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ongo.reactivemongo-bson_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2013 Stephane Godbillon (@sgodbillon)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package reactivemongo.bson

import exceptions.DocumentKeyNotFound
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
import buffer._
import utils.Converters

/** A BSON Double. */
case class BSONDouble(value: Double) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x01.toByte

case class BSONString(value: String) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x02.toByte

 * A `BSONDocument` structure (BSON type `0x03`).
 * A `BSONDocument` is basically a stream of tuples `(String, BSONValue)`.
 * It is completely lazy. The stream it wraps is a `Stream[Try[(String, BSONValue)]]` since
 * we cannot be sure that a not yet deserialized value will be processed without error.
 * @define keyParam the key to be found in the document
case class BSONDocument(stream: Stream[Try[BSONElement]]) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x03.toByte

   * Checks whether the given key is found in the document.
   * @param key $keyParam
   * @return true if the key is found
  def contains(key: String): Boolean = elements.exists(_._1 == key)

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`.
   * If the key is not found or the matching value cannot be deserialized, returns `None`.
   * @param key $keyParam
  def get(key: String): Option[BSONValue] = elements.collectFirst {
    case (`key`, value) => value

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`.
   * If the key is not found or the matching value cannot be deserialized, returns a `Failure`.
   * The `Failure` holds a [[exceptions.DocumentKeyNotFound]] if the key could not be found.
   * @param key $keyParam
  def getTry(key: String): Try[BSONValue] = stream.collectFirst {
    case Success((k, cause)) if k == key => Success(cause)
    case Failure(e)                      => Failure(e)

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`.
   * If the key could not be found, the resulting option will be `None`.
   * If the matching value could not be deserialized, returns a `Failure`.
   * @param key $keyParam
  def getUnflattenedTry(key: String): Try[Option[BSONValue]] = getTry(key) match {
    case Failure(DocumentKeyNotFound(_)) => Success(None)
    case Failure(e)                      => Failure(e)
    case Success(e)                      => Success(Some(e))

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, or the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `None`.
   * @param key $keyParam
   * @note When implementing a [[ custom reader]], [[getAsTry]] must be preferred.
  def getAs[T](key: String)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Option[T] = get(key).flatMap { element =>
    reader match {
      case r: BSONReader[BSONValue, T] @unchecked => r.readOpt(element)
      case _                                      => None

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, or the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `Failure`.
   * The `Failure` holds a [[exceptions.DocumentKeyNotFound]] if the key could not be found.
   * @param key $keyParam
  def getAsTry[T](key: String)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Try[T] = {
    val tt = getTry(key)
    tt.flatMap { element => Try(reader.asInstanceOf[BSONReader[BSONValue, T]].read(element)) }

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] associated with the given `key`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, returns a `Success` holding `None`.
   * If the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `Failure`.
  def getAsUnflattenedTry[T](key: String)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Try[Option[T]] = getAsTry(key)(reader) match {
    case Failure(e: DocumentKeyNotFound) => Success(None)
    case Failure(e)                      => Failure(e)
    case Success(e)                      => Success(Some(e))

  /** Creates a new [[BSONDocument]] containing all the elements of this one and the elements of the given document. */
  def add(doc: BSONDocument): BSONDocument = new BSONDocument(stream ++

  /** Creates a new [[BSONDocument]] containing all the elements of this one and the given `elements`. */
  def add(elements: Producer[(String, BSONValue)]*): BSONDocument =
    new BSONDocument(stream ++ elements.flatMap { el => => Seq(Try(value))).getOrElse(Seq.empty)

  /** Creates a new [[BSONDocument]] without the elements corresponding the given `keys`. */
  def remove(keys: String*): BSONDocument = new BSONDocument(stream.filter {
    case Success((key, _)) if (keys contains key) => false
    case _                                        => true

  /** Alias for `add(doc: BSONDocument): BSONDocument` */
  def ++(doc: BSONDocument): BSONDocument = add(doc)

  /** Alias for `add(elements: Producer[(String, BSONValue)]*): BSONDocument` */
  def ++(elements: Producer[(String, BSONValue)]*): BSONDocument = add(elements: _*)

  /** Alias for `remove(names: String*)` */
  def --(keys: String*): BSONDocument = remove(keys: _*)

  /** Returns a `Stream` for all the elements of this `BSONDocument`. */
  lazy val elements: Stream[BSONElement] = stream.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get)

  /** Is this document empty? */
  def isEmpty: Boolean = stream.isEmpty

  override def toString: String = "BSONDocument(<" + (if (isEmpty) "empty" else "non-empty") + ">)"

object BSONDocument {
  /** Creates a new [[BSONDocument]] containing all the given `elements`. */
  def apply(elements: Producer[BSONElement]*): BSONDocument = new BSONDocument(
    elements.flatMap { el => => Seq(Try(value))).getOrElse(Seq.empty)

  /** Creates a new [[BSONDocument]] containing all the `elements` in the given `Traversable`. */
  def apply(elements: Traversable[BSONElement]): BSONDocument =
    new BSONDocument(

  /** Returns a String representing the given [[BSONDocument]]. */
  def pretty(doc: BSONDocument) = BSONIterator.pretty(

  /** Writes the `document` into the `buffer`. */
  def write(value: BSONDocument, buffer: WritableBuffer)(implicit bufferHandler: BufferHandler = DefaultBufferHandler): WritableBuffer =
    bufferHandler.writeDocument(value, buffer)

   * Reads a `document` from the `buffer`.
   * Note that the buffer's readerIndex must be set on the start of a document, or it will fail.
  def read(buffer: ReadableBuffer)(implicit bufferHandler: BufferHandler = DefaultBufferHandler): BSONDocument = bufferHandler.readDocument(buffer).get

  /** An empty BSONDocument. */
  val empty: BSONDocument = BSONDocument()

 * A `BSONArray` structure (BSON type `0x04`).
 * A `BSONArray` is a straightforward `BSONDocument` where keys are a sequence of positive integers.
 * A `BSONArray` is basically a stream of tuples `(String, BSONValue)` where the first member is a string representation of an index.
 * It is completely lazy. The stream it wraps is a `Stream[Try[(String, BSONValue)]]` since
 * we cannot be sure that a not yet deserialized value will be processed without error.
case class BSONArray(stream: Stream[Try[BSONValue]]) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x04.toByte

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`.
   * If there is no such `index` or the matching value cannot be deserialized, returns `None`.
  def get(index: Int): Option[BSONValue] = getTry(index).toOption

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`.
   * If there is no such `index` or the matching value cannot be deserialized, returns a `Failure`.
   * The `Failure` holds a [[exceptions.DocumentKeyNotFound]] if the key could not be found.
  def getTry(index: Int): Try[BSONValue] = stream.drop(index).headOption.getOrElse(Failure(DocumentKeyNotFound(index.toString)))

   * Returns the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`.
   * If there is no such `index`, the resulting option will be `None`.
   * If the matching value could not be deserialized, returns a `Failure`.
  def getUnflattenedTry(index: Int): Try[Option[BSONValue]] = getTry(index) match {
    case Failure(e: DocumentKeyNotFound) => Success(None)
    case Failure(e)                      => Failure(e)
    case Success(e)                      => Success(Some(e))

   * Gets the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, or the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `None`.
  def getAs[T](index: Int)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Option[T] = {
    getTry(index).toOption.flatMap { element =>
      Try(reader.asInstanceOf[BSONReader[BSONValue, T]].read(element)).toOption

   * Gets the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, or the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `Failure`.
   * The `Failure` holds a [[exceptions.DocumentKeyNotFound]] if the key could not be found.
  def getAsTry[T](index: Int)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Try[T] = {
    val tt = getTry(index)
    tt.flatMap { element => Try(reader.asInstanceOf[BSONReader[BSONValue, T]].read(element)) }

   * Gets the [[BSONValue]] at the given `index`, and converts it with the given implicit [[BSONReader]].
   * If there is no matching value, returns a `Success` holding `None`.
   * If the value could not be deserialized or converted, returns a `Failure`.
  def getAsUnflattenedTry[T](index: Int)(implicit reader: BSONReader[_ <: BSONValue, T]): Try[Option[T]] = getAsTry(index)(reader) match {
    case Failure(e: DocumentKeyNotFound) => Success(None)
    case Failure(e)                      => Failure(e)
    case Success(e)                      => Success(Some(e))

  /** Creates a new [[BSONArray]] containing all the elements of this one and the elements of the given document. */
  def add(doc: BSONArray): BSONArray = new BSONArray(stream ++

  /** Creates a new [[BSONArray]] containing all the elements of this one and the given `elements`. */
  def add(elements: Producer[BSONValue]*): BSONArray = new BSONArray(
    stream ++ elements.flatMap { el => => Seq(Try(value))).getOrElse(Seq.empty)

  /** Alias for `add(arr: BSONArray): BSONArray` */
  def ++(array: BSONArray): BSONArray = add(array)

  /** Alias for `add(elements: Producer[BSONValue]*): BSONArray` */
  def ++(elements: Producer[BSONValue]*): BSONArray = add(elements: _*)

  def iterator: Iterator[Try[(String, BSONValue)]] = { vv => -> _)

  def values: Stream[BSONValue] = stream.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get)

  lazy val length = stream.size

  /** Is this array empty? */
  def isEmpty: Boolean = stream.isEmpty

  override def toString: String = s"BSONArray(<${if (isEmpty) "empty" else "non-empty"}>)"

object BSONArray {
  /** Creates a new [[BSONArray]] containing all the given `elements`. */
  def apply(elements: Producer[BSONValue]*): BSONArray = new BSONArray(
    elements.flatMap { el => => Seq(Try(value))).getOrElse(Seq.empty)

  /** Creates a new [[BSONArray]] containing all the `elements` in the given `Traversable`. */
  def apply(elements: Traversable[BSONValue]): BSONArray = {
    new BSONArray(

  /** Returns a String representing the given [[BSONArray]]. */
  def pretty(array: BSONArray) = BSONIterator.pretty(array.iterator)

  /** An empty BSONArray. */
  val empty: BSONArray = BSONArray()

 * A BSON binary value.
 * @param value The binary content.
 * @param subtype The type of the binary content.
case class BSONBinary(value: ReadableBuffer, subtype: Subtype)
    extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x05.toByte

  /** Returns the whole binary content as array. */
  def byteArray: Array[Byte] = value.duplicate().readArray(value.size)

object BSONBinary {
  def apply(value: Array[Byte], subtype: Subtype): BSONBinary =
    BSONBinary(ArrayReadableBuffer(value), subtype)

/** BSON Undefined value */
case object BSONUndefined extends BSONValue { val code = 0x06.toByte }

/** BSON ObjectId value. */
class BSONObjectID private (private val raw: Array[Byte]) extends BSONValue with Serializable with Equals {
  val code = 0x07.toByte

  import java.util.Arrays
  import java.nio.ByteBuffer

  /** ObjectId hexadecimal String representation */
  lazy val stringify = Converters.hex2Str(raw)

  override def toString = s"""BSONObjectID("${stringify}")"""

  override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[BSONObjectID]

  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
    canEqual(that) && Arrays.equals(this.raw, that.asInstanceOf[BSONObjectID].raw)

  override lazy val hashCode: Int = Arrays.hashCode(raw)

  /** The time of this BSONObjectId, in milliseconds */
  def time: Long = this.timeSecond * 1000L

  /** The time of this BSONObjectId, in seconds */
  def timeSecond: Int = ByteBuffer.wrap(raw.take(4)).getInt

  def valueAsArray = Arrays.copyOf(raw, 12)

object BSONObjectID {
  private val maxCounterValue = 16777216
  private val increment = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(scala.util.Random.nextInt(maxCounterValue))

  private def counter = (increment.getAndIncrement + maxCounterValue) % maxCounterValue

   * The following implemtation of machineId work around openjdk limitations in
   * version 6 and 7
   * Openjdk fails to parse /proc/net/if_inet6 correctly to determine macaddress
   * resulting in SocketException thrown.
   * Please see:
   * *
   * *
   * *
   * *
   * and fix in openjdk8:
   * *

  private val machineId = {
    val validPlatform = Try {
      val correctVersion = System.getProperty("java.version").substring(0, 3).toFloat >= 1.8
      val noIpv6 = System.getProperty("") == true
      val isLinux = System.getProperty("") == "Linux"

      !isLinux || correctVersion || noIpv6

    // Check java policies
    val permitted = {
      val sec = System.getSecurityManager();
      Try { sec.checkPermission(new NetPermission("getNetworkInformation")) } => true).getOrElse(false);

    if (validPlatform && permitted) {
      val networkInterfacesEnum = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces
      val networkInterfaces = scala.collection.JavaConverters.enumerationAsScalaIteratorConverter(networkInterfacesEnum).asScala
      val ha = networkInterfaces.find(ha => Try(ha.getHardwareAddress).isSuccess && ha.getHardwareAddress != null && ha.getHardwareAddress.length == 6)
    } else {
      val threadId = Thread.currentThread.getId.toInt
      val arr = new Array[Byte](3)

      arr(0) = (threadId & 0xFF).toByte
      arr(1) = (threadId >> 8 & 0xFF).toByte
      arr(2) = (threadId >> 16 & 0xFF).toByte


   * Constructs a BSON ObjectId element from a hexadecimal String representation.
   * Throws an exception if the given argument is not a valid ObjectID.
   * `parse(str: String): Try[BSONObjectID]` should be considered instead of this method.
  def apply(id: String): BSONObjectID = {
    if (id.length != 24)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"wrong ObjectId: '$id'")
    /** Constructs a BSON ObjectId element from a hexadecimal String representation */
    new BSONObjectID(Converters.str2Hex(id))

  def apply(array: Array[Byte]): BSONObjectID = {
    if (array.length != 12)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"wrong byte array for an ObjectId (size ${array.length})")
    new BSONObjectID(java.util.Arrays.copyOf(array, 12))

  def unapply(id: BSONObjectID): Option[Array[Byte]] = Some(id.valueAsArray)

  /** Tries to make a BSON ObjectId element from a hexadecimal String representation. */
  def parse(str: String): Try[BSONObjectID] = Try(apply(str))

   * Generates a new BSON ObjectID.
   * +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
   * + timestamp (in seconds) +   machine identifier   +    thread identifier   +        increment       +
   * +        (4 bytes)       +        (3 bytes)       +        (2 bytes)       +        (3 bytes)       +
   * +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
   * The returned BSONObjectID contains a timestamp set to the current time (in seconds),
   * with the `machine identifier`, `thread identifier` and `increment` properly set.
  def generate(): BSONObjectID = fromTime(System.currentTimeMillis, false)

   * Generates a new BSON ObjectID from the given timestamp in milliseconds.
   * +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
   * + timestamp (in seconds) +   machine identifier   +    thread identifier   +        increment       +
   * +        (4 bytes)       +        (3 bytes)       +        (2 bytes)       +        (3 bytes)       +
   * +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
   * The included timestamp is the number of seconds since epoch, so a BSONObjectID time part has only
   * a precision up to the second. To get a reasonably unique ID, you _must_ set `onlyTimestamp` to false.
   * Crafting a BSONObjectID from a timestamp with `fillOnlyTimestamp` set to true is helpful for range queries,
   * eg if you want of find documents an _id field which timestamp part is greater than or lesser than
   * the one of another id.
   * If you do not intend to use the produced BSONObjectID for range queries, then you'd rather use
   * the `generate` method instead.
   * @param fillOnlyTimestamp if true, the returned BSONObjectID will only have the timestamp bytes set; the other will be set to zero.
  def fromTime(timeMillis: Long, fillOnlyTimestamp: Boolean = true): BSONObjectID = {
    // n of seconds since epoch. Big endian
    val timestamp = (timeMillis / 1000).toInt
    val id = new Array[Byte](12)

    id(0) = (timestamp >>> 24).toByte
    id(1) = (timestamp >> 16 & 0xFF).toByte
    id(2) = (timestamp >> 8 & 0xFF).toByte
    id(3) = (timestamp & 0xFF).toByte

    if (!fillOnlyTimestamp) {
      // machine id, 3 first bytes of md5(macadress or hostname)
      id(4) = machineId(0)
      id(5) = machineId(1)
      id(6) = machineId(2)

      // 2 bytes of the pid or thread id. Thread id in our case. Low endian
      val threadId = Thread.currentThread.getId.toInt
      id(7) = (threadId & 0xFF).toByte
      id(8) = (threadId >> 8 & 0xFF).toByte

      // 3 bytes of counter sequence, which start is randomized. Big endian
      val c = counter
      id(9) = (c >> 16 & 0xFF).toByte
      id(10) = (c >> 8 & 0xFF).toByte
      id(11) = (c & 0xFF).toByte


/** BSON boolean value */
case class BSONBoolean(value: Boolean) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x08.toByte }

/** BSON date time value */
case class BSONDateTime(value: Long) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x09.toByte }

/** BSON null value */
case object BSONNull extends BSONValue { val code = 0x0A.toByte }

 * BSON Regex value.
 * @param flags Regex flags.
case class BSONRegex(value: String, flags: String) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x0B.toByte }

/** BSON DBPointer value. */
case class BSONDBPointer(value: String, id: Array[Byte]) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x0C.toByte

  /** The BSONObjectID representation of this reference. */
  val objectId = BSONObjectID(id)

  override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[BSONDBPointer]
  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
    canEqual(that) && {
      val other = that.asInstanceOf[BSONDBPointer]
      this.value.equals(other.value) &&

 * BSON JavaScript value.
 * @param value The JavaScript source code.
case class BSONJavaScript(value: String) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x0D.toByte }

/** BSON Symbol value. */
case class BSONSymbol(value: String) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x0E.toByte }

 * BSON scoped JavaScript value.
 * @param value The JavaScript source code. TODO
case class BSONJavaScriptWS(value: String) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x0F.toByte }

/** BSON Integer value */
case class BSONInteger(value: Int) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x10.toByte }

/** BSON Timestamp value */
case class BSONTimestamp(value: Long) extends BSONValue {
  val code = 0x11.toByte

  /** Seconds since the Unix epoch */
  val time = value >>> 32

  /** Ordinal (with the second) */
  val ordinal = value.toInt

/** Timestamp companion */
object BSONTimestamp {
   * Returns the timestamp corresponding to the given `time` and `ordinal`.
   * @param time the 32bits time value (seconds since the Unix epoch)
   * @param ordinal an incrementing ordinal for operations within a same second
  def apply(time: Long, ordinal: Int): BSONTimestamp =
    BSONTimestamp((time << 32) ^ ordinal)

/** BSON Long value */
case class BSONLong(value: Long) extends BSONValue { val code = 0x12.toByte }

/** BSON Min key value */
object BSONMinKey extends BSONValue { val code = 0xFF.toByte }

/** BSON Max key value */
object BSONMaxKey extends BSONValue { val code = 0x7F.toByte }

/** Binary Subtype */
sealed trait Subtype {
  /** Subtype code */
  val value: Byte

object Subtype {
  case object GenericBinarySubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x00.toByte }
  case object FunctionSubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x01.toByte }
  case object OldBinarySubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x02.toByte }
  case object OldUuidSubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x03.toByte }
  case object UuidSubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x04.toByte }
  case object Md5Subtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x05.toByte }
  case object UserDefinedSubtype extends Subtype { val value = 0x80.toByte }
  def apply(code: Byte) = code match {
    case 0    => GenericBinarySubtype
    case 1    => FunctionSubtype
    case 2    => OldBinarySubtype
    case 3    => OldUuidSubtype
    case 4    => UuidSubtype
    case 5    => Md5Subtype
    case -128 => UserDefinedSubtype
    case _    => throw new NoSuchElementException(s"binary type = $code")

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