SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.deletecontent.javascript.deletecontent.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jqmodal.sakai-edited.js
/*global, fluid, window, $ */
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core"], function($, sakai) {
* @name sakai_global.deletecontent
* @class deletecontent
* @description
* Deletecontent widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.deletecontent = function(tuid, showSettings){
// Global variables //
var pathsToDelete = false;
var contentIManage = false;
var contentIView = false;
var context = false;
var callback = false;
var contextType = false;
// CSS Selectors //
var $deletecontent_dialog = $("#deletecontent_dialog");
// Batch request handling //
* Once all requests have been collected into a batchRequest array, we can submit them as
* a batch request
* @param {Object} batchRequests Array that contains all batch requests to be submitted
* @param {Object} successMessage Id of the dom element that contains the success message to be displayed
var sendDeletes = function(batchRequests, successMessage) {
// Update the inserter
$.each(collectionsToUpdate, function(collectionId, amount) {
$.each(sakai.api.User.data.me.groups, function(index, group){
if (group && group.counts && group.groupid === collectionId) {
group.counts.contentCount -= amount;
collectionId = collectionId.substring(2,collectionId.length);
$(window).trigger('updateCount.inserter.sakai', [collectionId, group.counts.contentCount]);
sakai.api.Server.batch(batchRequests, function (success, data) {
if (success) {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show($("#deletecontent_message_title").html(), $(successMessage).html());
} else {
sakai.api.Util.error.show($("#deletecontent_message_title").html(), $("#deletecontent_message_error").html());
$(window).trigger("done.deletecontent.sakai", [pathsToDelete]);
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
// Remove from library only //
* Add one request for each item to be removed from the current library
* @param {Object} batchRequests Array to which to add the requests for removing the content
* @param {Object} items Content items to be removed from the current library
var processRemoveFromLibrary = function(batchRequests, items){
batchRequests = batchRequests || [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
var parameters = {};
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(items[i])) {
var groupId = sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionGroupId(items[i]);
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupId + "-members.update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer@Delete": context,
":member@Delete": context
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + groupId + "-managers.update.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":viewer@Delete": context,
":member@Delete": context
} else {
parameters[":manager@Delete"] = context;
parameters[":viewer@Delete"] = context;
"url": "/p/" + items[i]["_path"] + ".members.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": parameters
* Remove the selected items from the current library only and keep them onto the
* system.
var removeFromLibrary = function(){
var batchRequests = [];
processRemoveFromLibrary(batchRequests, contentIView);
processRemoveFromLibrary(batchRequests, contentIManage);
sendDeletes(batchRequests, (contextType === "collection" ? "#deletecontent_message_from_collection" : "#deletecontent_message_from_library"));
// Remove from the system //
* Add one request for each item to delete from the system
* @param {Object} batchRequests Array to which to add the requests for removing the content
* @param {Object} items Content items to be removed from the system
var processRemoveFromSystem = function(batchRequests, items){
batchRequests = batchRequests || [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
"url": "/p/" + items[i]["_path"],
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":operation": "delete"
// Remove the pseudoGroups associated to the collection
var collectionGroupId = sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionGroupId(items[i]);
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(items[i])) {
"url": "/system/userManager.delete.json",
"method": "POST",
"parameters": {
":applyTo": [collectionGroupId, collectionGroupId + "-members", collectionGroupId + "-managers"]
* Remove the selected items from the system and thus from all libraries where this is being
* used
var removeFromSystem = function(){
// Remove content I manage from the system
var batchRequests = [];
processRemoveFromLibrary(batchRequests, contentIView);
processRemoveFromSystem(batchRequests, contentIManage);
sendDeletes(batchRequests, "#deletecontent_message_from_system");
var collectionsToUpdate = {};
* Check whether any users or groups are either managers or viewers from
* any of the selected content items
var checkUsedByOthers = function(){
collectionsToUpdate = {};
var userGroupIds = [];
var collectionsToCheck = [];
// Check whether any of the content I manage is managed by or
// shared with other people
for (var m = 0; m < contentIManage.length; m++){
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(contentIManage[m])){
var collectionGroupId = sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionGroupId(contentIManage[m]);
collectionsToCheck.push(collectionGroupId + "-members");
collectionsToCheck.push(collectionGroupId + "-managers");
} else {
var managers = contentIManage[m]["sakai:pooled-content-manager"];
if (managers){
for (var i = 0; i < managers.length; i++){
if ($.inArray(managers[i], userGroupIds) === -1 && managers[i] !== sakai.data.me.user.userid &&
managers[i] !== context){
var viewers = contentIManage[m]["sakai:pooled-content-viewer"];
if (viewers){
for (var j = 0; j < viewers.length; j++){
if ($.inArray(viewers[j], userGroupIds) === -1 && viewers[j] !== sakai.data.me.user.userid &&
viewers[j] !== context && viewers[j] !== "everyone" && viewers[j] !== "anonymous"){
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(viewers[j])) {
collectionsToUpdate[viewers[j]] = collectionsToUpdate[viewers[j]] || 0;
collectionsToUpdate[viewers[j]] += 1;
if (collectionsToCheck.length > 0) {
var batchRequest = [];
$.each(collectionsToCheck, function(index, collectiongroup){
"url": "/system/userManager/group/" + collectiongroup + ".members.json",
"method": "GET",
"parameters": {
items: 10000
sakai.api.Server.batch(batchRequest, function (success, data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
var members = $.parseJSON(data.results[i].body);
for (var ii = 0; ii < members.length; ii++) {
var member = members[ii].userid || members[ii].groupid;
if ($.inArray(member, userGroupIds) === -1 &&
member !== sakai.data.me.user.userid &&
member !== context) {
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(member)) {
collectionsToUpdate[member] = collectionsToUpdate[member] || 0;
collectionsToUpdate[member] += 1;
if (userGroupIds.length > 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (userGroupIds.length > 0) {
} else {
* When the content the user is trying to delete from the system is
* being used by others, present an overlay that lists all of the
* groups and users that either use or manage the content
* @param {Object} userGroupIds Array that contains the userids and groupids of all
* users and groups using the content
var setUpUsedByOverlay = function(userGroupIds){
// Show the overview screen of who else is using this
// Set up the buttons correctly
if (context && contextType === "collection"){
} else if (context){
// Show the correct overlay title
// Get the profile information of who else is using it
var batchRequests = [];
for (var i = 0; i < userGroupIds.length; i++){
"url": "/~" + userGroupIds[i] + "/public/authprofile.profile.json",
"method": "GET"
// Get profile information for each of the users and groups using
// this content
sakai.api.Server.batch(batchRequests, function (success, data) {
var profileInfo = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++){
if (data.results[i].success && data.results[i].status !== 404) {
// Process pseudoGroups
var profile = $.parseJSON(data.results[i].body);
profile.showLink = true;
if (sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(profile)){
profile.collectionid = sakai.api.Content.Collections.getCollectionPoolId(profile);
} else if (profile["sakai:excludeSearch"] === "true"){
var splitOnDash = profile.groupid.split("-");
profile["sakai:group-title"] = profile["sakai:parent-group-title"] + " (" + sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey(profile["sakai:role-title-plural"]) + ")";
profile.groupid = splitOnDash.splice(0, splitOnDash.length - 1).join("-");
} else {
var privateProfile = {
showLink: false
if (data.results[i].url.substring(0,4) === '/~c-') {
privateProfile.collectionid = true;
privateProfile['sakai:group-title'] =
sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey('PRIVATE_COLLECTION', 'deletecontent');
} else {
privateProfile['sakai:group-title'] =
sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey('PRIVATE_USER_GROUP', 'deletecontent');
$("#deletecontent_used_by_others_container").html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer("deletecontent_used_by_others_template", {
"profiles": profileInfo,
"sakai": sakai
// Remove hybrid strategy //
* Check whether the users has chosen to remove the content he manages from his
* library only or from the system. If removing from the library only, we can
* go ahead and remove the content. If removing from the system, we want to check
* first whether the content is being used by anyone else
var selectHybrid = function(){
var manageOption = $("input[name='deletecontent_hybrid_options']:checked").val();
if (manageOption === "libraryonly") {
} else if (manageOption === "system") {
// Overlay setup //
* Hide all of the action buttons in the overlay
var hideButtons = function(){
* Set up the delete overlay depending on the permissions I have on the content
* about to be deleted from the overlay
* There are 3 scenarios:
* 1. I am a manager of some items and a viewer of others
* 2. I am a manager of all items
* 3. I am a viewer of all items
* @param {Object} contentIManage Array that contains all files about to be
* removed from the library that I manage
* @param {Object} contentIView Array that contains all files about to be
* removed from the library that I'm a viewer of
var setupOverlay = function(contentIManage, contentIView){
var template = "";
if (contentIManage.length > 0 && contentIView.length > 0){
// Set up overlay for mixed permissions
template = "deletecontent_template_hybrid";
} else if (contentIManage.length > 0){
// Set up overlay for full management permissions
template = "deletecontent_template_list";
if (context){
if (contextType === "collection"){
if (sakai_global.content_profile && sakai_global.content_profile.content_data) {
var managerCid = 'c-' + sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data._path;
collectionsToUpdate[managerCid] = collectionsToUpdate[managerCid] || 0;
collectionsToUpdate[managerCid] += contentIManage.length;
} else {
// When no context/library is specified, we assume that the content is being deleted outside
// of a library (e.g. content profile). We thus don't offer the remove from library option
} else {
} else if (contentIView.length > 0){
// Set up overlay for full viewer permissions
template = "deletecontent_template_list";
if (contextType === "collection") {
if (sakai_global.content_profile && sakai_global.content_profile.content_data) {
var viewerCid = 'c-' + sakai_global.content_profile.content_data.data._path;
collectionsToUpdate[viewerCid] =
collectionsToUpdate[viewerCid] || 0;
collectionsToUpdate[viewerCid] += contentIView.length;
} else {
$("#deletecontent_container").html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(template, {
"contentIManage": contentIManage,
"contentIView": contentIView,
"contextType": contextType,
"sakai": sakai
* Run over the list of content items to delete and determine whether there
* any that I manage and can thus remove from the system
* @param {Object} contentList Response from batch request that retrieved
* metadata for all content that need to be deleted
var findContentIManage = function(contentList){
contentIManage = [];
contentIView = [];
$.each(contentList.results, function (i, contentItem) {
var content = $.parseJSON(contentItem.body);
var manage = sakai.api.Content.isUserAManager(content, sakai.data.me);
if (manage){
} else {
setupOverlay(contentIManage, contentIView);
* Retrieve the metadata of all selected files
* @param {Object} paths Array that contains the paths to all
* content that needs to be deleted
var getContentInfo = function(paths){
var batchRequest = [];
$.each(paths, function (i, url) {
url: "/p/" + url + ".json",
method: "GET"
sakai.api.Server.batch(batchRequest, function (success, data) {
if (success) {
// Initialisation //
* Load the delete content widget with the appropriate data
* This function can be called from anywhere within Sakai by triggering the
* 'init.deletecontent.sakai' event
* @param {Object} data A JSON object containing the necessary information.
* @example To delete one item:
* $(window).trigger('init.deletecontent.sakai', [{
* "path": [ "/test.jpg" ]
* }, callbackFn]); // callbackFn is sent one param: success (true if delete succeeded, false otherwise)
* @example To delete multiple items:
* $(window).trigger('init.deletecontent.sakai', [{
* "path": [ "/file1.ext", "/file2.ext", "/file3.ext", "/file4.ext" ]
* }, callbackFn]); // callbackFn is sent one param: success (true if delete succeeded, false otherwise)
var load = function(ev, data, _callback){
context = data.context;
contextType = "default";
if (context && sakai.api.Content.Collections.isCollection(context)){
contextType = "collection";
callback = _callback;
pathsToDelete = data.paths;
// Show the appropriate overlay title
// Show and clear the main container
* Initialize the delete content widget
* All the functionality in here is loaded before the widget is actually rendered
var init = function(){
// This will make the widget popup as a layover.
modal: true,
toTop: true
// Internal event binding //
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromlibrary").bind("click", removeFromLibrary);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromcollection").bind("click", removeFromLibrary);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromsystem").bind("click", checkUsedByOthers);
$("#deletecontent_action_apply").bind("click", selectHybrid);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromlibrary_only").bind("click", removeFromLibrary);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromcollection_only").bind("click", removeFromLibrary);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromsystem_confirm").bind("click", removeFromSystem);
$("#deletecontent_action_removefromsystem_nocontext").bind("click", checkUsedByOthers);
// External event binding //
$(window).unbind("init.deletecontent.sakai").bind("init.deletecontent.sakai", load);
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