thon.2.7.4.source-code.build.gradle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented
language Python written in 100% Pure Java, and seamlessly integrated with
the Java platform. It thus allows you to run Python on any Java platform.
The newest version!
* Gradle build for Jython. See also settings.gradle.
* This is an attempt to build a distributable JAR using Gradle that could be
* cited as a dependency by other Gradle or Maven projects, when they use the
* Jython interpreter from Java (under JSR-223 or directly).
* At present, the build is additional to the Ant build that remains the
* primary and reliable support for development, for test, and to build the
* Jython installers.
* The delivered jar should contain only Jython project material (Java classes
* and the Python library) while the many JARs Jython depends on will be cited
* in the accompanying metadata as dependencies.
* The Jython source structure does not follow the standard convention for
* Gradle. This script deals with that without changing it, but it uses a build
* directory (build2) entirely separate from Ant's, in which generated and
* compiled material is posted conformant with Gradle conventions. This means
* that the later tasks Gradle provides (test and jar) do not need so much
* customisation.
plugins {
id 'java-library'
id 'antlr'
id 'maven-publish'
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
// ---------------- Determine the version of Jython ----------------------------
* This one string will be used to name the generated JAR and version-stamp the
* application. It should be all you have to edit to version a release built
* here. But of course you have to do it the hard way too (see build.xml) as
* long as Ant is also used.
* The convention here is that you specify the version of the *next* release. If
* there are files not checked in, extra files (not of types git ignores), or the
* changeset is not tagged correspondingly, the build will add "-SNAPSHOT" to
* the effective version.
// Versions are specified in this grammar:
// . ( . )? ( )? ( - )?
version = '2.7.4'
// Valid examples (please preserve in comments):
//version = '2.7.2a2'
//version = '2.7.2b2-DEV'
//version = '2.7.2b1'
//version = '2.7.2rc1'
//version = '2.7.2'
group = 'org.python'
// ---------------- Miscellaneous configuration --------------------------------
* We support Java 8 onwards.
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
targetCompatibility = '1.8'
project.compileJava.options.debug = true
// Separate the Gradle build from that of Ant
buildDir = file('build2')
ext {
buildDate = new Date()
* The directory structure supporting the build has separate locations for
* several intermediate stages.
// Java source generated by ANTLR
antlrSrcDir = "$buildDir/gensrc/"
antlrGenDir = "$antlrSrcDir/org/python/antlr"
// Intermediate locations for compiled classes
unexposedDir = "$buildDir/unexposed"
exposedDir = "$buildDir/exposed"
// The standard library may safely be assembled in-place as a resource
pythonLibDir = "$buildDir/python/Lib/"
buildLibDir = "$buildDir/resources/main/Lib/"
buildTestLibDir = "$buildDir/resources/test/Lib/"
compiledLibDir = "$buildDir/resources/main/Lib/"
compiledTestLibDir = "$buildDir/resources/test/Lib/"
repositories {
// Jython is distributed through Maven Central. Get our dependencies there too.
sourceSets {
main { // Non-standard locations must be specified explicitly
antlr {
srcDirs = ['grammar']
exclude 'Base.g' // Not used (and produces errors)
java {
srcDirs = ['src', project.ext.antlrSrcDir]
// Reference to proprietary libraries not supplied
exclude 'com/ziclix/python/sql/handler/InformixDataHandler.java'
exclude 'com/ziclix/python/sql/handler/OracleDataHandler.java'
resources {
// Resources in project root, but this invites an explosion.
// ... so claim no sources:
srcDirs = []
// and fix it in task processResources
test { // Non-standard locations must be specified explicitly
java {
srcDirs = ['tests/java']
// Reference to proprietary libraries not supplied
exclude 'com/ziclix/python/sql/**'
dependencies {
* Must these correspond exactly with the external libraries (JARs)
* mentioned in the Ant build.xml? Or is some form of dynamic version
* better for downstream?
* Note that an application may specify a later version. Gradle will
* choose the latest required.
// Using a version available from repo (not 'extlibs/servlet-api-2.5' as in build.xml)
implementation 'javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0'
* These seem to be unnecessary while the proprietary database support is
* not bundled with Jython. Applications needing them can cite these or a
* version they prefer.
//implementation 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.42'
//implementation 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.1.1.jre7'
// pin to Antlr 3 until we upgrade parsing
antlr 'org.antlr:antlr:3.5.3'
implementation 'org.antlr:antlr-runtime:3.5.3'
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.26.2'
implementation 'commons-io:commons-io:2.16.1'
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on:1.78.1'
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on:1.78.1'
implementation 'org.ow2.asm:asm:9.7'
implementation 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:9.7'
implementation 'org.ow2.asm:asm-util:9.7'
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:33.2.1-jre'
implementation 'com.ibm.icu:icu4j:75.1'
implementation 'com.carrotsearch:java-sizeof:0.0.5'
implementation 'com.github.jnr:jffi:1.3.13'
implementation 'com.github.jnr:jnr-constants:0.10.4'
implementation 'com.github.jnr:jnr-ffi:2.2.16'
implementation 'com.github.jnr:jnr-netdb:1.2.0'
implementation 'com.github.jnr:jnr-posix:3.1.19'
implementation 'jline:jline:2.14.6'
// Netty JARs currently pinned at 4.1.73 by issue #349.
// Later versions (tried .80, .112) produce test failures.
implementation 'io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.73.Final'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-codec:4.1.73.Final'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-common:4.1.73.Final'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.73.Final'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.73.Final'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.73.Final'
// Used implicitly in the Ant build, must be explicit here
implementation 'org.apache.ant:ant:1.10.14'
// Pin to 4.10 until dependency on hamcrest classes resolved.
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.10'
// We choose only to cite these as only used by javadoc.
// They are proprietary and necessary only if certain modules are used.
compileOnly 'com.ibm.informix:jdbc:4.50.11'
compileOnly 'com.oracle.database.jdbc:ojdbc8:'
// ---------------- Resource Processing ----------------------------------------
* Jython brings several files we could treat as resources, but they do not sit
* in the Gradle-conventional 'main/resources' directory, rather are in the
* project root or rub shoulders with the java source. Pick them individually.
* Several tasks defined below declare that processResources depends on them,
* with the objective that at the end of processResources all generated
* resources and the stdlib (but not the compiled stdlib) should be in place
* in $buildDir/resources/main.
processResources {
from(file('.')) {
include 'LICENSE.txt'
from(file('src')) {
include 'META-INF/**'
include 'org/python/modules/ucnhash.dat'
include 'com/ziclix/python/sql/resource/zxJDBCMessages.properties'
// ---------------- ANTLR Task -------------------------------------------------
generateGrammarSource {
maxHeapSize = "512m"
outputDirectory = file(antlrGenDir)
// ---------------- compleJava Task --------------------------------------------
compileJava {
// Divert compiled classes to intermediate location pre-exposure.
destinationDir = file(unexposedDir)
// ---------------- Expose Task ------------------------------------------------
* The exposer operates between the output of compileJava (unexposed directory)
* and a second intermediate location (exposed directory). These two the
* mergeExposed task will finally combine in the Gradle-standard classes
* directory used as input by the jar task.
configurations {
dependencies {
// The expose (Ant) task depends on classes compiled to here:
expose files(unexposedDir)
// A (Gradle) task to run the Ant task 'expose'.
task expose (group: 'Custom', dependsOn: compileJava) {
description = 'Expose Java types to Python using their annotations.'
// Allow Gradle to infer the need to regenreate the outputs
doLast {
* Define an Ant task called 'expose' in the project's AntBuilder.
* We can't define it until ExposeTask has been compiled.
name: 'expose',
classname: 'org.python.expose.generate.ExposeTask',
classpath: configurations.expose.asPath
// Use the Gradle-conventional directory structure (not the legacy one).
srcdir: file(project.ext.unexposedDir),
destdir: mkdir(file(project.ext.exposedDir)),
includesfile: file('CoreExposed.includes')
// Task to merge the exposed and unexposed classes
task mergeExposed(group: 'Custom', type:Copy, dependsOn: expose) {
description = 'Copy exposed Java types to classes.'
// Exposed version will take precedence
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from file(exposedDir)
from file(unexposedDir)
into sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs.singleFile
// Attach to the classes task the placing of all compiled and exposed classes.
// ---------------- Version-related file generation ----------------------------
* Write the information that org.python.Version reads from
* org/python/version.properties in the class file structure. The inputs to
* this are: information from Git (git command required); project.version;
* and project.ext.buildDate. The task works quite hard to decode
* project.version, which must have the correct form, to deduce whether you
* really intend this to be a release. If anything comes after the release
* number, typically it's a '+' sign, the version becomes a snapshot.
task generateVersionInfo(
type: WriteProperties,
description: 'Write the version information as properties') {
outputFile = file("${processResources.destinationDir}/org/python/version.properties")
comment = ' Jython version information (from build.gradle)'
// Create the properties when the task runs. But do it before the write!
doFirst {
* Query Git for version and tagging. The git commands are exactly
* those used by CPython to create constants configure.ac, but do not
* correspond very well to their names.
// Not much like a branch. Used only if git_tag is blank.
def branch = 'git name-rev --name-only HEAD'.execute().text.split('\n', 2)[0]
property('jython.build.git_branch', branch)
println " jython.build.git_branch = ${branch}"
// When tagged, the result is "tags/vX.Y.Zrc9", or whatever.
// When not, tagged it is the (short) revision number.
def tag = 'git describe --all --always --dirty'.execute().text.split('\n', 2)[0]
property('jython.build.git_tag', tag)
println " jython.build.git_tag = ${tag}"
// Revision number (short = 7 hex digits)
def ident = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD'.execute().text.split('\n', 2)[0]
property('jython.build.git_version', ident)
println " jython.build.git_version = ${ident}"
* Decompose the version string into elements for Jython to access as
* properties. (The Ant build.xml requires them to be set in parts, but
* we can work it out from project.version.)
// .(.)()?(+|-)?
def versionRegex = /(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?((a|b|rc)(\d+))?(\+|-(\w+))?/
def versionMatcher = project.version =~ versionRegex
if (versionMatcher.count != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot parse project version string '${project.version}'")
// In principle it could match more than once: take the leftmost
def versionResult = versionMatcher[0]
// . means ..0
String major = versionResult[1]
String minor = versionResult[2]
String micro = versionResult[3] ? versionResult[4] : '0'
// Convert the optional to numbers
int level = 0, serial = 0
if (versionResult[5]) {
// This is some kind of pre-final release (unless snapshot)
serial = versionResult[7] as int
switch (versionResult[6]) {
case 'a': level = 0xa; break // ALPHA release
case 'b': level = 0xb; break // BETA release
case 'rc': level = 0xc; break // release candidate
} else {
// Not marked as a/b/rc so ostensibly a final release.
level = 0xf
// Convert optional +|- to -DEV or -SNAPSHOT suffix or empty string
String snapshotSuffix = versionResult[8];
if (snapshotSuffix == '+') {
snapshotSuffix = "-SNAPSHOT"
* Work out if it looks like a release, or adjust project.version. This logic prevents us
* releasing from a polluted repo (similar to logic in the Ant build.xml).
def L = [0:'', 10:'a', 11:'b', 12:'rc', 15:'']
String release = "$major.$minor.$micro${L[level]}${serial?:''}"
if (snapshotSuffix == null) {
// The version is named correctly for a release. Make safety checks on the repo.
String expectTag = "tags/v$release"
String message = null;
if (tag.endsWith('-dirty')) {
message = 'Version-controlled files have been edited since the last commit'
} else if (tag != expectTag) {
message = "Change set $ident is not tagged $expectTag."
} else {
// Query Git for status: non-empty if uncontrolled (unignored) files.
String gitStatus = 'git status --porcelain'.execute().text
if (gitStatus.trim().length() > 0) {
message = 'Workspace contains uncontrolled files'
// If a message was set for any reason, fall back to a snapshot.
if (message == null) {
// Repository state is good for a full build.
snapshotSuffix = ''
} else {
// Some reason found not to build the release.
println "$message - build is a snapshot."
snapshotSuffix = '-SNAPSHOT'
// Rebuild the version with the snapshot suffix, even if not given originally.
project.version = release + snapshotSuffix
println "This build is for v${project.version}."
property('jython.version', project.version)
property('jython.major_version', major)
property('jython.minor_version', minor)
property('jython.micro_version', micro)
property('jython.release_level', level)
property('jython.release_serial', serial)
* Time-stamp the build. In the time part, the ':' gets escaped to
* '\:', consistent with Properties.store(), unlike the Ant build.
(new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm:ss'))
(new SimpleDateFormat('MMM d yyyy'))
// Attach this task to processResources
// ---------------- Copy Python Library ----------------------------------------
* The default behaviour of the Java plug-in is to make a JAR of the classes in
* the "main" source set. We need a more complex assembly that provides users
* with exposed classes instead of their plain counterparts, and also various
* configuration files and the Python library.
* These copies include the tests, so we can test things :), but a subsequent
* JarTask of the build should exclude them as necessary. (Not yet implemented.)
ext {
libPython = 'lib-python/2.7'
libJython = 'Lib'
libTestSpecs = [
* Copy the Python standard library. We take this from a distribution of
* CPython, but take only the files specified in CPythonLib.includes.
* The Jython version of the standard library will be copied to the same place.
* Files from the Jython library having the same name (relative path) as one
* in CPythonLib.includes thereby take precedence.
task mergePythonLib(
type: Copy,
description: 'Merge lib-python and Jython Lib') {
// There might be a way using a collection of File rather than actual copy.
into pythonLibDir
// Copy Jython Lib, with precedence over CPython files of the same name
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE
from libJython
exclude '**/*.class'
// Allow Gradle to infer the need to regenerate the outputs
inputs.dir libJython
inputs.dir libPython
inputs.file file('CPythonLib.includes')
doFirst {
// Select the CPython stdlib files by making a list.
def cPythonLibIncludes = []
// Read list from CPythonLib.includes, stripping comments and spaces.
file('CPythonLib.includes').eachLine { line ->
def trimmed = line.split('#', 2)[0].trim()
if (trimmed.length() > 0) {
cPythonLibIncludes << trimmed
// Copy the subset as specified by the list
project.copy {
into pythonLibDir
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from libPython
include cPythonLibIncludes
exclude '**/*.pyc', '**/*.pyd'
* Copy from the merge location into the main resources, excluding material
* only needed for tests.
task copyLib(
type: Copy,
dependsOn: mergePythonLib,
description: 'Copy merged Python library (main excluding tests)') {
into buildLibDir
from pythonLibDir
exclude '**/*.pyc', '**/*.pyd', '**/*.class'
// Exclude tests and test material
exclude libTestSpecs
// Attach this task to processResources
* Copy from the merge location into the test resopurces, including only
* that extra material needed for tests.
task copyTestLib(
type: Copy,
dependsOn: mergePythonLib,
description: 'Copy merged Python library (tests only)') {
into buildTestLibDir
from pythonLibDir
exclude '**/*.pyd', '**/*.class' // test material includes .pyc files
// Include only tests and test material
include libTestSpecs
// Attach this task to processResources
// ---------------- Jython-Compile Python --------------------------------------
* Compile the Python modules to .class files for the JAR. Whereas Jython runs
* happily with a concrete Lib folder, creating and caching the .class files,
* when Jython is supplied as a JAR, we prefer to compile the class files once
* in advance.
configurations {
dependencies {
// Jython as built so far should be on the path of the jycompile (Ant) task
pycompile files("$buildDir/classes/java/main")
pycompile files("$buildDir/resources/main")
// A (Gradle) task to run the Ant task 'jycompile' (not pycompile).
task pycompile(
group: 'Custom',
description: 'Compile the Python modules to .class files for the JAR') {
// Compiler depends on rest of Jython being fully assembled in 'classes'
dependsOn classes
// Note that classes depends on processResources (Java plug-in).
// Allow Gradle to infer the need to regenerate the outputs
inputs.dir project.ext.buildLibDir
outputs.dir project.ext.compiledLibDir
doFirst {
* Define an Ant task called 'jycompile' in the project's AntBuilder.
* We can't define it until JythoncAntTask has been compiled, so this
* must happen during the execution of the task (early).
name: 'jycompile',
classname: 'org.python.util.JycompileAntTask',
classpath: configurations.pycompile.asPath
doLast {
* Now use the 'jycompile' Ant task to compile the Python source we
* supply to users. The exclusions have been copied from build.xml,
* and also this comment:
def exclusions = ['test/**', 'lib2to3/tests/**',
srcdir: project.ext.buildLibDir,
destdir: project.ext.compiledLibDir,
excludes: exclusions.join(',') // Yes, it's that way round :o
// ---------------- Building the JARs ------------------------------------------
* The default behaviour of the Java plug-in is to make a JAR of the classes in
* the "main" source set and its resources. Having carefully substituted/added
* exposed classes in the assembled classes directory, and having prepared the
* (compiled) stdlib as a resource, this is close to what we need, with a few
* adjustments as noted.
jar {
// Ensure that compiled stdlib is part of the resources to JAR.
dependsOn pycompile
// It is important for import that X$py.class be newer than X.py
preserveFileTimestamps = true
// We don't JAR the expose tool itself
exclude 'org/python/expose/generate/**'
// Build a custom manifest
manifest {
// These attribute values are based on inspecting the ant build
attributes ([
'Main-Class': 'org.python.util.jython',
'Built-By': 'build.gradle',
'Automatic-Module-Name': 'org.python.jython2'
attributes( [ // Build-Info section
'version': project.version,
'build-compiler': 'modern',
'jdk-target-version': project.targetCompatibility,
'debug': compileJava.options.debug,
'informix': false,
'oracle': false
], 'Build-Info' )
* This is a task complementary to the jar task, taking just the test material.
* This is not published via the main repositories because it counts as a
* distinct artefact with its own POM.
// XXX Consider instead a multi-project build with one artefact per sub-project.
task testJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'tests'
from sourceSets.test.output
// We don't JAR the expose tool, so we don't JAR the tests
exclude 'org/python/expose/generate/**'
// Build a custom manifest
manifest {
// These attribute values are based on inspecting the ant build
attributes ([
//'Main-Class': 'org.python.util.jython',
'Built-By': 'build.gradle',
attributes( [ // Build-Info section
'version': project.version,
'build-compiler': 'modern',
'jdk-target-version': project.targetCompatibility,
'debug': compileTestJava.options.debug
], 'Build-Info' )
// ---------------- Documentation ----------------------------------------------
* The JavaDoc, anyway.
javadoc {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
source = fileTree(dir: 'src', include: '**/*.java')
// ---------------- Publication ------------------------------------------------
* Post the JAR we built to a public repository. We provide secondary -source
* and -javadoc JARs too (supporting 'main').
* How do we test the artifact actually published is correct? The 'test' task
* tests Jython laid out in the build directory, not the JAR we propose to
* distribute.
* Maybe have a second JAR that contains the additional material necessary to
* run integration tests (regression tests and others).
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allJava
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
publishing {
publications {
// The production JAR we expect to be cited as a dependency by users
main(MavenPublication) {
from components.java
// Also provide the source.
artifact sourcesJar
// Also provide the docs. (Some javadoc errors currently.)
artifact javadocJar
pom {
// Same description as in ~/maven/pom-template
name = 'Jython'
description =
'Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented\n' +
'language Python written in 100% Pure Java, and seamlessly integrated with\n' +
'the Java platform. It thus allows you to run Python on any Java platform.'
url = 'https://www.jython.org/'
inceptionYear = '1997'
organization {
name = 'Python Software Foundation'
url = 'https://www.python.org'
// We use the PSF 2.0, but only most recently, and actually a bundle.
licenses {
license {
name = 'Jython Software License'
// Link to a stable version (defined by release tag in repo).
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jython/jython/v' + project.version + '/LICENSE.txt'
distribution = 'repo'
// Could list us all, but why not just the list for now?
developers {
developer {
id = 'jython'
name = 'Jython Developers'
email = '[email protected]'
mailingLists {
mailingList {
name = 'Jython Users'
post = '[email protected]'
mailingList {
name = 'Jython Developers'
post = '[email protected]'
// Point to Git repositories hosted on GitHub.
scm {
connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/jython/jython.git'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:[email protected]:jython/jython.git'
url = 'https://github.com/jython/jython'
issueManagement {
system = 'GitHub'
url = 'https://github.com/jython/jython/issues'
repositories {
// Staging area where ant -f maven/build.xml will look.
maven {
name = 'stagingRepo'
url = "file://${buildDir}/stagingRepo"
// Ensure version computation/branding precedes any publication we use.
/* FIXME: Depending on publishMainPublicationToMavenLocal does not work,
because it does not exist when evaluating this line. Is this the deferred
configuration removed in Gradle 5.0? Failsd on POM version mismatch if main
publish task not run before publishMainPublicationToMavenLocal.
// ---------------- Java unit tests --------------------------------------------
ext {
//distDir = relativePath("$buildDir/assembly")
testSourceDir = relativePath('tests/java')
dependencies {
// Put the exposed classes on the path of the test tasks
testImplementation files(expose)
// Ensure exposed classes are ahead of standard path
sourceSets.test {
compileClasspath = files(expose.outputs) + compileClasspath
runtimeClasspath = files(expose.outputs) + runtimeClasspath
// println "runtimeClasspath = ${runtimeClasspath.asPath}"
compileTestJava {
dependsOn expose
options.debug = project.compileJava.options.debug
test {
dependsOn copyLib
// Stop on first test failure
failFast = true
// Properties as defined in Ant target javatest-basepath
// XXX Not sure of all that python.home is used for in tests.
systemProperty 'python.home', file(copyLib.destinationDir).parent
systemProperty 'python.test.source.dir', project.ext.testSourceDir
// Place cache outside the targets for jar task
systemProperty 'python.cachedir', "${project.buildDir}/cachedir"
// Logging level: default is message=INFO
//systemProperty 'python.verbose', 'CONFIG'
include '**/*Test*'
// Exclude based on Ant target javatest-basepath
exclude '**/InterpTestCase'
exclude '**/jythonTest*' // Must run interactively
exclude 'org/python/antlr/**'
exclude 'org/python/tests/imp/**' // See build.xml:importest
// Some additional exclusions or else the task fails
// FIXME: leaves stdin/out/err as PyFileWriter that has no fileno()
// causing _ioTest to fail.
exclude '**/jsr223/*'
// FIXME: Tests that hard-code directory paths (use a symbol):
exclude 'org/python/compiler/custom_proxymaker/**'
exclude 'org/python/compiler/JavaMakerSmokeTest.class'
// FIXME: Failing test finds project root from test class location
exclude 'org/python/core/PySystemState_registry_Test.class'
// FIXME: Fails as sys._jy_console not set when run under Gradle
exclude 'org/python/util/InterpreterTest.class'
doFirst {
println "systemProperties = $systemProperties"
// ---------------- Miscellaneous fettling of the prepare phase ----------------
// Source is globally UTF-8 (well, nearly).
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
// ---------------- Support for debugging --------------------------------------
afterEvaluate { project ->
void dumpCP() {
configurations.testCompile.each { println it }
configurations.testRuntime.each { println it }
configurations.expose.each { println it }
configurations.pycompile.each { println it }
void dumpSS() {
println '*** source sets ***'
for (ss in sourceSets) {
String name = ss.name
println ss
println " ${name}.compileConfigurationName = ${ss.compileConfigurationName}"
println " ${name}.implementationConfigurationName = ${ss.implementationConfigurationName}"
println " ${name}.runtimeConfigurationName = ${ss.runtimeConfigurationName}"
println " ${name}.java.srcDirs = ${ss.java.srcDirs}"
println " ${name}.antlr.srcDirs = ${ss.antlr.srcDirs}"
println " ${name}.resources.srcDirs = ${ss.resources.srcDirs}"
println " ${name}.output.dirs = ${ss.output.dirs.files}"
println " ${name}.output.classesDirs = ${ss.output.classesDirs.files}"
println " ${name}.output.resourcesDir = ${ss.output.resourcesDir}"
println " ${name}.classesTaskName = ${ss.classesTaskName}"
println " ${name}.compileJavaTaskName = ${ss.compileJavaTaskName}"
println " ${name}.jarTaskName = ${ss.jarTaskName}"
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