SLING-INF.content.dev.lib.sakai.sakai.api.groups.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* @class Groups
* @description
* Group related convenience functions. This should only hold functions
* which are used across multiple pages, and does not constitute functionality
* related to a single area/page
* @namespace
* Group related convenience functions
function($, sakai_conf, sakai_serv, sakai_util, sakai_i18n, sakai_user, sakai_comm, _){
var sakaiGroupsAPI = {
* Get the data for the specified group
* @param {String} groupid The ID of the group
* @param {Function} callback Callback function, passes (success, (data|xhr))
* @param {Boolean} async If this call should be ascynronous, defaults to true
getGroupData : function(groupid, callback, async, cache) {
if (async === null || async === undefined) {
async = true;
if (cache !== false) {
cache = true;
url: "/~" + groupid + "/public.infinity.json",
async: async,
cache: cache,
success: function(data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, data);
error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError) {
debug.error("Could not get data for group " + groupid);
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(false, xhr);
groupData : {},
* Get the data for the specified group
* @param {Object} groupids The ID of the group or an array of group IDs
* @param {Function} callback Callback function, passes (success, (data|xhr))
* @param {Boolean} async If this call should be ascynronous, defaults to true
getGroupAuthorizableData : function(groupids, callback) {
var toReturn = {};
var batchRequest = [];
if (_.isString(groupids)){
groupids = [groupids];
$.each(groupids, function(index, groupid){
if ($.isPlainObject(sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid])) {
toReturn[groupid] = sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid];
} else {
url: "/system/userManager/group/" + groupid + ".json",
method: "GET"
sakai_serv.batch(batchRequest, function(success, response){
$.each(response.results, function(index, item){
var group = $.parseJSON(item.body);
sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[group.properties["sakai:group-id"]] = group;
toReturn[group.properties["sakai:group-id"]] = group;
if ($.isFunction(callback)){
callback(true, toReturn);
checkIfGroupExists : function(groupid) {
// Check if the group exists.
var groupExists = false;
url: "/~" + groupid + ".json",
type: "GET",
async: false,
success: function(data, textStatus) {
groupExists = true;
return groupExists;
* Create a group
* @param {String} id the id of the group that's being created
* @param {String} title the title of the group that's being created
* @param {String} description the description of the group that's being created
* @param {Array} tags The tags to tag the group with on creation
* @param {Array} users An array of users of the format:
* "name": user name
* "firstName": user's first name
* "userid": user's userid
* "role": the permission to give the user (manager, member, ta)
* "roleString": The translated role string to give the user ("Member", "Manager", "Teaching Assistant")
* "creator": true | false (if this user is the creator of the group)
* @param {String} joinability The joinability of the group (yes, no, withauth)
* @param {String} visibility The visibility of the group (members-only, logged-in-only, public)
* @param {String} templatePath The path in the /var/templates/worlds space for this template, without .json (/var/templates/worlds/group/basic-group)
* @param {String} subject The tokenized subject of the message (translated) to send to the users joined to this group
* @param {String} body The body of the aforementioned message in the same format
* @param {Object} meData The sakai.data.me object
* @param {Function} callback the callback function for when the group save is complete. It will pass
* two params, success {Boolean} and nameTaken {Boolean}
createGroup : function(id, title, description, tags, users, joinability, visibility, templatePath, subject, body, meData, callback) {
var data = {
"id" : id,
"title" : title,
"tags" : tags,
"description" : description,
"visibility" : visibility,
"joinability" : joinability,
"worldTemplate" : templatePath,
'schemaVersion': sakai_conf.schemaVersion,
"message" : {
"body" : body,
"subject" : subject,
"creatorName" : sakai_user.getDisplayName(meData.profile),
"groupName" : title,
"system" : sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("SAKAI"),
"link" : sakai_conf.SakaiDomain + "/~" + id,
"toSend" : []
"usersToAdd" : []
$.each(users, function(i,user) {
"userid": user.userid,
"role": user.role
if (!user.creator) {
"userid": user.userid,
"firstName": user.firstName,
"role": user.roleString,
"messageMode": "both"
data: {data: $.toJSON(data)},
type: "POST",
success: function(_data, textStatus){
callback(true, data);
error: function(){
callback(false, data);
* Delete a group
* @param {String} id the id of the group that's being deleted
* @param {Function} callback the callback function for when the group delete is complete.
deleteGroup : function(groupID, meData, callback) {
sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(groupID, function(success, groupAuthData){
if (success && groupAuthData) {
groupAuthData = groupAuthData[groupID];
var groupArray = [groupID];
// delete any pseudo groups
if (groupAuthData.properties["sakai:roles"]) {
var roles = $.parseJSON(groupAuthData.properties["sakai:roles"]);
if (roles && roles.length > 0) {
for (var r = 0; r < roles.length; r++) {
groupArray.push(groupID + "-" + roles[r].id);
// delete the group
url: "/system/userManager.delete.json",
type: "POST",
traditional: true,
data: {
":applyTo": groupArray
success: function(data){
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
error: function(){
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Update group basic information
* @param {String} id The id of the group to update
* @param {String} title The new title of the group
* @param {String} description The new description of the group
* @param {String} kind The kind of group, defined in (TODO define this somewhere, currently only in groupbasicinfo.html)
* @param {Function} callback Callback function, passes (success)
updateGroupInfo : function(id, title, description, kind, callback) {
var groupProfileURL = "/~" + id + "/public/authprofile.profile.json";
url: groupProfileURL,
data: {
"sakai:group-title" : title,
"sakai:group-description" : description,
"sakai:group-kind" : kind
type: "POST",
error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError){
debug.error("Unable to update group information.");
complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(textStatus === "success");
* Update group profile
* @param {String} id The id of the group to update
* @param {Object} profile The group's profile
* @param {Array} tags The group's tags
* @param {Object} groupData The group's authprofile data - need this for role extraction
* @param {Function} callback Callback function, passes (success, updated)
updateGroupProfile : function(id, profile, tags, groupData, callback) {
var groupProfileURL = "/~" + id + "/public/authprofile";
var groupProfileSaveURL = groupProfileURL + ".profile.json";
var batch = [];
var doProfilePost = false,
doTagsPost = false,
doPermissionPost = false;
var updatePermissions = function(_callback) {
var roles = $.parseJSON(groupData["sakai:roles"]);
sakaiGroupsAPI.setPermissions(id, profile[ "sakai:group-joinable" ], profile[ "sakai:group-visible" ], roles, function( success, data ) {
if ( $.isFunction( _callback ) ) {
_callback( success );
var updateProfile = function(_callback) {
sakai_serv.batch( batch, function( success, data ) {
if ( $.isFunction( _callback ) ) {
_callback( success );
// Get the difference of the tags arrays. If there is one, then we should update it
groupData[ "sakai:tags" ] = groupData[ "sakai:tags" ] || [];
var merged = _.uniq( $.merge( $.merge( [], tags ), groupData[ "sakai:tags" ] ) );
if ( merged.length !== tags.length || merged.length !== groupData[ "sakai:tags" ].length ) {
doTagsPost = true;
if ( groupData[ "sakai:group-joinable" ] !== profile[ "sakai:group-joinable" ] || groupData[ "sakai:group-visible" ] !== profile[ "sakai:group-visible" ] ) {
doPermissionPost = true;
$.each( profile, function(i, data) {
if ( groupData[i] !== data ) {
doProfilePost = true;
// Update the group data immediately
groupData[i] = data;
if ( doProfilePost || doTagsPost || doPermissionPost ) {
if ( doProfilePost ) {
"url": groupProfileSaveURL,
"method": "POST",
"parameters": profile
// Also update the pseudo-groups sakai:parent-group-title property
var roles = $.parseJSON(groupData["sakai:roles"]);
$.each(roles, function(i, role) {
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + id + "-" + role.id + ".update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
"sakai:parent-group-title": profile["sakai:group-title"]
// Always call tagEntity, it has it's own internal 'no POSTing if no changes' mechanism
sakai_util.tagEntity( groupProfileURL, tags, groupData[ "sakai:tags" ], function( success, newTags ) {
groupData[ "sakai:tags" ] = newTags;
if ( doProfilePost ) {
updateProfile(function(success, data) {
if ( doPermissionPost ) {
updatePermissions(function(success, data) {
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( success );
} else {
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( success );
} else if ( doPermissionPost ) {
updatePermissions(function(success, data) {
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( success );
} else {
if ( $.isFunction( callback ) ) {
callback( success );
} else {
callback( true );
* Checks whether the given value is valid as defined by the given
* permissionsProperty.
* @param {Object} permissionsProperty Permissions property object
* (i.e. sakai.config.Permissions.Groups.joinable) with valid values to check
* against
* @param {Object} value Value to investigate
* @return true if the value has a valid property value, false otherwise
isValidPermissionsProperty : function(permissionsProperty, value) {
if(!value || value === "") {
// value is empty - not valid
return false;
for(var index in permissionsProperty) {
if(permissionsProperty.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
if(value === permissionsProperty[index]) {
// value is valid
return true;
// value is not valid
return false;
* Public function used to set joinability and visibility permissions for a
* group with groupid.
* @param {String} groupid The id of the group that needs permissions set
* @param {String} joinable The joinable state for the group (from sakai.config.Permissions.Groups)
* @param {String} visible The visibile state for the group (from sakai.config.Permissions.Groups)
* @param {Array} roles The roles for this group, from the "sakai:roles" property of the group
* @param {Function} callback Function to be called on complete - callback
* args: (success)
* @return None
setPermissions : function(groupid, joinable, visible, roles, callback) {
if ( groupid && _.isString(groupid) &&
this.isValidPermissionsProperty(sakai_conf.Permissions.Groups.joinable, joinable) &&
this.isValidPermissionsProperty(sakai_conf.Permissions.Groups.visible, visible)) {
// issue a BATCH POST to update Jackrabbit group & Home Folder group
var batchRequests = [];
// add in the main group, we need to modify their permissions too
$.each(roles, function(i, role) {
var groupURL = groupid;
if (role.id !== groupid) {
groupURL += "-" + role.id;
var groupUpdateURL = "/system/userManager/group/" + groupURL + ".update.html";
// determine visibility state
if (visible === sakai_conf.Permissions.Groups.visible.members) {
// visible to members only, so remove everyone & anonymous, as they're not a member
"url": groupUpdateURL,
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
"sakai:group-visible": visible,
"sakai:group-joinable": joinable
} else if (visible === sakai_conf.Permissions.Groups.visible.allusers) {
// visible to all logged in users
// remove anonymous, as this is only for logged in users
"url": groupUpdateURL,
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer": "everyone",
":viewer@Delete": "anonymous",
"sakai:group-visible": visible,
"sakai:group-joinable": joinable
} else {
// visible to the public
// all logged in users 'everyone'
// all non-logged in users 'anonymous'
"url": groupUpdateURL,
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
"sakai:group-visible": visible,
"sakai:group-joinable": joinable
// issue the BATCH POST
sakai_serv.batch(batchRequests, function(success, data) {
if (success) {
// update group context and call callback
if(sakai_global.currentgroup && sakai_global.currentgroup.data && sakai_global.currentgroup.data.authprofile) {
sakai_global.currentgroup.data.authprofile["sakai:group-joinable"] = joinable;
sakai_global.currentgroup.data.authprofile["sakai:group-visible"] = visible;
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
// Log an error message
debug.error("Setting permissions on the group failed");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
debug.warn("Invalid arguments sent to sakai.api.Groups.setPermissions");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Determines whether the current user is a manager of the given group.
* @param groupid {String} id of the group to check
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @return true if the current user is a manager, false otherwise
isCurrentUserAManager : function(groupid, meData, groupinfo) {
if (groupinfo) {
var managementRoles = [];
var roles = $.parseJSON(groupinfo["sakai:roles"]);
for (var r = 0; r < roles.length; r++) {
if (roles[r].isManagerRole) {
var canManage = false;
for (var i = 0; i < meData.groups.length; i++) {
for (var mr = 0; mr < managementRoles.length; mr++) {
if (meData.groups[i]["sakai:group-id"] === groupinfo["sakai:group-id"] + "-" + managementRoles[mr]) {
canManage = true;
return canManage;
} else {
if (!groupid || typeof(groupid) !== "string") {
return false;
var managersGroupId = groupid + "-manager";
return $.inArray(managersGroupId, meData.user.subjects) !== -1;
* Determines whether the current user is a member of the given group.
* Managers are considered members of a group. If the current user is a manager
* of the group, this function will return true.
* @param groupid {String} id of the group to check
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @return true if the current user is a member or manager, false otherwise
isCurrentUserAMember : function(groupid, meData) {
if(!groupid || typeof(groupid) !== "string") {
return false;
return $.inArray(groupid, meData.user.subjects) !== -1;
* Determines whether the current user is allowed to leave the group
* @param groupid {String} id of the group to check
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @param {Function} callback Function to be called on complete - callback
isAllowedToLeave : function(groupids, meData, callback) {
sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(groupids, function(groupSuccess, groupData){
var toReturn = {};
var groupDataCache = {};
var toCheck = [];
$.each(groupData, function(groupid, group){
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.isCurrentUserAManager(groupid, meData, group.properties)) {
// Check if there is more then one manager in the group
groupDataCache[groupid] = group.properties;
} else {
// Members are always allowed to leave the group, managers should always be present and cannot leave when they are the last one in the group
toReturn[groupid] = true;
sakaiGroupsAPI.getMembers(toCheck, function(membersSuccess, memberData){
$.each(memberData, function(groupid, members){
var numManagers = sakaiGroupsAPI.getManagerCount(groupDataCache[groupid], members);
toReturn[groupid] = numManagers > 1;
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Get the number of managers in the group
* @param {Object} groupdata The data from the group's authprofile
* @param {Object} members The result of sakai.api.Groups.getMembers()
getManagerCount : function(groupdata, members) {
var managers = 0;
if (groupdata["sakai:roles"]) {
var roles = [],
managerRoles = [];
if (_.isString(groupdata["sakai:roles"])) {
roles = $.parseJSON(groupdata["sakai:roles"]);
$.each(roles, function(i, role) {
if (role.isManagerRole) {
$.each(members, function(i, member) {
member = member.results ? member.results : member;
if ($.inArray(i, managerRoles) > -1 && member.length) {
managers += member.length;
return managers;
* Creates a join request for the current user for a given group
* @param {String} groupID ID of the group to the user wants to join
* @param {Function} callback Callback function executed at the end of the
* operation - callback args:
* -- {Boolean} success True if operation succeeded, false otherwise
addJoinRequest : function(groupID, callback) {
sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(groupID, function(success, groupData){
groupData = groupData[groupID];
sakaiGroupsAPI.getMembers(groupID, function(success, groupMembers){
groupMembers = groupMembers[groupID];
// Function used to send the join request message to the managers of the
// group that's being joined
var sendJoinRequestMessage = function(managerArray) {
var userString = sakai_user.getDisplayName(sakai_user.data.me.profile);
var groupString = groupData.properties["sakai:group-title"];
var systemString = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("SAKAI");
var profileLink = sakai_conf.SakaiDomain + "/~" + sakai_util.safeURL(sakai_user.data.me.user.userid);
var acceptLink = sakai_conf.SakaiDomain + "/~" + groupData.properties["sakai:group-id"] + "#e=joinrequests";
var subject = "",
body = "";
if (groupData.properties["sakai:group-joinable"] === "withauth") {
subject = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("GROUP_JOIN_REQUEST_TITLE")
.replace(/\$\{sender\}/g, userString)
.replace(/\$\{group\}/g, groupString);
body = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("GROUP_JOIN_REQUEST_BODY")
.replace(/\$\{sender\}/g, userString)
.replace(/\$\{group\}/g, groupString)
.replace(/\$\{system\}/g, systemString)
.replace(/\$\{profilelink\}/g, profileLink)
.replace(/\$\{acceptlink\}/g, acceptLink)
} else {
subject = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("GROUP_JOINED_TITLE")
.replace(/\$\{sender\}/g, userString)
.replace(/\$\{group\}/g, groupString);
body = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("GROUP_JOINED_BODY")
.replace(/\$\{sender\}/g, userString)
.replace(/\$\{group\}/g, groupString)
.replace(/\$\{system\}/g, systemString)
.replace(/\$\{profilelink\}/g, profileLink)
sakai_comm.sendMessage(managerArray, sakai_user.data.me, subject, body, false, false, false, true, "join_request");
// User id to send the join request for
var userID = sakai_user.data.me.user.userid;
// Retrieve the join role for the current group
var roles = $.parseJSON(groupData.properties["sakai:roles"]);
var joinRole = groupData.properties["sakai:joinRole"];
var pseudoGroupID = groupID + "-" + joinRole;
// Send the join request
url: "/~" + pseudoGroupID + "/joinrequests.create.html",
type: "POST",
data: {
userid: userID
success: function (data) {
// Adjust the cached me-object to reflect the pending request
sakai_user.data.me.user.subjects.push(groupID, pseudoGroupID);
// Send a message to the managers of the group
var managers = [];
for (var r = 0; r < roles.length; r++) {
if (roles[r].isManagerRole && groupMembers[roles[r].id] && groupMembers[roles[r].id].results) {
for (var m = 0; m < groupMembers[roles[r].id].results.length; m++) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
error: function(status) {
debug.error("Could not process join request");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Removes a join request for the given user for the specified group
* @param {String} userID ID of the user that wants to join the group
* @param {String} groupID ID of the group to the user wants to join
* @param {Function} callback Callback function executed at the end of the
* operation - callback args:
* -- {Boolean} success True if operation succeeded, false otherwise
removeJoinRequest : function(userID, groupID, callback) {
if (userID && typeof(userID) === "string" &&
groupID && typeof(groupID) === "string") {
url: "/~" + groupID + "/joinrequests/" + sakai_util.safeURL(userID),
data: {
":operation": "delete"
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
error: function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError) {
debug.error("Could not remove join request");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
debug.warn("Invalid arguments sent to sakai.api.Groups.removeJoinRequest()");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Returns all join requests for the specified group
* @param {String} groupID ID of the group to fetch join requests for
* @param {Function} callback Callback function executed at the end of the
* @param {Boolean} async Optional argument to set whether this operation is
* asynchronous or not. Default is true.
* operation - callback args:
* -- {Boolean} success true if operation succeeded, false otherwise
* -- {Object} joinrequest data if successful
getJoinRequests : function(groupID, callback, async) {
if (_.isString(groupID)) {
if (async === null || async === undefined) {
async = true;
url: "/var/joinrequests/list.json?groupId=" + groupID,
type: "GET",
async: async,
success: function (data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, data);
error: function (xhr, textStatus, thrownError) {
debug.error("Request to get join requests failed");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
debug.warn("Invalid arguments sent to sakai.api.Groups.getJoinRequests()");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Searches through managers and members of a group and returns the results
* @param {String} groupId Id of the group to search in
* @param {String} query Query put in by the user, if empty a search for all participants is executed
* @param {Number} num The number of items to search for (page size)
* @param {Number} page The current page (0-indexed)
* @param {String} sort The parameter to sort on (firstName or lastName)
* @param {String} sortOrder The direction of the sort (desc or asc)
* @param {Function} callback Function executed on success or error
* @param {Boolean} roleCache Flag to get group role data from cache if available
searchMembers: function(groupId, query, num, page, sort, sortOrder, callback, roleCache) {
if (groupId) {
var url = "";
if (query && query !== "*") {
url = sakai_conf.URL.SEARCH_GROUP_MEMBERS + "?group=" + groupId + "&q=" + query;
} else {
url = sakai_conf.URL.SEARCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_ALL + "?group=" + groupId;
if (num !== undefined) {
url += "&items=" + num;
if (page !== undefined) {
url += "&page=" + page;
if (sort) {
url += "&sortOn=" + sort;
if (sortOrder) {
url += "&sortOrder=" + sortOrder;
url: url,
type: "GET",
success: function(data){
var participantCount = 0;
if (data.results.length) {
// Do a couple requests first so the group data is cached
sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(groupId, function() {
sakaiGroupsAPI.getRole(data.results[0].userid, groupId, function(success, role) {
$.each(data.results, function(index, user){
sakaiGroupsAPI.getRole(user.userid, groupId, function(success, role){
user.role = role;
if (participantCount === data.results.length) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, data);
}, roleCache);
} else {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, {});
error: function(err){
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(false, err);
} else {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(false, false);
* Returns all the users who are member of a certain group
* @param {String} groupids The ID of the group we would like to get the members of or an array of group IDs
* @param {Function} callback Callback function, passes (success, (data|xhr))
* @param {Boolean} everyone If we should return managers + members (useful for pseudoGroups)
* @param {Boolean} noCache Whether or not to refresh the cache
getMembers : function(groupids, callback, everyone, noCache) {
var dataToReturn = {};
var toCheck = [];
if (_.isString(groupids)){
groupids = [groupids];
$.each(groupids, function(index, groupid){
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid] && sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid].membersPerRole && !noCache){
dataToReturn[groupid] = sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid].membersPerRole;
} else {
sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(toCheck, function(success, groupData){
if (success){
var batchRequests = [];
var urlToGroupMapping = {};
$.each(groupData, function(groupid, group){
var roles = $.parseJSON(group.properties["sakai:roles"]);
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
var selector = "members";
if (everyone) {
selector = "everyone";
var url = "/system/userManager/group/" + groupid + "-" + roles[i].id + "." + selector + ".json";
urlToGroupMapping[url] = {
"groupid": groupid,
"role": roles[i].id
"url": url,
"method": "GET",
"parameters": {
items: 1000
sakai_serv.batch(batchRequests, function(success, data){
if (success) {
$.each(data.results, function(m, membershiplist){
// Retrieve the group and role id from the URL
var groupid = urlToGroupMapping[membershiplist.url].groupid;
var roleid = urlToGroupMapping[membershiplist.url].role;
// Add the members to the response
var members = $.parseJSON(membershiplist.body);
dataToReturn[groupid] = dataToReturn[groupid] || {};
dataToReturn[groupid][roleid] = {"results": members};
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid]){
sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid].membersPerRole = sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid].membersPerRole || {};
sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupid].membersPerRole[roleid] = {"results": members};
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, dataToReturn);
}, false, true);
} else {
debug.error("Could not get members group info for " + groupids);
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(false, xhr);
groupRoleData : {},
getRoles : function(groupData, translate) {
var roles = [];
groupData.roles = groupData.roles || groupData["sakai:roles"];
if ( _.isString( groupData.roles ) ) {
groupData.roles = $.parseJSON( groupData.roles );
$.each(groupData.roles, function(i,role) {
if (_.isString(role)){
role = $.parseJSON(role);
if (translate) {
role.title = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey(role.title);
role.titlePlural = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey(role.titlePlural);
return roles;
getRole : function(userId, groupID, callback, roleCache){
var cache = roleCache === false ? false : true;
var groupInfo = sakaiGroupsAPI.getGroupAuthorizableData(groupID, function(success, data){
if (success){
data = data[groupID];
var roles = $.parseJSON(data.properties["sakai:roles"]);
var batchRequests = [];
var role;
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
var url = "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + "-" + roles[i].id + ".everyone.json";
"url": url,
"method": "GET",
"parameters": {
items: 10000
var parseRoles = function(data) {
var isMatch = function(user, index){
return user.userid === userId;
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
if (data.results.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var members = $.parseJSON(data.results[i].body);
if (members === null) {
if ($.grep(members, isMatch).length > 0){
role = roles[i];
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(true, role);
if (cache && $.isPlainObject(sakaiGroupsAPI.groupRoleData[groupID])) {
} else {
sakai_serv.batch(batchRequests, function(success, data){
if (success) {
sakaiGroupsAPI.groupRoleData[groupID] = data;
}, false, true);
} else {
debug.error("Could not get members group info for " + groupID);
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(false, xhr);
* Checks if one role managers the other, returns true if the role has management rights
* @param {Object} parentRoleObject The role we want to check if it has management rights on the other
* @param {String} roleIdToCheck The role to check if it can be managed by
hasManagementRights : function(parentRoleObject, roleIdToCheck) {
var manages = false;
if (parentRoleObject.manages) {
$.each(parentRoleObject.manages, function(i, childRole) {
if (childRole === roleIdToCheck) {
manages = true;
return false;
return manages;
leave : function(groupId, role, meData, callback){
var reqs = [
url: "/system/userManager/group/"+ groupId + "-" + role.id + ".leave.json",
method: "POST"
url: "/system/userManager/group/"+ groupId + ".leave.json",
method: "POST"
sakai_serv.batch(reqs, function(success){
var pseudoGroupID = groupId + "-" + role;
var index = meData.user.subjects.indexOf(groupId);
meData.user.subjects.splice(index, 1);
index = meData.user.subjects.indexOf(pseudoGroupID);
meData.user.subjects.splice(index, 1);
if ($.isFunction(callback)){
* Retrieves the profile picture for the group
* @param {Object} profile the groups profile
* @return {String} the url for the profile picture
getProfilePicture : function(profile) {
return sakai_util.constructProfilePicture(profile, "group");
* Function to process search results for groups
* @param {Object} results Search results to process
* @param {Object} meData User object for the user
* @returns {Object} results Processed results
prepareGroupsForRender: function(results, meData) {
$.each(results, function(i, group){
if (group["sakai:group-id"]) {
group.id = group["sakai:group-id"];
if (group["sakai:group-title"]) {
group["sakai:group-title-short"] = sakai_util.applyThreeDots(group["sakai:group-title"], 550, {max_rows: 1,whole_word: false}, "s3d-bold");
group["sakai:group-title-shorter"] = sakai_util.applyThreeDots(group["sakai:group-title"], 130, {max_rows: 1,whole_word: false}, "s3d-bold");
if (group["sakai:group-description"]) {
group["sakai:group-description-short"] = sakai_util.applyThreeDots(group["sakai:group-description"], 580, {max_rows: 2,whole_word: false});
group["sakai:group-description-shorter"] = sakai_util.applyThreeDots(group["sakai:group-description"], 150, {max_rows: 2,whole_word: false});
var groupType = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey("OTHER");
if (group["sakai:category"]){
for (var c = 0; c < sakai_conf.worldTemplates.length; c++) {
if (sakai_conf.worldTemplates[c].id === group["sakai:category"]){
groupType = sakai_i18n.getValueForKey(sakai_conf.worldTemplates[c].title);
// Modify the tags if there are any
if (group["sakai:tags"]) {
group.tagsProcessed = sakai_util.formatTags(group["sakai:tags"]);
} else if (group.basic && group.basic.elements && group.basic.elements["sakai:tags"]) {
group.tagsProcessed = sakai_util.formatTags(group.basic.elements["sakai:tags"].value);
group.groupType = groupType;
group.lastModified = group.lastModified;
group.picPath = sakaiGroupsAPI.getProfilePicture(group);
group.userMember = false;
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.isCurrentUserAManager(group["sakai:group-id"], meData) || sakaiGroupsAPI.isCurrentUserAMember(group["sakai:group-id"], meData)){
group.userMember = true;
// use large default group icon on search page
if (group.picPath === sakai_conf.URL.GROUP_DEFAULT_ICON_URL){
group.picPathLarge = sakai_conf.URL.GROUP_DEFAULT_ICON_URL_LARGE;
return results;
* Change the permission of some users on a group
* @param {String} groupID the ID of the group to add members to
* @param {Array} rolesToAdd Array of user/group IDs to add to the group
* @param {Array} rolesToDelete Array of user/group IDs to remove from the group
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @param {Boolean} managerShip if the user should be added as a manager of the group (almost never is the case)
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
changeUsersPermission : function(groupID, rolesToAdd, rolesToDelete, medata, managerShip, callback) {
var addUserReqs = sakaiGroupsAPI.addUsersToGroup(groupID, rolesToAdd, medata, managerShip, false, true);
var removeUserReqs = sakaiGroupsAPI.removeUsersFromGroup(groupID, rolesToDelete, medata, false, true);
$.merge(addUserReqs, removeUserReqs);
sakai_serv.batch(addUserReqs, function(success, data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(success, data);
* Add users to the specified group
* @param {String} groupID the ID of the group to add members to
* @param {Array} users Array of user/group IDs to add to the group
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @param {Boolean} managerShip if the user should be added as a manager
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Boolean} onlyReturnRequests only return the requests, don't make them
addUsersToGroup : function(groupID, users, medata, managerShip, callback, onlyReturnRequests) {
var reqData = [];
var currentUserIncluded = false;
// Construct the batch requests
$.each(users, function(index, user) {
var url = "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + ".update.json";
if (user.permission){
url = "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + "-" + user.permission.toLowerCase() + ".update.json";
var data = {};
if (managerShip){
data[":manager"] = user.user;
} else if (user.viewer === true) { // user is only a viewer, not a member
data[":viewer"] = user.user;
} else {
data[":member"] = user.user;
data[":viewer"] = user.user;
"url": url,
"method": "POST",
"parameters": data
if (user.user === medata.user.userid){
currentUserIncluded = true;
if (reqData.length > 0) {
// batch request to add users to group
if (onlyReturnRequests) {
return reqData;
} else {
sakai_serv.batch(reqData, function(success, data) {
if (!success) {
debug.error("Could not add users to group");
} else if (currentUserIncluded) {
// Add this to the members of the groups in the cache
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupID] && sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupID].membersPerRole){
$.each(users, function(index, user) {
sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupID].membersPerRole[user.permission] = sakaiGroupsAPI.groupData[groupID].membersPerRole[user.permission] || {"results": []};
"rep:userId": user.user
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
return true;
* Add content items to the specified group
* @param {String} groupID the ID of the group to add members to
* @param {Array} contentList Array of content IDs to add to the group
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
addContentToGroup : function(groupID, contentIDs, callback) {
var reqData = [];
$(contentIDs).each(function(i, contentID) {
"url": "/p/" + contentID + ".members.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer": groupID
if (reqData.length > 0) {
// batch request to add content to group
sakai_serv.batch(reqData, function(success, data) {
if (!success) {
debug.error("Error adding content to the group");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
* Remove users from the specified group
* @param {String} groupID the ID of the group to remove members from
* @param {Array} users Array of user/group IDs to remove from the group
* @param {Object} meData the data from sakai.api.User.data.me
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
* @param {Boolean} onlyReturnRequests only return the requests, don't make them
removeUsersFromGroup : function(groupID, users, medata, callback, onlyReturnRequests) {
var reqData = [];
var currentUserIncluded = false;
$.each(users, function(index, user) {
var params = {
":manager@Delete": user.userid
if ((user.hasOwnProperty("removeManagerOnly") && user.removeManagerOnly === false) || !user.hasOwnProperty("removeManagerOnly")) {
params[":member@Delete"] = user.userid;
params[":viewer@Delete"] = user.userid;
if (user.permission) {
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + "-" + user.permission + ".update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": params
} else {
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + ".update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": params
if (user.userid === medata.user.userid) {
currentUserIncluded = true;
if (reqData.length > 0) {
if (onlyReturnRequests) {
return reqData;
} else {
// batch request to remove users from group
sakai_serv.batch(reqData, function(success, data) {
if (!success) {
debug.error("Error removing users from the group");
} else if (currentUserIncluded){
// remove the group from medata.subjects
var index = medata.user.subjects.indexOf(groupID);
medata.user.subjects.splice(index, 1);
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
return true;
* Add users to the specified group
* @param {String} groupID the ID of the group to add members to
* @param {Array} content Array of content IDs to remove from the group
* @param {Function} callback Callback function
removeContentFromGroup : function(groupID, contentIDs, callback) {
var reqData = [];
$.each(contentIDs, function(index, contentID) {
if (contentID) {
"url": "/p/" + contentID + ".members.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer@Delete": groupID
if (reqData.length > 0) {
// batch request to remove content from group
sakai_serv.batch(reqData, function(success, data) {
if (!success) {
debug.error("Error removing content from the group");
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
filterGroup: function(group, includeCollections){
if (includeCollections && group["sakai:category"] && group["sakai:category"] === "collection" && group["sakai:group-title"]){
return true;
} else if (!group["sakai:group-title"] || group["sakai:excludeSearch"]) {
return false;
} else {
if (group.groupid === "everyone") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
getMemberships : function(groups, includeCollections){
var newjson = {entry: []};
for (var i = 0, il = groups.length; i < il; i++) {
if (sakaiGroupsAPI.filterGroup(groups[i], includeCollections)) {
newjson.entry.sort(function(a, b){
if (a["sakai:category"] === "collection" && b["sakai:category"] === "collection"){
return sakai_util.Sorting.naturalSort(a["sakai:group-title"], b["sakai:group-title"]);
} else if (a["sakai:category"] === "collection"){
return 1;
} else if (b["sakai:category"] === "collection"){
return -1;
} else {
return sakai_util.Sorting.naturalSort(a["sakai:group-title"], b["sakai:group-title"]);
return newjson;
getTemplate: function(cat, id){
var category = false;
for (var i = 0; i < sakai_conf.worldTemplates.length; i++){
if (sakai_conf.worldTemplates[i].id === cat){
category = sakai_conf.worldTemplates[i];
var template = false;
if (category && category.templates && category.templates.length) {
for (var w = 0; w < category.templates.length; w++){
if (category.templates[w].id === id){
template = category.templates[w];
return template;
return sakaiGroupsAPI;
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