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 * Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

/*global sakai, Config, $, QueryString */
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core"], function($, sakai) {

sakai_global.s23_site = function(){

    // Configuration variables //

    var qs = new Querystring(); // Get the current query string
    var completeJSON;
    var entityReady = false;

    // CSS selectors
    var s23Site = "#s23_site";
    var s23SiteIframeContainer = $(s23Site + "_iframe_container");
    var s23SiteMenuActive = "s23_site_menu_item_active";
    var s23SiteMenuContainer = $(s23Site + "_menu_container");
    var s23SiteMenuItemTag = "s23_site_menu_item_";
    var s23SiteMenuItems = s23Site + "_menu_container ul li a";
    var s23SitePageContainerClass = ".s23_site_page_container";
    var s23SitePageContainerTag = "s23_site_page_container_";
    var s23SiteTitle = $(s23Site + "_title");
    var s23GritterNotificationTitle = "#s23_gritter_notification_title";
    var s23GritterNotificationMessage = "#s23_gritter_notification_message";
    var s23GritterNotificationCancel = "#s23_gritter_notification_cancel";

    // Templates
    var s23SiteIframeContainerTemplate = "s23_site_iframe_container_template";
    var s23SiteMenuContainerTemplate = "s23_site_menu_container_template";

    // see: Appendix B
    var urlRegExp = new RegExp("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?");

    // General functions //

     * Check to see if both URLs are in the same origin. See:
     * @param {String} url1
     * @param {String} url2
     * @return {Boolean}
     *     true: in the same origin policy
     *     false: NOT in the same origin policy
    var isSameOriginPolicy = function(url1, url2){
        if(url1 == url2) {
            return true;
        // debug.log(isUrl(url1) + ": " + url1 + "=" + urlRegExp.exec(url1)[4]);
        // debug.log(isUrl(url2) + ": " + url2 + "=" + urlRegExp.exec(url2)[4]);
        // i.e. protocol, domain (and optional port numbers) must match
        if((urlRegExp.exec(url1)[2] == urlRegExp.exec(url2)[2]) &&
           (urlRegExp.exec(url1)[4] == urlRegExp.exec(url2)[4])){
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Get all the information about a certain page
     * @param {String} pageid The id of the page you want information for
     * @return {Object} A page object containing the info about the page
    var getPageInfo = function(pageid){

        // Run over all the pages and return the page object that has the same
        // id as the pageid argument
        for (var i = 0, len =; i < len; i++) {
            if ([i].id === pageid) {

        // Log a message if the page with the given pageid was not found
        debug.error("s23_site: the page with id'" + pageid + "' was not found in the json object");
        return false;

    // The 'reset' tool  link, is overridden with the below event to reload the
    // sites iframe with the fresh tool state URL generated in the template.
    var handleResetClick = function(ev) {
        $("#""src", this.href);

    $(window).bind("hashchange", function(ev){

     * Load the tools for a certain page
     * @param {Object} pageid The id of the page you want the tools loaded for
    var loadPageTools = function(){

        var pageid = $.bbq.getState("page");
        if (pageid) {

            // Remove the active class from the previous selected item
            // Set the active class to the item you just clicked on
            $('#' + s23SiteMenuItemTag + pageid).addClass(s23SiteMenuActive);
            // Get the page info for a certain page and store it in a variable
            var page = getPageInfo(pageid);
            // Check if the page actually exists
            if (page) {
                // Hide the content & tools from the other pages
                $(s23SitePageContainerClass, s23SiteIframeContainer).hide();
                // Get the complete id for a page container
                var completexid = s23SitePageContainerTag + page.xid;
                // Check if the page was already loaded before
                if ($("#" + completexid).length > 0) {
                    // Show the page container
                    $("#" + completexid).show();
                else {
                    // Sometimes Sakai2 tools have a layouthint property (but not
                    // always). If it does, we look at the second number to figure
                    // out the column for display. Otherwise we just throw it in
                    // the first column.
                    var renderData = {
                        xid: page.xid,
                        columnTools: [[]],
                        sakai: sakai
                    for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                        if ([i].layouthint) {
                            var colstr =[i].layouthint.split(",")[1];
                            if (colstr === "0") {
                                if (colstr === "1") {
                                    if (renderData.columnTools.length < 2) {
                        else {
                    // Render the tools of the site and add them to the page container
                    s23SiteIframeContainer.append(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(s23SiteIframeContainerTemplate, renderData));
                    var loadIframe = function(){
                        $(this).height($(this).contents().find("body").height() + 15); // add 10px for IE and 5px more for Gradebook weirdness
                    // Some notes about the bit of code below. What we have here, 
                    // is the process by which we'll fill in all the Sakai2 tools
                    // on a page. Realistically there are only 1 of these for most
                    // pages, but on some pages there are several, and they are
                    // laid out in a sort of dashboard fashion.
                    // In other CAS and Single Sign On scenerios, typically the outer
                    // shell of Sakai gets requested first and completes the process.
                    // In our situation this doesn't occur since we render the outside
                    // and use a different proxy connection to fetch the Sakai2 json.
                    // This presents us which a situation where if we have 2 or more
                    // portlets on a page, they are all logging in simultaneously to
                    // Sakai. Now, they all log in Ok, but the problems is that Sakai
                    // 2 uses a session variable to cache the original Url for the 
                    // portlet that it should get redirected to. What was happening was
                    // that every portlet was logging in at the same time and overriding
                    // this session variable, so only 1 portlet got redirected to a
                    // proper location, and the rest went to the default url (usually /portal).
                    // So what we do, if there is more than portlet, is collect up all
                    // the information about the frames on the page. We then put event handlers
                    // on the first one that will load the rest of the iframes once it's done
                    // loading. This seems less than appetizing, but in practice I doubt
                    // users will notice much of a lag since in practice the 1:1 position
                    // portlet is typically not something very DB or memory intensive.
                    var firstFrame;
                    var firstFrameSrcUrl;
                    var otherframes = [];
                    for (var tool = 0; tool <; tool++) {
                        // Some special Sakai 2 Sites start with ~ or !
                        var siteSelector = "#Main" +[tool].xid.replace(/([~!])/g, '\\$1');
                        var iframe = $(siteSelector);
                        var srcUrl = sakai.config.SakaiDomain + "/portal/tool/" +[tool].url + "?panel=Main";
                        if (isSameOriginPolicy(window.location.href, srcUrl)) {
                        if (tool === 0) {
                            firstFrame = iframe;
                            firstFrameSrcUrl = srcUrl;
                        else {
                            otherframes.push([iframe, srcUrl]);
                        // The 'reset' tool  link, is overridden with the below event to reload the 
                        // sites iframe with the fresh tool state URL generated in the template. 
                        $("#reset-Main" +[tool].xid).click(handleResetClick);
                        for (var j = 0; j < otherframes.length; j++) {
                            var nextset = otherframes[j];
                            nextset[0].attr("src", nextset[1]);
                    if (sakai.config.hybridCasHost){
                        // check for CLE session cookie
                        if ($.cookie('JSESSIONID')){
                                url: '/direct/session/current.json',
                                success: function(data){
                                    if (data['userId'] === null) {
                                    } else {
                                        firstFrame.attr('src', firstFrameSrcUrl);
                                error: doCasAuth
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        firstFrame.attr("src", firstFrameSrcUrl);

    var doCasAuth = function() {
            url: '/system/sling/cas/proxy?t=https://' + sakai.config.hybridCasHost + '/sakai-login-tool/container',
            success: function(data){
                    url: '/sakai-login-tool/container?ticket=' + data['proxyticket'],
                    success: function(){
                        firstFrame.attr('src', firstFrameSrcUrl);

     * Transform an id to an xid
     * @param {String} id The id you want to transform to an xid
    var toxid = function(id){

        // Filter out all the ! and - characters and replace them by x
        return id.replace(/-|\!/g, "x");

     * Create an xid for every page & tool that exists
     * We need this because the iframe looks at the parent frame with the xid (tool)
     * and because we put every page in a specific div (page)
     * An url could be     0175d73d-741f-4fb3-94dc-9f8c1d4925a9
     * An xid is        0175d73dx741fx4fb3x94dcx9f8c1d4925a9
    var createxids = function(){

        // Run over all the pages and then all the tools inside a page to modify the xid
        for (var i=0,; i0) {
                for (var j = 0, toolslen =[i].tools.length; j < toolslen; j++) {
          [i].tools[j].xid = toxid([i].tools[j].url);

     * Parse the site info that is in a JSON format
     * to show it on the page
    var parseSakai2SiteInfo = function(){

        // Check if the title and the pages attribute exist
        if (completeJSON && && && {

            // Set the title of the page
            entityReady = true;
            document.title += " " + sakai.api.Security.saneHTML(;

            // Render the menu of the workspace
            s23SiteMenuContainer.html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(s23SiteMenuContainerTemplate, completeJSON));

            // Create xid's

            if ($.bbq.getState("page")) {
                // If the pageid was passed in through the URL. This will sometimes be
                // the result of a Sakai 2 portal being rewritten from:
                // portal/site/{siteid}/page/{pageid}
            else {
                // Pretend like you clicked on the first page
                $(s23SiteMenuItems + ":first").trigger("click");
        else {
            debug.error("s23_site: An error occured when parsing the Sakai 2 site information");

     * Get the information of a Sakai2 site
     * @param {String} siteid The id of the Sakai2 site you want to
    var getSakai2SiteInfo = function(siteid){

        // Send an Ajax request to the sakai2 tools service
            url: sakai.config.URL.SAKAI2_TOOLS_SERVICE.replace(/__SITEID__/, siteid),
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(data){

                completeJSON = $.extend(data, {}, true);

                // Parse the Sakai2 info
            error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError) {
                debug.error("s23_site: It was not possible to get the information the Sakai 2 site with the id: " + siteid + " the error code is: " + xhr.status);

    var hideNotification = function(){
        var json = {"sakai2notification":false};
        sakai.api.Server.saveJSON("/~" + sakai.api.Util.safeURL("/private/sakai2notification", json, function(success, data){});

    // Initialisation function //

     * Function that get executed when the DOM is completely loaded
    var init = function(){
        // show sticky notification
        sakai.api.Server.loadJSON("/~" + sakai.api.Util.safeURL("/private/sakai2notification", function(success, data){
            // If we haven't saved the prefs yet, or if we did and the noti isn't turned off show the notifcation area.
            if (success === false || (success === true && data.sakai2notification !== false)) { 
      $(s23GritterNotificationTitle).html(), $(s23GritterNotificationMessage).html(), sakai.api.Util.notification.type.INFORMATION, false);

        // Check if the query string contains the parameter id
        if (qs.contains("id")) {

            // Get the value for the id parameter
            var siteid = qs.get("id");

            // Send an ajax request to the user
        else {

            // Log an error message for the user
            debug.error("s23site: This site needs to have an id parameter for a sakai2 site");

    var renderEntity = function(){
        if (entityReady) {
            $(window).trigger("sakai.entity.init", ["s23site", "", {
                "title": sakai.api.Security.saneHTML(

    $(window).bind("sakai.entity.ready", function(){


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