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META-INF.resources.primefaces.fileupload.2-fileupload.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 14.0.1
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 * __PrimeFaces FileUpload Widget__
 * FileUpload goes beyond the browser input `type="file"` functionality and features an HTML5 powered rich solution with
 * graceful degradation for legacy browsers.
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnAddCallback Callback invoked when file was selected and is added to this
 * widget. See also {@link FileUploadCfg.onAdd}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnAddCallback
 * @param {File} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnAddCallback.file The file that was selected for the upload.
 * @param {(processedFile: File) => void} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnAddCallback.callback Callback that needs to be
 * invoked with the file that should be added to the upload queue.
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCancelCallback Callback that is invoked when a file upload was canceled. See
 * also {@link FileUploadCfg.oncancel}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCancelCallback
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnUploadCallback Callback to execute before the files are sent.
 * If this callback returns false, the file upload request is not started. See also {@link FileUploadCfg.onupload}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnUploadCallback
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCompleteCallback Callback that is invoked after a file was uploaded to the
 * server successfully. See also {@link FileUploadCfg.oncomplete}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCompleteCallback
 * @param {PrimeFaces.ajax.PrimeFacesArgs} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCompleteCallback.pfArgs The additional
 * arguments from the jQuery XHR requests.
 * @param {JQueryFileUpload.JQueryAjaxCallbackData} Details about
 * the uploaded file or files.
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback Callback that is invoked when a file could not be uploaded to
 * the server. See also {@link FileUploadCfg.onerror}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback
 * @param {JQuery.jqXHR} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback.jqXHR The XHR object from the HTTP request.
 * @param {string} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback.textStatus The HTTP status text of the failed request.
 * @param {PrimeFaces.ajax.PrimeFacesArgs} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback.pfArgs The additional arguments
 * from the jQuery XHR request.
 * @typedef PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnStartCallback Callback that is invoked at the beginning of a file upload,
 * when a file is sent to the server. See also {@link FileUploadCfg.onstart}.
 * @this {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload} PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnStartCallback
 * @interface {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.UploadMessage} UploadMessage A error message for a file upload widget.
 * @prop {number} UploadMessage.filesize The size of the uploaded file in bytes.
 * @prop {string} UploadMessage.filename The name of the uploaded file.
 * @prop {string} UploadMessage.summary A short summary of this message.
 * @interface {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.UploadFile} UploadFile Represents an uploaded file added to the upload
 * widget.
 * @prop {JQuery} UploadFile.row Row of an uploaded file.
 * @prop {JQuery} buttonBar The DOM element for the bar with the buttons of this widget.
 * @prop {number} dragoverCount Amount of dragover on drop zone and its children.
 * @prop {string} customDropZone Custom drop zone to use for drag and drop.
 * @prop {string} dropZone Drop zone to use for drag and drop.
 * @prop {JQuery} cancelButton The DOM element for the button for canceling a file upload.
 * @prop {JQuery} chooseButton The DOM element for the button for selecting a file.
 * @prop {string} clearMessagesSelector Selector for the button to clear the error messages.
 * @prop {JQuery} clearMessageLink The DOM element for the button to clear the file upload messages (which inform the
 * user about whether a file was uploaded).
 * @prop {JQuery} content The DOM element for the content of this widget.
 * @prop {number} fileAddIndex Current index where to add files.
 * @prop {string} fileId ID of the current file.
 * @prop {File[]} files List of currently selected files.
 * @prop {JQuery} filesTbody The DOM element for the table tbody with the files.
 * @prop {JQuery} form The DOM element for the form containing this upload widget.
 * @prop {JQuery} messageContainer The DOM element of the container with the file upload messages which inform the user
 * about whether a file was uploaded.
 * @prop {JQuery} messageList The DOM element of the UL list element with the file upload messages which inform the user
 * about whether a file was uploaded.
 * @prop {string} rowActionSelector Selector for the available actions (buttons) of a row.
 * @prop {string} rowCancelActionSelector Selector for the button for canceling a file upload.
 * @prop {string[]} sizes Suffixes for formatting files sizes.
 * @prop {JQueryFileUpload.FileUploadOptions} ucfg Options for the BlueImp jQuery file upload plugin.
 * @prop {JQuery} uploadButton The DOM element for the button for starting the file upload.
 * @prop {number} uploadedFileCount Number of currently uploaded files.
 * @interface {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUploadCfg} cfg The configuration for the {@link  FileUpload| FileUpload widget}.
 * You can access this configuration via {@link PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.cfg|BaseWidget.cfg}. Please note that this
 * configuration is usually meant to be read-only and should not be modified.
 * @extends {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidgetCfg} cfg
 * @prop {RegExp} cfg.allowTypes Regular expression for accepted file types.
 * @prop {boolean} When set to true, selecting a file starts the upload process implicitly.
 * @prop {boolean} cfg.dnd Whether drag and drop is enabled.
 * @prop {string} cfg.dropZone Custom drop zone to use for drag and drop.
 * @prop {boolean} cfg.disabled Whether this file upload is disabled.
 * @prop {number} cfg.fileLimit Maximum number of files allowed to upload.
 * @prop {string} cfg.fileLimitMessage Message to display when file limit exceeds.
 * @prop {boolean} Global AJAX requests are listened to by `ajaxStatus`. When `false`, `ajaxStatus` will not
 * get triggered.
 * @prop {string} cfg.invalidFileMessage Message to display when file is not accepted.
 * @prop {string} cfg.invalidSizeMessage Message to display when size limit exceeds.
 * @prop {number} cfg.maxFileSize Maximum allowed size in bytes for files.
 * @prop {string} cfg.messageTemplate Message template to use when displaying file validation errors.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnAddCallback} cfg.onAdd Callback invoked when an uploaded file is added.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnUploadCallback} cfg.onupload Callback to execute before the files are sent.
 * If this callback returns false, the file upload request is not started.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCancelCallback} cfg.oncancel Callback that is invoked when a file upload was
 * canceled.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnCompleteCallback} cfg.oncomplete Callback that is invoked after a file was
 * uploaded to the server successfully.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnErrorCallback} cfg.onerror Callback that is invoked when a file could not be
 * uploaded to the server.
 * @prop {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.OnStartCallback} cfg.onstart Callback that is invoked at the beginning of a file
 * upload, when a file is sent to the server.
 * @prop {number} cfg.previewWidth Width for image previews in pixels.
 * @prop {string} cfg.process Component(s) to process in fileupload request.
 * @prop {boolean} cfg.sequentialUploads `true` to upload files one after each other, `false` to upload in parallel.
 * @prop {string} cfg.update Component(s) to update after fileupload completes.
 * @prop {number} cfg.maxChunkSize To upload large files in smaller chunks, set this option to a preferred maximum chunk
 * size. If set to `0`, `null` or `undefined`, or the browser does not support the required Blob API, files will be
 * uploaded as a whole.
 * @prop {number} cfg.maxRetries Only for chunked file upload: Amount of retries when upload gets interrupted due to
 * e.g. an unstable network connection.
 * @prop {number} cfg.retryTimeout Only for chunked file upload: (Base) timeout in milliseconds to wait until the next
 * retry. It is multiplied with the retry count. (first retry: `retryTimeout * 1`, second retry: `retryTimeout * 2`,
 * ...)
 * @prop {string} cfg.resumeContextPath Server-side path which provides information to resume chunked file upload.
PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({

     * Regular expression that matches image files for which a preview can be shown.
     * @type {RegExp}
    IMAGE_TYPES: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i,

     * @override
     * @inheritdoc
     * @param {PrimeFaces.PartialWidgetCfg} cfg
    init: function(cfg) {
        if(this.cfg.disabled) {

        this.ucfg = {};
        this.form = this.jq.closest('form');
        this.buttonBar = this.jq.children('.ui-fileupload-buttonbar');
        this.dragoverCount = 0;
        this.customDropZone = this.cfg.dropZone !== undefined ? PrimeFaces.expressions.SearchExpressionFacade.resolveComponentsAsSelector(this.cfg.dropZone) : null;
        this.dropZone = (this.cfg.dnd === false) ? null : this.customDropZone || this.jq;
        this.chooseButton = this.buttonBar.children('.ui-fileupload-choose');
        this.uploadButton = this.buttonBar.children('.ui-fileupload-upload');
        this.cancelButton = this.buttonBar.children('.ui-fileupload-cancel');
        this.content = this.jq.children('.ui-fileupload-content');
        this.filesTbody = this.content.find('> div.ui-fileupload-files > div');
        this.sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
        this.files = [];
        this.fileAddIndex = 0;
        this.cfg.invalidFileMessage = this.cfg.invalidFileMessage || 'Invalid file type';
        this.cfg.invalidSizeMessage = this.cfg.invalidSizeMessage || 'Invalid file size';
        this.cfg.fileLimitMessage = this.cfg.fileLimitMessage || 'Maximum number of files exceeded';
        this.cfg.messageTemplate = this.cfg.messageTemplate || '{name} {size}';
        this.cfg.previewWidth = this.cfg.previewWidth || 80;
        this.cfg.maxRetries = this.cfg.maxRetries || 30;
        this.cfg.retryTimeout = this.cfg.retryTimeout || 1000; = ( === true || === undefined) ? true : false;
        this.uploadedFileCount = 0;
        this.fileId = 0;



        var $this = this;

        var parameterPrefix = PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.extractParameterNamespace(this.form);

        this.ucfg = {
            url: PrimeFaces.ajax.Utils.getPostUrl(this.form),
            portletForms: PrimeFaces.ajax.Utils.getPorletForms(this.form, parameterPrefix),
            dataType: 'xml',
            dropZone: this.dropZone,
            sequentialUploads: this.cfg.sequentialUploads,
            maxChunkSize: this.cfg.maxChunkSize,
            maxRetries: this.cfg.maxRetries,
            retryTimeout: this.cfg.retryTimeout,
            source: $,
            formData: function() {
                return $this.createPostData();
            beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
                xhr.setRequestHeader('Faces-Request', 'partial/ajax');
                xhr.pfSettings = settings;
                xhr.pfArgs = {}; // default should be an empty object
                if($ {
                    $(document).trigger('pfAjaxSend', [xhr, this]);
            start: function(e) {
                if($this.cfg.onstart) {
            add: function(e, data) {
                $this.chooseButton.removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-focus');

                if($this.fileAddIndex === 0) {

                if($this.cfg.fileLimit && ($this.uploadedFileCount + $this.files.length + 1) > $this.cfg.fileLimit) {
                        summary: $this.cfg.fileLimitMessage


                var file = data.files ? data.files[0] : null;
                if(file) {
                    var validMsg = $this.validate(file);

                    if(validMsg) {
                            summary: validMsg,
                            filesize: file.size


                        if ($this.cfg.onvalidationfailure) {
                                summary: validMsg,
                                filesize: file.size
                    else {
                        if($this.cfg.onAdd) {
                            $$this, file, function(processedFile) {
                                file = processedFile;
                                data.files[0] = processedFile;
                                $this.addFileToRow(file, data);
                        else {
                            $this.addFileToRow(file, data);

                    if ($this.cfg.resumeContextPath && $this.cfg.maxChunkSize > 0) {
                        $.getJSON($this.cfg.resumeContextPath, {'X-File-Id': $this.createXFileId(file)}, function (result) {
                            var uploadedBytes = result.uploadedBytes;
                            data.uploadedBytes = uploadedBytes;
            send: function(e, data) {
                if(!window.FormData) {
                    for(var i = 0; i < data.files.length; i++) {
                        var file = data.files[i];
                        if(file.row) {
                            file.row.children('.ui-fileupload-progress').find('> .ui-progressbar > .ui-progressbar-value')
                                        width: '100%',
                                        display: 'block'
            fail: function(e, data) {
                if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') {
                    if ($this.cfg.resumeContextPath && $this.cfg.maxChunkSize > 0) {
                            url: $this.cfg.resumeContextPath + '?' + $.param({'X-File-Id' : $this.createXFileId(data.files[0])}),
                            dataType: 'json',
                            type: 'DELETE'

                    if ($this.cfg.oncancel) {
                if ($this.cfg.resumeContextPath && $this.cfg.maxChunkSize > 0) {
                    if (data.context === undefined) {
                        data.context = $(this);

                    // jQuery Widget Factory uses "namespace-widgetname" since version 1.10.0:
                    var fu = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') || $(this).data('fileupload');
                    var retries ='retries') || 0;

                    var retry = function () {
                        $.getJSON($this.cfg.resumeContextPath, {'X-File-Id': $this.createXFileId(data.files[0])})
                            .done(function (result) {
                                var uploadedBytes = result.uploadedBytes;
                                data.uploadedBytes = uploadedBytes;
                                // clear the previous data:
                       = null;
                            .fail(function () {
                                fu._trigger('fail', e, data);

                    if (data.errorThrown !== 'abort' &&
                        data.uploadedBytes < data.files[0].size &&
                        retries < fu.options.maxRetries) {
                        retries += 1;
              'retries', retries);
                        window.setTimeout(retry, retries * fu.options.retryTimeout);

                if ($this.cfg.onerror) {
                    $$this, data.jqXHR, data.textStatus, data.jqXHR.pfArgs);
            progress: function(e, data) {
                if(window.FormData) {
                    var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10);

                    for(var i = 0; i < data.files.length; i++) {
                        var file = data.files[i];
                        if(file.row) {
                            file.row.children('.ui-fileupload-progress').find('> .ui-progressbar > .ui-progressbar-value').css({
                                width: progress + '%',
                                display: 'block'
            done: function(e, data) {
                $this.uploadedFileCount += data.files.length;

                PrimeFaces.ajax.Response.handle(data.result, data.textStatus, data.jqXHR, null);
                if($ {
            always: function(e, data) {
                if($ {
                if($this.cfg.oncomplete) {
                    $$this, data.jqXHR.pfArgs, data);

            chunkbeforesend: function (e, data) {
                var params = $this.createPostData();
                var file = data.files[0];
                params.push({name : 'X-File-Id', value: $this.createXFileId(file)});
                data.formData = params;


     * Adds a file selected by the user to this upload widget.
     * @private
     * @param {File} file A file to add.
     * @param {JQueryFileUpload.AddCallbackData} data The data from the selected file.
    addFileToRow: function(file, data) {
        var $this = this,
            row = $('
') .append('
') .append('
' + PrimeFaces.escapeHTML( + '
') .append('
' + this.formatSize(file.size) + '
') .append('
') .append('
') .appendTo(this.filesTbody); if(this.filesTbody.children('.ui-fileupload-row').length > 1) { $('
').prependTo(row); } //preview if(window.File && window.FileReader && $this.IMAGE_TYPES.test( { var imageCanvas = $('') .appendTo(row.children('div.ui-fileupload-preview')), context = imageCanvas.get(0).getContext('2d'), winURL = window.URL||window.webkitURL, url = winURL.createObjectURL(file), img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { var imgWidth = null, imgHeight = null, scale = 1; if($this.cfg.previewWidth > this.width) { imgWidth = this.width; } else { imgWidth = $this.cfg.previewWidth; scale = $this.cfg.previewWidth / this.width; } var imgHeight = parseInt(this.height * scale); imageCanvas.attr({width:imgWidth, height: imgHeight}); context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight); }; img.src = url; } //progress row.children('div.ui-fileupload-progress') .append('
'); file.row = row;'fileId', this.fileId++);'filedata', data); this.files.push(file); if( { this.upload(); } this.postSelectFile(data); }, /** * Called after a file was added to this upload widget. Takes care of the UI buttons. * @private * @param {JQueryFileUpload.AddCallbackData} data Data of the selected file. */ postSelectFile: function(data) { if(this.files.length > 0) { this.enableButton(this.uploadButton); this.enableButton(this.cancelButton); } this.fileAddIndex++; if(this.fileAddIndex === (data.originalFiles.length)) { this.fileAddIndex = 0; } }, /** * Sets up all events listeners for this file upload widget. * @private */ bindEvents: function() { var $this = this; PrimeFaces.skinButton(this.buttonBar.children('button')); var isChooseButtonClick = false;'mouseover.fileupload mouseout.fileupload mouseup.fileupload focus.fileupload blur.fileupload mousedown.fileupload click.fileupload keydown.fileupload'); this.chooseButton.on('mouseover.fileupload', function(){ var el = $(this); if(!el.prop('disabled')) { el.addClass('ui-state-hover'); } }) .on('mouseout.fileupload', function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-active ui-state-hover'); }) .on('mouseup.fileupload', function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-active').addClass('ui-state-hover'); }) .on('focus.fileupload', function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-focus'); }) .on('blur.fileupload', function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-focus'); isChooseButtonClick = false; }) .on('mousedown.fileupload', function() { var el = $(this); if(!el.prop('disabled')) { el.addClass('ui-state-active').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); } }) .on('click.fileupload', function(e) { $; }) .on('keydown.fileupload', function(e) { if (PrimeFaces.utils.isActionKey(e)) { $; $(this).trigger('blur'); e.preventDefault(); } }); this.chooseButton.children('input').off('click.fileupload').on('click.fileupload', function(e){ if (isChooseButtonClick) { isChooseButtonClick = false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else { isChooseButtonClick = true; } });'click.fileupload').on('click.fileupload', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // GitHub #6396 allow cancel of upload with callback if ($this.cfg.onupload) { if ($$this) === false) { return false; } } $this.disableButton($this.uploadButton); $this.disableButton($this.cancelButton); $this.upload(); });'click.fileupload').on('click.fileupload', function(e) { $this.clear(); $this.disableButton($this.uploadButton); $this.disableButton($this.cancelButton); e.preventDefault(); });'click.fileupload').on('click.fileupload', function(e) { $this.messageContainer.fadeOut(function() { $this.messageList.children().remove(); }); e.preventDefault(); }); this.rowActionSelector = this.jqId + " .ui-fileupload-files button"; this.rowCancelActionSelector = this.jqId + " .ui-fileupload-files .ui-fileupload-cancel"; this.clearMessagesSelector = this.jqId + " .ui-messages .ui-messages-close"; $(document).off('mouseover.fileupload mouseout.fileupload mousedown.fileupload mouseup.fileupload focus.fileupload blur.fileupload click.fileupload ', this.rowCancelActionSelector) .on('mouseover.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); }) .on('mouseout.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active'); }) .on('mousedown.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-active').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }) .on('mouseup.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover').removeClass('ui-state-active'); }) .on('focus.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).addClass('ui-state-focus'); }) .on('blur.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-focus'); }) .on('click.fileupload', this.rowCancelActionSelector, null, function(e) { var row = $(this).closest('.ui-fileupload-row'); var removedFile = $.grep($this.files, function (value) { return ('fileId') ==='fileId')); }); if (removedFile[0]) { if (removedFile[0].ajaxRequest) { removedFile[0].ajaxRequest.abort(); } $this.removeFile(removedFile[0]); if ($this.files.length === 0) { $this.disableButton($this.uploadButton); $this.disableButton($this.cancelButton); } } e.preventDefault(); }); if (this.dropZone) { this.dropZone .off('dragover.fucdropzone dragenter.fucdropzone dragleave.fucdropzone drop.fucdropzone dragdrop.fucdropzone') .on('dragover.fucdropzone', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }) .on('dragenter.fucdropzone', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $this.dragoverCount++; $this.dropZone.addClass('ui-state-drag'); }) .on('dragleave.fucdropzone', function(e){ $this.dragoverCount--; if ($this.dragoverCount === 0) { $this.dropZone.removeClass('ui-state-drag'); } }) .on('drop.fucdropzone dragdrop.fucdropzone', function(e){ $this.dragoverCount = 0; $this.dropZone.removeClass('ui-state-drag'); }); } }, /** * Uploads the selected files to the server. * @private */ upload: function() { if( { $(document).trigger('pfAjaxStart'); } for(var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { this.files[i].ajaxRequest = this.files[i]'filedata'); this.files[i].ajaxRequest.submit(); } }, /** * Creates the HTML post data for uploading the selected files. * @private * @return {PrimeFaces.ajax.RequestParameter} Parameters to post when upload the files. */ createPostData: function() { var process = this.cfg.process ? + ' ' + PrimeFaces.expressions.SearchExpressionFacade.resolveComponents(this.cfg.process).join(' ') :; var params = this.form.serializeArray(); var parameterPrefix = PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.extractParameterNamespace(this.form); PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.addParam(params, PrimeFaces.PARTIAL_REQUEST_PARAM, true, parameterPrefix); PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.addParam(params, PrimeFaces.PARTIAL_PROCESS_PARAM, process, parameterPrefix); PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.addParam(params, PrimeFaces.PARTIAL_SOURCE_PARAM,, parameterPrefix); if (this.cfg.update) { var update = PrimeFaces.expressions.SearchExpressionFacade.resolveComponents(this.cfg.update).join(' '); PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.addParam(params, PrimeFaces.PARTIAL_UPDATE_PARAM, update, parameterPrefix); } return params; }, /** * Creates a unique identifier (file key) for a given file. That identifier consists e.g. of the name of the * uploaded file, its last modified-attribute etc. This is used by the server to identify uploaded files. * @private * @param {File} file A file for which to create an identifier. * @return {string} An identifier for the given file. */ createXFileId: function(file) { return [, file.lastModified, file.type, file.size].join(); }, /** * Formats the given file size in a more human-friendly format, e.g. `1.5 MB` etc. * @param {number} bytes File size in bytes to format * @return {string} The given file size, formatted in a more human-friendly format. */ formatSize: function(bytes) { if(bytes === undefined) return ''; if (bytes === 0) return 'N/A'; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); if (i === 0) return bytes + ' ' + this.sizes[i]; else return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + this.sizes[i]; }, /** * Removes the given uploaded file from this upload widget. * @private * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.UploadFile[]} files Files to remove from this widget. */ removeFiles: function(files) { for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { this.removeFile(files[i]); } }, /** * Removes the given uploaded file from this upload widget. * @private * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.UploadFile} file File to remove from this widget. */ removeFile: function(file) { var $this = this; this.files = $.grep(this.files, function(value) { return ('fileId') ==='fileId')); }, true); $this.removeFileRow(file.row); file.row = null; }, /** * Removes a row with an uploaded file form this upload widget. * @private * @param {JQuery} row Row of an uploaded file to remove. */ removeFileRow: function(row) { if(row) { this.disableButton(row.find('> div:last-child').children('.ui-fileupload-cancel')); row.fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } }, /** * Clears this file upload field, i.e. removes all uploaded files. */ clear: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { this.removeFileRow(this.files[i].row); this.files[i].row = null; } this.clearMessages(); this.files = []; }, /** * Validates the given file against the current validation settings * @private * @param {File} file Uploaded file to validate. * @return {string | null} `null` if the given file is valid, or an error message otherwise. */ validate: function(file) { if (this.cfg.allowTypes && !(this.cfg.allowTypes.test(file.type) || this.cfg.allowTypes.test( { return this.cfg.invalidFileMessage; } if (this.cfg.maxFileSize && file.size > this.cfg.maxFileSize) { return this.cfg.invalidSizeMessage; } return null; }, /** * Displays the current error messages on this widget. * @private */ renderMessages: function() { var markup = '
' + '' + '' + '
    ' + '
    '; this.messageContainer = $(markup).prependTo(this.content); this.messageList = this.messageContainer.find('> .ui-messages-error > ul'); this.clearMessageLink = this.messageContainer.find('> .ui-messages-error > a.ui-messages-close'); }, /** * Removes all error messages that are shown for this widget. */ clearMessages: function() { this.messageContainer.hide(); this.messageList.children().remove(); }, /** * Shows the given error message * @param {PrimeFaces.widget.FileUpload.UploadMessage} msg Error message to show. * @private */ showMessage: function(msg) { var summary = msg.summary, detail = ''; if(msg.filename && msg.filesize) { detail = this.cfg.messageTemplate.replace('{name}', msg.filename).replace('{size}', this.formatSize(msg.filesize)); } this.messageList.append('
  • ' + PrimeFaces.escapeHTML(summary) + '' + PrimeFaces.escapeHTML(detail) + '
  • ');; }, /** * Disabled the given file upload button. * @param {JQuery} btn Button to disabled. * @private */ disableButton: function(btn) { btn.prop('disabled', true).attr('aria-disabled', true).addClass('ui-state-disabled').removeClass('ui-state-hover ui-state-active ui-state-focus'); }, /** * Enables the given file upload button. * @param {JQuery} btn Button to enable. * @private */ enableButton: function(btn) { btn.prop('disabled', false).attr('aria-disabled', false).removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); }, /** * Brings up the native file selection dialog. */ show: function() { this.chooseButton.children('input').trigger('click'); } });

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