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acesubdea2 = Accept submissions deadline should be set after the due date.

acesubdea3 = Accept submissions deadline should be set after the open date.

acesubdea4 = Accept submissions deadline set to be in the past. Please make a correction or click on the original button again to proceed.

acesubdea5 = Accept resubmissions deadline set to be in the past. Please make a correction or click on the original button again to proceed.

acesubdea6 = Accept resubmissions deadline should be set after the open date.

areyousur_withSubmission = Are you sure you want to delete ''{0}'' which has submissions already?

areyousur_multiple = Are you sure you want to delete these assignments?

areyousur_single = Are you sure you want to delete this assignment?

assig3 = Assignment due date should be set after the open date.

assig4 = Assignment due date set to be in the past. Please make a correction or click on the original button again to proceed.

assig5 = Edited Assignment: Open Date for ''{0}''

assig6 = Assignment: Open Date for ''{0}''

attaonly = Attachments only

attempty = Can not submit empty attachments: ''{0}''.

cannotfin1 = Can not add the due date to calendar.

cannotfin_assignment = Can not find the assignment ''{0}''.

cannotfin_assignmentContent = Can not find the assignment content ''{0}''.

cannotfin3 = Can not find the assignment.

cannotfin4 = Can not find the assignment content.

cannotfin5 = Can not find the assignment submission.
cannotfin_site = Can not find site with id = ''{0}''.
cannotfin_submission = Can not find the assignment submission with id = ''{0}''.
cannotfin_submission_1 = Can not find the assignment submission for assignment reference =''{0}'' and user id=''{1}''.

cannotfin6 = Can not find the calendar event ''{0}''.

cannot_getEvents = Can not read events for calendar ''{0}''.

cannotmak = Can not make an announcement for the assignment open date.

cannotrem = Can not remove the old event for assignment ''{0}''.

check = Checkmark

conte = content.

delet = Delete

delete_assig.delanass  = Delete an assignment...
delete_assig.delass    = Delete assignments...

downall = Download All

downspr = Download Spreadsheet [XLSX]

draft = Drafted

dupli = Duplicate

gen.acesubunt     = Accept Until
gen.addatt        = Add Attachments
gen.addatttoassig	= Add Attachments to Assignment
gen.addatttoassig.singular = Add Attachment to Assignment
gen.addatttoassiginstr = Add an item from your computer or select an existing item from Resources. Once you've made your selection, select 'Continue', or select 'Cancel' to return without making any changes. You will return your assignment - which you should then save.
gen.adddroatt     = Add / Remove Attachments
gen.addduedat     = Add due date to calendar
gen.addhonple     = Add honor pledge
gen.addinst       = Additional instructor's comments about your submission
gen.addinst2       = Instructor's comments about your submission
gen.addinstatts   = Instructor's attachments to this submission
gen.addres2       = Additional resources for assignment
gen.alert         = Alert:
gen.anntheope     = Add an announcement about the open date to Announcements
gen.assdet        = Assignment Details
gen.assig         = Assignment
gen.assinf        = Assignment Instructions
gen.ass.lis.sum	 = List of assignments.
gen.asstit        = Assignment Title
gen.ass.remind    = Send a reminder email {0} hours before the due date            = at
gen.att           = Attachments
gen.attfprgra     = Attachments for grading
gen.atttoret      = Attachments to Return with Grade
gen.atttoret2      = Attachments to Return with Assignment
gen.availability  = Availability
gen.can           = Cancel
gen.can.discard   = Your changes will be discarded. Are you sure you want to cancel?
gen.clocli        = Close, click to open assignment instructions
gen.closed        = Closed
gen.creby         = Created by
gen.don           = Done
gen.dra1          = Draft
gen.agree         = Agree
gen.dra2          = Draft -
gen.due           = Due
gen.due.header    = Due
gen.duedat        = Due Date
gen.filatt        = File attachment
gen.folatt        = Folder attachment
gen.forpoi        = For points, enter maximum possible
gen.assign.gra	  = Grade
gen.gra           = Grade
gen.gra2          = Grade:
gen.grade.override  = Override grade with:
gen.grading				= Grading	 = Group
gen.groups	 = Groups   = Group Grade
gen.subformat = Select the format for student submission
group.issubmit   = Group Submission - One submission per group
gen.groupassignment	= Group Submission
gen.userassignment  = Individual Submission    = Section (do not use for group submissions)
group.submission.not.found   = Submission's Group Not Found  = You are representing the following group:
group.user.multiple.warning = The following users are in more than one group eligible to submit to this assignment:
group.must.member    = You must be a member of at least one group to submit!
group.already.submitted = Group has already submitted!
group.user.multiple.error  = At least one user is in more than one group.  Please see below.
group.error.title          = User in multiple groups!
group.error.message        = You or one of your group members are members of more than one group eligible to submit to this assignment.  Please inform your instructor that you will not be able to submit or view feedback until this error is resolved.
group.user.duplicate.error = ERROR: This user is in more than one eligible group!
group.user.grade.override = Grade override for {0}
gen.cant.change.after.draft = These additional options cannot be modified after the assignment has been posted for students.
gen.cant.change.setting.after.draft = - This setting can no longer be changed because of the additional options configuration
gen.history = History    = Visible Date
gen.checked 	  = Checked
gen.commented	 = Commented
gen.comments     = Comments:
gen.attachments   = Attachments
gen.regra         = Re-grade
gen.regrading         = Re-grading
gen.grarep        = Grade Report
gen.grasca        = Grade Scale
gen.hasbee        = Assignment has been submitted on
gen.hidassinf     = Hide assignment info
gen.honple        = Honor pledge:
gen.hpa.title     = Honor Pledge
gen.hpa.text      = I have not given, received, or used any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.
gen.viewasstablesummary  = Assignment settings.
gen.viewassliststudentsummary  = List of students that have turned in assignments.
gen.viewassliststudentdetails  = List of students with additional info.
gen.viewasslistreportsummary  = List of graded student assignments.            = In
gen.inpro         = In progress
gen.instr         = Instructions
gen.instrcomment	 = Instructor Summary Comments             = to
gen.late          = late
gen.late2		 = - late
gen.lisofassto    = List of assignments to be deleted
gen.mod           = Modified
gen.modbyins      = Modified by instructor           = New            = No
gen.noasscan      = Assignments cannot be submitted after the close date.
gen.noatt         = No attachments yet
gen.noattsubmitted=No attachments submitted
gen.nograd        = No Grade
gen.notavail      = This assignment is not available; Status: {0}
gen.notope = Not Open gen.notset = Not Set gen.notsta = Not Started gen.hpsta = Honor Pledge Accepted gen.of = of = Open gen.orisub = Original submission text gen.orisub2 = Original submission text with the instructor's comments inserted if applicable gen.orisub3 = Last submission text with instructor comments inserted if applicable gen.outof = out of gen.peerReviews = Peer Reviews = P/F gen.pos = Post gen.position = Position gen.pre = Preview gen.relea = Released gen.resub = Re-submitted gen.retu = Return gen.backtolist = Back to list gen.reorder = Reorder = Review gen.peerreview.subm4 = Peer Review Submitted gen.peerreview.todo = Peer Review ({0}) Due {1} gen.reviewer.who = Reviewer: {0} ({1}) gen.reviewer.countReview = Reviewer ({0}) gen.reordertitle = Organize Default Assignment List View gen.retustud = Save and Release to Student gen.retustudtit = Save and return comments and grade to student gen.returned = Returned gen.revi = Edit gen.sav = Save gen.savdra = Save Draft gen.savdragra = Save and Don't Release to Student gen.savdratit = Save comments and grade, but do not return to student yet = Scale gen.score.display = Score: {0} gen.sect = Section gen.settfor = Settings for gen.sorasc = Sort ascending gen.sorbydue = Sort by due date gen.sortinstruct = Move an item within the list by clicking an arrow on the left or adjusting a drop-down menu. To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the page. gen.sorbygra = Sort by Grade gen.sorbylas = Sort by Last Name gen.sorbymax = Sort by max grade available gen.sortbyfor = Sort by audience gen.sortbyforasc = Sort by audience ascending gen.sortbyfordesc = Sort by audience descending gen.sordes = Sort descending gen.staass = Start assignment gen.status = Status gen.stuatt = Submitted Attachments gen.student = Student gen.students = Students gen.stunam = Student Name gen.stusub = Student Submissions gen.submissionType= Submission Type gen.stuvie = Student View gen.stuvieof = Student view of the assignment gen.stucantdo = Students can not save or submit the assignment until the open date. gen.stuwonsee = Students will not see this assignment until the viewable date. gen.subm = Assignment Submission gen.submission = Submission gen.resubmission = Resubmission gen.notes = Notes gen.details = Details gen.openquote = " gen.closequote = " gen.subm2 = Submissions gen.subm3 = Submit gen.subm4 = Submitted gen.subm5 = Submitted Date gen.subm6 = Graded Date: gen.sumcom = Summary comments gen.theare2 = There are no submissions. gen.thearecur1 = There are currently no assignments at this location. gen.thearecur2 = There are currently no submissions at this location. gen.theassall4 = This assignment allows submissions using both the text box below and attached documents. Type your submission in the box below and/or use the Browse button or the "select files" button to include other documents. Save frequently while working. gen.theassall6 = This assignment allows submissions using the text box below only. Type in your submission. Save frequently while working. gen.yoursubwill = Your submission will be sent to {0} to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism. gen.subStudentPreview = This assignment has enabled student preview which allows students to submit as many papers as a draft as they wish. A draft paper report is only visible to the owner of the paper, however instructors will be able to see the number of draft submissions and the report scores of each draft. Also, if there is a due date, the most recent draft will automatically be submitted if the student has no other submissions. Students can submit a draft paper as their final submission at any time within the plagiarism report. gen.onlythefoll = Only the following file types will be accepted: {0} gen.theassinf = The assignment info gen.title = Title gen.view2 = View gen.yes = Yes gen.youmus = (You must respond to submit your assignment.) gen.yousub = Your Submission = Review gen.reviewing = Reviewing gen.submittedtext = Submitted Text gen.visible = For gen.applygrade=Apply gen.viewallgroupssections = Entire Site gen.toggle = toggle select all gen.hideduedate = Hide due date from students grad2 = Grade entered ''{0}'' is larger than the maximum grade allowed ''{1}''. Please make a correction or click the original button again to save the entered value ''{0}''. grad3 = Graded gradingsub.belisthe = Below is the submission from a student. You can insert comments into this text by clicking in the box, then type your comments. Comments surrounded by double curly braces, {{like this}}, will appear red to the student. gradingsub.nosubmittedtext = There is no student submitted text. gradingsub.opecliass = Open, click to close assignment instruction gradingsub.prefee = Previous Feedback Comment gradingsub.prefee2 = Instructor comments to previous submissions gradingsub.prefeetex = Previous Feedback Text gradingsub.prefeetex2 = Other previous submissions with instructor comments inserted if applicable gradingsub.prefeetex3 = Previous submissions with instructor comments inserted if applicable gradingsub.prefeedbackAttachments = Previous Returned Attachments gradingsub.pregra = Previous Grade(s) gradingsub.usethebel1 = Use the box below to enter additional summary comments about this submission. gradingsub.usethebel2 = Use the box below to enter summary comments about this submission's attachment or the grade. granotset = Grade Type Not Set hassum = Assignment {0} has submissions. hasDraftSum = Some students have started working on the assignment but have not submitted yet. inlin = Inline only inlinatt = Inline and Attachments # months (used in chef_dateselectionwidget macro in VM_chef_library.vm) jan = JAN feb = FEB mar = MAR apr = APR may = MAY jun = JUN jul = JUL aug = AUG sep = SEP oct = OCT nov = NOV dec = DEC = Select day dateselectionwidget.month = Select month dateselectionwidget.year = Select year dateselectionwidget.hour = Select hour dateselectionwidget.minute = Select minute dateselectionwidget.ampm = Select AM or PM letter = Letter grade lisofass1 = Assignments lisofass2 = Assignments by Student listassig.allgroups = All groups listassig.filterbygroup = Filter by group: listassig.searchgroup = Search group listassig.sorbynum1 = Sort by number of total submissions listassig.sorbynum2 = Sort by number of ungraded submissions listassig.sorbyope=Sort by open date listassig.sorbysec = Sort by section list.sorbysta = Sort by status listassig.sorbytit = Sort by title listsub.grasub = Grade submission listsub.nosub = No Submission listsub.sorbyrel = Sort by Released listsub.sorbysub = Sort by Submission Times = by listsub.submitted.on.behalf = on behalf of new = Add new.title = Add new assignment edit = - Edit newass = new assignment newassig.comfor = Complete the form and then choose 'Post'. An asterisk (*) indicates required information. newassig.opedat = Open Date newassig.selectmessage = Press Enter, then use alt + up and down arrows to scroll through menu newassig.tosel = To select more than one section: hold down the (PC - CTRL, Mac - Apple) key while clicking on the 2nd and subsequent sections. newope = Updated open date for assignment ''{0}'' is {1}. opedat = Open date for assignment ''{0}'' is {1}. passfail = Pass/Fail pass = Pass permis = Permissions plespethe1 = Please specify the assignment title. plespethe2 = Please specify the grade. plespethe3 = Please specify the maximum points. plesuse0 = ''{0}'' is invalid. Please use correct grade string. plesuse1 = Please use a number for the grade field. plesuse2 = Please use only {0} decimal place(s) for the grade field. plesuse3 = Please use a positive number or zero for the grade field. plesuse4 = {0} is greater than the maximum value allowed by the system. Please enter a value no greater than {1}. pleasee6 = Points must match assignments in the selected Gradebook category ({0}) points = Points prevassig.hidass = Hide assignment prevassig.hidstuvie = Hide student view prevassig.preass = Previewing assignment... prevassig.shoass = Show assignment prevassig.shostuvie = Show student view releas = Released relgrad = Release Grades relcommented = Release Commented repsubmi.sorbysca = Sort by Scale repsubmi.sorbytur = Sort by Turned In Date return = Returned setperfor = Set permissions for Assignments in worksite somelsis_assignment = Someone else is editing this assignment ''{0}''. somelsis_submission = Someone else is editing this submission ''{0}''. somelsis_assignmentContent = Someone else is editing this assignment content ''{0}''. somelsis_calendar = Someone else is editing this calendar. sort.summary = Table holds items to be sorted. Second column holds link to move item up. Third: link to move down. Last: select to move item to specific location sort.caption = List of resources to be sorted sort.moveup = Move up sort.movedn = Move down stulistassig.asshasbee1 = (Assignment has been deleted) stulistassig.selanass1 = The list of assignments below appears exactly as a student will see it. By clicking 'Submit as Student', you can work through the assignment exactly as a student will, including submitting the assignment. stulistassig.selanass = Select an assignment to view details, start working or edit your previous work. stulistsunbm.chotri = Click the triangle icon beside a student to view the student's status for all assignments. stulistsunbm.hidstuass = Hide student's assignments/submissions stulistsunbm.listhestu = List the student submission for every assignment. Column 1: student name - click to expand. When expanded, columns 2-5 display assignment title, submission, status and grade. stulistsunbm.shostuass = Show student's assignments/submissions stupresub.max = max stuviewgrad.thegradet = The grading detail of assignment submission stuviewsubm.asshasbee2 = Assignment has been graded/commented. stuviewsubm.asshasbee3 = Assignment has been resubmitted on stuviewsubm.asshasbee4 = Assignment has been returned on stuviewsubm.asshasnot = Complete the form, then choose the appropriate button at the bottom. stuviewsubm.assattonly = Add attachment(s), then choose the appropriate button at the bottom. stuviewsubm.entbelo = Enter resubmission text below stuviewsubm.plesub = Please submit again with your changes. stuviewsubm.theassall2 = This assignment allows submissions by attaching documents only. stuviewsubm.theclodat = The close date of the assignment has passed. You can no longer submit to this assignment. stuviewsubm.youatt = Your attached submission stuviewsubm.submissatt =Submission attachment(s) stuviewsubm.listsummary=List of attachments. Column 1: attachment link; column 2: attachment properties; column 3: link to remove attachment from list stuviewsubm.listsummary.simple=List of attachments. Column 1: attachment link; column 2: attachment properties; stuviewsubm.removeatt=Remove stuviewsubm.attfromcomputerlabel=Select a file from computer stuviewsubm.attfromcomputerlabelmore=Select more files from computer stuviewsubm.attfromserverlabel=or select files from 'Home' or site stuviewsubm.attfromserverlabel.singular=or select a file from workspace or site stuviewsubm.attfromserverlabelmore= or select more files from 'Home' or site feedbacktext = Feedback Text stuviewsubm.submitreminder=Don't forget to save or submit! stuviewsubm.modifytoresubmit=You may resubmit if you modify this submission. stuviewsubm.reminder=Don't forget to submit your work! A confirmation message will be displayed after submission. feedbackcomment = Feedback Comment stuviewsubm.typesubhaschanged.inline = The submission type for this assignment has changed. This text from your previous submission is for your reference only and will NOT be included if you resubmit. stuviewsubm.typesubhaschanged.attach = The submission type for this assignment has changed. These files from your previous submission are for your reference only and will NOT be included if you resubmit. stuviewsubm.typesubhaschanged.singleUploadedFileOnly = The submission type for this assignment has changed to only accept a single file. To resubmit, select one file from your previous submission or upload a new file. stuviewsubm.uploadnew = Upload a new file # Taggable tag.emptylist = There are no tags to display. tag.tags = Tags tag.list.summary = Table contains list of tags associated with current assignment. theassiid_isnotval = The assignment id ''{0}'' is not valid. theassiid_hasnotbee = The assignment id ''{0}'' has not been used. theassicon = The assignment content is being edited by another user. theisno = There is no such assignment. theisnostudent = There is no student. thiasshas = This assignment has no instructions. Please make a correction or click the original button to proceed. ungra = Ungraded fail = Fail viewassig.datcre = Date created viewassig.datmod = Date modified viewassig.shoassinf = Show assignment info viewassig.theassall1 = This assignment allows both typed in text and/or attached documents.Type in your submission in the box below, and use the Browse button or the "select files" button to include other documents as part of your submission. Save frequently while working. viewassig.theassall3 = This assignment allows submissions by attaching documents only. Use the Add Attachments button below to attach 1 or more documents. viewassig.theassall5 = This assignment allows submissions using the text box below only. Please type in your submission and save frequently while working. viewassig.viewass1 = Viewing assignment... youarenot_addAssignment = You are not allowed to add assignment. youarenot_addAssignmentContent = You are not allowed to add assignment content. youarenot_removeAssignment = You are not allowed to remove the assignment id = ''{0}''. youarenot11_c = You are not allowed to remove the assignment content id = youarenot_removeSubmission = You are not allowed to remove the assignment submission id = ''{0}'' youarenot12 = You are not allowed to submit an answer. youarenot13 = You are not allowed to submit an assignment. youarenot_viewAssignment = You are not allowed to view the assignment ''{0}''. youarenot_editAssignment = You are not allowed to edit the assignment ''{0}''. youarenot_editSubmission = You are not allowed to edit the assignment submission ''{0}''. youarenot_viewAssignmentContent = You are not allowed to view the assignment content ''{0}''. youarenot_viewSubmission = You are not allowed to view the submission ''{0}''. youarenot17 = You are revising an assignment after the due date. youarenot18 = You have to check the honor pledge before submission. youarenot19 = You are not allowed to reorder assignments. youarenot20 = You are revising an assignment after the open date. youarenot21 = You have to agree to the EULA to submit to {0} youarenot4 = You are not allowed to create assignment submission. youarenot5 = You are not allowed to duplicate assignment. youarenot6 = You are not allowed to edit the assignment. youmust1 = You must attach at least one document before submission. youmust2 = You must either type in your answer in the text input or attach at least one document before submission. youmust6 = You must choose the assignment(s) first, and then click the 'Remove Selected' button to delete the selected assignment(s). youmust7 = You must type in your answer in the text input area before submission. youmust8 = You must upload an attachment #added during legacy tool refactoring = Show list.itemsper = items... update = Update removedAssignmentList = Removed Assignments removeSelected = Remove Selected selectAssignments = Select Assignments restoreSelected = Restore Selected hardRemoveSelected = Permanently Remove Selected restoreConfirmation = These items will be restored. Are you sure? hardRemoveConfirmation = These items will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered. Are you sure? subasstudent = Submit as Student alert.globalNavi = If you choose to exit without clicking any of the assignment submission navigation action buttons at the top or bottom of this page, you will lose your work. Please choose one of these buttons or navigate to your chosen page and abandon your work on this page. viewassign = View Assignment subexampleassign = Submit Example Assignment viewexampleassign= View Example Assignment assignmenttext = Assignment Text submitforstudent = Submit on behalf of Student submitforstudentnotallowed = Submit on behalf of Student (not available after due date) resubmit = Resubmit viewsubmission = View Submission viewsubmissions = View Submissions allowResubmit = Allow Resubmission allowGradeOverride = Assign Grade Overrides allowVisibleDate = Use Visible Date gen.first = First gen.previous = Previous = Next gen.last = Last gen.remove = Remove gen.remove.q = Remove? addtogradebook = Add to Gradebook addtogradebook.wrongGradeScale = Gradebook integration is only available when Grade Scale is set to Points. addtogradebook.nonUniqueTitle = The assignment {0} has been created but has not been associated with a new Gradebook item due to an existing item of the same name or the name starting with reserved characters (* and #). Please edit the assignment title. addtogradebook.illegalPoints = The assignment could not be added to Gradebook. To add to Gradebook, edit the assignment and enter a value greater than zero for points. addtogradebook.alertMessage = Exception while getting site gradebook, exception below: addtogradebook.previouslyAssoc = You are trying to associate this assignment with an already associated Gradebook item and scores might be overwritten. Do you want to continue? date.invalid = Invalid date setting for {0}. date.closedate = close date date.resubmission.closedate = resubmission close date date.allpurpose.releasedate = release date of All Purpose item date.allpurpose.retractdate = retract date of All Purpose item gen.viewing = Viewing gen.items = items gen.required=required gen.notrequired= Not required = Feedback Attachment(s) download.spreadsheet.title = Assignment Submission Excel File = Site: = Download date: download.spreadsheet.column.userid = User Id = Name # AssignmentActivityProducer ## the column headers in grades.csv file in zip download ID grades.eid=ID grades.lastname=Last Name grades.firstname=First Name grades.grade=grade grades.members=Users #group related variables = Display to site displayto.selected = Display only to selected groups range.allgroups = site group = Group groups = Groups group.editsite.nopermission = Cannot edit the group state due to site permissions. group.list.summary = Table contains list of groups. First will contain checkboxes, second will contain the group name, third the group description. Header links can be used to sort group.list.descr = Description java.alert.youchoosegroup = You need to choose at least one group. nostudent = There is no student in the site. grading=Grading not add assignment to Gradebook grading.no2=Do not associate assignment to Gradebook grading.add=Add Assignment to Gradebook grading.associate=Associate with existing Gradebook item grading.associate.warn=Sorry! You need to pick a point grade to do this. grading.associate.alert=You must select a Gradebook item. a Gradebook Item grading.alert.draft.beforeclosedate=The Accept Until Date has not yet passed, and this assignment may still be worked on by the student. Are you sure you want to grade? grading.unassigned=Unassigned grading.ofcategory=of Category grading.categorylist=(Optional) Choose a gradebook category access=Access (also limits groups for group submissions) grading.alert.multiTab=Your grade, comments and feedback have not been saved. You will need to enter them again. You can only open one student submission at a time. If you open a second student's work before leaving the first student's submission, the first submission cannot be graded until you close all the submissions, and then open it. To avoid this problem, please do not open multiple browser-windows or tabs while you are grading. We recommend that you close and restart your browser, and then log back into the system, before continuing with your grading. grading.reminder=Important Reminder: grading.reminder.body=Please do not grade assignments with multiple browser windows or tabs. Grade assignments and navigate the system with only one browser window. grading.reminder.anon=Grading for this peer review is anonymous, so do not post your name in the reviewer comments section. ## SAK-17606 grading.anonymous=Anonymous grading grading.anonymous.title=anonymous withheld) allow.resubmit.number=Number of resubmissions allowed allow.resubmit.number.unlimited=Unlimited allow.resubmit.closeTime=Accept Resubmission Until assignment.copy = Copy ## max grade grade.max=max ## no-submission grade non.submission.grade=Found {0} participant(s). Assign this grade to participants without a grade: select default grade: ## for not graded non-electronic submission grades not.graded.non.electronic.submission.grade=Found {0} participant(s). Assign this grade to ungraded non-electronic submissions: ##################UPV added not_allowed_to_submit=You are not allowed to submit to this assignment. ### Non-electronic submission nonelec=Non-electronic nonelec_instruction=This assignment does not accept online submissions. Contact your instructor for additional instructions. nonelec_instruction2=This non-electronic assignment does not accept student submissions. ## on the submission confirmation page confirm.savesubmission.title = Saved Assignment Confirmation confirm.submission.title=Submission Confirmation confirm.savesubmission.success=You have successfully saved your work but NOT submitted yet. To complete submission, you must select the Submit button. confirm.submission.success=You have successfully submitted your work. confirm.submission.label.user=User: confirm.submission.label.classsite=Class site: assignment.title=Assignment: = Saved Assignment ID: ID: confirm.savesubmission.include=Your saved assignment included the following: confirm.submission.include=Your submission included the following: confirm.savesubmission.notext=No saved assignment Text confirm.submission.notext=No submission text confirm.savesubmission.attachments=Saved attachments: will receive an email confirmation containing this information. email confirmation containing this information could be sent to you due to missing email address. confirm.submission.button=OK Notification Email Options: a notification email for each student submission one email per day summarizing notifications for student submissions not send notification emails for any student submissions # on the download/upload all page, most of the attributes are shared between upload and download process uploadall.title = Upload All uploadall.instruction=Select an archive file to upload, choose options, and then click 'Upload' at the bottom. Required items marked with uploadall.instruction2=The archive file should contain a folder for each student. uploadall.instruction3=Download Template uploadall.instruction4=Each folder can contain a comments.txt file, the student's submission with instructor comments you have added, and/or other files you want to return with the student's submission. The upload time needed is related to the zip file size and the connection speed. If you only need to upload a subset of the zip file, please limit your zip file size first by choosing options accordingly in the Download All process. downloadall.instruction=Choose download options, and then click 'Download' at the bottom. uploadall.choose.file=File: uploadall.choose.file2=Choose which elements in the archive file to upload uploadall.choose.file.studentSubmissionText=Student submission text (original student submitted text, possibly containing instructor added comments) uploadall.choose.file.studentSubmissionAttachment=Student submission attachment(s) uploadall.choose.file.gradeFile=Grade file (file at top level of archive) uploadall.choose.file.gradeFile.csv=CSV format, file grades.csv uploadall.choose.file.gradeFile.excel=EXCEL format, file grades.xls uploadall.choose.file.feedbackTexts=Feedback text (the inline comments with student submission) uploadall.choose.file.feedbackComments=Feedback comments (comments.txt file if available in student's folder. Comments are put into the Instructor Comments field for each student's submission) uploadall.choose.file.includeNotSubmitted=Include students who have not yet submitted uploadall.choose.file.confirm = You have selected the archive file for uploading. Files contained in the archive will be uploaded to the corresponding student submission for the assignment. uploadall.releaseOption=Select release option uploadall.releaseOption.yes=Release uploaded grades and feedback comments to students not release uploaded information - I'll release it later uploadall.button.upload=Upload uploadall.alert.choose.element=You must choose at least one element in the archive file to upload. uploadall.alert.wrongZipFormat=ZIP file is not in correct format. Please ensure that ZIP file contains student folders or grades.csv file at the root level. uploadall.alert.incorrectFormat=ZIP file is not in correct format. uploadall.alert.invalidUserId=Please ensure that user id's correctly match those in the site and the folders are in the top level of the zip (not nested). uploadall.alert.noGradeFile=Please ensure there is a grade file and correct folder structure. uploadall.alert.nocsv=CSV grades file format was selected, but no grades.csv file was found at the root level. uploadall.alert.noexcel=Excel grades file format was selected, but no grades.xls file was found at the root level. downloadall.alert.choose.element=You must choose at lease one element in the download options. uploadall.alert.zipFile=You have not selected a zip archive file. You must select either a .zip or a .sit archive file as the upload file. uploadall.note=NOTICE: If you switch between languages in your preferences, for example English to Spanish, you will need to upload this archive in the same language as it was downloaded (or re-download and use a new archive). downloadall.note=NOTICE: If you switch between languages in your preferences, for example English to Spanish, you will need to upload this archive in the same language as it was downloaded (or re-download and use a new archive). # SAK-19147 Assignments : Download All - flat file structure uploadall.folders.yes=Save submissions in separate user folders all selected download options in one folder (This CANNOT be loaded back into Assignments) review.use = Use {0} = {0} is not available for non-electronic submissions. = {0} is not available for non-electronic submissions. "Use Turnitin" has been deselected below. review.allow = Allow students to view report = Report = Expand reports = Collapse reports = Exempt from Urkund review.reports = reports review.submit.papers.repository=Submit papers to the following repository: review.submit.papers.repository.none=None review.submit.papers.repository.standard=Standard Paper Repository review.submit.papers.repository.institution=Institution Paper Repository review.originality.reports=Generate originality reports: review.originality.reports.immediately=Immediately review.originality.reports.due=On Due Date review.originality.reports.immediately_and_due=Immediately and On Due Date review.originality.check=Check originality against: review.originality.check.turnitin=Turnitin paper repository review.originality.check.internet=Current and archived internet, journals, and publications review.originality.check.institution=Institution-specific repository review.exclude.bibliographic=Exclude bibliographic materials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment review.exclude.quoted=Exclude quoted materials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment the default for all reports submitted to this assignment. To reduce the number of false matches, we recommend excluding quotes by default. You will still retain the ability to toggle this option for each individual report after submission. review.exclude.self.plag=Exclude self plagiarism within course the default for all reports submitted to this assignment. To reduce the number of false matches, we recommend excluding self plagiarism in the same course by default. You will still retain the ability to toggle this option for each individual report after submission. Self plagiarism will always be checked against the user's reports in other courses. paper in institutional index the default for all reports submitted to this assignment. If you choose not to store reports in your institutional index, the reports will not be used to check for plagiarism against other student reports in your institution. Once a report has been submitted, you cannot change this option for that report. review.studentPreview=Enable Student Preview you choose to enable student preview, users will be able to review and re-submit their papers until the due date. Instructors will only be able to see the final submission but a record of the scores for each paper will show in the report logs. If the assignment has a due date, the student's most recent draft will automatically be submitted if there are no submissions from a student. It is recommended that you set a due date for this assignment and allow the students to view their reports. review.exclude.smallMatches=Exclude small matches matches by: review.exclude.matches.wordmax=Up to a Word Count of: review.exclude.matches.percentage=Percentage: review.exclude.matches.value_error=A value from 0-100 is required when excluding small matches for Turnitin. review.exclude.matches.header=Exclusion options: review.file.not.accepted=The file you have tried to upload is not accepted by {0}. Please upload a file that is one of the following types: {1} review.advancedSettings.vericite=VeriCite Advanced Settings review.eula.agreement=I have read and agree to the following review.eula=End User License Agreement turnitinoc.exclude.header=Exclude from Similarity Reports turnitinoc.exclude.quoted=Quotes turnitinoc.exclude.bibliography=Bibliography turnitinoc.index.header=Submission Indexing submissions will be available for comparison in Similarity Reports turnitinoc.index.all=Index all submissions turnitinoc.generate.header=Generate Similarity Reports turnitinoc.instructions=Learn more about Turnitin settings gen.sorbyreview = Sort by review gen.rev = TurnItIn review.notavail = Not available yet review.viewreport = View Report review.title = {0} Plagiarism Service review.noreport = no report review.contentReviewIndicator=Originality of submissions will be verified by {0}. review.required=Please enter required information for the {0} Plagiarism Service settings. ## notification email content noti.subject.label=Subject: noti.subject.content=Email notification for assignment submission Title: URL: noti.assignment.duedate=Assignment Due Date: noti.student=Student: noti.submit.time=Submitted on: noti.archive.empty=Archive is empty. ## navigation labels nav.prev=< Previous nav.list=Return to List > nav.message=(Changes will be saved) nav.header = Navigate Submissions nav.prev.ungraded = < Previous Ungraded = Next Ungraded > nav.view.subsOnly = Navigate between students with submissions only gen.opendate.annc = Announce the open date ## supplement supplement = Supplement Items extraNodesRequired = Please enter required information. additional_information = Additional information ## model answer modelAnswer = Model Answer modelAnswer.instruction=Provide a model answer or a solution to the assignment modelAnswer.show_to_student.prompt=Show to students modelAnswer.show_to_student.tooltip=Choose when to show the model answer to students modelAnswer.show_to_student.0=--select one-- modelAnswer.show_to_student.1=Before student starts assignment modelAnswer.show_to_student.2=After student submits modelAnswer.show_to_student.3=After submission is graded and returned modelAnswer.show_to_student.4=After accept-until date modelAnswer.alert.modelAnswer=Please provide model answer text. modelAnswer.alert.showto=Please choose proper time for showing model answer to students. ## private note note = Private Note note.label = Private Notes note.instruction = You can use a note to track assignment issues, thoughts, etc. Available to those you specify while grading. = Share = Choose who to show this note to = -- select one -- = Keep private to myself = Allow other instructors to read = Allow other instructors to read and edit note.alert.text=Please enter the private note text. choose share option for private note. ## all purpose of item allPurpose = All Purpose Item allPurpose.instruction = Information displayed at a specific time to whomever you choose. = Show this item = From = Until = Date: = Time: = Hide this item = Show to = Expand = Collapse = List allPurpose.user.selection.count= selected allPurpose.alert.title=Please enter title for the All Purpose item. allPurpose.alert.text=Please enter information text for the All Purpose item. allPurpose.alert.access=Please choose access list for the All Purpose item. allPurpose.alert.release.afer.retract=The show start date of all purpose item cannot be set after the show until date. all = All = Show Settings for Allowing Resubmissions allowResubmission.hide = Hide Settings for Allowing Resubmissions allowResubmission.label = Select User(s) and Allow Resubmission allowResubmission.groups.label = Select Group(s) and Allow Resubmission allowResubmission.instruction = Select user(s) and apply the resubmission settings. allowResubmission.groups.instruction = Select group(s) and apply the resubmission settings. allowResubmission.nouser = Please choose at least one user for setting the resubmission choices. allowResubmission.toggleall = Select/unselect all to allow for resubmission = Allow resubmission from #SAK-31405 assignment.print=Print assignment.additional.notes.file.title=additional-info assignment.additional.notes.export.title=Additional Notes about Students assignment.additional.notes.export.header=Additional notes have been made about the following students: assignment.additional.notes.export.footer=The markers of their assignments should be notified, so this information can be taken into account. assignment.additional.notes.students.explanation= Your student record shows that the following notes apply to you: {0} ## single file upload singleatt = Single Uploaded File only att.upl = Choose File: size.exceeded = The upload size limit of {0} MB has been exceeded. notpermis4 = You do not have proper permissions to add resources. alert.toolong = The name ''{0}'' is too long. failed = Operation could not be completed at this time. failed.upload = Upload of file failed. failed.diskio=The file upload process is not finished due to server disk i/o error. choosefile7 = Please choose the file to attach. ## link to calendar assign_due_event_desc=Assignment {0} is due on {1}. ## confirm success grading of submission saved_grading=Comments and/or grade have been saved. ## Advise to use the navigation on the page use_form_navigation=Please use previous and next buttons on page to navigate assignments. ## cancel changes button cancel_changes=Cancel Changes Grade Notification Email Options: not send notification email to student when the grade is released notification email to student when the grade is released noti.releasegrade.subject.content=Email notification for assignment released grade noti.releasegrade.text=Your submission to assignment ''{0}'' has been returned. Please go to {1} to view details. not_allowed_to_grade_in_gradebook=The assignment is associated with a Gradebook item. Since you are not allowed to grade in Gradebook, you cannot grade here in Assignments tool. However, you can still update the comment area and upload attachment(s) for grading purposes. not_allowed_to_grade_submission=You are not allowed to grade submission {0}. ## for gradebook item already associated with certain assignment usedGradebookAssignment=associated with ''{0}'' ## options for assignment list view display options = Options youarenot_options = You are not allowed to edit Assignment tool options. options_instruction = Please choose the display option for the assignment grading page. options_default = Default (show all user submissions) options_searchonly = Only show user submissions according to Group Filter and Search result options_cannotFindSite = Cannot find site with id = '{0}'. options_cannotEditSite = You do not have permission to edit site with id = '{0}'. view_instruction = Please choose a group to view student submissions. search = Find search_students = Find students search_clear = Clear search_student_instruction = Name, ID, or Email please_select_group=Please select a group: nostudent_searchview=No student is found that meet the search criteria and view filter. same_assignment_title=Assignment with the same title ''{0}'' exists in the site. Please use a different title. #Reorder Vm reorder.title=Organize Default Assignment List View reorder.instruction.general=To reorder, drag and drop list items, or use the keyboard U and D keys, and then click Save. reorder.instruction.input= You can also edit list order numbers. reorder.instruction.general.hidden=Tab into list and hold Control key and use arrow keys to sort. reorder.undo.last.label=Undo last reorder.undo.all.label=Undo all number smaller than # please! ## the url used by download all process download_url_reminder = You have chosen to download student submissions. If you encountered a problem downloading all submissions, click on the following link: download_url_link_label = Download allPurpose_save = Save allPurpose_cancel = Cancel # EntityProvider properties assignment=Represents assignments for a given site. assignment.action.deepLinkWithPermissions=The action takes assignment reference, and boolean value for allowReadAssignment, allowAddAssignment, allowSubmitAssignment and returns the deepLink url. Here is the request url pattern: /direct/assignment/deepLinks/{assignment_ref} with parameters {bool_allowRead}, {bool_allowAdd} and {bool_allowSubmit} assignment.action.deepLink=The action takes assignment reference, returns the deepLink url for current user. Here is the request url pattern: /direct/assignment/deepLinks/{assignment_ref} assignment.action.annc=The action takes assignment reference, and returns information about assignment for announcement integration. The assignment information includes assignment object, context, assignmentId, assignmentTitle, assignmentUrl. Here is the request url pattern: /direct/assignment/annc/{assignment_ref} with paramter {messageId} the assignments for a site. The request url pattern: /direct/assignment/site/{siteId}.{format}.gradebookItemId returns data in 3 different format 1) ""- if an assignment is not associated with gradebook 2) "{String-of gradebookItem name}"- when Associate an assignment with existing Gradebook item 3)"\/assignment\/a\/{site_id}\/{assignment-id}"- when Adding Assignment to Gradebook. assignment.action.item=Retrieve an assignment specified by the assignment id. The request url pattern: /direct/assignment/item/{assignmentId}.{format} all my assignments for all of my sites. The request url pattern: /direct/assignment/my.{format} content_review.error.SUBMISSION_ERROR_RETRY_CODE = An error occurred submitting this attachment to the originality checking service. The system will automatically try to re-submit this attachment. content_review.error.SUBMISSION_ERROR_NO_RETRY_CODE = An error occurred while submitting this attachment to the originality checking service. content_review.error.SUBMISSION_ERROR_USER_DETAILS_CODE = An error occurred while submitting this attachment to the originality checking service. The user details are incomplete or invalid. content_review.error.REPORT_ERROR_RETRY_CODE = An error occurred while retrieving the originality report for this attachment. The system will automatically try to re-retrieve the report. content_review.error.REPORT_ERROR_NO_RETRY_CODE = An error occurred while retrieving the originality report for this attachment. The report cannot be retrieved. content_review.error.SUBMISSION_ERROR_RETRY_EXCEEDED_CODE = All attempts to submit this attachment for originality review failed. Limit on submission attempts reached. = This attachment has been submitted and is pending review. content_review.error = An unknown error occurred. The originality review for this attachment is not available. content_review.error.createAssignment=An error with {0} has occurred while creating this assignment. {1} has saved the assignment in draft mode. Please try posting this assignment again later. {2} content_review.note=

  • When submitting attachments, students should only use these file types: {0}.
  • Students should always save files with the appropriate extension.
content_review.accepted.types.delimiter=, content_review.accepted.types.lparen=( content_review.accepted.types.rparen=) noti.releaseresubmission.subject.content=Assignment submission has been graded noti.releaseresubmission.text=Your submission to assignment "{0}" has been graded and it allows resubmissions until the due date. Please go to {1} to view details. noti.releaseresubmission.noresubmit.text=Your submission to assignment "{0}" has been graded. Please go to {1} to view details. Resubmission Notification Email Options: not send notification email to student when the grade is released and resubmission is available notification email to student when the grade is released and resubmission is available not send email notification email notification with the open date to participants who have opted for it email notification with the open date to all participants = Show settings for sending feedback sendFeedback.hide = Hide settings for sending feedback sendFeedback.label = Send Feedback to Multiple Students sendFeedback.instruction = Select students from the table below. Write your feedback in the following text area, select any additional feedback options, and then click "Update" to save. sendFeedback.options = Feedback options sendFeedback.overwrite = Replace existing "Instructor Summary Comments" feedback for selected students. sendFeedback.returnToStudents = Return feedback to selected students now. (NOTE: This will release the feedback only, not grades.) sendFeedback.nouser = Please choose at least one student to send feedback. sendFeedback.nocomment = Please enter a feedback comment. sendFeedback.savedow = Feedback has been replaced and saved successfully. sendFeedback.saved = Feedback has been saved successfully. sendFeedback.returned = Feedback has been returned to selected students. (NOTE: If you wish to publish grades, you will need to use 'Release grades'.) sendFeedback.error = Error returning feedback to {0} students. # Peer Review peerAssessmentSavedGrading=Comments and/or grade have been saved but not submitted. If you don't submit your review before the due date, it will be submitted for you. peerAssessmentSavedSubmission=Comments and/or grade have been saved and submitted. peerAssessmentName=Peer Assessment - Students assess each other noAdditionalOptionsName=No additional assignment options additionalOptionsName=Additional Assignment Options peerAssessmentUse=Use peer assessment peerassessment.note=Peer assessment requires the assignment to use a "Points" grading scale, and cannot be used with the "Group Submissions" setting. peerassessment.periodfinishes=Evaluation Period Finishes: peerassessment.anonymousEvaluation=Anonymous evaluation peerassessment.studentViewReviews=Allow students to see reviews of their submissions peerassessment.numSubmissions=Number of submissions students must review peerassessment.reviewInstructions=Instructions for reviewers: peerassessment.specifyNumReview=Please enter a value for the number of submissions a student must review for peer assessment. peerassessment.invalidNumReview=You must enter a valid number greater than 0 for the number of submissions a student must review for peer assessment. peerassessment.invliadPeriodTime=You must enter a peer review period date that is at least 10 minutes after the accept until date. peerassessment.reviewStartsOn=Review starts on {0} peerassessment.notavailable=Peer assessment is not available for the assignment you selected. peerassessment.allSubmitted=You have submitted all of your peer reviews. peerassessment.instructionsForReviewer=Instructions for the Reviewer peerassessment.reviewerComments=Reviewer Comments peerassessment.reviewerAttachments=Reviewer Attachments peerassessment.reviewerNoAttachments=No attachments were submitted by the reviewer. peerassessment.alert.saveerrorunkown=An error has occurred while saving, please refresh and try again. peerassessment.alert.saveinvalidscore=You must enter a valid number greater than 0 for the score. peerassessment.alert.savenoscorecomment=You must enter a grade or a comment in order to submit your peer assessment. peerassessment.instructions.reviewer=Instructions for the Reviewer peerassessment.invliadGroupAssignment=Peer assessments are not available for group assignments. peerassessment.invliadSubmissionTypeAssignment=Peer assessments are not available for non-electronic assignments. peerassessment.invliadGradeTypeAssignment=Peer assessments are only available when Grade Scale is set to Points. peerassessment.reviewedby=Reviewed By peerassessment.reviewergrade=Reviewer Grade peerassessment.noscore=No score peerassessment.nocomments=No comments peerassessment.removereview=Remove Review peerassessment.restorereview=Restore Review peerassessment.cantgradewithdate=Instructor grading is disabled until after the review period: {0} peerassessment.removed=Successfully removed review for student's submission peerassessment.restored=Successfully restored review for student's submission peerassessment.peerReviewDueDateWithDate=Peer review due date: {0} peerassessment.peerGradeInfo=You are able to accept or override the averaged peer review grade in this section. Once this grade is released, this is the grade that will appear in the gradebook. stuviewsubm.peerreview=Once submitted, this assignment will be part of a peer review. stuviewsubm.peerreviewanon=Once submitted, this assignment will be part of an anonymous peer review. Make sure not to include your name in any submission text, files or file names. peerassessment.submissionReq=Assignment submission required peerassessment.notOpen=Not open peerassessment.notStarted=Not started peerassessment.incomplete=Incomplete peerassessment.submitted=Submitted peerassessment.student=Student {0} peerassessment.draftInProgress=Draft - in progress gen.att.single = Attachment gen.stuatt.single = Submitted Attachment gen.noatt.single = No attachment yet gen.noattsubmitted.single = No attachment submitted assignment.inaccessible = This assignment is inaccessible to students because it is released to a group that no longer exists. Edit the assignment and change the 'Access' settings to resolve this issue. settings.access.noGroupsPresent = Note - There are currently no groups present in this site. You must first create group(s) before you can release the assignment to selected group(s). settings.access.selectedGroupsGoneNoGroups = Note - The previously selected groups no longer exist. 'Display to site' has been selected as the 'Access' option for this assignment. You may post this assignment to the entire site, or cancel and create new groups. settings.access.selectedGroupsGoneOtherGroupsPresent = Note - The previously selected groups no longer exist. 'Display to site' has been selected as the 'Access' option for this assignment. You may post this assignment to the entire site, or change the group selections. settings.access.selectGroups = Note - You must select at least one group. = Selected Group selected.groups = Selected Groups submission.inline=Inline Submission grade.type.unknown=Unknown Grade Type submission.type.unknown=Unknown Submission Type scoringAgent.grade=Grade with {0} scoringAgent.view=View with {0} scoringAgent.refresh=Refresh grade from {0} scoringAgent.refreshReminder=Grading... Click here to refresh grade grades.submissionTime=Submission date grades.late=Late submission grades.lateness.late=Late grades.lateness.ontime=On time grades.lateness.unknown=Unknown asn.edit.selectall = Select All Groups asn.edit.selectone = You must select at least one group asn.edit.allselected = All the groups are selected asn.edit.groupsselected = groups selected asn.edit.searchgroup = Search group #Rubrics dont.associate.label=Do not use a rubric to grade this assignment associate.label=Use the following rubric to grade this assignment option.pointsoverride=Adjust individual student scores option.hidepoints=Hide point values (feedback only) option.studentpreview=Hide Rubric from student grading_rubric=Grading Rubric asn.list.userubric=This assignment could be graded using a Rubric # table toolbar common messages view.label=View gen.viewing.phrase=Viewing {0} - {1} of {2} items {0} items... # {0} is the pagesize gen.previous.pagesize = Previous {0} # {0} is the pagesize = Next {0} = Choose page size gen.listnavselect = To operate the combo box, first press Alt+Down Arrow to open it, and then use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the options. search.label=Search search.button=Search search.clear=Clear Search

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