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SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.comments.javascript.comments.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Dependencies
 * /dev/lib/misc/trimpath.template.js (TrimpathTemplates)
 * /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.pager.js (pager)
/*global Config, $, pagerClickHandler */

require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core"], function($, sakai) {

     * @name sakai_global.comments
     * @class comments
     * @description
     * Initialize the comments widget
     * @version 0.0.1
     * @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
     * @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
    sakai_global.comments = function(tuid, showSettings, widgetData){

        // Configuration variables //

        var json = false; // Variable used to recieve information by json
        var widgetSettings = {}; // Will hold the widget settings.
        var me =; // Contains information about the current user
        var rootel = $("#" + tuid); // Get the main div used by the widget
        var jsonDisplay = {};
        var start = 0; // Start fetching from the first comment.
        var clickedPage = 1;
        var defaultPostsPerPage = 10;
        var store = "";
        var allowedEdit = false;
        var allowedDelete = false;
        var extraComments = 0;

        // Main Ids
        var comments = "#comments";
        var commentsName = "comments";
        var commentsClass = ".comments";

        // Output containers
        var commentsOutputContainer = comments + "_mainContainer";
        var commentsFillInComment = comments + "_fillInComment";
        var commentsPostCommentStart = comments + "_postComment";
        var commentsShowComments = comments + "_showComments";
        var commentsNumComments = comments + "_numComments";
        var commentsNumCommentsDisplayed = commentsNumComments + "Displayed";
        var commentsCommentComments = comments + "_commentscomment";
        var commentsCancelComment = comments + "_cancelComment";

        // Edit parts
        var commentsEdit = commentsClass + "_edit";
        var commentsMessage = comments + "_message_";
        var commentsMessageEditContainer = commentsMessage + "editContainer_";
        var commentsEditText = comments + "_editComment_txt_";
        var commentsEditSave = commentsClass + "_editComment_save";
        var commentsEditCancel = commentsClass + "_editComment_cancel";
        var commentsPath = comments + "_path_";

        // Delete
        var commentsDelete = commentsClass + "_delete";
        var commentsUnDelete = commentsClass + "_undelete";

        // Output textboxes
        var commentsMessageTxt = comments + "_txtMessage";
        var commentsNamePosterTxt = comments + "_txtNamePoster";
        var commentsMailPosterTxt = comments + "_txtMailPoster";
        // Their containers
        var commentsNamePosterTxtContainer = commentsNamePosterTxt + "_container";
        var commentsMailPosterTxtContainer = commentsMailPosterTxt + "_container";

        // Output classes
        var commentsCommentBtn = commentsClass + "_comment";
        var commentsPager = commentsClass + "_jqpager";

        // Output templates
        var commentsShowCommentsTemplate = commentsName + "_showCommentsTemplate";

        // Settings
        var commentsSettingsContainer = comments + "_settings";

        // Settings checkboxes and radiobuttons
        var commentsEmailReqChk = comments + "_Emailrequired";
        var commentsNameReqChk = comments + "_Namerequired";
        var commentsSendMailChk = comments + "_SendMail";
        var commentsPageTxt = comments + "_txtPage";

        // Settings buttons
        var commentsSubmit = comments + "_submit";
        var commentsCancel = comments + "_cancel";

        // Settings names
        var commentsDisplayRbt = commentsName + "_ChooseDisplayComments";
        var commentsDirectionRbt = commentsName + "_ChooseDirectionComments";
        var commentsPermissionsRbt = commentsName + "_ChoosePermissionComments";

        // Resize textarea to match width
        var commentsMainContainerTextarea = commentsOutputContainer + " textarea";
        var commentsCommentMessage = commentsClass + "_commentMessage";

        // Utility  functions //

         * Parse a json string to a valid date
         * @param {Number} dateInput String of a date that needs to be parsed
         * @returns {Date}
        var parseDate = function(dateInput){
            if (dateInput !== null) {
                return sakai.api.l10n.fromEpoch(dateInput,;
            } else {
                return null;

         * Converts all HTML to flat text and converts \n to 
* @param {String} str */ var tidyInput = function(str){ return sakai.api.Security.safeOutput(str); }; /////////////////// // show comments // /////////////////// /** * Show the comments in a paged state or not */ var displayCommentsPagedOrNot = function(){ jsonDisplay = { "comments": [], "settings": widgetSettings }; // Loops through all the comments and does the necessary changes to render the JSON-object for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) { jsonDisplay.comments[i] = {}; var comment = json.results[i].post; // Checks if the date is already parsed to a date object var tempDate = sakai.api.Util.parseSakaiDate(comment['sakai:created']); if (isNaN(parseDate(comment['sakai:created']).getTime())) { tempDate = sakai.api.Util.parseSakaiDate( sakai.api.Util.createSakaiDate(new Date(comment['sakai:created']))); } try { // if the date is not a string this should generate en exception = parseDate(tempDate); } catch (ex) { = tempDate; } comment.timeAgo = $.timeago(tempDate); // Use the sakai API function to parse the date and convert to the users local time = parseDate(tempDate.getTime(),; comment.formatDate = sakai.api.l10n.transformDateTimeShort(; comment.messageTxt = comment["sakai:body"]; comment.message = tidyInput(comment["sakai:body"]); // weird json bug. comment["sakai:deleted"] = (comment["sakai:deleted"] && (comment["sakai:deleted"] === "true" || comment["sakai:deleted"] === true)) ? true : false; var user = {}; // User // Puts the userinformation in a better structure for trimpath if (comment.profile) { var profile = comment.profile[0]; user.fullName = sakai.api.User.getDisplayName(profile); user.uid = profile["userid"]; user.pictureUrl = sakai.config.URL.USER_DEFAULT_ICON_URL; // Check if the user has a picture var pictureUrl = sakai.api.Util.constructProfilePicture(profile); if (pictureUrl){ user.pictureUrl = pictureUrl; } user.profile = "/~" + sakai.api.Util.safeURL(user.uid); } else { // This is an anonymous user. comment.profile = {}; comment.profile.fullName = "Anonymous"; = "[email protected]"; if (widgetSettings["sakai:forcename"] === true) { comment.profile.fullName = comment['sakai:name']; } if (widgetSettings["sakai:forcemail"] === true) { = comment['sakai:email']; } } comment.user = user; jsonDisplay.comments[i] = comment; } $(commentsShowComments, rootel).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(commentsShowCommentsTemplate, jsonDisplay)); // Render Math formulas in the text sakai.api.Util.renderMath(tuid); }; /** * Show all the posted comments * This function first retrieves all the users who have posted in this widget and then call the displayCommentsPagedOrNot function */ var showComments = function(){ // Show the nr of comments we are showing. var showingComments =; if (widgetSettings.perPage < { showingComments = widgetSettings.perPage + extraComments; } $(commentsNumCommentsDisplayed, rootel).html(showingComments); // Puts the number of comments on the page $(commentsNumComments, rootel).html(; // Change to "comment" or "comments" if ( === 1) { $(commentsCommentComments, rootel).text(sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("COMMENT", "comments")); } // Change the page-number on the display $(commentsPager, rootel).pager({ pagenumber: clickedPage, pagecount: Math.ceil( / widgetSettings.perPage), buttonClickCallback: pagerClickHandler }); if ( > widgetSettings.perPage) { $(commentsPager, rootel).show(); } // Checks if the comments undefined or if it's length is 0 displayCommentsPagedOrNot(); }; /** * Gets the comments from the service. */ var getComments = function(){ var sortOn = '_created'; var sortOrder = "desc"; var items = 10; if (widgetSettings.direction && widgetSettings.direction === "comments_FirstDown") { sortOrder = "asc"; } if (widgetSettings.perPage) { items = widgetSettings.perPage; } var url = "/var/search/comments/flat.json?sortOn=" + sortOn + "&sortOrder=" + sortOrder + "&page=" + (clickedPage - 1) + "&items=" + items + "&marker=" + tuid + "&path=" + store; $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false, success: function(data){ json = $.extend(data, {}, true); showComments(); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError){"COMMENTS_AN_ERROR_OCCURRED") + " (" + xhr.status + ")","",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } }); }; /** * Pager click handler * @param {Number} pageclickednumber */ var pagerClickHandler = function(pageclickednumber){ extraComments = 0; clickedPage = pageclickednumber; // Change the page-number on the display $(commentsPager, rootel).pager({ pagenumber: pageclickednumber, pagecount: Math.ceil( / widgetSettings.perPage), buttonClickCallback: pagerClickHandler }); getComments(); }; /** * Post a new comment */ var postComment = function(){ var comment = { // Replaces the \n (enters) with
"message": $(commentsMessageTxt, rootel).val() }; comment["sakai:type"] = "comment"; var isLoggedIn = (me.user.anon && me.user.anon === true) ? false : true; var allowPost = true; // If the user is not loggedin but we allow anon comments, we check some extra fields. if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] === true) { if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:forcename']) { comment["sakai:name"] = $(commentsNamePosterTxt, rootel).val(); if (comment["sakai:name"].replace(/\s/g, "") === "") { allowPost = false; } } if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:forcemail']) { comment["sakai:email"] = $(commentsMailPosterTxt, rootel).val(); if (comment["sakai:email"].replace(/\s/g, "") === "") { allowPost = false; } } } if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] === false) { // This should not even happen.. Somebody is tinkering with the HTML. allowPost = false;"ANON_NOT_ALLOWED"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } var widgeturl = sakai.api.Widgets.getWidgetDataStorageURL(tuid); var subject = 'Comment'; var to = "internal:" + widgeturl + "/message"; if (allowPost) { var body = $(commentsMessageTxt, rootel).val(); var message = { 'sakai:type': 'comment', 'sakai:to': to, 'sakai:marker': tuid, 'sakai:subject': subject, 'sakai:body': body, 'sakai:messagebox': 'pending', 'sakai:sendstate': 'pending', 'sling:resourceType': 'sakai/message', '_charset_':'utf-8' }; var url = widgeturl + "/message.create.html"; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", cache: false, success: function(data){ // Hide the form. $(commentsFillInComment, rootel).hide(); // Clear the textboxes. $(commentsMessageTxt, rootel).val(""); $(commentsNamePosterTxt, rootel).val(""); $(commentsMailPosterTxt, rootel).val(""); var postData = { "post": data.message, "replies": [] };["profile"] = [me.profile];["_path"] = widgeturl.slice(3, widgeturl.length) + "/message/inbox/" +;["canDelete"] = allowedDelete;["canEdit"] = allowedEdit; if (widgetSettings && widgetSettings.direction && widgetSettings.direction === "comments_FirstDown") { json.results.push(postData); } else { json.results.unshift(postData); }; extraComments++; // Show the added comment showComments(); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError){ if (xhr.status === 401) {"YOU_NOT_ALLOWED"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } else {"FAILED_TO_SAVE"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } }, data: message }); } else {"PLEASE_FILL_ALL_FIELDS"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } }; //////////////////////// // Settings functions // //////////////////////// /** * show the settingsscreen * @param {Boolean} exists * @param {Object} response */ var showSettingScreen = function(exists, response){ $(commentsOutputContainer, rootel).hide(); $(commentsSettingsContainer, rootel).show(); // If you're changing an comment-widget, then the saved values need to be filled in if (exists) { $("input[name='" + commentsDirectionRbt + "'][value='" + widgetSettings.direction + "']", rootel).attr("checked", true); if (widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] && widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] === true) { $("#comments_DontRequireLogInID", rootel).attr("checked", true); $(commentsNameReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", false); $(commentsEmailReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", false); } else { $("#comments_RequireLogInID", rootel).attr("checked", true); $(commentsNameReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", true); $(commentsEmailReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", true); } $(commentsEmailReqChk, rootel).attr("checked", widgetSettings['sakai:forcemail']); $(commentsNameReqChk, rootel).attr("checked", widgetSettings['sakai:forcename']); $(commentsSendMailChk, rootel).attr("checked", widgetSettings['sakai:notification']); $(commentsPageTxt, rootel).val(widgetSettings.perPage); } }; /** * When the settings are saved to JCR, this function will be called. * It will notify the container that it can be closed. */ var finishNewSettings = function(){ sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informFinish(tuid, "comments"); }; /** * fills up the settings JSON-object * @return {Object} the settings JSON-object, returns {Boolean} false if input is invalid */ var getCommentsSettings = function(){ var comments = {}; comments.comments = []; // Checks if there's already some comments placed on the widget comments.comments = json.comments || []; comments.perPage = parseInt($(commentsPageTxt, rootel).val(), 10); if (isNaN(comments.perPage)) { comments.perPage = defaultPostsPerPage; } if (comments.perPage < 1) {"PLEASE_FILL_POSITIVE_NUM"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); return false; } // Check if a valid number is inserted else if ($(commentsPageTxt, rootel).val().search(/^\d*$/)) {"PLEASE_FILL_VALID_NUM"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); return false; } comments.direction = $("input[name=" + commentsDirectionRbt + "]:checked", rootel).val(); // These properties are not yet used in the comments-widget, but are saved in JCR comments['sakai:allowanonymous'] = false; if ($("#comments_RequireLogInID", rootel).is(":checked")) { comments['sakai:allowanonymous'] = false; } comments['sakai:forcename'] = $(commentsNameReqChk, rootel).attr("checked"); comments['sakai:forcemail'] = $(commentsEmailReqChk, rootel).attr("checked"); comments['sakai:notification'] = $(commentsSendMailChk, rootel).attr("checked"); comments['sakai:notificationaddress'] = me.user.userid; comments['sling:resourceType'] = 'sakai/settings'; comments['sakai:marker'] = tuid; comments['sakai:type'] = "comment"; return comments; }; /** * Makes sure that values that are supposed to be booleans, really are booleans. * @param {String[]} arr Array of strings which holds keys for the widgetSettings variable that needs to be checked. */ var cleanBooleanSettings = function(arr){ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var name = arr[i]; widgetSettings[name] = (widgetSettings[name] && (widgetSettings[name] === true || widgetSettings[name] === "true" || widgetSettings[name] === 1)) ? true : false; } }; /** * Gets the widget settings and shows the appropriate view. */ var getWidgetSettings = function(){ sakai.api.Widgets.loadWidgetData(tuid, function(success, data){ if (!sakai.api.User.isAnonymous( { $(commentsCommentBtn, rootel).show(); } if (success) { if (!data.message) { sakai.api.Widgets.saveWidgetData(tuid, {"message":{"sling:resourceType":"sakai/messagestore"}}, null); } widgetSettings = data; // Clean up some values so that true is really true and not "true" or 1 ... var keysToClean = ['sakai:forcename', 'sakai:forcemail', 'notification', 'sakai:allowanonymous']; cleanBooleanSettings(keysToClean); if (showSettings) { showSettingScreen(true, data); } else { pagerClickHandler(1); } } else { if (showSettings) { showSettingScreen(false, data); } else { saveSettings(); pagerClickHandler(1); } } }); }; var saveSettings = function(){ // If the settings-input is valid an object will be returned else false will be returned var settings = getCommentsSettings(); if (settings) { settings["_charset_"] = "utf-8"; sakai.api.Widgets.saveWidgetData(tuid, settings, function(success){ if (success) { finishNewSettings(); } else {"FAILED_TO_SAVE"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } }); } return false; }; //////////////////// // Event Handlers // //////////////////// ///////////////// // DELETE LINK // ///////////////// /** * Deletes or undeleted a post with a certain id. * @param {String} id The id of the post. * @param {Boolean} deleteValue true = delete it, false = undelete it. */ var doDelete = function(id, deleteValue){ var url = $(commentsPath+id).val(); var data = { "sakai:deleted": deleteValue }; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', success: function(){ // mark the comment as deleted or undeleted for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) { if (json.results[i].post["sakai:id"] === id){ json.results[i].post["sakai:deleted"] = deleteValue; } } showComments(); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError){"FAILED_TO_UNDELETE"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); }, data: data }); }; var saveCommentEdit = function(form) { var id = $(form).find("button.comments_editComment_save").attr("id").replace(commentsEditSave.replace(/\./g, ""), ""); var message = $(commentsEditText + id, rootel).val(); var data = { "sakai:body": message, "sakai:editedby": me.user.userid }; // Do a post to the comment to edit the message. var commentUrl = $(commentsPath+id).val(); $.ajax({ url: commentUrl, cache: false, type: 'POST', success: function(data){ // Set the new message $(commentsMessage + id, rootel).html("

" + sakai.api.Security.saneHTML(tidyInput(message)) + "

"); // Hide the form $(commentsMessageEditContainer + id, rootel).hide(); $(commentsMessage + id, rootel).show(); // update the comment body for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) { if (json.results[i].post["sakai:id"] === id){ json.results[i].post["sakai:body"] = message; json.results[i].post["sakai:editedby"] = me.user.userid; } } // Render Math formulas in the text sakai.api.Util.renderMath(tuid); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError){"FAILED_TO_EDIT"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); }, data: data }); }; var addBindings = function() { /** Bind the choose display radiobuttons button */ $("input[name=" + commentsDisplayRbt + "]", rootel).bind("click", function(e, ui){ var selectedValue = $("input[name=" + commentsDisplayRbt + "]:checked", rootel).val(); // When the perPage-rbt is selected the focus should be set to the Page-textbox if (selectedValue === "comments_PerPage") { $(commentsPageTxt, rootel).focus(); } return false; }); /** Bind the choose permissions radiobuttons button */ $("input[name=" + commentsPermissionsRbt + "]", rootel).bind("change", function(e, ui){ var selectedValue = $("input[name=" + commentsPermissionsRbt + "]:checked", rootel).val(); // If a login is required the user shouldn't have the posibility to check Name-required or Email-required $(commentsNameReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", selectedValue === "comments_RequireLogIn"); $(commentsEmailReqChk, rootel).attr("disabled", selectedValue === "comments_RequireLogIn"); return false; }); /** Bind the settings submit button*/ $(commentsSubmit, rootel).bind("click", function(e, ui){ saveSettings(); }); /** Bind the insert comment button*/ $(commentsCommentBtn, rootel).bind("click", function(e, ui){ sakai.api.Util.Forms.clearValidation($("#comments_fillInComment form", rootel)); // checks if the user is loggedIn var isLoggedIn = (me.user.anon && me.user.anon === true) ? false : true; var txtToFocus = commentsMessageTxt; // If the user is not loggedin but we allow anon comments, we show some extra fields. if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] === true) { if (widgetSettings['sakai:forcename'] !== false) { txtToFocus = commentsNamePosterTxt; $(commentsNamePosterTxtContainer, rootel).show(); } if (widgetSettings['sakai:forcemail'] !== false) { // If name is not nescecary we focus the email address. if (txtToFocus === commentsMessageTxt) { txtToFocus = commentsMailPosterTxt; } $(commentsMailPosterTxtContainer, rootel).show(); } } if (!isLoggedIn && widgetSettings['sakai:allowanonymous'] === false) { // This should not even happen.. Somebody is tinkering with the HTML."ANON_NOT_ALLOWED"),"",sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR); } // Show the form. $(commentsFillInComment, rootel).show(); $(txtToFocus, rootel).focus(); return false; }); /** * Hide the form, but keep the input. */ $(commentsCancelComment, rootel).bind('click', function(){ $(commentsFillInComment, rootel).hide(); }); var saveValidateOpts = { submitHandler: postComment }; sakai.api.Util.Forms.validate($("#comments_fillInComment form", rootel), saveValidateOpts, true); /** Bind the settings cancel button */ $(commentsCancel, rootel).bind("click", function(e, ui){ sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informCancel(tuid, "comments"); }); $(commentsDelete, rootel).live("click", function(e, ui){ var id =\./g, ""), ""); doDelete(id, true); }); $(commentsUnDelete, rootel).live("click", function(e, ui){ var id =\./g, ""), ""); doDelete(id, false); }); //////////////// // EDIT PARTS // //////////////// /** * Edit link */ $(commentsEdit, rootel).live('click', function(e, ui){ var id ="comments_edit_", ""); // Show the textarea $(commentsMessage + id, rootel).hide(); $(commentsMessageEditContainer + id, rootel).show(); var validateOpts = { submitHandler: saveCommentEdit }; sakai.api.Util.Forms.validate($(commentsMessageEditContainer + id + " form"), validateOpts, true); return false; }); /** * Cancel the edit comment. */ $(commentsEditCancel, rootel).live('click', function(e, ui){ var id =".", ""), ""); // Show the textarea $(commentsMessageEditContainer + id, rootel).hide(); $(commentsMessage + id, rootel).show(); }); }; ///////////////////////////// // Initialisation function // ///////////////////////////// /** * Switch between main and settings page * @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not */ var doInit = function(){ addBindings(); var widgeturl = sakai.api.Widgets.getWidgetDataStorageURL(tuid); widgeturl = sakai.api.Widgets.widgetLoader.widgets[tuid] ? sakai.api.Widgets.widgetLoader.widgets[tuid].placement : false; if (widgeturl) { store = widgeturl + "/message"; $.ajax({ url: widgeturl + ".0.json", type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(data){ // no op }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, thrownError) { if (xhr.status == 404) { // we need to create the initial message store $.post(store, {"sling:resourceType":"sakai/messagestore"} ); } } }); } if (!showSettings) { // Show the main view. $(commentsSettingsContainer, rootel).hide(); $(commentsOutputContainer, rootel).show(); } getWidgetSettings(); // determine if the edit or delete options should be shown for new posts if ( && sakai.api.Groups.isCurrentUserAManager(, me,{ allowedEdit = true; allowedDelete = true; } }; doInit(); }; sakai.api.Widgets.widgetLoader.informOnLoad("comments"); });

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