SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.basiclti.javascript.basiclti.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/misc/trimpath.template.js (TrimpathTemplates)
require(['jquery', 'sakai/sakai.api.core'], function($, sakai) {
* @name sakai_global.basiclti
* @class basiclti
* @description
* Basiclti widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.basiclti = function(tuid, showSettings){
// Configuration variables //
var $rootel = $('#' + tuid);
var json = false;
var isAdvancedSettingsVisible = false;
// Default values
var defaultWidth = 100;
var defaultWidthUnit = '%';
var defaultHeight = 200;
// Links and labels
var basiclti = '#basiclti';
var basicltiSettings = basiclti + '_settings';
var basicltiSettingsAdvanced = basicltiSettings + '_advanced';
var basicltiSettingsAdvancedDown = basicltiSettingsAdvanced + '_down';
var basicltiSettingsAdvancedToggleSettings = basicltiSettingsAdvanced + '_toggle_settings';
var basicltiSettingsAdvancedUp = basicltiSettingsAdvanced + '_up';
var basicltiSettingsBorders = basicltiSettings + '_borders';
var basicltiSettingsCancel = basicltiSettings + '_cancel';
var basicltiSettingsColorContainer = basicltiSettings + '_color_container';
var basicltiSettingsHeight = basicltiSettings + '_frame_height';
var basicltiSettingsInsert = basicltiSettings + '_insert';
var basicltiSettingsPreview = basicltiSettings + '_preview';
var basicltiSettingsPreviewId = tuid + '_frame';
var basicltiSettingsPreviewFrame = '#' + basicltiSettingsPreviewId;
var basicltiSettingsLtiUrl = basicltiSettings + '_ltiurl';
var basicltiSettingsLtiKey = basicltiSettings + '_ltikey';
var basicltiSettingsLtiSecret = basicltiSettings + '_ltisecret';
var basicltiSettingsWidth = basicltiSettings + '_width';
// Containers
var basicltiMainContainer = basiclti + '_main_container';
// Classes
var basicltiSettingsWidthUnitClass = '.basiclti_settings_width_unit';
var basicltiSettingsWidthUnitSelectedClass = 'basiclti_settings_width_unit_selected';
// Templates
var $basicltiSettingsColorContainerTemplate = $('#basiclti_settings_color_container_template', $rootel);
var $basicltiSettingsTemplate = $('#basiclti_settings_template', $rootel);
var $basicltiSettingsPreviewTemplate = $('#basiclti_settings_preview_template', $rootel);
// see: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt Appendix B
var urlRegExp = new RegExp('^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?');
// Utility functions //
* Check if the value is a decimal or not
* @param {Object} value Value that needs to be checked
* @return {Boolean}
* true: is a decimal
* false: is not a decimal
var isDecimal = function(value){
return (/^\d+$/).test(value);
* Check if the input url is in fact an url or not
* @param {String} url Url that needs to be tested
* @return {Boolean}
* true: is an url
* false: is not an url
var isUrl = function(url) {
var matches = urlRegExp.exec(url);
// e.g. if('http:' && 'localhost')
if (matches[1] && matches[4]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Check to see if both URLs are in the same origin. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy.
* @param {String} url1
* @param {String} url2
* @return {Boolean}
* true: in the same origin policy
* false: NOT in the same origin policy
var isSameOriginPolicy = function(url1, url2) {
if (url1 == url2) {
return true;
// i.e. protocol, domain (and optional port numbers) must match
if ((urlRegExp.exec(url1)[2] == urlRegExp.exec(url2)[2]) &&
(urlRegExp.exec(url1)[4] == urlRegExp.exec(url2)[4])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Called when the data has been saved to the JCR.
var savedDataToJCR = function() {
sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informFinish(tuid, 'basiclti');
// Render functions //
* Render the iframe for the widget in settings mode
* @param {Boolean} complete Render the preview completely or only adjust values
var renderIframeSettings = function(complete) {
if (complete) {
json.launchDataUrl = sakai.config.URL.SDATA_FETCH_URL.replace(/__PLACEMENT__/, sakai.site.currentsite.id + '/_widgets').replace(/__TUID__/, tuid).replace(/__NAME__/, 'basiclti') + '.launch.html';
$(basicltiSettingsPreview, $rootel).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer($basicltiSettingsPreviewTemplate, json));
} else {
$(basicltiSettingsPreviewFrame, $rootel).attr('style', 'border: ' + json.border_size + 'px #' + json.border_color + ' solid');
* Render the iframe for the widget
var renderIframe = function() {
if (json) {
json.tuidFrame = basicltiSettingsPreviewId;
$(basicltiMainContainer, $rootel).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer($basicltiSettingsPreviewTemplate, json));
json.launchDataUrl = sakai.api.Widgets.getWidgetDataStorageURL(tuid) + '.launch.html';
$('#' + json.tuidFrame, $rootel).attr('src', json.launchDataUrl);
// resize the iframe to match inner body height if in the same origin (i.e. same protocol/domain/port)
if (isSameOriginPolicy(window.location.href, json.ltiurl)) {
$(basicltiSettingsPreviewFrame, $rootel).load(function() {
$(this).height($(this).contents().find('body').height() + 15); // add 10px for IE and 5px more for Gradebook weirdness
// SAKIII-314 We need to show the container, otherwise the second item won't be shown.
$(basicltiMainContainer, $rootel).show();
* Render the html of the basicltisettings
var renderRemoteContentSettings = function() {
if (json) {
$(basicltiSettings, $rootel).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer($basicltiSettingsTemplate, json));
* Render the color container
var renderColorContainer = function() {
if (json) {
$(basicltiSettingsColorContainer, $rootel).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer($basicltiSettingsColorContainerTemplate, json));
// Global functions //
* Display the iframe in normal mode
* @param {Object} parameters JSON object that contains the necessary information for the iframe
var displayRemoteContent = function(parameters) {
// default to some reasonable vaules if the settings node does not have them (maybe a legacy node)
if (parameters.border_size === null) {
parameters.border_size = 0;
if (parameters.border_color === null) {
parameters.border_color = 'cccccc';
if (parameters.width === null) {
parameters.width = defaultWidth;
if (parameters.width_unit === null) {
parameters.width_unit = defaultWidthUnit;
if (parameters.frame_height === null) {
parameters.frame_height = defaultHeight;
json = parameters;
var saveContentAjax = function(savedata) {
type: 'POST',
url: sakai.api.Widgets.getWidgetDataStorageURL(tuid),
data: savedata,
success: function(data) {
savedDataToJCR(true, data);
* Save the basiclti to the jcr
var saveRemoteContent = function(){
if (json.ltiurl !== '') {
var savejson = {
':operation': 'basiclti',
':contentType': 'json',
':replace': true,
':replaceProperties': true,
'_charset_': 'utf-8'
var savejson_content = {
'sling:resourceType': 'sakai/basiclti',
'ltiurl': $(basicltiSettingsLtiUrl, $rootel).val() || '',
'ltikey': $(basicltiSettingsLtiKey, $rootel).val() || '',
'ltisecret': $(basicltiSettingsLtiSecret, $rootel).val() || '',
'debug@TypeHint': 'Boolean',
'debug': $('#basiclti_settings_debug:checked', $rootel).val() !== null,
'release_names@TypeHint': 'Boolean',
'release_names': $('#basiclti_settings_release_names:checked', $rootel).val() !== null,
'release_principal_name@TypeHint': 'Boolean',
'release_principal_name': $('#basiclti_settings_release_principal_name:checked', $rootel).val() !== null,
'release_email@TypeHint': 'Boolean',
'release_email': $('#basiclti_settings_release_email:checked', $rootel).val() !== null,
'launchDataUrl': '', // does not need to be persisted
'tuidFrame': '', // does not need to be persisted
'defined': '' // what the heck is this? Where does it come from?
savejson_content = $.extend({}, json, savejson_content);
json = savejson_content;
savejson[':content'] = $.toJSON(savejson_content);
} else {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show('', sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey('PLEASE_SPECIFY_A_URL', 'basiclti'),
* Change the direction (up/down) of the arrow for the advanced settings
var changeAdvancedSettingsArrow = function() {
if (isAdvancedSettingsVisible) {
$(basicltiSettingsAdvancedDown, $rootel).hide();
$(basicltiSettingsAdvancedUp, $rootel).show();
} else {
$(basicltiSettingsAdvancedUp, $rootel).hide();
$(basicltiSettingsAdvancedDown, $rootel).show();
// Bindings //
* Add binding to all the elements
var addBinding = function() {
// Change the url for the iFrame
$(basicltiSettingsLtiUrl, $rootel).on('change', function(){
var urlValue = $(this).val();
if (urlValue !== '') {
// Check if someone already wrote http inside the url
if (!isUrl(urlValue)) {
urlValue = 'http://' + urlValue;
json.ltiurl = urlValue;
//renderIframeSettings(true); // LDS disabled preview
// Change the iframe width
$(basicltiSettingsWidth, $rootel).on('change', function(){
var widthValue = $(basicltiSettingsWidth, $rootel).val();
if (isDecimal(widthValue)) {
json.width = widthValue;
// Change the iframe height
$(basicltiSettingsHeight, $rootel).on('change', function(){
var heightValue = $(basicltiSettingsHeight, $rootel).val();
if (isDecimal(heightValue)) {
json.frame_height = heightValue;
// Change the border width
$(basicltiSettingsBorders, $rootel).on('change', function() {
var borderValue = $(basicltiSettingsBorders, $rootel).val();
if (isDecimal(borderValue)) {
json.border_size = borderValue;
// Toggle the advanced view
$(basicltiSettingsAdvancedToggleSettings, $rootel).on('click', function() {
$('#basiclti_settings_advanced', $rootel).toggle();
isAdvancedSettingsVisible = !isAdvancedSettingsVisible;
// When you click on one of the width units (px or percentage)
$(basicltiSettingsWidthUnitClass, $rootel).on('click', function() {
var widthUnitValue = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[$(this).attr('id').split('_').length - 1];
if (widthUnitValue === 'px') {
json.width_unit = widthUnitValue;
} else {
json.width_unit = '%';
$(basicltiSettingsWidthUnitClass, $rootel).removeClass(basicltiSettingsWidthUnitSelectedClass);
// Save the settings
$(basicltiSettingsInsert, $rootel).on('click', function() {
// Cancel the settings
$(basicltiSettingsCancel, $rootel).on('click', function() {
sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informCancel(tuid, 'basiclti');
$('.basiclti_settings_color', $rootel).on('click', function() {
json.border_color = $(this).attr('id').split('_')[$(this).attr('id').split('_').length - 1];
// Initial functions //
* Function that fills in the input fields in the settings tab.
* @param {Object} parameters A JSON object that contains the necessary information.
* @param {Boolean} exists Does there exist a previous basiclti
var displaySettings = function(parameters, exists) {
if (exists && parameters.ltiurl) {
if (parameters[':content']){
json = $.parseJSON(parameters[':content']);
} else {
json = parameters;
} else { // use default values
json = {
ltiurl: '',
ltikey: '',
ltisecret: '',
release_names: true,
release_principal_name: true,
release_email: true,
border_size: 0,
border_color: 'ccc',
frame_height: defaultHeight,
width: defaultWidth,
width_unit: defaultWidthUnit
$(basicltiSettings, $rootel).show();
* Will fetch the URL and other parameters from the JCR and according to which
* view we are in, fill in the settings or display an iframe.
var getRemoteContent = function() {
sakai.api.Widgets.loadWidgetData(tuid, function(success,data){
if (success) {
if (showSettings) {
} else {
} else {
displaySettings(null, false);
}, false);
* Is the widget in settings mode or not
if (showSettings) {
$(basicltiMainContainer, $rootel).hide();
$(basicltiSettings, $rootel).show();
} else {
$(basicltiSettings, $rootel).hide();
$(basicltiMainContainer, $rootel).show();
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