META-INF.resources.primefaces.dashboard.dashboard.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* __PrimeFaces Dashboard Widget__
* Dashboard provides a portal like layout with drag & drop based reorder capabilities.
* Currently this uses the JQueryUI sortable widget. You can use `$.fn.sortable` to interact with the dashboard
* programmatically.
* ```javascript
* const widget = PF("MyDashboardWidget");
* // When dragged outside the dashboard: Have the items revert to their new positions using a smooth animation
* widget.jq.find(".ui-dashboard-column").sortable("option", "revert", true);
* ```
* @interface {PrimeFaces.widget.DashboardCfg} cfg The configuration for the {@link Dashboard| Dashboard widget}.
* You can access this configuration via {@link PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.cfg|BaseWidget.cfg}. Please note that this
* configuration is usually meant to be read-only and should not be modified.
* @extends {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidgetCfg} cfg
* @extends {JQueryUI.SortableOptions} cfg
PrimeFaces.widget.Dashboard = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
* @override
* @inheritdoc
* @param {PrimeFaces.PartialWidgetCfg} cfg
init: function(cfg) {
if (this.cfg.responsive) {
else {
* Sets up the responsive drag drop for the dashboard.
* @private
renderResponsive: function() {
this.cfg.draggable = this.jqId + ' .ui-dashboard-panel';
this.cfg.panels = this.jqId + ' .ui-panel';
* Sets up all draggable panels.
* @private
bindDraggable: function() {
// draggable panels by their title bar
scope: 'dashboard',
revert: true,
handle: '.ui-panel-titlebar',
zIndex: 9999,
opacity: 0.7
* Sets up all droppable panels.
* @private
bindDroppable: function() {
var $this = this;
// droppable on other panels in the dashboard
scope: 'dashboard',
tolerance: 'pointer',
classes: {
'ui-droppable-active': 'ui-dashboard-active',
'ui-droppable-hover': 'ui-dashboard-hover'
drop: function(event, ui) {
$this.swapPanels($(this).get(0), $(ui.draggable).get(0));
if ($this.hasBehavior('reorder')) {
$this.handleDrop($this, event, ui);
* Sets up the sortable for the legacy dashboard.
* @param {HTMLElement} a the first panel
* @param {HTMLElement} b the second panel
* @private
swapPanels: function(a, b) {
var aparent = a.parentNode;
var asibling = a.nextSibling === b ? a : a.nextSibling;
b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b);
aparent.insertBefore(b, asibling);
* Sets up the sortable for the legacy dashboard.
* @private
renderSortable: function() {
this.cfg.connectWith = this.jqId + ' .ui-dashboard-column';
this.cfg.placeholder = 'ui-state-hover';
this.cfg.forcePlaceholderSize = true;
this.cfg.revert = false;
this.cfg.handle = '.ui-panel-titlebar';
* Sets up all event listeners required by this widget.
* @private
bindSortableEvents: function() {
var $this = this;
if (this.hasBehavior('reorder')) {
this.cfg.update = function(event, ui) {
if (this === ui.item.parent()[0]) {
$this.handleDrop($this, event, ui);
* Handle dropping a panel either from legacy sortable or responsive draggable.
* @param {PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget} widget the Dashboard widget
* @param {Event} e Event that occurred.
* @param {JQuery} ui the UI element that was dragged
handleDrop: function(widget, e, ui) {
var item = ui.item || ui.draggable;
var isResponsive = ui.draggable;
var parent = item.parent();
var itemIndex, receiverColumnIndex;
if (isResponsive) {
var grid = parent.parent();
itemIndex = 0;
receiverColumnIndex = grid.children().filter(':not(script):visible').index(parent);
else {
itemIndex = parent.children().filter(':not(script):visible').index(item);
receiverColumnIndex = parent.parent().children().index(parent);
var ext = {
params: [
{ name: + '_reordered', value: true },
{ name: + '_widgetId', value: item.attr('id') },
{ name: + '_itemIndex', value: itemIndex },
{ name: + '_receiverColumnIndex', value: receiverColumnIndex }
if (ui.sender) {
ext.params.push({ name: + '_senderColumnIndex', value: ui.sender.parent().children().index(ui.sender) });
if (isResponsive) {
var target = $(;
ext.params.push({ name: + '_senderColumnIndex', value: grid.children().filter(':not(script):visible').index(target.parent()) });
widget.callBehavior('reorder', ext);
* Disables this dashboard so that it cannot be modified.
disable: function() {
* Enables this dashboard so that it can be modified.
enable: function() {
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