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(function (richfaces, jQuery ) {
richfaces.utils = richfaces.utils || {};
richfaces.utils.addCSSText = function (cssText, elementId ) {
var style = jQuery(" " ).attr({type : 'text/css' , id : elementId}).appendTo("head" );
try {
} catch (e) {
style[0 ].styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
richfaces.utils.getCSSRule = function (className ) {
var rule = null ;
var sheets = document .styleSheets;
for (var j = 0 ; !rule && j < sheets.length; j++) {
var rules = sheets[j].cssRules ? sheets[j].cssRules : sheets[j].rules;
for (var i = 0 ; !rule && i < rules.length; i++) {
if (rules[i].selectorText && rules[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() == className.toLowerCase()) {
rule = rules[i];
return rule;
richfaces.utils.Ranges = function ( ) {
this .ranges = [];
richfaces.utils.Ranges.prototype = {
add : function (index ) {
var i = 0 ;
while (i < this .ranges.length && index >= this .ranges[i++][1 ]);
if (this .ranges[i-1 ] && index==(this .ranges[i-1 ][1 ]+1 ) ) {
if (index==(this .ranges[i][0 ]-1 )) {
this .ranges[i-1 ][1 ] = this .ranges[i][1 ];
this .ranges.splice(i, 1 );
} else {
this .ranges[i-1 ][1 ]++;
} else {
if (this .ranges[i]){
if (this .ranges[i] && index==(this .ranges[i][0 ]-1 )) {
this .ranges[i][0 ]--;
} else {
if (index==(this .ranges[i][1 ]+1 )){
this .ranges[i][1 ]++;
} else {
if (index this .ranges[i++][1 ]);
if (this .ranges[i]) {
if (index==(this .ranges[i][1 ]) ) {
if (index==(this .ranges[i][0 ])){
this .ranges.splice(i, 1 );
} else {
this .ranges[i][1 ]--;
} else {
if (index==(this .ranges[i][0 ])){
this .ranges[i][0 ]++;
} else {
this .ranges.splice(i+1 , 0 , [index+1 , this .ranges[i][1 ]]);
this .ranges[i][1 ] = index-1 ;
clear : function ( ) {
this .ranges = [];
contains : function (index ) {
var i = 0 ;
while (i < this .ranges.length && index >= this .ranges[i][0 ]) {
if (index >= this .ranges[i][0 ] && index <= this .ranges[i][1 ]) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
toString : function ( ) {
var ret = new Array (this .ranges.length);
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .ranges.length; i++) {
ret[i] = this .ranges[i].join();
return ret.join(";" );
var WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE = "rf-edt-c-" ;
var MIN_WIDTH = 20 ;
richfaces.ui = richfaces.ui || {};
richfaces.ui.ExtendedDataTable = richfaces.BaseComponent.extendClass({
name : "ExtendedDataTable" ,
ranges : new richfaces.utils.Ranges(),
resizeData : {},
idOfReorderingColumn : "" ,
newWidths : {},
timeoutId : null ,
init : function (id, rowCount, ajaxFunction, options ) {
$super , id);
this .rowCount = rowCount;
this .ajaxFunction = ajaxFunction;
this .options = options || {};
this .element = this .attachToDom();
this .dragElement = document .getElementById(id + ":d" );
this .reorderElement = document .getElementById(id + ":r" );
this .reorderMarkerElement = document .getElementById(id + ":rm" );
this .widthInput = document .getElementById(id + ":wi" );
this .selectionInput = document .getElementById(id + ":si" );
this .header = jQuery(this .element).children(".rf-edt-hdr" );
this .headerCells = this .header.find(".rf-edt-hdr-c" );
this .footerCells = jQuery(this .element).children(".rf-edt-ftr" ).find(".rf-edt-ftr-c" );
this .resizerHolders = this .header.find(".rf-edt-rsz-cntr" );
this .frozenHeaderPartElement = document .getElementById(id + ":frozenHeader" );
this .frozenColumnCount = this .frozenHeaderPartElement ? this .frozenHeaderPartElement.firstChild.rows[0 ].cells.length : 0 ;
this .scrollElement = document .getElementById(id + ":footer" );
jQuery(document ).ready(jQuery.proxy(this .initialize, this ));
jQuery(window ).bind("resize" , jQuery.proxy(this .updateLayout, this ));
jQuery(this .scrollElement).bind("scroll" , jQuery.proxy(this .updateScrollPosition, this ));
this .bindHeaderHandlers();
jQuery(this .element).bind("rich:onajaxcomplete" , jQuery.proxy(this .ajaxComplete, this ));
getColumnPosition : function (id ) {
var position;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .headerCells.length; i++) {
if (id == this .headerCells[i].className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ]) {
position = i;
return position;
setColumnPosition : function (id, position ) {
var colunmsOrder = "" ;
var before;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .headerCells.length; i++) {
var current = this .headerCells[i].className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ];
if (i == position) {
if (before) {
colunmsOrder += current + "," + id + "," ;
} else {
colunmsOrder += id + "," + current + "," ;
} else {
if (id != current) {
colunmsOrder += current + "," ;
} else {
before = true ;
this .ajaxFunction(null , {"rich:columnsOrder" : colunmsOrder});
setColumnWidth : function (id, width ) {
width = width + "px" ;
richfaces.utils.getCSSRule("." + WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + id).style.width = width;
this .newWidths[id] = width;
var widthsArray = new Array ();
for (var id in this .newWidths) {
widthsArray.push(id + ":" + this .newWidths[id]);
this .widthInput.value = widthsArray.toString();
this .updateLayout();
this .adjustResizers();
this .ajaxFunction();
filter : function (colunmId, filterValue, isClear ) {
if (typeof (filterValue) == "undefined" || filterValue == null ) {
filterValue = "" ;
var map = {};
map[this .id + "rich:filtering" ] = colunmId + ":" + filterValue + ":" + isClear;
this .ajaxFunction(null , map);
clearFiltering : function ( ) {
this .filter("" , "" , true );
sort : function (colunmId, sortOrder, isClear ) {
if (typeof (sortOrder) == "string" ) {
sortOrder = sortOrder.toLowerCase();
var map = {}
map[this .id + "rich:sorting" ] = colunmId + ":" + sortOrder + ":" + isClear;
this .ajaxFunction(null , map);
clearSorting : function ( ) {
this .sort("" , "" , true );
destroy : function ( ) {
jQuery(window ).unbind("resize" , this .updateLayout);
jQuery(richfaces.getDomElement(this .id + ':st' )).remove();
$super );
bindHeaderHandlers : function ( ) {
this .header.find(".rf-edt-rsz" ).bind("mousedown" , jQuery.proxy(this .beginResize, this ));
this .headerCells.bind("mousedown" , jQuery.proxy(this .beginReorder, this ));
updateLayout : function ( ) {
this .headerCells.height("auto" );
var headerCellHeight = 0 ;
this .headerCells.each(function ( ) {
if (this .clientHeight > headerCellHeight) {
headerCellHeight = this .clientHeight;
this .headerCells.height(headerCellHeight + "px" );
this .footerCells.height("auto" );
var footerCellHeight = 0 ;
this .footerCells.each(function ( ) {
if (this .clientHeight > footerCellHeight) {
footerCellHeight = this .clientHeight;
this .footerCells.height(footerCellHeight + "px" );
this .normalPartStyle.width = "auto" ;
var offsetWidth = this .frozenHeaderPartElement ? this .frozenHeaderPartElement.offsetWidth : 0 ;
var width = Math .max(0 , this .element.clientWidth - offsetWidth);
if (width) {
if (this .parts.width() > width) {
this .normalPartStyle.width = width + "px" ;
this .normalPartStyle.display = "block" ;
this = "" ;
if (this .scrollElement.clientWidth < this .scrollElement.scrollWidth
&& this .scrollElement.scrollHeight == this .scrollElement.offsetHeight) {
this = "scroll" ;
var delta = this .scrollElement.firstChild.offsetHeight - this .scrollElement.clientHeight;
if (delta) {
this = this .scrollElement.offsetHeight + delta;
} else {
this .normalPartStyle.display = "none" ;
var height = this .element.clientHeight;
var el = this .element.firstChild;
while (el && (!el.nodeName || el.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "TABLE" )) {
if (el.nodeName && el.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "DIV" && el != this .bodyElement) {
height -= el.offsetHeight;
el = el.nextSibling;
if (this .bodyElement.offsetHeight > height || !this .contentElement) {
this = height + "px" ;
adjustResizers : function ( ) {
var scrollLeft = this .scrollElement ? this .scrollElement.scrollLeft : 0 ;
var clientWidth = this .element.clientWidth - 3 ;
var i = 0 ;
for (; i < this .frozenColumnCount; i++) {
if (clientWidth > 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "none" ;
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "" ;
clientWidth -= this .resizerHolders[i].offsetWidth;
if (clientWidth <= 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "none" ;
scrollLeft -= 3 ;
for (; i < this .resizerHolders.length; i++) {
if (clientWidth > 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "none" ;
if (scrollLeft > 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "" ;
scrollLeft -= this .resizerHolders[i].offsetWidth;
if (scrollLeft > 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "none" ;
} else {
clientWidth += scrollLeft;
} else {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "" ;
clientWidth -= this .resizerHolders[i].offsetWidth;
if (clientWidth <= 0 ) {
this .resizerHolders[i].style.display = "none" ;
updateScrollPosition : function ( ) {
if (this .scrollElement) {
var scrollLeft = this .scrollElement.scrollLeft;
this .parts.each(function ( ) {
this .scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this .adjustResizers();
initialize : function ( ) {
this .bodyElement = document .getElementById(this .id + ":b" );
this .bodyElement.tabIndex = -1 ;
this .normalPartStyle = richfaces.utils.getCSSRule("div.rf-edt-cnt" ).style;
var bodyJQuery = jQuery(this .bodyElement);
this .contentElement = bodyJQuery.children("div:not(.rf-edt-ndt):first" )[0 ];
if (this .contentElement) {
this .spacerElement = this .contentElement.firstChild;
this .dataTableElement = this .contentElement.lastChild;
this .tbodies = jQuery(document .getElementById(this .id + ":tbf" )).add(document .getElementById(this .id + ":tbn" ));
this .rows = this .tbodies[0 ].rows.length;
this .rowHeight = this .dataTableElement.offsetHeight / this .rows;
if (this .rowCount != this .rows) {
this = (this .rowCount * this .rowHeight) + "px" ;
bodyJQuery.bind("scroll" , jQuery.proxy(this .bodyScrollListener, this ));
if (this .options.selectionMode != "none" ) {
this .tbodies.bind("click" , jQuery.proxy(this .selectionClickListener, this ));
bodyJQuery.bind(window .opera ? "keypress" : "keydown" , jQuery.proxy(this .selectionKeyDownListener, this ));
this .initializeSelection();
} else {
this .spacerElement = null ;
this .dataTableElement = null ;
this .parts = jQuery(this .element).find(".rf-edt-cnt, .rf-edt-ftr-cnt" );
this .updateLayout();
this .updateScrollPosition();
drag : function (event ) {
jQuery(this .dragElement).setPosition({left :Math .max(this .resizeData.left + MIN_WIDTH, event.pageX)});
return false ;
beginResize : function (event ) {
var id = event.currentTarget.parentNode.className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ];
this .resizeData = {
id : id,
left : jQuery(event.currentTarget).parent().offset().left
this = this .element.offsetHeight + "px" ;
jQuery(this .dragElement).setPosition({top :jQuery(this .element).offset().top, left :event.pageX});
this = "block" ;
jQuery(document ).bind("mousemove" , jQuery.proxy(this .drag, this ));
jQuery(document ).one("mouseup" , jQuery.proxy(this .endResize, this ));
return false ;
endResize : function (event ) {
jQuery(document ).unbind("mousemove" , this .drag);
this = "none" ;
var width = Math .max(MIN_WIDTH, event.pageX - this .resizeData.left);
this .setColumnWidth(this, width);
reorder : function (event ) {
jQuery(this .reorderElement).setPosition(event, {offset :[5 ,5 ]});
this = "block" ;
return false ;
beginReorder : function (event ) {
if (!jQuery("a, img, :input" )) {
this .idOfReorderingColumn = event.currentTarget.className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ];
jQuery(document ).bind("mousemove" , jQuery.proxy(this .reorder, this ));
this .headerCells.bind("mouseover" , jQuery.proxy(this .overReorder, this ));
jQuery(document ).one("mouseup" , jQuery.proxy(this .cancelReorder, this ));
return false ;
overReorder : function (event ) {
if (this .idOfReorderingColumn != event.currentTarget.className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ]) {
var eventElement = jQuery(event.currentTarget);
var offset = eventElement.offset();
jQuery(this .reorderMarkerElement).setPosition({top + eventElement.height(), left :offset.left - 5 });
this = "block" ;"mouseout" , jQuery.proxy(this .outReorder, this ));"mouseup" , jQuery.proxy(this .endReorder, this ));
outReorder : function (event ) {
this = "" ;
jQuery(event.currentTarget).unbind("mouseup" , this .endReorder);
endReorder : function (event ) {
this = "" ;
jQuery(event.currentTarget).unbind("mouseout" , this .outReorder);
var id = event.currentTarget.className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ];
var colunmsOrder = "" ;
var _this = this ;
this .headerCells.each(function ( ) {
var i = this .className.match(new RegExp (WIDTH_CLASS_NAME_BASE + "([^\\W]*)" ))[1 ];
if (i == id) {
colunmsOrder += _this.idOfReorderingColumn + "," + id + "," ;
} else if (i != _this.idOfReorderingColumn) {
colunmsOrder += i + "," ;
this .ajaxFunction(event, {"rich:columnsOrder" : colunmsOrder});
cancelReorder : function (event ) {
jQuery(document ).unbind("mousemove" , this .reorder);
this .headerCells.unbind("mouseover" , this .overReorder);
this = "none" ;
loadData : function (event ) {
var clientFirst = Math .round((this .bodyElement.scrollTop + this .bodyElement.clientHeight / 2 ) / this .rowHeight - this .rows / 2 );
if (clientFirst <= 0 ) {
clientFirst = 0 ;
} else {
clientFirst = Math .min(this .rowCount - this .rows, clientFirst);
this .ajaxFunction(event, {"rich:clientFirst" : clientFirst});
bodyScrollListener : function (event ) {
if (this .timeoutId) {
window .clearTimeout(this .timeoutId);
this .timeoutId = null ;
if (Math .max(event.currentTarget.scrollTop - this .rowHeight, 0 ) < this .spacerElement.offsetHeight
|| Math .min(event.currentTarget.scrollTop + this .rowHeight + event.currentTarget.clientHeight, event.currentTarget.scrollHeight) > this .spacerElement.offsetHeight + this .dataTableElement.offsetHeight) {
var _this = this ;
this .timeoutId = window .setTimeout(function (event ) {_this.loadData(event)}, 1000 );
showActiveRow : function ( ) {
if (this .bodyElement.scrollTop > this .activeIndex * this .rowHeight + this .spacerElement.offsetHeight) {
this .bodyElement.scrollTop = Math .max(this .bodyElement.scrollTop - this .rowHeight, 0 );
} else if (this .bodyElement.scrollTop + this .bodyElement.clientHeight
< (this .activeIndex + 1 ) * this .rowHeight + this .spacerElement.offsetHeight) {
this .bodyElement.scrollTop = Math .min(this .bodyElement.scrollTop + this .rowHeight, this .bodyElement.scrollHeight - this .bodyElement.clientHeight);
selectRow : function (index ) {
this .ranges.add(index);
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[index]).addClass("rf-edt-r-sel" );
deselectRow : function (index ) {
this .ranges.remove(index);
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[index]).removeClass("rf-edt-r-sel" );
setActiveRow : function (index ) {
if (typeof this .activeIndex == "number" ) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[this .activeIndex]).removeClass("rf-edt-r-act" );
this .activeIndex = index;
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[this .activeIndex]).addClass("rf-edt-r-act" );
resetShiftRow : function ( ) {
if (typeof this .shiftIndex == "number" ) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[this .shiftIndex]).removeClass("rf-edt-r-sht" );
this .shiftIndex = null ;
setShiftRow : function (index ) {
this .resetShiftRow();
this .shiftIndex = index;
if (typeof index == "number" ) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < this .tbodies.length; i++) {
jQuery(this .tbodies[i].rows[this .shiftIndex]).addClass("rf-edt-r-sht" );
initializeSelection : function ( ) {
this .ranges.clear();
var strings = this .selectionInput.value.split("|" );
this .activeIndex = strings[1 ] || null ;
this .shiftIndex = strings[2 ] || null ;
this .selectionFlag = null ;
var rows = this .tbodies[0 ].rows;
for (var i = 0 ; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = jQuery(rows[i]);
if (row.hasClass("rf-edt-r-sel" )) {
this .ranges.add(row[0 ].rowIndex)
if (row.hasClass("rf-edt-r-act" )) {
this .activeIndex = row[0 ].rowIndex;
if (row.hasClass("rf-edt-r-sht" )) {
this .shiftIndex = row[0 ].rowIndex;
this .writeSelection();
writeSelection : function ( ) {
this .selectionInput.value = [this .ranges, this .activeIndex, this .shiftIndex, this .selectionFlag].join("|" );
selectRows : function (range ) {
if (typeof range == "number" ) {
range = [range, range];
var changed;
var i = 0 ;
for (; i < range[0 ]; i++) {
if (this .ranges.contains(i)) {
this .deselectRow(i);
changed = true ;
for (; i <= range[1 ]; i++) {
if (!this .ranges.contains(i)) {
this .selectRow(i);
changed = true ;
for (; i < this .rows; i++) {
if (this .ranges.contains(i)) {
this .deselectRow(i);
changed = true ;
this .selectionFlag = typeof this .shiftIndex == "string" ? this .shiftIndex : "x" ;
return changed;
processSlectionWithShiftKey : function (index ) {
if (this .shiftIndex == null ) {
this .setShiftRow(this .activeIndex != null ? this .activeIndex : index);
var range;
if ("u" == this .shiftIndex) {
range = [0 , index];
} else if ("d" == this .shiftIndex) {
range = [index, this .rows - 1 ];
} else if (index >= this .shiftIndex) {
range = [this .shiftIndex, index];
} else {
range = [index, this .shiftIndex];
return this .selectRows(range);
onbeforeselectionchange : function (event ) {
return !this .options.onbeforeselectionchange || this .element, event) !== false ;
onselectionchange : function (event, index, changed ) {
if (!event.shiftKey) {
this .resetShiftRow();
if (this .activeIndex != index) {
this .setActiveRow(index);
this .showActiveRow();
if (changed) {
this .writeSelection();
if (this .options.onselectionchange) {
this .element, event);
selectionClickListener : function (event ) {
if (!this .onbeforeselectionchange(event)) {
return ;
var changed;
if (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey) {
if (window .getSelection) {
window .getSelection().removeAllRanges();
} else if (document .selection) {
document .selection.empty();
var tr =;
while (this .tbodies.index(tr.parentNode) == -1 ) {
tr = tr.parentNode;
var index = tr.rowIndex;
if (this .options.selectionMode == "single" || (this .options.selectionMode != "multipleKeyboardFree"
&& !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey)) {
changed = this .selectRows(index);
} else if (this .options.selectionMode == "multipleKeyboardFree" || (!event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey)) {
if (this .ranges.contains(index)) {
this .deselectRow(index);
} else {
this .selectRow(index);
changed = true ;
} else {
changed = this .processSlectionWithShiftKey(index);
this .onselectionchange(event, index, changed);
selectionKeyDownListener : function (event ) {
if (event.ctrlKey && this .options.selectionMode != "single" && (event.keyCode == 65 || event.keyCode == 97 )
&& this .onbeforeselectionchange(event)) {
this .selectRows([0 , rows]);
this .selectionFlag = "a" ;
this .onselectionchange(event, this .activeIndex, true );
} else {
var index;
if (event.keyCode == 38 ) {
index = -1 ;
} else if (event.keyCode == 40 ) {
index = 1 ;
if (index != null && this .onbeforeselectionchange(event)) {
if (typeof this .activeIndex == "number" ) {
index += this .activeIndex;
if (index >= 0 && index < this .rows) {
var changed;
if (this .options.selectionMode == "single" || (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey)) {
changed = this .selectRows(index);
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
changed = this .processSlectionWithShiftKey(index);
this .onselectionchange(event, index, changed);
ajaxComplete : function (event, data ) {
if (data.reinitializeHeader) {
this .bindHeaderHandlers();
} else {
this .selectionInput = document .getElementById(this .id + ":si" );
if (data.reinitializeBody) {
this .rowCount = data.rowCount;
this .initialize();
} else if (this .options.selectionMode != "none" ) {
this .initializeSelection();
if (this .spacerElement) {
this = (data.first * this .rowHeight) + "px" ;
var $super = richfaces.ui.ExtendedDataTable.$super ;
}(window .RichFaces, jQuery));