SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.displayprofilesection.javascript.displayprofilesection.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jqmodal.sakai-edited.js
* /dev/lib/misc/trimpath.template.js (TrimpathTemplates)
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core", "underscore"], function($, sakai, _) {
* @name sakai_global.displayprofilesection
* @class displayprofilesection
* @description
* Initialize the displayprofilesection widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.displayprofilesection = function( tuid, showSettings, widgetData ) {
// Configuration variables //
var editing = false,
userid = false,
multiple = false,
multipleSectionLength = 0,
sectionData = false;
// CSS Selectors //
var $rootel = $( "#" + tuid ),
$displayprofilesection_container = $( "#displayprofilesection_container", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_header = $( "#displayprofilesection_header", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_header_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_header_template", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_body = $( "#displayprofilesection_body", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_body_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_body_template", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_view_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_view_template", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_edit_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_edit_template", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_edit_multiple_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_edit_multiple_template", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_view_multiple_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_view_multiple_template" , $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_view_no_results_template = $( "#displayprofilesection_view_no_results_template", $rootel ),
$profile_message_form_successful = $( "#profile_message_form_successful", $rootel ),
$profile_error_form_error_server = $( "#profile_error_form_error_server", $rootel ),
$displayprofilesection_sections_multiple = false,
$displayprofilesection_add_button = false,
$form = false;
// Transform the form values from a multiple-assign section into a different data structure
var getMultipleValues = function( values ) {
var uniqueContainers = $( "div.displayprofilesection_multiple_section" );
var multipleValues = {};
$.each( uniqueContainers, function( i, elt ) {
multipleValues[ $( elt ).attr( "id" ).replace( "form_group_", "" ) ] = {
order: i
$.each( values, function( i, val ) {
// Each ID is of format fieldtitle_formuniqueid
var field = i.substring( 0, i.lastIndexOf( "_" ));
var mvKey = i.substring( i.lastIndexOf( "_" ) + 1 );
multipleValues[ mvKey ][ field ] = val;
values = multipleValues;
return values;
var handleSave = function( success, data ) {
if (success) {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show("", $profile_message_form_successful.text() , sakai.api.Util.notification.type.INFORMATION);
} else {
sakai.api.Util.notification.show("", $profile_error_form_error_server.text() , sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR);
debug.error("The profile data couldn't be saved successfully");
var saveValues = function() {
// Serialize the data from the form for saving
var values = $form.serializeObject( false );
if ( multiple ) {
values = getMultipleValues( values );
// Get tags & categories if they're in this form
var tags = [];
var $tagfield = $displayprofilesection_body.find( "textarea[data-tag-field]" );
if ( $tagfield.length ) {
// Remove the hidden autosuggest input field from the values
$form.find( "input" ).each( function( i, input ) {
if ( $( input ).hasClass( "as-values" ) ) {
delete values[ $( input ).attr("name") ];
tags = sakai.api.Util.AutoSuggest.getTagsAndCategories( $tagfield, true );
sakai.api.User.updateUserProfile(userid, widgetData.sectionid, values, tags, sectionData, multiple, handleSave);
return false;
// Remove a section from the a multi-assign section
var removeSection = function( unique ) {
$( "div#form_group_" + unique ).remove();
sakai.api.User.deleteUserProfileSection( userid, widgetData.sectionid, unique, handleSave);
if ( $( "div.displayprofilesection_multiple_section" ).length === 0 ) {
$( "button.profile-section-save-button", $rootel ).hide();
// Add a new section to a multi-assign section
var addEmptySection = function( section, template ) {
var unique = "" + Math.round( Math.random() * 1000000000 );
var sectionHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( template, {
sectionid: widgetData.sectionid,
section: section,
unique: unique,
order: multipleSectionLength,
data: {}
$displayprofilesection_sections_multiple.append( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( sectionHTML ) );
$( "button.profile-section-save-button", $rootel ).show();
$( "button#displayprofilesection_remove_link_" + unique, $rootel ).bind( "click", function() {
removeSection( unique );
var sectionHasElements = function( section ) {
var hasElts = false;
if ( section ) {
$.each( section, function( i, elt ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( elt ) ) {
hasElts = true;
return hasElts;
var renderEmptySection = function( userProfile, section ) {
var sectionKey = "THIS_PERSON_HASNT_ADDED_" + widgetData.sectionid.toUpperCase();
if ( sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey( sectionKey, "displayprofilesection") !== sectionKey ) {
messageKey = sectionKey;
var emptyHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( $displayprofilesection_view_no_results_template, {
userid: userid,
displayName: sakai.api.User.getDisplayName( userProfile ),
errorString: sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey( messageKey, "displayprofilesection" ),
showMessage: !sakai.api.User.isAnonymous(sakai.data.me)
$displayprofilesection_body.html( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( emptyHTML ) );
// Render a multi-assign section
var renderMultiSection = function ( template, section, data ) {
multiple = true;
var multiTemplate = editing ? $displayprofilesection_edit_multiple_template : $displayprofilesection_view_multiple_template;
var multHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( multiTemplate, {
sectionid: widgetData.sectionid,
section: section
$displayprofilesection_body.html( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( multHTML ) );
// Grab the new container to render into
$displayprofilesection_sections_multiple = $( "#displayprofilesection_sections_" + widgetData.sectionid );
if ( editing ) {
$displayprofilesection_add_button = $( "#displayprofilesection_add_" + widgetData.sectionid );
$displayprofilesection_add_button.bind("click", function() {
addEmptySection( section, template );
// If there is some data, render each section
if (data[widgetData.sectionid] && data[widgetData.sectionid].elements) {
var subSections = [];
// Convert the sectionData into an array so we can order it
$.each( data[ widgetData.sectionid ].elements, function( uid, sectionData ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( sectionData ) ) {
var obj = {};
obj[ uid ] = sectionData;
subSections.push( obj );
// Sort the sections by order
subSections = subSections.sort( function ( a, b ) {
return _.values( a )[ 0 ].order - _.values( b )[ 0 ].order;
$.each( subSections, function( i, sectionData ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( sectionData ) ) {
// Just keep incrementing, since we're not supporting re-ordering yet
multipleSectionLength = _.values( sectionData )[ 0 ].order > multipleSectionLength ? _.values( sectionData )[ 0 ].order : multipleSectionLength;
var uid = _.keys( sectionData )[ 0 ];
var sectionHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( template, {
section: section,
unique: uid,
data: _.values( sectionData )[ 0 ],
order: _.values( sectionData )[ 0 ].order
$displayprofilesection_sections_multiple.append( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( sectionHTML ) );
if ( editing ) {
$( "button#displayprofilesection_remove_link_" + uid, $rootel ).bind( "click", function() {
removeSection( uid );
if ( editing && subSections.length ) {
$( "button.profile-section-save-button", $rootel ).show();
} else if ( !editing && !subSections.length ) {
renderEmptySection( data );
} else if ( !editing ){
$( ".displayprofilesection_multiple_sections hr:last" ).hide();
} else if ( !editing ) {
renderEmptySection( data );
var renderSection = function( success, data ) {
if ( success ) {
var section = sakai.config.Profile.configuration.defaultConfig[ widgetData.sectionid ];
if ( section ) {
var template = $displayprofilesection_view_template;
if ( editing ) {
template = $displayprofilesection_edit_template;
// Render header
var headerHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( $displayprofilesection_header_template, {
section: section
$displayprofilesection_header.html( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( headerHTML ) );
// If it is a multiple section, we have to render it with some love
if ( section.multiple ) {
renderMultiSection( template, section, data );
} else {
// data[widgetData.sectionid] won't exist when the user hasn't logged in before
if (editing || (data[widgetData.sectionid] && sectionHasElements(data[widgetData.sectionid].elements))) {
sectionData = data[ widgetData.sectionid ] && data[ widgetData.sectionid ].elements ? data[ widgetData.sectionid ].elements : false;
var bodyHTML = sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer( template, {
sectionid: widgetData.sectionid,
section: section,
data: sectionData,
unique: false,
sakai: sakai
$displayprofilesection_body.html( sakai.api.i18n.General.process( bodyHTML ) );
var $tagfield = $displayprofilesection_body.find( "textarea[data-tag-field]" );
if ( $tagfield.length ) {
var autoSuggestOptions = {
scrollHeight: 120
var initialTagsValue = sectionData["sakai:tags"] && sectionData["sakai:tags"].value ? sectionData["sakai:tags"].value : false;
sakai.api.Util.AutoSuggest.setupTagAndCategoryAutosuggest($tagfield, autoSuggestOptions, $(".list_categories", $rootel), initialTagsValue);
} else {
renderEmptySection( data, section );
if ( editing ) {
$form = $( "#displayprofilesection_form_" + widgetData.sectionid, $rootel );
var validateOpts = {
submitHandler: saveValues,
messages: {}
// Set the custom error messages per field
$.each( section.elements, function( i, elt ) {
if ( elt.errorMessage ) {
validateOpts.messages[ i ] = {
required: sakai.api.i18n.General.process( elt.errorMessage )
sakai.api.Util.Forms.validate( $form, validateOpts );
var getData = function(callback) {
if (editing && sakai.data.me.profile && $.isFunction(callback) && sakai.data.me.profile._fullProfileLoaded) {
callback(true, sakai.data.me.profile);
} else {
sakai.api.User.getUser(userid, function(success, data) {
if (sakai.data.me.user.userid === data.userid) {
sakai.data.me.profile = data;
sakai.data.me.profile._fullProfileLoaded = true;
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback(success, data);
var init = function() {
userid = sakai_global.profile.main.data.userid;
editing = userid && userid === sakai.data.me.user.userid;
getData( renderSection );
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