ongo.reactivemongo-bson_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 Stephane Godbillon (@sgodbillon)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package reactivemongo.bson
* {{{
* // { "name": "Johny", "surname": "Doe", "age": 28, "months": [1, 2, 3] }
* document ++ ("name" -> "Johny") ++ ("surname" -> "Doe") ++
* ("age" -> 28) ++ ("months" -> array(1, 2, 3))
* // { "_id": generatedId, "name": "Jane", "surname": "Doe", "age": 28,
* // "months": [1, 2, 3], "details": { "salary": 12345,
* // "inventory": ["foo", 7.8, 0, false] } }
* document ++ ("_id" -> generateId, "name" -> "Jane", "surname" -> "Doe",
* "age" -> 28, "months" -> (array ++ (1, 2) ++ 3),
* "details" -> document(
* "salary" -> 12345L, "inventory" -> array("foo", 7.8, 0L, false)))
* }}}
object `package` extends DefaultBSONHandlers {
/** Type of element for the BSON documents. */
type BSONElement = (String, BSONValue)
// DSL helpers:
/** Returns an empty document. */
def document = BSONDocument.empty
/** Returns a document with given elements. */
def document(elements: Producer[BSONElement]*) = BSONDocument(elements: _*)
/** Returns an empty array. */
def array = BSONArray.empty
/** Returns an array with given values. */
def array(values: Producer[BSONValue]*) = BSONArray(values: _*)
/** Returns a newly generated object ID. */
def generateId = BSONObjectID.generate()
sealed trait Producer[T] {
private[bson] def produce: Option[T]
object Producer {
case class NameOptionValueProducer(private val element: (String, Option[BSONValue])) extends Producer[(String, BSONValue)] {
private[bson] def produce = element._2.map(value => element._1 -> value)
case class OptionValueProducer(private val element: Option[BSONValue]) extends Producer[BSONValue] {
private[bson] def produce = element
implicit def nameValue2Producer[T](element: (String, T))(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, _ <: BSONValue]) =
NameOptionValueProducer(element._1, Some(writer.write(element._2)))
implicit def nameOptionValue2Producer[T](element: (String, Option[T]))(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, _ <: BSONValue]) =
NameOptionValueProducer(element._1, element._2.map(value => writer.write(value)))
implicit def noneOptionValue2Producer(element: (String, None.type)) =
NameOptionValueProducer(element._1, None)
implicit def valueProducer[T](element: T)(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, _ <: BSONValue]) =
implicit def optionValueProducer[T](element: Option[T])(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, _ <: BSONValue]) =
implicit def noneOptionValueProducer(element: None.type) =
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait BSONValue {
val code: Byte
object BSONValue {
import scala.util.Try
implicit class ExtendedBSONValue[B <: BSONValue](val bson: B) extends AnyVal {
def asTry[T](implicit reader: BSONReader[B, T]): Try[T] = {
def asOpt[T](implicit reader: BSONReader[B, T]): Option[T] = asTry(reader).toOption
def as[T](implicit reader: BSONReader[B, T]): T = asTry(reader).get
def seeAsTry[T](implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Try[T] =
Try { reader.asInstanceOf[BSONReader[BSONValue, T]].readTry(bson) }.flatten
def seeAsOpt[T](implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Option[T] =
final def narrow[T <: BSONValue](v: BSONValue)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = tag.unapply(v)
object BSON {
* Produces a `T` instance of the given BSON value, if there is an implicit `BSONReader[B, T]` in the scope.
* Prefer `readDocument` over this one if you want to deserialize `BSONDocuments`.
def read[B <: BSONValue, T](bson: B)(implicit reader: BSONReader[B, T]): T = reader.read(bson)
* Produces a `BSONValue` instance of the given `T` value, if there is an implicit `BSONWriter[T, B]` in the scope.
* Prefer `writeDocument` over this one if you want to serialize `T` instances.
def write[T, B <: BSONValue](t: T)(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, B]): B = writer.write(t)
/** Produces a `T` instance of the given `BSONDocument`, if there is an implicit `BSONReader[BSONDocument, T]` in the scope. */
def readDocument[T](doc: BSONDocument)(implicit reader: BSONReader[BSONDocument, T]): T = reader.read(doc)
/** Produces a `BSONDocument` of the given `T` instance, if there is an implicit `BSONWriter[T, BSONDocument]` in the scope. */
def writeDocument[T](t: T)(implicit writer: BSONWriter[T, BSONDocument]): BSONDocument = writer.write(t)
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