airyfotr.linter_2.12.0-M3.0.1.13.source-code.LinterPlugin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012 Foursquare Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.psywerx.hairyfotr
import scala.collection.mutable
import{ Plugin, PluginComponent }
import{ Global, Phase, Properties }
class LinterPlugin(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
import org.psywerx.hairyfotr.Utils._
import global._
val name = "linter"
val description = "a static analysis compiler plugin to help protect against bugs and style problems"
val components = List[PluginComponent](PreTyperComponent, PostTyperComponent, PostTyperInterpreterComponent, PostRefChecksComponent)
override val optionsHelp: Option[String] = Some(Seq(
).map(" -P:" + name + ":" + _).mkString("\n"))
override def processOptions(options: List[String], error: String => Unit): Unit = {
LinterOptions.parse(options) match {
case Left(errorMessage) => error(errorMessage)
case Right(linterOptions) =>
Utils.linterOptions = linterOptions
val inferred = mutable.HashSet[Position]() // Used for a scala 2.9 hack (can't find out which types are inferred)
val intLiteralDiv = mutable.HashSet[Position]()
private object PreTyperComponent extends PluginComponent {
val global =
import global._
override val runsAfter = List("parser")
val phaseName = "linter-parsed"
private val sealedTraits = mutable.Map.empty[Name, Tree]
private val usedTraits = mutable.Set.empty[Name]
private var inTrait = false
private def resetTraits(): Unit = {
inTrait = false
override def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new StdPhase(prev) {
override def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit = {
if (!unit.isJava) {
new PreTyperTraverser(unit).traverse(unit.body)
//println((sealedTraits, usedTraits))
for (unusedTrait <- sealedTraits.filterNot(st => usedTraits.exists(_.toString == st._1.toString))) {
//TODO: It might still be used in some type-signature somewhere... see scalaz
warn(unusedTrait._2, UnextendedSealedTrait)(unit)
class PreTyperTraverser(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Traverser {
implicit val unitt = unit
var superTraverse = true
def catcher(): PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: NullPointerException => //Ignore
case e: NoSuchMethodError => //Ignore
case e: StackOverflowError => superTraverse = false
case e: Exception => //TODO: Print details and ask user to report it
def finalizer(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (superTraverse) try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = try {
superTraverse = true
//if (showRaw(tree).contains("Hello"))println(showRaw(tree))
tree match {
/// quick hack for nowarnMergeNestedIfsPositions, see issue #18
case If(_, apply @ Apply(_, _), Literal(Constant(())))
if !(linterOptions.disabledWarningNames contains
&& { nowarnMergeNestedIfsPositions += apply.pos; false } => //Fallthrough
/// Unused sealed traits (Idea by edofic)
case ClassDef(mods, _name, _, Template(extendsList, _, body)) if !mods.isSealed && mods.isTrait =>
for (Ident(traitName) <- extendsList) usedTraits += traitName
inTrait = true
for (stmt <- body) traverse(stmt)
inTrait = false
superTraverse = false; return
// Typeparams (3rd param) are sometimes used for type-checking hacks
case ClassDef(mods, name, Nil, Template(extendsList, _, body)) if mods.isSealed && mods.isTrait && !inTrait =>
sealedTraits += name -> tree
for (Ident(traitName) <- extendsList if traitName.toString != name.toString) usedTraits += traitName
for (stmt <- body) traverse(stmt)
superTraverse = false; return
case ClassDef(_mods, _, _, Template(extendsList, _, body)) => //if mods.hasFlag(CASE) =>
for (Ident(traitName) <- extendsList) usedTraits += traitName
for (stmt <- body) traverse(stmt)
superTraverse = false; return
case ModuleDef(_mods, _name, Template(extendsList, _, body)) =>
for (Ident(traitName) <- extendsList) usedTraits += traitName
for (stmt <- body) traverse(stmt)
superTraverse = false; return
/// Warn on Nothing/Any or M[Nothing/Any] (idea by OlegYch)
case ValDef(mods, _, tpe, _)
if !mods.isParameter
&& tpe.toString == "" =>
inferred += tpe.pos
//case DefDef(mods: Modifiers, name, _, valDefs, typeTree, body) =>
//if (name.toString != "" && !body.isEmpty && !mods.isAnyOverride) {
/// Recursive call with exactly the same params
//TODO: Currenlty doesn't cover shadowing or mutable changes of params, or the method shadowing/overriding
/*for (
call @ Apply(Ident(funcCall), funcParams) <- body;
if (funcCall.toString == name.toString)
&& (funcParams.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident]))
&& ( ==
) warn(call, "Possible infinite recursive call. (Except if params are mutable, or the names are shadowed)")
/// Implicit method needs explicit return type
//TODO: I'd add a bunch of exceptions for when the return type is actually clear:
// when name includes name in a clear way
// when the body is just new Type, or Type.apply(...): Type
/*if (mods.isImplicit && typeTree.isEmpty && !(name.toString matches "((i?)to).+|.*(To|2)[A-Z].*")) {
warn(tree, "Implicit method %s needs explicit return type" format name)
/// Detect literal integer division
case Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(_num: Int)), op), List(Literal(Constant(_denom: Int))))
if (op == nme.DIV || op == nme.MOD) =>
intLiteralDiv += tree.pos
/// Loss of precision on literals
// Moved here because ConstantFolder in typechecker messes it up
//TODO: "regular expression below can be used to screen the input string"
case treeLiteral @ Literal(Constant(literal)) if literal != null && literal != (()) && (literal match { case _: Double | _: Float => true; case _ => false; }) => //&& isFloatingPointType(tree) =>
val tpe =
(literal match {
case _: Double => "Double"
case _: Float => "Float"
case _ => "floating point type" })
val (strLiteral, actualLiteral) = {
// Get the actual token from code
val floatRegex = "[-+]?[0-9.]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?[dfDF]?".r
var token = ""
try {
val pos = treeLiteral.pos
token = floatRegex.findPrefixMatchOf(pos.lineContent.substring(pos.column - 1)).get.toString
token.toDouble.toString // trigger NumberFormatException
} catch {
case e: UnsupportedOperationException => // Happens if tree doesn't have a position
case e: NumberFormatException => // Could warn here, but I don't trust the above code enough
case e: MatchError => // Float regex failed
case e: Exception =>
(literal.toString, token)
try {
// Ugly hack to get around a few different representations: 0.005, 5E-3, ...
def cleanString(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("^[-+]|[.]|[Ee].*$|[fdFD-]*$|(0[.])?0*", "")
if (!strLiteral.isEmpty && !actualLiteral.isEmpty
&& (strLiteral matches ".*[0-9].*") && (actualLiteral matches ".*[0-9].*")
&& cleanString(strLiteral) != cleanString(actualLiteral)
&& ((if (strLiteral.toDouble < 0) "-" else "") + actualLiteral) != strLiteral)
warn(treeLiteral, PossibleLossOfPrecision("Literal cannot be represented exactly by "+tpe+". ("+(if (strLiteral.toDouble < 0) "-" else "") + actualLiteral+" != "+strLiteral+")"))
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException => //Ignore
case _ => //Ignore
} catch catcher finally finalizer(tree)
private object PostTyperComponent extends PluginComponent {
val global =
import global._
override val runsAfter = List("typer")
val phaseName = "linter-typed"
override def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new StdPhase(prev) {
override def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit = {
if (!unit.isJava) {
new PostTyperTraverser(unit).traverse(unit.body)
class PostTyperTraverser(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Traverser {
implicit val unitt = unit
import definitions.{ AnyClass, NothingClass, ObjectClass, Object_== }
import definitions.{ OptionClass, SeqClass, TraversableClass, ListClass, StringClass }
import definitions.{ DoubleClass, FloatClass, CharClass, ByteClass, ShortClass, IntClass, LongClass, BooleanClass }
val MutableSeqLike: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.mutable.SeqLike"))
val ExceptionClass = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("java.lang.Exception"))
val JavaConversionsModule: Symbol = rootMirror.getModuleByName(newTermName("scala.collection.JavaConversions"))
val SeqLikeClass: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.SeqLike"))
val SeqLikeContains: Symbol ="contains"))
val SeqLikeApply: Symbol ="apply"))
val MapFactoryClass = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.generic.MapFactory"))
val TraversableFactoryClass: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.generic.TraversableFactory"))
val TraversableOnceClass: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.TraversableOnce"))
val BigIntClass: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.math.BigInt"))
val OptionGet: Symbol =
val IsInstanceOf =
val AsInstanceOf =
val ToString: Symbol =
def seqMemberType(seenFrom: Type): Type = {
SeqLikeClass.tpe.typeArgs.head.asSeenFrom(seenFrom, SeqLikeClass)
def isSubtype(x: Tree, y: Tree): Boolean = { x.tpe.widen <:< y.tpe.widen }
def isSubtype(x: Tree, y: Type): Boolean = { x.tpe.widen <:< y.widen }
def isIntegerType(tpe: Type): Boolean =
(tpe <:< ByteClass.tpe
|| tpe <:< ShortClass.tpe
|| tpe <:< IntClass.tpe
|| tpe <:< LongClass.tpe)
def isIntegerType(x: Tree): Boolean = isIntegerType(x.tpe.widen)
def isFloatingPointType(tpe: Type): Boolean =
(tpe <:< FloatClass.tpe
|| tpe <:< DoubleClass.tpe)
def isFloatingPointType(x: Tree): Boolean = isFloatingPointType(x.tpe.widen)
def methodImplements(method: Symbol, target: Symbol): Boolean =
try { method == target || method.allOverriddenSymbols.contains(target) } catch { case e: NullPointerException => false }
def isGlobalImport(selector: ImportSelector): Boolean = { == nme.WILDCARD && selector.renamePos == -1
def containsAnyType(tpe: Type): Boolean = (tpe =:= AnyClass.tpe || tpe.typeArgs.exists(_ =:= AnyClass.tpe))
def containsNothingType(tpe: Type): Boolean = (tpe =:= NothingClass.tpe || tpe.typeArgs.exists(_ =:= NothingClass.tpe))
def isOptionOption(t: Tree): Boolean =
(t.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe)
&& t.tpe.widen.typeArgs.exists(_.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe)))
def isLiteral(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
case Literal(_) => true
case _ => false
def isIdent(t: Tree, recursive: Boolean = false): Boolean = t match {
case Ident(_) => true
case Select(t2, _TermName) if recursive => isIdent(t2, recursive)
case _ => false
def getUsed(tree: Tree): Set[String] = (for (Ident(id) <- tree) yield id.toString).toSet
def getAssigned(tree: Tree): Set[String] = {
(for (Assign(Ident(id), _) <- tree) yield id.toString).toSet
//TODO: non-local stuff (for (Apply(Select(id, setter), List(_)) <- tree; if setter.toString endsWith "_$eq") yield setter.dropRight(4)).toSet
//TODO: Still possible to have false positives...
// val i = 4; val f: Double = 2.3 + List(1/i).sum
def hasIntegerDivision(tree: Tree): Boolean = {
def hasIntDiv: Boolean = tree exists { // <- this causes FP's
case Apply(Select(param1, nme.DIV), List(param2)) if isIntegerType(param1) && isIntegerType(param2) => true
case _ => false
def isFloatConversion: Boolean = tree match { // for Int expressions... .toDouble is implicitly added
case Select(num, toFloat) if (toFloat.toString matches "to(Float|Double)") && isIntegerType(num) => true
case _ => false
def hasIntOpFloat: Boolean = tree exists { //TODO: detect implicit widening, e.g. float + int
case Apply(Select(param1, _op), List(param2))
if (isIntegerType(param1) && isFloatingPointType(param2)) || (isFloatingPointType(param1) && isIntegerType(param2)) => true
case _ => false
hasIntDiv && (isFloatConversion || hasIntOpFloat)
// Just a way to make the Tree/Name-String comparisons more readable
abstract class RichToStr[T](n: T) {
val nstr = n.toString
def is(str: String): Boolean = nstr == str
def isAny(strs: String*): Boolean = strs contains nstr
def startsWith(str: String): Boolean = nstr startsWith str
def startsWithAny(strs: String*): Boolean = strs.exists(nstr startsWith _)
def endsWith(str: String): Boolean = nstr endsWith str
def endsWithAny(strs: String*): Boolean = strs.exists(nstr endsWith _)
implicit class richTree(n: Tree) extends RichToStr[Tree](n)
implicit class richName(n: Name) extends RichToStr[Name](n)
def identOrDefault(tree: Tree, default: String): String = {
if (tree.isInstanceOf[Ident] && !tree.toString.contains(".")) tree.toString else default
def identOrCol(tree: Tree): String = identOrDefault(tree, "col")
def identOrOpt(tree: Tree): String = identOrDefault(tree, "opt")
// Returns the string subtree of a string.length/size subtree
def getStringFromLength(t: Tree): Option[Tree] = t match {
case Apply(Select(str, Name("length")), Nil)
if str.tpe <:< StringClass.tpe =>
case Select(Apply(scala_Predef_augmentString, List(str)), Name("size"))
if str.tpe <:< StringClass.tpe
&& (scala_Predef_augmentString is "scala.this.Predef.augmentString") =>
case _ =>
import java.math.MathContext
val java_math_MathContext = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("java.math.MathContext"))
def getMathContext(t: Tree): Option[MathContext] = t match {
case Apply(Select(New(_mathcontext), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), (Literal(Constant(precision: Int)) :: _roundingMode)) =>
Some(new MathContext(precision)) // I think roundingMode is irrelevant, because the check will warn if there is any rounding
case _ =>
def isMath(t: Tree, name: String): Boolean = t match {
case field
if (field is "scala.math.`package`."+name)
|| (field is "java.this.lang.Math."+name)
|| (field is "java.this.lang.StrictMath."+name) => true
case Apply(func, _params)
if (func is "scala.math.`package`."+name)
|| (func is "java.this.lang.Math."+name)
|| (func is "java.this.lang.StrictMath."+name) => true
case Select(Apply(scala_Predef_xWrapper, List(_arg)), func)
if (scala_Predef_xWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper") && (func is name)
&& (t.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe) => true
case _ => false
def isMathPow2(pow: Tree, detectSquareNumbers: Boolean = false): Boolean = pow match {
case Apply(pow, List(_, Literal(Constant(2.0)))) if isMath(pow, "pow") => true // math.pow(x, 2)
case Apply(Select(id1, nme.MUL), List(id2)) if (id1 equalsStructure id2) => true // x*x
case Literal(Constant(x: Int)) if (detectSquareNumbers) && (x > 1) && (math.sqrt(x.toDouble) == math.sqrt(x.toDouble).toInt) => true // Square numbers
case _ => /*println(showRaw(pow));*/ false
def isMathE(e: Tree): Boolean = e match {
case Literal(Constant(e: Double))
if (e >= 2.718281)
&& (e <= 2.718282) => true
case _ if isMath(e, "E") => true
case _ => false
def getAbs(t: Tree): Option[Tree] = t match {
case Apply(abs, List(arg)) if isMath(abs, "abs") => Some(arg)
case Select(Apply(scala_Predef_xWrapper, List(arg)), Name("abs"))
if scala_Predef_xWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper" => Some(arg)
case _ => None
def unwrapNumber(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case Apply(xWrapper, List(num)) if xWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper" => num
case _ => t
def isEmptyCompare(x: Any, op: Name): Boolean = {
((x == 0 && (op == nme.EQ || op == nme.GT || op == nme.LE || op == nme.NE))
|| (x == 1 && (op == nme.LT || op == nme.GE)))
def isReturnStatement(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
case Return(_) => true
case _ => false
var superTraverse = true
def catcher(): PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: NullPointerException => //Ignore
case e: NoSuchMethodError => //Ignore
case e: StackOverflowError => superTraverse = false
case e: Exception => //TODO: Print details and ask user to report it
def finalizer(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (superTraverse) try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher
object Name {
def unapply(name: Name): Option[String] = Some(name.toString)
object FloatingPointNumber {
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = {
tree match {
case Apply(xWrapper, List(FloatingPointNumber(x))) if xWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper" => Some(x)
case t if isSubtype(tree, DoubleClass.tpe) || isSubtype(tree, FloatClass.tpe) => Some(t)
case _ => None
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = try {
superTraverse = true
//Workarounds for some cases
tree match {
///Workaround: case class generated code triggers a lot of the checks...
case ClassDef(mods, _, _, body) if mods.isCase => traverse(body); superTraverse = false; return
///Workaround: suppresse a null warning and a "remove the if" check for """case class A()""" - see case class unapply's AST)
case If(Apply(Select(_, nme.EQ), List(Literal(Constant(null)))), Literal(Constant(false)), Literal(Constant(true))) => superTraverse = false; return
///Workaround: ignores "Assignment right after declaration..." in case class hashcode
case DefDef(_, Name("hashCode"), _, _, _, Block(block, last)) if {
(block :+ last) match {
case ValDef(_, _id1, _, _) :: Assign(_id2, _) :: _ => true
case _ => false
}} => superTraverse = false; return
//// Some numeric checks
/// Detects some invariant conditions
//TODO: Move to abstract interpreter, handle edge cases > / >=
case Apply(Select(Apply(Select(term1, compareOp1), List(n1 @ Literal(Constant(num1)))), logicOp), List(Apply(Select(term2, compareOp2), List(n2 @ Literal(Constant(num2))))))
if (tree.tpe <:< BooleanClass.tpe)
&& (term1 equalsStructure term2)
&& isIdent(term1, recursive = true)
&& (n1.tpe weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (n2.tpe weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& {
// It still thinks num is Any...
def toDouble[T](x: T): Double = x match {
case a: Double => a
case a: Float => a.toDouble
case a: Long => a.toDouble
case a: Int => a.toDouble
case a: Short => a.toDouble
case a: Byte => a.toDouble
case _ => Double.NaN
def minmax(num: Double, compareOp: Name): (Double, Double) = compareOp match {
case nme.GE | nme.GT => (num, Double.PositiveInfinity)
case nme.LE | nme.LT => (Double.NegativeInfinity, num)
case _ => (Double.NaN, Double.NaN)
val (min1, max1) = minmax(toDouble(num1), compareOp1)
val (min2, max2) = minmax(toDouble(num2), compareOp2)
if (!min1.isNaN && !max1.isNaN && !min2.isNaN && !max2.isNaN) logicOp match {
case nme.ZAND
if (min1 > max2 || min2 > max1) => // Intervals don't cross
warn(tree, InvariantCondition(always = true, "return false"))
case nme.ZOR
if (min1 < max2 && min2 < max1) // Intervals cross, and span whole space
&& (math.min(min1, min2) == Double.NegativeInfinity)
&& (math.max(max1, max2) == Double.PositiveInfinity) =>
warn(tree, InvariantCondition(always = true, "return true"))
case _ =>
} => //Fallthrough
/*case Apply(Select(lhs, nme.EQ), List(rhs))
if isSubtype(lhs, DoubleClass.tpe) || isSubtype(lhs, FloatClass.tpe) || isSubtype(rhs, DoubleClass.tpe) || isSubtype(rhs, FloatClass.tpe) =>
warn(tree, "Exact comparison of floating point values is potentially unsafe.")*/
/// Tip to use log1p(x) and expm1(x), instead of log(1+x) and exp(x)-1 -- see
//TODO: maybe make checks to protect against potentially wrong fixes, e.g. log1p(a + 1) or log1p(a - 1)
// also, check 1-exp(x) and other negated versions
case Apply(log, List(Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(1)), nme.ADD), _))) if isMath(log, "log") =>
warn(tree, UseLog1p)
case Apply(log, List(Apply(Select(_, nme.ADD), List(Literal(Constant(1)))))) if isMath(log, "log") =>
warn(tree, UseLog1p)
case Apply(Select(Apply(exp, _), nme.SUB), List(Literal(Constant(1)))) if isMath(exp, "exp") =>
warn(tree, UseExpm1)
case Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(-1)), nme.ADD), List(Apply(exp, _))) if isMath(exp, "exp") =>
warn(tree, UseExpm1)
/// Suggest using hypot instead of sqrt(a*a, b*b)
case Apply(sqrt, List(Apply(Select(pow1, nme.ADD), List(pow2))))
if isMath(sqrt, "sqrt")
&& isMathPow2(pow1, detectSquareNumbers = true)
&& isMathPow2(pow2, detectSquareNumbers = true) =>
warn(tree, UseHypot)
case Apply(sqrt, List(Select(Apply(Select(pow1, nme.ADD), List(pow2)), Name("toDouble")))) // Handle toDouble (implicit) converion
if isMath(sqrt, "sqrt")
&& isMathPow2(pow1, detectSquareNumbers = true)
&& isMathPow2(pow2, detectSquareNumbers = true) =>
warn(tree, UseHypot)
/// Suggest using cbrt instead of pow(a, 1/3)
case Apply(pow, List(_num, Literal(Constant(third: Double))))
if (isMath(pow, "pow"))
&& (third >= 0.3333332)
&& (third <= 0.3333334) =>
warn(tree, UseCbrt)
/// Suggest using sqrt instead of pow(a, 0.5)
case Apply(pow, List(_num, Literal(Constant(0.5)))) if isMath(pow, "pow") =>
warn(tree, UseSqrt)
/// Suggest using exp instead of pow(E, a)
case Apply(pow, List(e, _num))
if isMath(pow, "pow")
&& isMathE(e) =>
warn(tree, UseExp)
/// Suggest using log10(x) instead of log(x)/log(10)
case Apply(Select(Apply(log1, List(_num)), nme.DIV), List(Apply(log2, List(Literal(Constant(10.0))))))
if isMath(log1, "log")
&& isMath(log2, "log") =>
warn(tree, UseLog10)
/// Suggest using x.abs instead of doing it manually with sqrt(x^2)
case Apply(sqrt, List(pow2))
if isMath(sqrt, "sqrt")
&& isMathPow2(pow2) =>
warn(tree, UseAbsNotSqrtSquare)
/// Use x.isNaN instead of (x != x)
case Apply(Select(left, func), List(right))
if isFloatingPointType(left)
&& (func == nme.EQ || func == nme.NE)
&& ((left equalsStructure right) || (right equalsStructure Literal(Constant(Double.NaN))) || (right equalsStructure Literal(Constant(Float.NaN)))) =>
warn(tree, if (left equalsStructure right) UseIsNanNotSelfComparison else UseIsNanNotNanComparison)
/// Use x.signum instead of doing it manually
case pos @ Apply(Select(expr1, nme.DIV), List(expr2)) if ((expr1, expr2) match {
case (expr1, Apply(abs, List(expr2))) if isMath(abs, "abs") && (expr1 equalsStructure expr2) => true
case (Apply(abs, List(expr1)), expr2) if isMath(abs, "abs") && (expr1 equalsStructure expr2) => true
case (expr1, Select(Apply(wrapper, List(expr2)), abs)) if (wrapper endsWith "Wrapper") && (abs is "abs") && (expr1 equalsStructure expr2) => true
case (Select(Apply(wrapper, List(expr1)), abs), expr2) if (wrapper endsWith "Wrapper") && (abs is "abs") && (expr1 equalsStructure expr2) => true
case _ => false
}) =>
warn(pos, UseSignum)
case _ if {
/// Possibly unsafe use of abs -- math.abs(Int.MinValue) == -2147483648
getAbs(tree).foreach {
case pos @ Apply(Select(rand, nextX), Nil)
if (rand.tpe.widen.toString startsWith "scala.util.Random")
&& (nextX.isAny("nextInt", "nextLong")) =>
val typeX = nextX.toString.stripPrefix("next")
warn(pos, UnsafeAbs(s"Use ${nextX}(${typeX}.MaxValue) instead."))
case _ => //Ignore
} => //Fallthrough
/// BigDecimal checks
// BigDecimal(0.1) //TODO: someday move to interpreter - detect this for known values
case Apply(Select(bigDecimal, apply_valueOf), (treeLiteral @ Literal(Constant(literal))) :: paramTail)
if ((bigDecimal is "scala.`package`.BigDecimal") || (bigDecimal endsWith "math.BigDecimal"))
&& (apply_valueOf isAny ("apply", "valueOf"))
&& (isFloatingPointType(treeLiteral) || treeLiteral.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) =>
val isFloat = isFloatingPointType(treeLiteral)
// actualLiteral is relevant only for double - compiler rounds it automatically
val (strLiteral, actualLiteral) =
if (isFloat) {
// Get the actual token from code
var token = ""
try {
val pos = treeLiteral.pos
token = pos.lineContent.substring(pos.column - 1).takeWhile(_.toString matches "[-+0-9.edfEDF]").toLowerCase
if (!token.isEmpty && (token.last == 'f' || token.last == 'd')) token = token.dropRight(1)
} catch {
case e: UnsupportedOperationException => // Happens if tree doesn't have a position
case e: NumberFormatException => // Could warn here, but I don't trust the above code enough
(literal.toString, token)
} else {
(literal.asInstanceOf[String], literal.asInstanceOf[String])
val mathContext =
if (paramTail.size == 1 && paramTail.head.tpe <:< java_math_MathContext.tpe) {
} else {
val improvement: String =
if (isFloat) {
if (strLiteral == actualLiteral && mathContext.isDefined) "Use a larger MathContext." else ""
//else if (apply_valueOf is "apply") "Use a string constant."
//else "Use a constructor with a string constant."
} else {
if (mathContext.isDefined) "Use a larger MathContext."
else "Add a custom MathContext."
if (improvement != "") try {
// Ugly hack to get around a few different representations: 0.005, 5E-3, ...
def cleanString(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("^-|[.]|[Ee].*$|(0[.])?0*", "")
val bd = if (mathContext.isDefined) BigDecimal(strLiteral, mathContext.get) else BigDecimal(strLiteral)
if (cleanString(bd.toString) != cleanString(actualLiteral)) warn(treeLiteral, PossibleLossOfPrecision(improvement))
} catch {
case e: NumberFormatException =>
warn(treeLiteral, BigDecimalNumberFormat)
// new java.math.BigDecimal(0.1)
case Apply(Select(New(java_math_BigDecimal), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Literal(Constant(_num: Double))))
if java_math_BigDecimal is "java.math.BigDecimal" =>
warn(tree, BigDecimalPrecisionLoss)
// Warn about using NumericRange with floating point numbers because its broken:
// NumericRange is broken for floating point numbers (float, double), that means, when using it
// (collection methods: map, foreach, zip), it depends on which method is used for constructing
// the new collections. You basically can go two paths on NumericRange:
// 1) The "apply" path: @see scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.locationAfterN
// 2) The "foreach" path: @see scala.collection.immutable.NumericRange.foreach
// The difference between these paths is that "foreach" accumulates values to obtain the current value
// (current += step), but "apply" will directly calculate the current value (start + (step * fromInt(n))).
// The apply path is more accurate. This means that the values on these path will diverge due to other
// rounding behavior.
// For example:
// val range = 0D to 1D by (1 / 7D)
// 1) Apply path
// range.iterator.toVector // uses apply in range.iterator in the end
// Vector(
// 0.0,
// 0.14285714285714285,
// 0.2857142857142857,
// 0.42857142857142855,
// 0.5714285714285714,
// 0.7142857142857142,
// 0.8571428571428571,
// 1.0
// )
// 2) Foreach path
// range.toVector // uses foreach at CanBuildFrom respectively ++= in the end
// Vector(
// 0.0,
// 0.14285714285714285,
// 0.2857142857142857,
// 0.42857142857142855,
// 0.5714285714285714,
// 0.7142857142857142,
// 0.857142857142857,
// 0.9999999999999998
// )
// As one can see the last two values differ and iterator/apply is more accurate.
case Apply(Select(partialRangeTree, Name("by")), List(FloatingPointNumber(_num)))
if {
val partialRangeClass = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.immutable.Range.Partial"))
(partialRangeTree.tpe.typeConstructor =:= partialRangeClass.tpe.typeConstructor &&
=> warn(tree, FloatingPointNumericRange)
/// Checks for self-assignments: a = a
case Assign(left, right) if left equalsStructure right =>
warn(left, ReflexiveAssignment)
case Apply(Select(type1, varSetter), List(Select(type2, varName)))
if (type1 equalsStructure type2) && (varSetter.toString == varName.toString+"_$eq") =>
warn(type1, ReflexiveAssignment)
/// Checks if you read from a file without closing it:
//TODO: Only checks one-liners where you chain it - doesn't actually check if you close it
//TODO: Possibly skips checking code in higher order functions later on
case Select(fromFile, _) if fromFile startsWith "" =>
warn(fromFile, CloseSourceFile)
superTraverse = false; return
/// Comparing with == on instances of different types: 5 == "5"
//TODO: Scala 2.10 has a similar check "comparing values of types Int and String using `==' will always yield false"
case Apply(eqeq @ Select(lhs, op @ (nme.EQ | nme.NE)), List(rhs))
if methodImplements(eqeq.symbol, Object_==)
&& !isSubtype(lhs, rhs) && !isSubtype(rhs, lhs) && !(Set(lhs.tpe.widen, rhs.tpe.widen) == Set(BigIntClass.tpe, IntClass.tpe))
&& lhs.tpe.widen.toString != "Null" && rhs.tpe.widen.toString != "Null"
&& ((lhs.tpe.widen.toString.takeWhile(_ != '[') != rhs.tpe.widen.toString.takeWhile(_ != '[')) || {
val higherReg = """.+?\[(.+)\]""".r
val higherReg(lhsHigher) = lhs.tpe.widen.toString
val higherReg(rhsHigher) = rhs.tpe.widen.toString
def generic(s: String): Boolean =
s.split(',').exists { t => (t.size == 1 || t.contains("_") || t.contains("?")) }
((lhsHigher != rhsHigher) && !generic(lhsHigher) && !generic(rhsHigher))
}) =>
warn(eqeq, UnlikelyEquality(lhs.tpe.widen.toString, rhs.tpe.widen.toString, if (op == nme.EQ) "==" else "!="))
/// Warn agains importing from collection.JavaConversions
case Import(pkg, selectors) if (pkg.symbol == JavaConversionsModule) && (selectors exists isGlobalImport) =>
warn(pkg, JavaConverters)
/// Warn about wildcard imports (disabled)
/*case Import(pkg, selectors) if selectors exists isGlobalImport =>
//TODO: Too much noise - maybe it would be useful to non-IDE users if it printed
// a nice selector import replacement, e.g. import mutable._ => import mutable.{ HashSet, ListBuffer }
warn(pkg, "Wildcard imports should be avoided. Favor import selector clauses.")*/
/// Collection.contains on different types: List(1, 2, 3).contains("2")
case Apply(contains @ Select(seq, _), List(target))
if methodImplements(contains.symbol, SeqLikeContains)
&& !(target.tpe weak_<:< seqMemberType(seq.tpe)) =>
warn(contains, ContainsTypeMismatch(seq.tpe.widen.toString, target.tpe.widen.toString))
/// Using toString on an Array
case Apply(Select(array, Name("toString")), Nil)
if (array.tpe.widen.toString startsWith "Array[") =>
warn(tree, UnlikelyToString("Array"))
/// Warn about using .asInstanceOf[T] (disabled)
//TODO: false positives in case class A(), and in the interpreter init
/*case aa @ Apply(a, List(b @ Apply(s @ Select(instanceOf, dd), ee))) if methodImplements(instanceOf.symbol, AsInstanceOf) =>
//println((aa, instanceOf))
case instanceOf @ Select(a, func) if methodImplements(instanceOf.symbol, AsInstanceOf) =>
//TODO: too much noise, maybe detect when it's completely unnecessary
warn(tree, "Avoid using asInstanceOf[T] (use pattern matching, type ascription, etc).")*/
/// Warn about using .asInstanceOf[Number]
case TypeApply(asInstanceOf @ Select(num, _asInstanceOf), _tpe)
if methodImplements(asInstanceOf.symbol, AsInstanceOf)
&& !(num.tpe.widen <:< tree.tpe.widen || tree.tpe.widen <:< num.tpe.widen)
&& ((num.tpe.widen weak_<:< tree.tpe.widen) || (tree.tpe.widen weak_<:< num.tpe.widen)) =>
warn(tree, NumberInstanceOf(tree.tpe.widen.toString))
/*case TypeApply(instanceOf @ Select(a, funcName), t)
if methodImplements(instanceOf.symbol, AsInstanceOf)
&& !(a.tpe.widen <:< tree.tpe.widen || tree.tpe.widen <:< a.tpe.widen)
&& !(a.tpe.typeSymbol.isAbstractType || tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isAbstractType)
&& !(a.tpe.widen.toString.matches(""".*\[((_\$?|\?)[0-9]+|[A-Z])\].*""") || tree.tpe.widen.toString.matches(""".*\[((_\$?|\?)[0-9]+|[A-Z])\].*"""))
&& !(a.tpe.widen.toString == "Object" || tree.tpe.widen.toString == "Object")
&& !(a.tpe.widen.toString == "Null") =>
unit.war ning(tree.pos, pref+"The cast "+a.tpe.widen+".asInstanceOf["+tree.tpe.widen+"] is likely invalid.")*/
/// Calling Option.get is potentially unsafe (disabled)
//TODO: if (x.isDefined) func(x.get) / if (x.isEmpty) ... else func(x.get), etc. are false positives -- those could be detected in abs-interpreter
/*case get @ Select(_, nme.get) if methodImplements(get.symbol, OptionGet) =>
warn(tree, "Calling .get on Option will throw an exception if the Option is None.")*/
/// Nag about using null (disabled)
//TODO: Too much noise - limit in some way
/*case Literal(Constant(null)) =>
warn(tree, "Using null is considered dangerous, use Option.")*/
/// TypeToType ... "hello".toString, 5.toInt, List(1, 2, 3).toList ...
case Select(tpe, toTpe)
if (toTpe.toString startsWith "to") && {
// toSet on mutable returns immutable, so only support immutable
val toTyp =
//println((tpe.tpe.widen, toTpe.toString))
((toTyp matches "to[A-Z][^.]+") && ((toTyp == toTpe.toString) || ((toTyp stripPrefix toTpe.toString) matches "\\[.*\\]")))
} =>
warn(tree, TypeToType(toTpe.toString stripPrefix "to"))
//// String checks
/// Repeated string literals (disabled)
/*case Literal(Constant(str: String)) =>
//TODO: String interpolation gets broken down into parts and causes false positives
//TODO: a quick benchmark showed string literals are actually more optimized than almost anything else, even final vals
val threshold = 4
stringLiteralCount(str) += 1
if (stringLiteralCount(str) == threshold && !(stringLiteralFileExceptions.contains(unit.source.toString)) && !(str.matches(stringLiteralExceptions))) {
//TODO: Too much noise :)
warn(tree, """String literal """"+str+"""" appears multiple times.""")
/// str.substring(len) -> str.drop(len) (disabled)
/*case Apply(Select(str, substring), List(strLen))
if str.tpe <:< definitions.StringClass.tpe
&& substring.toString == "substring"
&& getStringFromLength(strLen).isDefined =>
warn(tree, "Use x.take(len), instead of x.substring(len)")*/
/// str.substring(0, str.length - len) -> str.dropRight(len) (disabled)
/*case Apply(Select(str1, substring), List(Literal(Constant(0)), Apply(Select(str1Len, nme.SUB), List(str2Len))))
if str1.tpe <:< definitions.StringClass.tpe
&& substring.toString == "substring"
&& getStringFromLength(str1Len).isDefined && getStringFromLength(str2Len).isDefined
&& (str1 equalsStructure getStringFromLength(str1Len).get) =>
warn(tree, "Use x.dropRight(len), instead of x.substring(x.length-len)")*/
/// Processing a constant string: "hello".size (disabled)
/*case Apply(Select(pos @ Literal(Constant(s: String)), func), params) =>
func.toString match {
case "$plus"|"equals"|"$eq$eq"|"toCharArray"|"matches"|"getBytes" => //Ignore
case "length" => warn(pos, "Taking the length of a constant string")
case _ => warn(pos, "Processing a constant string")
case Select(Apply(Select(predef, augmentString), List(pos @ Literal(Constant(s: String)))), size)
if predef is "scala.this.Predef" && augmentString.toString == "augmentString" && size.toString == "size" =>
warn(pos, "Taking the size of a constant string")*/
//// Pattern Matching checks
case Match(pat, cases)
if (pat match {
case Typed(_, t) if !t.toString.contains("switch") => false; // for scala.annotation.switch
case _ => true })
&& pat.tpe.toString != "Any @unchecked"
&& cases.size >= 2 =>
//Workaround: "Any @unchecked" seems to happen on the matching structures of actors - and all cases return true
//Workaround: Typed (or Annotated) seems to happen in for loop pattern matching, which doesn't work right for at least for checkUsage
/// Pattern Matching on a constant value
//TODO: move to abs-interpreter
if (isLiteral(pat)) {
/*val returnValue =
.map { ca => (ca.pat, ca.body) }
.find { case (Literal(Constant(c)), _) => c == a; case _ => false}
.map { _._2 }
.orElse { if (cases.last.pat.toString == "_") Some(cases.last.body) else None }
.map { s => " will always return " + s }
warn(tree, PatternMatchConstant)
var optionCase, booleanCase = false
//TODO: Hacky hack hack -_-, sorry. use tpe <:<
val (optionCaseReg, booleanCaseReg) = ("(Some[\\[].*[\\]]|None[.]type)", "Boolean[(](true|false)[)]")
def checkCase(caseTree: CaseDef): Unit = {
val caseStr = caseTree.pat.toString
val caseTypeStr = caseTree.pat.tpe.toString
//println((caseStr, caseTypeStr))
optionCase |= (caseTypeStr matches optionCaseReg)
booleanCase |= (caseTypeStr matches booleanCaseReg)
def printCaseWarning(): Unit = {
if (cases.size == 2) {
if (optionCase) {
/// Checks if pattern matching on Option -- see: (disabled)
//TODO: too much noise, and some cases are perfectly fine - try detecting all the exact cases from link
//warn(tree, "There are probably better ways of handling an Option.")
} else if (booleanCase) {
/// Checks if pattern matching on Boolean
//TODO: case something => ... case _ => ... is also an if in a lot of cases
warn(tree, PreferIfToBooleanMatch)
/// Checking for duplicate case bodies and suggests merging
// Check only if isLiteral(c.pat), because other types usually cannot be easily merged
//TODO: could also work for literal local vals
case class Streak(streak: Int, tree: CaseDef)
var streak = Streak(0, cases.head)
def checkStreak(c: CaseDef): Unit = {
if ((c.body != EmptyTree) && (c.body equalsStructure streak.tree.body) && isLiteral(c.pat) && (c.guard == EmptyTree && streak.tree.guard == EmptyTree)) {
streak = Streak(streak.streak + 1, c)
} else {
streak = Streak(1, c)
def printStreakWarning(): Unit = {
if (streak.streak == cases.size) {
// This one always turns out to be a false positive :)
//warn(tree, "All "+cases.size+" cases will return "+cases.head.body+", regardless of pattern value")
} else if (streak.streak > 1) {
warn(streak.tree.body, IdenticalCaseBodies(streak.streak.toString))
/// Checking for unused variables in pattern matching (disabled)
//def checkUsage(c: CaseDef): Unit = {
//TODO: use for self-testing from time to time - ~100 warnings currently :/
/*val binds = for (b @ Bind(name, _) <- c.pat; if !name.toString.startsWith("_")) yield (b, name.toString)
for (unused <- binds.filter { case (b, name) => !abstractInterpretation.isUsed(c, name)}) {
warn(unused._1, "Unused value in pattern matching, use _ instead. (or prefix with _ to get rid of me)")
/// Detect some unreachable cases
//TODO: move to abs. interpreter to detect impossible guards
//TODO: if there is a case (x, y) without a guard, it will make a latter case (x, y) with a guard unreachable
val pastCases = mutable.ListBuffer[CaseDef]()
def checkUnreachable(c: CaseDef): Unit = {
// Adapted from scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala to cover wildcards in CaseDef
def correspondsWildcardStructure(thiz: CaseDef, that: CaseDef): Boolean = {
val wildcards = mutable.HashSet[(Name, Name)]() // Enumerate wildcard aliases
def correspondsStructure(thiz: Tree, that: Tree): Boolean = {
(thiz eq that) || ((thiz.productArity == that.productArity) && {
def equals0(this0: Any, that0: Any): Boolean = (this0, that0) match {
case (x: Name, y: Name) if wildcards.contains((x, y)) =>
case (x: Tree, y: Tree) =>
(x eq y) || correspondsStructure(x, y)
case (xs: List[_], ys: List[_]) =>
(xs corresponds ys)(equals0)
case _ =>
this0 == that0
def compareOriginals(): Boolean = (thiz, that) match {
case (x: TypeTree, y: TypeTree) if x.original != null && y.original != null =>
correspondsStructure(x.original, y.original)
case _ =>
((thiz, that) match {
case (b1 @ Bind(x, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), b2 @ Bind(y, Ident(nme.WILDCARD))) =>
if (b1.tpe =:= b2.tpe) {
wildcards += ((x, y))
} else {
case _ =>
thiz.productIterator zip that.productIterator forall { case (x, y) => equals0(x, y) }
}) && compareOriginals()
(correspondsStructure(thiz.pat, that.pat) && correspondsStructure(thiz.guard, that.guard))
if (pastCases exists { p => correspondsWildcardStructure(p, c) })
warn(c, IdenticalCaseConditions)
else {
val nonUnitResult = (pastCases += c)
for (c <- cases) {
//// If checks
/// Same expression on both sides of comparison.
case Apply(Select(left, func), List(right))
if (func.toString matches "[$](greater|less|eq|bang)([$]eq)?") && (left equalsStructure right) =>
warn(tree, ReflexiveComparison)
/// Same expression on both sides of a boolean operation.
case Apply(Select(left, func), List(right))
if (func == nme.ZOR || func == nme.OR || func == nme.XOR || func == nme.ZAND || func == nme.AND/* || func == nme.EQ || func == nme.NE*/)
&& (left.symbol == null || !left.symbol.isMethod)
&& (left equalsStructure right)
&& tree.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe =>
warn(tree, ReflexiveComparison)
/// Yoda conditions --
//Workaround: ranges, where it's acceptable, e.g. if (6 < a && a < 10) ...
case Apply(Select(
yoda @ Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(_)), func1), List(notLiteral1)), _logicOp),
List(Apply(Select(notLiteral2, func2), List(_arg2))))
if (func1.toString matches "[$](greater|less)([$]eq)?") && !isLiteral(notLiteral1)
&& (func2.toString matches "[$](greater|less)([$]eq)?") && (notLiteral1 equalsStructure notLiteral2)
&& (func1.toString.take(5) == func2.toString.take(5)) => // cheap way of saying < and <= can appear in range together
nowarnPositions += yoda.pos
case Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(_)), func), List(notLiteral))
if (func.toString matches "[$](greater|less|eq)([$]eq)?")
&& !isLiteral(notLiteral)
&& !(notLiteral is "x") //Workaround: for synthetic "abc".filter('a'==) ... TODO: skips all yoda conditions with x
&& !(notLiteral is "x$1") => //Workaround: for synthetic "abc".filter('a' == _)
warn(tree, YodaConditions)
/// Unnecessary Ifs
case If(cond, Literal(Constant(true)), Literal(Constant(false))) =>
warn(cond, UseConditionDirectly())
case If(cond, Literal(Constant(false)), Literal(Constant(true))) =>
warn(cond, UseConditionDirectly(negated = true))
case If(cond, Assign(id1, _), Assign(id2, _)) //TODO: .this workaround for object-local variables sucks... false negatives
if (id1.toString == id2.toString) && !(id1.toString contains ".this") =>
warn(cond, UseIfExpression(id1.toString))
case If(cond, Apply(Select(id1, setter1), List(_)), Apply(Select(id2, setter2), List(_)))
if (setter1 endsWith "_$eq") && (setter2 endsWith "_$eq") && (id1.toString == id2.toString) && !(id1.toString contains ".this") =>
warn(cond, UseIfExpression(id1.toString))
case If(cond, Block(block, ret), Block(_, _)) if isReturnStatement(ret) || (block exists isReturnStatement) => // Idea from oclint
warn(cond, UnnecessaryElseBranch)
case If(_cond, a, b) if (a equalsStructure b) && (a.children.nonEmpty) =>
//TODO: empty if statement (if (...) { }) triggers this - issue warning for that case?
//TODO: test if a single statement counts as children.nonEmpty
warn(a, DuplicateIfBranches)
case If(_cond1, a, If(_cond2, b, c))
if (a.children.nonEmpty && ((a equalsStructure b) || (a equalsStructure c)))
|| (b.children.nonEmpty && (b equalsStructure c)) =>
//TODO: could be made recursive, but probably no need
warn(a, DuplicateIfBranches)
/// Find repeated (sub)conditions in if-else chains, that will never hold
// Caches conditions separated by OR, and checks all subconditions separated by either AND or OR
case If(_cond, t, e) if {
def getSubConds(cond: Tree)(op: Name): List[Tree] =
List(cond) ++ (cond match {
case Apply(Select(left, opp), List(right)) if op == opp =>
getSubConds(left)(op) ++ getSubConds(right)(op)
case _ =>
val conds = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
def elseIf(tree: Tree): Unit = {
tree match {
case If(cond, t, e) =>
val subCondsOr = getSubConds(cond)(nme.ZOR)
val subCondsAnd = getSubConds(cond)(nme.ZAND)
for (newCond <- (subCondsOr ++ subCondsAnd); oldCond <- conds) {
if ((newCond equalsStructure oldCond) && !(newCond.toString.toLowerCase contains "random")) {
warn(newCond, IdenticalIfElseCondition)
conds ++= subCondsOr
/// Detects some nonsensical if expressions of the type: if (a == b || ...) a else b
(subCondsOr ++ subCondsAnd) filter {
case Apply(Select(a, op), List(b))
if (op == nme.EQ || op == nme.NE)
&& (((a equalsStructure t) && (b equalsStructure e)) || ((a equalsStructure e) && (b equalsStructure t))) => true
case _ => false
} foreach { subCond =>
warn(subCond, InvariantCondition(always = true, "cause the same return value"))
case _ => //Ignore
} => //Fallthrough
/// if (cond1) { if (cond2) { ... } } is the same as if (cond1 && cond2) { ... }
case If(_cond1, iff @ If(_cond2, _body, else1), else2)
if (else1 equalsStructure else2)
&& !(nowarnMergeNestedIfsPositions contains iff.pos) =>
warn(tree, MergeNestedIfs)
/// ifdowhile loop (idea by OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage) :)
case If(cond1, LabelDef(doWhile1, List(), Block(_body, If(cond2, Apply(Ident(doWhile2), List()), Literal(Constant(()))))), Literal(Constant(())))
if (cond1 equalsStructure cond2)
&& (doWhile1.toString startsWith "doWhile")
&& (doWhile1.toString == doWhile2.toString) =>
warn(tree, IfDoWhile)
//// Multiple-statement checks
case Block(init, last) =>
val block = init :+ last
/// Check for unused variable values
sealed trait AssignStatus
case object Unknown extends AssignStatus
case object Defined extends AssignStatus
case object Unused extends AssignStatus
case object Used extends AssignStatus
val assigns = mutable.HashMap[Name, AssignStatus]() withDefaultValue Unknown
def checkAssigns(tree: Tree, onlySetUsed: Boolean): Unit = {
tree match {
case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
// see issue 21 - skip assignments that are not executed immediately
//TODO: It could check if it gets set in all branches - Ignores currently
case If(_, _, _) | Match(_, _) =>
for (t <- tree.children) checkAssigns(t, onlySetUsed = true)
case ValDef(mods, id, _, right) if mods.isMutable =>
//TODO: shadowing warning doesn't work, even if I make sure each tree is visited once, and even if I don't traverse inner Blocks
//if (assigns contains id) warn(tree, "Variable "+id.toString+" is being shadowed here.")
checkAssigns(right, onlySetUsed)
assigns(id) =
if((right.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
|| (right.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe)
|| (right.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe)
|| (right isAny ("null", "scala.None")))
Defined //Ignore these initial values
case Assign(Ident(id), right) =>
checkAssigns(right, onlySetUsed)
if (!onlySetUsed) assigns(id) match {
case Unknown => //Ignore
case Defined => assigns(id) = Unused
case Used => assigns(id) = Unused
case Unused => warn(tree, VariableAssignedUnusedValue(id.toString))
case Ident(id) =>
assigns(id) = Used
case tree =>
//for (Ident(id) <- tree; if assigns(id) == Unused()) assigns(id) == Used()
for (t <- tree.children) checkAssigns(t, onlySetUsed)
/// Warning on exiting a block with unused values (broken/disabled)
/*val unused = (assigns filter { _._2 == Unused() } map { _._1.toString.trim } mkString ", ")
if (!unused.isEmpty) warn(block.last, "Variable(s) "+unused+" have an unused value before here.")*/
for (stmt <- block) { checkAssigns(stmt, onlySetUsed = false) }
/// Unthrown exception
//TODO: only finds instances smack in the middle of blocks, and only new Exception somethings
for (stmt <- init) {
if (stmt.tpe.widen <:< ExceptionClass.tpe) stmt match {
case Apply(Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil) => warn(stmt, UnthrownException)
case _ => //Ignore
//// Checks on two subsequent statements
(block zip block.tail) foreach {
/// Probably mistake in swaping two variables: a = b, b = b
//TODO: there could be other expressions between the assigns
case (Assign(id1, id2), Assign(id2_, id1_)) if (id1 equalsStructure id1_) && (id2 equalsStructure id2_) =>
warn(id1_, MalformedSwap)
/// "...; val x = value; x }" at the end of a method (disabled)
//TODO: disabled - I usually have commented debug outputs in between these
//TODO: this could be generalized in the new unused value code above
/*case (v @ ValDef(_, id1, _, _), l @ Ident(id2)) if id1.toString == id2.toString && (l eq last) =>
warn(v, "You don't need that temp variable.")*/
/// Doing the same thing twice
case (if1 @ If(cond1, _, _), _if2 @ If(cond2, _, _))
if (cond1 equalsStructure cond2)
&& (if1 match {
case If(Ident(_), _, _) => //Ignore single booleans - probably debug/logging
case If(Select(Ident(_), nme.UNARY_!), _, _) => //Ignore single booleans - probably debug/logging
case If(cond, t, f) if (getUsed(cond) & (getAssigned(t) ++ getAssigned(f))).nonEmpty => //Ignore if assigning variables which appear in condition
case If(_, notBlock, empty)
if !notBlock.isInstanceOf[Block] && !notBlock.isInstanceOf[ValDef]
&& (empty equalsStructure Literal(Constant(()))) => //Ignore simple things - probably debug/logging
case _ =>
}) =>
warn(cond2, IdenticalIfCondition)
case (s1, s2)
if (s1 equalsStructure s2)
&& !(s1 is "scala.this.Predef.println()")
&& !(s1.toString contains "Next") && !(s1.toString contains "next") =>
nowarnPositions += s2.pos
warn(s1, IdenticalStatements)
case _ =>
/// Literal negative index for a collection (obsolete?)
case Apply(Select(_seq, _apply), List(Literal(Constant(index: Int))))
if methodImplements(tree.symbol, SeqLikeApply) && index < 0 =>
warn(tree, IndexingWithNegativeNumber)
/// Literal division by zero (obsoleted by abs-int? not for all types, sadly...)
// Can't always check double/float, as even the parser will change it to Infinity
case Apply(Select(num, op), List(denomLiteral @ Literal(Constant(denom))))
if (op == nme.DIV || op == nme.MOD)
&& (num.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (denomLiteral.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (denom == 0 || denom == 1) =>
if (denom == 0) {
warn(tree, DivideByZero)
} else if (denom == 1) {
if (op == nme.DIV) warn(tree, DivideByOne)
else if (op == nme.MOD && (num.tpe.widen weak_<:< LongClass.tpe)) warn(tree, ModuloByOne)
case Apply(Select(numLiteral @ Literal(Constant(num)), op), List(denom))
if (op == nme.DIV || op == nme.MOD)
&& (numLiteral.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (denom.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (num == 0) =>
warn(tree, ZeroDivideBy)
/// Option of an Option
//TODO: make stricter if you want, but Ident(_) could get annoying if someone out there is actually using this :)
case ValDef(_, _, _, value) if isOptionOption(value) =>
warn(tree, OptionOfOption)
/// Inferred type Nothing, Any, M[Nothing], or M[Any] (idea by OlegYch)
case ValDef(mods, name, tpe, body)
if !mods.isParameter
&& !(name.toString.trim matches "res[0-9]+") //Workaround: for REPL
&& !(name.toString.trim == "$result") //Workaround: for REPL/Tests
&& ((tpe.toString contains "Any") || (tpe.toString contains "Nothing")) // Gets rid of Stuff[_]
&& (containsAnyType(tpe.tpe) || containsNothingType(tpe.tpe))
&& (inferred contains tpe.pos)
&& !(body.isInstanceOf[New]) =>
body match {
case Apply(Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _) =>
case TypeApply(Select(_, Name("asInstanceOf")), _) =>
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(_collection, Name("apply")), types), _elems)
if types.exists(t => t.isInstanceOf[TypeTree] && t.asInstanceOf[TypeTree].original != null) =>
case Ident(_) =>
case _ => warn(tree, UndesirableTypeInference(tpe.tpe.toString))
/// Putting null into Option (idea by Smotko)
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, tpe, body) if (tpe.toString matches "Option\\[.*\\]") &&
(body match {
case n @ Literal(Constant(null)) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case Block(_, n @ Literal(Constant(null))) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case _ => false
}) => //Ignore
case ValDef(_, _, tpe, body) if (tpe.toString matches "Option\\[.*\\]") &&
(body match {
case n @ Literal(Constant(null)) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case Block(_, n @ Literal(Constant(null))) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case _ => false
}) => //Ignore
case Assign(left, right) if (left.tpe.toString matches "Option\\[.*\\]") &&
(right match {
case n @ Literal(Constant(null)) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case Block(_, n @ Literal(Constant(null))) => warn(n, AssigningOptionToNull); true
case _ => false
}) => //Ignore
/// Null checking instead of Option wrapping
case If(Apply(Select(left, op), List(Literal(Constant(null)))), t, f)
if (op == nme.EQ && (t is "scala.None") && (f match {
case Apply(TypeApply(scala_Some_apply, _), List(some)) if (left equalsStructure some) && (scala_Some_apply startsWith "scala.Some.apply") => true
case _ => false
|| (op == nme.NE && (f is "scala.None") && (t match {
case Apply(TypeApply(scala_Some_apply, _), List(some)) if (left equalsStructure some) && (scala_Some_apply startsWith "scala.Some.apply") => true
case _ => false
})) =>
warn(tree, WrapNullWithOption)
/// Comparing Option to None instead of using isDefined (disabled)
/*case Apply(Select(opt, op), List(scala_None)) if (op == nme.EQ || op == nme.NE) && (scala_None is "scala.None") =>
warn(tree, "Use .isDefined instead of comparing to None")*/
/// filter(...).headOption is better written as find(...)
case Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), Name("headOption")) =>
warn(tree, UseFindNotFilterHead(identOrCol(col)))
/// orElse(Some(...)).get is better written as getOrElse(...)
case Select(Apply(TypeApply(Select(option, Name("orElse")), _), List(Apply(scala_Some_apply, List(_value)))), Name("get"))
if scala_Some_apply startsWith "scala.Some.apply" =>
warn(scala_Some_apply, UseGetOrElseOnOption(identOrOpt(option)))
/// if (opt.isDefined) opt.get else something is better written as getOrElse(something) and similar warnings
//TODO: improve the warning text, and curb the code duplication
case If(Select(opt1, Name("isDefined")), getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get")), elseCase) //duplication
if (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isDefined"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isDefined"))
case If(Select(Select(opt1, Name("isDefined")), nme.UNARY_!), elseCase, getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get"))) //duplication
if (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), "!" + identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isDefined"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), "!" + identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isDefined"))
case If(Select(opt1, Name("isEmpty")), elseCase, getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get"))) //duplication
if (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isEmpty"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isEmpty"))
case If(Select(Select(opt1, Name("isEmpty")), nme.UNARY_!), getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get")), elseCase) //duplication
if (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), "!" + identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isEmpty"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), "!" + identOrOpt(opt2) + ".isEmpty"))
case If(Apply(Select(opt1, nme.NE), List(scala_None)), getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get")), elseCase) //duplication
if (scala_None is "scala.None") && (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + "!= None"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + "!= None"))
case If(Apply(Select(opt1, nme.EQ), List(scala_None)), elseCase, getCase @ Select(opt2, Name("get"))) //duplication
if (scala_None is "scala.None") && (opt1 equalsStructure opt2) && !(elseCase.tpe.widen <:< NothingClass.tpe) =>
if (elseCase equalsStructure Literal(Constant(null))) warn(opt2, UseOptionOrNull(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + "== None"))
else if (getCase.tpe.widen <:< elseCase.tpe.widen) warn(opt2, UseOptionGetOrElse(identOrOpt(opt2), identOrOpt(opt2) + "== None"))
/// sortBy(...).head/last is better written as min/maxBy(...)
case Select(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sortBy")), _), List(_func)), List(ordering)), head_last)
if (head_last.isAny("head", "last"))
&& (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering")) =>
val func = head_last.toString
val replacement = if (func == "head") "minBy" else "maxBy"
warn(tree, UseMinOrMaxNotSort(identOrCol(col), "sortBy", func, replacement))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sortBy")), _), List(_func)), List(ordering)))), head_last)
if (head_last.isAny("head", "last"))
&& (xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering")) =>
val func = head_last.toString
val replacement = if (func == "head") "minBy" else "maxBy"
warn(tree, UseMinOrMaxNotSort(identOrCol(col), "sortBy", func, replacement))
/// sorted(...).head/last is better written as min/max
case Select(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sorted")), _), List(ordering)), head_last)
if (head_last.isAny("head", "last"))
&& (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering")) =>
val func = head_last.toString
val replacement = if (func == "head") "min" else "max"
warn(tree, UseMinOrMaxNotSort(identOrCol(col), "sorted", func, replacement))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sorted")), _), List(ordering)))), head_last)
if (head_last.isAny("head", "last"))
&& (xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering")) =>
val func = head_last.toString
val replacement = if (func == "head") "min" else "max"
warn(tree, UseMinOrMaxNotSort(identOrCol(col), "sorted", func, replacement))
/// find(...).isDefined is better written as exists(...)
/// filter(...).isEmpty is better written as exists(...)
case Select(Apply(pos @ Select(col, find_filter), _func), empty_defined)
if ((find_filter isAny ("find", "filter", "filterNot")) && (empty_defined isAny ("isEmpty", "nonEmpty", "isDefined")))
&& (col startsWithAny ("scala.", "immutable.this", "collection.this")) =>
if (find_filter is "find")
warn(pos, UseExistsNotFindIsDefined(identOrCol(col), empty_defined.toString))
warn(pos, UseExistsNotFilterIsEmpty(identOrCol(col), find_filter.toString, empty_defined.toString))
/// exists(a == ...) is better written as contains(...)
case Apply(Select(col, Name("exists")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, param1, _, _)), Apply(Select(param2, eq), List(id @ Ident(_))))))
if (eq.isAny("$eq$eq", "eq"))
&& (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || (c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe && !Properties.versionString.contains("2.10"))))
&& (param1.toString == param2.toString) =>
warn(tree, UseContainsNotExistsEquals(identOrCol(col), id.toString, param2.toString, id.toString))
case Apply(Select(col, Name("exists")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, param1, _, _)), Apply(Select(id @ Ident(_), eq), List(param2)))))
if (eq.isAny("$eq$eq", "eq"))
&& (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || (c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe && !Properties.versionString.contains("2.10"))))
&& (param1.toString == param2.toString) =>
warn(tree, UseContainsNotExistsEquals(identOrCol(col), id.toString, id.toString, param2.toString))
case Apply(Select(col, Name("exists")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, param1, _, _)), Apply(Select(param2, eq), List(Literal(Constant(lit)))))))
if (eq.isAny("$eq$eq", "eq"))
&& (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || (c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe && !Properties.versionString.contains("2.10"))))
&& (param1.toString == param2.toString) =>
warn(tree, UseContainsNotExistsEquals(identOrCol(col), String.valueOf(lit.toString), param2.toString, String.valueOf(lit.toString)))
/// fold(true)(acc && xxx) => forall
/// fold(false)(acc || xxx) => exists
//TODO: fix foldRight, reduceRight
case Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, fold), List(_)), List(lit @ Literal(Constant(start)))), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, arg1, _, _), ValDef(_, arg2, _, _)), Apply(Select(arg1u, op), List(arg2u)))))
if (fold.isAny("fold", "foldLeft", "$div$colon"))
&& (((true == start || false == start)
&& ((arg1.toString == arg1u.toString) || (arg1.toString == arg2u.toString))
&& (op.isAny("$amp$amp", "$bar$bar")))
|| ((lit.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe)
&& (arg2u.tpe.widen =:= lit.tpe.widen)
&& ((arg1u.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe) || (arg2u.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe))
&& (Set(arg1.toString, arg2.toString) == Set(arg1u.toString, arg2u.toString))
&& ((op.isAny("$plus", "$times"))))) =>
if (op.isAny("$amp$amp", "$bar$bar")) {
if (start == true && (op is "$amp$amp")) {
warn(tree, UseQuantifierFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), "forall", fold.toString))
} else if (start == false && (op is "$bar$bar")) {
warn(tree, UseQuantifierFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), "exists", fold.toString))
} else {
warn(tree, InvariantReturn(fold.toString, start.toString))
} else {
if (op is "$plus") {
val replacement = (if (start == 0) "sum" else "sum + " + start)
warn(tree, UseFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), replacement, fold.toString))
} else if (op is "$times") {
if (start == 0) {
warn(tree, InvariantReturn(fold.toString, start.toString))
} else {
val replacement = (if (start == 1) "product" else "product * " + start)
warn(tree, UseFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), replacement, fold.toString))
/// reduce(acc && xxx) => forall
/// reduce(acc || xxx) => exists
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, reduce), List(_)), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, arg1, _, _), ValDef(_, arg2, _, _)), Apply(Select(arg1u, op), List(arg2u)))))
if (reduce.isAny("reduce", "reduceLeft"))
&& ((((arg1.toString == arg1u.toString) && (arg1u.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe)
||(arg1.toString == arg2u.toString) && (arg2u.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe))
&& (op.isAny("$amp$amp", "$bar$bar")))
|| (((arg1u.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe) || (arg2u.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe))
&& (Set(arg1.toString, arg2.toString) == Set(unwrapNumber(arg1u).toString, unwrapNumber(arg2u).toString))
&& (op.isAny("$plus", "$times", "min", "max")))) =>
if (op is "$amp$amp") {
warn(tree, UseQuantifierFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), "forall", reduce.toString))
} else if (op is "$bar$bar") {
warn(tree, UseQuantifierFuncNotFold(identOrCol(col), "exists", reduce.toString))
} else if (op is "$plus") {
warn(tree, UseFuncNotReduce(identOrCol(col), "sum", reduce.toString))
} else if (op is "$times") {
warn(tree, UseFuncNotReduce(identOrCol(col), "product", reduce.toString))
} else {
warn(tree, UseFuncNotReduce(identOrCol(col), op.toString, reduce.toString))
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("map")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), List(_canBuildFrom)), Name("map")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _)))
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe)) =>
warn(tree, MergeMaps)
/// swap operations
//TODO: head, last could be like that too
case Select(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("map")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), List(canBuildFrom)), func)
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (func.isAny("take", "takeRight", "drop", "dropRight", "headOption", "lastOption", "init", "tail", "slice"))
&& (canBuildFrom.toString contains "canBuildFrom") =>
warn(tree, FuncFirstThenMap(func.toString))
case Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("map")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), func)
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (func.isAny("take", "takeRight", "drop", "dropRight", "headOption", "lastOption", "init", "tail", "slice")) =>
warn(tree, FuncFirstThenMap(func.toString))
/// swap operations col.sortWith(...).filter(...)
case Apply(Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("sortWith")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _), ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), filter), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _)))
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (filter.isAny("filter", "filterNot")) =>
warn(tree, FilterFirstThenSort)
/// swap operations col.sortBy(...).filter(...)
case Apply(Select(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sortBy")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))), List(ordering)), filter), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _)))
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering"))
&& (filter.isAny("filter", "filterNot")) =>
warn(tree, FilterFirstThenSort)
/// swap operations col.sorted.filter(...)
case Apply(Select(Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("sorted")), _), List(ordering)), filter), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _)))
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (ordering.toString.contains("Ordering"))
&& (filter.isAny("filter", "filterNot")) =>
warn(tree, FilterFirstThenSort)
/// flatMap(if (...) Seq(x) else Seq(y)) is better written as map(if (...) x else y)
//TODO: actually check all returns of the lambda
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("flatMap")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _param, _, _)), If(_, Apply(TypeApply(Select(col1, Name("apply")), _), List(_elt1)), Apply(TypeApply(Select(col2, Name("apply")), _), List(_elt2))))))
if (col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe))
&& (col1.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableFactoryClass.tpe))
&& (col2.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableFactoryClass.tpe)) =>
warn(tree, UseMapNotFlatMap(identOrCol(col)))
/// flatMap(if (...) x else Nil/None) is better written as filter(...)
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("flatMap")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, param, _, _)), If(_, e1, e2)))) =>
// Swap branches, to simplify the matching
val (expr1, expr2) = if (e1 endsWithAny (".Nil", ".None")) (e1, e2) else (e2, e1)
(expr1, expr2) match {
case (nil, Apply(TypeApply(Select(col, Name("apply")), _), List(Ident(id)))) // <- col is shadowing
if (col.toString matches "((scala[.])?collection[.])?immutable[.].*")
&& (nil endsWith ".Nil")
&& (id.toString == param.toString) =>
warn(tree, UseFilterNotFlatMap(identOrCol(col)))
case (Apply(_Option2Iterable1, List(none)), Apply(_Option2Iterable2, List(Apply(TypeApply(Select(some, Name("apply")), _), List(Ident(id))))))
if (none is "scala.None")
&& (some is "scala.Some")
&& (id.toString == param.toString) =>
warn(tree, UseFilterNotFlatMap(identOrCol(col)))
case _ =>
//println((showRaw(expr1), showRaw(expr2)))
/// Warning about using Option.{ headOption, lastOption, tail }
case Select(Apply(_option2Iterable, List(opt)), bad)
if (opt.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe))
&& (bad.isAny("headOption", "lastOption", "tail")) =>
warn(tree, AvoidOptionMethod(bad.toString))
/// Warnings about using Option.size, which is probably a bug (use .isDefined instead)
case t @ Select(Apply(option2Iterable, List(opt)), Name("size")) if (option2Iterable.toString contains "Option.option2Iterable") =>
if (opt.tpe.widen.typeArgs.exists(tp => tp.widen <:< StringClass.tpe))
warn(t, AvoidOptionStringSize)
else if (opt.tpe.widen.typeArgs.exists(tp => tp.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe)))
warn(t, AvoidOptionCollectionSize)
warn(t, AvoidOptionMethod("size", "use Option.isDefined instead."))
/// Use x.transform instead of x =
case Assign(id1, Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(id2)), Name("map")), List(_, _)), List(_func)), List(Apply(TypeApply(canBuildFrom, List(_)), List(_typeTag)))))
if (id1.toString == id2.toString)
&& (xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (canBuildFrom.toString == "scala.this.Array.canBuildFrom") =>
warn(tree, TransformNotMap("col")) //FIXME: name's inside xArrayOps, right?
case Assign(id1, col @ Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(id2, Name("map")), List(_, _)), List(_func)), List(_)))
if (id1.toString == id2.toString) && col.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= MutableSeqLike.tpe) =>
warn(tree, TransformNotMap(identOrCol(col)))
/// Checks for duplicate mappings in a Map
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(map, Name("apply")), _), args)
if (map.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe <:< MapFactoryClass.tpe)) =>
val keys = args flatMap {
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(arrowAssoc, List(lhs)), arrow), _), _rhs)
if (arrow.isAny("$minus$greater", "$u2192"))
&& (arrowAssoc.toString matches "scala[.]this[.]Predef[.](any2)?ArrowAssoc.+")
&& (lhs.isInstanceOf[Literal] || lhs.isInstanceOf[Ident]) => //TODO: support pure functions someday
case Apply(tuple2apply, List(lhs, _rhs))
if (tuple2apply startsWith "scala.Tuple2.apply")
&& (lhs.isInstanceOf[Literal] || lhs.isInstanceOf[Ident]) =>
case _k => //TODO: unknown mapping format
val unitResult = keys.foldLeft(List.empty[Tree])((acc, newItem) =>
if (acc.exists(item => item equalsStructure newItem)) {
warn(newItem, DuplicateKeyInMap)
} else {
newItem :: acc
//// Inefficient use of .size, instead of is/nonEmpty (Idea by non)
/// Inefficient use of List.size, instead of is/nonEmpty
case Apply(Select(pos @ Select(obj, size_length), op), List(Literal(Constant(x))))
if (size_length isAny ("size", "length"))
&& (obj.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= ListClass.tpe) || obj.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe)
&& (isEmptyCompare(x, op)) =>
val replacementFunc = if (op == nme.EQ || op == nme.LE || op == nme.LT) "isEmpty" else "nonEmpty"
warn(pos, InefficientUseOfListSize(identOrCol(obj), replacementFunc, size_length.toString))
/// Inefficient use of String.size, instead of is/nonEmpty (disabled)
/*case Apply(Select(obj, op), List(Literal(Constant(""))))
if (obj.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe)
&& (op == nme.EQ || op == nme.NE) =>
if (op == nme.EQ)
warn(tree, "Use isEmpty instead of comparing to empty string.")
warn(tree, "Use nonEmpty instead of comparing to empty string.")*/
/// Passing a block that returns a function to map, instead of a function --
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(collection, op), _), List(block @ Block(list, Function(List(ValDef(paramMods, _, _, _)), _funcBody))))
if paramMods.isSynthetic
&& op.toString.matches("map|foreach|filter(Not)?") //TODO: add more
&& list.nonEmpty //, where func is an already defined function
&& (list match { // eta expansion, similar to above
case List(ValDef(_, eta, _, _)) if eta.startsWith("eta$") => false
case _ => true
&& collection.tpe.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe) =>
warn(block, OnceEvaluatedStatementsInBlockReturningFunction)
/// Integer division in an expression assigned to a floating point variable
case Assign(varName, body) if isFloatingPointType(varName) && hasIntegerDivision(body) =>
warn(body, IntDivisionAssignedToFloat)
case Apply(Select(_var, varSetter), List(body)) if (varSetter endsWith "_$eq") && isFloatingPointType(body) && hasIntegerDivision(body) =>
warn(body, IntDivisionAssignedToFloat)
case ValDef(_, _, tpe, body) if isFloatingPointType(tpe) && hasIntegerDivision(body) =>
warn(body, IntDivisionAssignedToFloat)
case Literal(Constant(_)) if (intLiteralDiv contains tree.pos) && isFloatingPointType(tree.tpe) =>
warn(tree, IntDivisionAssignedToFloat)
/// col.flatten instead of col.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get)
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, p1, _, _)), Select(p1_, Name("isDefined"))))), Name("map")), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, p2, _, _)), Select(p2_, Name("get")))))
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe)
&& (p1.toString == p1_.toString) && (p1_.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe))
&& (p2.toString == p2_.toString) && (p2_.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(_.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe)) =>
warn(tree, UseFlattenNotFilterOption(identOrCol(col)))
/// col.exists(...) instead of !col.filter(...).isEmpty / col.filter(...).nonEmpty (idea from pippi)
case Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)), Name("nonEmpty"))
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe) =>
warn(tree, UseExistsNotFilterEmpty(identOrCol(col), bang = false))
case Select(Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)), Name("isEmpty")), Name("unary_$bang"))
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe) =>
warn(tree, UseExistsNotFilterEmpty(identOrCol(col), bang = true))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)))), Name("nonEmpty"))
if xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps") =>
warn(tree, UseExistsNotFilterEmpty(identOrCol(col), bang = false))
case Select(Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)))), Name("isEmpty")), Name("unary_$bang"))
if (xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps")) =>
warn(tree, UseExistsNotFilterEmpty(identOrCol(col), bang = true))
/// col.count(...) instead of col.filter(...).size/length (idea from pippi)
case Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)), size_length)
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe || c.tpe =:= OptionClass.tpe)
&& size_length.isAny("size", "length") =>
warn(tree, UseCountNotFilterLength(identOrCol(col), size_length.toString))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps, List(Apply(Select(col, Name("filter")), List(_func)))), size_length)
if (xArrayOps.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& size_length.isAny("size", "length") =>
warn(tree, UseCountNotFilterLength(identOrCol(col), size_length.toString))
/// col.exists(...) instead of col.count(...) == 0 (or similar)
case Apply(Select(Apply(Select(col, Name("count")), List(_func)), op), List(Literal(Constant(x))))
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableOnceClass.tpe) && isEmptyCompare(x, op)
&& !(op == nme.EQ || op == nme.LE || op == nme.LT) =>
warn(tree, UseExistsNotCountCompare(identOrCol(col)))
case Select(Select(Select(col, Name("reverse")), Name("tail")), Name("reverse"))
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe) =>
warn(tree, UseInitNotReverseTailReverse(identOrCol(col)))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps0, List(Select(Apply(xArrayOps1, List(Select(Apply(xArrayOps2, List(col)), Name("reverse")))), Name("tail")))), Name("reverse"))
if (xArrayOps0.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (xArrayOps1.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (xArrayOps2.toString.contains("ArrayOps")) =>
warn(tree, UseInitNotReverseTailReverse(identOrCol(col)))
case Select(Select(col, Name("reverse")), head)
if col.tpe.widen.baseClasses.exists(c => c.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe)
&& (head.isAny("head", "headOption")) =>
warn(tree, UseLastNotReverseHead(identOrCol(col), head is "headOption"))
case Select(Apply(xArrayOps1, List(Select(Apply(xArrayOps2, List(col)), Name("reverse")))), head)
if (xArrayOps1.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (xArrayOps2.toString.contains("ArrayOps"))
&& (head.isAny("head", "headOption")) =>
warn(tree, UseLastNotReverseHead(identOrCol(col), head is "headOption"))
/// Use partial function directly - temporary variable is unnecessary (idea by yzgw)
case Apply(_, List(Function(List(ValDef(mods, x_1, typeTree: TypeTree, EmptyTree)), Match(x_1_, _))))
if (((x_1 is "x$1") && (x_1_ is "x$1") && (mods.isSynthetic) && (mods.isParameter)) // _ match { ... }
|| ((x_1.toString == x_1_.toString) && !(mods.isSynthetic) && (mods.isParameter))) // x => x match { ... }
&& (typeTree.original == null) => // Fails on: x: Type => x match { ... }
val param = if (x_1 is "x$1") "_" else x_1.toString + " => " + x_1.toString
//TODO: also detects for (x <- col) x match { ... } ... current workaround with filter has false negatives
val line = tree.pos.lineContent
if (!List("for", "<-").exists(line.contains(_))) {
warn(tree, PassPartialFunctionDirectly(param))
/// Using the implicit ordering for Unit is probably wrong
case Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(_, minMaxBy), _), List(Function(_, Block(_, u @ Literal(Constant(())))))), List(Select(scala_math_Ordering, unit)))
if (minMaxBy.isAny("minBy", "maxBy"))
&& (scala_math_Ordering is "math.this.Ordering")
&& (unit is "Unit") =>
warn(u, UnitImplicitOrdering(minMaxBy.toString))
case _ =>
//if (tree.toString contains "...") println(showRaw(tree))
} catch catcher finally finalizer(tree)
//// Abstract Interpreter
private object PostTyperInterpreterComponent extends PluginComponent {
val global =
import global._
override val runsAfter = List("typer")
val phaseName = "linter-typed-interpreter"
override def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new StdPhase(prev) {
override def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit = {
if (!unit.isJava) {
new PostTyperInterpreterTraverser(unit).traverse(unit.body)
class PostTyperInterpreterTraverser(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Traverser {
implicit val unitt = unit
var treePosHolder: Tree = null
import org.psywerx.hairyfotr.Utils._
val utils = new Utils[global.type](global)
import utils._
import definitions.{ AnyClass, AnyValClass, NothingClass, PredefModule, ObjectClass, Object_== }
import definitions.{ OptionClass, SeqClass, TraversableClass, ListClass, StringClass }
import definitions.{ DoubleClass, FloatClass, CharClass, ByteClass, ShortClass, IntClass, LongClass, BooleanClass }
def checkRegex(reg: String): Unit = {
try {
val regex = reg.r
if (reg matches "[\\^]?([|]+|([(][|]*[)])+)+[$]?") warn(treePosHolder, RegexWarning("Regex "+reg+" matches only empty string", error = false))
} catch {
case e: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException =>
warn(treePosHolder, RegexWarning(e.getDescription))
case e: Exception =>
// Data structure ideas:
// 1. common trait for Value, Collection, StringAttrs
// 2. for Values: empty -> any, and add "nonValues" or "conditions" to cover
// if (a == 0) ..., if (a%2 == 0) ... even for huge collections
//// Integer/List value data structure
object Values {
lazy val empty = new Values()
def apply(i: Int, name: String = ""): Values = new Values(name = name, values = Set(i))
def apply(low: Int, high: Int): Values = new Values(ranges = Set((low, high)))
class Values(
val ranges: Set[(Int, Int)] = Set.empty,
val values: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
val conditions: Set[Int => Boolean] = Set.empty, // Currently obeyed only ifEmpty
val name: String = "",
val isSeq: Boolean = false,
val actualSize: Int = -1
) {
//require(isEmpty || isValue || isSeq || (ranges.size == 1 && values.size == 0) || (ranges.size == 0 && values.size > 0))
def conditionsContain(i: Int): Boolean = conditions.forall(c => c(i))
// Experimental alternative to empty
def makeUnknown: Values = new Values(conditions = conditions)
def rangesContain(i: Int): Boolean = (ranges exists { case (low, high) => i >= low && i <= high })
def notSeq: Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions, name, false)
def contains(i: Int): Boolean = (values contains i) || rangesContain(i)
def containsAny(i: Int*): Boolean = i exists { i => this.contains(i) }
def apply(i: Int): Boolean = contains(i)
//TODO: this crashes if (high-low) > Int.MaxValue - code manually, or break large ranges into several parts
//def exists(func: Int => Boolean) = (values exists func) || (ranges exists { case (low, high) => (low to high) exists func })
//def forall(func: Int => Boolean) = (values forall func) && (ranges forall { case (low, high) => (low to high) forall func })
def existsLower(i: Int): Boolean = (values exists { _ < i }) || (ranges exists { case (low, high) => low < i })
def existsGreater(i: Int): Boolean = (values exists { _ > i }) || (ranges exists { case (low, high) => high > i })
def forallLower(i: Int): Boolean = (values forall { _ < i }) && (ranges forall { case (low, high) => (low <= high) && (high < i) })
def forallEquals(i: Int): Boolean = (values forall { _ == i }) && (ranges forall { case (low, high) => (low == high) && (i == low) })
def addRange(low: Int, high: Int): Values = new Values(ranges + (if (low > high) (high, low) else (low, high)), values, conditions, name, false, -1)
def addValue(i: Int): Values = new Values(ranges, values + i, conditions, name, false, -1)
def addSet(s: Set[Int]): Values = new Values(ranges, values ++ s, conditions, name, false, -1) //TODO: are these false, -1 ok?
def addCondition(c: Int => Boolean): Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions + c, name, isSeq, actualSize)
def addConditions(c: (Int => Boolean)*): Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions ++ c, name, isSeq, actualSize)
def addConditions(c: Set[Int => Boolean]): Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions ++ c, name, isSeq, actualSize)
def addName(s: String): Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions, s, isSeq, actualSize)
def addActualSize(s: Int): Values = new Values(ranges, values, conditions, name, isSeq, s)
//TODO: this can go wrong in many ways - (low to high) limit, freeze on huge collection, etc
def distinct: Values = {
val t = this.optimizeValues
//ADD: optimizeranges that makes them non-overlapping
if (t.values.size == 0 && t.ranges.size == 1) {
new Values(ranges = t.ranges, conditions = conditions, /*name = name,*/ isSeq = isSeq, actualSize = actualSize)
} else {
new Values(values = t.values ++ t.ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => (low to high) }, conditions = conditions, /*name = name,*/ isSeq = isSeq, actualSize = actualSize)
//TODO: Is this correct for weird code?
def sum: Int = {
val t = this.distinct
t.values.sum + ranges.foldLeft(0)((acc, n) => acc + (n._1 to n._2).sum)
// Discard values, that are inside ranges
def optimizeValues: Values = new Values(ranges, values.filter(v => !rangesContain(v)), conditions, name, isSeq, actualSize)
//TODO: def optimizeRanges =
def isEmpty: Boolean = this.size == 0
def nonEmpty: Boolean = this.size > 0
def isValue: Boolean = this.values.size == 1 && this.ranges.isEmpty //TODO: this is stupid and buggy, and woudn't exist if I didn't mix all types into one class
def getValue: Int = if (isValue) values.head else throw new Exception()
def isValueForce: Boolean = (this.values.size == 1 && this.ranges.isEmpty) || (ranges.size == 1 && this.size == 1)
def getValueForce: Int = if (isValue) values.head else if (ranges.size == 1 && this.size == 1) ranges.head._1 else throw new Exception()
def max: Int = math.max(if (values.nonEmpty) values.max else Int.MinValue, if (ranges.nonEmpty) ranges.maxBy(_._2)._2 else Int.MinValue)
def min: Int = math.min(if (values.nonEmpty) values.min else Int.MaxValue, if (ranges.nonEmpty) ranges.minBy(_._1)._1 else Int.MaxValue)
def dropValue(i: Int): Values = new Values(
ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) =>
if (i > low && i < high) List((low, i-1), (i+1, high)) else
if (i == low && i < high) List((low+1, high)) else
if (i > low && i == high) List((low, high-1)) else
if (i == low && i == high) Nil else
List((low, high))
values - i,
Set.empty, //ADD: conditions?
// Beware of some operations over ranges.
def map(func: Int => Int, rangeSafe: Boolean = true): Values = //ADD: conditions?
if (rangeSafe) {
new Values( { case (preLow, preHigh) =>
val (low, high) = (func(preLow), func(preHigh))
if (low > high) (high, low) else (low, high)
} else {
if (this.ranges.nonEmpty && this.size <= 100001) //ADD: this only checks small ranges, also can still get slow
(new Values(values = values ++ ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => (low to high) }, name = name, isSeq = isSeq, actualSize = actualSize)).map(func)
//// Apply and check a condition, return a pair of possible values of this Integer/List if condition is true and if false
def applyCond(condExpr: Tree): (Values, Values) = {
//TODO: alwaysTrue and false cound be possible returns for error msgs
//TODO: check out if you're using 'this' for things that aren't... this method shouldn't be here anyways
//println("expr: "+showRaw(condExpr))
var alwaysHold, neverHold = false
val out = condExpr match {
case Apply(Select(expr1, nme.ZAND), List(expr2)) => //&&
case Apply(Select(expr1, nme.ZOR), List(expr2)) => //||
val (left, right) = (this.applyCond(expr1)._1, this.applyCond(expr2)._1)
new Values(
left.ranges ++ right.ranges,
left.values ++ right.values,
left.conditions ++ right.conditions,
// Pass on String functions
case strFunc @ Apply(Select(string, _func), _params)
if string.tpe != null && string.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe =>
case strFunc @ Select(Apply(scala_augmentString, List(_string)), _func)
if (scala_augmentString.toString endsWith "augmentString") =>
//ADD: expr op expr that handles idents right
case Apply(Select(Ident(v), op), List(expr)) if v.toString == && computeExpr(expr).isValue =>
val value = computeExpr(expr).getValue
val out: Values = op match {
case nme.EQ =>
(if (this.nonEmpty) {
if (this.contains(value)) {
if (this.forallEquals(value)) alwaysHold = true
} else {
neverHold = true
} else if (!this.conditionsContain(value)) {
neverHold = true
} else {
}).addCondition(_ == value)
case nme.NE =>
(if (this.contains(value)) {
val out = this.dropValue(value)
if (out.isEmpty) neverHold = true
} else if (this.nonEmpty) {
alwaysHold = true
} else {
}).addCondition(_ != value)
case nme.GT => new Values(
ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => if (low > value) Some((low, high)) else if (high > value) Some((value+1, high)) else None },
values.filter { _ > value },
Set(_ > value),
case nme.GE => new Values(
ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => if (low >= value) Some((low, high)) else if (high >= value) Some((value, high)) else None },
values.filter { _ >= value },
Set(_ >= value),
case nme.LT => new Values(
ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => if (high < value) Some((low, high)) else if (low < value) Some((low, value-1)) else None },
values.filter { _ < value },
Set(_ < value),
case nme.LE => new Values(
ranges.flatMap { case (low, high) => if (high <= value) Some((low, high)) else if (low <= value) Some((low, value)) else None },
values.filter { _ <= value },
Set(_ <= value),
case _ =>
//println("applyCond: "+showRaw( a ));
if ((Set[Name](nme.GT, nme.GE, nme.LT, nme.LE) contains op) && this.nonEmpty) {
if (out.isEmpty) neverHold = true
if (out.size == this.size) alwaysHold = true
case Apply(Select(expr1, op), List(expr2)) =>
val (left, right) = (computeExpr(expr1), computeExpr(expr2))
var out = Values.empty.addActualSize(this.actualSize)
val startOut = out
op match {
case nme.EQ | nme.NE =>
if (left.isValue && right.isValue && left.getValue == right.getValue) {
if (op == nme.EQ) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op == nme.EQ && ( == || == out = this
} else if (left.nonEmpty && right.nonEmpty && (left.min > right.max || right.min > left.max)) {
if (op != nme.EQ) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op != nme.EQ && ( == || == out = this
} else if ( == && right.isValueForce && op == nme.EQ) {
out = Values(right.getValueForce).addName(
} else if ( == && left.isValueForce && op == nme.EQ) { // Yoda conditions
out = Values(left.getValueForce).addName(
if (left.isEmpty && left.conditions.nonEmpty && right.isValue && !left.conditionsContain(right.getValue)) {
neverHold = true
case nme.GT | nme.LE =>
if (left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue > right.getValue) {
if (op == nme.GT) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op == nme.GT && ( == || == out = this
} else {
if (op != nme.GT) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op != nme.GT && ( == || == out = this
} else if (left.nonEmpty && right.nonEmpty) {
if (left.max <= right.min) {
if (op != nme.GT) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op != nme.GT && ( == || == out = this
} else if (left.min > right.max) {
if (op == nme.GT) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op == nme.GT && ( == || == out = this
case nme.GE | nme.LT =>
if (left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue >= right.getValue) {
if (op == nme.GE) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op == nme.GE && ( == || == out = this
} else {
if (op != nme.GE) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op != nme.GE && ( == || == out = this
} else if (left.nonEmpty && right.nonEmpty) {
if (left.max < right.min) {
if (op != nme.GE) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op != nme.GE && ( == || == out = this
} else if (left.min >= right.max) {
if (op == nme.GE) alwaysHold = true else neverHold = true
if (op == nme.GE && ( == || == out = this
case _ =>
if ( == out.addConditions(this.conditions) else out
case Select(expr, op) =>
case expr =>
//println("expr: "+showRaw(expr))
// Check if condition will always or never hold
if (neverHold) warn(condExpr, InvariantCondition(always = false, "hold"))
if (alwaysHold) warn(condExpr, InvariantCondition(always = true, "hold"))
//TODO: verify filter = ...
if (!isUsed(condExpr,, filter = "size|length|head|last")) (this, this) else (out, if (neverHold) this else if (alwaysHold) Values.empty else this - out)
//TODO: does this even work? the v map is suspect and ugly
def -(value: Values): Values = {
if (this.isEmpty || value.isEmpty) {
} else {
var out = this
value map({ v => out = out.dropValue(v); v }, rangeSafe = false)
//// Apply a unary operation on a Integer/List variable
def applyUnary(op: Name): Values = op match {
case nme.UNARY_+ => this
case nme.UNARY_- => => -a)
case nme.UNARY_~ => => ~a, rangeSafe = false)
case signum if signum.toString == "signum" => => math.signum(a)).addCondition({ a => Set(-1, 0, +1) contains a })
case abs if abs.toString == "abs" =>
new Values(//ADD: conditions { case (preLow, preHigh) =>
val (low, high) = (if (preLow > 0) preLow else 0, math.max(math.abs(preLow), math.abs(preHigh)))
if (low > high) (high, low) else (low, high)
}, => math.abs(a))).addCondition(_ >= 0)
case size if (size.toString matches "size|length") => if (this.actualSize != -1) Values(this.actualSize) else Values.empty.addCondition(_ >= 0)
case head_last if (head_last.toString matches "head|last") =>
// Only works for one element :)
if (this.actualSize == 0) warn(treePosHolder, DecomposingEmptyCollection(head_last.toString))
if (this.actualSize == 1 && this.size == 1) Values(this.getValueForce) else Values.empty
case tail_init if (tail_init.toString matches "tail|init") && this.actualSize != -1 =>
if (this.actualSize == 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, DecomposingEmptyCollection(tail_init.toString))
} else {
Values.empty.addActualSize(this.actualSize - 1)
case to if (to.toString matches "toIndexedSeq|toList|toSeq|toVector") => this //only immutable
case distinct if (distinct.toString == "distinct") && this.actualSize != -1 =>
val out = this.distinct
case id if (id.toString == "reverse") => this // Will hold, while Set is used for values
case max if (max.toString == "max") && this.nonEmpty => Values(this.max)
case min if (min.toString == "min") && this.nonEmpty => Values(this.min)
case sum if (sum.toString == "sum") && this.nonEmpty && this.distinct.size == this.actualSize => Values(this.sum)
case empty if (empty.toString == "isEmpty") && (this.actualSize != -1) =>
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantCondition(always = this.actualSize == 0, "hold"))
case empty if (empty.toString == "nonEmpty") && (this.actualSize != -1) =>
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantCondition(always = this.actualSize > 0, "hold"))
case _ =>
//val raw = showRaw( treePosHolder );
//println("applyUnary: op:"+op+" thisval:"+this+" tree:"+treePosHolder.toString+"\n"+raw);
//// Apply a binary operation on a Integer/List variable
def applyBinary(op: Name, right: Values): Values = {
val left = this
val (func, isRangeSafe): ((Int, Int) => Int, Boolean) =
op match {
case nme.ADD => (_ + _, true)
case nme.SUB => (_ - _, true)
case nme.MUL => (_ * _, false) //ADD: are all these really unsafe for ranges (where you only process first and last)
case nme.AND => (_ & _, false)
case nme.OR => (_ | _, false)
case nme.XOR => (_ ^ _, false)
case nme.LSL => (_ << _, false)
case nme.LSR => (_ >>> _, false)
case nme.ASR => (_ >> _, false)
case nme.MOD if right.size == 1 && right.getValueForce != 0 => (_ % _, false)
case nme.DIV if right.size == 1 && right.getValueForce != 0 => (_ / _, false)
case a if a.toString matches "apply|take|drop|max|min|contains|map|count" => ((a: Int, b: Int) => throw new Exception(), false) // Check code below
case _ => return Values.empty
val out: Values = (
if (op.toString == "count") {
(if (left.actualSize == 0) Values(0) else if (left.actualSize > 0) Values.empty.addCondition(_ < left.actualSize) else Values.empty).addCondition(_ >= 0)
} else if (left.isEmpty || right.isEmpty) {
//ADD: x & 2^n is Set(2^n, 0) and stuff like that :)
if (left.contains(0) || right.contains(0)) {
if (Set[Name](nme.MUL, nme.AND) contains op) Values(0) else Values.empty
} else {
} else if (op.toString == "apply") {
//TODO: if you wanted actual values, you need to save seq type and refactor values from Set to Seq
if (left.isSeq && left.actualSize == 1 && left.size == 1 && right.isValueForce && right.getValueForce == 0) Values(left.getValueForce) else left
} else if (op.toString == "map") {
} else if (op.toString == "contains") {
if (right.isValue) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantCondition(always = left.contains(right.getValue), "return true"))
} else if (op.toString == "max") {
if (left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue >= right.getValue) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = true))
} else {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = false))
Values(math.max(left.getValue, right.getValue))
} else if (left.isValue && !right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue >= right.max) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = true))
} else if (left.getValue <= right.min) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = false))
} else {
} else if (!left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (right.getValue >= left.max) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = false))
} else if (right.getValue <= left.min) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = true, returnsFirst = true))
} else {
} else {
} else if (op.toString == "min") {
if (left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue <= right.getValue) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = true))
} else {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = false))
Values(math.min(left.getValue, right.getValue))
} else if (left.isValue && !right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue <= right.min) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = true))
} else if (left.getValue > right.max) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = false))
} else {
} else if (!left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (right.getValue <= left.min) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = false))
} else if (right.getValue > left.max) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvariantExtrema(max = false, returnsFirst = true))
} else {
} else {
} else if (op.toString == "take") {
if (left.isSeq && left.actualSize != -1 && right.isValue) {
if (right.getValueForce >= left.actualSize) {
warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryMethodCall("take"))
} else {
if (right.getValueForce <= 0) warn(treePosHolder, ProducesEmptyCollection)
Values.empty.addName(name).addActualSize(math.max(0, right.getValueForce))
} else {
} else if (op.toString == "drop") {
if (left.isSeq && left.actualSize != -1 && right.isValue) {
if (right.getValueForce <= 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryMethodCall("drop"))
} else {
if (left.actualSize-right.getValueForce <= 0) warn(treePosHolder, ProducesEmptyCollection)
Values.empty.addName(name).addActualSize(math.max(0, left.actualSize-right.getValueForce))
} else {
} else if (left.isValue && right.isValue) {
if (left.getValue == right.getValue && op == nme.SUB && ! warn(treePosHolder, OperationAlwaysProducesZero("subtraction"))
Values(func(left.getValue, right.getValue))
} else if (!left.isValue && right.isValue) { => func(a, right.getValue), rangeSafe = isRangeSafe)
} else if (left.isValue && !right.isValue) { => func(left.getValue, a), rangeSafe = isRangeSafe)
} else {
//ADD: join ranges, but be afraid of the explosion :)
if (left eq right) {
op match {
//case nme.ADD => => a+a) // nope, wrong
//case nme.MUL => => a*a)
case nme.DIV if (!left.contains(0)) => Values(1) //TODO: never gets executed?
case nme.SUB | nme.XOR =>
if (op == nme.SUB) warn(treePosHolder, OperationAlwaysProducesZero("subtraction"))
if (op == nme.XOR) warn(treePosHolder, OperationAlwaysProducesZero("exclusive or"))
case nme.AND | nme.OR => left
case _ => Values.empty
} else {
op match {
case nme.MOD if right.isValue => out.addConditions(_ > -math.abs(right.getValue), _ < math.abs(right.getValue))
case nme.DIV if left.isValue => out.addConditions(_ >= -math.abs(left.getValue), _ <= math.abs(left.getValue))
/*case (nme.AND | nme.OR) if left.isValue || right.isValue =>
//TODO: you need to learn two's complement, brah
val (min, max) = (
if (left.isValue && right.isValue)
(math.min(left.getValue, right.getValue), math.max(left.getValue, right.getValue))
else if (left.isValue)
(left.getValue, left.getValue)
else //if (right.isValue)
(right.getValue, right.getValue)
if (op == nme.AND) out.addConditions(_ <)*/
case _ => out
// Approximate size
def size: Int = values.size + ranges.foldLeft(0)((acc, range) => acc + (range._2 - range._1) + 1)
override def toString: String =
"Values("+(if (name.size > 0) name+")(" else "")+( ++ => a._1+"-"+a._2)).mkString(",")+", "+isSeq+", "+actualSize+")"
val SeqLikeObject: Symbol = rootMirror.getModuleByName(newTermName("scala.collection.GenSeq"))
val SeqLikeClass: Symbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.collection.SeqLike"))
val SeqLikeContains: Symbol ="contains"))
val SeqLikeApply: Symbol ="apply"))
val SeqLikeGenApply: Symbol ="apply"))
def methodImplements(method: Symbol, target: Symbol): Boolean =
try { method == target || method.allOverriddenSymbols.contains(target) } catch { case e: NullPointerException => false }
//TODO: extend with more functions... and TEST TEST TEST TEST
//// Attempt to compute part of the AST, and return Integer/List value
def computeExpr(tree: Tree): Values = {
if (doNotTraverse contains tree) return Values.empty
treePosHolder = tree
val out: Values = tree match {
case Literal(Constant(value: Int)) => Values(value)
//TODO: I don't think .this. ones work at all...
case Select(This(_type), termName) =>
val name = termName.toString
val n = (if (name.contains(".this.")) name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.')+1) else name).trim
case Ident(termName) =>
val name = termName.toString
val n = (if (name.contains(".this.")) name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.')+1) else name).trim
//println(n+": "+vals(n))
if (vals contains n) vals(n) else if ((defModels contains n) && defModels(n).isLeft) defModels(n).left.get else Values.empty
case Apply(Ident(termName), _) if defModels contains termName.toString =>
val n = termName.toString
if (vals contains n) vals(n) else if ((defModels contains n) && defModels(n).isLeft) defModels(n).left.get else Values.empty
// String size
/*case Apply(Select(Ident(id), length), Nil) if stringVals.exists( == Some(id.toString)) && length.toString == "length" =>
val exactValue = stringVals.find( == Some(id.toString)).map(_.exactValue) => if (v.isDefined) Values(v.get.size) else Values.empty).getOrElse(Values.empty)
case Select(Apply(Select(predef, augmentString), List(Ident(id))), size)
if stringVals.exists( == Some(id.toString)) && predef.toString == "scala.this.Predef" && augmentString.toString == "augmentString" && size.toString == "size" =>
val exactValue = stringVals.find( == Some(id.toString)).map(_.exactValue) => Values(v.size)).getOrElse(Values.empty)*/
// String stuff (TODO: there's a copy up at applyCond)
case _strFunc @ Apply(Select(string, func), params) if string.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe =>
StringAttrs.stringFunc(string, func, params).right.getOrElse(Values.empty)
case _strFunc @ Select(Apply(scala_augmentString, List(string)), func)
if (scala_augmentString.toString endsWith "augmentString") =>
StringAttrs.stringFunc(string, func).right.getOrElse(Values.empty)
case _strFunc @ Apply(Select(Apply(scala_augmentString, List(string)), func), params)
if (scala_augmentString.toString endsWith "augmentString") =>
StringAttrs.stringFunc(string, func, params).right.getOrElse(Values.empty)
case Apply(Select(Apply(scala_StringContext_apply, _literalList), interpolator), _paramList)
if (scala_StringContext_apply.toString == "scala.StringContext.apply")
&& (interpolator.toString == "s") =>
/// Division by zero
case pos @ Apply(Select(num, op), List(expr))
if (op == nme.DIV || op == nme.MOD)
&& (num.tpe.widen weak_<:< DoubleClass.tpe) && {
val denom = computeExpr(expr)
if (denom.isValue && denom.getValue == 1) {
if (op == nme.DIV) {
warn(pos, DivideByOne)
} else if (op == nme.MOD && (num.tpe.widen weak_<:< LongClass.tpe)) {
warn(pos, ModuloByOne)
false //Fallthrough
} else if (denom.contains(0)) {
warn(pos, DivideByZero)
} else {
val numer = computeExpr(num)
if (numer.isValue && numer.getValue == 0) {
warn(pos, ZeroDivideBy)
false //Fallthrough
} =>
// Range
case Apply(Select(Apply(scala_Predef_intWrapper, List(Literal(Constant(low: Int)))), to_until), List(Literal(Constant(high: Int))))
if (scala_Predef_intWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper") && (to_until.toString matches "to|until") =>
val high2 = if (to_until.toString == "to") high else high-1
new Values(Set((low, high2)), Set.empty, Set.empty, "", isSeq = true, high2-low)
/// Use (low until high) instead of (low to high-1)
case Apply(Select(Apply(scala_Predef_intWrapper, List(expr1)), to_until), List(expr2))
if (scala_Predef_intWrapper.toString endsWith "Wrapper") =>
if (to_until.toString == "to") {
(expr1, expr2) match {
case (Literal(Constant(_)), Apply(Select(expr, nme.SUB), List(Literal(Constant(1))))) =>
if (expr match {
case Ident(_) => true
case Select(Ident(_), size) if size.toString matches "size|length" => true // size value
case Apply(Select(Ident(_), size), Nil) if size.toString matches "size|length" => true // size getter
case Select(Apply(_implicitWrapper, List(Ident(_))), size) if size.toString matches "size|length" => true // wrapped size
case _ => false
}) warn(treePosHolder, UseUntilNotToMinusOne)
case _ =>
if ((to_until.toString matches "to|until") && computeExpr(expr1).isValue && computeExpr(expr2).isValue) {
val (low, high) = (computeExpr(expr1).getValue, computeExpr(expr2).getValue + (if (to_until.toString == "to") 0 else -1))
new Values(Set((low, high)), Set.empty, Set.empty, name = "", isSeq = true, actualSize = high-low)
} else {
case t @ Apply(TypeApply(genApply @ Select(_, _), _), genVals)
if methodImplements(genApply.symbol, SeqLikeGenApply) && (!t.tpe.widen.toString.contains("collection.mutable.")) =>
val values =
if (values.forall(_.isValue)) new Values(values =, isSeq = true, actualSize = values.size) else Values.empty.addActualSize(genVals.size)
//TODO: Array isn't immutable
//case Apply(Select(Select(scala, scala_Array), apply), genVals) if (scala_Array.toString == "Array") =>
//TODO: is this for array or what?
case Select(Apply(arrayOps @ Select(_, _intArrayOps), List(expr)), op) if (arrayOps.toString == "scala.this.Predef.intArrayOps") =>
case Apply(TypeApply(t @ Select(_expr, _op), _), List(scala_math_Ordering_Int)) if scala_math_Ordering_Int.toString.endsWith("Int") => // .max .min
case Apply(Select(scala_math_package, op), params) if scala_math_package.toString == "scala.math.`package`" =>
op.toString match {
case "abs"|"signum" if params.size == 1 => computeExpr(params.head).applyUnary(op)
case "max"|"min" if params.size == 2 => computeExpr(params(0)).applyBinary(op, computeExpr(params(1)))
case _ => Values.empty
/// Parameter of Random.nextInt might be lower than 1 (runtime exception)
case Apply(Select(scala_util_Random, nextInt), params) if nextInt.toString == "nextInt" && scala_util_Random.tpe <:< rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("scala.util.Random")).tpe =>
if (params.size == 1) {
val param = computeExpr(params.head)
if (param.nonEmpty) {
if (param.min <= 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, InvalidParamToRandomNextInt)
} else {
Values(0, param.max-1)
} else {
} else {
//ADD: check what happens on +1, also if overflows are worthy of detection elsewhere :)
//Values(Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(valName, op), _), List(scala_math_Numeric_IntIsIntegral))
if scala_math_Numeric_IntIsIntegral.toString == "math.this.Numeric.IntIsIntegral" && op.toString == "sum" =>
//List(Literal(Constant(1)), Literal(Constant(2)), Literal(Constant(3)), Literal(Constant(4)), Literal(Constant(0)), Literal(Constant(0))))
case Select(expr, op) =>
//println((expr, op, computeExpr(expr).applyUnary(op)))
case Apply(Select(expr1, op), List(expr2)) =>
//println("BinaryOp: "+(op, expr1, expr2, (computeExpr(expr1))(op)(computeExpr(expr2))))
(computeExpr(expr1)).applyBinary(op, computeExpr(expr2))
case Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(valName, map), List(_, _)), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, paramName, _, EmptyTree)), expr))), _) if (map.toString == "map") =>
//List(TypeApply(Select(Select(This(newTypeName("immutable")), scala.collection.immutable.List), newTermName("canBuildFrom")), List(TypeTree()))))
val res = computeExpr(valName)
vals += paramName.toString -> res
//println("> "+vals)
val out = computeExpr(expr)
//println("> "+out)
case If(_, expr1, expr2) =>
//TODO: if condExpr always/never holds, return that branch
val e1 = computeExpr(expr1)
val e2 = computeExpr(expr2)
vals = => (a._1, a._2.applyCond(condExpr)._1)).withDefaultValue(Values.empty)
val e1 = computeExpr(expr1)
stringVals = backupStrs
vals = => (a._1, a._2.applyCond(condExpr)._2)).withDefaultValue(Values.empty)
val e2 = computeExpr(expr2)
//if (e1.isValue && e2.isValue) new Values(values = e1.values ++ e2.values) else Values.empty
if (expr1.tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe) {
} else if (expr2.tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe) {
} else if (!e1.isSeq && !e2.isSeq && e1.nonEmpty && e2.nonEmpty) {
new Values(values = e1.values ++ e2.values, ranges = e1.ranges ++ e2.ranges)
} else {
case _ =>
//val raw = showRaw( a ); if (!exprs.contains(raw) && raw.size < 700 && raw.size > "EmptyTree".size)println("computeExpr: "+treePosHolder.toString+"\n"+raw); exprs += raw
//for (Ident(id) <- a) if (stringVals.exists( == Some(id.toString))) {println("id: "+id+" "+showRaw( a )); }
//println("computeExpr: "+showRaw( a ))
//println(out+" "+showRaw(tree))
//val exprs = mutable.HashSet[String]()
var vals = Map.empty[String, Values] withDefaultValue Values.empty
var vars = Set.empty[String]
var stringVals = Set.empty[StringAttrs]
var defModels = Map.empty[String, Either[Values, StringAttrs]] withDefaultValue Left(Values.empty)
var labels = Map.empty[String, Tree]
def discardVars(): Unit = {
for (v <- vars) vals += v -> Values.empty
def discardVars(tree: Tree): Unit = {
for (v <- vars; if isAssigned(tree, v)) {
vals += v -> Values.empty
stringVals = stringVals.filter(v => && !(vars contains
def discardVars(tree: Tree, force: Set[String]): Unit = {
for (v <- vars; if isAssigned(tree, v) || (force contains v)) {
vals += v -> Values.empty
stringVals = stringVals.filter(v => && !(vars contains
def discardVars(force: Set[String]): Unit = {
for (v <- vars; if (force contains v)) {
vals += v -> Values.empty
stringVals = stringVals.filter(v => && !(vars contains
// vals, vars, stringVals, defModels
val backupStack = mutable.Stack[(Map[String, Values], Set[String], Set[StringAttrs], Map[String, Either[Values, StringAttrs]])]()
def pushDefinitions(): Unit = {
val nonUnitResult = backupStack.push((vals, vars, stringVals, defModels))
def popDefinitions(): Unit = {
// Discards new and discarded vars also
val varsCurr = vars
val (valsBack, varsBack, stringValsBack, defModelsBack) = backupStack.pop
vals = valsBack
vars = varsBack
discardVars((varsCurr | varsBack) -- (varsCurr & varsBack))
stringVals = stringValsBack
defModels = defModelsBack
def forLoop(tree: Tree): Unit = {
treePosHolder = tree
//TODO: actually anything that takes (A <: (a Number) => _), this is awful
val funcs = "foreach|map|filter(Not)?|exists|find|flatMap|forall|groupBy|count|((drop|take)While)|(min|max)By|partition|span"
val (param, values, body, func, collection) = tree match {
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(collection, func), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, param, _, _)), body))) if (func.toString matches funcs) =>
val values = computeExpr(collection).addName(param.toString)
//if (values.isEmpty) {
//println("not a collection I know("+tree.pos+"): "+showRaw(collection))
(param.toString, values, body, func.toString, collection)
case _ =>
//println("not a loop("+tree.pos+"): "+showRaw(tree))
if (values.nonEmpty) {
vals += param -> values.notSeq
val exceptions =
(func == "foreach" || param.contains("$") || collection.tpe.toString.startsWith("scala.collection.immutable.Range"))
//TODO: verify filter = ...
if (!isUsed(body, param, filter = "size|length|head|last") && !exceptions) warn(tree, UnusedForLoopIteratorValue)
val doNotTraverse = mutable.HashSet[Tree]()
//implicit def String2StringAttrs(s: String) = new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some(s))
//// String abstract interpreter
object StringAttrs {
//TODO: when merging, save known chunks - .contains then partially works
def empty: StringAttrs = new StringAttrs()
// scalastyle:off magic.number
def toStringAttrs(param: Tree): StringAttrs = {
val intParam = computeExpr(param)
if (param.tpe.widen <:< IntClass.tpe && intParam.size >= 1) {
if (intParam.isValue) {
new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some(intParam.getValue.toString))
} else {
val maxLen = math.max(intParam.max.toString.length, intParam.min.toString.length)
new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = maxLen, trimmedMaxLength = maxLen)
} else if (param match { case Literal(Constant(_)) => true case _ => false }) param match { // groan.
case Literal(Constant(null)) => new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some("null"))
case Literal(Constant(a)) => new StringAttrs(Some(a.toString))
} else if (param.tpe.widen <:< CharClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 0, maxLength = 1, trimmedMaxLength = 0)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< ByteClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 4, trimmedMaxLength = 4)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< ShortClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 6, trimmedMaxLength = 6)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< IntClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 11, trimmedMaxLength = 11)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< LongClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 20, trimmedMaxLength = 20)
// :)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< DoubleClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 1079, trimmedMaxLength = 1079)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< FloatClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 1, trimmedMinLength = 1, maxLength = 154, trimmedMaxLength = 154)
else if (param.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe) new StringAttrs(minLength = 4, trimmedMinLength = 4, maxLength = 5, trimmedMaxLength = 5)
else {
if (!(param.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) && (param.tpe.baseClasses exists { _.tpe =:= TraversableClass.tpe })) {
// Collections: minimal is Nil or Type()
// Adapted from src/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.scala
val stringPrefix = {
var string = param.tpe.toString
val idx1 = string.lastIndexOf('.' : Int)
if (idx1 != -1) string = string.substring(idx1 + 1)
val idx2 = string.indexOf('$')
if (idx2 != -1) string = string.substring(0, idx2)
val idx3 = string.indexOf('[')
if (idx3 != -1) string = string.substring(0, idx3)
//Workaround: for Nil and for Seq which goes to List or ArrayBuffer
if (string == "type" || string == "Seq") "" else string + "("
val minLen = stringPrefix.length+2
new StringAttrs(
minLength = minLen,
trimmedMinLength = minLen,
prefix = stringPrefix,
suffix = ")",
knownPieces = Set(stringPrefix, ")"))
} else {
//TODO: Discover moar
//if (!(param.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) && !(param.tpe.widen <:< AnyClass.tpe))println(((str, param), (param.tpe, param.tpe.widen)))
// scalastyle:on magic.number
//// Tries to execute string functions and returns either a String or Int representation
def stringFunc(string: Tree, func: Name, params: List[Tree] = List.empty[Tree]): Either[StringAttrs, Values] = {
val str = StringAttrs(string)
val paramsSize = params.size
lazy val intParam = if (paramsSize == 1 && params.head.tpe.widen <:< IntClass.tpe) computeExpr(params.head) else Values.empty
lazy val intParams = if (params.forall(_.tpe.widen <:< IntClass.tpe)) else Nil //option?
lazy val stringParam = if (paramsSize == 1 && params.head.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) StringAttrs(params.head) else empty
lazy val stringParams = if (params.forall(_.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe)) else Nil
//println((string, func, params, str, intParam))
//if (!(string.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe))
//if ((string.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe))println((string, func, params, str, intParam))
// We can get some information, even if the string is unknown
//if (str == StringAttrs.empty) {
// Left(empty)
//} else
func.toString match {
case "size"|"length" if paramsSize == 0 =>
.map(v => Values(v.size))
if (str.getMinLength == str.getMaxLength)
else if (str.getMinLength == 0 && str.getMaxLength == Int.MaxValue)
Values(str.getMinLength, str.getMaxLength)
).addCondition(_ >= 0).addCondition(_ < str.getMaxLength)
case "toString" if paramsSize == 0 =>
case "$plus"|"concat" if paramsSize == 1 =>
//println(str.toString +" + "+toStringAttrs(params.head).toString + " == "+ (str + toStringAttrs(params.head)).toString)
Left(str + toStringAttrs(params.head))
case "$times" =>
Left(str * intParam)
case "intern" =>
case f @ ("head"|"last") =>
if (str.maxLength == 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, DecomposingEmptyCollection(f, "string"))
case f @ ("init"|"tail") =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) {
if (str.exactValue.get.isEmpty) {
warn(treePosHolder, DecomposingEmptyCollection(f, "string"))
} else {
Left(new StringAttrs( => if (f == "init") a.init else a.tail)))
} else {
if (str.maxLength == 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, DecomposingEmptyCollection(f, "string"))
Left(new StringAttrs(
minLength = math.max(str.minLength-1, 0),
maxLength = if (str.maxLength != Int.MaxValue) math.max(str.maxLength-1, 0) else Int.MaxValue))
case "capitalize" if paramsSize == 0 => Left(str.capitalize)
case "distinct" if paramsSize == 0 => Left(str.distinct)
case "reverse" if paramsSize == 0 => Left(str.reverse)
case "count" if paramsSize == 1 =>
val out = Values.empty.addCondition(_ >= 0)
Right(if (str.getMaxLength != Int.MaxValue) out.addCondition(_ < str.getMaxLength) else out)
case ("filter" | "filterNot") if paramsSize == 1 =>
case f @ ("indexOf"|"lastIndexOf") if paramsSize == 1 =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined && stringParam.exactValue.isDefined) {
if (f == "indexOf")
} else if (str.getMaxLength < Int.MaxValue) {
Right(Values.empty.addConditions(_ >= -1, _ < str.getMaxLength))
} else {
Right(Values.empty.addConditions(_ >= -1))
// These also come in (Char/String) versions
case "stringPrefix" if paramsSize == 0 && str.exactValue.isDefined => Left(new StringAttrs(
case "stripLineEnd" if paramsSize == 0 && str.exactValue.isDefined => Left(new StringAttrs(
case "stripMargin" if paramsSize == 0 && str.exactValue.isDefined => Left(new StringAttrs(
case "mkString" if paramsSize == 0 =>
warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryMethodCall("mkString"))
case "mkString" if paramsSize == 1 && str.exactValue.isDefined && stringParam.exactValue.isDefined =>
val p0 = stringParam.exactValue.get
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(str.exactValue.get.mkString(p0))))
case "toUpperCase" => Left(str.toUpperCase)
case "toLowerCase" => Left(str.toLowerCase)
case "trim" => Left(str.trim)
case "nonEmpty"|"isEmpty" =>
if (str.alwaysNonEmpty) warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryStringNonEmpty)
if (str.alwaysIsEmpty) warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryStringIsEmpty)
case "hashCode" if str.exactValue.isDefined =>
///{Int, Long, Float, Double} conversion will likely fail (runtime exception)
case f @ "toInt" if str.exactValue.isDefined =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
warn(treePosHolder, InvalidStringConversion(f))
case f @ ("toLong") if str.exactValue.isDefined =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
warn(treePosHolder, InvalidStringConversion(f))
case f @ ("toDouble"|"toFloat") if str.exactValue.isDefined =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
warn(treePosHolder, InvalidStringConversion(f))
// str.func(String)
case f @ ("charAt"|"codePointAt"|"codePointBefore"|"substring"
|"apply"|"drop"|"take"|"dropRight"|"takeRight") if intParam.isValue =>
val param = intParam.getValue
lazy val string = str.exactValue.get //lazy to avoid None.get... didn't use monadic, because I was lazy
//println((string, param))
//TODO: use reflection maybe?
//TODO: could do some prefix/suffix enhancements
try f match {
case "charAt"|"apply" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) { string.charAt(param); Left(empty) } else if (param < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException else Left(empty)
case "codePointAt" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) Right(Values(string.codePointAt(param))) else if (param < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException else Left(empty)
case "codePointBefore" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) Right(Values(string.codePointBefore(param))) else if (param < 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException else Left(empty)
case "substring" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.substring(param)))) else if (param < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException else Left(empty)
case "drop" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.drop(param))))
Left(new StringAttrs(minLength = math.max(str.minLength-param, 0), maxLength = if (str.maxLength != Int.MaxValue) math.max(str.maxLength-param, 0) else Int.MaxValue))
case "take" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.take(param))))
Left(new StringAttrs(minLength = math.min(param, str.minLength), maxLength = math.max(param, 0)))
case "dropRight" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.dropRight(param))))
Left(new StringAttrs(minLength = math.max(str.minLength-param, 0), maxLength = if (str.maxLength != Int.MaxValue) math.max(str.maxLength-param, 0) else Int.MaxValue))
case "takeRight" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.takeRight(param))))
Left(new StringAttrs(minLength = math.min(param, str.minLength), maxLength = math.max(param, 0)))
case _ =>
} catch {
case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
/// String index will likely cause an IndexOutOfBoundsException (runtime exception)
warn(params.head, LikelyIndexOutOfBounds("out of bounds"))
case e: Exception =>
//str.func(Int, Int)
case f @ ("substring"|"codePointCount") if intParams.size == 2 && intParams.forall(_.isValue) =>
lazy val string = str.exactValue.get //lazy to avoid None.get... didn't use monadic, because I was lazy
val param =
//println((string, param))
try f match {
case "substring" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(string.substring(param(0), param(1)))))
else if (param(0) < 0 || param(1) < param(0) || param(0) >= str.getMaxLength || param(1) >= str.getMaxLength)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
else if (param(0) == param(1))
Left(new StringAttrs(Some("")))
case "codePointCount" =>
if (str.exactValue.isDefined)
Right(Values(string.codePointCount(param(0), param(1))))
else if (param(0) < 0 || param(1) < param(0) || param(0) >= str.getMaxLength || param(1) >= str.getMaxLength)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
case _ => Left(empty)
} catch {
case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
warn(params.head, LikelyIndexOutOfBounds("out of bounds"))
case e: Exception =>
// str.func(String)
/// Try to verify String contains, startsWith, endsWith
case func @ ("contains"|"startsWith"|"endsWith"|"equals"|"$eq$eq"|"$bang$eq"|"matches") =>
val result = func match {
case "contains" => (str contains stringParam)
case "startsWith" => (str startsWith stringParam)
case "endsWith" => (str endsWith stringParam)
case "equals"|"$eq$eq" => (str equals stringParam)
case "$bang$eq" => (str nequals stringParam)
case "matches" => (str matches stringParam)
case _ => None
val function = if (func == "$eq$eq") "equals" else if (func == "$bang$eq") "not equals" else func
if (result.isDefined) warn(params.head, InvariantReturn(function, result.get.toString))
//str.func(String, String)
case "replace" if stringParams.size == 2 && stringParams.forall(_.exactValue.isDefined) =>
val (p0, p1) = (stringParams(0).exactValue.get, stringParams(1).exactValue.get)
if (p0 == p1) {
warn(treePosHolder, UnnecessaryMethodCall("replace"))
} else if (str.exactValue.isDefined) {
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(str.exactValue.get.replace(p0, p1))))
} else {
case f @ ("replaceAll"|"replaceFirst") if stringParams.size == 2 && stringParams.forall(_.exactValue.isDefined) =>
val (p0, p1) = (stringParams(0).exactValue.get, stringParams(1).exactValue.get)
if (p1.isEmpty) {
//TODO: nopenopenopenope - matches the end of replaceX func, because this gets traversed multiple times with the wrong pos
val posFiltering = treePosHolder.toString matches (".*?[ .]"+ f + """ *[(].*, *("{2}|"{6}) *[)]""")
val special = """.\^$*+?()\[{\\|"""
val plainString = s"""([^$special]|[\\\\][$special])+"""
if (posFiltering && (p0 matches plainString+"\\$"))
warn(treePosHolder, RegexWarning(s"This $f can be substituted with stripSuffix", error = false))
if (posFiltering && (p0 matches "\\^"+plainString))
warn(treePosHolder, RegexWarning(s"This $f can be substituted with stripPrefix", error = false))
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) {
try {
Left(new StringAttrs(Some(if (f == "replaceAll") str.exactValue.get.replaceAll(p0, p1) else str.exactValue.get.replaceFirst(p0, p1))))
} catch {
case e: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException =>
} else if ((p0 matches """\[[^\]]+\]""") && p1.size == 1) { //keeps the same length
} else if (p1 == "") { //length is 0..size
} else {
/// String format checks (runtime exception)
case f @ "format"
if (params.nonEmpty) && !(params.head.tpe.widen <:< rootMirror.getClassByName(newTermName("java.util.Locale")).tpe) =>
//TODO: see
// in some cases at least length could be inferred, but option parser would need to be implemented
val parActual = params map {
case param if (param.tpe.widen <:< IntClass.tpe) => computeExpr(param)
case param if (param.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) => StringAttrs(param)
case Literal(Constant(x)) => x
case _ => StringAttrs.empty
val valuesDefined = parActual forall {
case v: Values => v.isValue
case s: StringAttrs => s.exactValue.isDefined // Nonliterals are StringAttrs.empty, and go to false here
case _ => true // Literals are defined
val prefixReg = "([^%]*).*".r
val suffixReg = ".*?[^%]( [^%]*)".r
def getPrefix(s: String): String = try { val prefixReg(out) = s; out } catch { case e: MatchError => "" }
def getSuffix(s: String): String = try { val suffixReg(out) = s; out } catch { case e: MatchError => "" }
var outStr = Left(empty)
if (str.exactValue.isDefined) {
val strValue = str.exactValue.get
val percentCnt = strValue.count(_ == '%')
if (percentCnt == 0) {
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat("There are no percent signs in the format string.", exception = false))
} else if (parActual.length > percentCnt) {
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat("There are more parameters being passed to format, than there are percent signs in the format string.", exception = false))
if (valuesDefined) {
try {
outStr = Left(new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some(strValue.format(parActual map {
case v: Values => v.getValue
case s: StringAttrs => s.exactValue.get
case x => x
} catch {
case e: java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException if !e.getMessage.contains("!= java.lang.String") => //TODO: Why this condition?
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: java.util.DuplicateFormatFlagsException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: Exception =>
} else {
try {
strValue.format( { a => null }:_*)
val prefix = getPrefix(strValue)
val suffix = getSuffix(strValue)
outStr = Left(new StringAttrs(
minLength = math.max(prefix.length, suffix.length),
trimmedMinLength = math.max(prefix.trim.length, suffix.trim.length),
prefix = prefix,
suffix = suffix,
knownPieces = Set(prefix, suffix)))
} catch {
case e: java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: java.util.DuplicateFormatFlagsException =>
warn(string, InvalidStringFormat(e.toString))
case e: Exception =>
} else if (str.prefix != "" || str.suffix != "") {
val prefix = str.prefix
val suffix = str.suffix
outStr = Left(new StringAttrs(
minLength = math.max(prefix.length, suffix.length),
trimmedMinLength = math.max(prefix.trim.length, suffix.trim.length),
prefix = prefix,
suffix = suffix,
knownPieces = Set(prefix, suffix)))
case _ =>
//if (str.exactValue.isDefined)println((str, func, params))
// avoids an undebugged infinite loop
val cache = mutable.Map[Tree, StringAttrs]()
//// Try to convert an AST into a String value
def apply(tree: Tree): StringAttrs = {
def traverseString(tree: Tree): StringAttrs = tree match {
case Literal(Constant(null)) => new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some("null"))
case Literal(Constant(c)) =>
//if (stringVals.filter(s => && !(vars contains == Some(c.toString))) {
//warn(tree, "You have defined that string as a val already, maybe use that?")
new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some(c.toString))
case Ident(name) =>
.find( == name.toString))
// String interpolator
case Apply(Select(Apply(scala_StringContext_apply, literalList), interpolator), paramList)
if (scala_StringContext_apply.toString == "scala.StringContext.apply")
&& (interpolator.toString == "s") =>
try {
if (paramList.isEmpty) {
warn(tree, EmptyStringInterpolator)
} else {
var out = empty
var i = 0
do {
out +=
(if (i%2 == 0 && i/2 < literalList.size) apply(literalList(i/2))
else if (i/2 < literalList.size) apply(paramList(i/2))
else new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some("")))
i += 1
} while (i < literalList.length + paramList.length)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
case Apply(Ident(name), _params) if defModels contains name.toString =>
.find(m => m._1 == name.toString && m._2.isRight).fold(empty)(_._2.right.get)
case If(_cond, expr1, expr2) =>
val (e1, e2) = (traverseString(expr1), traverseString(expr2))
if (expr1.tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe) {
} else if (expr2.tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe) {
} else {
new StringAttrs(
minLength = math.min(e1.getMinLength, e2.getMinLength),
trimmedMinLength = math.min(e1.getTrimmedMinLength, e2.getTrimmedMinLength),
maxLength = math.max(e1.getMaxLength, e2.getMaxLength),
trimmedMaxLength = math.max(e1.getTrimmedMaxLength, e2.getTrimmedMaxLength))
case Apply(augmentString, List(expr)) if (augmentString.toString == "scala.this.Predef.augmentString") =>
// Implicit toString
case Apply(Select(expr1, nme.ADD), List(expr2)) if (expr1.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe ^ expr2.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) =>
toStringAttrs(expr1) + toStringAttrs(expr2)
// Pass on functions on strings
//TODO: maybe check if some return string and can be computed
case Apply(Select(str, func), params) =>
cache.getOrElseUpdate(tree, stringFunc(str, func, params).left.getOrElse(empty))
case Select(Apply(scala_augmentString, List(string)), func) if (scala_augmentString.toString endsWith "augmentString") =>
stringFunc(string, func).left.getOrElse(empty)
case _ =>
val a = traverseString(tree)
//println("tree: "+ a)
class StringAttrs(
val exactValue: Option[String] = None,
val name: Option[String] = None, // Move to outer map?
private val minLength: Int = 0,
private val trimmedMinLength: Int = 0,
private val maxLength: Int = Int.MaxValue,
private val trimmedMaxLength: Int = Int.MaxValue,
private var prefix: String = "",
private var suffix: String = "",
private var knownPieces: Set[String] = Set.empty[String]) {
// Keep this in mind, make getters
if (exactValue.isDefined) {
prefix = exactValue.get
suffix = exactValue.get
knownPieces = Set.empty[String]
def equals(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.getMinLength > this.getMaxLength || this.getMinLength > s.getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.equals(s.exactValue.get)
else if (this.exactValue.isDefined) s.equals(this.exactValue.get)
else None
def equals(s: String): Option[Boolean] = {
if (exactValue.isDefined) {
Some(exactValue.get == s)
} else {
if((s.length < getMinLength)
|| (s.length > getMaxLength)
|| !(s startsWith prefix)
|| !(s endsWith suffix)
|| !(knownPieces forall { s contains _ }))
def nequals(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] = equals(s).map(equal => !equal)
def nequals(s: String): Option[Boolean] = equals(s).map(equal => !equal)
def contains(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.getMinLength > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.contains(s.exactValue.get)
else None
def contains(s: String): Option[Boolean] =
if (exactValue.isDefined) Some(exactValue.get contains s)
else if ((prefix contains s) || (suffix contains s) || (knownPieces exists { _ contains s })) Some(true)
else if (s.length > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else None
def startsWith(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.getMinLength > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.startsWith(s.exactValue.get)
else None
def startsWith(s: String): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.length > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (prefix.isEmpty || s.length > prefix.length) None
else Some(prefix startsWith s)
def endsWith(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.getMinLength > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.endsWith(s.exactValue.get)
else None
def endsWith(s: String): Option[Boolean] =
if (s.length > getMaxLength) Some(false)
else if (suffix.isEmpty || s.length > suffix.length) None
else Some(suffix endsWith s)
def matches(s: StringAttrs): Option[Boolean] = {
if ((s startsWith "^") == Some(true) || ((s endsWith "$") == Some(true) && (s.suffix.length == 1 || (s endsWith "\\$") == Some(false)))) warn(treePosHolder, SuspiciousMatches)
if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.matches(s.exactValue.get)
else None
def matches(s: String): Option[Boolean] = {
if ((s startsWith "^") || ((s endsWith "$") && !(s endsWith "\\$"))) warn(treePosHolder, SuspiciousMatches)
if (exactValue.isDefined) Some(exactValue.get matches s)
else None
def capitalize: StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.capitalize },
minLength = getMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = getTrimmedMinLength,
maxLength = getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = getTrimmedMaxLength,
prefix = prefix.capitalize,
suffix = suffix,
knownPieces = knownPieces filterNot { _ contains suffix })
def distinct: StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.distinct },
minLength = math.min(getMinLength, 1),
maxLength = getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = getTrimmedMaxLength)
def reverse: StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.reverse },
minLength = getMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = getTrimmedMinLength,
maxLength = getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = getTrimmedMaxLength,
prefix = suffix.reverse,
suffix = prefix.reverse,
knownPieces = knownPieces map { _.reverse })
def trim: StringAttrs = {
val newMinLength = exactValue.fold(getTrimmedMinLength)(_.trim.size)
val newMaxLength = exactValue.fold(getTrimmedMaxLength)(_.trim.size)
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.trim },
minLength = newMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = newMinLength,
maxLength = newMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = newMaxLength)//TODO: prefix/suffix trimleft/right
def toUpperCase: StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.toUpperCase },
minLength = getMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = getTrimmedMinLength,
maxLength = getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = getTrimmedMaxLength,
prefix = prefix.toUpperCase,
suffix = suffix.toUpperCase,
knownPieces = knownPieces map { _.toUpperCase })
def toLowerCase: StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = { _.toLowerCase },
minLength = getMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = getTrimmedMinLength,
maxLength = getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = getTrimmedMaxLength,
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase,
suffix = suffix.toLowerCase,
knownPieces = knownPieces map { _.toLowerCase })
def addName(name: String): StringAttrs = new StringAttrs(exactValue, Some(name), getMinLength, trimmedMinLength, getMaxLength, trimmedMaxLength, prefix, suffix, knownPieces)
def removeExactValue: StringAttrs = new StringAttrs(None, name, getMinLength, trimmedMinLength, getMaxLength, trimmedMaxLength)
def zeroMinLengths: StringAttrs = new StringAttrs(exactValue, name, 0, 0, getMaxLength, trimmedMaxLength, prefix, suffix, knownPieces)
def justLengths: StringAttrs = new StringAttrs(None, name, getMinLength, getTrimmedMinLength, getMaxLength, trimmedMaxLength, "", "", Set.empty)
def alwaysIsEmpty: Boolean = getMaxLength == 0
def alwaysNonEmpty: Boolean = getMinLength > 0
def getMinLength: Int = exactValue.fold(minLength)(_.size)
def getMaxLength: Int = exactValue.fold(maxLength)(_.size)
def getTrimmedMinLength: Int = exactValue.fold(trimmedMinLength)(_.trim.size)
def getTrimmedMaxLength: Int = exactValue.fold(trimmedMaxLength)(_.trim.size)
def +(s: String): StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = if (this.exactValue.isDefined) Some(this.exactValue.get + s) else None,
minLength = this.getMinLength + s.length,
trimmedMinLength = this.getTrimmedMinLength + s.trim.length, //TODO: can be made more exact
maxLength = if (this.maxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue else this.getMaxLength + s.length,
trimmedMaxLength =
if (this.getTrimmedMaxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue
//else if (this.exactValue.isDefined) (this.exactValue.get + s).trim.size // This case is covered in getTrimmedMaxLength if exactValue is known
else this.getMaxLength + s.length,
prefix = if (this.exactValue.isDefined) this.exactValue.get + s else this.prefix,
suffix = this.suffix + s,
knownPieces = this.knownPieces)
def +(s: StringAttrs): StringAttrs =
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = if (this.exactValue.isDefined && s.exactValue.isDefined) Some(this.exactValue.get + s.exactValue.get) else None,
minLength = this.getMinLength + s.getMinLength,
trimmedMinLength = this.getTrimmedMinLength + s.getTrimmedMinLength, //TODO: can be made more exact
maxLength = if (this.getMaxLength == Int.MaxValue || s.getMaxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue else this.getMaxLength + s.getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength =
if (this.getTrimmedMaxLength == Int.MaxValue || s.getTrimmedMaxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue
//else if (this.isDefined && s.isDefined) (this.exactValue.get + s.exactValue.get).trim.size // This case is covered in getTrimmedMaxLength if exactValue is known
else this.getMaxLength + s.getMaxLength,
prefix = if (this.exactValue.isDefined) this.exactValue.get + s.prefix else this.prefix,
suffix = if (s.exactValue.isDefined) this.suffix + s.suffix else s.suffix,
knownPieces = this.knownPieces ++ s.knownPieces + (this.suffix + s.prefix))
/// String multiplication with value <= 0 warning
def *(n: Values): StringAttrs = {
if (n.isValue) {
this * n.getValue
} else if (n.nonEmpty) {
if (n forallLower 2) {
if (n.max == 1) {
new StringAttrs(
minLength = 0,
trimmedMinLength = 0,
maxLength = this.getMaxLength,
trimmedMaxLength = this.getTrimmedMaxLength)
} else {
warn(treePosHolder, StringMultiplicationByNonPositive)
new StringAttrs(exactValue = Some(""))
} else {
new StringAttrs(
minLength = if (n.min > 0) this.getMinLength*n.min else 0,
trimmedMinLength = if (n.min > 0) this.getTrimmedMinLength*n.min else 0)
} else {
def *(n: Int): StringAttrs =
if (n <= 0) {
warn(treePosHolder, StringMultiplicationByNonPositive)
new StringAttrs(Some(""))
} else {
new StringAttrs(
exactValue = if (this.exactValue.isDefined) Some(this.exactValue.get*n) else None,
minLength = this.getMinLength*n,
trimmedMinLength = this.getTrimmedMinLength*n, //ADD: can be made more exact
maxLength = if (this.getMaxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue else this.getMaxLength*n,
trimmedMaxLength = if (this.getTrimmedMaxLength == Int.MaxValue) Int.MaxValue else this.getTrimmedMaxLength*n,
prefix = this.prefix,
suffix = this.suffix,
knownPieces = this.knownPieces ++ (if (n >= 2) Set(this.suffix+this.prefix) else Nil))
//TODO: wait what... I hope this isn't needed anywhere :)
override def hashCode: Int = exactValue.hashCode + name.hashCode + minLength + trimmedMinLength + maxLength + trimmedMaxLength
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: StringAttrs => (this.exactValue.isDefined && that.exactValue.isDefined && this.exactValue.get == that.exactValue.get)
case that: String => this.exactValue.exists(_ == that)
case _ => false
override def toString: String =
"StringAttrs" + (if (exactValue.isDefined) "("+exactValue.get+")" else (name, getMinLength, getTrimmedMinLength, getMaxLength, getTrimmedMaxLength, prefix, suffix, knownPieces))
def traverseBlock(tree: Tree): Unit = {
var superTraverse = true
def catcher(): PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: NullPointerException => //Ignore
case e: NoSuchMethodError => //Ignore
case e: StackOverflowError => superTraverse = false
case e: Exception => //TODO: Print details and ask user to report it
def finalizer(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (superTraverse) try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher else doNotTraverse += tree
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = try {
superTraverse = true
if (doNotTraverse contains tree) { superTraverse = false; return }
treePosHolder = tree
tree match {
/// Very hacky support for some var interpretion
/*case ValDef(m: Modifiers, varName, _, value) if (m.hasFlag(MUTABLE)) =>
vars += varName.toString
vals(varName.toString) = computeExpr(value)
//println("assign: "+(vals))*/
case Assign(varName, value) if vars contains varName.toString =>
vals += varName.toString -> computeExpr(value)
//println("reassign: "+(vals))
case LabelDef(label, Nil, If(_, _, _)) if {
discardVars(tree, (vars & getUsed(tree)))
labels += label.toString -> tree
} => //Fallthrough
case Apply(label, Nil) if (labels contains label.toString) && {
//TODO: check if there is an infinite...
// vals.filter(a => vars contains a._1).map(a => println(a._1, a._2.applyCond(labels(label.toString))._2))
discardVars(labels(label.toString))//, (vars & getUsed(labels(label.toString))).toSeq:_*)
labels -= label.toString
} => //Fallthrough
case e if {
// Throw away assigns inside other blocks
} => //Fallthrough
case forloop @ Apply(TypeApply(Select(_collection, _), _), List(Function(List(ValDef(_, _, _, _)), _))) =>
/// Assertions checks (assert, assume, require)
case Apply(Select(scala_Predef, assertion), List(condExpr))
if (scala_Predef.tpe.widen <:< PredefModule.tpe) && (assertion.toString matches "assert|assume|require") =>
// We can apply these conditions to vals - if they don't hold, it'll throw an exception anyway
// and they'll reset at the end of the current block
vals = => (a._1, a._2.applyCond(condExpr)._1)).withDefaultValue(Values.empty)
/// String checks
//case s @ Literal(Constant(str: String)) if stringVals.filter(s => && !(vars contains == Some(str)).isDefined =>
//warn(s, "You have defined that string as a val already, maybe use that?")
case ValDef(m: Modifiers, valName, _, str @ Literal(Constant(_: String))) if (!m.isMutable && !m.isFinal && !m.hasDefault) =>
//if (stringVals.filter(s => && !(vars contains == Some(str)))
//warn(s, "You have defined that string as a val already, maybe use that?")
//stringVals += str
val str2 = StringAttrs(str).addName(valName.toString)
//println("str2: "+str2)
if (str2.exactValue.isDefined || str2.getMinLength > 0) {
stringVals += str2
//println("stringVals2: "+stringVals)
case ValDef(m: Modifiers, valName, _, Literal(Constant(a: Int))) if (!m.isMutable && !m.hasDefault) =>
val valNameStr = valName.toString.trim
vals += valNameStr -> Values(a, valNameStr)
case ValDef(m: Modifiers, valName, _, expr) if (!m.hasDefault) =>
//if !m.hasFlag(MUTABLE) /*&& !m.hasFlag(LAZY)) && !computeExpr(expr).isEmpty*/ => //&& computeExpr(expr).isValue =>
//ADD: aliasing... val a = i, where i is an iterator, then 1/i-a is divbyzero
//ADD: isSeq and actualSize
if (expr.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) {
val str = StringAttrs(expr).addName(valName.toString) //StringAttrs.toStringAttrs(expr)
//println("str1: "+str)
if (str.exactValue.isDefined || str.getMinLength > 0) {
stringVals += str
//println("stringVals1: "+stringVals)
// private[this] var k = 4 messes up a few things
if (!(m.isPrivateLocal && m.isMutable)) {
val valNameStr = valName.toString
val res = computeExpr(expr).addName(valNameStr)
vals += valNameStr -> res
if (m.isMutable) vars += valNameStr
//println("newVal: "+computeExpr(expr).addName(valNameStr))
//println("newVal: "+vals(valName.toString))
expr match {
case e => //Block(_, _) | If(_, _, _) =>
//case _ =>
case Match(pat, cases) if pat.tpe.toString != "Any @unchecked" && cases.size >= 2 =>
for (c <- cases) {
//TODO: c.pat can override some variables
case If(condExpr, t, f) => //TODO: moved to computeExpr?
val backupVals = vals
val backupStrs = stringVals
vals = => (a._1, a._2.applyCond(condExpr)._1)).withDefaultValue(Values.empty)
//ADD: if always true, or always false pass the return value, e.g. val a = 1; val b = if (a == 1) 5 else 4
try { super.traverse(t) } catch catcher
vals = => (a._1, a._2.applyCond(condExpr)._2)).withDefaultValue(Values.empty)
try { super.traverse(f) } catch catcher
/// Attempt to verify collection indices are correct
//case pos @ Apply(Select(Ident(seq), apply), List(indexExpr))
case pos @ Apply(Select(seq, _apply), List(indexExpr)) if methodImplements(pos.symbol, SeqLikeApply) =>
//println("indexExpr: "+computeExpr(indexExpr))
if (vals.contains(seq.toString) && vals(seq.toString).actualSize != -1 && (computeExpr(indexExpr).existsGreater(vals(seq.toString).actualSize-1))) {
warn(pos, LikelyIndexOutOfBounds("too large"))
if (computeExpr(indexExpr).existsLower(0)) {
warn(pos, LikelyIndexOutOfBounds("negative"))
case DefDef(_, name, _, params, _, block @ Block(b, last)) =>
//if you want to model one expr funcs - here's a start
/*val (block, last) = body match {
case block @ Block(b, last) => (block, last)
case expr => (EmptyTree, expr)
//TODO: handle params
val paramNames =
vals = vals.filterNot(paramNames contains _._1)
doNotTraverse ++= params.flatten
try { super.traverse(block) } catch catcher
val returnVal = last match {
case Return(ret) =>
def otherReturns: Boolean = {
for (Return(ret) <- b) return true
/// Unnecessary use of return keyword
if (otherReturns) warn(last, UnnecessaryReturn)
case a =>
//defModels = backupDefModels
/// Method always returns the same value
if (returnCount(block) == 0 && throwsCount(block) == 0) {//ADD: can be made better - if sentences are easy to model
val retVal = computeExpr(returnVal)
if (retVal.isValue || (retVal.isSeq && retVal.size > 0)) {
warn(last, InvariantReturn("method", retVal.getValue.toString))
if (retVal.nonEmpty || retVal.conditions.nonEmpty || (retVal.isSeq && retVal.actualSize != -1)) {
//println("ModeledV: "+name.toString+" "+retVal)
defModels += name.toString -> Left(retVal)
} else {
val retVal = StringAttrs(returnVal)
if ((retVal.getMinLength > 0 || retVal.getMaxLength < Int.MaxValue) && !(name.toString matches "[<$]init[$>]")) {
//println("ModeledS: "+name.toString+" "+retVal)
defModels += name.toString -> Right(retVal)
} else {
/// Invalid regex (runtime exception)
case Apply(java_util_regex_Pattern_compile, List(regExpr)) if java_util_regex_Pattern_compile.toString == "java.util.regex.Pattern.compile" =>
treePosHolder = regExpr
case Apply(Select(str, func), List(regExpr)) if (str.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) && (func.toString matches "matches|split") =>
treePosHolder = regExpr
if (func.toString == "matches") computeExpr(tree)
case Apply(Select(str, func), List(regExpr, _str)) if (str.tpe.widen <:< StringClass.tpe) && (func.toString matches "replace(All|First)") =>
treePosHolder = regExpr
case Select(Apply(scala_Predef_augmentString, List(regExpr)), r)
if (scala_Predef_augmentString.toString.endsWith(".augmentString") && r.toString == "r") =>
treePosHolder = regExpr
/// Some format string passing
case Apply(formatFunc, params)
if ((formatFunc.toString endsWith "Predef.printf")
|| (formatFunc.toString endsWith "Console.printf")
|| (formatFunc.toString endsWith "lang.String.format"))
&& (params.size >= 2) && (params(1) match {
case Typed(_, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) => false
case _ => true
}) =>
StringAttrs.stringFunc(params.head, newTermName("format"), params.tail)
/// Checks conditions that use Option.size (there is a separate check for all uses of Option.size)
//ADD: Generalize... move to applyCond completely, make it less hacky
case optCond @ Apply(Select(Select(Apply(option2Iterable, List(_option)), size), op), List(expr))
if (option2Iterable.toString contains "Option.option2Iterable")
&& size.toString == "size"
&& optCond.tpe.widen <:< BooleanClass.tpe =>
val valName = "__foobar__" //TODO: shoot me :P
vals += valName -> (new Values(values = Set(0, 1)))
val cond = Apply(Select(Ident(newTermName(valName)), op), List(expr))
cond.pos = optCond.pos
case Block(_stmts, _ret) =>
//println("block: "+b)
try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher
/// Try to use vars - TODO: is probably buggy
/*val block = stmts :+ ret
val vars = mutable.HashSet[String]()
block foreach {
case ValDef(m: Modifiers, varName, _, value) if (m.hasFlag(MUTABLE)) =>
vars += varName.toString
vals(varName.toString) = computeExpr(value)
println("assign: "+(vals))
case Assign(varName, value) if vars contains varName.toString =>
vals(varName.toString) = computeExpr(value)
println("reassign: "+(vals))
case e =>
// Throw away assigns inside other blocks
for (v <- vars; if isAssigned(e, v)) {
vals(v) = Values.empty
println("discard: "+(vals))
/// Pass on expressions
case a =>
//TODO: Range and Lists work too, I think
if (a.tpe != null && ((a.tpe <:< StringClass.tpe) || (a.tpe <:< AnyValClass.tpe))) computeExpr(a)
//if (vals.nonEmpty)println("in: "+showRaw(tree))
//if (vals.nonEmpty)println("> "+vals);
//if (showRaw(tree).startsWith("Literal") || showRaw(tree).startsWith("Constant"))println("in: "+showRaw(tree))
try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher
} catch catcher
private object PostRefChecksComponent extends PluginComponent {
val global =
import global._
override val runsAfter = List("refchecks")
val phaseName = "linter-refchecked"
override def newPhase(prev: Phase): StdPhase = new StdPhase(prev) {
override def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit = {
if (!unit.isJava) new PostRefChecksTraverser(unit).traverse(unit.body)
class PostRefChecksTraverser(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Traverser {
implicit val unitt = unit
var superTraverse = true
def catcher(): PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e: NullPointerException => //Ignore
case e: NoSuchMethodError => //Ignore
case e: StackOverflowError => superTraverse = false
case e: Exception => //TODO: Print details and ask user to report it
def finalizer(tree: Tree): Unit = {
if (superTraverse) try { super.traverse(tree) } catch catcher
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = try {
superTraverse = true
tree match {
case DefDef(mods: Modifiers, name, _, valDefs, _, body) =>
/// Unused method parameters
if (name.toString != "" && !name.toString.contains("$default$")
&& !body.isEmpty && body.toString != "scala.this.Predef.???"
&& !(mods.isOverride || tree.symbol.isOverridingSymbol)) {
// Get the parameters, except the implicit ones
val params = valDefs.flatMap(_.filterNot(_.mods.isImplicit)).map(
if (!(name.toString == "main" && params.size == 1 && params.head == "args")) { // Filter main method
val used = for (Ident(name) <- tree if params contains name.toString) yield name.toString
val unused = params -- used
//TODO: scalaz is a good codebase for finding interesting false positives
//TODO: macro impl is special case?
unused.size match {
case 0 => //Ignore
case _ => warn(tree, UnusedParameter(unused, name.toString))
case _ =>
} catch catcher finally finalizer(tree)
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