescript users: You should define a method that takes a widget variables and widget constructor, and * check whether the widget is of the given type. If so, you can return the widget and cast it to the desired type: * ```typescript * function getWidget(widgetVar, widgetClass: new() => T): T | undefined { * const widget = PrimeFaces.widget[widgetVar]; * return widget !== undefined && widget instanceof constructor ? widgetClass : undefined; * } * ``` * @function * @param {string} widgetVar The widget variable of a widget. * @return {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget | undefined} The widget instance, or `undefined` if no such widget exists * currently. */ PF = function(widgetVar) { var widgetInstance = PrimeFaces.widgets[widgetVar]; if (!widgetInstance) { PrimeFaces.widgetNotAvailable(widgetVar); } return widgetInstance; }; //expose globally window.PrimeFaces = PrimeFaces; })(window);

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