All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 19.6
Show newest version

acesubdea2 = Accept submissions deadline should be set after the due date.

acesubdea3 = Accept submissions deadline should be set after the open date.

acesubdea4 = Accept submissions deadline set to be in the past. Are you sure?

acesubdea5 = Accept resubmissions deadline set to be in the past. Are you sure?

assig3 = Assignment due date should be set after the open date.

assig4 = Assignment due date set to be in the past. Are you sure?

assig5 = Edited Assignment: Open Date for

assig6 = Assignment: Open Date for

attaonly = Attachments only

cannotfin1 = Can not add the due date to schedule.

cannotfin6 = Can not find the calender event.

cannotmak = Can not make an announcement for the assignment open date.

cannotrem = Can not remove the old event for assignment

check = Checkmark

clos = Closed

conte = content.

deadl = Deadline

delet = Delete

delete_assig.areyousur = Are you sure you want to delete
delete_assig.del       = Delete
delete_assig.delanass  = Delete an assignment...
delete_assig.delass    = Delete assignments...

downall = Download All

downspr = Download Spreadsheet

draft = Drafted

draft2 = Draft

due = Due

due2 = Due

dupli = Duplicate

gen.acesubunt     = Accept Until
gen.addatt        = Add Attachments
gen.addatttoassig	= Add Attachments to Assignment
gen.addatttoassiginstr = Add an item from your computer or select an existing item from Resources. Once you've made your selection, select 'Continue', or select 'Cancel' to return without making any changes. You will return your assignment - which you should then save.
gen.adddroatt     = Add / Remove Attachments
gen.adddroatt2    = Add/remove Attachments
gen.addduedat     = Add due date to Schedule
gen.addhonple     = Add honor pledge
gen.addinst       = Additional instructor's comments about your submission
gen.addinst2       = Instructor's comments about your submission
gen.addinstatts   = Instructor's attachments to this submission
gen.addres2       = Additional resources for assignment
gen.alert         = Alert:
gen.anntheope     = Add an announcement about the open date to Announcements
gen.assdet        = Assignment Details
gen.assig         = Assignment
gen.assinf        = Assignment Instructions
gen.ass.lis.sum	 = List of assignments. Column 1: assignment title and links to edit or duplicate. Column 2: status. Calumn 3: opening date. Column 4: due date. Column 6: number submitted and graded. Column 7: point grade. Column 8 may have checkboxes to select and remove the assignment.
gen.asstit        = Assignment title            = at
gen.att           = Attachments
gen.attfprgra     = Attachments for grading
gen.atttoret      = Attachments to Return with Grade
gen.atttoret2      = Attachments to Return with Assignment
gen.can           = Cancel
gen.clocli        = Close, click to open assignment instructions
gen.closed        = Closed
gen.creby         = Created by
gen.don           = Done
gen.dra1          = Draft
gen.dra2          = Draft -
gen.due1          = Due
gen.due2          = Due
gen.duedat        = Due Date
gen.filatt        = File attachment
gen.folatt        = Folder attachment
gen.forpoi        = For points, enter maximum possible
gen.gra           = Grade
gen.gra2          = Grade:
gen.grading				= Grading
gen.checked 	  = Checked
gen.commented	 = Commented
gen.regra         = Re-grade
gen.regrading         = Re-grading
gen.grarep        = Grade Report
gen.grasca        = Grade Scale
gen.hasbee        = Assignment has been submitted on
gen.hidassinf     = Hide assignment info
gen.honple        = Honor pledge:
gen.honple2       = Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment.
gen.honple2val       = You need to check the honor pledge. Click Edit to do so.
gen.viewasstablesummary  = Assignment settings.
gen.viewassliststudentsummary  = List of students that have turned in assignments.
gen.viewasslistreportsummary  = List of graded student assignments.            = In
gen.inpro         = In progress
gen.instr         = Instructions
gen.instrcomment	 = Instructor Summary Comments             = to
gen.late          = late
gen.late2		 = - late
gen.lisofassto    = List of assignments to be deleted
gen.mod           = Modified
gen.modbyins      = Modified by instructor           = New            = No
gen.noasscan      = Assignments cannot be submitted after the close date.
gen.noatt         = No attachments yet
gen.noattsubmitted=No attachments submitted
gen.nograd        = No Grade
gen.notope        = Not Open
gen.notset        = Not Set
gen.notsta        = Not Started
gen.of            = of
gen.opecli        = Open          = Open
gen.open2         = Open
gen.orisub        = Original submission text
gen.orisub2       = Original submission text with the instructor's comments inserted if applicable
gen.orisub3       = Last submission text with instructor comments inserted if applicable
gen.outof         = out of            = P/F
gen.pos           = Post
gen.position      = Position
gen.pre           = Preview
gen.relea         = Release
gen.resub         = Re-submitted
gen.retu          = Return
gen.backtolist		= Back to list
gen.reorder       = Reorder
gen.reordertitle  = Organize Default Assignment List View
gen.retustud          = Save and Release to Student
gen.retustudtit          = Save and return comments and grade to student
gen.returned		 = Returned
gen.revi          = Edit
gen.sav           = Save
gen.savdra        = Save Draft
gen.savdragra	  = Save and Don't Release to Student
gen.savdratit     = Save comments and grade, but do not return to student yet           = Scale
gen.sect          = Section
gen.settfor       = Settings for
gen.sorasc        = Sort ascending
gen.sorbydue      = Sort by due date
gen.sortinstruct  = Move an item within the list by clicking an arrow on the left or adjusting a drop-down menu. To save your changes, click Save at the bottom of the page.
gen.sorbygra      = Sort by Grade
gen.sorbylas      = Sort by Last Name
gen.sorbymax      = Sort by max grade available
gen.sortbyfor 	 = Sort by audience
gen.sortbyforasc  = Sort by audience ascending
gen.sortbyfordesc = Sort by audience descending
gen.sordes        = Sort descending
gen.staass        = Start assignment
gen.status        = Status
gen.stuatt        = Submitted Attachments
gen.student       = Student
gen.stunam        = Student Name
gen.stusub        = Student Submissions
gen.stuvie        = Student View
gen.stuvieof      = Student view of the assignment
gen.stuwonsee     = Students will not see this assignment until the open date.
gen.subm          = Assignment Submission
gen.submission	 = Submission
gen.resubmission	 = Resubmission

gen.openquote		= "
gen.closequote	= "
gen.subm2         = Submissions
gen.subm3         = Submit
gen.subm4         = Submitted
gen.subm5         = Submitted Date
gen.subm6		  = Graded Date:
gen.sumcom        = Summary comments
gen.theare2       = There are no submissions.
gen.thearecur1    = There are currently no assignments at this location.
gen.thearecur2    = There are currently no submissions at this location.
gen.theassall4    = This assignment allows submissions using both the text box below and attached documents. Type your comments in the box below and use the Add Attachments button to include other documents. Save frequently while working.
gen.theassall6    = This assignment allows submissions using the text box below only. Type in your submission. Save frequently while working.
gen.theassinf     = The assignment info
gen.view2         = View
gen.yes           = Yes
gen.youmus        = (You must respond to submit your assignment.)
gen.yousub        = Your Submission		 = Review
gen.reviewing		 = Reviewing
gen.submittedtext = Submitted Text
gen.visible = For
gen.viewallgroupssections = All Sections/Groups

grad2 = Grade entered is larger than the maximum grade allowed. Are you sure?

grad3 = Graded

gradingsub.belisthe   = Below is the submission from a student. You can insert comments into this text by clicking in the box, then type your comments. Comments surrounded by double curly braces, {{like this}}, will appear red to the student.
gradingsub.nosubmittedtext   = There is no student submitted text.
gradingsub.opecliass  = Open, click to close assignment instruction
gradingsub.prefee     = Previous Feedback Comment
gradingsub.prefee2	= Instructor comments to previous submissions
gradingsub.prefeetex  = Previous Feedback Text
gradingsub.prefeetex2 = Other previous submissions with instructor comments inserted if applicable
gradingsub.prefeetex3 = Previous submissions with instructor comments inserted if applicable
gradingsub.prefeedbackAttachments  = Previous Returned Attachments
gradingsub.pregra     = Previous Grade(s)
gradingsub.usethebel1 = Use the box below to enter additional summary comments about this submission.
gradingsub.usethebel2 = Use the box below to enter summary comments about this submission's attachment or the grade.

granotset = Grade Type Not Set

hassum = Assignment {0} has submissions.

hasDraftSum = Some students have started working on the assignment but have not submitted yet.

inlin = Inline only

inlinatt = Inline and Attachments

# months (used in chef_dateselectionwidget macro in VM_chef_library.vm)
jan = JAN
feb = FEB
mar = MAR
apr = APR
may = MAY
jun = JUN
jul = JUL
aug = AUG
sep = SEP
oct = OCT
nov = NOV
dec = DEC

late = - late

letter = Letter grade

lisofass1 = Assignment List

lisofass2 = Assignment List by Student

listassig.sorbynum1 = Sort by number of total submissions
listassig.sorbynum2 = Sort by number of ungraded submissions
### (moot) listassig.sorbyope  = Sort by open date
listassig.sorbysec  = Sort by section
listassig.sorbytit  = Sort by title

listsub.nosub     = No Submission
listsub.sorbyrel  = Sort by Released
listsub.sorbysub  = Sort by Submission Time

new = Add
new.title = Add new assignment
edit = - edit
newass = new assignment

newassig.comfor  = Complete form and then choose 'post' at the bottom. A * means required information.
newassig.opedat  = Open Date
newassig.selectmessage  = Press Enter, then use alt + up and down arrows to scroll through menu
newassig.tosel   = To select more than one section: hold down the (PC - CTRL, Mac - Apple) key while clicking on the 2nd and subsequent sections.

newope = Updated open date for assignment

notope = Not Open

notsta = Not Started

ope = Open

opedat = Open date for assignment

pass = Pass/Fail

permis = Permissions

plespethe1 = Please specify the assignment title.

plespethe2 = Please specify the grade.

plespethe3 = Please specify the maximum points.

plesuse0 = Please use correct grade string.

plesuse1 = Please use a number for the grade field.

plesuse2 = Please use only one decimal place for the grade field.

plesuse3 = Please use a positive number or zero for the grade field.

plesuse4 = is greater than the maximum value allowed by the system. Please enter a value no greater than  

points = Points

prevassig.hidass     = Hide assignment
prevassig.hidstuvie  = Hide student view
prevassig.preass     = Previewing assignment...
prevassig.shoass     = Show assignment
prevassig.shostuvie  = Show student view

releas = Released

relgrad = Release Grades
relcommented = Release Commented

repsubmi.sorbysca = Sort by Scale
repsubmi.sorbytur = Sort by Turned In Date

return = Returned

setperfor = Set permissions for Assignments in worksite

sort.summary    = Table holds items to be sorted. Second column holds link to move item up. Third: link to move down. Last: select to move item to specific location
sort.caption    = List of resources to be sorted
sort.moveup             = Move up
sort.movedn             = Move down

stulistassig.asshasbee1 = (Assignment has been deleted)
stulistassig.selanass1  = The list of assignments below appears exactly as a student will see it. By clicking 'Submit as Student', you can work through the assignment exactly as a student will, including submitting the assignment.
stulistassig.selanass   = Select an assignment to view details, start working or edit your previous work.

stulistsunbm.chotri    = Choose triangular icon to view a student's status for assignments.
stulistsunbm.hidstuass = Hide student's assignments/submissions
stulistsunbm.listhestu = List the student submission for every assignment. Column 1: student name - click to expand. When expanded, columns 2-5 display display assignemtn title, submission, status and grade. 
stulistsunbm.shostuass = Show student's assignments/submissions

stupresub.max       = max

stuviewgrad.thegradet = The grading detail of assignment submission

stuviewsubm.asshasbee2 = Assignment has been graded/commented.
stuviewsubm.asshasbee3 = Assignment has been resubmitted on
stuviewsubm.asshasbee4 = Assignment has been returned on
stuviewsubm.asshasnot  = Complete the form, then choose the appropriate button at the bottom.
stuviewsubm.assattonly = Add attachment(s), then choose the appropriate button at the bottom.
stuviewsubm.entbelo    = Enter resubmission text below
stuviewsubm.plesub     = Please submit again with your changes.
stuviewsubm.theassall2 = This assignment allows submissions by attaching documents only.
stuviewsubm.theclodat  = The close date of the assignment has passed. You can no longer submit an answer.
stuviewsubm.youatt     = Your attached submission
stuviewsubm.submissatt =Submission attachment(s)
stuviewsubm.attfromcomputerlabel=Select a file from computer (5 total)
stuviewsubm.attfromcomputerlabelmore=Select more files from computer (5 total)
stuviewsubm.attfromserverlabel=or select files from workspace or site
stuviewsubm.attfromserverlabelmore= or select more files from workspace or site
feedbacktext = Feedback Text
stuviewsubm.submitreminder=Don't forget to save or submit
feedbackcomment = Feedback Comment

submiss = submission.

submitt = Submitted

# Taggable
tag.emptylist     = There are no tags to display.
tag.tags          = Tags
tag.list.summary = Table contains list of tags associated with current assignment.

theisno = There is no such assignment.

theisnostudent = There is no student.

thiasshas = This assignment has no instructions. Are you sure?

ungra = Ungraded
fail = Fail
pass3 = Pass

viewassig.datcre     = Date created
viewassig.shoassinf  = Show assignment info
viewassig.theassall1 = This assignment allows both typed in text and/or attached documents.Type in your comments in the box below, and use the Add Attachments button to include other documents as part of your submission. Save frequently while working.
viewassig.theassall3 = This assignment allows submissions by attaching documents only. Use the Add Attachments button below to attach 1 or more documents.
viewassig.theassall5 = This assignment allows submissions using the text box below only. Please type in your submission and save frequently while working.
viewassig.viewass1   = Viewing assignment...

youarenot11_c = You are not allowed to remove the assignment content id =

youarenot12 = You are not allowed to submit an answer.

youarenot13 = You are not allowed to submit an assignment.

youarenot17 = You are revising an assignment after the due date.

youarenot18 = You have to check the honor pledge before submission.

youarenot19 = You are not allowed to reorder assignments.

youarenot20 = You are revising an assignment after the open date.

youarenot4 = You are not allowed to create assignment submission.

youarenot5 = You are not allowed to duplicate assignment.

youarenot6 = You are not allowed to edit the assignment.

youmust1 = You must attach at least one document before submission.

youmust2 = You must either type in your answer in the text input or attach at least one document before submission.

youmust6 = You must choose the assignment(s) first, and then click the Update button to delete the selected assignment(s).

youmust7 = You must type in your answer in the text input area before submission.

#added during legacy tool refactoring = Show
list.itemsper = items...
update = Update
subasstudent		= Submit as Student
alert.globalNavi	= If you choose to exit without clicking any action button at the bottom of this page, you will lose your work. Please choose one of these buttons or navigate to your chosen page and abandon your work in this page.
viewassign		= View Assignment
subexampleassign	= Submit Example Assignment
viewexampleassign= View Example Assignment
assignmenttext	= Assignment Text
resubmit			= Resubmit
viewsubmission = View Submission
viewsubmissions	= View Submissions
allowResubmit	= Allow Resubmission
gen.proces = Processing......
gen.first = First
gen.previous = Previous = Next
gen.last = Last

gen.remove = Remove  
gen.remove.q = Remove?

addtogradebook = Add to Gradebook
addtogradebook.wrongGradeScale = Gradebook integration is only available to point-grade assignment(s).
addtogradebook.nonUniqueTitle = The assignment {0} has been created but has not been associated with a new gradebook entry due to an existing entry of the same name. Please edit the assignment and provide a unique title.
addtogradebook.illegalPoints = The assignment could not be added to Gradebook. To add to Gradebook, edit the assignment and enter a value greater than zero for points.
addtogradebook.alertMessage = Exception while getting site gradebook, exception below:

date.invalid = Invalid date setting for 
date.opendate = open date
date.duedate = due date
date.closedate = close date
date.resubmission.closedate = resubmission close date
date.allpurpose.releasedate = release date of All Purpose item
date.allpurpose.retractdate = retract date of All Purpose item

gen.viewing = Viewing
gen.items = items

gen.notrequired= Not required

download.submission.attachment = Submission Attachment(s) = Feedback Attachment(s)
download.spreadsheet.title = Assignment Submission Excel File = Site: = Download date: 
download.spreadsheet.column.userid = User Id = Name

# AssignmentActivityProducer

## the column headers in grades.csv file in zip download ID
grades.lastname=Last Name
grades.firstname=First Name

#group related variables = Display to site
displayto.selected = Display to selected groups

range.allgroups = site

group = Group
groups = Groups
group.list.summary = Table contains list of groups. First will  contain checkboxes, second will contain the group name, third the group description. Header links can be used to sort
group.list.descr = Description

java.alert.youchoosegroup = You need to choose at least one group.
java.alert.noGroupedAssignmentIntoGB=You cannot add assignment with group access into Gradebook.

nostudent = There is no student in the site.

grading=Grading not add assignment to Gradebook
grading.no2=Do not associate assignment to Gradebook
grading.add=Add Assignment to Gradebook
grading.associate=Associate with existing Gradebook entry
grading.associate.warn=Sorry! You need to pick a point grade to do this.
grading.associate.alert=You must select a Gradebook entry. an Assignment
grading.alert.draft.beforeclosedate=The Accept Until Date has not yet passed, and this assignment may still be worked on by the student. Are you sure you want to grade?
grading.alert.multiTab=Your grade, comments and feedback have not been saved. You will need to enter them again. You can only open one student submission at a time. If you open a second student's work before leaving the first student's submission, the first submission cannot be graded until you close all the submissions, and then open it. To avoid this problem, please do not open multiple browser-windows or tabs while you are grading. We recommend that you close and restart your browser, and then log back into the system, before continuing with your grading.
grading.reminder=Important Reminder:
grading.reminder.body=Please do not grade assignments with multiple browser windows or tabs. Grade assignments and navigate the system with only one browser window.
## about assignment level resubmit control
allow.resubmit.number=Number of resubmissions allowed
allow.resubmit.closeTime=Accept Resubmission Until

assignment.copy = Copy

## max grade

## no-submission grade
non.submission.grade=Assign this grade to all participants without a grade: select default grade:
## for not graded non-electronic submission grades
not.graded.non.electronic.submission.grade=Assign this grade to all ungraded non-electronic submissions:

##################UPV added
not_allowed_to_submit=You are not allowed to submit to this assignment. 

### Non-electronic submission
nonelec_instruction=This assignment does not accept online submissions. Contact your instructor for additional instructions.
nonelec_instruction2=This non-electronic assignment does not accept student submissions.

## on the submission confirmation page
confirm.savesubmission.title = Saved Assignment Confirmation
confirm.submission.title=Submission Confirmation
confirm.savesubmission.success=You have successfully saved your work but NOT submitted yet. To complete submission, you must select the Submit button.
confirm.submission.success=You have successfully submitted your work.
confirm.submission.label.classsite=Class site:
confirm.submission.label.submittedon=Submitted on:
confirm.savesubmission.include=Your saved assignment included the following:
confirm.submission.include=Your submission included the following:
confirm.savesubmission.notext=No saved assignment Text
confirm.submission.notext=No submission text
confirm.savesubmission.attachments=Saved attachments:
confirm.submission.attachments=Submitted Attachments: will receive an email confirmation containing this information. email confirmation containing this information could be sent to you due to missing email address.
confirm.submission.button=OK Notification Email Options: me a notification email for each student submission me one email per day summarizing notifications for student submissions not send me notification emails for any student submissions

# on the download/upload all page, most of the attributes are shared between upload and download process
uploadall.title = Upload All
downloadall.title = Download All
uploadall.instruction=Select an archive file to upload, choose options, and then click 'Upload' at the bottom. Required items marked with 
uploadall.instruction2=The archive file should contain a folder for each student. 
uploadall.instruction3=Download Template
uploadall.instruction4=Each folder can contain a comments.txt file, the student's submission with instructor comments you have added, and other files you want to return with the student's submission.
downloadall.instruction=Choose download options, and then click 'Download' at the bottom.
uploadall.choose.file2=Choose which elements in the archive file to upload
uploadall.choose.file.studentSubmissionText=Student submission text (original student submitted text, possibly containing instructor added comments)
uploadall.choose.file.studentSubmissionAttachment=Student submission attachment(s)
uploadall.choose.file.gradeFile=Grade file (grades.csv file at top level of archive)
uploadall.choose.file.feedbackTexts=Feedback text (the inline comments with student submission)
uploadall.choose.file.feedbackComments=Feedback comments (comments.txt file if available in student's folder. Comments are put into the Instructor Comments field for each student's submission)
uploadall.choose.file.feedbackAttachments= Feedback attachment(s)
uploadall.choose.file.confirm = You have selected the archive file for uploading. Files contained in the archive will be uploaded to the corresponding student submission for the assignment.
uploadall.releaseOption=Select release option
uploadall.releaseOption.yes=Release uploaded information to students not release uploaded information - I'll release it later
### (moot) uploadall.confirm.fileSelect=You have selected the archive file
### (moot) uploadall.confirm.fileSelect2= for uploading. Files contained in the archive will be uploaded to the corresponding student's submission for the assignment
uploadall.alert.choose.element=You must choose at least one element in the archive file to upload.
uploadall.alert.wrongZipFormat=ZIP file is not in correct format. Please ensure that ZIP file contains student folders or grades.csv file at the root level.
downloadall.alert.choose.element=You must choose at lease one element in the download options.
uploadall.alert.zipFile=You have not selected a zip archive file. You must select either a .zip or a .sit archive file as the upload file.
uploadall.size = The upload size limit of {0} MB has been exceeded.

review.use = Use {0}
review.allow = Allow students to view report = Turnitin Report
gen.sorbyreview = Sort by review
gen.rev = TurnItIn
review.notavail = Not available yet
review.viewreport = View Report
review.title = {0} Service
review.noreport = no report

## notification email content
noti.subject.content=Email notification for assignment submission Title: ID:
noti.assignment.duedate=Assignment Due Date:
noti.submit.text=Submitted Text:
noti.submit.time=Submitted on:

## navigation labels
nav.prev=< Previous
nav.list=Return to List >
nav.message=(Changes will be saved)

gen.opendate.annc = Announce the open date

## supplement
supplement = Supplement Items
extraNodesRequired = Please enter required information.
## model answer
modelAnswer = Model Answer
modelAnswer.instruction=Provide a model answer or a solution to the assignment
modelAnswer.show_to_student.prompt=Show to students
modelAnswer.show_to_student.0=--select one--
modelAnswer.show_to_student.1=Before student starts assignment
modelAnswer.show_to_student.2=After student submits
modelAnswer.show_to_student.3=After submission is graded and returned
modelAnswer.show_to_student.4=After accept-until date
modelAnswer.alert.modelAnswer=Please provide model answer text.
modelAnswer.alert.showto=Please choose proper time for showing model answer to students.

## private note
note = Private Note
note.label = Private Notes
note.instruction = You can use a note to track assignment issues, thoughts, etc. Available to those you specify while grading. = Share = -- select one -- = Keep private to myself = Allow other instructors to read = Allow other instructors to read and edit
note.alert.text=Please enter the private note text. choose share option for private note.

## all purpose of item
allPurpose = All Purpose item
allPurpose.instruction = Information displayed at a specific time to whomever you choose. = Show this item = From = Until = Date: = Time: = Hide this item = Show to = Expand = Collapse = List
allPurpose.user.selection.count= selected
allPurpose.alert.title=Please enter title for the All Purpose item.
allPurpose.alert.text=Please enter information text for the All Purpose item.
allPurpose.alert.access=Please choose access list for the All Purpose item.

all = All = Show Settings for Allowing Resubmissions
allowResubmission.hide = Hide Settings for Allowing Resubmissions
allowResubmission.label = Select User(s) and Allow Resubmission
allowResubmission.instruction = Select user(s) and apply the resubmission settings.
allowResubmission.nouser = Please choose at least one user for setting the resubmission choices.

## single file upload
singleatt = Single Uploaded File only
att.upl = Choose File: 
processmessage.file = Uploading file(s)
size.exceeded = The upload size limit of {0} has been exceeded. 
notpermis4 = You do not have proper permissions to add resources.
alert.toolong = The name ''{0}'' is too long.
failed = Operation could not be completed at this time.
choosefile7 = Please choose the file to attach.

## link to calendar
assign_due_event_desc=Assignment {0} is due on {1}.

## confirm success grading of submission
saved_grading=Comments and/or grade have been saved.

## cancel changes button
cancel_changes=Cancel Changes Grade Notification Email Options: not send notification email to student when the grade is released notification email to student when the grade is released

noti.releasegrade.subject.content=Email notification for assignment released grade
noti.releasegrade.text=Your submission to assignment "{0}" has been returned. Please go to {1} to view details.

not_allowed_to_grade_in_gradebook=The assignment is associated with a Gradebook entry. Since you are not allowed to grade in Gradebook, you cannot grade here in Assignments tool. However, you can still update the comment area and upload attachment(s) for grading purposes.

not_allowed_to_grade_submission=You are not allowed to grade submission {0}.

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