SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.sendmessage.javascript.sendmessage.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core", "underscore"], function($, sakai, _) {
if (!sakai_global.sendmessage){
* @name sakai_global.sendmessage
* @class sendmessage
* @description
* Initialize the sendmessage widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.sendmessage = function(tuid, showSettings) {
var $rootel = $("#"+tuid);
var toUser = false; // configurable user to include as a message recipient
var layover = true; // Will this widget be in a popup or inside another element.
var callbackWhenDone = null; // Callback function for when the message gets sent
var replyMessageID = null;
// CSS IDs
var dialogBoxContainer = "#sendmessage_dialog_box";
var dialogFooterContainer = "#sendmessage_dialog_footer";
var dialogFooterInner = "dialog_footer_inner";
var messageDialogContainer = '.message_dialog';
var messageForm = "#message_form";
var messageFieldSubject = "#comp-subject";
var messageFieldBody = "#comp-body";
var buttonSendMessage = "#send_message";
var invalidClass = "sendmessage_invalid";
var errorClass = "sendmessage_error_message";
var normalClass = "sendmessage_normal_message";
var dialogBoxClass = "dialogue_box";
var dialogHeaderClass = ".s3d-dialog-header";
var dialogContainerClass = "s3d-dialog-container";
var dialogClass = ".s3d-dialog";
var notificationSuccess = "#sendmessage_message_sent";
var notificationError = "#sendmessage_message_error";
var autoSuggestContainer = "#as-selections-sendmessage_to_autoSuggest";
var autoSuggestResults = "#as-results-sendmessage_to_autoSuggest";
var autoSuggestInput = "#sendmessage_to_autoSuggest";
var autoSuggestValues = "#as-values-sendmessage_to_autoSuggest";
var sendmessage_to = "#sendmessage_to",
sendmessage_subject = "#sendmessage_subject",
sendmessage_body = "#sendmessage_body",
send_message_cancel = "#send_message_cancel",
$sendmessage_container = $("#sendmessage_container"),
$sendmessage_form = $("#sendmessage_form");
* This method will check if there are any required fields that are not filled in.
* If a field is not filled in the invalidClass will be added to that field.
* @return true = no errors, false = error
var checkFieldsForErrors = function(recipients) {
var subjectEl = $(messageFieldSubject);
var bodyEl = $(messageFieldBody);
var valid = true;
var subject = subjectEl.val();
var body = bodyEl.val();
if (!subject) {
valid = false;
if (!body) {
valid = false;
// check if there are recipients
if((recipients.length === 0 && !toUser.length) ||
recipients.length === 1 && recipients[0] === "") {
// no recipients are selected
valid = false;
// in the event allowOthers is false, the following will not be seen
return valid;
* This will reset the whole widget to its default state.
* It will clear any values or texts that might have been entered.
var resetView = function() {
$(dialogHeaderClass, $sendmessage_container).show();
// Clear the input fields
$(messageFieldSubject + ", " + messageFieldBody).val('');
// remove autoSuggest if it exists
* Called when the request to the server has been answered
* @param {Boolean} succes If the request failed or succeeded.
var showMessageSent = function(success) {
// Depending on success we add the correct class and show the appropriate message.
if (success) {
var successMsg = $(notificationSuccess).text();
sakai.api.Util.notification.show("", successMsg, sakai.api.Util.notification.type.INFORMATION);
else {
var errorMsg = $(notificationError).text();
sakai.api.Util.notification.show("", errorMsg, sakai.api.Util.notification.type.ERROR);
if ($(messageDialogContainer).hasClass('s3d-dialog')) {
// If we have a valid callback function we call that
// and dont show the message
// If we dont have a callback we show a default message and fade out the layover.
if (success && callbackWhenDone !== null) {
// Reset all the instance variables
toUser = false;
layover = true;
callbackWhenDone = null;
replyMessageID = null;
* Initiates the 'To' field autoSuggest plugin with contact and group data
* @return None
var initAutoSuggest = function() {
var preFill = [];
if (toUser) {
if ($.isPlainObject(toUser) && toUser.uuid) {
"name": toUser.username,
"value": toUser.uuid
} else if (_.isArray(toUser)) {
$.each(toUser, function(i,usr) {
"name": usr.username,
"value": usr.uuid
sakai.api.Util.AutoSuggest.setup($("#sendmessage_to_autoSuggest"), {
"asHtmlID": "sendmessage_to_autoSuggest",
startText: sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("ENTER_CONTACT_OR_GROUP_NAMES", "sendmessage"),
keyDelay: "200",
retrieveLimit: 10,
preFill: preFill,
searchObjProps: "name,value",
formatList: function(data, elem) {
// formats each line to be presented in autosuggest list
// add the correct image, wrap name in a class
var imgSrc = "/dev/images/user_avatar_icon_32x32.png";
if(data.type === "group") {
imgSrc = "/dev/images/group_avatar_icon_32x32.png";
var line_item = elem.html(
' +
'' + data.name + '');
return line_item;
* Initializes the sendmessage widget, optionally preloading the message
* with a recipient, subject and body. By default, the widget appears as
* a modal dialog. This function can be called from other widgets or pages.
* @param {Object|Array} userObj The user object containing the nescecary information {uuid: "user1", username: "John Doe", type: "user"}, or a user profile
* @param {jQuery} $insertInId Insert the HTML into another element instead of showing it as a popup (String ID or jQuery)
* @param {Object} callback When the message is sent this function will be called. If no callback is provided a standard message will be shown that fades out.
* @param {String} subject The subject
* @param {String} body The body
* @param {Boolean} replyOnly hide the to: and subject: fields
* @param {String} replyID The ID of the message you're replying to
var initialize = function(userObj, $insertInId, callback, subject, body, replyOnly, replyID, buttonText) {
layover = true;
// Make sure that everything is standard.
// The user we are sending a message to.
if (userObj && (($.isPlainObject(userObj) && userObj.username) || _.isArray(userObj))) {
toUser = userObj;
} else {
toUser = false;
// Putting the subject and body which have been send in the textboxes
if(body) {
if(subject) {
if (replyOnly) {
if (replyID) {
replyMessageID = replyID;
} else {
replyMessageID = null;
if (buttonText) {
$("#send_message span").text(buttonText);
} else {
$("#send_message span").text($("#sendmessage_default_button_text").text());
// Maybe we dont want to display a popup but instead want to add it in another div.
if ($insertInId) {
if (!($insertInId instanceof jQuery)) {
$insertInId = $(insertInId);
// Make sure this id exists.
if ($insertInId.length > 0) {
// The id exists!
layover = false;
// Remove the dialog stuff.
$(dialogHeaderClass, $sendmessage_container).hide();
// Altough this isnt strictly nescecary it is cleaner.
$rootel = $insertInId;
$sendmessage_form = $("#sendmessage_form", $rootel);
} else {
$rootel = $("#"+tuid);
$sendmessage_form = $("#sendmessage_form", $rootel);
// Store the callback
if (callback) {
callbackWhenDone = callback;
// show popup
if (layover) {
// position dialog box at users scroll position
modal: true,
overlay: 20,
toTop: true
sakai.api.Util.bindDialogFocus(messageDialogContainer, "a.as-close");
* Callback function called after a call to send a message has completed
* @param {Boolean} success Status of the 'sendMessage' AJAX call
* @param {Object} data Data returned from the 'sendMessage' AJAX call
* @return None
var handleSentMessage = function(success, data) {
if(success) {
} else {
var sendMessage = function() {
var recipients = [];
// fetch list of selected recipients
var recipientsString = $(autoSuggestValues).val();
// autoSuggest adds unnecessary commas to the beginning and end
// of the values string; remove them
if(recipientsString[0] === ",") {
recipientsString = recipientsString.slice(1);
if(recipientsString[recipientsString.length - 1] === ",") {
recipientsString = recipientsString.slice(0, -1);
recipients = recipientsString.split(",");
sakai.api.Communication.sendMessage(recipients, sakai.data.me, $(messageFieldSubject).val(), $(messageFieldBody).val(), "message", replyMessageID, handleSentMessage, true, "new_message");
var bindEvents = function() {
$.validator.addMethod("requiredsuggest", function(value, element){
return value.indexOf(sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("ENTER_CONTACT_OR_GROUP_NAMES", "sendmessage")) === -1 && $.trim($(element).next("input.as-values").val()).replace(/,/g, "") !== "";
}, sakai.api.i18n.getValueForKey("AUTOSUGGEST_REQUIRED_ERROR", "sendmessage"));
var validateOpts = {
submitHandler: sendMessage
sakai.api.Util.Forms.validate($sendmessage_form, validateOpts, true);
// jqModal functions //
$(send_message_cancel).live("click", function() {
if ($(messageDialogContainer).hasClass('s3d-dialog')) {
if ($.isFunction(callbackWhenDone)) {
// Initialization //
$(window).bind("initialize.sendmessage.sakai", function(e, userObj, insertInId, callback, subject, body, replyOnly, replyID, buttonText) {
initialize(userObj, insertInId, callback, subject, body, replyOnly, replyID, buttonText);
var init = function() {
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