SLING-INF.content.devwidgets.siterecentactivity.javascript.siterecentactivity.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/misc/trimpath.template.js (TrimpathTemplates)
/*global $ */
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core"], function($, sakai) {
* @name sakai_global.siterecentactivity
* @class siterecentactivity
* @description
* Initialize the siterecentactivity widget
* @version 0.0.1
* @param {String} tuid Unique id of the widget
* @param {Boolean} showSettings Show the settings of the widget or not
sakai_global.siterecentactivity = function(tuid, showSettings){
var count = 5;
var rootel = $("#" + tuid);
var siterecentactivityContainer = "#siterecentactivity_container";
var siterecentactivityContainerTemplate = "siterecentactivity_container_template";
* Render the sakai recentactivity
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.render = function(){
for (i = 0, j = sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items.length; i < j; i++) {
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_url = "/sites/" + sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].site_id + "#page=" + sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_id;
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].date_parsed = humane_date(sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].date+ "Z");
//if (sakai_global.site.site_info._pages[sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_id]) {
// sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_title = sakai_global.site.site_info._pages[sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_id]["pageTitle"];
//} else {
// sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_title = sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items[i].page_id;
// We reverse the array to see the most recent item on top of the list
var reversedItems = {
"items" : sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items.reverse()
// Render the recent sites
$(siterecentactivityContainer).html(sakai.api.Util.TemplateRenderer(siterecentactivityContainerTemplate, reversedItems));
* Get the recent activity from a file
* @param {Object} callback Callback function that will be executed
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.getRecentActivity = function(callback){
sakai.api.Server.loadJSON("/~" + sakai.api.Util.safeURL(sakai.data.me.user.userid) + "/private/recentactivity", function(success, data) {
if (success) {
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity = data;
else {
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity = {
items: []
callback(success, data);
* Save the recentactivity of a site to a file in JCR
* and render the feed when is was successful
var saveRecentActivity = function(){
// Save the recentactivity json file
sakai.api.Server.saveJSON("/~" + sakai.api.Util.safeURL(sakai.data.me.user.userid) + "/private/recentactivity", sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity, sakai_global.siterecentactivity.render());
* Save a item to the recent activities file
* @param {Object} activityitem A JSON object in the following format:
* {
* "user_id" : "admin",
* "date" : "2009-10-12T10:25:19Z",
* "page_id" : "test",
* "type" : "page_create"
* }
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.addRecentActivity = function(activityitem){
// Check whether the activity item is actually an object
// Set the date of the activity
activityitem.date = sakai.api.Util.createSakaiDate();
// Construct the callback function
var callback = function(){
// Add the current activity item to the array of activity items
// If the number of recent activity items exceeds a specific number, remove the other ones
if(sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items.length > count){
var count_remove = sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items.length - count;
sakai_global.siterecentactivity.recentactivity.items.splice(0, count_remove);
// Save the recent activity to a file in JCR
// Get the recent activity
// Initial functions //
sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informFinish(tuid, "siterecentactivity");
sakai.api.Widgets.Container.informCancel(tuid, "siterecentactivity");
// Hide or show the settings
if (showSettings){
} else {
* Javascript Humane Dates
* Copyright (c) 2008 Dean Landolt (deanlandolt.com)
* Re-write by Zach Leatherman (zachleat.com)
* Adopted from the John Resig's pretty.js
* at http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-pretty-date
* and henrah's proposed modification
* at http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-pretty-date/#comment-297458
* Licensed under the MIT license.
var humane_date = function(date_str){
var time_formats = [
[60, 'Just Now'],
[90, '1 Minute'], // 60*1.5
[3600, 'Minutes', 60], // 60*60, 60
[5400, '1 Hour'], // 60*60*1.5
[86400, 'Hours', 3600], // 60*60*24, 60*60
[129600, '1 Day'], // 60*60*24*1.5
[604800, 'Days', 86400], // 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24
[907200, '1 Week'], // 60*60*24*7*1.5
[2628000, 'Weeks', 604800], // 60*60*24*(365/12), 60*60*24*7
[3942000, '1 Month'], // 60*60*24*(365/12)*1.5
[31536000, 'Months', 2628000], // 60*60*24*365, 60*60*24*(365/12)
[47304000, '1 Year'], // 60*60*24*365*1.5
[3153600000, 'Years', 31536000], // 60*60*24*365*100, 60*60*24*365
[4730400000, '1 Century'] // 60*60*24*365*100*1.5
var time = ('' + date_str).replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," "),
dt = new Date(),
seconds = ((dt - new Date(time) + (dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)) / 1000),
token = ' Ago',
i = 0,
if (seconds < 0) {
seconds = Math.abs(seconds);
token = '';
format = time_formats[0];
while (format) {
if (seconds < format[0]) {
if (format.length == 2) {
return format[1] + (i > 1 ? token : ''); // Conditional so we don't return Just Now Ago
} else {
return Math.round(seconds / format[2]) + ' ' + format[1] + (i > 1 ? token : '');
format = time_formats[i++];
// overflow for centuries
if(seconds > 4730400000) {
return Math.round(seconds / 4730400000) + ' Centuries' + token;
return date_str;
if(typeof $ != "undefined") {
$.fn.humane_dates = function(){
return this.each(function(){
var date = humane_date(this.title);
if(date && $(this).text() != date) {// don't modify the dom if we don't have to
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