All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

#Java code
java.importcal = Import Events
java.theend = The end date you have specified on the Frequency page is earlier than the start date. Change it please.
java.merge = Merge Internal Calendars
java.merge.title = Display events from sites
java.bycalendar = Calendar View
java.listeve = List of Events
java.fields = Add/Edit Fields
java.view = View Events = Add Event = Create new event
java.import = Import Events
java.import.title = Upload events from a file
java.export = Publish (public)
java.export.title = Generate link for sharing with general public
java.subscriptions = Merge External Calendars
java.subscriptions.title = Display events from external calendars

java.print = Printable Version
java.default_view = Set as Default View
java.permissions = Permissions
java.set = Set permissions for Calendar in worksite
java.error = The event doesn't exist any more.

ical.title = Generate a Link to this Calendar for Public Use
ical.schedname = Calendar Name
ical.option    = Enable Subscription
ical.url       = Subscription URL:      = This calendar subscription will display all events occurring up to {0} months in the future and {1} months in the past. = Authentication is not required and all events will potentially be visible to the general public. If this is not desirable, then please publish via a private link instead.
java.alert.aliasreq = An Alias is required to enable iCal exports.

java.alert.youneed = You need to enter the name of the field to be added.
java.alert.theadd = The add field name is already in use.
java.alert.areyou = Are you sure you want to remove the selected field(s)?
java.alert.ifyes = ? If yes, click 'Save Field Changes' to continue.
java.alert.thereis = There are no activities that exist.
java.alert.youdont = You do not have permission to add calendar fields
java.alert.thereisno = There is no activities exist.
java.alert.youdonthave = You do not have permission to edit this calendar.
java.alert.someone = Someone else is editing this calendar.
java.alert.therenoactv = There is no activities exist. If you have permission to add activity, please click on New
java.alert.younotperm = You do not have permission to add  activities
java.alert.younotallow = You are not allowed to see activities in the calendar
java.alert.younotpermadd = You do not have permission to add activities
java.alert.younotallowsee = You are not allowed to see activities in the calendar
java.alert.noexist = There is no calendar that exists. If you have permission to create a calendar click on file then new to create a calendar.
java.alert.youcreate = You do not have permission to create a calendar
java.alert.event = The event doesn't exist any more.
java.alert.eventbeing = The event is being edited by another user. Please try again later.
java.alert.past = Are you sure you want this scheduled event to occur in the past?  If yes, click 'Save Event' to finish.
java.alert.invalid = Invalid start or end date
java.alert.start = The start date must be before the end date
java.alert.youchoosegroup = You need to choose at least a group.
java.alert.dupalias = This name has already been used
java.alert.subsnameempty = You need to enter a name for the calendar to be added.
java.alert.subsurlempty = You need to enter a url for the calendar to be added.
java.alert.subsurlinvalid = This URL seems to be invalid. Please, enter a valid URL.
java.alert.invalidname = This is an invalid calendar name -- please try again
### (moot) java.alert.uknown = An unknown error has occurred.
java.alert.opendate=This assignment is not yet available.
java.alert.opendatedescription=Open date for this assignment is: {0}.

java.pleasetitle = Please enter a title.
java.pleasetime = Please enter a time.

# labels used in date selection widget in VM_chef_library.vm, as well as time selects = Select day
dateselectionwidget.month = Select month
dateselectionwidget.year = Select year
dateselectionwidget.hour = Select hour
dateselectionwidget.minute = Select minute
dateselectionwidget.ampm = Select AM or PM

# months (used in chef_dateselectionwidget macro in VM_chef_library.vm)
jan = JAN
feb = FEB
mar = MAR
apr = APR
may = MAY
jun = JUN
jul = JUL
aug = AUG
sep = SEP
oct = OCT
nov = NOV
dec = DEC

java.thismonth = This month is not exist

#General Vm
gen.alert = Alert: = New...
gen.confirm.type = Event types confirmation
gen.delete = Remove Event
gen.revise = Edit Event = Site
gen.from = From = Save
gen.cancel = Cancel
gen.close = Close
gen.file = File
gen.title = Title = Date
gen.time = Time
gen.freq = Frequency
gen.descr = Description
gen.attach = Attachments
gen.noattach = No attachments yet 
gen.continue = Continue
gen.back = Back
gen.backtolist = Back to Calendar
gen.fromsite = From Site
gen.owner = Owner
gen.assatt = Additional attachments from assignment
gen.assignmentlink = Assignment Link
gen.url = Url

# note: 'del' prefix comes from Delete.vm originally, but these should be
#       renamed since they are more widely used...
del.deleting = Delete calendar event
del.sure = Are you sure you want to remove this event?
del.every = Every
del.number = Number of occurrences:
del.times = Times
del.endson = Ends on = Activity occurs once.
del.item = Event type

legend.key1 = Academic Calendar
legend.key2 = Activity
legend.key3 = Cancellation
legend.key4 = Class section - Discussion
legend.key5 = Class section - Lab
legend.key6 = Class section - Lecture
legend.key7 = Class section - Small Group 
legend.key8 = Class session 
legend.key9 = Computer Session 
legend.key10 = Deadline 
legend.key11 = Exam 
legend.key12 = Meeting
legend.key13 = Multidisciplinary Conference 
legend.key14 = Quiz 
legend.key15 = Special event 
legend.key16 = Web Assignment
legend.key17 = Formative Assessment
legend.key18 = Submission Date
legend.key19 = Tutorial
legend.key20 = Workshop

del.deleteall = Delete all occurrences
del.deleteonly = Delete only this occurrence

#Import Vm
imp.step1 = Step 1 of 3: Select  type of calendar to import  from
imp.step2 =	Step 2 of 3: Reformat data and select the file to import
imp.step2b = Step 2 of 3: Select the file to import
imp.step3 =	Step 3 of 3: Review activities and confirm import = Type of calendar to import
imp.todo = To perform an import of generic calendar data, download the template package below. The package includes a 'Readme' file with instructions, as well as a CSV format example file that can be opened with Microsoft Excel or similar applications. Convert your data into the exact format shown in the CSV file to ensure compatibility. = Microsoft Outlook data must be exported into a CSV file (comma separated values)
imp.ical.todo = iCalendar imports do not currently support re-occuring events
imp.generic = Generic Import Template
imp.when =When you have your calendar information in the correct format, browse for the file below and upload it to the system.
imp.browse = Browse your computer to find your exported calendar data, and upload it below.
imp.yourcustom =You are importing
imp.yourcustom2 = activities, listed below. Uncheck the 'Import' box for any activity(s) you do not want to import. 
imp.micro = Microsoft Outlook
imp.ical = iCalendar
imp.gcalendar = Generic calendar import (comma-separate values)
imp.keep = Import?
imp.markall      = Check All?
imp.unmarkall      = Uncheck All?
imp.actvtm = Activity and Time
imp.addeve = Import Events
imp.list.summary = List of events being imported. Column 1: date. Column 2: activity and time. Column 3: checkbox - uncheck to exclude from import.
# properties used for import from Outlook
import.outlook.start_date_header=Start Date
import.outlook.start_time_header=Start Time
import.outlook.end_date_header=End Date
import.outlook.end_time_header=End Time
import.outlook.all_day_event_header=All day event

import.outlook.note=Note: The import is language-sensitive, meaning the language you are using with Microsoft Outlook has to be the same you are using here.
#New Vm
new.adding = Add Event
new.toadd = To add an event to the Calendar, complete the form and choose 'Save Event' at the bottom.
new.a = Required items marked with

new.title = Title
new.descr = Message = Date
new.duration = Duration
new.end = End Time
new.freq = Frequency
new.every = Every
new.number = Number of occurrences:
new.times = Times
new.endson = Ends on
new.oneocc = Activity occurs once
new.setfreq = Frequency
new.itemtype = Event Type
new.location = Event Location
new.addattach = Add Attachments
new.adddrop = Add/remove attachments = Save Event
new.hours = Hours
new.minutes = Minutes

#Revise Vm
rev.revising = Editing event...
rev.start= Start Time
rev.hours = hours
rev.minutes = minutes
rev.modify = Modify all occurrences
rev.modifyonly = Modify only this occurrence
start.hour = Start hour
start.minute = Start minute
start.ampm = Start am or pm
end.hour = End hour
end.minute = End minute
end.ampm = End AM or PM

#SetFreq Vm
set.setting = Frequency
set.toset = Required items marked with = Event Frequency
set.the = the event frequency:
set.once = once
set.daily = daily
set.weekly = weekly
set.monthly = monthly
set.yearly = yearly

set.theonly = The only occurrence is on
set.every = Every:

set.days = day(s)
set.weeks = week(s)
set.months = month(s)
set.years = year(s)

set.ends = Ends:
set.never = Never
set.on= On
set.after = After
set.times = time(s)

view.after = Later
view.before = Earlier
view.tomorrow = Next Day
view.yesterday = Previous Day
view.view = View
view.listnavselect = To operate the combo box, first press Alt+Down Arrow to open it, and then use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the options.
view.summary = Table represents a day - rows are half hours
view.calday = Calendar by Day
view.calweek = Calendar by Week
view.calmonth = Calendar by Month
view.calyear = Calendar by Year
view.calList = List of Events = Show
view.future = Future events
view.all = All events
view.activ = Events for today
view.activw = Events for this week
view.activm = Events for this month
view.activy = Events for this year
view.custom = Custom date range
view.apply = Filter Events
view.lasday = < Prev Day
view.nexday = Next Day > Today

#ViewList Vm = Start:
viewl.ed = End: = Date
viewl.time = Time
viewl.desc = Event
viewl.folder = folder
viewl.attach = attachment
viewl.froms = From Site:
view1.emptyList = There are no events for the selected filter options
viewl.update = Update Display
viewl.list.summary = List of events in calendar. Column 1: date. Column 2: time. Column 3: audience. Column 4: title and description.
viewl.sortdateasc =	Sort by date ascending
viewl.sortdatedesc =	Sort by date descending = Table contains list of groups. First will  contain checkboxes, second will contain the group name, third the group description. Header links can be used to sort.

#Custom Vm
cust.addrev = Add/Edit Fields
cust.toadd = To add fields, enter a field name below and click 'Create Field'.
cust.fname = Field Name
cust.true = True
cust.rem = Remove?
cust.rem.btn = Remove selected fields
cust.confirm.yes = Yes, Remove = No, Cancel
cust.error.nosel = Alert: No fields selected! Mark the checkbox(es) next to the fiedname(s) that you want to remove and click 'Remove Selected'
cust.add = Create Field = Save Field Changes
cust.list = Table contains list of additional fields. First column contains the fieldname, second column a checkbox to take remove it.

#Subscriptions Vm
subs.subscriptions = Show Events from an External Calendar
subs.institutional = Institutional Calendars
subs.institutional.instruction = This page allows subscription to an external calendar. Unfortunately this feature has some limitations, it
subs.institutional.instruction.detailed.1 = Does not support all-day events
subs.institutional.instruction.detailed.2 = Only supports events defined with <VEVENT>
subs.institutional.instruction.detailed.3 = Does not support re-occurring events
subs.institutional.instruction.detailed.4 = Does not support events without an end time
subs.institutional.summary = List of Institutional Calendars = Calendar Name
subs.calendar.url = URL
subs.calendar.sub = Subscribed?
subs.user.instruction = To subscribe to external calendars (in iCalendar format), enter a calendar name and URL and click 'Subscribe'.
subs.user.summary = List of User-specified Calendars
subs.calendar.subscribe = Subscribe

#Merge Vm
merge.merge = Show Events from Other Sites = Select which calendars you want to merge into this site. This site's users will only see the events they have permission to see from the source site.
merge.list.summary = List of calendars from sites you can merge into this one. Column 1: site name. Column 2: checkbox - select for merge. 
merge.showsched = Show Calendar

#detail Vm
det.lasact = < Last Event
det.nexact = Next Event >

date.invalid = Invalid setting for date.

#section awareness
group.list.summary = List of groups in the site. Column 1: group name. Column 2: description. Headers allow sorting on the columns.
group.list.toggle = Toggle select all
group.list.title = Title
group.list.titlesort  = Sort by group title
group.list.titlesortasc  = Sort by group title ascending
group.list.titlesortdesc  = Sort by group title descending
group.list.descr = Description
group.list.descrsort = Sort by description
group.list.descrsortasc = Sort by description ascending
group.list.descrsortdesc = Sort by description descending
displayto.public = Display to public = Display to site
displayto.selected = Display to selected groups
displayfrom.all = Display site and group events = Display only site events
displayfrom.selected = Display only group events
imp.forsite =Import events for site
imp.forgroup =Import events for selected groups

view.for = For

group = Group

view.legend = Legend
view.calevents = List of Events
gen.eventtype.list.summary = List of event types in the calendar

# Property values used in XSL files to generate schedule PDFs

sched.for = Calendar for

# ImportException error messages

err_no_dur = No duration time specified on line #{0}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_no_start = No start date was specified on line #{0}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_import = Unable to create importer for {0}

err_import_unknown = Unknown import type

err_no_stime = Unable to determine start times for an event. Please check that this is the correct file format.
err_no_etime = Unable to determine end times for an event. Please check that this is the correct file format.

err_no_stime_on = No start time specified on line #{0}
err_no_dtime_on = No duration time specified on line #{0}

err_time = Illegal time format on row: {0}, column: {1}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_date = Illegal date format on row: {0}, column: {1}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_interval = Illegal interval format on row: {0}, column: {1}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_notime = A start, end time or the duration was not specified on line #{0}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_datebad = Both a count and end date cannot be specified at the same time, error on line #{0}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again.

err_freqbad = A frequency was specified, but a recurrence rule could not be created due to missing data on line #{0}. Please make the appropriate changes to your template and save it again. = Site:
event.event = Event:
event.type = Event type:
event.location = Location:
event.from = From:
# Calendar Summary properties

# Menu/Title

# Calendar

# Views
selectedDayEvents=Events for
openInSchedule=Full details...
type=Event Type:
location=Event Location:

# Preferences
instructions_preferences=Set calendar preferences.
prefs_updated=Preferences updated successfuly
prefs_not_updated=An error occurred while updating preferences
# Preferences, section Display
instructions_display=Change your calendar's view.
prefs_section_display=Calendar display
month_view=Calendar by Month
week_view=Calendar by Week
# Preferences, section Priority
prefs_section_priority=Priority events
instructions_priority=Define event priorities and priority colors. Calendar will color days with the defined priority color for the highest event priority on that day.
prefs_section_priority_eventypes=Event types  
prefs_high_priority=High priority
prefs_medium_priority=Medium priority
prefs_low_priority=Low priority
prefs_move_up=Move up
prefs_move_down=Move down
date_format = MMMMM dd, yyyy
date_link_format =yyyy-MM-dd

java.opaque_subscribe = Publish (private)
java.opaque_subscribe.title = Generate link for personal use in other calendar applications
# SAK-21497
ical_opaqueurl_header=Generate a Link to this Calendar for Personal Use
ical_opaqueurl_header_existing = Subscribe to this Calendar
ical_opaqueurl_explanation=Please click the 'Generate' button to create a link to this calendar. The link is for private use only and will allow events from this site to be displayed in other calendaring applications.
ical_opaqueurl_explanation_existing = The following links are for private use only. If you have accidentally disclosed the URL to others, then please click the 'Regenerate' button below to create a new private link.
ical_opaqueurl_myworkspace=Note: If you subscribe to the calendar in your 'Home', it will aggregate the events from the calendars of all the sites of which you are a member.
ical_opaqueurl_webcal=If you click on the link below, your browser should present you with a client (e.g. Outlook) that you can use to subscribe to this calendar:
ical_opaqueurl_http=Alternatively, copy and paste this link to your web-based or desktop calendar client.
ical_opaqueurl_regenerate=Regenerate Links
ical_opaqueurl_delete=Delete Links

# EntityProvider properties
calendar=Represents calendar events. the calendar events for a site. The request url pattern: /direct/calendar/site/{siteId}.{format} \
Optional query params: \
firstDate, ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd format. Used for filtering. \
lastDate, ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd format. Used for filtering.
calendar.action.event=Retrieve a calendar event details specified by the site id and event id. The request url pattern: /direct/calendar/event/{siteId}/{eventId}.{format} all my calendar events for all of my sites. The request url pattern: /direct/calendar/my.{format} \
Optional query params: \
firstDate, ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd format. Used for filtering. \
lastDate, ISO-8601 yyyy-MM-dd format. Used for filtering.

# Monday/Wednesday/Friday {0}/{1}/{2}
# Tuesday/Thursday{0}/{1}
# Sunday/Monday/Wednesday{0}/{1}/{2}
# Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}
# Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday{0}/{1}/{2}
# Monday/Wednesday{0}/{1}

## permission descriptions for calendar tool events
perm-calendar.delete.own=Delete own events
perm-calendar.delete.any=Delete any  event
perm-calendar.revise.own=Edit  own events
perm-calendar.revise.any=Edit any  event
perm-calendar.subscribe=Subscribe to calendars
perm-calendar.import=Import events events
perm-calendar.all.groups=Access/create group events
perm-calendar.options=Change calendar options
perm-calendar.view.audience=View event audience

## Dashboard widget
days_message=Showing events for the next {} days
events_for=Events for

# Accesibility
a11y_last_week=Last week
a11y_next_week=Next week
a11y_last_month=Last month
a11y_next_month=Next month

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