SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.contentpermissions.javascript.contentpermissions.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.json.js (toJSON)
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jqmodal.sakai-edited.js
* /dev/lib/misc/trimpath.template.js (TrimpathTemplates)
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.autoSuggest.sakai-edited.js (autoSuggest)
/*global $ */
// Namespaces
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core", "underscore", "/dev/javascript/content_profile.js"], function($, sakai, _){
* @name sakai_global.contentpermissions
* @class contentpermissions
* @description
* Content Permissions widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.contentpermissions = function(tuid, showSettings){
var contentpermissionsSelectable = ".contentpermissions_selectable > input";
var contentData = sakai_global.content_profile.content_data;
var contentPermissionsEditList = "li.contentpermissions_edit";
var contentpermissionsMemberPermissions = ".contentpermissions_member_permissions";
var contentpermissionsMembersAutosuggest = "#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest";
var contentpermissionsShareMessageTemplate = "contentpermissions_share_message_template";
var globalPermissionsChanged = false;
var defaultPermissionPassed = false;
var changesMade = false;
var visibility = "selected";
var visibilityindex = {
"public": 1,
"everyone": 2,
"private": 3
* Closes the widget overlay
var closeOverlay= function(){
var showWarning = function(){
var newVisibilityVal = $.trim($("#contentpermissions_see_container input:checked").val());
if (visibility === newVisibilityVal || visibilityindex[newVisibilityVal] > visibilityindex[visibility] || newVisibilityVal === "selected"){
} else {
$("#contentpermissions_warning_container_text").html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer("contentpermissions_warning_container_text_template", {
"visibility": newVisibilityVal,
"content": sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:pooled-content-file-name"]
* Saves permissions for each individual member in the list of members
var saveMemberPermissions = function(){
var permissionBatch = [];
var atLeastOneManager = false;
var savePermissions = false;
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data)){
var groupID = sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionGroupId(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data);
$(contentPermissionsEditList).each(function(index, item){
var newPermission = $(item).children(contentpermissionsMemberPermissions).val();
var userId = $(item).attr("id").split("_")[1];
if (newPermission === "manager") {
atLeastOneManager = true;
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + "-" + (newPermission === "manager" ? "managers" : "members") + ".update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":member": userId,
":viewer": userId
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupID + "-" + (newPermission === "manager" ? "members" : "managers") + ".update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":member@Delete": userId,
":viewer@Delete": userId
} else {
$(contentPermissionsEditList).each(function(index, item){
var newPermission = $(item).children(contentpermissionsMemberPermissions).val();
var userId = $(item).attr("id").split("_")[1];
if (newPermission === "manager") {
atLeastOneManager = true;
"url": "/p/" + sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["_path"] + ".members.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":manager": userId,
":viewer@Delete": userId
} else {
"url": "/p/" + sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["_path"] + ".members.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer": userId,
":manager@Delete": userId
if (atLeastOneManager) {
// Do the Batch request
sakai.api.Server.batch(permissionBatch, function(success, data){
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data)) {
sakai.api.Content.Collections.setCollectionPermissions(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["_path"], sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:permissions"], finishSavePermissions);
} else {
"hashpath": sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["_path"],
"permissions": sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:permissions"]
}], finishSavePermissions);
} else {
}, false);
} else {
}else {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show(sakai.api.i18n.Widgets.getValueForKey("contentpermissions","","CANNOT_SAVE_SETTINGS"), sakai.api.i18n.Widgets.getValueForKey("contentpermissions","","THERE_SHOULD_BE_AT_LEAST_ONE_MANAGER"));
var finishSavePermissions = function(){
if (globalPermissionsChanged || changesMade) {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show($("#contentpermissions_permissions").text(), $("#contentpermissions_permissionschanged").text());
* Saves the global permissions for the widget
var doSave = function(){
var newPermissions = $("#contentpermissions_see_container input:checked").val();
var dataObj = {
"sakai:permissions": newPermissions
globalPermissionsChanged = sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:permissions"] !== newPermissions;
url: sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.path + ".json",
type: "POST",
data: dataObj,
success: function(){
sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:permissions"] = newPermissions;
} else {
* Deletes a user from the list of members by deleting the user from the content and removing permissions
var doDelete = function(){
var userid = $(this).data("sakai-entityid");
var manager = $(this).parent().data("originalpermission") === "managers";
var $itemToDelete = $(this).parent();
var userToDelete = {};
if (sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.members.managers.length > 1 || !manager) {
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data)) {
var userObj = [
"permission": "managers",
"userid": userid
"permission": "members",
"userid": userid
sakai.api.Groups.removeUsersFromGroup(sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionGroupId(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data), userObj, sakai.data.me, function(){
} else {
if (manager) {
userToDelete = {
":manager@Delete": userid
} else {
userToDelete = {
":viewer@Delete": userid
// Do the Batch request
url: "/p/" + sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["_path"] + ".members.json",
type: "POST",
data: userToDelete,
success: function(){
changesMade = true;
} else {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show(sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("CANNOT_DELETE_USERS", "contentpermissions"), sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("THERE_SHOULD_BE_AT_LEAST_ONE_MANAGER", "contentpermissions"));
* Checks the data for duplicate users/groups and removes the duplicate; gives preference to the user/group with edit permissions
* n.b. duplicates were being introduced via the sharing widget which will be addressed, so this sanity check will ultimately be optional
* but might be good to have (if it doesn't affect performance) in case any new widgets make the same mistake...
var removeDuplicateUsersGroups = function(data){
if(!data || !data.members){
return data;
var tmpManagers = {};
var managers = data.members.managers || [];
var ml = managers.length;
var tmpViewers = {};
var viewers = data.members.viewers || [];
var vl = viewers.length;
for(var i = 0; i < ml; i++){ //though unlikely, this will remove any duplicates within the manager permission
tmpManagers[managers[i].userid || managers[i].groupid] = managers[i];
for(var j = 0; j < vl; j++){ //if the viewer is a manager, don't add them. Also removes duplicates within viewer permissions
if(!tmpManagers[viewers[j].userid || viewers[j].groupid]){
tmpViewers[viewers[j].userid || viewers[j].groupid] = viewers[j];
var sortById = function(a, b) {
var x = (a.userid || a.groupid).toLowerCase();
var y = (b.userid || b.groupid).toLowerCase();
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
data.members.managers = _.toArray(tmpManagers).sort(sortById);
data.members.viewers = _.toArray(tmpViewers).sort(sortById);
return data;
* Get the list of selected users/groups from the autosuggest plugin
* @return {Object} returnValue An object containing a list of displayNames and an Array of userID's to be added to the members list
var getSelectedList = function() {
var list = $("#as-values-" + tuid).val();
// this value is a comma-delimited list
// split it and get rid of any empty values in the array
list = list.split(",");
var removed = 0;
$(list).each(function(i, val) {
if (val === "") {
list.splice(i - removed, 1);
removed += 1;
// Create list to show in the notification
var toAddNames = [];
$("#contentpermissions_container .as-selection-item").each(function(){
// In IE 7 is returned and in firefox
var returnValue = {"list":list, "toAddNames":toAddNames};
return returnValue;
* Callback function used by the autosuggest plugin after an item is added to the autosuggest list
* Function renders and shows the default message that's being sent upon sharing
var addedUserGroup = function(){
if (!$("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_text").is(":visible")) {
$("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_text").html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(contentpermissionsShareMessageTemplate, {
"filename": sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:pooled-content-file-name"],
"path": window.location,
"user": sakai.api.User.getDisplayName(sakai.data.me.profile)
* Removes a user or group from the autosuggest input field and
* hides the message box if no other users or groups are present
var removedUserGroup = function(elem){
if(getSelectedList().list.length === 0){
$("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_permissions").attr("disabled", "disabled");
* Renders the list of members and their permissions in the widget
var renderMemberList = function(){
sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer("contentpermissions_content_template", {
title: sakai.api.Util.Security.safeOutput(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data["sakai:pooled-content-file-name"]),
contentData: removeDuplicateUsersGroups(contentData),
sakai: sakai,
defaultPermission: defaultPermissionPassed
}, $("#contentpermissions_content_container"));
* Share the piece of content with a user by adding the user to the list of members (manager or viewer)
var doShare = function(){
$(window).unbind("ready.contentprofile.sakai", doInit);
$(window).bind("ready.contentprofile.sakai", doInit);
var userList = getSelectedList();
$(window).trigger("finished.sharecontent.sakai", [
userList, $.trim($("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_text").val()), {
data: [{
body: sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data
}, $("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_permissions").val() === "manager"
changesMade = true;
* Gets the list of member users and groups from sakai_global and returns an array of userIds/groupIds to pass to autosuggest for filtering out
* @return {Array} Array of users and groups to populate the autosuggest field with
var autosuggestFilterUsersGroups = function(){
var filterlist = [];
var filterUsersGroups = sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.members.managers.concat(sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.members.viewers);
filterlist.push(val.userid || val.groupid);
return filterlist;
* Add binding to various elements in the content permissions widget
var addBinding = function(){
$(contentpermissionsSelectable).live("click", function(){
$("#contentpermissions_see_container .s3d-outer-shadow-container").addClass("contentpermissions_unselected_rbt");
$(".contentpermissions_permissions_container .s3d-actions-delete").live("click", doDelete);
$("#contentpermissions_apply_permissions").live("click", showWarning);
$("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_sharebutton").live("click", doShare);
* Show the content permissions overlay
var initializeOverlay = function(){
modal: true,
overlay: 20,
toTop: true,
zIndex: 11000
modal: true,
overlay: 20,
toTop: true,
zIndex: 12000
* Initializes the content permission widget and invokes the overlay
var doInit = function(){
$(window).unbind("ready.contentprofile.sakai", doInit);
contentData = sakai_global.content_profile.content_data;
visibility = contentData.data["sakai:permissions"];
globalPermissionsChanged = false;
changesMade = false;
sakai.api.Util.AutoSuggest.setup($(contentpermissionsMembersAutosuggest), {
"asHtmlID": tuid,
$("#contentpermissions_members_autosuggest_permissions").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$(window).bind("init.contentpermissions.sakai", function(ev, data){
defaultPermissionPassed = data.newPermission;
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